Innovative Vocation
Building Citizens
Mega Events
Generation of Richness and Social Capital
• The Agora
• Inauguration
• Satellite Launching
• Biking to Greatness
• Public Art
• Innovamoda
• Cultural Program
• Culinary Battle
• National Lottery
• Postal Stamp
• Guiness Caesar
• Meditation for Peace
• Binational Region
• Fighting Breast
• Mosaico Tijuana
• Closing Ceremony
General Vision
From Tijuana to the World and From the World to Tijuana
• Speakers
• Industrial
• Creativity
• Humanism
• Business Forum
Some Numbers
A National Model
• I’m from Tijuana • SD/TJ Stronger
Sponsors. Socially Responsible Investment • Pavilions and
• Press Conferences • Distrito Federal
• Media • Web and Social Nets
• Tijuana • San Diego • Tijuana Innovadora
• Gala Dinners
Formation, Education and Leadership
• Strategic Design Pavillion
born in...
• Pa’ Bailar Tijuana
Colectivo Tijuana Innovadora
• Art in Industrial Facilities • Donated Public Art
• Managers
• Tijuanizando México
• Recycling
• Staff/Volunteers
• Casa de las Ideas
• Time Capsule
• Credits/2012 Memoir
he period 2007-2010 was very difficult
valve to be implanted in his heart, like all
because of the aggressions that
others around the world, are designed and
shocked our city. Tijuana’s image was
manufactured in Tijuana.
seriously damaged with the sudden large amount of information about this
While having dinner with friends he shared
insecurity. Benefits, opportunities and
how proud he was to know that Tijuana
strengths were little known worldwide,
was “in the heart” of so many people. At
even for people from Tijuana.
dinner that night were Jack Winer (architect and sculptor of El Histrión, a sculpture
Upon this climate of social depression, a
located in the fountain of the museum
businessman of the region by the name of
known as CECUT), Alejandro Bustamante
José Galicot (creator of the projects: Imagen
(Director of Plantronics), and Tomás Perrín
de Tijuana and Por Amor a Tijuana), had to
(a marketing consultant), and they shared
undergo an urgent heart valve replacement.
information about other products that were
While discussing the details of the surgery
designed, manufactured, assembled and
with his physician he learned that the
exported from Tijuana to the world.
It was then that Mr. Galicot decided it was the perfect time to showcase achievements of our City to the nation and the world. We had to show that in the heart of our City the hardworking and innovative energy of its citizens was very much still flowing and leading the city to achieve the first places fields such as science, art, education and technology.
We had to show that in the heart of our City the hardworking and innovative energy of its citizens was very much still flowing.
BUILDING CITIZENS What makes Tijuana Innovadora different from any seminar, symposium, festival, or fair? Why is it said that Tijuana Innovadora is a national model to be followed? hat makes Tijuana Innovadora dif-
aged to include the harmonious and com-
ferent from any conference, seminar
prehensive participation of: private sector, fed-
or symposium? Why is it said that Tijuana
eral, state and county governments, regional
Innovadora has become a national model?
and national media, professionals in diverse areas and disciplines, non profit organiza-
Tijuana Innovadora is an innovative and phil-
tions, as well as students and residents in the
anthropic movement created by the business
city and its surroundings, the only objective of
sector that manages to integrate an active
which was: Tijuana.
and committed community. With the motto “The only protagonist is Tijuana”, people born in, and adopted by the
Together, we reclaimed our dignity, deepened our sense of belonging and created active and engaged citizens.
city have reclaimed and demonstrated at a local and national level the reality of the city’s
During this process, Tijuana Innovadora becomes
economic, creative and innovative status –
a movement stimulated by the radical change
challenging the media message of devasta-
in the collective state of mind of hundreds
tion and defenselessness of our city-.
of participant and volunteers, redefining their objectives in a dynamic relating to the city and
In its first edition Tijuana Innovadora man6
its residents.
We were able to attract the attention beyond the border, making them curious to precisely investigate what is happening in Tijuana. Upon learning of the movement, several organizations, projects and collective groups seeking to build a better community began to focus on social relations, economic investment, promotion of values, regional careers, taking over public spaces, collaborative work, as well as the search of innovative proposals in fields such as science, art and culture. These projects were not only created or strengthened, they were furthered by the people of the city and in some cases, the State of Baja California took part in them. In the second edition we were looking to complete and enrich the original idea. The volunteering managers made their proposals and Tijuana Innovadora was planned with three general objectives: strengthen the binational relationship; stimulate the creation of new and innovative careers; and continue sharing at a national level the experience and methodology acquired by Tijuana Innovadora. All this under the same precept: Bound for greatness. 7
GENERATION OF RICHNESS AND SOCIAL CAPITAL Why do we say that Tijuana Innovadora stopped being an event and became a movement?
Comité Binacional (Bi-national Committee),
the community have met
Innovación y Juventud (Innovation and Youth)
every Wednesdaymorning
– the main purpose of which was to give new
from 8:00 to 9:00 to share
life and keep these new social, economic,
updates in our tasks, as well as the
educational, environmental and cultural
achievements of different organizations,
forum dynamic for our citizens.
collective projects, institutions and individuals that pursue goals common with
This empowering process through constant,
Tijuana Innovadora: to further the sense of
cooperative, joint and volunteer work
belonging, generate economical growth,
uring the intermediate period between
resulted in a series of proactive attitudes
cause positive and sustainable effects in the
the first (October 2012) and second
and conducts. Under the precept “Yes we
environment, facilitate access to knowledge,
(October 2012) editions of Tijuana Innovadora,
can!”, Tijuana’s citizens looked to generate
abilities and skills; as well as strengthen
the organization worked through committees
economic and social development. For
our capabilities to live in solidarity,
– De Voluntarios a Lideres (From Volunteers
two years, with our founder Jose Galicot as
with respect and among friends. This
to Leaders), Tijuana Verde (A Greener Tijuana),
host, Tijuana Innovadora and people from
is the result of that effort.
Discipline is the spirit of any army, it makes small numbers formidable, procures success to the weak, and esteem to all. - George Washington.
Every Wednesday from 8:00 – 9:00 am at CANACO, in the Zona Rio area in Tijuana, Tijuana Innovadora invites everyone from the city to hear about the committees’ up-dates and the organization’s agenda, as well as to exchange information about the achievements of different innovators. In the Agora, as we lovingly refer to it, the doors are always open to any curious or interested person that wants to join the Tijuana Innovadora Movement, if and when they shout with us: Yes we can!
he greatest effort, example and pride of Tijuana Innovadora has been the
volunteer work of business men, academics and students: hundreds of women and men of all economic, educational, social and cultural levels responded willingly and consciously to a crisis situation in our city was living, helping it to recuperate the spirit of our region and enriching the meaning of the word community.
What is Tijuana Innovadora’s greatest example and what it is most proud of? It is the hard work of each of its volunteer what has kept Tijuana Innovadora strong and has allowed its progress. The crises is now behind us, but there are still many challenges our city has to face, it’s necessary that we actively and in an organized fashion transcend our daily routine, with the conviction that our contribution is not only useful but indispensible, that it reflects our humanitarian spirit, that we receive much more than what we give; it is a stimulating task, undertaken by many friends, that is also highly rewarding.
Leyva photography 19
Find the differences
Industrial Chemistry
Preschool Teacher
Technical High School- Accounting
Cyber-Electronic Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Computer Science Engineering
Management Processing
International Commerce
Arts and Communication – Telemedia
Educational Psychology
Industrial Maintenance
Hispanic Literature/Literature
Chemical Engineer
Digital Graphic Design
Computer Science Engineering
Industrial Electro-mechanics
Elementary and Middle Education
Computer Programming
Commerce and Foreign Commerce
Administration and Political Science
Customs Processing
Computer Science
Mechatronic Engineering
Computer Science
Public Administration
Tourism and Marketing
Mechanical Engineering
Chemistry Sciences and Engineering
Information Technologies
International Relations
Industrial Engineering
Economics and International Relations
Public Administration and Accounting
High School or similar
Generals, without defining
Business Administration and others
Instituto México
Instituto Cuauhtémoc
Inst. Tecn de Monterrey
Colegio Anglo Español
Normal Fronteriza de Tijuana
Southwestern College
No estudia
Preparatoria Federal Lázaro Cárdenas
GENERAL VISION Creativity • Tijuana Verde • Education • Cinematography • Medical Excellence • Citizen Participation • Media • Strategic Design • Culinary Art
Industrial • Electronics • Automotive • Energy • Organizational Excellence • Medical Industry • Aerospace • Science and Technology
Humanism • Leaders and Entrepreneurs • Humanism • Economy • Digital City • Philanthropy • Innovation Greatness • Metropolitan Development Planning
, ora ed d a ov ish nn mpl he I a t , o ce an ss cc Tiju ted a acro scien , ion , invi from itics, he rs t nd er e s ol t v Bord alitie of p aken na a of s a fir nt aw on iju ality lds its ellige pers e fie e to m T re n r ity” I th Int us ltu le fro daily “real n o i u e r Th am erts nd c eop the be er Al p p a df m m n o o an d, ex , art f the r n – f the s e win , and rl o d l wo catio e – z e r h i c wo t wit e Pr Ston es; u l c s ed scien the ea Biz y Wa an tra t n of on bel P itter en co rest c m sm zem t n o w i m s T i , N e f J o th ine ama grea rity dia. ia er us e cu ed d se e m ound ikip nd b nce, ha . f y e a W t es th i s e f f o th ing r pre the c lleng gs, ro ; K e e r i d d din ha ia he Go foun Larry h t howe nd c roun med g t t i e s r i a l th nal u , w s, s kin s a n r e ss tie ea lim jou os S renc rtuni nd it natio y, sp st rl fir cit po nfe a a and Ca ur r the co s, op juan l o a d ion h to an ngth , fo f Ti s o e reg roac uana e t r t n j s e th app r Ti sid l as ir ou e. Re l e f e h o t w im as ched good ng t i o r l e en ut th very o ab na ei tim
F 22
he na ss, t . a u e s Tij atn tiou i n, e r b s, o iti or g am ock d l ht e d f ore s, b oug d n n c s m pi u o e s lysi s o ec , bo ven t w s a nt s e n ra s e e th th ado itie m a eme f a v o i n w I v n ct ru l uir no nge ctio d a te fo req iona In e n l e l l a a e g a e b re e es t th ch he s nc he d bou new ural t e r t n I , lt e h� to als a the nf cu has gers f g o f d s n c o i e a o n r r s “ n a p so b ro and to ial this r ma ittee e p c d o m n ee mm n th an de ic, s es. I nt o d u g he l c co ed an nom tan vo nd n t ngin d , i e y o s c a h t o ec um e ci ers de ngt bel rting c e ra f h b o cir ut t em ado : str e o pp ; s u s o v s n m e b rs e a no iti d nd cto nge ar a In rior nd s a o e a g b s n gp ch ea tin nt ua Tij owin prid cas fere d ex vide ific, t d l o n if ll fo iona broa of d nt a s pr cien g a s e g in s h l l, re ug vitie estm wel ica mm new , ro i h s a t v h r p ut a ies t c in so og abo enc s, r e a ote o e l p h i , t ss h d ts nd om ine al, p te the an cep l s pr c a i c u n i h at n b et co tio nric s th om sth in d a n e n n e o rn ec stic, ge a inte and ratio heir t i d e t d e g t firs dly te n ar wl l an pda ) ge ldin n s, o ui on seco kn iona to u rent i b t e a t r r t r d u c nd d na rde pe s, an tal a d c an o x n in (a ng nd e izen c, vi w i ldi ne bui on a s cit am i n a t e y ar cep em a d r h pe ut t a as y. o n b cit a ua Tij ative f o ov inn
Paola Antonelli
Steve Berlin Johnson
Richard A. Boucher
Maurizio Corbi
Phillipe P. Cousteau
Wolfgang Flur
Richard Florida
Arturo Elías Ayub
Denise Dresser
Katherine Grigsby
Charlie Iturriaga
Eduardo Verástegui
Carlos Kasuga
Natalie Jeremijenko
Martin Krammer
Anand Mahindra
Blake Mycoskie
Richard Stallman
Ada Yonath
Steve Wozniak
Alejandro Ramírez
Enrique Norten
Silvia Torres-Peimbert
Claudio X. González
Carlo Ratti
Richard Yelland
Andrés Madrigal
Carlos Alazraky
Esra’a Al-Shafei
Raul Alcalá
Chris Anderson
Ricardo Arnaiz
Pedro Aspe
Mónica Aspe
Carolina Aubanel
Patricia Aubanel
Alan Bersin
Martin Borchardt
Lourdes Botello
Salvador Camarena
Iván Carrillo
Edoardo Chavarín
Salomón Chertorivski
Mily Cohen
Gabriela Enrigue
Maricarmen Flores
Jorge Garralda
Rick Goings
Federico Graef
Tonatiuh Guillén
Doug Jones
Robert Kaplan
Scott Kirsner
Pablo Latapí
Jeff Light
Amy Lyman
Viviana Martínez Moreno
Adela Navarro
Carlos Puig
Sarah Reinertsen
Liebano Saénz
Ezra Shabot
Yuriria Sierra
Armando Talamantes
Gabriela Warketin
Gianfranco Zaccai
Sharon Zaga
Sam Zien
Michel Rojkind
Carlos Sánchez
Ximena Valero
Enrique Villa Rivera
David Abeles
Maria Eugenia Acevedo
Luis Aguirre Lang
Francisco Javier Allard
Horacio Almanza
Miguel Ángel Alonso
Mario Anguiano
Rodrigo Arboleda
Rodolfo Argote
Claudio Arriola
Jorge Arroyo
Aaron D. Bare
Claudio Bartolini
Mark Baydarian
Felipe Bayón
Guillermo Bernal
Enrique Betancourt
Moritz Bilagher
Luis Ricardo Bonilla
Miguel Ángel Cadena
Claudia Calvin
Orlando Camacho
Jorge Camarillo
Jose R. Castillo
Jose Castillo
Derrik Chinn
Jae Chul Nam
David Cuartielles
Felipe Cuamea
Claudio Cossío
Joe da Rosa
David del Ser
Dale Dougherty
Hernando Durán
Michael Chu
José Luis Cordeiro
Margarita Díaz Lopez
Flavio Díaz Mirón
German Escorcia
Francisco Fernández Lagos
Raúl García
Rodolfo Gerschman
Jorge Ferráez
Ignacio Fimbres
Javier Firpo
Eric Frost
Marco Gallardo
Laura Gómez
Erika Gómez
Javier González
José Carlos González-Méndez
Graciela Guerra Rivas
Miguel Ángel Guerrero
José Miguel Guerrero Guerrero
Manuel Guevara
Martin Gutiérrez Lacayo
Carlos Guzmán Bofill
Rodolfo Ham-Zhu
Mark Hatch
Matt Hebert
H. Hendler
Áaron Hernández Vázquez
Juan Manuel Hernández Niebla
Luis Herrera-Lasso Mijares
H. Herrera
Kurt Honold
Gibrán Horemheb
Pascual Ibánez
Lourdes Ibáñez Aldana
Humberto Jaramillo
Richard Kay
Roberto Kobeh González
Kelly Koskella
Juan Pablo Kuri
Roland Kwemain
Michael P. Lasen
Armando León
Alexei Licea Navarro
David Livingstone Smith
Gloria López
Juan Antonio López Corvala
Jorge López Pérez
Yolanda Loria
Christina Anne Luhn
Nancy A. Marlin
Ana Laura Martínez
David Mayagoitia
Alejandro Maza
Kevin McGovern
Gastón Melo
Francisco Javier Mendieta
Maria Elena Miranda Pascual
Bruce Moore
Alejandro Mungaray Lagarda
Jordi Muñoz
Virgilio Muñoz
Alberto Núñez
Flavio Olivieri
Jorge Olmos Soto
Hernando Ortega
Ariel Ortiz Lagarde
Juan José Parceró Valdéz
Armando Pedrero
Rafael Peréz Hernández
Jesús Pérez
Eric Pilaud
Ismael Plascencia
Javier Plascencia
Alejandro Poiré
Halla Razak
Felix Recillas
Alfredo Renán González
Andrés Reyes Botello
Pablo Reyes Pruneda
Daniel Rubio
René y Uriel Salgado Velazco
Miguel Salinas Yáñez
Rodrigo Sánchez Ríos
Manuel Sandoval Ríos
Edgar San Juan
Martín San Román
Juan Sarracino Ruiz
Jason Short
Bob Slapin
Kit M. Song
Héctor Tajonar
Manuel Taméz
Jair Téllez Montaño
Ofelia Toledo Bacha Pineda
Marcela Valladolid
Martín G. Vázquez
Hugo Villa Smythe
George Whitesides
Cole Wilbur
Doretta Winkelman
Chris Yanov
Jorge Zavala
Carlos Zavala Ruiz
Arturo Zizumbo López
Albert Zlotnik
Tijuana Verde Education Cinematography Medical Excellence Citizen Participation Media Strategic Design Culinary Art
GREEN TIJUANA The CESPT has taken action to reuse water and to create a culture of conservancy like the “Arturo Herrera” plant, the InnovaCespt theme park, La Morita plant with an experimental vineyard, the infiltration project at Valle de las Palmas, systematization studies and a lower ecological cost among others. - Hernando Durán, CESPT.
