Classy Chronicles, October 2015, Issue 6

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5 Founder’s Note 6 Makeover Your Spirit 8 The Month in Review 10 Yes, I’m A Mom 12 Vendor Spot 14 Makeover Your Closet 16 Community Partner Spotlight 20 Makeover Your Wealth 22 Makeover Your Health 24 Member Spotlight 26 Makeover Your Home 2




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Issue 6 October 2015




LaShanda Pitts

LaShanda Pitts



Avis Pitts

Robyn Hutcherson




LaShanda Pitts Eboni Brown Aaronica Bell Cole Robin Overmyer Evonya Easley Kimmie Lampkin Azizi Cowins Tabatha Gatson Washington Avis Pitts LaToya S. Parker



Jason Byrdsell ( DESIGN DIRECTOR


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Founder’s Note Oprah’s last month edition was focused on Makeovers. From front to back cover, she discussed everything makeover. While reading through the issue, I thought about how often we attempt to makeover our outer and leave the less noticeable to fate. Because of this, I feel it’s time for us to discuss complete makeovers of self.

Photo: Jason Byrdsell of

Have you ever just sat down and wondered how and why you are where you are or just frowned with disguise at a particular aspect of your life? Do you have dreams that you want to fulfill but they are placed on the backburner until a “better time” comes? Better yet, have you continuously overlooked that small, sore spot slightly above your neck? Well right now is the perfect time to evaluate and reassess your current lifestyle. It’s time to throw out the excuses, declutter the discontentment and wipe away smudges of ailment. Keep in mind, we set our atmosphere and determine our level of peace. The way we think controls the peace of our heart and spirit. When we are down in our spirt, everything around us suffers. We see things differently and make irrational decisions which offers negative effects. For instance, when we aren’t happy, our dinner tastes a bit blander, our appearance has a little less glow, our homes miss that much needed cleaning, our energy level struggles and our finances encounter horrible hits. We forget about what’s important because everything seems irrelevant. I know there has been times when I would walk into the store and once home I wouldn’t even remember what I bought and why. Emotionally spending is very temporal. If you are thinking that right now isn’t a good time because you have encountered the worst fall of your life. STOP! If you have taken a hit like none other, right now is your chance to remove the road blocks, discontinue the unhappiness and focus on the opportunities that await.

LaShanda Pitts

Makeover Your Life DES7GNMGZ






Speaking of Making over Your Life, our CLS sisters have surely had to alter a few misfortunes and highlight a couple areas. They are the epitome of strength, beauty and resilience. Success comes in large numbers and their hard work is unquestionable. With the weight of the world and the demands of their homes in front of them, we found out how they find strength or the time to stand when tough times present themselves. We asked and they answered! Here’s some of the many ways our sisters renew their spirit and find a positive space following trying times. My first reaction is to withdrawal and go into meditation. Most times I don’t ask for anything I just say thank you to God and continue to pray that He order my steps. Shutting out the noise always works for me!

Karen Seaward

I’ve always used the power of Serenity as my praying guide for understanding, direction and strength to move forward. It has never failed me yet...

Andrea Lovinglife Bell

Find a support group or have an awesome support system - find new hobbies to take your mind off what happened - forgive yourself & try to understand that everything in life happens for a reason because believe it or not, the things we go through are not about US but for someone else - experience is the BEST teacher....

Robin Overmyer

I first give myself permission to feel whatever emotion I may be feeling, then tell myself I’m not the first person to experience that trial and I won’t be the last. Finally I do some of what the other ladies have already mentioned.

Andreana Suttles

i have to run... music blasting... just me, the pavement, my music and my thoughts. and then vent to my husband.

Aaronica Bell

I have learned to find peace in every situation (as cliche as that sounds, I do)! Even those difficult trying times, I find great solace in prayer. Sometimes escaping into a great book helps! I also have a journal!

Reading through it from time to time helps me appreciate the growth and changes that occur as a result of whatever it was I went through. YouTube has some amazing meditation music for a calm spirit, clarity, peace and anything else. I turn my light off, plug my ear buds up and let the binural beats take me away! Oh and wine lol.. wine is an amazing listener kml..

