Empleos 05 31 2020

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E L N U E V O D I A - D O M I N G O 3 1 D E M AY O D E 2 0 2 0


EMPLEOS EMPLEOS 787.641.8888


CATEDRĂ TICO AUXILIAR EN OCEANOGRAFĂ?A QUĂ?MICA El Departamento de Ciencias Marinas (DCM) del Recinto Universitario de MayagĂźez de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, ofrece programas de MaestrĂ­a y Doctorado en OceanografĂ­a BiolĂłgica, FĂ­sica, GeolĂłgica y QuĂ­mica. Se invita a someter solicitudes para el puesto de CatedrĂĄtico Auxiliar (puestos temporeros y tareas parciales) en OceanografĂ­a QuĂ­mica. Es requisito poseer el grado de doctor (Ph.D.). Debido a que los idiomas usados en la UPR son espaĂąol e inglĂŠs, la comunicaciĂłn efectiva en ambos idiomas es preferible. Los candidatos considerados para nombramientos temporeros tendrĂĄn una carga acadĂŠmica regular equivalente a doce (12) crĂŠditos por semestre ($31,128.00 por semestre). Los de tarea parcial tendrĂĄn un sueldo ajustado de acuerdo a la carga acadĂŠmica de tres (3) a nueve (9) crĂŠditos por semestre. El(La) candidato(a) serĂĄ responsable de enseĂąar los cursos de OceanografĂ­a QuĂ­mica, Laboratorio de OceanografĂ­a QuĂ­mica, y otros relacionados al campo. AdemĂĄs, el(la) candidato(a) podrĂĄ desarrollar investigaciĂłn independiente con fondos externos. La carga de trabajo a tiempo completo de 12 horas de contacto directo, o su equivalente de 37.5 horas semanales, puede ser dividida entre docencia e investigaciĂłn con fondos externos. EL DCM considerarĂĄ una amplia gama de sub-disciplinas, incluyendo, pero no limitadas a, la BiogeoquĂ­mica, GeoquĂ­mica de Carbonatos, EcologĂ­a QuĂ­mica, QuĂ­mica de productos Naturales o ContaminaciĂłn Marina. Es preferible que el candidato complemente las ĂĄreas periciales existentes dentro del DCM. Se espera que el(la) candidato(a) aproveche el acceso ventajoso que ofrece las facilidades de laboratorios de Isla Magueyes al ambiente marino, sin embargo, los trabajos llevados a cabo en otras localizaciones son bienvenidos. Las responsabilidades del personal docente son las establecidas por los ArtĂ­culos 63, 64 y 65 del Reglamento General de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. La carga acadĂŠmica y/o de investigaciĂłn se asignarĂĄ mediante coordinaciĂłn con el Director del Departamento de Ciencias Marinas. Los(as) candidatos(as) deben participar en actividades de desarrollo profesional que ayuden a mejorar y a realzar las destrezas de enseĂąanza y desarrollo de currĂ­culo. Para solicitar envĂ­e una carta exponiendo detalladamente sus intereses de investigaciĂłn y enseĂąanza, separatas representativas, un curriculum vitae, transcripciĂłn acadĂŠmica oficial de todos los grados universitarios y dos (2) cartas de recomendaciĂłn a: Director, Departamento de Ciencias Marinas, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Call Box 9000 MayagĂźez, PR 00681-9000, o a cima@uprm.edu. Fecha lĂ­mite: 10 de noviembre de 2020. WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IN EMPLOYMENT-M/F/V/I CEE-SA-2020-3873



LIBRARIAN I POSITION The General Library at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez seeks a creative, innovative, and service-oriented individual to fill a full-time tenure-track LIBRARIAN I POSITION. The successful candidate must be bilingual (Spanish/English) with a Master’s Degree in Library, Information Science or Archives (MLS, MIS, MLIS) from an American Library Association (ALA)-accredited program. Preferably, the candidate should have experience helping researchers with scholarly communication issues, data management, and developing information literacy skills. Applicants must submit a Curriculum Vitae, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to: Faculty Personnel Committee, General Library, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez; Call Box 9000, Mayaguez, PR 00681. To learn more about the General Library at UPRM, please visit https://www.upr.edu/biblioteca-rum. Applications will be accepted until June 19, 2020. UPR is an equal opportunity employer M/F/V/I. Submitted CEE-SA-2020-3873

UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGUEZ DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT PROFESSOR FACULTY POSITION The Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez is seeking outstanding candidates with a Ph.D. Degree in Chemical Engineering or related disciplines for one (1) tenure track Assistant Professor position. This position will support research endeavors related to the area of sensor development with particular application to the detection of biomacromolecules. Outstanding candidates with particular expertise in biosensor development, testing, biomaterials handling (DNA, RNA, etc.), systems integration, and prototyping are sought. The successful candidate is expected to establish world class research group, publish research work in peer review conferences and journals, advise graduate students, attract external funding for research and laboratory improvement, and teach undergraduate and graduate courses. Also, the candidate must participate in faculty committees, continuous improvement and assessment activities, outreach activities, and support general service in the department. Bilingualism (Spanish/English) would be considered a valued-added asset. The selected candidate will be considered to receive seed funding from the newly established Center for the Advancement of Wearable Technologies, sponsored by the US National Science Foundation (NSF). Applicants should submit a Curriculum Vitae, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, research and teaching plans, a list of at least three professional referees to: Faculty Recruitment Committee Department of Chemical Engineering University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Call Box 9000, Mayaguez, PR 00681 Closing Date: Applicants must submit all documents by: July 31, 2020 For more information please visit https://www.uprm.edu/inqu Submitted CEE-SA-2020-3873 UPR is an equal opportunity employer M/F/V/I.

Requisitos: • Mayor de 18 aùos • Graduado de escuela vocacional ó experiencia equivalente. • Disponible para trabajar over time de ser necesario

Interesados llamar al

787-790-1330 Excelentes beneficios marginales una vez apruebe periodo probatorio: • Plan MÊdico • Plan Dental • Seguro de Vida EEO M/F/H/V. Empresa Libre de Drogas

UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO AT MAYAGĂœEZ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT PROFESSOR FACULTY POSITION The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico-MayagĂźez invites candidates for a tenure-track position in Computer Science and Engineering at the rank of Assistant Professor. Applicants must have earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science, or a related field, and demonstrate high potential for excellence in research and teaching. This position will support research endeavors related to the areas of: Machine Learning or Big Data Analytics. We are seeking candidates with the ability to build general software infrastructure and tools for materials design and analysis, using big data analytics, deep learning, and data visualization paradigms. The selected candidate will be considered to receive seed funding from the newly established Center for the Advancement of Wearable Technologies, sponsored by the US National Science Foundation (NSF). The successful candidate is expected to publish research work in peer review conferences and journals, advise graduate students, attract external funding for research and laboratory improvement, and teach undergraduate and graduate courses. Also, the candidate must participate in faculty committees, continuous improvement and assessment activities, outreach activities, and support general service in the department. Bilingualism (Spanish/English) would be an asset. Applicants should submit a Curriculum Vitae, undergraduate & graduate transcripts, research and teaching plans, a list of at least three (3) professional referees to the attention of: CSE Personnel Committee Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering UPR - MayagĂźez Stefani Building / Office: S-220 Call Box 9000 MayagĂźez, PR 00681-9000 Advanced copies of documents may be sent to the following email address: cse-assistantprofessor@upr.edu. However, official documents must also be sent by traditional mail. Closing Date: Applicants must submit all documents by: July 31, 2020 To learn more about CSE Department at UPRM, please visit: http://www.uprm.edu/cse/. Submitted CEE-SA-2020-3873 UPR is an equal opportunity employer-M/F/V/I


E L N U E V O D I A - D O M I N G O 3 1 D E M AY O D E 2 0 2 0


para el proyecto JosĂŠ Gautier BenĂ­tez en Caguas Los interesados favor pasar por la oficina del proyecto y/o llamar al:

(787) 957-3129 Patrono Con Igualdad Oportunidad de Empleo y Residentes SecciĂłn 3

La empresa de medios lĂ­der en Puerto Rico, solicita los servicios de:

Requisitos: • Credenciales vigentes (Registro/Colegiación) • Licencia de FarmacÊutico vigente • Conocimiento en productos farmacÊuticos. Descripción: Tareas relacionadas al despacho de medicamentos en recetario. Para trabajar en el pueblo de Culebra Se pagarån gastos de alojamiento Interesados enviar resume a vacantes.pr@gmail.com



tiene las siguientes plazas disponibles para empleo inmediato:

• Experiencia en ventas • Vehículo en buenas condiciones • Licencia de conducir vigente • Buenos incentivos por venta • Incentivo de gasolina

Experiencia en Venta de Acero Experiencia en FerreterĂ­a, Varilla y manejo de Finguer








EMPLEADO PARA COUNTER Experiencia en FerreterĂ­a, Varilla Experiencia en Acero

INGENIERO ESTRUCTURAL Experiencia en Acero Estructural


Yadiel Latorre Rivera

Detallador de acero de refuerzo Experiencia en programa Micro Station

(787) 568-9022 yadiel.latorre@gfrmedia.com

Enviar Resume a: empleosaceropr@gmail.com Indique puesto que solicita

Ya sea la tecnologĂ­a o algo completamente Ăşnico, te sorprenderĂĄs de cuantos empleos estĂĄn relacionados con las cosas que amas hacer. Trae tu pasiĂłn a clasificadospr.com/empleos y empieza a buscar el trabajo perfecto para ti. ÂżQuiĂŠn sabe? Puedes encontrar la oportunidad perfecta para poner tu pasiĂłn a trabajar.

43 EL NUEVO DĂ?A Domingo, 31 de mayo de 2020


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