Offering Memorandum - Prime Pad Sites - Crossroads, TX

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This notice is provided to all potential buyers, brokers/agents, principals, and or any party interested in the above properties, or other properties in connection with the broker/agent below. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Mitchell Classen, Broker, Classen Realty Group, makes no guaranties or warranties as to the accuracy thereof. The presentation of the property is submitted subject to the possibility of errors, omissions, change of price, pending/prior sale, or other conditions, lease or financing, or withdrawal without notice. Information is provided for courtesy/guidance LAND FOR SALE
10001 U.S. 380, CROSS ROADS, TX 76227 FOR SALE PRESENTED BY: CLASSEN REALTY GROUP 123 N. Edward Gary Street 2nd Floor San Marcos, Texas 78666 MITCHELL CLASSEN, CCIM Broker, GRI | President office: (512) 971-3415 cell: (512) 971-3415 9009393, Texas
PROPERTY PHOTOS 10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227 MITCHELL CLASSEN, CCIM (512) 971-3415
PROPERTY PHOTOS 10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227 MITCHELL CLASSEN, CCIM (512) 971-3415
PROPERTY PHOTOS 10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227 MITCHELL CLASSEN, CCIM (512) 971-3415
PROPERTY PHOTOS 10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227 MITCHELL CLASSEN, CCIM (512) 971-3415
PROPERTY PHOTOS 10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227 MITCHELL CLASSEN, CCIM (512) 971-3415
PROPERTY PHOTOS 10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227 MITCHELL CLASSEN, CCIM (512) 971-3415
LOCATION MAPS 10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227 MITCHELL CLASSEN, CCIM (512) 971-3415
BUSINESS MAP 10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227
REGIONAL MAP 10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227 MITCHELL CLASSEN, CCIM (512) 971-3415
SURVEY 10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227 MITCHELL CLASSEN, CCIM (512) 971-3415

(G) Thegarageshallnotbeusedforstorage,therebyprohibitingtheparkingofanoperable vehicle.

(H) No carports shall be allowed.

(15) Site plan approval.See section 14.03.111

(16) Landscaping plan approval.See section 14.03.112.

(17) Tree preservation.See article 3.08.

(18) Plan submittals.

(A) AnapprovedsiteplanshallbeaprerequisiteforthegrantingofMFmultiple-family residentialdistrictzoningclassificationandtotheissuanceofabuildingpermitor certificateofoccupancyforanypropertyinanMFdistrict.Informationrequiredtobe submitted,approvalofthesiteplan,andanyadministrativeactionshallbeinaccordance with this article to the extent such requirements are applicable to a commercial district.

(B) The purpose of the site plan review is:

(i) Toinsurecompliancewiththezoningordinance,whileallowingfordesign flexibility;

(ii) To assist in the orderly and harmonious development of the city;

(iii) To protect adjacent uses from obstructions to light, air, and visibility;

(iv) To provide compliance with fire code provisions;

(v) To avoid undue concentrations of population and overcrowding of land;

(vi) To facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewage, [sic];

(vii) To insure adequate drainage and other public requirements.

(C) Applicantsshall,inconjunctionwithasiteplan,demonstratecompliancewithother applicableprovisionsoftheCodeofOrdinancesandshallsubmitafacadeplan,an elevationplan,atreesurvey,anerosioncontrolplan,atrafficimpactanalysis,andany other plan, survey, or study as may be required by the town engineer.

(19) Zoning approval.Site, elevation, and facade plans shall be reviewed by the town’s staff prior to submittal to the planning and zoning commission. The planning and zoning commission shall, after conducting a public hearing, recommend approval of an application for a multiple-family dwelling complex if the proposed development meets all the minimum standards established in this article and other applicable ordinances, and if the commission finds that the proposed development will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the surrounding neighborhood or its occupants, or be substantially or permanently injurious to neighboring property. The commission shall recommend disapproval of any application which fails to meet the above criteria or is in conflict with the comprehensive plan.

(Ordinance 2013-1216-01 adopted 12/16/13; Ordinance 2021-0419-02 adopted 4/19/21)

§ 14.03.076. C - Commercial district.

Downloaded from § 14.03.075 § 14.03.076 Downloaded from on 2023-06-23 :9 ZONING REGULATIONS 10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227 MITCHELL CLASSEN, CCIM (512) 971-3415
(a) RegulationssetforthinthissectionarethedistrictregulationsintheC-CommercialDistrict.The

district shall be divided into two (2) sub-districts called C-1 and C-2.