Kimmie Lampkin

Depression...self loathing... etc...consider this mental state the “kidnappers” of your happiness.. And your soul. And ask yourself. Would you just give in to someone trying to snatch you.. kidnap you...harm or hurt you? Would you just lay down and surrender? NO..You fight.. kick..scream...and never.. ever..give in!

Yvette Chambers

I rely on prayer, meditation, MUSIC, and make sure I don’t fall prey to overeating or other “indulgent” behaviors that disguise themselves as comfort. I make sure I am even more kind to myself, make healthy choices and keep the faith the God is working in the background and I just let Him work. I am a living witness that what seems to be bad is really meant for good. We are fearfully & wonderfully made!

Janine Lattimore

Going to my kickboxing class, massage & prayer! Not always in that order.

Renee Roberts

Written by the Members of Classy Living Society




ancing on the edge of the autumn, Classy Living Society continued with its mission of being foot soldiers of volunteerism. Joining in with Cox Enterprises, CLS participated in its first KaBOOM! Playground build. Benefiting the families of Our House and the Genesis Shelter, CLS volunteers assisted with building park benches and moving mounds, and mounds and mounds of mulch. With over a hundred volunteers, amazingly, a brand new playground was built in a day. After ensuring kids of all ages have a safe place to play, CLS volunteers switched gears and were eager to make the day special for some of our beloved seniors. Joining Atlanta based charity, Inspired Mom, the ladies hosted the seniors during a brunch. Culminating National Grandparents Day, an awesome meal was enjoyed and games were played by all. Continuing with the goal of keeping member’s bodies healthy, two opportunities were provided for ladies to remain Classy N’ Fit. First, the ladies had the opportunity to join South DeKalb Striders in their annual 5K Run for Hope to End Homelessness, benefiting Our House. Second, the ladies were encouraged to join in on the 4th



Annual Labor Day Run for Autism hosted by Totally Running to benefit Talk About Curing Autism. TACA’s mission, to talk about curing autism, provides support, education and information, and resources to close to 25,000 families across the U.S. who are touched by Autism. Last, but not least CLS volunteers were requested to support Atlanta Children’s Shelter (ACS) at their 1st Annual Kickin’ It 4 Charity Kickball Game. This event was a success and raised money to provide ACS programs and services to assist families with resources and support necessary to maintain employment and permanent housing for their family. Our classy volunteers showed up excited donning “red t-shirts” as we went straight to work setting up the field, stepand-repeat banner, and manning the checkin/ticket and t-shirt sales tables. The highly anticipated sporting event, for charity, began with a red carpet and announcement of celebrity players. Once the game was in full swing, CLS volunteers were invited to sit in the audience and watch as a great time was had by all! Entering in the last quarter of the year, CLS remains committed to our mantra… Socialize, VOLUNTEER, and Inspire!

n Eboni Brown




KaBOOM! KaBOOM! Is the national, non-profit dedicated to bringing balanced and active play into the daily lives of all kids, particularly those growing up in poverty in America. They do this by creating great places to play, inspiring communities to promote and support play and driving the national discussion about the importance of play in fostering healthy and productive lives.

South DeKalb Striders The South DeKalb Striders Running Club members consists of runners of all classes, elite runners, top runners, family runners, slow runners and walkers. Their purpose is to have fun as well as stay fit.

Talk About Curing Autism (TACA) TACA provides support, education and information, and resources to close to 25,000 families across the United States who are touched by autism. Ninety-five percent of TACA’s programs and services are provided at no charge and include education and support meetings, parent mentoring, and the Autism Journey Guide.

Atlanta Children’s Shelter The Atlanta Children’s Shelter provides free, quality day care, emotional support, educational curriculum for homeless children, and focused social services for their families. Dedicated to helping families overcome the issues that contribute to homelessness, including domestic violence and job loss, the Atlanta Children’s Shelter focuses on the long term self-sufficiency of the family.