Whoever solves the water problem wins two Noble
Baja California is the
Prizes: one for science and the other for peace.
aquarium of the world.
- Kevin McGovern, McGovern Capital LLC, quoting Kennedy.
- Phillipe Cousteau quoting his grandfather Jacques Cousteau.
...the production of the marine algae Aonori is a success because it’s comprised of 25% protein, 24% soluble fiber, and 27% minerals … in our farm in San Quintin, Baja California, the production cost is lower, because it requires sea water, and we have it just a couple of kilometers away. - Armando Leon Valladolid, Aonori Aquafarms.
Urban administration of water: examples and challenges.
Innovation to solve world problems concerning contaminated waters.
Iván Carrillo
Kevin McGovern
General editor of Quo magazine
Hernando Durán
General director of CESPT
Bruce Moore
Specialist in matters concerning water
Halla Razak
Director of programs for the Colorado River
Recovery of the Tijuana River: reconnecting the urban with the natural. Premier of the video “Tijuana Río Conecta” (Tijuana River Connects)
President of The Water Initiative
Martín Gutiérrez Lacayo Director of PRONATURA
Hernando Durán CESPT
Virgilio Muñoz
Director of the Centro Cultural Tijuana
With the project: Restoration of the Tijuana River, it is expected to obtain various species of trees like willows, aspens, and oaks, as well as flowers and birds in a variety of over 100 species that for a while now have not been seen along the Tijuana River and that will return to their original site. - Gutierrez Lacayo, Pronatura.
…1200 million people in the world do not have access to water … due to the lack of access to the precious resource 7 thousand children die … half of the hospital beds in the world are occupied by cases related to lack of water. - Kevin McGovern, McGovern Capital LLC.
We have published several articles in collaboration with the region, Tijuana-San Diego...Oasis Marino, its our emblematic film. - Doretta Winkelman, SDNHM.
What changes the planet is conscience, and what changes conscience is education. - Margarita Díaz, Proyecto Fronterizo de Educación Ambiental A.C.
We have been relying on one single source of water, and that is the big problem. - Halla Razak, SDCWA.
We are all connected to the Colorado River. - Bruce Moore, SNWA.
Environmental education without borders
Aonori Aquafarms, a sustainable company on the brink of conquering global markets
Margarita Díaz López
Director of Proyecto Fronterizo de Educación Ambiental A.C.
Carlos de la Parra
Forging a sustainable world for the XXI century Philippe Cousteau
Armando A. León
President and General Director of Aonori Aquafarms
Environmentalist, Explorer, Social Entrepreneur, and Defender of the Environment
Environmental specialists, COLEF
Doretta Winkelman
Director of Binational Education, San Diego Natural History Museum
Managers: Carlos de la Parra. Hernando Durán. Gastón Luken. Patricia Saharagui Ruiz.
EDUCATION Good grades do not guarantee a good employment. Critical thinking and collaboration is what we need our youth to learn. - Javier Firpo, Khan Academy.
Latin America is generating, participating and contributing 3.5% of the world’s knowledge, the United States contributes 25%, and China collaborates with 17%, these numbers are proportional to the development of those regions and show the close relation between knowledge and the evolution of societies. - Enrique Villa, Conacyt.
That all programs are free, so that all users are free … Free software is a matter of Human Rights. - Richard Stallman, Fundación Software Libre.
Memory is part of our existence and the societies of knowledge find themselves upon the challenge of recovering it notwithstanding the incessant production of digital documents. - Katherine Grigsby, UNESCO.
Education and Innovation
All knowledge, all people
Germán Escorcia Saldarriaga
Felipe Cuamea Velázquez
Nancy A. Marlin
Katherine Grigsby
Ezra Shabot
Tonatiuh Guillén López
Enrique Villa
President, International Academy of Science and Technology-AiTyC
Moritz Bilagher
Regional UNESCO Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
Javier Firpo
Director of Education for Latin America, INTEL
Richard Yelland
Chief of Division in the Education and Infrastructure Department of the Organization for Cooperation and Economic Development
Dean of the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California 2011-2015 Director and representative of UNESCO México President of COLEF
Dean, San Diego State University Newspaper, MVS Radio Director of CONACyT
The challenge of institutions like to keep generating quality knowledge and making it available to everyone. And that the access be universal.” - Tonatiuh Guillén, COLEF.
...during three decades of educational investment it has not been possible to place the knowledge of students at the speed with which it is generated...the role of a teacher is fundamental. - Nancy A. Marlín, SDSU.
Children are in school but they are not learning, this is erosion. - Moritz Bilagher, UNESCO.
...there is a paradox because those most educated, represent a majority in the unemployed rate. - Dinorah Miller.
...high performance teachers, produce high performance leadership, the classroom climate, the classroom strategy, and the parents are four fundamental areas for quality. - Richard Yelland, OCDE.
Education system has focused in developing the cognitive aspect of the students, nevertheless, the moral aspect, artistic, civic, and physical aspects, have been set aside, and abandoned by teachers, thus the provisions of article 3 of the Constitution are not being complied with. - Gilberto Guevara, CIEYAPA, AC.
...3.5% of knowledge at a worldwide level in contributed by countries that conform Latin America, which leaves them at a disadvantage, since as of 2020 knowledge will be renewed every 27 days, as oppose to today, when it is renewed every five years.
The priority of national education has to be educating the poor - Roger Díaz de Cossío, UNAM.
- Felipe Cuamea Velázquez, UABC.
Educate, a verb in al tenses
Free software and your liberty
Roger Díaz de Cossío
Richard Stallman
Systems Engineering Coordinator, Engineering Institute, UNAM
President of the Free Software Foundation
Gilberto Guevara
Specialist in Education
Gastón Melo
President of Espacio de Vinculación A.C.
Dinorah Miller
Academic and Researcher
Manager: Márgara de León.
CINEMATOGRAPHY Mexico is becoming an economy based on efficient production... nevertheless, we register a patent for every five million people, and this depends of the quality of the education. - Alejandro Ramírez, Cinépolis.
Every time the film entrepreneurs have decided to set aside their fear and resistance to innovation, the film industry has grown. - Scott Kirsner, researcher.
...there is a very powerful weapon to further creativity, and it is the Internet...we must search for new things and not cease to learn. - Erika Gomez, Twitter.
There is a very strong interest to make films in Baja California, and that has it all to achieve it. - Maria Estela Fernandez, custom designer.
...I came to Tijuana to write the movie ‘Norteando’...the city hugged me and I was able to show an image of Tijuana to the, the people form Tijuana identify allot with the movie. - Edgar San Juan, moviemaker. Mexico needs personnel crossing the border to generate and train production staff...I am not worried about investing money in someone that is going to remain with us for a very long time. - Kelly Koskella, Hollywood Rentals.
Technology in film, a story of mistrust
Creativity and cinema art of Baja California
Scott Kirsner
René Castillo
Writer, journalist and Movie Critic.
Film and television promoter
María Estela Fernández
Innovation and the future of the experience of the audience in movie theatres Alejandro Ramírez Magaña President of Cinepolis.
Custom Designer
Erika Gómez
Graphic Designer
Marco Niro
Art Director and Production Designer
Josué Palos
Graphic Designer
Edgar San Juan
Producer and Director
We have to watch films that increases human dignity. - Eduardo Verástegui, Metanoia Films.
...the simpler the mechanism for the return of the incentive, the more likely they will return to the country for a new production. - Doug Jones.
...we have to educate professionals for the film industry in Baja California. - Hugo Villa, IMCINE.
This sate awaits important investment projects in cinematography and a television series that will film for one year, 150 million dollars will be invested in these projects and cause a great economical spill. - Kurt Honold, Baja Estudios.
...we must incentivize producers to come to Baja California, not only from the United States, but also from the center of the country. - José Larroque, Baker & McKenzie.
México: competitiveness and foreign productions
“Little Boy” – Made in Baja California Eduardo Verástegui
Kurt Honold
Actor and Producer
Director, Baja Estudios
Doug Jones Film Producer
Kelly Koskella
President Hollywood Rentals
José Larroque
Attorney, Partner at Baker & McKenzie
Hugo Villa Smythe
Mexican Institute of Cinematography
Managers: Carlos Carrillo. René Castillo.
MEDICAL EXCELLENCE At the UABC there are research projects in diabetes and hypertension. Drug and HIV problems are being addressed bi-nationally. Likewise, treatments for ulcers and diabetes with silver nano-particles are being undertaken.
Genomic, through sciences like molecular biology, biochemistry or computer science, among many other fields of investigation, allows us to foresee the conduct and forms of treatment of various illnesses … Baja California is the ideal place for the development of biotechnology.
- Alfredo Renán, UABC.
- Albert Zlotnik, UC Irvine.
...this border is also the home to the courses in ATLS and ACLS for graduates –or about to graduate- and physicians, and it’s practiced in the best local hospitals; this causes Tijuana to have the best hospitals, with physicians licensed and relicensed for up to four times, thus the quality of the service is the most adequate.” - Rigoberto Pallares Aceves, Hospital Ángeles Tijuana.
If we join robotic, the diagnosis capability, bionic, genome medicine, progenitor cells, and we align them effectively, we are talking about reaching the one hundred years of life expectancy within the next ten years. - Salomon Chertorivski, Ministry of Health.
In the city there exist only two duly
Uncontrolled diabetics and people with high
certified hospitals.
blood pressure affect the world’s health.
- Carlos Zavala Ruiz, Ángeles Health International.
- José Antonio Hurtado, Universidad Xochicalco.
65% of infants that receive medical attention at Shriners Hospitals have no type of medical insurance...10% are from Mexico...of the children of Baja California, 50% are from Tijuana... - Kit M. Song, Shriners Hospitals for Children.
Training of education of professionals in the field of health
Certification process in patient health and security services
Values of Tijuana residents
Lourdes Botello
Pablo Barragán
Research and Teaching Director at the National Institute of Geriatrics
Miguel Ángel Cadena
Rigoberto Pallares Aceves
Director of the Training Center of Minimum Invasive Surgery in Tijuana
Alfredo Renán González
Rodrigo Robledo Silva
José Antonio Hurtado
Carlos Zavala Ruiz
Flor Ma. Guadalupe Ávila Fematt General Editor of the magazine Balance Chief of the Health Science Center of the UABC, Valle de la Palmas Campus Director of the School of Medicine and Psychology of the UABC Tijuana Director of the School of Medicine of the Centro de Estudios Universitarios Xochicalco
TV Azteca and Milenio Internal medicine, member of the Investigation Committee of Hospital Ángeles Tijuana Head of the Medical Arbitration Committee of B.C. Business Development Director of Angeles Health International
Juan Antonio López Corvalá Juan José Parcero Valdés
Cardiac Surgeon, Principal Researcher of the Regenerative Medicine Research Institute
Sergio René Salgado Peraza
Chief of President Barack Obama’s Office for the control of Malaria in Africa
When a life is saved, Humanity is saved. - Sergio Rene Salgado Peraza, Office of President Barack Obama.
With the transplant of stem cells, it is possible to regenerate areas in the heart that are damaged and to have it recover 100% of its function. The patient can recuperate his normal life and considerably extend his life expectancy. - Juan Jose Parcero, Institute of Regenerative Medicine.
...we have 500 students distributed in the careers in medicine, odontology, psychology and nursing...Valle de las Palmas is a development area for doctors in Baja California. - Miguel Ángel Cadena, UABC.
We are developing mechanical prosthesis of arms and hands controlled by the brain, this technology is already on the market, there sale and maintenance could be less expensive in Mexico and the United States than their manufacturing in Europe and Asia. - Hernando Ortega, UNAM.
There is progress in genetic reprogramming for therapeutic purposes, the current bet on innovation for the great laboratories of the world that seek to develop medicines that correct deficiencies in the molecular structure of cancer producing cells or illnesses caused by genetic mutations. - Félix Recillas Targa, UNAM.
For 22 years I’ve been teaching surgeons in all the continent the surgical technique known as endoscopy...non aggressive surgery for our the last years I have trained doctors in the United States in the application of the gastric band...a method that fights obesity. - Juan Antonio Lopez Corvalá, Center for the Training of Minimum Invasive Surgery in Tijuana.
There exists in our country 10 million elderly people and the number will double. - Flor Maria Avila Fematt, National Institute of Geriatrics.
Tijuana occupies the forth place nationwide in offering the best medical practice in the country, which has caused the promotion of medical tourism and thus the arrival of patients and users of Southern California. - Rodrigo Robledo, State of Baja California.
Medicine of the future: Towards a greater life expectancy
Genomic influence Albert Zlotnik
Salomón Chertorivski
Mexican politician and economist
Gibrán Horemheb Rubio GBV-C/HIV Researcher
Professor of physiology and biophysics at UC Irvine
Shriners Hospital for Children: the largest philanthropy of the world
Hernando Ortega
Research Institute in Applied Mathematics and Systems (IIMAS) of the UNAM
Félix Recillas Targa
Genetic Molecular Researcher
Kit M. Song
Medical Director, Shriners Hospitals for Children
Manager: Javier López.
CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ...we want to be with those that do not have a voice, and I dedicate myself to voice or represent those who feel are not being represented, shake some consciences and plant a seed of permanent indignation, because I believe the good citizens are those that live in permanent indignation... - Denise Dresser, ITAM.
...the perspective started changing when three elements occurred: political will in the three levels of government; braking institutional paradigms when the army is involved in the oversight; and, over all, the citizens’ participation… - Carolina Aubanel, Síntesis TV.
Citizen participation in México
Democracy and media
Carolina Aubanel
Adrián Michel
Orlando Camacho
Alberto Nuñez Esteva
Rafael Liceága Campos
Gabriela Posada
Director of Síntesis TV
Director of Fundación México SOS Founder of Tijuana Opina
Congressman for the Distrito Federal
Denise Dresser
Political Science expert, writer y professor
President of Sociedad en Movimiento Reacciona Tijuana and Director of FGK Publicidad
Managers: Rafael Liceaga. Patricia San Román.
In 2009 phrases like “After all, Tijuana moves” were born, social activism that involves artists, publicists, environmentalists, have been replicated in cities like Medellin. - Gabriela Posada, Reacciona Tijuana.
Citizens’ committees, where neighbors take part and decide on the application of the budgets in their delegations. - Adrian Michel, Congressman.
...from Tijuana, I have two great examples: The Penal Reform that believe me, there is no better place where this law is being applied, and the coordination demonstrated by the citizens of Tijuana to face problems... - Orlando Camacho, S.O.S. México.
…what is needed to encourage education and citizen participation, because above government and its politicians, there’s the citizens first. - Alberto Núñez Esteva, Sociedad en Movimiento.
Tijuana Innovadora, the celebration of dignity. - Orlando Camacho, S.O.S. México.
MEDIA …The sources used by foreign media, are from police officer’s reports, press bulletins and the coverage of Mexican media. An exit could be that local media engross their information more with other realities of life in Tijuana. - Jeff Light, San Diego Union Tribune.
In Mexico, media has two challenges: its form and its basis. We must learn from research journalism and rescue journalism genres. We must push ourselves away from the government and get closer to society: return to the beginning of information. - Adela Navarro, ZETA.
To undertake an altruistic act, first we must shake off vanity, jealousy and start doing something seriously, I do it on television, because there is where I began working on journalism, and that is my tool. - Jorge Garralda, TV Azteca.
...what and how should not be confused...we can all bear witness to a story...that doesn’t make them all journalists, reporters or informants.... - Salvador Camarena, journalist.
The vision of Mexico abroad, as viewed through the media Martín Borchardt Host and Producer
Pedro Calderón
Social responsibility in the media
Interview “Pablo Vs Pablo”
Jorge Garralda
Pablo Barragán
Television journalist
How social nets interact
Host in Univisión San Diego
Jeff Light
Editor for the San Diego Union-Tribune
Jorge Camarillo Govea Business Thinking
TV Azteca and Milenio
Pablo Latapi
Journalist TV Azteca
New challenges in managing information
Laura Gómez Twitter
Manuel Taméz
Chief of Government Affairs and Public Policy for Mexico and Central America, Google Inc.
Adela Navarro
Co-director of Zeta newspaper
Society has been using another way to access information, the media has suffered a transformation since we have access to social nets, it has learned to transform and we are consuming information like never before, all though I don’t know how willing we are to pay for it. - Gabriela Warketing, communications expert. we will get to see a real competition, as oppose to what we were use to seeing in the past, the media that lacks content will end, and only those that do have content will service. - Carlos Puig, Milenio.
Tijuana is no longer the most dangerous
...unfortunately all these [perspectives]
border city of the country. It has managed
are not new, they are ideas that have been
to turn around, become an investment
dragged from decades ago.
city, infrastructure: a city that calls upon.
- Pedro Calderón, Univisión.
- Yuriria Sierra, Imagen.
