Class MLE (Modern Learning Environments) Brochure

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a quick guide to MLE furniture

“Learning & teaching should stand on opposite banks and just watch the river flow by.� Loris Malaguzzi


Welcome to the class* introduction to MLE

Today, education recognises that stimulated, happy children make better students and, as a result, classrooms are brighter, lighter, better-ventilated, soundproofed and really importantly, can be used for more than one purpose.

Rather than page upon page of products and prices, we’ll talk about what MLE is, what it means to you, and how class* can help your school meet the Ministry of Education’s requirements.

In addition, as electronic teaching aides like computers, flat screen televisions and digital projectors replace blackboards, and tablets replace books, it really is no over-claim to say that tomorrow’s classroom is already here. height adjustable

The days of the dingy classroom filled with rows of wooden desks and unfriendly one-size-fitsall chairs in straight lines facing the blackboard are, thankfully, behind us. The Modern Learning Environment, or MLE, is all about making the changes away from those days.

Tables adjust from sitting to standing height

lockable castors >

mobile on castors

Make any table height adjustable or more mobile with height adjustable legs on wheels options.


“We shape our buildings; thereafter, they shape us.” Winston Churchill

1. “does the furniture allow for collaborative or small group work and enable the creation of a variety of room layouts.” 2. “is it ergonomically designed and suitable for a variety of student physical sizes.”

MoE says: “The majority of school buildings were built between 1950 and the 70s. Since then, teaching practice and student learning needs have changed significantly. New technologies and building materials allow for new, vibrant and well-connected learning spaces. All students deserve to be taught in these new modern learning environments, and benefit from new teaching methods. The Modern Learning Environment (MLE) assessment process was introduced in 2010 as part of the changes to the 10 Year Property Plan (10YPP) process and Five Year Agreement (5YA) funding.”

You can read a whole lot more the Ministry of Education’s general MLE requirements here: NZEducation/EducationPolicies/ Schools/PropertyToolBox/ StateSchools/Design/ ModernLearningEnvironment.aspx


What is MLE?

WATERING HOLE: Informal learning, discuss & create meaning. Where kids come together to exchange ideas and cross-pollinate.

Based on the philosophy of Reggio Emilia, MLE maintains that kids are so influenced by the environment they learn in, that it should be considered as the ‘third’ teacher (assuming that teachers/parents and the child themselves are the first and second teachers). Because different children learn in different ways, the core function of a Modern Learning Environment is to provide learning spaces that complement the different ways in which kids learn:

Several different activity spaces have been defined with flexible learning spaces > 1. LOGICAL LEARNERS: Students who move to the area of the class that best suits what they are doing. For work done in groups, they’ll go to the conference area, but move to more solitary areas for study. These kids have strongly mathematical, analytical minds, and excel at problem solving.

2. CREATIVE LEARNERS: These pupils prefer low spaces with individual seating, but also like to be able to interact because it gives them the opportunity to see what’s going on. The more artistic, conceptual minds fit into this category; future artists, writers, entrepreneurs and designers.

3. CONTROLLED LEARNERS: These guys love individual spaces, because it not only keeps them from being distracted; it also means that they can keep all their personal property nearby. They have highly organisational minds, and detailed planning is a real strength. Administrators, planners, analysts and accountants come from this group.

4. INTERPERSONAL LEARNERS: Kids who want to sit facing each other in group situations, where they can interact as much as they need to. They are highly developed emotionally, musically, spiritually and expressively; Teachers, social workers, nurses and musicians.

Needless to say, it takes a flexible learning space to cater for all these learning styles. These spaces are much more exciting, fun places for kids to be in, making learning quicker and more effective. Giving kids maximum opportunity to connect to learning in many different ways, means their brains develop accordingly.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin

THINK: A kid doing computer programming and another studying art sharing ideas about the creative process.

