Empleos 09 08 2019

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EMPLEOS EMPLEOS 787.641.8888


El empoderamiento en la educación de personas adultas Por: Dr. Elmer L. Pabón Nieves Director de la Modalidad Adulto, EDP University, Recinto de Hato Rey

La palabra empoderar, conocida en inglés como empowerment, se define como el hecho de hacer poderoso o fuerte a un individuo o grupo social desfavorecido. Otras definiciones, lo vinculan al

proceso de contribuir a que otros adquieran el poder de transformar su propia realidad de vida. En este aspecto, la propuesta es que los educadores desde el proceso de planificación de un curso o clase, procuren diseñar experiencias educativas que permitan a los estudiantes adultos descubrir por sí mismo las respuestas a las preguntas o interrogantes de la futura profesión; además de estimular el juego de roles o la simulación práctica, y que incluso se les provea la oportunidad de enseñar o modelar a sus pares lo aprendido.

Por su parte Edgard Dale plantea que a medida que los educadores exponen a los estudiantes a experiencias educativas concretas y activas, que impliquen la práctica y/o enseñar a otros lo aprendido, se aumentan las probabilidades de que ocurra una experiencia educativa más significativa y duradera. Esto involucra que los profesores, no sólo deben limitarse a exponer al conocimiento teórico a sus estudiantes mediante la técnica de la conferencia, sino que al momento de planificar una clase o curso el educador se debe plantear, cómo puedo lograr que

mis estudiantes lleguen a empoderase de su propio proceso educativo. Con esto en mente, EDP University ofrece la alternativa de completar estudios universitarios bajo la Modalidad de Adultos; que ofrece a sus estudiantes cursos en línea y presenciales, en horario nocturno y con clases sabatinas. Además, en solo ocho (8) semanas se completa un periodo académico. Para más información sobre sus programas académicos, puede comunicarse al 1-855-999-3378 o acceder a www.edpuniversity.edu.



Instituto de Estadísticas de Puerto Rico Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics Commonwealth of Puerto Rico



Solicita los servicios de un(a) Requests the services of an

DIRECTOR(A) EJECUTIVO (A) REQUISITOS • Grado doctoral de una universidad reconocida en alguna de las siguientes áreas: estadísticas, matemáticas con concentración en estadísticas, economía, planificación, demografía, o cualquier otro campo relacionado que incluya cursos en estadísticas a nivel graduado. • Conocimiento de la metodología estadística y sus aplicaciones, manejo de datos y sistemas estadísticos, evidenciado por práctica profesional, investigaciones y publicaciones. • Experiencia gerencial o administrativa. • Reconocida integridad personal y profesional, objetividad y competencia en cualquiera de los campos de estadística, economía y planificación. • Bilingüe en inglés y español. FUNCIONES: Encargado(a) de administrar, ejecutar y velar por que se cumpla con la política pública establecida en la Ley Núm. 209-2003, según enmendada. El nombramiento es por un término de diez años conforme lo establece la Ley Núm. 209-2003, según enmendada y los reglamentos vigentes del Instituto de Estadísticas de Puerto Rico. Para más información sobre esta convocatoria visita https://estadisticas.pr/DirectorEjecutivo. Para evaluar los candidatos (as), se tomará en consideración sus competencias en estadísticas, su educación y experiencia laboral. Además, se evaluará su capacidad para cumplir con los deberes del Director Ejecutivo según la Ley Núm. 209-2003 y las áreas prioritarias identificadas en el plan estratégico del Instituto. Personas interesadas enviar Curriculum Vitae, copia de transcripción de créditos detallada y certificación oficial de grado a directorejecutivo@estadisticas.pr. o entregar en la Calle Quisqueya #57, 2do piso, Hato Rey. FECHA DE APERTURA: 3 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2019 FECHA DE CIERRE: 3 DE OCTUBRE DE 2019 El Instituto de Estadísticas de Puerto Rico ofrece igualdad en las oportunidades de empleo sin discrimen por razón de edad, raza, color, sexo, origen social o nacional, condición social, afiliación política, ideas políticas o religiosas, orientación sexual, discapacidad o por ser víctima o ser percibida como víctima de violencia doméstica, agresión sexual o acecho.