Tijuana is like a woman that doesn’t know she’s beautiful, but she’s also not ugly; nevertheless she knows she has many qualities that enchant, she is very flirty and she’s hot. - Pablo Latapí. TV Azteca.
REDES SOCIALES Google+ is not called a
Facebook is a platform
58% of Facebook users
social net; it’s a tool to
that lets you know about
access it through a mobile
socialize and share ones
the activities of the people
device, in our country 38%
work, with all the services
we know, while Twitter is
of the population uses the
this engine has to offer.
an open platform.
social net.
- Manuel Taméz, Google Inc.
- Laura Gómez, Twitter.
- Jorge Camarillo Govea.
Innovation in social and community media Salvador Camarena Journalist
Carlos Puig Journalist
Yuriria Sierra
Journalist for Grupo Imagen
Gabriela Warketin
Communications expert
Managers: Pablo Barragán. Alejandra Santos.
STRATEGIC DESIGN to create is not actually a matter of sensibility, but of understanding what moves us to do what we are doing ‘that’ which motivates us... the result must also create an air of respect towards what exists... - Michel Rojkind, Rojkind Arquitectos.
to design a car not only do you have to have the ability to draw, but you have to be knowledgeable in aerodynamics, ergometry, mechanics, assembly, automobile, may take up to 6 years in development from when its first drawn and until it’s released to the market... - Carlos Sánchez, Italdesign-Giugiaro.
...scarcity was what lead me to design ‘transformable fashion’. - Ximena Valero, designer.
There is allot of environmental contamination...and we blame plastic residues; one of the solutions might be the recycling of polymers to create furniture as well as agro-industrial residues, like the residue of cane, that can be reused for this type of manufacturing, because it contains cellulose, an ideal material for it. - Arturo Zizumbo López, Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana (ITT).
Urban Design Tendencies of the XXI Century
Successful designers from Tijuana
The importance of design in economic development
Mary Carmen Flores Alejandro Hernández
Michel Rojkind
Automobile designer
Architecture critic and curator CEO of Rojkind Arquitectos
Carlos Sánchez Ximena Valero Fashion designer
Gianfranco Zaccai Industrial designer
The selection of furniture requires practical and esthetic factors, where it is necessary to consider its functionality, based on their size, form, dimension of spaces, distribution conditions. - Yolanda Loria, Muebles Dico.
...the furniture tradition of Baja California starts during the sixties and reaches it’s high point during the nineties, when this type of craftsmanship was in high demand. - Armando Pedrero.
Passion gave me the strength to do what ever it was necessary.
- Rivelino.
my work stands out due to the mathematical rigor in the designs, it goes beyond geometry...I have used this style in all I do: fashion design, industrial design, miniature transforming figures, architecture and, off course, in my sculptures... - Sebastián.
Art is the soul of Mexico. - Héctor Tajonar.
All persons want to be part of a community, they want to preserve traditions and that their local culture be respected, it is advisable to combine the global with the local. - Gianfranco Zaccai, Design Continuum.
Conferences by Sculptors
Furniture and home equipment design
Alma Bejarano
María Elena Miranda Pascual
Matt Hebert
Armando Pedrero
Héctor Tajonar
Yolanda Loria
Arturo Zizumbo López
Sculptor Sculptor
Regional director of Muebles DICO
Researcher and Professor
Owner of Authentic Furniture de México Specialist in Polymers
Manager: Alma Bejarano.
CULINARY ART As restaurant owners in Baja California we are making history.” - Javier Plascencia.
Traditional Mexican cuisine: Cultural Patrimony of Humanity. - Gloria Lopez, Mexican Gastronomic Culture Conservatory.
We have one of the best cocoa in the world, what’s wrong is we have very little of it. - José Ramón Castillo, ¡Qué Bo!.
I like to promote cooking as a cultural legacy for our children... - Ofelia Toledo, restaurant Yu Ne Nisa.
The quality of the food is simply an interaction between individuals and food. - Pascual Ibáñez, Escuela de los Sentidos.
In Mexico, gastronomic journalism has existed for a long time, nevertheless, it was limited to the review of a restaurant, now there are more gastronomic publications...the Association of Gastronomic Journalists has been founded to review and highlight national culinary art. - Rodolfo Gerschman.
Rescuing our gastronomy and history
Tijuana for the world
Grilled microphone: The kitchen can also make you famous
Luis Ricardo Bonilla Cazarín Ofelia Toledo Bacha Oaxaca Chef
José Ramón Castillo Chocolate Master
Rodolfo Gerschman
Javier González
Director of Culinary Art School
Miguel Ángel Guerrero Chef
Culinary editor and critic, wine columnist
Javier Plascencia
Ana Laura Martínez
Martín San Román
Gloria López Morales
Jair Téllez
Director of The Culinary Art School President of the Mexican Gastronomy Culture Conservatory
Specialist in Culinary Arts
Marcela Valladolid
Chef, Winner of Iron Chef
Sam Zien
“Sam, The Cooking Guy”
Chef Chef Chef
Manager: Maribel Moreno.
Cuisine in Baja California...does not dominate... it accompanies. - Javier González Vizcaíno, Culinary Art School.
The Baja Med concept developed because there did not exist a cuisine from Baja California, I defend it and live it, I believe it goes beyond than just contributing a cuisine to the region. - Miguel Angel Guerrero, Chef.
We are focused on rescuing local cuisine, the one preserved by the kiliwas, cucapah and kumiai, we have allot to learn from them, work to...make them visible, to have fishing be returned to them, to remove fences so they can gather, put them back on the map. - Ana Laura Martinez, The Culinary Art School.
...this place grew because of the demand that existed of the products from Baja California in the United States, and it was because of the demand, that producers started to plant what local gastronomy required, and the great chefs started using these products. - Martin San Roman, Chef.
To be universal you have to be local. - Jair Tellez, Chef.
The pride people from Tijuana feel for their city has not come free. - Sam Zien, The Cooking Guy.
I find an ‘Innovative Tijuana’ that has known how to bet on its has started and adventure, it has taken that path to its land. - Andrés Madrigal.
Waking up the senses, multisensory gastronomy Pascual Ibáñez
Director of Escuela de los Sentidos
A kitchen with senses, wittiness to the XXI century Andrés Madrigal Chef
Electronics Automotive Energy Organizational Excellence Medical Industry Aerospace Science and Technology
ELECTRONICS What we do, we do it openly so that anybody uses it in their products, whether for commercial purposes or not, we don’t care. - David Cuartielles, Arduino.
Our remote control drones from a Google map return to the field to obtain data about matters such as reforestation, fauna and climate conditions. - Jason Short, Smart Design.
The bi-national map system is a useful tool for companies, it is easier to locate potential clients or necessary data to develop their infrastructure and location. - David Hesterm Kyocera International.
Tijuana has the potential to create its own identity with the exploitation of the animated film industry, further to its privileged geographical condition near Los Angeles and Hollywood, where they are made. - Raúl García, animadtor.
Global competitiveness
Open hardware madness
Bi-National Map
Mark Baydarian
David Cuartielles
Eric Frost
Adriana Eguía
Mark Hatch
Dave Hester
Juan Manuel Hernández
Jason Short
Christina Luhn
President of Leviton Manufacturing Co. Representative of Endeavor Businessman, Ex-President of Coparmex
Luis Aguirre Lang
President of CNIMME-INDEX
Eric Pilaud
President of Custom Sensors and Technologies (CST)
Co-Founder of Arduino President of TechShop Director of Design and Image at Smart Design
Director of Viz Center, SDSU Kyocera International Director of Mega-Region Initiative
David Mayagoitia
Co-founder of in3 and DEITAC
One of Tijuana Innovadora’s matters of interest, is bi-national collaboration,...not only what this region possesses to offer the world, but the benefit that can result from this effort for the megaregion, how San Diego, Imperial Valley, Tijuana, Ensenada, Tecate and Mexicali can work together. - Christina Luhn, Mega-Region Initiative.
It is a plant open to all the world, there are engineers, artists, fathers, mothers, working in the same space. - Mark Hatch, TechShop.
The city is being forged by various creative projects...the animated film industry and the content industry, that will be in a position to compete with foreign projects. - Andrés Reyes Botello, Boxel Interactive.
We are strategically positioned in the Pacific, we have complementary capabilities and we are not competitors. - David Mayagoitia, Deitac.
The ascent of manufacturers: Rethinking innovation and education
The future of Baja California in the production of CGI content
Silicon Valley: innovation culture and risks
Dale Dougherty
Raúl García
Rocío Galván
Andrés Reyes Botello
Laura Gómez
Founder of “Make” magazine
Boxel Interactive Founder and General Director of Boxel Interactive
Journalist Twitter
Manager: Guillermo Romero.
AUTOMOTIVE ...we must think not only of the United States as our main buyer... Mexico is the fourth largest exporter of light automobiles in the world – even more than the United States – this gives us a great leaders. - Luis Olive Hawley, PROMEXICO.
...the ‘thinking’ work, the design work, was done in the United States, now it has to be done here, develop talent. This is the tendency. - Steven Willing, Delphi.
My industry has gotten close with universities when everyone else is thinking of materials...the people that graduate from universities have to have abilities required to develop local suppliers. - Jorge Loyo, Autoliv.
Tijuana has the possibility of becoming a logistic a fundamental point of influence with the United States – to the east and to the west -; with the Asia - Pacific traffics, and it’s closeness to Europe – through the Panama Canal-... - Eduardo Aspero, Pacer México.
Requirements and benefits of a supply chain in the region Alfonso Carrillo
Sub Secretary of SEDECO
Jorge Carrillo
Researcher at COLEF
Luis Olive Hawley
Chief of the International Businesses Promotion Unit of PROMEXICO
Jorge Loyo
General Director of Autoliv
Steven Wiling
General Manager of Delphi
There is great richness in the human capital that Baja California has, formed in a bi-national culture … Mexican engineers are training their colleagues abroad. - Alfonso Carrillo, Sedeco.
The migration of the old school to the contemporary one has been a gradual process, where I have given space for learning and understanding new tendencies and thus be able to apply a artistic world expression in my work. - Maurizio Corbi, Pininfarina.
80% of our exportations consist in manufacturing, more than half of this is high technology. - Carlos Guzmán Bofill, Proméxico.
That our state becomes the best option in the country in design and automobile manufacturing, this is my dream... - Joe Da Rosa, Toyota.
Technology and Tendencies in Automobile Design
Regional Challenges in Infrastructure and Logistics
Maurizio Corbi
Eduardo Aspero
Pininfarina, Senior Designer
General Director at Pacer México
Carlos Guzmán Bofill
General Director at PROMEXICO
Joe Da Rosa
President of Toyota, B.C.
Manager: Emmanuel Campillo.
PEMEX Exploracion has 31,256 wells that have been perforated in the country, 6,000 of them in production; 65 kilometers of ducts that run throughout the country; and 15 maritime terminals. - Francisco Fernández Lagos, PEMEX.
Logistic and distribution of PEMEX and refining
Energy panorama: challenges and opportunities
Francisco Fernández Lagos
Miguel Ángel Alonso Rubio
Sub Director of Distribution, Pemex Refinación
General Director of Acciona México
Eduardo Andrade
Corporate Director of Iberdrola México
Claudio Bartolini
Geophysics, Repsol USA Holdings Corporation
Felipe Bayón
Head of special projects, BP
...the main challenge that we face will be to supply secure, trustworthy and sufficient energy to a growing population. - Eduardo Andrade, Iberdrota Mexico; Claudio Bartolini, Repsol USA Holdings Corporation; Felipe Bayon, from BP; and Miguel Angel Alonso Rubio, Acciona Mexico.
This invention has the capacity to provide food and water to the population, create an oasis in the middle of the dessert, fight and revert solar warming and provide dignified and well paid jobs to the residents of this region, and it’s about innovation made in Tijuana. - Eduardo Oviedo González, INOV Energía LEDSS.
Energy Sustainability Eduardo Oviedo González
Founder of INOV Energía and Co-founder of LEDSS La Era del Sexto Sol
Manager: Jaye Galicot.
ORGANIZATIONAL EXCELLENCE ...we have been here during the good times and the bad times. - Ignacio Fimbres, Calimax. achieve success we must be clear on the goal we want to reach, have a strong foundation to be able to grow, consolidate a great creative team, and learn, learn and learn... - María Eugenia Acevedo Márquez, Certus Laboratorio Clínico.
The key to success is based on the philosophy of a single mind, focus on one single objective... - Jae Cul Nam, Skyworks Solution de México.
Something very good about the city is that talent is overflowing, and we’re exporting it. - Aarón H. Vázquez, Turbotec.
Companies in B.C. that standout
The future of pensions in México
María Eugenia Acevedo Márquez
Dario Luna
Jae Chul Nam
Pedro Vázquez Colmenares
General Director of Certus Laboratorio Clínico General Manager of Skyworks Solution de México
Director of Economic, Social and Cultural benefits of the ISSSTE
Ignacio Fimbres Sánchez President of Grupo Calimax
Juan Manuel Hernández
Tijuana: Perception kills reality
Businessman, Ex-President of Coparmex
Aaron H. Vázquez
Specialist in the Industrial Sector
Carlos Alazraki Publicist
It’s a very delicate matter that we cannot let it pass us by, we have to have a new national comprehensive pension system, financed and that covers the majority of Mexicans. - Pedro Vázquez Colmenares, ISSSTE.
Tijuana Innovadora is an effort, a fantastic event that I’ve not seen any where else in Mexico, not even in Mexico City. - Carlos Alazraki, Publicist.
It’s not a contest, but a process where the companies are invited to form part of a model of efficiency that allows them to become a better organization, and for that they require ‘quality companies’. - Jonathan Diaz Castro, Baja California Institute for Quality and Competitiveness.
In Baja California there exists around 85 thousand companies, of which 99% are micro, small and medium that generate 68% of the employments and distribute 45% of the wealth. - Alejandro Mungaray Lagarda, Ministry of Economic Development of Baja California.
The secrets that have allowed us to grow: simple organization structures, austerity measures, to keep in mind the times of ‘fat cows and skinny cows’, productive assets, open mentality, and reinvestment of profits. - Arturo Elías Ayub, TELMEX.
XXII B.C. Award to quality and competitiveness
Winners Category
Large Scale Industry
Jonathan Díaz Castro
President Institute of Baja California for Quality and Competitiveness
Alejandro Mungaray
Secretary of Economic Development for Baja California
Large Scale Services
Innovation: competitiveness against competition Arturo Elías Ayub
Board Member of TELMEX and Uno Noticias
Government Manager: Miguel Gracia.
MEDICAL INDUSTRY the young ones that lose patience because they see an immediate triumph, this is weaved little by little, you don’t achieve success immediately, it comes with time, with work, effort, and sacrifice... - Raúl Alcalá.
We have several post-graduate programs, thirteen engineer specialties, six master degree programs, four Ph.D.’s, and over 25,000 graduates. - José Guerrero Guerrero, ITT.
There are two types of stem cells: the embryo and the adult … they can be obtained from bone marrow, fat, peripheral blood, umbilical cord and others. - Luis Romero Guerra, Progencell.
Through the student exchange program, approximately 400 students are in more than 72 universities in 20 different countries. - Luis Enrique Palafox, UABC.
We have to become specialized in certain processes, the graduates have to leave the country and come back. - Martín G. Vázquez, Carefusion.
I am not telling you my story to impress you, but to leave a mark and invite you to innovate. - Sarah Reinertsen.
Innovation in education José Guerrero Guerrero
Luis E. Palafox
Jaime González Luna
Eduardo Salcedo
Juan Manuel Hernández
Miguel Salinas Yáñez
Salvador Lozano Luquín
Martín G. Vázquez
Dean of the Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana Bucher Industries
Businessman, Ex-President of Coparmex Director of Information Systems, Universidad Iberoamericana Tijuana
Director of the School of Chemistry, UABC. Senior Vice President of DJO Global LLC Director of the School of Engineering of the Cetys Vice President of Manufacturing Managment, Carefusion
This procedure was first researched in Russia...there are
In our institution we have two
over 35,000 stem cell tests and 8,700 lab tests that are
principle goals: remain focused
currently ongoing in the west hemisphere.
on the industry and constantly - Jackie R. See.
analyze our programs that aim international practices. - Miguel Salinas Yñez, Engineering at CETYS.
Bariatric surgery consists in modifying the stomach or intestines so the patient eats less and losses weight...a third part of the population is overweight, this is 1.6 billion people in the world.
Graduate students must have global knowledge, but also local experience.
- Ariel Ortiz, OCC.
- Salvador Lozano Luquin, Universidad Iberoamericana de Tijuana.
We need entrepreneurial talent. - Jaime González Luna, Bucher Industries.
There has to be a better prosthesis, I looked for it and I couldn’t find it, so I decided to create it. - Sarah Reinersten, quoting Van Phillips, creator of The Cheetah Leg.
It’s no longer enough to manufacture in bulk the ideas of a third party. - Eduardo Salcedo, DJ Ortho.