MOmmy corner

Yes, I’m A Mom,


But I’m Still aronica

And Aaronica is synonymous with fabulous--amongst other things. Motherhood is something that many women strive for. I was never that little girl that had their entire wedding planned out by the ripe old age of 10. In fact, for either one of my weddings (yep, I’m on my second marriage) I barely wanted to show up because to me it was just another day. Did I care about the dress? Meh, no. The flowers? Not really. The food? Absolutely. I didn’t have my wedding planned out but I had my life as a mother planned. I was going to be this doting mom whose life was centered around their children. Soccer, dance, track, swim mom. Yes, that was going to be me. But then life happened and I became a single mom at 26. I started out being exactly what I’d imagined being--hopelessly devoted to my mini. But then I wanted more. And by more, I wanted me back. Not in the same way, but a more mature me. I wanted to be seen as Aaronica, not Mini’s mom. I didn’t want to always be dressed in my mom attire (yes, mom attire). I wanted my style back. And I got it though it looked a little different. Becoming a more mature Aaronica got me my husband and second daughter, however, I found myself in a similar boat again. As a mom of 2, wife, and entrepreneur, who am I? I asked myself this question probably about a month ago when I’d run out of my mom-uniform--yoga pants, nursing tank, and random t-shirt. As I looked through my closet filled with gorgeous jeweled tones and beautiful shoes and “freakum” dresses, I realized that it was time to redefine myself. I’m not the party girl nor am I the mom who wants to constantly be showing off the shape that I lost with the 2nd child. I’m not really into shopping like I was. Although I still love makeup (I mean, how could you not?), I’m not into the dramatic looks that I once was. It was time to redefine who I am in the current space that I’m in. And I did. I came up with a new elevator pitch and everything. Here’s the awesome thing about womanhood--we are who we say



we are. I was once this corporate Barbie doll determined to climb the ladder to success and break any and all glass ceilings in my way. I wanted to dominate and take over. Or so I thought. But that just isn’t me anymore. Now I’m an entrepreneur determined to be a positive influence to women all over the world that need help and inspiration. I want to help others as much as I can. I want to make people smile and have someone look at me and say, “Because of you, I did the things no one thought I could do”. This is who I am now. So how do you reinvent yourself? You’ve got to be honest with yourself about where you are. Ask yourself these questions:

1.How would I describe myself? 2.

How do I think others would describe me? (Be honest)


How do I WANT to be described/ viewed?

4. What things do I have to do to get there? If you’re having trouble with the last question, ask for help from someone you trust. It’s never too late to reinvent yourself. Seize the day! n Aaronica Bell Cole Aaronica B. Cole is the owner of The Crunchy Mommy, LLC. She can be found writing over at, selling at, tweeting as @ thecrunchymommy, and sharing photos as @thecrunchymommy on Instagram. Need to get in contact? Email her at mrsabc@






CLS firmly believes in supporting small businesses and helping to keep the small business community active and profitable. CLS Members are encouraged to support businesses which support CLS and the journey we are on to change the world with our volunteer and Random Acts of Kindness (R.A.O.K) efforts! Through our commitment as a women’s only non-profit organization, our core values are entrenched in volunteerism, community outreach, and fostering an environment and an opportunity for small businesses to flourish. We have some many categories of member vendors ranging from Boutique Owners, Travel Agents, Fitness Coaches, Life Coaches, Teachers, Estheticians, Non Profit Organizations, Cleaning Services and many many more! CLS would like to take this opportunity to appreciate our member vendors by allowing the world to know who they are! We love and truly support what they are doing because without them, CLS wouldn’t be doing business “The Classy Way!” n Robin Overmyer NAME Aaronica B. Cole Alicia Brown Angela Everett Anita Searles Azizi Cowins Beverly Hams Cassaundra Webb Dorita Wyatt Erica Kane Evonya Easley Karen Seward Kristein Mosley Kristell S. Douglas LaTeasha Blackwell Marcia Marsh McGraw Monie C Darlington Michele Brundidge Neri Gaulden Slacks Nikki Blakely-Simmons Nina Simone Nisha Glenn Rue Clark Shona Hill Sunblondy H. Daniel Tonya Pugh Yani Wilkinson Yolanda Michelette










should be something you are currently wearing or will wear in the near future. Get rid of anything that doesn’t fit your body right, anything that you haven’t worn in over a year or two, anything that looks like it’s been worn or washed a thousand times.