Executive Director

REQUIREMENTS • Doctoral degree from a recognized university in one of the following areas: statistics, mathematics with a concentration in statistics, economics, planning, demography, or any other field that includes graduate-level courses in statistics. • Knowledge of statistical methodology and its applications, management of data and statistical systems, evidenced by professional practice, research and publications. • Management or administrative experience. • Recognized personal and professional integrity, objectivity and competence in any of the fields of statistics, economics and planning. • Bilingual in English and Spanish. FUNCTIONS: Responsible for administering, executing and ensuring compliance with the public policy established in Law No. 209-2003, as amended. The appointment is for a term of ten years as established by Law No. 209-2003, as amended, and current regulations of the Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics. For more information regarding this announcement visit https://estadisticas.pr/ExecutiveDirector. Interested individuals must submit their curriculum vitae, a detailed copy of their academic transcript and an official certification of the conferral of their academic degree to directorejecutivo@estadisticas.pr or deliver these items to Calle Quisqueya #57, 2nd floor, Hato Rey. OPENING DATE: SEPTEMBER 3, 2019 CLOSING DATE: OCTOBER 3, 2019 The Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, sex, social or national origin, social status, political affiliation, political or religious ideas, disability or for being a victim or perceived as a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking.

NUEVO PROGRAMA EDUCATIVO COMIENZO 22 DE OCTUBRE DE 2019 OPORTUNIDADES DE EMPLEO A TIEMPO PARCIAL Y COMPLETO Profesor(a) Programa de Técnico(a) en Entrenamiento y Acondicionamiento Físico Requisitos mínimos: •

Diploma como Técnico(a) en Entrenamiento y Acondicionamiento Físico o Bachillerato en Terapéutica Atlética; y

Licencia de Aptitud Física Entrenador(a) Personal del DRD (Departamento de Recreación y Deportes) vigente; y

CPR vigente

Envíenos su resume a: Puede comunicarse: 787.433.1121 / 787.600.5339 Aguadilla | Arecibo | Bayamón | Caguas | Escorial | Guayama | Los Colobos | Fajardo | Manatí | Mayagüez | Moca | Ponce | Yauco Patrono con Igualdad de Oportunidades de Empleo M/H/V/I






Renowned professional institution located at Hato Rey is accepting resumes for this position. Requirements: • Responsible, punctual, patient, assertive, efficient • Ability to deal with clients and visitors • Proficiency in MS Outlook, Windows, Word, and Excel • Written/verbal communication skills (Spanish and English) • Able to manage facilities’ calendar and logistics • Preferable: Bachelor’s Degree in Office or Business Adm. If you possess all of the above qualifications, please email us your resume to:

rec.hum.secretaria@gmail.com Equal Opportunity Employer

Feria de Empleo en RENT-A-CENTER Plazas disponibles inmediatas de

Representante de Cuentas (Ventas y Cobro)

desde $10.58 la hora en adelante Bayamón y Área Metropolitana

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Front Desk Manager Front Desk Agent Meseros Empleados de servicio Line Cooks *Para algunas plazas es requisito ser bilingüe. Enviar resume por email a lortiz548@yahoo.com, julioort1432@gmail.com o llame al

(787) 791-6868. Calle Rosa #2, Isla Verde, Carolina, PR 00979 EEO




EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Interested candidates must send a Resume, NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 5, 2019, to the attention of: Executive Director




Description The Vivarium Supervisor manages and operates the Vivarium in full compliance with accreditation standards, state and federal laws, and best practices in animal care. He (She) seeks an effective and efficient operation including budget preparation, programmatic objectives, annual reports, writing proposals, and accreditation. The Supervisor provides training to staff and researchers and procures the well-being of the animals. Requirements • Bachelor or Master degree (preferred) in Science with a concentration in biology or scientific discipline with emphasis in the study and care of animals • At least two (2) years of experience working in an Animal Care Facility • Certification as Manager of Animal Resources awarded by the American Association of Laboratory Animal Sciences (AALAS), or willingness to work toward the certification • Available to work outside of regular work hours and in emergencies Desirable skills Fluent in oral and written English and Spanish Computer literate with Windows 8, Windows 10, Microsoft 365 suite, and search engines Familiar with management principles: leadership, planning, organization, and operations direction Ability to work independently and in teams, to stay focus, and complete projects promptly Ability to train people and comfortable enforcing statutory laws and regulations Ability to work with people of different educational backgrounds, cultures, and responsibilities Main duties and responsibilities • Manage, coordinate, and supervise the operations of the Animal Care Facility and ensure the good health and living conditions of the animals in compliance with state and federal laws and regulations. • Work collaboratively with the Veterinary to ensure the effective and efficient operation of the Animal Care Facility and the good health and living conditions of the animals. • Responsible for obtaining and maintaining the accreditation of the Animal Care Facility. He (She) is a member of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. • Develop and implement animal care and use policies, norms, and standard operation procedures. • Report diseases to public health officials to comply with state and federal laws and regulations.

