Repetition Students are asked to repeat the teacher’s model as accurately and as quickly as possible
Substitution • Give students practice in finding and filling in the slots of a sentence.
Question-and-answer • This drill gives students practice with answering questions.
1.- What ar e t he goals of t he t eacher s?
Teacher s want t he st udens t o lear n t o use it aut omat ically wit hout st opping t o
2.- What ar e t he r ole of t he t eacher s?
Or chest ra leader
3.- What are some charasteristics • New vocabular y and of the teaching/ learning process? st r uct ur al pat t er ns • The dialogs ar e lear ned t hr oug imit at ion an r epet it ion • Dr ills (Repet it ion, subst it ut ion, quest ion-and-answer ) • Gr ammar is induced f r om
4.- What is t he nat ur e of st udent -t eacher int er act ion?
The int er act ion bet ween st udent s begins when st udent s t aken dif f er ent s r oles in t he dialogues but t he int er act ion wit h t he t eacher is dir ect and is
5.- How ar e t he f eelings of t he st udent s dealt wit h?
Ther e ar e no pr inciples of t he met hod t hat r elat e t o t his ar ea
6.-How is t he Ever y languajviewed? e is seen language
as having it s own unique syst em. Cult ur e consist in ever yday behavior and lif est yle of t he t ar get
7.-What ar eas of language ar e emphat ized?
List eningspeaking
Reading- wr it ing
8.-What is t he r ole of t he st udent ´ s nat ive language?
The st udent ´ s nat ive languaj e is not used in t he classr oom
9.-How is evaluat ion The answeraccomplished-? t his quest ion is
not obvious, because t hey not see t he st udent s t aken t he t est . But if t hey would have seen t he st udent s t he answer t o t his quest ion would
10.-How does t he t eacher r espond t o st udent The t eacher er r or s?
should be aler t t o avoid er r or s when he/ she plans
• Dialog memorization • Backward build- up
• Transf ormation drill
• Repetition drill • Question- andanswer drill • Chain drill
• Use of minimal pairs