(b) Uses.In the two sub-districts of C - Commercial District, no building or land shall be used and no building shall be hereafter erected, reconstructed, enlarged or converted unless otherwise provided in this article, except for one or more of the following uses as defined by sub-district:

(1) C - 1 (Office).

(A) Art gallery or museum;

(B) Bank or other financial institution (also C-2);

(C) Barber, beauty shop, spa (also C-2);

(D) Caterer, wedding service, event planning;

(E) Clinic or professional office;

(F) Church or rectory;

(G) College/university/private/elementary/secondary school;

(H) Community center;

(I) Countrycluborgolfcourse(private),butnotincludingminiaturegolfcourse,driving range, or similar forms of commercial amusement;

(J) Daycare or kindergarten;

(K) Drycleaner, less than 2,000 sq. ft. (also C-2);

(L) Fire station (also C-2);

(M) Florist (also C-2);

(N) Fuel Station (also C-2);

(O) Hospital;

(P) Hotel/Motel;

(Q) Institutions of religious or philanthropic nature;

(R) Library;

(S) Office;

(T) Nursery[;]

(U) Nursing home or assisted living;

(V) Park or playground;

(W) Realty office;

(X) Studio/school for visual or performing arts;

(Y) Utilities office;

Downloaded from § 14.03.076 § 14.03.076 Downloaded from on 2023-06-23 :10
10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227 MITCHELL CLASSEN, CCIM (512) 971-3415

(Z) Oneaccessorybuilding,customarilyassociatedwithanyoftheaboveestablishmentsto which they refer, except they shall not be placed within any required setbacks;

(AA)Any use or public building to be used or erected by the town;

(BB)No mobile home or HUD manufactured homes shall be permitted.

(2) C - 2 (Retail and General Commercial).

(A) Antique shop;

(B) Automobile repair garage;

(C) Bakery, where items are available for sale to the general public;

(D) Bank or other financial institution (also C-1);

(E) Barber, beauty shop, or spa (also C-1);

(F) Batting practice facility - 500 ft. min. from residential, must have shielded lights;

(G) Bird or pet shop;

(H) Book, card, stationary store;

(I) Bowling alley, if air-conditioned and soundproofed;

(J) Camera shop;

(K) Candy, cigar, tobacco shop;

(L) Carwash;

(M) Dry Cleaning or pressing shop, less than 2,000 sq. ft.;

(N) Clothing or shoe store;

(O) Department or specialty store;

(P) Drug store, retail only;

(Q) Electrical goods;

(R) Farm implement display or sales room;

(S) Florist (also C-1);

(T) Fuel Station (also C-1);

(U) Furniture store, where all display and storage is within the building;

(V) Golf driving range - 1,000 ft. min. from residential, must have shielded lights;

(W) Grocery or convenience store;

(X) Hardware store;

(Y) Hotel or motel (also C-1);

Downloaded from § 14.03.076 § 14.03.076 Downloaded from on 2023-06-23 :11 ZONING REGULATIONS 10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227 MITCHELL CLASSEN, CCIM (512) 971-3415

(Z) Jewelry store;

(AA)Laundry(automatic),equippedwithmachinescustomarilyfoundinthehome,where custom laundering, if finishing may be done, not to exceed 6,000 sq. ft.;

(BB)Meat market;

(CC)Miniature golf course - 500 ft. min. from residential district;

(DD)Movie theater - housed in acoustically treated building;

(EE)Piano or musical instrument sales;

(FF)Print shop that is open to the general public;

(GG)Restaurant or cafeteria with or without on-premises alcohol beverage sales;

(HH)Retailstoreforcustomworkormakingofarticlestobesoldforretailonthepremises, min. 50% retail sales;

(II) Retail store - no on-site manufacturing;

(JJ) Shoe repair shop;

(KK)Sports club - except pistol and rifle range;

(LL)Oneaccessorybuilding,customarilyassociatedwithanyoftheaboveestablishmentsto which they refer, except they shall not be placed within any required setbacks;

(MM)Any use or public building to be used or erected by the town;

(NN)No mobile home or HUD-manufactured homes shall be permitted.

(c) Building regulations.