Description The Cells/Tissues Culture Scientist manages and supervises the cells/tissues culture rooms. He (She) prepares cells/tissues culture for research work and for training researchers, scientists, and students on the techniques, methods, and instrumentation used for that purpose. The Cells/Tissues Culture Scientist seeks an effective and efficient operation of the culture rooms, including budget preparation, programmatic objectives, annual reports, and writing proposals. Requirements • Bachelor or Master’s degree (preferred) in Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biology, or related science field • Research experience or two (2) years of working experience that shows proficiency in the use of instrumentation and laboratory techniques related to cells/tissues culture • Knowledgeable of diverse molecular biology and microscopy methods and instrumentation to isolate, identify, and count biological cells. • Familiarity with GLP and FDA guidelines for the pharmaceutical and biological industries • Available to work outside of regular work hours and in emergencies Desirable skills Fluent in oral and written English and Spanish Computer literate with Windows 8, Windows 10, Microsoft 365 suite, and search engines Knowledgeable of management principles: leadership, planning, organization, and operations direction Ability to work independently and in teams, to stay focus, and complete projects promptly Ability to train people and comfortable enforcing statutory laws and regulations Ability to work with people of different educational backgrounds, cultures, and responsibilities Main duties and responsibilities • Manage and oversee the cells/tissues culture rooms, including the annual planning of activities, budget preparation, requisition of materials and reagents, annual reports, and seeking external funding to leverage institutional resources. • Prepare cells/tissues culture from living cells originating from animals or plants (or commercial suppliers) in a variety of culture containers (flasks, bioreactors, plates, etc.) and scales, using different culture media and techniques, and molecular biology methods. • Conduct as required or necessary in vitro (cell-based), molecular and biochemical assays to assess cells/tissues culture viability. • Take care of the daily cleaning of the culture rooms to ensure their continuous functioning under aseptic conditions. • Responsible for the proper and continuous functioning of the scientific instrumentation and equipment for the cells/tissues culture, bioassays, autoclave/sterilization, freezers, cryogenic tank for cells/tissues storage, lab ware washing, etc. • Provide basic training to researchers, scientists, and advanced students in cells/tissues culture, proper handling and safety, and supervise those operations. • Responsible for the proper use of biological materials and disposal of biological wastes. • It is a member of the Institutional Biosafety Committee.

ANIMAL HEALTH TECHNOLOGIST Description The Animal Health Technologist supports the Vivarium Supervisor and Veterinary helping with the animal care and the general operations of the facility. He (She) also assists researchers with the protocols for experimentation with animals and advise them on norms and best practices, regulatory compliance, and accreditation standards. Requirements • Associate or Bachelor degree (preferred) in Animal Health Technology • Two (2) years of experience in the inspection, care, treatment, and prevention of animal diseases • Certificate of Animal Health Technologist awarded by the American Association of Laboratory Animal Sciences (AALAS), or willingness to work toward the certification • Available to work outside of regular work hours and in emergencies Desirable skills Fluent in oral and written English and Spanish Computer literate with Windows 8, Windows 10, Microsoft 365 suite, and search engines Ability to work with people of different educational backgrounds, cultures, and responsibilities Main duties and responsibilities • Assist the Veterinary with procedures that involve the preparation of samples for laboratory analysis, oral and topical medication, post-operative care, and other procedures, as appropriate. • Participate in the direct inspection, care, and maintenance of animals, and inform the facility Supervisor and Veterinarian of any unusual situation for immediate treatment. • Feed the animals and prepares special diets as directed by the Supervisor and the Veterinary. • Clean and disinfect the equipment and instruments used in the laboratory, including the cages, tables, food containers, towels, and blankets, among others. • Receive, inspect and localize the animals that arrive at the Vivarium. • Calibrate and make simple repairs of laboratory instruments and equipment.