Vanguard medicine: Stem cells in ophthalmology
When the medical industry encounters the untamable human spirit
Patricia Aubanel
Renowned clinical cardiologist
Luis Gonzaga Romero Guerra
Tijuana, the crib of information for bariatric surgery Ariel Ortiz Lagardere
Sarah Reinertsen
Director of the Obesity Control Center
Athlete and motivational speaker
Orthopedics, Medical Director at Progencell
Jackie R. See
Cardiologist, Pioneer in Stem Cell Research
Norma Niño Sulkowska
Pioneer in Stem Cells in Ophthalmology
Biking from within: The tour of life Raul Alcala
Biking champion
Managers: Cynthya Rodríguez. Eduardo Salcedo.
AEROSPACE During the next 20 years, flights will increase from 30 million to 60 million; from 3 to 6 thousand million passengers...and an investment of 120 thousand million dollars is foreseen... education centers and students must set their sights on aeronautics: it is a great development and investment opportunity for Tijuana and the rest of the world. - Roberto Kobeh González, OACI.
The certification the companies must obtain to be on the world market is of 2010 certifications of Mexican companies have increased by 32%. - Eduardo Solís, Eaton.
Mexico has many engineers...I am inviting young ones to study mathematics and sciences, because this is what Mexico needs. - Roberto Corral, Volare Engineering.
...there is an important task at hand because the world is setting its sight on Mexico, we are number one in receiving investment ...we represent 0.6% in the airspace industry at a world-wide level, so there is a very large market to take advantage of. - Tomás Silbaja, Clúster Aeroespacial B.C.
In the airspace industry we have a total of 266 companies, that produce 33,000 direct employments throughout the country. - Flavio Díaz, Bombardier.
The added value of Mexico in the future of the aerospace industry in the world
Future challenges in civil aviation Roberto Kobeh González
Roberto Corral
President of the International Organization of Civil Aviation
Director of Sales and Marketing at Volare Engineering
Flavio Díaz Mirón
Manuel Sandoval Ríos
Virgin Galactic and the Space Company: Opening up space for everyone
Tomás Sibaja
George Whitesides
Representative of the company Bombardier Executive Director of Prospective Analysis and Innovation of ProMexico President of the Aerospace Cluster of Baja California
Eduardo Solís
Sales Manager at Eaton
President and CEO of Virgin Galactic
The creation of the forums ‘Diy Drones’ has served to inspire young talents to manufacture small air crafts, an activity that in some cases has served as a basis to create companies that manufacture this devices on a larger scale, as well as their parts and components. - Chris Anderson, Wired.
...we are hiring allot of pilots to pilot space vehicles, and even though the capsules do not require allot of piloting, these types of vehicles have to be controlled manually...we need some of the best pilots in the world to fly safely into space. - George Whitesides, Virgin Galactic.
The exploitation of space in Mexico is just starting to bloom in comparison with the aerial –it only covers 2% - but the future looks bright because we’ve done good work in telecommunications, satellite, talent, investigation, coordination and cooperation with space agencies such as NASA, RKA, JAXA. We have the science but not the technology. - Francisco Javier Mendienta, AEM.
Projects and international cooperation
DIY Drones: How do open sources in innovation affect the aerospace industry
Francisco Javier Mendienta
General Director of the Mexican Space Agency
Chris Anderson Wired Magazine
Manager: Gilberto Macías.
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ...our research consists in isolating a
...anticoagulant agents, proteins that are the
marine protein with biological activity to
basis for vaccines, as well as antioxidants
fight cancer, tuberculosis and diabetes.
that can be useful in the prevention of illnesses have been discovered in the ocean.
- Alexei Licea Navarro, CICESE.
-Graciela Guerra, UABC.
Mexico faces several obstacles to free itself from competition: it has too many governing procedures ...The government and banking institutions have financing programs but they are destined for strong established markets and not for those required to incentivize it. - Richard A. Boucher, OCDE.
...98% of bacteria is beneficial to plants, animals, humans, in search of this quality we work on isolating various proteins with potential in the treatment of breast cancer...we have been working with bacteria for the last 15 years, we are going to look for metabolites to kill cancer cells and have bacteria produce them. - Jorge Olmos Soto, UABC.
...over 65,070 foot amputations to diabetic patients are recorded, mostly due to bacterial infections, which would justify the application of silver nano particles after the necrotic tissue has been disposed off. - Horacio Almanza.
The role of innovation as a source for growth Richard A. Boucher
Adjoined Secretary of the OCDE
Tracing the future: The impact of science, technology and media in modern life. Steven Berlin Johnson
Best selling author of books about the interaction of science, technology and personal experience.
Mexican scientists Horacio Almanza
Jorge Olmos
JosĂŠ Cordeiro
Silvia Torres-Peimbert
Research Professor
Director of the Venezuelan Node of the Millennium Project and Professor at the Universidad Singularidad
Graciela Guerra
Researcher and Professor at the UABC
Alexei Licea
Director of the Biotechnology Division of the CICESE. (Research: Diabetes, HIV, Tuberculosis)
Scientific, Biotechnology Innovator. (Research: Cancer) First Mexican Astronomer, Women of science UNESCO. (Research: Chemical composition of nebulas).
The success of people...will depend on the capacity they have to generate and access information...and transform it into knowledge. - Javier Allard, AMITI.
...take those investments in foundations...and transform them into valuable information... - Eduardo Graniello, Intellego.
...the research in the interstellar environment and the formation of starts in the country is very important, we require support and high technology. - José Cordeiro, Proyecto Millennium / Universidad Singularidad
...we work with high technology, we develop allot of instruments and computer techniques to learn more about nature, to understand our solar system, stars, gas between the stars...we want to know it all. - Silvia Torres Peimber, UAI.
...we will have the incorporation of the most relevant institutional buildings of Tijuana into the group of the 40 most important cities that will be linked by internet with a better broadband of between 100 megabytes and 10 gigabytes per second... - Mónica Aspe Bernal, SCT.
TIC: Disruptive factor of development
Solving humanity’s challenges through innovation
Javier Allard
Eduardo Graniello
Claudio Arriola
Armando Talamantes CNN México
Director of the Venezuelan Node of the Millennium Project and Professor at Universidad Singularidad
Mónica Aspe
Manuel Taméz
Federico Graef
General Director of AMITI Director of the BIT Center Society of Information and Knowledge, SCT
Founder of Intellego
Mexican Association of Internet
José Cordeiro
Director of CICESE
Juan José Martínez
Claudia Calvin
CEO of Vydra
General Director of the Mexican Board of International Affairs and Founder of Mujeres Construyendo
Ismael Plascencia
Research coordinator of the School of Accounting and Administration at the UABC.
Managers: Andrea Flores. Héctor Uraga.
Juan Sarracino
President of Sarracino & Sarracino Consulting
63 is in the government’s hands to adopt the we adopt new computer tools at a larger scale, to find patterns to make predictions, and make decisions that have an impact on the economy of our country and the life of the people. - Manuel Tamez, AMI. accordance with the Global Competitiveness Report, Mexico occupies the 117th position of 139 pertaining the incorporation of women in the working market...behind Croatia, Nepal, Senegal...competitiveness cannot be built if half of the population is not incorporated into productivity... - Claudia Calvin, Mujeres Construyendo.
Capitalism worries about generating riches, but it forgets to distribute them. - Ismael Plascencia, UABC.
...CICESE has been granted 9 patents, 10 are currently being processed; copyrights and brands. - Federico Graef, CICESE.
...the observation, permanent questioning, experimentation, formation of nets and association of ideas are the abilities of innovators. - Juan Sarracino, Sarracino & Sarracino Consulting.
An innovative team requires an intellectual diversity in its members. - Steven Berlin Johnson.
...that other area we believe has allot of potential:
technology...and this has a double factor, it creates a new market...and they become more productive.
of 5 million people that read their magazines and now 17 million that read their websites... we are upon a different way of being informed...
- Claudio Arriola, BIT Center.
...the company has an audience
- Armando Talamantes, CNN México.
of bio,
cogno, info...Japan may be manufacturing brains by 2018. - José Cordeiro, Proyecto Millennium.
Efficiency is the field that offers the most possibilities for innovation, from an energy point of view. - Juan José Martínez, Vydra.
Leaders and Entrepreneurs Humanism Economy Digital City Philanthropy Innovation Greatness Metropolitan Development Planning
LEADERS AND ENTREPRENEURS ...we must avoid the ABC syndrome of our generation: A corresponds to “Accuse”, accuse everyone else; B for “Blame” blame everyone and C for “Complaining” complain about everyone else. - Roland Kwemain, Junior Chamber International.
Break the mental chains of colonization, the thinking that everything good comes from outside. - Anand Mahindra, businessman.
Show Mexico and the rest of the world how is it that we ‘tijuaneamos’. - Gaby Roldán, Yo Tijuaneo. in Tijuana, next to California, we do not have any pretexts not to venture into projects. - Jordi Muñoz, 3D Robotics.
There is not a story of leadership that does not include work, at any level, allot of hours of sacrifice and organization are needed, but most of all efficiency, intelligence and allot of decision making... - Jorge Ferraez, Líderes.
Yo Tijuaneo ¿y tu? (I Tijuaneo,and you?)
Innovation in India
Young professionals in Silicon Valley
Tijuana Youth
Anand Mahindra
Rodolfo Ham-Zhu
One’s impact: The capacity youth has to create a positive change
Juan Pablo Kuri
Leadership worthy of being trusted Amy Lyman
Businessman, philanthropist, New Delhi
Specialist in New Technology
Viviana Martínez Radio Host
Co-Founder of a Great Place to Work Institute and Expert in Leadership
Roland Kwemain
President of Junior Chamber International
Rodrigo Sánchez Ríos
Student of the Master’s Degree in Business and Investor of Private Capital
Carlos M. Tamés Jorge Ferraez
President Editorial of the magazine Líderes
Project Director and Consultant, Project Management Advisors, Inc.
Have a cause. - Fermín García, Sosvia, Inc.
Learn to listen...get rid of your ego. - Andres Reyes Botello, Boxel.
Our objective is to transform Mexico. - Alejandro Maza, Yo Propongo.
...we are living the ‘humanization’ of pets. - Marco Gallardo, Power Pet.
Break paradigms in the construction industry. - Rene and Uriel Salgado.
...I eliminate stereotypes.
To look for Mexican talent...
- Derrik Chinn, Turista Libre.
- Ricardo Arnaiz, Animex.
...we are looking to use energies that don’t damage the environment. - Eduardo Durazo Watanabe.
To do with passion what we really love becomes a calling. - David Abeles, TaylorMade Golf Adidas.
Entrepreneurs, there is capital, dust off your ideas and lets get to work... - Hernán Fernández, Ángel Ventures México. our company we have created the technology we require and that we have not found on the market... - Charlie Iturriaga, OLLIN VFX.
There is no leadership without trust. - Amy Lyman, Great Place to Work Institute.
Innovative youth transcends borders
Entrepreneurs transforming the region
The strange case of the Mexican behind the Oscar
Ricardo Arnaiz
Charlie Iturriaga
Hernán Fernández
The global game of golf: Economical and social impact
José Manuel Aguilar
Biologist with a Master’s Degree and Ph.D. in Biotechnology
Jordi Muñoz Bardales President of 3D Robotics
Enrique Betancourt
Head of the National Center for Prevention of Crime and Citizen Participation
Edoardo Chavarín
Creator of the clothing line NaCo and Brand developer
Derrik Chinn
Creator of Turista Libre
Christopher Yanov
Founder of Reality Changers
Founder of ANIMEX
Founder of Angel Ventures México
Producer of special effects
Fermín García
President of Sosvia, Inc
Marco Gallardo
David Abeles
Operations Chief of Taylor Made Golf Adidas and Ashworth Golf
General Director of Power Pet
Andrés Reyes Botello
Founder and General Director of Boxel Interactive
Managers: Laura Araujo. Miguel Marshall. Gabriela Roldán.
HUMANISM To be on time, to be honest, to study, and be respectful. - Carlos Kasuga, Yakult.
...there do not exist universities, schools, research centers or government instances that tend and study the dehumanization phenomenon. - David Livingstone Smith.
What happens here in Tijuana and San Diego, is going to happen to the people on both countries along the border, from here to Matamoros and Brownsville. - Alan Bersin, Department of National Security of the United States.
...the best practices in the border regions, in any part of the world, usually do not start in the capital cities. They are the communities in sito, society and authorities, those that can really learn and capture the dynamic of the problems and the way to solve them. - Luis Herrera-Lasso, Grupo Coppan.
Quality and productivity in a Japanese style applied to the small and medium companies
Less than humans, understanding of the psychological roots of war, genocide and atrocity
Carlos Kasuga
David Livingstone Smith
Tijuana, the border between development and knowledge Alan Bersin
President of Yakult
Philosopher and author
Sub Secretary for International Matters of the Department of National Security of the United States
Luis Herrera-Lasso Mexican Diplomat
Manager: Magnolia Pineda.
ECONOMY Economical ...the banking system in Mexico has remained solid due to the strong regulations and monitoring of financial institutions.
Mexico has been well managed, and the mistakes committed in the past have been overcome. - Pedro Aspe Armella.
- Jose Luis Ochoa, Institute for the Protection of Savings in Banks.
...integrity cannot be explained; it is seen, it is felt, it is noticeable. - José Carlos González, McDonald’s.
Leadership...talent. Acquired or developed?
Perspectives of the economical situation of México
José Carlos González
Pedro Aspe
SVP-Global CSR, Sustainability and Philanthropy, McDonald’s Corporation
Economist and Mexican Politician
The role of innovation as a source of growth José Luis Ochoa
Executive Secretary of the Institute for the Protection of Savings in Banks
Manager: Jaye Galicot.
DIGITAL CITY ...we have faith in you, our youth from the border, the bilingual, the bicultural... - Claudio Arriola, BIT Center.
When the objectives come back to us, they can tell us unexpected stories. - Carlo Ratti, MIT SENSEable City Lab.
There is a deficit of 5,000 computer engineers in San Diego. - Bob Slapin. Executive Director of the Board of Software Industry of San Diego. is the responsibility of the Federal Government to establish public policies that further knowledge, access to digital information...from 6,000 public sites to internet connection, we’ve gone to 36,000... - Mónica Aspe, SCT.
We have the idea that it’s difficult to go and sell in the United States, and I’m not going to tell you it’s not; but it’s also difficult for them to sell here, it is an enormous work opportunity. - Jorge Zavala, TecBa.
Tijuana, the path to a sensible and digital city Carlo Ratti
Director at MIT SENSEable City Lab
Bi-national Digital Agenda
Digital Education in Latin America
Mónica Aspe
Rodrigo Arboleda Halaby
Information and Knowledge Society, SCT
Claudio Arriola
Director at BIT Center
Jorge Arroyo
Founder and CEO of Arkus Nexus Software Nearshoring Services
Flavio Olivieri
President of Tijuana EDC
Bob Slapin
Executive Director of the Board of Software Industry of San Diego
Jorge Zavala CDO of TechBA
“Una laptop por niño” foundation
The Montessori philosophy that considers that children learn better by playing should be reformed, it has been proven that students learn better by doing. - Rodrigo Arboleda OLPC.
If you want to work with the best, you have to have the best. - Miguel Mejía, TRESS International. a result from our participation in Tijuana Innovadora 2010, we were invited to undertake pilot tests in schools in Silicon Valley. - Lourdes Ibáñez, Club LIA.
We are the second strongest country in social applications. Tijuana has 1 million people interacting every day. - Claudio Cossio, Maestros web.
If you do not develop your people, you are not going to achieve the growth of your company. The engine always has to be innovation. - Ángel Sánchez, Arkus Nexus.
Creativity does not know races, genders, orientation, nor does it distinguish people, it surges from the environment. - Richard Florida . is necessary to use more to our advantage our relationship with our neighbor the United States, there should be “Ambassadors”...that go and promote on the other side the capabilities that exist in Tijuana. - Jorge Arroyo, Arkus .
Success cases in digital development
Creative Economy, a new career for Baja California
Claudio Cossio
Editor Europa de Maestros del Web
Tanya Escamilla
Richard Florida
Expert in Creative Economy
Lourdes Ibáñez
Co-founder and General Director of Club LIA
Miguel Mejía
Director of Grupo Tress Internacional
Ángel Sánchez Arkus Nexus
Manager: Enrique Jiménez “Ejival”.
PHILANTHROPY ...there are three parties in a genocide: the perpetrators, who usually are a small group of people; the victims, that are many more; and the indifferent ones, that are the vast majority.” - Mily Cohen, Memoria y Tolerancia museum.
Compassion without action has no sense. - Sharon Zaga, Memoria y Tolerancia museum.
In philanthropy, it is necessary to plan what one is going to venture into, what will be done, what will be the mission, the objectives, strategies...create grand ideas. - Cole Wilbur.
...mobilization of time, talent and treasure to benefit our fellow ones...are ways to express philanthropy. - Michael Chu, Harvard.
We have to find better ways of furthering these ways to work: between the public sector and private social organizations like the ones we have Tijuana. - Alejandro Poire, Secretary of State.