It’s important to dress how you want to be perceived and received. So tips to get your closet right so you can move on to the fun part of getting dressed. First you need to purge, purge and more purge for the people that like to hold on to everything! Everything in your closet

Next organize your closet according to the seasons and if you don’t have a big closet but have an extra closet then switch out your wardrobe as the seasons change. Move all your summer stuff to the extra closet during the Fall/ Winter and vice versa. If your closet is big enough to hold all seasons then at least make sure the summer stuff is moved toward the back or the side and pull the Fall/Winter to the forefront. For example

s we transition into a new season it’s time to get our closets and wardrobes right for fall. To do that need to start with cleaning and organizing your closet. A good wardrobe like a house starts with a good foundation. And the foundation is your closet if your closet is not organized, it’s a lot harder to have a good wardrobe and express personal style.



I turned an extra bedroom into my closet so I separate my seasons by walls. Two walls is my spring summer clothes and the other two walls is for my Fall/Winter. When your closet is organized then it’s easier and quicker to get dressed. You don’t have to dig thru summer dresses to find your cashmere coat. Once you have organized by season then organize by color and fabric and activity. This will help you to know what you have and what you may still need. If all your work clothes are together and organized by color then you can see you have 10 pairs of black pants, 5 brown, 2 grey and so on. So as you shop and add to your wardrobe you can build upon what you have. If you have great

bottoms then focus on getting more tops and accessories to compliment all the bottoms you have. Also a common problem I find with clients is they own too much black. It’s nothing wrong with black but inject some color and life into your wardrobe. If you own over 5 pairs of black bottoms then don’t buy anymore black bottoms. Also stop buying the same thing in different colors nothing is that cute! Lol Mix up your style if you buy a ruffled top in blue, you don’t have to buy it in red, black and pink lol. Buy a lace top in one color, a peasant style top in another color, a V-neck or scoop style. There is so many options to choose from so try something new and don’t get stuck in a rut wearing the same thing over and over but in different colors. Next adding accessories can add a little extra to an ensemble a simple tee and jeans can be upgraded with a cuff and

a layered necklace. So don’t forget it doesn’t always take a lot to add a pop and take your outfit to the next level. Also invest in classic pieces such as pencils skirts, trench coat, blazers, white button shirts, a great handbag, classic pumps etc. Trends come and go you should be aware of trends but not slaves to them. So only wear trends that work for your body and what you personally like. But be open to stretch yourself and try something new just to see if you like it. Last tip I’m leave you with is to buy pieces that you can wear multiple ways and places. I only buy pieces I can wear at least three different ways if not more unless it’s a special occasion then that’s different, but for everyday wear you want to make sure you are buying a piece that works with something you already own or that can be worn multiple ways. For example if you have a mod or A-line dress you can wear it with a belt one day

and pumps, next time with tights and some ankle boots. Or with a blazer and boots and also wear it just by itself, out of that one dress you now have 4 different ways to wear it and look different each time. Another tip is taking outfits from day to night, its really simple thing that can take a day outfit to night outfit. An example of taking an outfit from day to night or causal to dressy take a pair of jeans and a simple white tee and flats. Add a blazer, stilettos and accessories, with a great handbag and you have now just upgraded your outfit. Hope all these tips and examples help as we go into this new season and if you want more personalized information and tips for you I can be contacted at lovee@ n Evonya Easley CEO, Love E 404-908-7997



community SPOTLIGHT

Ms. patrice johnson concept, “it takes a village to raise a child”, Patrice developed Inspired MOM. She seeks to spread inspiration, appreciation, and guidance to mothers through the use of social events and activities.


atrice Johnson, is a woman small in stature yet big atheart. She realized one day the weight of single parenting and decided to reorganize all she carried in hopes of providing a lighter load for other single mothers. Building from the



A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of attending one of her events. She planned and organized a grandparent’s breakfast in hopes of showing appreciation for the many contributions they sow into our children’s lives daily. Walking through the door, I immediately felt the positive vibe circulating throughout the atmosphere. The scrumptious smell of made to order omelets, sausages, homemade waffles, tuna melts, grits, eggs, fruit, and much more offered the perfect feel of grandma’s house. However, grandma wasn’t cooking, it was one of her sponsors, Chef Tariq Jibri of Cuisine De La