VETERINARY Description The Veterinary works closely with the Supervisor and the Animal Health Technologist of the Vivarium. He (She) visits the facility at least 10-15 hours every week. The Veterinary makes sure that the animals are healthy, live in a safe and secure environment and physical conditions, and are treated appropriately in compliance with state and federal laws. Requirements • Doctorate Degree in Veterinary Medicine or Laboratory Animal Medicine • Veterinary License • Research experience and a broad knowledge of animal models • Available to work outside of regular work hours and in emergencies • Fluent in oral and written English and Spanish • Ability to work with people of different educational backgrounds, cultures, and responsibilities Main duties and responsibilities • Diagnose, treat and cure symptoms, diseases, and injuries that afflict animals, and administers medication and performs surgical procedures to treat research animals as required for veterinary care. • Request and perform tests necessary for the diagnosis of animal diseases. • Prescribe and administer medications to maintain optimal animal health and prevent diseases. • Vaccinate animals to prevent contagious diseases. • Administers drugs to tranquilize, anesthetize or euthanize animals and advises research personnel with these procedures. • Euthanize animals that are too sick or injured to be treated and performs, if necessary, post-mortem examinations to investigate the causes of death. • Advise on the general care, feeding and sanitary conditions of the animals. • Complete required documentation (forms, reports, records, etc.) to comply with state and federal laws, accreditation standards, and report diseases to public health officials. • Participate in the formulation and implementation of SOP to conduct scientific research with animals. • Provide technical and regulatory training to staff and researchers about the experimentation with animals. • Recommend training and professional development activities for the technical staff and researchers. • Assist with the processes of accreditation and reaccreditation of the Vivarium.

COMPLIANCE OFFICER Description The Compliance Officer coordinates and supervises the safety and compliance aspects of the scientific and daily operations at the MSRC. He (She) develops, manages, oversees, and enforces policies, norms, and protocols to procure a safe environment for all personnel and the scientific operations. It is also responsible for keeping updated and readily accessible all required permits, licenses, and certifications for the daily operations. The Compliance Officer ensures that the MSRC observes and complies with all state and federal laws and regulations that apply to the conduct of scientific research and the management of research facilities and resources. Requirements • Bachelor or Master’s degree (preferred) in Environmental Management or Industrial Hygiene, or JD • Minimum two (2) years of job experience in health and occupational hazards, environmental protection, and management of biological and chemical hazards and wastes • Knowledge of state and federal laws, rules, and regulations, including those stipulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Quality Board • Available to work outside of regular work hours and in emergencies Desirable skills Fluent in oral and written English and Spanish Computer literate with Windows 8, Windows 10, Microsoft 365 suite, and search engines Familiar with management principles: leadership, planning, organization, and operations direction Ability to work independently and in teams, to stay focus, and complete projects promptly Ability to train people and comfortable enforcing statutory laws and regulations Ability to work with people of different educational backgrounds, cultures, and responsibilities Main duties and responsibilities • Develop, manage, oversee, and enforce policies, norms, and protocols to procure a safe environment for all personnel and the scientific operations. • Coordinate, deliver and recommend training related to health, occupational, and environmental safety. • Perform inspection of laboratories, storage areas, and other areas to ensure proper and safe operating conditions. Makes sure that all laboratories have in place a Chemical and Biological Hygiene Plan as dictated by regulatory agencies. • Provide orientation to researchers, scientists, students, and staff about policies, norms, and protocols to procure a safe environment. • Regularly evaluate policies, norms, and protocols, and safety of laboratories, make appropriate recommendations to correct hazardous operations or conditions, and follows through with corrective actions and results assessment. • Oversee the proper functioning of the Biosafety, IRB, and IACUC Committees, and when necessary leads them. • Oversee the management and disposal of chemical and biological wastes and supervises the daily maintenance of the facilities. • Ensure that incident reports and claims are documented accurately and promptly • Gather the information necessary to make sure that MSRC permits, licenses, and certifications are in place, updated, and readily accessible as required by state and federal laws, and promptly. • Prepares reports and letters for the regulatory agencies as required. • Lead the development and implementation of Emergency and Contingency Plans.

SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTATION SPECIALIST NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE Description The NMR instrumentation scientist is an expert in sample processing, experimentation, and data analysis for the analytical characterization of small molecules, polymers, and biomolecules utilizing techniques and methods based on magnetic nuclear resonance. The analytical characterization of these bio(chemical) systems provides information about their composition, structure, and physicochemical properties. He(She) provides professional training and services to potential users and does the overall management of the instrumentation facility. Requirements • MS or Ph.D. (preferred) in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Physics, or related disciplines • Knowledge and experience in Spectroscopy with emphasis on NMR methods and probes • Available to work outside of regular work hours and in emergencies Desirable skills Fluent in oral and written English and Spanish Computer skills including Linux, Windows 8, Windows 10, Microsoft 365 suite, and search engines Familiar with management principles: leadership, planning, organization, and operations direction Ability to work independently and in teams, to stay focus, and complete projects promptly Ability to train and work with people of different educational backgrounds, cultures, and responsibilities Main duties and responsibilities • Provide professional training to potential users on the technical aspects and use of scientific instrumentation for the analytical characterization of small molecules, polymers, and biomolecules utilizing a variety of NMR methods. •Prepare and analyze samples for researchers, students, and other users using a multitude of methods for the analytical characterization of small molecules, polymers, and biomolecules and produces analytical reports. • Develop and implement a maintenance plan for the instrumentation to ensure its continuous operation and manages the service contracts, quotes, requisitions, and follow-ups to acquire the parts and materials needed and to certify the receiving of the goods and services. • Responsible for basic and routine NMR instrumentation repairs including talking to companies to identify problems, assess the needs and nature of repairs, parts, and materials, installs functional parts, and calibrates and validates the proper functioning of the instruments. • Responsible for the proper care of secondary equipment necessary for the adequate functioning of the instrumentation including gas tanks, filters, vacuum pumps, air compressors, and UPS (3, 10, 15 kV). • Develop and implements new methods of analysis for the characterization of small molecules, polymers, and biomolecules and publishes the results giving appropriate credit to the MSRC and research support facilities. • Collaborate with researchers in scientific investigations together with experiments desing, literature revision, and drafting manuscripts for publication in peer-review journals, • Collaborate with the Executive Director and the researchers in writing proposals for external funding to leverage resources for instrumentation acquisition, upgrades, and maintenance. • Collaborate with the Executive Director and the STEM Education and Outreach Coordinator for the design, development, and teaching of online courses related to the scientific instrumentation in collaboration with the Executive Director. • Write annual reports and prepares presentations about the work done and the impact on the progress of the research activity.

ENGINEER TRAINEE Description The Assistant Trainee works collaboratively and under the supervision of the Infrastructure Operations Manager assisting he (she) with the overall management and optimum function of the MSRC physical infrastructure. In particular, he (she) is responsible for the maintenance and proper use, and functioning of major equipment, such as RODI, sterilizers, freezers, industrial washing machines, air compressors, vacuum equipment, gas cylinders, chemical, and biological hoods, among others. He (She) performs maintenance, calibration, validation, certification, and training in the use of major equipment and coordinates maintenance and services with external suppliers. Requirements • BEng in Mechanical with License • Knowledge of state and federal laws, norms, and regulations, including those stipulated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Environmental Quality Board • Available to work outside of regular work hours and in emergencies Desirable skills Fluent in oral and written English and Spanish Computer literate with Windows 8, Windows 10, Microsoft 365 suite, and search engines Familiar with management principles: leadership, planning, organization, and operations direction Ability to work independently and in teams, to stay focus, and complete projects promptly Ability to train people and comfortable enforcing statutory laws and regulations Ability to work with people of different educational backgrounds, cultures, and responsibilities Main duties and responsibilities • Maintain, repair, and properly use major equipment necessary for optimum functioning of the MSRC. The major equipment includes boilers, sterilizers, freezers, industrial washing machines, air compressors, vacuum equipment, gas cylinders, chemical, and biological hoods. • Coordinate and provide maintenance, calibration, validation, certification, and training in the use of major equipment, and coordinate maintenance and services with external suppliers. • Assist the Infrastructure Operations Manager with the request and reviews of services contract proposals, invoices for payment from contractors, and monitor variance reports to identify reimbursable charges, and to recommend budget revisions. Order and acquire materials, parts, and accessories for the operation of major equipment and utilities. • Assist the Infrastructure Operations Manager and the Compliance Officer in keeping updated the permits, licenses, and certifications for the continuous operations of the building. • Collaborate with the Infrastructure Operations Manager for establishing, assessing, and optimizing standard operating procedures (SOPs) consonant with best practices for the proper use and maintenance of major equipment and utilities. • Collaborate with the Infrastructure Operations Manager in the preparation of the annual budget projection for the infrastructure operations and the maintenance of major equipment and utilities. • Collaborate with the Inventory and Data Keeping Officer in the implementation, managing, and updating of the electronic maintenance management system (e-MMS). • Maintain and proactively manage regulatory compliance with institutional policies, and federal, state, and local codes/regulations. Follow safety rules and regulations, promote safe work practices, recognize hazards, and take corrective actions. Participate in the Environmental, Health, and Safety related activities and meetings.

Equal Opportunity Employer - minorities/females/veterans/individuals with disabilities/ sexual orientation/gender identity/other categories legally protected.



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MECÁNICO DE MONTACARGAS Requisitos: • Certificación o curso técnico en mecánica. • Mínimo de 2 años de experiencia previa en mantenimiento y reparación de montacargas eléctricos. • Conocimiento en electromecánica, sistemas hidráulicos y freezer condition. • Licencia de conducir vigente.

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