We have to review the role of the companies and the people in a world where the wealth is concentrated in only a few... - Rick Goings, Tupperware.
Work together to share knowledge. - Robert Kaplan, IAF.
What we do with our emotions Mily Cohen
Vice President and Co-Founder of the museum Memoria y Tolerancia
Conscious capitalism and the future of business
The alternative models for businesses for the creation of social value
Blake Mycoskie
Esra’a Al Shafei
TOMS Shoes
Sharon Zaga
President and Co-Founder of the museum Memoria y Tolerancia
Challenges and solutions of education problems Claudio X. González Guajardo
Managers: Antonieta Beguerisse. Patricia Hernández.
President of Mexicanos Primero A.C.
Founder of
David del Ser
Founder of Frogtek
Gabriela Enrigue González Founder of Prospera
Javier Lozano
Founder of Clínicas de la Azúcar
Alejandro Poiré
Secretary of State of Mexico
People want to see you are doing well, that you are successful. - Blake Mycoskie, TOMS.
For donations, the fiscal regime in the United States is more attractive than in Mexico. - Richard Kiy, ICF.
Since its first event in 2012 Tijuana Innovadora made a huge eco, at an influential level, way beyond the state. Its impact is national and international. - Claudio X. González Guajardo, Mexicanos Primero A.C.
Something really important is to partner with other entrepreneurs. - Gabriela Enrigue González, Prospera.
Investment is reflected in the savings we provide Mexico in investments and healthcare. - Javier Lozano, Clínicas del azúcar.
Nothing is more valuable in this world than hope.
We chose to concentrate our efforts in a specific type of user.
- Esra’a Al Shafei,
- David del Ser, Frogtek.
Philanthropy and social investment in Mexico and Latin America: lessons in Tijuana Michael Chu
Professor at Harvard
Rick Goings
President and General Director of Tupperware Brands
Robert N. Kaplan
President and Executive Chief of Fundación Inter-Americana (IAF)
Richard Kiy
CEO de International Community Foundation
Cole Wilbur Philanthropist
The challenge is in the content and in the way to communicate, in that in this new day and age a change in paradigm is presented. - Liébano Sáenz.
Past, present and future of technology
Stephen Gary Wozniak Co-Founder of Apple
Change in paradigm?
Liébano Sáenz Political analyst Strategic Communication Cabinet
The spaces as a way to communicate, like a land, a community where the disagreement is shown and uncovers the agreement, even if it is about temporary and precarious agreements. - Enrique Norten.
Institutions don’t teach students to be skeptics, to question their teachers. They do not invite us to explore. They call those the trouble makers. - Stephen Wozniak.
The people are not cured here. Their health is redefined. We don’t call them patients, but inpatients, because they are anxious to remedy their environment. - Natalie Jeremijenko.
The drums are a corporeal task. The synthesizer is mental. - Wolfgang Flur.
I was a Robot
This will kill that
What’s to come in innovation and design
Wolfgang Flür
Enrique Norten
Natalie Jeremijenko
Pioneer in electronic music, Kraftwerk Group
Founder of TEN Arquitectos
Scientist and digital artist New York University Managers: Jaye Galicot. Jorge Izquierdo.
METROPOLITAN DESIGN PLAN the past, Rosarito belonged to Tijuana, and now that it is a county, it integrates itself again, but now in this metropolitan and innovative area.
The concept of city has been acquiring more ample sense by integrating economical, social and cultural envisions.
- Raúl Islas Espinoza, CDR.
- Rafael Pérez Fernández, IBERO.
...a metropolis like Tijuana, deserves long term planning.
...we must continue working so as to not put future generations at risk.
- Humberto Jaramillo, CDT.
- José Manuel Jasso, CCET.
In the Strategic Metropolitan Plan: Tijuana, Tecate and Playas de Rosarito, the three cities will cease to be independent, even though they will preserve their own identity.
...of the 56 metropolitan areas that exist in this country, the Tijuana-Plays de Rosarito-Tecate one occupies the 6th place pertaining economical development; 21st in the Latin America roster.
- Sergio Montes Montoya, B.C.
- Rodolfo Argote, IMPLAN.
The strategies...include generating media for the economical growth, follow up and evaluate the project with the promotion teams that are working on the plans, and to respond to the actions to seek financial alternatives. - Daniel Rubio, IMPLAN.
Digital opportunities in emerging markets
Strategic metropolitan plan: Tijuana, Tecate, and Playas de Rosarito Rodolfo Argote
Aarón Bare
Global entrepreneur Aaron Bare & CO.
Director of Land Planning, Metropolitan Institute of Planning
Raúl Islas Espinoza
President of the Board of Consultation of Economical Development of Playas de Rosarito
Video: Agentes de Cambio
José Manuel Jasso
José Castillo
Humberto Jaramillo
Co-Founder Arquitectura 911sc
President of the Consultation Board of Economic Development of Tecate Executive President of the Board of Economic Development of Tijuana
Sergio Montes
Sub Secretary of Infrastructure and Urban Development of the State of Baja California
Rafael Pérez
Director of the Art and Design Department of the Universidad Iberoamericana in León Guanajuato
Daniel Rubio
General Executive Director of the Metropolitan Institute of Planning
The new type of design is also old, all those times we want to be constructive and positive towards the future, we also need to turn to the past. - Paola Antonelli, MoMA. creative cities, disciplines such as architecture, design, gastronomy, music, literature are applied. Cities are not only sustained by economy, they are sustained also by creativity. - Martin Krammer.
The city dies when its citizens don’t participate. The one who innovates is the one who takes on the street with his body. - José Castillo, Arquitectura 911sc.
In this day and age the phenomenon of disruption is arising, meaning, from those technologies and innovations that cause despair in other products in the market. - Aarón Bare.
I want to urge all women of the world to dedicate themselves to science, to potentiate their knowledge, if you do not do it, the capacity of the human brain is being wasted because we represent half the population... - Ada Yonath, Noble Prize.
Life expectancy: wishes and realities
Creative Cities and Cultural Development
Ada Yonath
Martin Krammer
Noble Prize in Chemistry
Creative Economy
The new borders of design Paola Antonelli Curator of the MoMA
Managers: Raúl Cárdenas. Ana Martínez.
United States of America
South Korea
19 2
12 5
This event is not to earn money, it is to earn respect. - Alejandro Bustamante.
s we have shared in all forums, Tijuana
and Tijuana Innovadora 2012, Bound for Great-
Innovadora started in a conversation be-
ness, were achieved thanks to the contribution
tween friends that gave form to an idea: an
of resources, time, talent and collaboration of
event that would inform our own people and
companies, the government, educational in-
the foreign ones, in contrast to the image
stitutions, non profit organizations, the media,
broadcasted and published by the media, of
students and citizens.
the innovative facet of our city. With the discipline and leadership of Jose Tijuana Innovadora 2010, the Intelligent Border,
Galicot, we have worked so that the Movement
52 41
26 35
49 33
28 30
creates human and economical resources
efited from the investment that represent an
pavilions, channeling of resources, purchase
that allows it to grow in a self sustainable way.
event that promotes and markets the city’s
of tickets for gala dinners, conferences and
Currently Tijuana Innovadora is registered as a
goodness and potential.
panels; as well as their contribution to the
non profit organization in Mexico.
manager’s initiatives. Tijuana Innovadora 2012, Bound for Great-
Likewise, we’ve worked so all organizations,
ness, profoundly thanks the collaboration and
Together we were able, once again, to re-
factories, companies, institutions, organiza-
commitment of the companies, the govern-
gionally and nationally show that Tijuana
tions, collective projects and artists, among
ment, non profit organizations and individu-
continues to be original and innovative. A
many others, are directly and indirectly ben-
als through their: investment and exchange in
national example.
58 64
1. ABC Aluminum
11. Capta
23. D’Volada
47. Kyomex
2. Aeroméxico
12. Carl Zeiss Vision
24. DJ Orthopedics
36. Heineken
48. L.A. Cetto
3. Agencia Aduanal Jorge Díaz
13. Cecyte
25. El Informador
37. Hermosillo y Asoc.
49. La Estrella de Michoacán
14. Cervecería Tijuana
26. El Mexicano
38. Ibero
50. Loginam
5. Arte Público.
27. Endeavor: Indegsa / BTB /
51. Logística BLS
40. Innovatec Baja CDITBC
52. Macroplaza
Cardinal 5. Ciudad Habla.
Motiva / PowerPet
6. Axis
17. Clínica de Ojos de Tijuana
28. Focus
41. Inpade
53. MAR Intl.
7. Baker & McKenzie
18. Coca Cola
29. Foxconn
42. Instituto de Ciencias
54. Mental Tech
Abogados, S.C. FIC
19. Conacyt
30. G Tel
8. Calimax
31. Gasmart
43. Interpoint Security Systems 56. Mind Hub
9. Canacintra - Clúster
21. Corrugados de Baja
32. Gobierno del Estado
44. IOS Office
57. Morzan
33. Grupo ATISA
58. Morzan
34. Grupo Tress Internacional
46. Kyocera
59. MVS
mueblero 10. CANACO Tijuana
California 22. Cotuco
55. Milenio Radio
102 86
104 81
60. Nihon Robotics Institute 61. Nissan 62. Panasonic
72. Secretaría de Educación Pública
84. Televisa
97. Unifront
85. Televisa
98. Uniradio
73. Secretaría de Gobernación 86. Telnor
99. Uniradio
63. Parque Industrial El Florido 74. Sedesol
87. Telvista
64. Periódico Frontera
88. Teska
101. Univision
65. Periódico Frontera
76. Sempra
89. The Union Tribune
102. Univision
66. Medios PPI
77. Síntesis
90. Tijuana Duty Free
103. Xochicalco
67. Procopio
78. Síntesis
91. Total Logistics
104. Xolos de Tijuana
68. Publimedios
79. Sol de Tijuana
92. Toyota
105. XX Ayuntamiento de Tijuana
69. Radio Latina
80. St Petersburg Vodka
93. Turbotec
70. Santander
81. Tacna
94. Tv Azteca
71. Secretaría de Economía /
82. Techmaster
95. Tv Azteca
83. Telcel
96. UABC
ProMéxico / Pymes
Managers: Liliana Castellanos. Javier Espinoza. Patricia Hernández. Tomás Perrín. Jack Winer.
The commitment of the people furthering, demanding, giving their opinion, building, proposing, complying with their duties as citizens, is necessary. - Felipe Calderón.
Music by the project Red Do Re Mi Comunidad, conducted by Eduardo Barrios, Director of the Baja California Orchestra. Opera de Tijuana: Norma Navarrete, María Vargas, Andrés Olivares, Oscar Angulo, Charlie Chávez, accompanied by Aiko Yamada on the piano.
This, our country, breaks every day and per almost all information it seems as there is no way to repair it, but philanthropists, believe they can. That is why they are so valuable. - Ángeles Mastretta.
Music by the Duo “Arcano” comprised by the brothers Erika and Vick del Real Alvarado.
I’m embarrassed, I come here to speak about a change of attitude, here, where you have attained a Ph.D. in change of attitude. - Alfonso Romo.
Music by DJ Chris Ruelas
It is a spectacular night I will not forget. Tijuana Innovadora is a project I would like to replicate in my country, so that the world also knows what we have in India. - Anand Mahindra.
I hope to come back many times, because everything I have seen, I have enjoyed. - Carlos Falcó, Marquee of Griñon.
Music by the Tenor Marco Antonio Labastida
rom the start of Tijuana Innovadora we
cation, that we described before, through the
have sought out to be “educators� un-
innovative transversality of leadership, solidar-
derstanding education as a process that
ity and thought.
includes: reflection on ideas and prejudices; the possibility of the individual to transform
The Volunteer and Leadership Program, the
society to improve the quality of life from the
Education Committee with the Innovation
interaction between corporations, citizens and
Awards, the Guided Tours and the Workshops;
education institutions; empowering them as
as well as Casa de las Ideas and the pro-
individuals and as a society.
gram Arte en la Industria, have a determinant educating task, with which Tijuana Innovadora
The channeling of resources and activities of
seeks to enrich formal and non formal educa-
the Tijuana Innovadora Movement have been
tion, and work in the comprehensive develop-
designed to comply with our concept of edu-
ment of our region.
Upon assigning resources to different initiatives and non profit organizations,
and Leadership Program, the Education Committee with the Innovation Awards, the Guided Tours and the Workshops; as well as Casa de las Ideas and the program Arte en la Industria, have a determinant educating task, with which we seek to enrich formal and non formal education,
and work in the
comprehensive development of our region. 92
Green Tijuana
Strategic Design
Culinary Art
Organizational Excellence
Science and Technology
Leadership and Entrepreneurs
Digital City
Life Project
Celeste Castillo and Rocío Ibarra
Sun Oven
Carlos David Castro López
Omar Pérez, Montserrat Alarcón and Enrique Soto
GREEN TIJUANA Organic Agriculture
Green School
Ecological Garden
Conservation and Reuse of Water in Tijuana Infiltration in the Tijuana River Basin
Hydroponic Cultures
Use of Wikipedia in the Classroom Memory of the World A Heroic Imagination as an Antidote to Bullying in Schools Educamp Tic for Teachers
Brenda Gonzalez Vazquez and Marlene Serrano Rojas
Aseret Brito, Danna Priscila García Chavez, Elizabeth Torres and Anahí Sánchez Rosa Angélica Hernández Galán, Alma Leola Guerra Canizalez and Delia Judith Gonzalez Zuñiga Adrian Posadas
Ing. Alejandro Caloca Galindo
Dialogues about Free Licenses
National Sound Library of Mexico, We Preserve the Sound Memory for the Future
Collaboration Platform in the Cloud: Office 365 for Education
Fundamental Abilities for the Manufacturing of Vehicles
Iván Martínez Rosa Ma. Fernández De Zamora Darío Sánchez
Access to Resources with a Sensible Cost, as a Platform to Further Entrepreneurs
Guadalupe Curiel Defossé and Ricardo J. Jiménez Rivera
Richard Stallman, Yuridia Itzel Sierra and Ivan Martinez Tito Ávila Moran
Unit of Nanocharacterization and Research
Nanotechnology of the XXI Century
Learn to Develop Technological Ideas and Projects with Club Digital
Workshop on Lighting Contamination
MATH2ME: Mathematics for All (Class)
José Alejandro Andalón Estrada
MATH2ME: Mathematics for All (Mini Conference)
José Alejandro Andalón Estrada
Gerardo Brizuela Altamirano Israel Mendoza García
Carlos Cesar Apodaca and Sharon Jacqueline Villeda
Oscar Edel Contreras López
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Synthesis Methods of Nanomaterials and Biomaterials
Astronomy for Children
Diana Caballero
Gabriela Anaya, Juan Guzman
AEROSPACE The Key to the Universe
Blanca Margarita Parra Mosqueda, Deyanira Castilleja De León and Ana Cristina Bórquez Garcés
Raúl Montoya, Jesús Caín, Oscar Nuñez and Guillermo Romero
ORGANIZATIONAL EXCELLENCE How to Win the Noble Prize for Quality: Design of a Innovative Business Model
Terpsicore Tabares Torres
The National Digital Newspaper Library in Mexico
ELECTRONIC AUTOMOTIVE Innovation with Drones
Solar Energy
Revlux, How to Identify a Quality LED Product
Gustavo Alonso Hirata Flores Leonel Susano Cota Araiza Eduardo A. Durazo Carlos Roman
Fernando Ávila
Uri López, Cecilia Aguillon and Hector Uraga Alexei Miridonov and Kuotaro Sanay Robles
Introduction to Biotechnology
Basic Workshop on Sound Effects
Saulo Cisneros
Workshop on Visual Effects
Rodrigo Álvarez
CINEMA TOGRAPHY Aerial Cinematography Exhibit
Massive Acting Workshop “Silence, Camera, Action”
IMCINE, Support of Film Production
Demonstration of Cinematographic Lighting Aerial Cinematography Exhibit
Cinematography Lighting Exhibit
Cinematography Lighting Workshop
Ivor Shier
Eduardo Cisneros
Hugo Villa Smythe Victor Duran Ivor Shier
Victor Duran Victor Duran
How to do Business in Mexico
Women as Key Factors in Business
Conscious Leadership
Startup Weekend
Do you Save or do you Invest?