Soul ( Watching from across the room, they were both enjoying giving back to such a well-deserved cause as much as the honored guests. The room was filled to capacity with bright eyes and beautiful smiles. Grandparents were sitting and mingling amongst their love ones; bragging and showing off all the goodness of their families. Patrice’s daughter walked from table to table ensuring not one smile faded and that each individual, young or old, felt comfortable. Her daughter’s genuine and caring persona spoke volumes about the character of Patrice. It’s been said “you can tell a lot about a tree by the fruit it bears”. Well from the looks of things, Patrice is a woman of strength, compassion and love. She never once frowned and with grace she provided



the touch needed to make this event extra special. The grandparent’s breakfast wasn’t her first event and as informed, it certainly will not be her last. She hosts events quite frequently throughout the Metro Atlanta area to show appreciation as well as convey to other parents that they are not alone. With a purposeful heart she has impacted individuals she may never know; all just to make the lives of others better. She gets it, in order to change the world, the focus must unselfishly be shifted from personal gain and linked to the needs of others. It’s hard to provide help with your hands in your pocket. Despite the obvious desire to remain out of the spotlight, Patrice is our community spotlight of the week. Listed below are few facts to introduce Ms. Patrice Johnson and her amazing organization, Inspired MOM!

WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM INSPIRED MOM? • Moms that need encouragement, guidance and uplifting on their parenting journey. • Moms that need the relief of “me time” and a break from their everyday responsibilities. • Moms on their own mission, with their own goals for themselves and their families.

HOW WE FULFILL OUR MISSION? • Inspiration- we use our social media outlets and blogs to reach out to our MOMS. • Events- Our mom’s night out, playdates and parenting workshops. • Financial support- Free events,



occasional financial assistance and guidance.

Conferences calls will start back in fall 2015.

HOW OFTEN ARE YOUR EVENTS? Our signature Moms Night Out events are held once a month. We frequently host events that show appreciation to Parents and Grandparents. Our family events are hosted to bridge gaps in families, practice tradition and create life-long memories.

WHAT IS THE VISION FOR INSPIRED MOM? This is truly God’s plan for moms! I am just here to orchestrate his plan. There are so many things ahead and developing day by day.

IS MOM’S NIGHT OUT JUST A PARTY? No! These are events hosted to recharge and connect moms, our sponsors are businesses that support and believe in our mission to help build and strengthen moms of our community.

HOW IS INSPIRED MOM SUPPORTED FINANCIALLY? We are supported through our fundraising efforts and generous donations from our moms and partners.

HOW CAN I HELP? Through donations and helping to SPREAD the word!

WHAT DO I GAIN FROM SPONSORING AN EVENT? Partners like you help us provide support to those who need it most. By sponsoring a parent you are telling them that their lives matter, their hurt does count and that you do care. Sponsoring an event, materials or gift bags also increase exposure in the community


IS THIS ORGANIZATION JUST FOR SINGLE MOMS? No! This organization is to help and support Moms that need inspiration and support.

IS THIS A FAITH BASED ORGANIZATION? NO. Although we believe in God, our mission is to support moms and their dedication to their families. Patrice Johnson realized her strength by acknowledging her weakness. She in turn took the necessary steps to ensure other mothers didn’t have to feel alone on their venture to raise our best contributions to society and future, our children. Inspired MOM isn’t an organization focused on the weaknesses surrounding us but rather the strengths hidden under hardships and commitment to others. Inspired MOM caters to reaching the best you by helping the best self. From grandparents to moms, fathers, other relatives, community leaders and more; Inspired MOM finds a way to say THANK YOU. She understands that life is a lot easier when you’re holding hands with someone else! n Kimmie Lampkin