(1) Mainbuildingexteriordesignsinthecommercialdistrictsshallbeinaccordancewiththe architecturalguidelinesofthisarticle.Theuseofotherexteriorbuildingmaterialsshallbeon anexceptionbasisasmaybeapprovedbythetowncouncilafterrecommendationfromthe commission.Exteriorbuildingdesigns,elevationsandfacadesshallbesubmittedtotownstaff forreviewwithrespecttoconformancewiththe“TexasCountry”architecturalthemepriorto considerationofabuildingpermitapplicationbythetowncouncil.Buildingelevation/facade plansshallincludeanarchitecturalrenderingshowingallfourelevationsoftheproposed building.Uponapproval,therenderingshallbecomepartofthezoningforthatsite.Nobuilding shallbehereaftererected,reconfigured,enlarged,orconvertedunlesstheappropriatebuilding permithasbeenrequestedandapproved.Buildingelevations/facadeplansshallbesubmittedas a part of the site plan and building permit application process.

(2) Allmechanicalequipmentandloadingdocksshallbeconstructed,locatedandscreenedfrom publicvieweitherbylandscapingmaterialsormasonrythatblendwiththebuilding,soasnot tointerferewiththepeace,comfort,andreposeoftheoccupantsofanyadjoiningbuildingor residence.

(3) Refuse collection areas shall be screened from public view.

(4) Allutilitiesshallbeunderground.Thisincludes,inadditiontothosenormallyinstalled underground, electric distribution facilities, telephone cable and individual business services.

Downloaded from § 14.03.076 § 14.03.076 Downloaded from on 2023-06-23 :12 ZONING REGULATIONS 10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227 MITCHELL CLASSEN, CCIM (512) 971-3415

(5) Alloutsidestoragemustbescreenedfrompublicvieweitherbylandscapingmaterialsor masonrythatblendwiththebuilding.TheonlyexceptionisthedisplayofChristmastreesfora periodnottoexceedthirty(30)dayspriortoChristmaseachyear,whichdoesnothavetobe screened; however a permit is still required.

(6) Allswimmingpoolsmusthaveprotectivefenceatleastfourfeet(4)inheightwithaselflatchinggateofadesigntopreventchildrenandanimalsfromfreelyenteringthepool.Where awallofabuildingservesaspartofthebarrier,doorswithdirectaccesstothepoolthrough thatwall,shallbeequippedwithanalarmwhichproducesanaudiblewarningwhenthedoor anditsscreen,ifpresent,areopened.Nopoolwillbecloserthanfifteenfeet(15')toany property line.

(7) Themaximumheightforthemainbuilding,includingroofmountedmechanicalequipment shallbetwoandone-half(2-1/2)standardstories,butshallnotexceedthirty-fivefeet(35')in height.

(8) Thetownhasadoptedanarchitecturalthemeforthedesignandconstructionofbuildingsand structuresinthecommercialandlightindustrialdistrictsassetforthinthisarticle.Allnewand renovatedbuildingsandstructureswithinthisdistrictshouldbedesignedandconstructedin accordance with the architectural guidelines of this article.

(d) Area regulations.

(1) Building area.The total building area, including accessory buildings, shall not exceed floor area-to-land ratio of 0.40 to 1.

(2) Lot area.Minimum one (1) acre net, exclusive of all street rights-of-way and the 100-year flood plain as determined by a registered survey.

(3) Front yard.Minimum fifty feet (50') from property line.

(4) Side yard.Minimum fifteen feet (15') from property line and not to include any parking area. Minimum one hundred feet (100') from residential district.

(5) Rear yard.Minimum fifteen feet (15') from property line and not to include any parking area. Minimum one hundred feet (100') from residential district.

(6) Parking regulations.

(A) Adequateoff-streetparkingspaceshallbeprovidedtomeettherequirementsofthe customers, guests and employees of each business structure (See section 14.03.113).

(B) Off-streetdrivewaysandparkingareasshallbepavedwithasphaltorconcreteand maintainedtotownspecificationssoastoeliminatedustormud,andshallbesograded and drained as to dispose of all surface water.

(e) Site plan approval.See section 14.03.111.

(f) Landscaping plan approval.See section 14.03.112.

(g) Tree preservation.See article 3.08 of the Town of Cross Roads Code of Ordinances.

(2002 Code, sec. 12.111; Ordinance 2006-0814-02, sec. 2, adopted 8/14/06; Ordinance 2006-1009-01, sec. I.A.4., adopted 10/9/06; Ordinance 2017-0619-01 adopted 6/9/17; Ordinance 2021-0419-02 adopted 4/19/21)

Downloaded from § 14.03.076 § 14.03.077 Downloaded from on 2023-06-23 :13 ZONING REGULATIONS 10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227 MITCHELL CLASSEN, CCIM (512) 971-3415
March 15, 2021
Zoning Changes: 1. 7200 US 380; C-2 4/19/21 2. 4700 S. Potter Shop; SF 7/19/21 3., 4. 7557 US 377; C-2 & SUP 7/19/21 5. 3201 US 380; C-1 9/19/22 6. 8800 US 380; C-1 2/13/23 7. 8700 US 380; C-1 3/20/23
via Ordinance 2021-0315-02 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227
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10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX

10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227

Population 1 Mile 3 Miles 5 Miles Male N/A 8,464 18,714 Female N/A 7,398 16,742 Total Population N/A 15,862 35,456 Age 1 Mile 3 Miles 5 Miles Ages 0-14 N/A 4,125 8,758 Ages 15-24 N/A 2,460 5,550 Ages 55-64 N/A 1,947 3,935 Ages 65+ N/A 2,277 5,137 Race 1 Mile 3 Miles 5 Miles White N/A 13,879 29,894 Black N/A 1,119 2,144 Am In/AK Nat N/A 25 98 Hawaiian N/A 1 1 Hispanic N/A 1,997 7,088 Multi-Racial N/A 1,648 6,580 Income 1 Mile 3 Miles 5 Miles Median N/A $82,782 $69,425 < $15,000 N/A 193 555 $15,000-$24,999 N/A 107 742 $25,000-$34,999 N/A 267 825 $35,000-$49,999 N/A 621 1,589 $50,000-$74,999 N/A 1,537 3,073 $75,000-$99,999 N/A 1,033 2,014 $100,000-$149,999 N/A 1,079 2,280 $150,000-$199,999 N/A 176 363 > $200,000 N/A 290 453 Housing 1 Mile 3 Miles 5 Miles Total Units N/A 5,383 12,524 Occupied N/A 5,073 11,519 Owner Occupied N/A 4,266 9,404 Renter Occupied N/A 807 2,115 Vacant N/A 310 1,005


10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227



3,320 Population 1,278 Households 2.60 Avg Size Household 36.5 Median Age $102,066 Median Household Income $539,216 Median Home Value 131 Wealth Index 65 Housing Affordability 73 Diversity Index MORTGAGE INDICATORS $17,244 Avg Spent on Mortgage & Basics 31.7% Percent of Income for Mortgage POPULATION BY GENERATION 21.1% Generation X: Born 1965 to 1980 15.8% Baby Boomer: Born 1946 to 1964 2.2% Greatest Gen: Born 1945/Earlier 9.9% Alpha:  Born 2017 to Present 25.2% Generation Z:    Born 1999 to 2016 25.8% Millennial: Born 1981 to 1998 2,900 3,000 3,100 3,200 3,300 Historical Trends: Population Home Value 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Housing: Year Built 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% POPULATION BYAGE Under 18 (27.2%) Ages 18 to 64 (61.4%) Aged 65+ (11.3%) Source: Esri,Esri-U.S.BLS,ACS Esri forecasts for 2023,2028,2017-2021   © 2023 Esri 10001 US Highway 380, Crossroads,Texas, 76227 Ring band of 0 - 1 miles
infographic contains data provided by Esri,Esri-U.S.BLS,ACS.The
the data
vintage of
is 2023,2028,2017-2021.


10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227



24,709 Population 8,198 Households 3.01 Avg Size Household 34.8 Median Age $105,656 Median Household Income $336,406 Median Home Value 123 Wealth Index 108 Housing Affordability 72 Diversity Index MORTGAGE INDICATORS $17,324 Avg Spent on Mortgage & Basics 19.1% Percent of Income for Mortgage POPULATION BY GENERATION 19.2% Generation X: Born 1965 to 1980 13.5% Baby Boomer: Born 1946 to 1964 1.8% Greatest Gen: Born 1945/Earlier 11.3% Alpha:  Born 2017 to Present 25.8% Generation Z:    Born 1999 to 2016 28.4% Millennial: Born 1981 to 1998 21,000 21,500 22,000 22,500 23,000 23,500 24,000 24,500 Historical Trends: Population Home Value 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Housing: Year Built 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% POPULATION BYAGE Under 18 (29.5%) Ages 18 to 64 (60.8%) Aged 65+ (9.7%) Source: Esri,Esri-U.S.BLS,ACS Esri forecasts for 2023,2028,2017-2021   © 2023 Esri 10001 US Highway 380, Crossroads,Texas, 76227 Ring band of 1 - 3 miles Source:This infographic contains data provided by Esri,Esri-U.S.BLS,ACS.The vintage of the data is