Andrés Araujo Sanz Simon Somohano Rocío Álvarez
Miguel Ángel Isla Zavala / Axialent Omar Jacobo Monroy Soltero Wendy Montaño Gómez
Corporate Geometry
Marco Alfonso Lepe Cisneros
Corporate Culture for an Innovative Tijuana
Marco Alfonso Lepe Cisneros
Looking for Mobile Applications: The Mouth-Ear and Acquisition of Users
Claudio Armando Cossio Saucedo
Marketing Strategies in Social Nets
Cross Border Journalism
Use of Social Nets Applied to Citizen Participation
How to get to the truth? Journalism in the Digital Age Workshop on Television
Presentation of the book: “Choir of Monologues” Behind the Cameras with Televisa Tijuana
Armando León Valladolid and Jorge Camarillo Govea Laura Castañeda, Carmen Escobosa and José Luis Jiménez Enrique Davis Mazlum Dean Miller
Yoga and Emotions
Protolab Movil “Interactive Electronics for Children”
Guillermo Wilkins
Music and its Industry Today and Tomorrow/ Presentation by Reactable
Raul Rodriguez
Mari Pili Becerra, Patricia Álvarez, Rigoberto García, Félix Guarello, Pablo Martínez e Iván Quezada and Maricarmen Flores
Philanthropic Contributions by Foundations for Hispanics-Latinos in the United States and Latin America Citizens, Government and County Democracy
Creativity in Fashion Design
The creative Process to Design a Collection
New Tendencies for Experimental Design
Daniela Villa and Emedel García Hector Alejandro Hinojosa
Government Transparency, What’s next? “In coordination with the Institute of Transparency and Access to Public Information of Baja California (ITAIPBC)” Today Its Your Turn to Play
Roberto Lara Valenzuela
Strategies and Tools of Citizen Intelligence Are you and Activist and Live Day-to-Day?
The Monologues of the Barrel
Preparation of Craft Beer
Pepe Mogt and Ramón Amezcua (Bostich + Fussible)
Gracia Goya, Michael Layton, Andy Carey
Marcos Reyes
Andrés Hofmann
Roxana Salcedo and Homero Fuentes Alejandro Maza Ayala
Gabriela Enrigue González, Macarena Hernández De Obeso and Sandra Fernández Rodríguez
Roberto Riatiga López and Omar Lopez Toscano Alberto Song Trujillo
Week of Coffee Tasting of Coffees from Across the World at Sospeso
Alberto Song Trujillo
Culinary League for Special Youth
Carmen González
Dionisio Del Valle, Rodolfo Gerschman
Workshop on the Appreciation of Coffee: Extraordinary Coffee, No Sugar, No Milk...Enjoy It!
Innovation in Coffee Creating a New Style and Way to Perceive It
Esteban Camacho
Chef Luis Castro
Alberto Song Trujillo
…they have demonstrated, again (...) their profound love for Tijuana, that once again places it at the center of the public’s opinion nationwide and of a considerable amount of international opinion, for good reasons, for the reasons Tijuana should always be on everyone’s mind. - Felipe Calderón.
PUBLIC ART Cardinal 5
ased on the subjects of creativity, in-
Station, the Playas de Tijuana Lighthouse, Toll
partment of Homeland Security, generating
dustry and humanism in Tijuana In-
Booths, we assembled them to form a single
a visual and sounding interpretation of the
novadora 2012, as well as from the concepts
one at the Puente Mexico Bridge, alluding
data, that is transformed into a partiture for
of establishing roots and giving identity, we
the social weave of Tijuana. We also created
24 instruments sequenced by the number
created “Cardinal 5”. The people from Tijuana
“Textil Cardinal” an iron structure that repeats
of individuals and custodians and their agil-
completed the sentence: “I would like Ti-
33 times a pattern that represents in lines,
ity and will to make way through the San
juana to have...”, “What I most like of Tijuana
the connection between the referred access
Ysidro entrance.
is...”, “I am a Tijuanense born in...” and “I work
and departure sites. The piece on the inter-
at...” on canvases located at access and de-
net is an algorithm composition that takes
parture sites across the city: the Airport, Bus
data in real time from the RSS of the US De-
Creators Ivan Abreu, Olga Margarita Davila, Luis Garzon, Illya Haro, Eric Morales “Dr. Morbito”, Angeles Moreno, Gabriela Posada, Jhosell Rosell, Catalina Silva.
Without a doubt, this great coordination between artists, the state and the activism of a non profit organization (Tijuana Innovadora), can be seen as the social application of the Esthetic Relations formulated by Nicolas Bourriaud, but most of all, this is a symptom of multiple relations that conform the social, cultural and political weave of a city like Tijuana.
Ciudad Habla
- Eduardo Egea, Arte al Día.
Tijuana Innovadora in coordination with the collective group Arte Publico Reacciona Tijuana, created the project Ciudad Habla, as part of the renewal and continuity process of the project “Con Amor a Tijuana” created by the Image Committee of Tijuana, founded by Jose Galicot. After including its citizens and with the participation of artists like Once Cero Dos, Mode Orozco, Spell, Pablo Vega, Shente Elizondo, students and graduates of the School of Art of the UABC, images that reflect the feelings of those who pass by the San Ysidro Border were traced. The work has been undertaken in walls located under the bridge located a few meters away from the Puente Mexico bridge, when entering by car, and two more in the area between the pedestrian walkway and the sentry line. 103
Tijuana´s food scene has taken a gigantic leap forward... - Sam, the Cooking Guy.
endencies, concepts like trademarks, festivals, wine tasting, and enology travesty.
Like its people, the region’s gastronomy is a mixture of regions, ingredients and kitchens... election, transformation and combination of ingredients that awaken our senses... gastronomy is another seductress that could not be left out of Tijuana Innovadora: Batalla Culinaria (Culinary Battle), Culinary Expo; Gastronomic Pavilion, and classes by renowned chefs. 104
Hosts Marcela Valladolid y Sam Zien, the Cooking Guy. Classes by renowned Chefs Stephanie Armenta, Cocina Macrobiótica Vegana 100% orgánica; Ofelia Toledo, Cocina Prehispánica e Ismeña; José Ramón Castillo, Chocolatería Mexicana Evolutiva. Participating Chefs Roberto Alcocer, Drew Deckman, Martín González, Miguel Ángel Guerrero, Diego Hernández, Paul McCabe, Javier Plascencia, Chad White. Chefs that served as judges Ricardo Bonilla, José Ramón Castillo, Bill Esparza, Javier Gonzáles, Pascual Ibáñez, Ernesto Jiménez McFarland, Andrés Madrigal, Martín San Román.
Manager Maribel Moreno.
...those from Tijuana are proud, this salad has transcended borders, it is found in many of the menus of the most renowned restaurants of the world.
Cardini, and in honor of having set a new Guinness Record in 2007, hundreds of people tasted the traditional Caesar salad, yet another example of the innovation in Tijuana.
- Chef Andres Madrigal,taken from the Huffington Post.
To break the Guinness Record, 3 tons 287 kilograms of salad was prepared. This time, approximately 110 kilos of lettuce were used.
in collaboration with CANIRAC, the restaurant
creation of the Caesar Salad, on October
Caesar’s, and the students of the Culinary
20th of 1927 by Italian immigrant, Cesar
Remembering “Caesar Guinness” was held
o celebrate the anniversary of the
Art School.
Is it difficult to stop being indifferent? - Mily Cohen and Sharon Zaga, Memoria y Tolerancia museum.
undacion Papalotl Mujeres en Movimiento and Tijuana Innovadora joined forces to
sensitize and raise awareness in men and women about breast cancer. We painted the CECUT pink, held the workshop “Hoy te toca tocar� and we dressed in pink to emphasize the importance of detecting it on time.
BUSINESS FORUM Everyone is an innovator, none of us know from where the next Steve Jobs is going to come out of. - Dale Dougherty.
he “tractor companies�, as we refer to them in
Mexico, from Baja California held an exhibit of
50 000
Machinery, coatings, calibration
Food and Beverage
Packaging, bottling, lab supplies
the products that require a production process. We held Business Meetings with regional PYMES
468 000
Industrial maintenance, abrasives, industrial security equipment
(small and medium companies) to detect po-
Electric and Electronic
23 M
Machining, packaging, coatings and finishing
18 M
Injection molding, packaging, extrusion molding
Injection molding, residue management
Packaging, stationery, printing.
50.5 M
2 591
tential suppliers. The main sectors that were represented: Airspace. Food. Promotional goods. Automobile. Beverage. Electric. Electronic. Printing. Medical. Metal. Mechanic. Metrology. Furniture. Optic. Chemicals. Recycling. Transportation. Main certifications required: AS 9100 and NADCAP; HACCP; ISO 9001 and ISO 14001; JPMA. We have allot to do!
Classification of tractor companies by city
Main sectors represented
Packaging Machining
1 5
4 33
Mexicali Tijuana
Plastics 14
Tecate Rosarito
Coating and finishing
Rodrigo Caballero. Jorge Figueroa.
What we do, we do it openly for anyone to use it in its products; whether for profit or not, this is not important to us. - David Cuartielles.
he collective project Jovenes de Baja California Unidos en el Espacio 71,
formed by students from the Universidad Iberoamericada, the Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, the Centro de Capacitación #6 and the Politecnico de Baja California, launched into space two nano satellites: “Cimarrón Sat 1” and “Lobo Sat 1”, under the coordination of Eduardo Guizar, NASA. Manager Eduardo Guízar, NASA.
Managers Esperanza Collin. Ana Gurría. Claudia Muñoz. Jefte Padilla.
DiseĂąadores Ximena Valero, Louis Verdad, Emedel GarcĂa, Daniela Villa y LLenuel.
...Tijuana is considered one of the most important cities in the world; it is a city that has witnessed a positive and transcendental change, to become a place filled with life and progress; this is reflected on projects such as Tijuana Innovadora, in which we are proud to participate. - G贸mez Moreno.
Manager Jaye Galicot.
There is something so necessary like our daily bread, and it is peace for every day; without peace even bread tastes bitter. - Amado Nervo.
Honorable Guru Javier Ferrara.
Manager Esteban Camacho.
Security Ecology Public Spaces Employment Development Mobility Education Citizen Participation Culture No statement Like it as is Economy
A research project and contribution by Tijuana
Innovadora with the support of Maria Luz
Didn’t make any proposals Technology
Bravo. Yo Propongo.
Migration Health
1. Citizen participation process. Tijuana In-
novadora sought out to learn what worries the people from Tijuana about their city and how they can solve it: How do you envision the Tijuana of your dreams and what do you propose, or what would you do to attain it? 2. Video. 31 individuals from Tijuana born in other states share why the stayed in Tijuana. 3. Photograph. Esthetic approximation by photographers to document these immigrants. Fotografía Carmela Castrejón. Roberto Córdoba-Leyva. Angélica Escoto. Luis García. Jofras. Itzel Martínez. David Maung. Julio Orozco.
I am Netzahualcoyotl, I am the singer, I am the parrot with a great head. Take your flowers and your hand-held fan. Dance with them! - NezahualcĂłyotl.
The City Awakens! The musical group La Ballena de Jonas and the dance company Lux Boreal, authors and choreographers of the song and dance, respectively.
Managers Eunice Sandoval. Henry Torres.
About 10 or 12 years ago we had 1500 factories in Tijuana, with 25 thousand employments, now there are only 22 of them and we want them to flourish once again - Ivan Ilko, Furniture Cluster.
Manager Alma Bejarano.
With the necessary discipline, it is very easy to achieve success. - Raúl Alcalá.
Managers Alfredo Pérez. César Pérez.
Latin Jazz Band: Jazz Latino Ray. Hoze Me-
Materia de Deseo by Xawery Wolski. La Linea
lendez. Judy Garland. Lux Boreal. La Balle-
by Francisco Toledo. Trascendencia y Van-
na de Jonas. Colin McAllister. Subterraneo
guardia desde Tijuana by Benjamin Serrano.
Danza Contemporanea. Trio Elixir Solar. Proyecto Lizarraga. Tijuana Camerata. Luna
Azul. SAOKO. Jorge Lopez and Ruben Her-
The movie Metropolis by Fritz Lang. 2001:Spa-
nandez. Pavlova Dance Company. Madame
ce Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick. Modern
Ur y sus Hombres. Luna Clasica. Jorge Vi-
Times by Charlie Chaplin. Las Buenas Hier-
llalobos and Friends. Gabriela Bojorquez
vas. Guest: Maria Navarro. Chalan y la Sirga.
and Roberto Salomon. Luna Clasica. Ticos
Guest: Edgar San Juan.
Big Band. Lorena Villaseñor and Francisco Guerrero. Recital concert with trio of sopra-
Manager Virgilio Muñoz.
Cultural Kiosk
nos, Grupo Eclectica, Corazon de Piedra
Guitar and Double Bass Duo. Pendulo Cero.
Verde. Dance Company Ticuan. Opera Am-
Norma Navarrete and Aiko Yamada. Briz’s
bulante with Mariachi Aguila.
We want people to talk about Tijuana, and to talk good about the city! We thank the Mexican Postal Service for answering to our request and granting us support and solidarity with the emission of this postal stamp!
As an acknowledgement of the cities and architectural icons of Mexico, the Mexican Postal Service issued a special postal stamp, Grandezas de Mexico: Tijuana Manager
- SPM, Correos de MĂŠxico.
Jaye Galicot.
33.6 million of United States residents are of Mexican origin - 2011 American Community Survey.
Tijuana/San Diego is the largest metropolitan area in the world, situated in two countries, with a total population of 4.7 million - San Diego Chamber of Commerce / INEGI 2010 Regional.
We created the Binational committee to enrich and strengthen the binational, cross border and intercultural relations. Did you know that 53 million Hispanics live in the United States? We love you Paisanos! Como join us, we are getting ready for Tijuana Innovadora 2014: We connect ideas, we build realities. The Diaspora!
Manager Tatiana MartĂnez.
he 2012 Closing was a demand from TI 2010. After Pa’Bailar Tijuana, the public
demanded an event that would allow the people from Tijuana and the visitors to continue celebrating. We prepared a program with Hernan del Riego to include the performance of the orchestra DO RE MI Comunidad and the Baja California Orchestra under the direction of Garcia Barrios; plus a summary of our most popular events, the performance of Azul Monraz, Effectronix, a message by our founder Jose Galicot, Pa’Bailar Tijuana with Lux Boreal and La Ballena de Jonas, and to close it all off a performance by Nortec, Bostitch & Fussible, all of them proud Tijuana artists. 122
Sí se puede... - José Galicot.
Managers Jorge Izquierdo. Hernán del Riego.
Gastronomic pavilions
permanent and temporary
Workshop attendees
School Tours Attendees
Culinary Battle, and Culinary Expo, Culinary Classes Attendees
3,000 Participants in the Biking to Greatness
Pa Bailar Tijuana (rehearsal and event)
Public Art
300,000 18,766 Closing
228 96 70 Committee meetings
Wednesday meetings
Bi-national meetings
More than
275 guest speakers
Connective Canvas/Cardinal Habla/Ciudad Habla
Mosaico Tijuana
7,000 (survey)
Innovamoda Attendees
National Lottery Presentation Attendees
Visitors to the pavilions
Cultural Program at the Explanade Attendees
800 Postal Stamps
Participants in the Meditation for Peace
18,500 Caesar Guiness
346 Bi-national Region (Terrace)
Launching of Satellite
Fight against Breast Cancer
700 43
Business Forum
Press Conferences in Tijuana
Press Conferences in San Diego
Press Conferences in the Distrito Federal
Press Conferences in different events
Banners in
100 Media
The Agora Attendees
Small and Medium Companies that made offers
127 60 3 Participating Models
Model Castings
Notes in the Media
September 2012/November 2012 Notes printed
985 350 Time Capsule
Spectators of Xolos Match
Business Forum
Metropolitan Strategic Plan
Agents of Change Events
5,500 Inauguration
Press Conferences in the Event
National and foreign credited journalists
Workshop Instructors
Workshops taught
105 169
Furniture Cluster Fair
11,200 125
MODEL Mexicali Rosarito
Comarca Lagunera
n crisis situations, human beings react differently. The richness of
the Tijuana
lies in the fact that various sectors with particular interests form a larger group that discovered the power of fraternal ties for a common purpose. In the beginning, the movement had
La Paz
to learn and demonstrate congruence, and like a snowball it started to grow, was
native, migrant, diverse and special community that is Tijuana.
Los Cabos
Puerto Vallarta
El Paso
Cd. Juárez
Various cities have reached out to us to understand and learn the knowhow of Tijuana Innovadora, and in an Distrito Federal Poza Rica
exercise of humbleness, commitment, congruence, philanthropy and love for our country, we have shared –and continue to do so- with other cities of Mexico what we have learned. Throughout our venture we have shared
Cd. Nezahualcóyotl
the message of our city and have befriended many, which has become our most prized possession. Thank you for your trust. It’s just a little taste… Distrito Federal
BORN IN______
Alejandro Ramírez Cinépolis 128
Gritarán Lotería en Palacio Municipal.
Instalarán pabellón MiPyme en TI2012.
Realizan sorteo de lotería nacional en conmemoración a EnTi.
Fuente: Ciudad Tijuana.
Fecha: 12/03/12.
Autor: Redacción. Género: Comunicado de prensa. Tema: Mipymes. Tendencia: Positiva. Sección: General. Hora: 00:00:00 Duración: 00:00:00
Página: Portal. Comunicado: Sí. Costo: 4400 No. LINK Impactos:
Fuente: Uniradio. Autor: Redacción. Género: Comunicado de prensa. Tema: Sorteo. Sección: Noticias.
Fecha: 09/10/12. Página: Portal. Costo: 4000. Tendencia: Positiva. LINK
Fuente: Ciudad Tijuana. Autor: Redacción. Género: Comunicado de prensa. Tema: Sorteo EnTi Sección: General.
