3 minute read
Insights - 2023 Legislative Session
Legislative Update
Dr. Vic Wilson, CLAS Executive Director
Ready or not, here I come, gee that used to be such fun…with apologies to Jay and the Techniques, I am not talking about their 1967 song, “Apples, Peaches, Pumpkin Pie.” I am talking about the 2023 Alabama Legislative Session that begins on March 7, 2023. Like the song says, ready or not, the legislators are coming. The upcoming session is the first in the new quadrennium. The quadrennium is the four-year period between elections and starts the year after the state election. Our elections were held in November, 2022, and 2023 is the first year of the new quadrennium. Based on the 105-day calendar potential, the session could last until June 19, 2023. Let us hope they sine die prior to that date.
What can we expect during this session. We can expect uncertainty in most areas, and certainty in some. It is certain that we will have a record amount of money to spend on the general fund and education fund budgets. Everything else is uncertain. We are paying close attention to comments from senate and house leadership as well as comments coming from the governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, state superintendent, and others about the upcoming session. We encourage you to do the same and to pay close attention to what your locally elected officials are saying.
Some issues that could be discussed include broadband access, parent choice, tax rebates, job creation, workforce development, and maybe Tik Tok. Other issues will arise, and we will update you weekly and even daily if issues arise that make it necessary for you to contact your legislator. Please take the time to read our updates and engage your local officials about your concerns. You can find the 2023 CLAS Legislative Platform by visiting clasleaders.org/advocacy. We are here to answer any questions you may have.
The new session will also include 37 new faces in the legislature. This is 1/3 of the total body, and an unusually high number. Along with the new legislators, the house and senate both have new leadership positions. Representative Nathaniel Ledbetter from Rainsville is the new speaker of the house, and CLAS looks forward to working with him during this session.
CLAS will also have Hill Days during the session. Wednesday will be our Hill Day for CLAS members to come to Montgomery and engage with legislators. We will be sending information about these events soon in the Friday Update. We look forward to seeing you in Montgomery and in your districts.
Be sure to check pages 33-43 of this publication for a legislative directory. This is a valuable resource you can use to build relationships with your elected officials.
Remember, craft your narrative or someone will craft it for you.