SANDPIT: Will it work? How does it work? A place to play, create prototypes and experiment without worrying about mess, water or damaging surfaces. THINK: A budding engineer testing his paper bridge design to see if it will hold up a toy car.

MOUNTAIN TOP: Presenting and publishing, demonstrating understanding. Here a student celebrates and shares their learnings with peers. THINK: A student presenting their science project to the class.

CAVE: Independent, reflective. A place to withdraw from the hubbub of the classroom, and find the “me time” to reflect and explore. THINK: A beanbag surrounded by bookshelves.

CAMPFIRE: Formal learning, listen and absorb knowledge. A place where stories are shared, ideas are exchanged and the group builds on each other’s ideas. THINK: A class brainstorming ideas to help their community save energy.


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WHO DO I CONTACT? If you still have any questions, or there’s more you’d like to know about MLE and the furniture we keep in stock, just email us at or call us on FREEPHONE 0800 33 75 74 One of our experienced team will gladly help.

when? TOMORROW’S CLASSROOM, RIGHT NOW If you think about how much the classroom has changed, you’ll realise just how much the furniture has had to change too. And as tablets and computers replace books and paper more and more, so the furniture will have to keep on making changes. class* stocks an enormous range of flexible, easily moveable furniture that not only satisfies the Ministry of Education’s MLE criteria; it is, simply put, furniture and equipment kids love to use.

Our range of MLE furniture includes height-adjustable desks and seating that allow students at the back a better view of the learning space, multi-shape tables that can be used in learning pods or for solo work. Wall tiles that use sound absorbent materials as a simple, effective way to ensure that teachers are can focus on teaching, not repeating. From ottomans to bean bags and chairs, teacher aides, classroom and computer storage and more in bright, durable colours, with features that have been road tested in classrooms across New Zealand.


what with? PUTTING THEORY INTO PRACTICE A great example of how effectively MLE furniture can work is the Buddy Eclipse Table. By itself, it’s an ideal solo workstation, with a neat ‘bite’ out of it so that kids can get really comfy if using a laptop or tablet. But combine four Eclipse tables, and you’ve created a colourful group work or discussion setting. Even better, combine the Buddy Eclipse with tables in the Buddy Jigsaw range – the Bend, Bow & Bridge tables – and you have an almost endless variety of engaging and useful shapes to create.


No more wasted spaces at the end of the classroom either, thanks to innovations like the Buddy TeacherWall. What used to dead space is now where the teaching begins. Sliding whiteboards, adjustable shelves, lockable cupboards – everything needed to keep the teacher in the classroom, and keep the kids involved.

Wherever you see the MLE Icon alongside an item in our brochures, catalogues or on our website, it means that item is MLE compliant. It either goes up and down, moves around easily, or does both. That it’s great for working alone and in groups. That it comes in eyecatching colours, is comfortable and adjusts to support growing bodies properly.

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” Albert Einstein

where do I start? Thanks to the latest in CAD technology, class* can create a to-scale 3D image, allowing you to see exactly how your new MLE will look when furnished. One of our experienced team would be only too happy to chat to you about creating a CAD and placing items in it from the huge MLE-compliant range of furniture we keep in stock.

what do kids think? An important part of finding the right furniture for your space is finding out what the kids who’ll be using it think. Ask them a few simple questions: • • • • • • •

Is it comfortable? Is it easy to move? Do they like the colours? Is it easy for them to make it fit their bodies? Is it exciting and fun to use? What do they like about it most? What would they change?

We love hearing feedback from kids, so please share it with us – there’s no better way for us to make sure our furniture meets their needs. After all – they’re the ones who use it.


“Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” Socrates

Looking for great MLE concepts?



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Complete Office

Furniture Range


Ask for your free catalogue and concept booklet right now!

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Your free 120 page catalogue is filled with MLE furniture and layout concepts at great freight inclusive prices. Plus our Concept Booklet will give you even more ideas. Ask for yours right now at where you can shop online and save time too.

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