WEALTH Bad credit is a bit like losing weight; it will take time and there is no quick way to fix a credit score. The best advice for rebuilding your credit is to manage it responsibly over time. Check Your Credit Report Repairing your credit score begins with your credit report. If you haven’t already, request a free copy of your credit report and check it for inaccuracies. Check to make sure that there are no late payments incorrectly listed for any of your accounts and that the amounts owed for each of your open accounts is correct. If you find errors on any of your reports, dispute them with the credit bureau. Setup Payment Reminders Making your credit payments on time is one of the biggest contributing factors to your credit scores. You could also consider enrolling in automatic payments through your credit card and loan providers to have payments automatically debited from your bank account, but this only makes the minimum payment on your credit cards and does not help instill a sense of money management. Reduce the Amount of Debt You Owe The first thing you need to do is stop using your credit cards. Use your credit report to make a list of all of your accounts and then go online or check recent statements to determine how much you owe on each account and what interest rate they are charging you. Come up with a payment plan that puts most of your available budget for debt payments towards the highest interest cards first,



while maintaining minimum payments on your other accounts. Payment History Tips Contributing 35% to a FICO Score calculation, this category has the greatest effect on improving your scores, but past problems like missed or late payments are not easily fixed. Pay your bills on time. Delinquent payments, even if only a few days late, and collections can have a major negative impact on your FICO Scores. If you have missed payments, get current and stay current. The longer you pay your bills on time after being late, the more your FICO Scores should increase. Older credit problems count for less, so poor credit performance won’t haunt you forever. • Be aware that paying off a collection account will not remove it from your credit report. It will stay on your report for seven years. Amounts Owed Tips This category contributes 30% to a FICO Score’s calculation and can be easier to clean up than payment history, but

that requires financial discipline and understanding the tips below. • Keep balances low on credit cards and other “revolving credit”. High outstanding debt can affect a credit score. • Pay off debt rather than moving it around. The most effective way to improve your credit scores in this area is by paying down your revolving (credit cards) debt. In fact, owing the same amount but having fewer open accounts may lower your scores. • Don’t open a number of new credit cards that you don’t need, just to increase your available credit. This approach could backfire and actually lower your credit scores. Types of Credit Use Tips • Apply for and open new credit

accounts only as needed. Don’t open accounts just to have a better credit mix – it probably won’t raise your credit score. • Have credit cards – but manage them responsibly. In general, having credit cards and installment loans (and paying timely payments) will rebuild your credit scores. Someone with no credit cards, for example, tends to be higher risk than someone who has managed credit cards responsibly. • Note that closing an account doesn’t make it go away. A closed account will still show up on your credit report, and may be considered by a score. First, tell the credit bureau what information you believe is inaccurate. The credit bureau must investigate the

item(s) in question – usually within 30 days – unless they consider your dispute frivolous. Include copies (NOT originals) of documents that support your position. In addition to providing your complete name and address, your letter should: • Clearly identify each item in your report you dispute. • State the facts and explain why you dispute the information. • Request deletion or correction.

information to a bureau, it must include a notice of your dispute. Request that the provider copy you on correspondence they send to the bureau. Expect this process to take between 30 and 90 days. n Azizi Cowins Owner LZTB Studios & Sexe’ Skins Lingerie sexeskins@gmail.comBad

Second, write to the appropriate creditor or other information provider, explaining that you are disputing the information provided to the bureau. Again, include copies of documents that support your position. Many providers specify an address for disputes. If the provider again reports the same






4 LIFE Having information and knowledge is important, if you’re planning on success in any area. This lesson is taught to us early on in life. So, as adults pursuing careers, family and a fit lifestyle, the same rules should apply. But somewhere along the line, most solely place energy into family and career path, leaving health and wellness at the bottom of the list. Not realizing or recognizing, that without a healthy mental and physical well being, commitment to home and work life, will be jeopardized, because we find ourselves, just not physically fit enough over time, to continue successfully in either, due to health issues, excessive weight gain or overwhelming stress. Women especially tend to take on too much and should learn to start putting themselves 1st. I teach clients and students in my classes how change their way of thinking, still providing the nurturing care and love for their families and commitment



to work, but by learning to place their health and wellbeing 1st, they’ll be in a better position to honor their responsibilities in other areas. My suggestions are simple and I have 2 mottos: 1. “If I can do it, so can you!” 2. “KISMIF” (“Keep it simple, make it fun!”) The way I conquered my health, nutrition and weight loss battle, I first organized my kitchen. I cleared my cabinets of all junk food that would temp my cravings for bad eating habits. Once I cleared my cabinets, I replaced all the processed & canned food for fresh veggies, fruits, brown rice, sweet potatoes, lean meats, etc. I then decided on a plan of action for exercise. I knew it had to be something I could be consistent with, according work, home life, etc. So, I joined local a Curves, which allowed me to bring in my young son, while I worked out.

