Mt. Pleasant, MI Stained Glass Project

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Come to Me ... I am Gentle and Humble of Heart. A Stained-Glass Window and Frame Replacement Project for Sacred Heart Church, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan Designed by Stacey Asp


“ ome to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” — Matthew 11:28-30

East Windows


esus shares with the simple what has been hidden from the wise. It is revealed from the start in the humble beginnings of his birth that through our faith in Jesus we find the only path to salvation. Through

the gentleness and humility of Christ do we gain relief and redemption from our struggles. We find ourselves comforted by the humble but powerful ways of the Son and seek to be like him.


he Heavenly City continues into these panels. The peace that is sought by those who embrace

Jesus' ways is symbolized by a dove grasping an olive branch in its beak. The figure of Jesus stands center, drawing us to him while the Sacred Heart illuminates from him. The nativity star shines down on the humble birthplace, the lowly manger, as the animals of the field stand witness.


he light of the risen Jesus engulfs the empty cross, a symbol of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection

through which we are saved. The sacrificial lamb, its presence gently close, is also represented. God's creation dances throughout the panels — the rustling and falling tree leaves, the gently flowing stream at which the deer drink and the fish swim. The grains of the field and the fruit of the vine are symbolized and also represent the ingredients of Holy Communion. And the original structure of Sacred Heart church is placed just beneath Christ's right arm.

West Window 11’ x 21’


he New Jerusalem descends from the heavens to a global humanity. The Holy Spirit is represented by the dove and flame that enlightens down from the heavens with three water droplets representing Holy Baptism. The figure of Mary kneels below. “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God…” Luke 1: 35-38. To the lower left, a rooted tree stump grows a new, living branch representing the prophecy, “There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit …” — Isaiah 11. This image also creates opportunity for some green to be used in these east panels which brings us into the globe below. The Immaculate Heart lies within the lines of the Holy City with two turtle doves symbolizing the purity and love of the Blessed Virgin. Representing both Mary's selfless devotion and the passion of our Lord Jesus, the thorns envelop the background globe and humanity's struggle. We gain hope from the witness of those who share the Good News. This Good News is spread through the Word, an open Bible as the symbol. The Eucharist is placed above the open page. Stacey Asp

East Window 5’ x 18’

East Window 6’ x 9’

The existing frames were outdated, and comprised of narrow openings which were not conducive to stained glass windows, and limited the natural light into the worship space. The intermediate columns were removed, and new larger openings created.

The existing wood frames were removed, new thermal frames with 1� insulated glass, and over 300 square feet of stained glass were installed over the course of 14 days.

The Classic Glass Ltd. crew carefully lifts one of thirty-two separate stained glass panels up to it’s final home (top left)

The East window is slowly transformed, as the familiar view of the trees is replaced with a symphony of color and inspiration (bottom left).

Once the panels are installed, the final cleaning begins (Right). A curious parishioner gently pets the baby lamb....... (bottom right)

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