Clil didactic unit music please dont stop the music 1

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SESSION 1 : Introduction ACTIVITY 1 This activity uses samples of world music available from the BBC and helps students identify where different styles of music come from. Cut up the country/region names and tell students to find them on a map. The music is from these places/cultures: 





Native American

North Africa

Mexico Procedure 1. Give students in groups a world map and the worksheet, cut up and tell them to put the place names on the map. The teacher may need to help them if their knowledge of geography is limited.

2. Tell pupils that they are going to listen to some music from these places and ask if they know anything about it, e.g. types of instruments used, rhythm, etc depending on their knowledge of musical terms. 3. Play the samples one at a time and after each one ask pupils to guess where each one comes from. Ask pupils what instruments they can hear in each sample and other characteristics of the music. Help with unknown vocabulary. Then play the sample again. 4. Play the samples again, in random order and ask pupils to say where it is from.

ACTIVITY 2 In this activity, we intent that our students start to relate the English musical notes and their names. Firstly, we are going to give them a document with the table below so that students read it and get use to the terminology. Afterwards, we will play a little game in which students will have to guess some sentences by decoding musical note.

Eighth note Treble clef

Dotted quarter note

Sharp Whole note

Coda sign Forte

Repeat sign

Alto clef

Half note


Tie Stave Natural

Bass clef




Half note rest

Quarter note Whole bar rest Triplet

Quarter note rest

Crescendo Eighth note rest

Time sign

2.1 Table used for decoding the sentences. Sentences to decode: -

Welcome to the music world!


Without music, life would be a mistake Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent. Where words leave off, music begins. Music is the strongest form of magic. Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.


SESSION 2: The power of music ACTIVITY 1 In this activity, we will ask our students to draw whatever comes to their mind while they listen to some tracks. Then, they will have to write the feelings that the music makes them feel. These are the tracks that we intent to play during this activity : 

Track 1 : Celtic tribal music- Dryad’s tree

Track 2 : Ancient Arabic music- ‘Petra’

Track 3 : Yiruma- ‘River flows in you’

Track 4 : Bruno Mars- ‘The Lazy Song’

Track 5 : Metallica- ‘Nothing else matters’

Then, in pairs, students will have to compare with their partners what they have written and drawn. Is there any difference? They will have to explain the reasons why they have chosen the colours, shapes and words to describe and portrait the music. Finally, they will have to discuss in pairs the following questions: -

What would life be without music? How important is it in your life?


Do you think that media use music in the advertisements to manipulate us?


Do you think that music can change our mood, the way we feel?


What musical genres do you really hate?


What kind of music do you like to listen the most?


How has your opinion of ¡good music’ changed over your lifetime? Is there a particular kind of music that you liked years ago that you would not like now?

After having discuss them in pairs, students will share their opinions with the rest of the class.

ACTIVITY 2 Students will do a debate in which they will discuss if they are in favour or against the following topics, giving proper arguments:

SESSION 3: Evaluation FINAL TASK EXPLANATION Students will have to create a presentation about the traditional music of a country whose official language is English. The presentation aims to present the most relevant data about the music of this country. After that, the groups that were previously formed by the teacher (during the first sessions), will have to create and perform a short composition that reflects the music of the country they have chosen. The composition will last minimum 30 seconds, and any instrument can be used. Lyrics can also be included. Creativity, effort and involvement will be rewarded in the final mark. Students will also have to repeat the second activity that they did during the first lesson, but now without the document in front of them so that the teacher can check their understanding and if they have learnt the musical notes and their names.

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