cup complex carbs) • Don’t eat fruit past 2-3 pm (don’t over indulge on fruit intake, its still sugar!) • Eat 5-6 balanced meals a day (every 2-3 hours) • Drink plenty of PLAIN water every day (half your BODY weight in ounces, can add fresh lemon wedges, fruit etc) • Weight train 3 days/week (higher reps, low-med weight) and cardio 4-5 days/week (30-45 min, include interval training) • REST (8-10 hours sleep per day) AND YOU’LL REACH YOUR GOALS! By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Benjamin Franklin Get, FIT 4 LIFE!! n Tabatha “Gigi” Gatson-Washington (Fit Mom/Grandma, Wife, Clinical Laboratory Scientist, Certified Personal Trainer, Professional Figure/Fitness Competitor)

Once I had my exercise POA, I was consistent. I scheduled it like my job. I knew it wouldn’t work, unless I showed up. The same for eating healthy, unless the effort is placed into making the choice, the results won’t be gained. Lastly, don’t overwhelm with too much information! Every few months, there’s another news reel of a new way to lose 5lbs, completely different from the last months report! RECAP • Stick to the basics, healthy carbs, lean proteins, fresh veggies (Use a Salad plate, should have 4 oz meat, 1-2 cups veggies, ¼- ½



r e b m e M

t o sp

Shantina Reece is a motivator, an encourager, and a true lover of people. She knows that her purpose in life is to help others seek out their divine purpose. Shantina is originally from Detroit, Michigan. She moved to Los Angeles, California when she was eight years old. Shantina grew up in a single parent household as an only child. She and her mother didn’t have an


[Reece] shantina



easy life in Los Angeles but in spite of their trials and tribulations, they made their life work. Shantina pulled herself up by the boot straps and found purpose in her life. With hard work, a lot of focus and perseverance, Shantina graduated from high school and was able to escape the tough streets of South Central LA. She moved to lovely Atlanta, Ga. in 1993 where she attended Morris Brown College. Shantina studied Information Technology but that area of study was not very fulfilling for her. That’s when she decided to pursue her long felt passion for people. Shantina started a support group organization called Dinner and Discussion. She was able to delve deeper into her call to help others in need. From this she birthed her first self published book titled Living Each Day On Purpose. This book is a must read for those who truly believe that words can heal. You can find her book at For book inquiries visit ShantinaReece@ Being a woman with many interests, Shantina took her love for natural hair on a journey to the YouTube community where she’s been able to continue to help others embrace their natural hair. She has now become a Natural Hair Care Vlogger. You can find Shantina and loads of natural hair care information at SimplyDivineCurls – YouTube. Shantina is embracing her life and embracing her dream! What led you to join Classy Living Society and how did you learn about the organization? I learned about CLS from LaShanda. I saw her passion for people and I knew that I would want to align myself with someone who shared the same passion for others in the way that I do. You’re the author of “Living Each Day On Purpose”. What motivated you to write this book and do you plan to write another one? I wrote Living Each Day On Purpose during a very low point in my life. I was going through a divorce, on the verge of losing the home I’d been in for over ten years, and had major emergency surgery that almost claimed my life. I knew there had to be a purpose for all the things that were going on in my life. So one day in the wee hours of the morning, God woke me up and told me to start writing positive affirmations. I started writing and

before I knew it, words were flowing out of my heart on to the paper. This turned into my book…Living Each Day On Purpose. What is your favorite quote and why? My favorite quote is one I wrote…”Stay focused and keep moving forward in a positive direction, forsaking all negativity that tries to invade your atmosphere”. I love this quote because it’s a daily reminder that a positive state of mind will take you a long way in life. Tell us about the creation of Simply Divine Curls? Simply Divine Curls was created because of my love for natural hair care and wanting to help others who are on the journey toward natural, healthy hair. So I created a YouTube channel because I wanted to reach the world and make a difference. How did you become interested in the natural hair movement? I started getting involved with the natural hair movement because I truly believe that your natural hair is your most precious crown and glory. Anything I can do to help others embrace their natural hair I’m going to do. I believe that we all should embrace that natural, beautiful you! What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your business so far and how did you overcome it? The biggest challenge in my business was reaching those who were in need of my services. I overcame this by being consistent and resilient. I also broadened my knowledge of the media and now I am on the upward path to success.

