CMI City Sounds:
Discover Classical Music in New Spaces
Music & Science
by Crystal Hammon
Community engagement has always been a focus at Classical Music Indy (CMI). If anything, CMI’s determination to work with local artists and promote new and traditional classical music has only strengthened since the pandemic began to squelch live performances of all kinds of music—indefinitely.
A newly-launched project called CMI City Sounds is one of many ways CMI has adapted to the “new normal,” according to Eric Salazar, director of community engagement. “When it became abundantly clear that live performances weren’t coming back for a while, we turned to performance video production as a way to keep the gigs going for local musicians,” says Salazar. “We’re not a big organization, but we rapidly gained some expertise to the point we felt like we could do larger video projects. We thought [performance video] added a lot of value, not just to the lives of the musicians, but to the community, as well.”