10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227



62,884 Population 21,393 Households 2.94 Avg Size Household 34.4 Median Age $108,006 Median Household Income $350,844 Median Home Value 125 Wealth Index 107 Housing Affordability 77 Diversity Index MORTGAGE INDICATORS $17,422 Avg Spent on Mortgage & Basics 19.5% Percent of Income for Mortgage POPULATION BY GENERATION 19.7% Generation X: Born 1965 to 1980 13.9% Baby Boomer: Born 1946 to 1964 2.1% Greatest Gen: Born 1945/Earlier 11.3% Alpha:  Born 2017 to Present 25.1% Generation Z:    Born 1999 to 2016 27.9% Millennial: Born 1981 to 1998 45,000 50,000 55,000 60,000 Historical Trends: Population Home Value 0% 10% 20% 30% Housing: Year Built 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% POPULATION BYAGE Under 18 (28.6%) Ages 18 to 64 (61.1%) Aged 65+ (10.3%) Source: Esri,Esri-U.S.BLS,ACS Esri forecasts for 2023,2028,2017-2021   © 2023 Esri 10001 US Highway 380, Crossroads,Texas, 76227 Ring band of 3 - 5 miles Source:This infographic contains data provided by Esri,Esri-U.S.BLS,ACS.The vintage of the data is



Direct: (512) 971-3415 | Cell: (512) 971-3415

9009393, Texas

As President of Classen Realty Group, my primary mission is to ensure that our Client’s best interests and expectations are not only met but exceeded and that the values of Classen Realty Group are clearly displayed through every interaction. While providing services that value relationships over transactions, and quality over quantity.

From the first contact to the closing table, I want to ensure that your entire transaction is handled with professionalism, excellent communication, and the utmost integrity. My work ethic, determination, and raw drive originated from family generations of business owners and years spent working on the family farm in Central Texas.

While attending Texas State University and earning my degree in Construction Science & Management with a Business minor, I interned with SpawGlass a large Texas-based commercial construction company. Through them, I gained invaluable experience in all aspects of the business, especially within the corporate level standard practices that I’ve implemented all while giving white-glove service within Classen Realty Group.

My passion for Real Estate became more evident through each new experience with personal projects, starting with a father-son partnership, Classen Properties, LLC. My prior experiences and knowledge combined with that of my Father’s was the perfect combination for a successful venture. More importantly, I discovered the fulfillment that comes with helping others realize their own real estate goals. It was at that point that I established Classen Realty Group; A full-service commercial real estate brokerage serving the Greater Central Texas Region.

Crossroads, TX 10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227
10001 US 380
Classen Realty Group 123 N. Edward Gary Street 2nd Floor San Marcos, Texas
78666 512.402.5263

10001 US 380 Crossroads, TX

10001 U.S. 380 | Cross Roads, TX 76227

All materials and information received or derived from Classen Realty Group its directors, officers, agents, advisors, affiliates and/or any third party sources are provided without representation or warranty as to completeness, veracity, or accuracy, condition of the property, compliance or lack of compliance with applicable governmental requirements, developability or suitability, financial performance of the property, projected financial performance of the property for any party’s intended use or any and all other matters.

Neither Classen Realty Group its directors, officers, agents, advisors, or affiliates makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to accuracy or completeness of the any materials or information provided, derived, or received. Materials and information from any source, whether written or verbal, that may be furnished for review are not a substitute for a party’s active conduct of its own due diligence to determine these and other matters of significance to such party. Classen Realty Group will not investigate or verify any such matters or conduct due diligence for a party unless otherwise agreed in writing.


Any party contemplating or under contract or in escrow for a transaction is urged to verify all information and to conduct their own inspections and investigations including through appropriate third-party independent professionals selected by such party. All financial data should be verified by the party including by obtaining and reading applicable documents and reports and consulting appropriate independent professionals. Classen Realty Group makes no warranties and/or representations regarding the veracity, completeness, or relevance of any financial data or assumptions. Classen Realty Group does not serve as a financial advisor to any party regarding any proposed transaction.

All data and assumptions regarding financial performance, including that used for financial modeling purposes, may differ from actual data or performance. Any estimates of market rents and/or projected rents that may be provided to a party do not necessarily mean that rents can be established at or increased to that level. Parties must evaluate any applicable contractual and governmental limitations as well as market conditions, vacancy factors and other issues in order to determine rents from or for the property. Legal questions should be discussed by the party with an attorney. Tax questions should be discussed by the party with a certified public accountant or tax attorney. Title questions should be discussed by the party with a title officer or attorney. Questions regarding the condition of the property and whether the property complies with applicable governmental requirements should be discussed by the party with appropriate engineers, architects, contractors, other consultants, and governmental agencies. All properties and services are marketed by Classen Realty Group in compliance with all applicable fair housing and equal opportunity laws.


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