Fecha: 07/10/12. Página: Portal. Costo: 3500. Tendencia: Positiva. LINK
Comentarios: se realizará mañana (martes) a las 18:00 horas, en Palacio Municipal, aunque las puertas abrirán a las 16:30 horas; cabe destacar que los boletos de este magno sorteo llevan impreso el logo de "Tijuana Innovadora"
Comentarios: La SE instalará un pabellón Mipymes en Tijuana Innovadora 2012.
Comentarios: Debido a la trascendencia de este evento, la LN llevará a cabo el sorteo como parte de las actividades del EnTI 2012.
Notas por medios San Diego
San Diego Source > News > Tijuana plans conference to boost biz
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Enter Keywords or SourceCode Tuesday, September 4, 2012
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Tijuana plans conference to boost biz By TIERNEY PLUMB, The Daily Transcript Thursday, August 16, 2012 Article
San Diegans are invited to Tijuana’s massive-sized housewarming party this fall to potentially open up lines of business, culture and communication. Tijuana Innovadora, which will take place Oct. 11 to 21, aims to educate San Diegans and the world about what Tijuana has to offer. The event showcases innovation occurring in the region in such industries as automotive, aerospace, clean tech, electronics and medical devices, as well as strategic design, mass media and cinematography. Only 9 percent of San Diegans currently think Tijuana is important for them, and conference founder Jose Galicot wants to raise that figure. “This is not a tourist program,” he said. “We want two neighbors to know each other.” Some of the best minds in the world will flock south of the border to shed a light on Tijuana's leading — yet widely unknown — role in manufacturing and exporting. Confirmed speakers include Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL); entrepreneur Blake Mycoskie of Toms Shoes; Nobel laureate Ada Yonath; Richard Florida, bestselling author; and Emilio Azcárraga, who heads the largest media network in Latin America. Galicot gave an overview of the event at a press conference Aug. 14 at the Mingei Museum.
RELATED SPECIAL REPORTS International Business
“The first time we did it we were trying to make a noise so people will look around and see what is happening in Tijuana,” he said, referring to the inaugural Tijuana Innovadora held in 2010. This time, he said, planners are bringing in more educators, engineers, architects and artists from all over the world. Other notable expected attendees include New Delhi powerhouse Anand Mahindra, who heads 100 companies; Philippe Cousteau Jr., grandson of undersea explorer Jacques Cousteau; and Earl Anthony Wayne, the U.S. ambassador to Mexico. A goal is to educate outsiders on what Tijuana is doing and making in its factories every day, ranging from TVs to telecommunications equipment for airports and astronauts to heart pacemakers. “Tijuana is exporting $85 million a day in technology. We have 50 years of quality products that we make for the world,” Galicot said. Tickets cost $35 for a half day, including keynote addresses and panels, or $70 for a full day. The event also includes an expo to showcase small businesses on both sides of the border, as well as dozens of workshops. Planners are expecting about 50,000 Americans to attend, with an additional 5,000 from other countries. When the conference was last held in 2010, there were about 30,000 people north of the border who attended, according to event organizers. Round-trip transit to and from San Diego is being offered for $15. Starting Sept. 1, downtown San Diego will be sprinkled with banners publicizing the event. There will be about 80 banners in the Gaslamp area, including along Market Street. The San Diego region has 3 million people, compared to Tijuana’s 2 million. “We have more engineers in Tijuana than in San Diego. We can make a difference together and create more businesses and more ideas,” Galicot said. He said 2,000 volunteers are on board to help orchestrate the event and drive down costs. The event will also highlight Tijuana’s fashion industry, with an international “InnovaModa” fashion show Oct. 14. Locally-based designers will include Louis Verdad, who has designed for Madonna and other entertainers, and Ximena Valero, who once designed for Victoria’s Secret. Chefs from Tijuana and San Diego, including Food Network star and San Diego resident Marcela Valladolid, will whip up their best dishes during a culinary battle Oct. 13 at the Tijuana Grand Hotel.
Leave Your Comment Name: E-mail: Comment: 1000 char. max. 9/4/2012
San Diego Source > News > Tijuana plans conference to boost biz
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Enter Keywords or SourceCode Tuesday, September 4, 2012
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Tijuana plans conference to boost biz By TIERNEY PLUMB, The Daily Transcript Thursday, August 16, 2012 Article
San Diegans are invited to Tijuana’s massive-sized housewarming party this fall to potentially open up lines of business, culture and communication. Tijuana Innovadora, which will take place Oct. 11 to 21, aims to educate San Diegans and the world about what Tijuana has to offer. The event showcases innovation occurring in the region in such industries as automotive, aerospace, clean tech, electronics and medical devices, as well as strategic design, mass media and cinematography. Only 9 percent of San Diegans currently think Tijuana is important for them, and conference founder Jose Galicot wants to raise that figure. “This is not a tourist program,” he said. “We want two neighbors to know each other.” Some of the best minds in the world will flock south of the border to shed a light on Tijuana's leading — yet widely unknown — role in manufacturing and exporting. Confirmed speakers include Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL); entrepreneur Blake Mycoskie of Toms Shoes; Nobel laureate Ada Yonath; Richard Florida, bestselling author; and Emilio Azcárraga, who heads the largest media network in Latin America. Galicot gave an overview of the event at a press conference Aug. 14 at the Mingei Museum.
RELATED SPECIAL REPORTS International Business
“The first time we did it we were trying to make a noise so people will look around and see what is happening in Tijuana,” he said, referring to the inaugural Tijuana Innovadora held in 2010. This time, he said, planners are bringing in more educators, engineers, architects and artists from all over the world. Other notable expected attendees include New Delhi powerhouse Anand Mahindra, who heads 100 companies; Philippe Cousteau Jr., grandson of undersea explorer Jacques Cousteau; and Earl Anthony Wayne, the U.S. ambassador to Mexico. A goal is to educate outsiders on what Tijuana is doing and making in its factories every day, ranging from TVs to telecommunications equipment for airports and astronauts to heart pacemakers. “Tijuana is exporting $85 million a day in technology. We have 50 years of quality products that we make for the world,” Galicot said. Tickets cost $35 for a half day, including keynote addresses and panels, or $70 for a full day. The event also includes an expo to showcase small businesses on both sides of the border, as well as dozens of workshops. Planners are expecting about 50,000 Americans to attend, with an additional 5,000 from other countries. When the conference was last held in 2010, there were about 30,000 people north of the border who attended, according to event organizers. Round-trip transit to and from San Diego is being offered for $15. Starting Sept. 1, downtown San Diego will be sprinkled with banners publicizing the event. There will be about 80 banners in the Gaslamp area, including along Market Street. The San Diego region has 3 million people, compared to Tijuana’s 2 million. “We have more engineers in Tijuana than in San Diego. We can make a difference together and create more businesses and more ideas,” Galicot said. He said 2,000 volunteers are on board to help orchestrate the event and drive down costs. The event will also highlight Tijuana’s fashion industry, with an international “InnovaModa” fashion show Oct. 14. Locally-based designers will include Louis Verdad, who has designed for Madonna and other entertainers, and Ximena Valero, who once designed for Victoria’s Secret. Chefs from Tijuana and San Diego, including Food Network star and San Diego resident Marcela Valladolid, will whip up their best dishes during a culinary battle Oct. 13 at the Tijuana Grand Hotel. Leave Your Comment Name: E-mail: Comment: 1000 char. max. 9/4/2012
WEB AND SOCIAL NETS • Acceso de 71,818 usuarios distintos
• 123,524 visitas con duración promedio de 5:15 minutos
• 605,454 impresiones de pantalla
Currently has 47,004 Likes
I am immensely pleased and honored that this is happening in my factory, it brings us closer to art, to culture, even if its just a little...thank you...and more so due to the magnitude of the artist, it reflects feelings of love and glory for Mexico - Adriana Lujan, worker. Coordinator: Eduardo Gurria 141
By starting the use of the word #Tijuanizando we wanted to start an imaginary intervention to neutralize and even oppose the use given in the media, we gave it a connotation that has a relation with culture, space, habits, forms of interacting, create and innovate.
Production: Claudia Basurto.
To act is to add something of our own to the world. - Simone de Beauvoir.
We believe in the power of art and culture as a tool to promote creative and innovative thinking, and as part of the prevention process. We seek to strengthen the relation between citizens through activities, workshops and laboratories with innovative vocations, all for children, youth and adults of Camino Verde, and surrounding neighborhoods that allow us to do so.
Architects: Adriana Cuellar and Marcel Sanchez. Director: Francisco Orozco 143
El Histri贸n, CECUT. Artist: Jack Winer
Por amor a Tijuana - Jos茅 Galicot.
Sitio de Seguridad 2. El Trompo. Artist: Daniel Ruanova
It is a question of discipline, the little prince told me later. When one finishes getting ready in the morning, we have to carefully clean the planet. - Antoine De Saint Exupery. 145
We cant change the world as much as we want, but we can give it a few touches. - Emmeline Pankhurst.
Coordinator: Jack Winer 146
e’ve talked about how the greater
they were entrusted, each made proposals to
part of the effort and pride of Tijuana
the Board, and made suggestions pertaining
Innovadora has been through the volunteer
speakers, workshops and projects to design,
work of different people. They made it their
execute and evaluate the program activities.
own to take the responsibility to plan the
A few are part of the staff but a greater part of
Tijuana Innovadora 2012 program.
them are professionals in other organizations that find the time to support and promote the
The managers are specialists in the areas
Laura Araujo. Pablo Barragán. Claudia Basurto. Antonieta Beguerisse. Alma Bejarano. Rodrigo Caballero. Esteban Camacho. Emmanuel Campillo. Raúl Cárdenas. Carlos Carrillo. Liliana Castellanos. René Castillo. Esperanza Collins. Eunice Contreras. Olga Margarita Dávila. Joe daRosa. Carlos de la Parra. Margara de León. Hernán del Riego. Hernando Durán. Adriana Eguia. Javier Espinoza. Jorge Figueroa. Andrea Flores. Jaye Galicot. Luis Garzón. Miguel Gracia. Eduardo Guízar. Ana Gurría. Eduardo Gurría. Illya Haro. Patricia Hernández.
city. Thanks to all of them!
Jorge Izquierdo. Enrique Jiménez “Ejival”. Rafael Liceaga. Javier López. Gastón Luken. Gilberto Macías. Miguel Marshall. Tatiana Martínez. Ana Martínez. Maribel Moreno. Claudia Muñoz. Virgilio Muñoz. Rodrigo Pacheco. Jefte Padilla. Alfredo Pérez. César Pérez. Magnolia Pineda. Gaby Posada. Cynthya Rodriguez. Antonio Rodríguez. Gabriela Roldán. Guillermo Romero. Patricia Saharagui Ruiz. Eduardo Salcedo. Paty San Román. Alejandra Santos. Kathy Silva. Henry Torres. Hector Uraga. Jack Winer.
AGRADECIMIENTOS / THANKS TO Asesores / Advisers: Jacobo Ackerman. / Volunteer Organizer. Laura Araujo Patro- Axis. Cuatro Comunicación. Morzan. Red Corp
Dulce Cuevas. Eckaterine Hernández. Ed-
Antonieta Beguerisse. Jeffrey Davidow. Her- cinios / Sponsorships: Liliana Castellanos. Alliances. TDM. Tips Marketing. Producciones gar Gómez. Edgar Rentería. Edlin Zaragoza. nando Durán. Mario García. Eduardo Gurría.
Talleres / Workshops: Patricia Hernández. Vanguardia. Zimat Consultores.
José Ángel Gurría. Kurt Honold. Humberto Casa de las Ideas: Francisco Orozco.
Eduardo Reyes. Eduardo Cecilio. Elba Hernández. Elba Rivera. Elizabeth García. Elsa
Jaramillo. Jorge Kuri. José M. Larroque. Luis
Jóvenes Voluntarios / Youth Volun- Ayala. Emmy Marrón. Erandi García. Erica
López Moctezuma. Gastón Luken. Gastón Staff y Voluntarios staff / Staff and
teers: Aarón DelaCruz. Abigail Meza. Ada Ávila. Erick Aguayo. Erick Fraile. Erik Zepeda.
Luken Garza. Adrián Michel. Virgilio Muñoz. staff volunteers: Alma Ruiz. Beatriz Váz- Melina. Adán Negrete. Adrián Estrada. Adrián Erik Cuevas. Erika Oliva. Ernesto Preciado. Liébano Sáenz. Manuel Sandoval.
quez. Carlos Martínez. Carlos Mercado. Clau- Murray. Adrián Vázquez. Adriana García. Ernesto Zepeda. Ernesto Gus. Esmeralda dia Morales. Debbie Vieyra. Dennise Apodaca. Adriana Rivera. Agustín Guerra. Alan del Ahumada. Eva Saavedra. Evelyn Sánchez.
Organismos / Advisory Organizations
Elda Rodríguez. Frank Sauz. Gabriela Flores. Callejo. Alejandra Jocelyn Rodríguez. Ale- Evelyn Jazmín. Uscanga Hernández. Evy-
and Cabinet: AIM. AIMO. ARHITAC. CANACIN- Ismael Benítez. Juan Zamudio. Laurence jandra Valeria Pulido. Alejandro Figueroa. mareth Gutiérrez. Ezequiel Medina. Felipe TRA. CANACO. CANIRAC. CANIETI. CCE. CDT. CE- García. Luisa Alvarez. Lyzeth Jiménez. Ma- Alejandro Carvajal. Alejandro Figueroa. Borbón. Fernanda Ayala. Fernando SantiaCUT. CIRT. CMIC. COLEF. COTUCO. COPARMEX. riana Bernal. Marla Guzmán. Marlon Vázquez Alejandro Martínez. Alejandro Montenegro. go. Francisco Malagón. Francisco AltamiraDEITAC. OCDE. SCT. SECTURE. SEGOB. SRE. Nayeli Castañeda. Osvaldo Guzmán. Paola
Alexandra Moreno. Alexandra Lara. Alexia no. Francisco Sandoval. Francisco Casique.
Fuentes. Perla Montes. Salvador Valera. Ser- Kerim. Alexis Recoba. Alfonso González . Franzia Armenta. Fredy Medina. Frida Ruiz.
gio Ramírez. Sofía Márquez. Ulises Sandoval. Alicia Sánchez. Alma Gabriela Aréchiga. Ana Gabriel Decena. Gabriela Mejía. Gabriela Trejo Félix. Ana Jazmín Terán. Ana Karen De Páramo. Gabriela Rodríguez. Gabriela Sal-
Yesica Morfin. Zahira Alcántar. Asesores Binacional / Binational Advi-
la Cruz. Ana Karen Esparza. Ana Karen Palo- cedo. Gabriela Toscano. Galilea Zaillo. Gem-
sors: James Clark. US-México Business Cen- Equipo Binacional / Binational Team:
mino. Ana Karina Sánchez. Ana María Ortiz. ma Guereña. Georgina Castro. Geovanni
ter. Remedios Gómez-Arnau. Consulado de Laura Araujo. Alan Bautista. Mayra Carbajal.
Ana Paulina Díaz. Ana Yessica Pérez. Analí Silva. Gerardo Guajardo. Gerardo Gutiérrez.
México en San Diego. Pely Guevara. Red Corp
Aída García. Pely Guevara. Viviana Ibáñez. Yuriria Garibaldi. Anallily Arce Galván. An- Gerardo Jaramillo. Gerardo Simental. Ge-
Alliances. Viviana Ibánez. Otay Mesa Chamber Mario López. Tatiana Martínez. Flavio Olivieri. drea Rosas. Andrea Guadalupe Farías. An- rardo Hurtado. Giovanni Marin. Gladis López. of Commerce. Yolanda Ingle. USD. Mary Lydon. Genaro Valladolid.
drés Padilla. Anette Ornelas. Ángel Velasco. Gladys Martínez. Grecia Ruiz. Greta Paz.
Urban Land Institute. Nancy Nicholson. WTC.
Ángel J. Acereto. Ángela M. Cortés. Annel L. Guendolín Gamino. Guillermo Díaz. Guiller-
Johanna Saretzki. Mingei Museum. Charles
Conductores / Presenters: Alejandra
González. Ansony J. Vázquez. Antonio Martí- mo Zulbarán. Guillermo Ledesma. Gustavo
Shapiro. Instituto de las Américas. David Shrik. Gaxiola. Ana Velia Guzmán. Christian Oroz- nez. Antonio Tapia. Antonio Rodríguez. Areli Aguayo. Héctor Gallegos. Héctor Lizárraga. ICF. Rob Sidner. Mingei Museum. Héctor Vane- co. Claudia Chavero. Fernanda López Trevi- N. Fuentes. Ariel Acosta. Arturo Mijangos. Héctor Yánez. Héctor López. Héctor Rafael. gas. SANDAG. Roxana Velázquez. San Diego ño. Gerardo Marín “Jerryboy”. Javier Rentería. Museum of Art. Mary Walshok. UCSD
Ashelin Estrada. Aszhamel Chávez. Aurelia Hikosuke León. Hilda Martínez. Iliana Cara-
José Ibarra Amador. Karina Muñoz. Manuel Ruiz. Ayrebi Cuanalo. Azucena Flores. Bea- pia. Iram Vargas. Irene Jiménez. Irlanda Gil. Chavarín. Martha Antillón. Nelly Sanoja. Pablo triz Torres. Beatriz López. Beatriz Urquidez. Isabel Frausto. Isabel López. Isael Machado.