What would people be surprised to know about you? People are always surprised when I tell them I was homeless for two years. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned in the past five years?



Positive... Purposeful... Positive! The most important thing I learned is that a positive attitude will get you further in life. And that purpose is something we all come here with…you just have to seek within to unlock what God has already placed in you. Three words to best describe you are… Passionate…Purposeful…Positive! Where do you see yourself in the next five years? In five years I see myself with another self published book, over 500k subscribers on YouTube, married to the love of my life, travelling, and of course financially stable. What do you do in your spare time? I have NO spare time! All of my time is allocated to something or someone. Even as I am writing this, I am also editing another hair tutorial for my YouTube channel. What’s the best career advice you can offer someone? The best career advice I can give is to know your worth and never be afraid of growth and change. What do you enjoy most about being part of Classy Living Society? I love the unity of like-minded women on a mission to change the world. Oh yeah…and all the cool member events! #CLSROCKS!



Shantina knows that Classy Living Society is the right fit for her because it goes with her brand of Living Each Day On Purpose. CLS is allowing her to fulfill her passion and purpose of continuing to help and uplift others, especially during the dark times in their lives. She wants to encourage them and make sure they know that “this too shall pass because we are more than conquerors”. Shantina believes that we were born to be victorious on our journey to peace, passion and purpose. She plans to continue to grow with CLS and to be that foot soldier for the community. She wants others to know that Classy Living Society is a place of likeminded, motivated, beautiful women who are ready to change the world one life at a time. n Avis Pitts

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HOME Living the life of luxury like a queen in a modern space, lighter hues and gold tones with a twist of Hollywood glam to set the mood. Specializing in Luxury Interior design with a luxury home décor brand for the everyday lover of fine arts. EST. 2001 THE FIRM, was founded in New York City by Entrepreneur and creative genius LaToya S. Parker a native of New York with the desire to turn her passion for the love of “THE ART OF LIFESTYLES” into a household brand of the future. OPULENT AMBIANCE INTERIORS DESIGN FIRM LLC. CONQUERING SMALLER SPACES Just because you have a quint living space doesn’t mean that you can’t live a fabulous lifestyle of luxury. Choosing a sofa with clean lines in a light color while keeping other



UPCOMING EVENTS CLS Pop-Up Fundraising Boutique October 17, 2015

Red Dress Gala November 8, 2015

Quarterly Member Mixer (Member Only) 1st Quarter 2016

CGA Award Ceremony 1st Quarter 2016

Classy Fundraising Brunch 2nd Quarter 2016

Quarterly Member Mixer (Member Only) 2nd Quarter 2016

furnishings at a minimum are the keys to conquering a smaller space. A classic color scheme exudes elegance and opulence in the space. This is the perfect look for a small living room –clean, uncluttered with neutral gold tones and transitional furnishings. Its Hollywood glam style appears to be fun, chic and still leaves the room with an eclectic feel of opulence. INSPIRING LUXURY HOME DÉCOR Designing your space with the proper accessories can be intimidating. What makes a space stand out? Finding inspiring home décor can be overwhelming at first. Artwork, textiles, even a pair of shoes or three piece suit can all be examples of inspiration when designing your space! Royal embroidered wallpapers paired with fun sofa pillows and Hollywood lighting sets the tone for a opulent lifestyle! n LaToya S. Parker

THE CLASSY LIVING SOCIETY NEEDS YOUR HELP. As we work diligently to make a difference in the lives of others within the Atlanta, Georgia area, we are asking to find it in your hearts to donate to the movement. CLS’s continues to push forward in an effort to help those within our communities which are less fortunate and are in need of a helping hand. Your donations will allow for our “Foot Soldiers” to give back to others who otherwise would be neglected. By partnering with CLS and making a donation, you are taking a stand and helping to make a difference! Go ahead... make a difference today and let your actions speak volumes and please remember that no donation is too small.





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