Terrarium classes Brisbane
Fun Terrarium classes / courses in Brisbane Terrariums are small indoor gardens that are housed within a glass vessel. They are like their own mini ecosystems, and because of this are extremely easy to take care of and make great indoor plants. The process of making your own terrariums is relaxing and hands on, and is a great option if you are looking for fun kids activities in Brisbane.
Health Benefits of Terrariums Terrariums are really good for your health! We all know that the presence of plants can increase productivity in offices and home spaces, reduce stress and improve the air quality.
Custom Classes Want to learn or experience something specific? You can easily contact our teachers and arrange a custom workshop at your preferred time and to suit your skill level. Get in touch today and we'll put something together for you.
What we offer Hand-picked professional terrarium teachers Support of the local Brisbane terrarium scene Locations: South Brisbane, Brisbane CBD Great gift ideas Affordable Convenient