Consejo Directivo / Board of Direc- Barragán. Patricia Valay. Tatiana Martínez.
Bernardo Ramírez. Bibiana Barrutia. Blanca
tors: Presidente / President: José Galicot.
Suárez. Brenda Hernández. Brenda Valdés. llo. Israel García. Israel López. Israel López.
Isai Castillo. Isaura Lara. Isis Jazmín Casti-
Coordinador Ejecutivo / Executive Coordi- Photographs: Claudia Basurto. Claudian Brenda Rodríguez. Brenda Coral Vargas. Itzel Zamudio. Ivonne Apolo. Jacqueline Ronator: Jaime González Luna. Miembros del Contreras.
Eduardo Brenda González. Brenda García. Bren- cha. Jared Pardo. Javier Prado. Javier Soto.
Consejo / Board Members: Claudia Basurto. Jaramillo. Antonio Leyva. Omar Martínez. da Zavala. Brian Alatriste. Brianda Herrera. Javier Pérez. Jenifer Ramírez. Jessica MarJaye Galicot. Alejandra Santos. Jack Winer. Gabriela Valay. Reporters: Juan Carlos Bryan Castillo. Carla Peña. Carlos Argue- tínez. Jessica Ramírez. Jessica Villanueva. Programación / Programming: Claudia Ba- Domínguez. Manuel Rosales.
llo. Carlos Cabada. Carlos Guevara. Carlos Jessica Sandoval. Jessica Iribe. Jesús Ló-
surto. Jaye Galicot. Managers. Ejecutivo de
Gómez. Carlos Jiménez. Carlos Martínez. pez. Jesús Escobar. Jesús Alba. Jonathan
Programa / Programme Manager: Antonio Comunicación / Communication: Ro- Carlos Espinoza. Carlos Madrigal. Carlos
Gutiérrez. Joaquín Sapiens. Joaquín Cor-
Rodríguez. Director de Proyecto / Project Di- drigo Bustamante. Roberto Clemente. Oscar Acosta. Carmen Quiroz. Carolina Bojór- dero. Jocelyn Sepin. Jocelyne Avilés. Joel rector: Jorge Izquierdo. Tesorería / Treasurer: Ciares. Oscar Hernández. René Sánchez quez. Carolina Carvajal. Carolina Padilla. Valenzuela. Joel Ramos. Joel Velázquez. FIC: Antonieta Beguerisse. Ana Reyes. Jurí- Hernández. Jennifer Rocha Galván. Aída Gar- Carolina Díaz. Celeste Díaz. César García. Joel Sicairos. Jordy Lugo. Jorge Espejel. dico / Legal Affairs: Mariona López. Karina
cía. Alejandra Santos. Edwin Sosa. Roberto Christian Ramírez. Christian Avila. Christofer Jorge Flores. Jorge Mendoza. Jorge Flores.
Morales. Directora de Proyectos Especiales Salazar. Publicidad e Imagen / Advertising Regalado. Christopher Vara. Cindy Palma. Jorge Luis Arámburo. Jorge Sandoval. José / Special Projects Director: Claudia Basurto.
and Image: Tomás Perrín (Director). Verónica Claudia Pierce. Claudia Velázquez. Claudia Alejandro Martínez. José Andrés Gutiérrez.
Prensa / Press: Alejandra Santos (México)
Cabrera. Alma González. Michel A. Mendo- Soto. Clementina Flores. Cotty. Fernández. José Antonio Albino. José Antonio Cristina.
Aída García (EU). Enlace y Relaciones Pú- za. Mariel Mora. Rogelio Treviño. Iván Vega. Cristian Pérez. Cristina Ruiz. Cynthia Balles- José Carlos Valencia. José Carlos Gómez. blicas / Public Relations and Liaison: Su- Redacción y Guiones / Writing and Scripts: teros. Daniel Vieyra. Daniel Soltero. Daniela José Elías Muñoz. José F. Solís. José Iván sana Orozco. Coordinador de Conducción
Guadalupe Rivemar. Diseño / Design: Erwin
Páramo. Daniela Rangel. Daniela Sánchez. Sandoval. José Luis Anaya. José Luis Carre-
/ Presenters Organizer: Pablo Barragán. Carrillo. Ana Muradás. Mario Rubio.
Danilo Fernández. Danna Hernández. Da- to. José Manuel Chavolla. José Manuel Gil.
Operaciones y Logística: Jorge Garza. Je-
rius Torres. David García. David García Pé- José Miguel Martínez. José Raymundo Aya-
sús Dávalos. Binacional / Binational Affairs
Proveedores y Empresas de Apo- rez. David Arredondo. David Amarillas. David la. Jocelyn Medina. Joshua Aranda. Josué
Organizer: Tatiana Martínez. Atención al yo de Tiempo Completo / Full Time
Hernández. Denise Calette. Denisse Cama- Cuevas. Juan Alberto Solís. Juan Antonio
Visitante / Guest Services: Emma Cruz. suppliers and supporting Companies: rena. Diana Avilés. Diana Chaídez. Diana
López. Juan Arturo Fuentes. Juan Carlos
Pabellones / Pavilions: Jack Winer. Javier Álvaro Ávila. José Avelar. Roberto Karlo. Rodri- A. Briseño. Diana Vásquez. Diana Vázquez. Pino. Juan Luis Mora. Juan M. Benítez. Juan Espinoza. Patricia Hernández. Voluntariado go Caballero. Román Sosa. Rubén González. Diego Solorio. Diego Mercado. Dora Iduarte. Miguel Hernández. Juan P. Matías. Juan
Ramón Guzmán. Judith Duarte. Julio Cesar sario Vea. Rubén Palacios. Sajid Ochoa. Patrocinios Innovamoda / Innova- MTB. Lobos Team, Bici Mart. OpBc. Otay en Anguiano. Julie Villalobos. Karen Hermosi- Samantha Rodríguez. Samuel Macedo. moda Sponsors: Antología. Blooming- Bici. Playas NBC. Freitas. Rayos. Biker Soler. llo. Karen Macías. Karen Peña. Karen Torres. Sandra Vargas. Sandra Cerón. Sara Rubio.
dales. Cervecería Cuauhtemoc. Chef Diego
Ladies Ride. Bici Boys. Baja Lobos Team.
Karina Basto. Karla Corzo. Karla Dávila. Karla Sara Ortega. Sara Infante. Sarah Aguilar. González. Co Columbia. Eccole Accesorios. DJO Global Team. TKT MTB López. Karla García. Karla Carranza. Kasan- Saraí Solís. Saraí Zavala. Saudy Alcántar.
Elle Magazine. Gama Photography. Hotel
dra Calderón. Katherine Ibarra. Katia Patiño. Saúl Green. Selene A. Manilla. Sergio Es- Palacio Azteca. L.A. Cetto. Miluke Colección. Cápsula del Tiempo / Time Capsule: Kenia Caracoza. Kenny Gómez. Kevin Lugo.
pinoza. Sergio Erick. Shirley Blanco. Soraya Nordstrom. Obesity Control Center. Oriflame 1. Introducción. Breve Semblanza. 2.Memo-
Laura García. Laura Jiménez. Laura García.
Castrejón. Stephania Rodríguez. Stephanie Cosmetics. Pancake House. Pía Joyería. ria Tijuana Innovadora 2010. 3.Plan Estraté-
Laura Barragán. Laura Virgen. Leira Valen- Estrada. Susana Espinoza. Susana García. Landinis. T.G.I. Fridays. Tarango Boutique. gico Metropolitano. 4.IMPLAN. Centro Históricia. Leslie J. Estrella. Lidia Chacón. Lidia Susana Cosío. Tania Lizárraga. Tania Bra- Tequila Cachanilla. Vitamine Water. Peina- co. 5.CIT. Paseo de la Fama. 6.CIT. Mosaico González. Lidia Martínez. Ligia Luján. Lilia vo. Thania Herrera. Teresa Martínez. Valeria dos / Hairdo: Basilio Muñoz. Luis Almanza. de Tijuana. 7.Colección Tijuana Innovadora Covarrubias. Lilia Montijo. Lizeth González.
Acosta. Valeria Morales. Vianey Bueno. Vi- Richard Cabral. Maquillaje / Make-up: Adria- 2010/2012. 8.CIT. El Alma de Tijuana. 9. El
Lizmaelyn Altuzar. Lourdes Alicia. Luceri- cente Ramírez. Víctor Bernal. Víctor Ame- na Pichardo. Basilio Muñoz. Elvia Félix. GOC Colef. Actualidad-Perspectivas 2042. 10.El to Zagal. Lucero Favela. Lucía Hernández.
ricano. Víctor Castro. Víctor Tolentino. Víctor Make up. Tec Italy. Accesorios / Accesories: Colef en el tiempo. 11.Universidad Xochi-
Lucio Arredondo. Luis Vázquez. Luis Án- Ramírez. Victoria Del Castillo. Viridiana Ló- Clay.Pro. Eccole Accesorios. Ziur Designs.
calco. 12.Instituto Tecnológico de Tijuana.
gel Téllez. Luis A. Gutiérrez. Luis Jiménez.
pez. Wendy Canizález. Wendy Ortega. Yael Agencias de modelos / Modeling agency:
13.CETYS Universidad. 14.Universidad Ibe-
Luis Macías. Luis Fajardo. Luis Rivera. Luis
Beltrán. Yessenia Flores. Yiuliana Martínez. Tony Barragán. Perfect Top Model.
roamericana. 15.Cesun. 16.Diócesis de Ti-
Álvarez. Luis Jesús Vega. Luis Julián Cruz. Zenón Cabrera.
juana. 17.Centro Israelita de Tijuana. 18.CIT.
Luisa Fernanda López. Luisa M. López. Ma.
Patrocinios Satélite / Satellite Spon-
Película Imaginando Tijuana. 19.Cecut.
Fernanda Guyot. Ma. Fernanda Herrera. Voluntarios / Professional volun-
Nuevo Cecut Remodelado. 20.USAID. Planes
Magda Ruiz. Maira García. Manuel Yuriar. Ma- teers: Alejandra Luna. David Moreno.
Maestros para la Prevención del Delito. 21.
nuel Olivas. Marcela Huerta. Marcella Ruíz.
Gabriel Ortiz Vega. Gerardo Mora. Jennifer Patrocinios Batalla Culinaria / Cu-
Marco A. Martínez. Marco A. Machuca. Marco
Rocha. Leonardo Franco. Luisa Álvarez. Mar- linary Battle Sponsors: Arballo vinos y dana Diseño Urbano. 23.Situación Empre-
Nueva Puerta México. 22.Propuesta Ciuda-
A. Martínez. Marco A. Valderrábano. Marco cela Mendoza. Mark Banks. Rosario Vázquez.
licores, Asombro Marketing, Cerveza fronte- sarial. 24.Tijuana Digital. 25.Tijuana Verde.
A. Valencia. María Alejandra Gómez. María
ra, Club Gourmet, Cooking Choice, Culinary 26.Sedesol. Camino Verde y Mi Comunidad.
Betsabé Márquez. María Concepción Rojas.
Apoyo en talleres / Workshops: Alber- Art School, El Sargazo, Grand Hotel Tijuana, 27.XX Ayuntamiento. 28.Periódicos del 10 de
María Félix Pérez. María Fernanda Nieves. to Song Trujillo. Alma Bejarano. Ana Cecilia
I Print - Chef Work, La canasta, Mision19, diciembre del 2012.
María Guadalupe Vega. María Isabel Moli- de Anda. Azteca B.C. Bibiana Maciel. Carlos Mundo BRG, Secretaria de Turismo B C, na. María José Raygoza. Mariana Granados. Carrillo. Carlos C. Apodaca. CESPT. Conalep
Smart & Final, Studio Arsa, Telnor, ZECA
Mariana Navarro. Mariana Sánchez. Maricela
B.C. Emmanuel Campillo. Ejival. FIC. Flavio
Parga. Marina Aguayo. Mario Delabra. Mario
Olivieri. Gerardo Brizuela. Guillermo Rome- Mosaico Tijuana: María Luz Bravo. Yo pro-
Rodríguez. Mario Alberto Agüero. Mario Saúl ro. Héctor Uraga. Luis Castro. Marco A. Lepe.
pongo. Con el apoyo de Reacciona Tijuana.
Vargas. Marisol Romero. Marlene Rojo. Mar- Márgara de León. Tony Robles. María Gonzá- Conapo. Sedesol. IMPLAN. Ayuntamiento de tha Valdez. Martín Hernández. Martín Fer- lez. Maribel Moreno. Nina Pizá. Patricia Sa- Tijuana. Testimonios / Testimonies: Blanca nández. Martina Zamoran. Martina Isabel
haragui. Ruiz René Castillo. Roxana Salcedo. Dávalos. Ramón Aguirre. Roberto Blanco.
Zamoran. Max Izquierdo. Mayra Ortiz. Mayra
Televisa TJ. UCD. Wendy Montaño.
Mario Pavón. Nina Moreno. Paola Valencia. Juanita Ortiz. Max Mejía. Anita Hernández.
Luna. Mayra Sánchez. Melina Gaxiola. Meli-
na Leyva. Melissa Mora. Melissa Moreno. Me- Agencias de modelos / Modeling Rosa María Martínez. Rocío Gallardo. Berlissa Flores. Melissa Carolina Sariñana. Me- agencies: Class. Contempo Models. G.H.
ta Vivar. Alberto Licona. Teresa Riqué. Olga Memoria / Memoir: Idea Original y textos
lissa Esmeralda Sariñana. Melissa García. Management. Higher Model Management. Micaela de Sampedro. José Luis Ortiz. Jor-
/ Original Idea and writing: Claudia Basurto.
Merari Soto. Miguel Ángel Ríos. Miguel Ángel Queta Rojas. Wanted Models. Modelos / Mo- ge Bautista. Kevin y Ana Rosa Maldonado Diseño / Design: Sergio Picos. Medicis Tolentino. Mildred Cruz. Miriam Sánchez.
dels: Aileen García. Aliki Cosmidis. Andrea Daniel Salinas. Nahum Hernández. Elías y Comunicación.
Montserrat Pérez. Nadia Ramírez. Nallely Hurtado. Blanca Iñiguez. Brisell Sánchez. Benjamín Sánchez. Said Rodríguez. Carmen Mares. Nancy Grimaldi. Nancy N. Moreno. Candy Arballo. Dafne Anda. Dafne Fuerte.
Voluntaria. Traducción / Translation: Mariona
Padilla. Wendy Melisa Lugo. Raúl Cárdenas. López. Gracias al apoyo de Susana Orozco
Nancy Pérez. Natacha Yuriria. Natalia Inda. Daniela Dominique. Daniela Gómez. Denis- Gabriela Posada. Roberto Rosique. Mely Gon- y Alejandro González. Nayeli Zepeda. Nayeli Torres. Nidia Arzola. se Aldor. Elizabeth Alcántara. Ellen Drane.
zález. Rómulo Sosa. Carlos Adolfo Rosario.
Octavio Salcido. Omar Luna. Omar Velasco.
Eva Hernández. Fernanda Encinas. Grissel María Teresa Quijano. Adelaida del Real.
Omar González. Oscar Ceja. Osvaldo Loera.
Osuna. Jimena de la Torre. Laura Cárde-
Pablo Naufal. Paloma Luna. Paola Blanche.
nas. Lili Zamora. Madeline Martínez. Marcela
Fotografía / Photography: Carmela
Jacobo Aviña. Patricia Hernández. Perla Ta- Gudiño. Mariana Castrillón. Mariana Muñoz.
Castrejón. Roberto Córdoba-Leyva. Angélica
boada. Perla Juárez. Priscila Chávez. Prisci- Marlis Grajeda. Myriam Valdez. Nancy Moe- Escoto. Luis García. Jofras. Itzel Martínez. la González. Rafael Fernández. Ramiro Ra- ller. Paulina Aseemat. Paulina Hernández.
David Maung. Julio Orozco.
mos. Ramón S. Borbón. Raúl Chavarría. Raúl Paulina Kim. Rosela Ramírez. Shardell LaSalas. Rebeca León. Ricardo Díaz. Ricardo
mas. Shennel Lamas. Sofía Aguay. Stepha- Pedaleando rumbo a la Grandeza /
González. Ricardo Cuenca. Ricardo Omar. nie Escobar. Stephanie Ramírez. Tania Cantú.
Pedaling toward greatness: Baja Bike
Rigoberto Domínguez. Rocío Sánchez. Ro- Violeta Trujillo. Wendy Ruiz. Yolanda Guzmán.
Team. Enduro. Gct Team. Linces. Afferrados.
*** 151