September 9, 2018 Order of Service

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Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church

Invite A Friend Sunday 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:15 PM 12:15 PM 12:15 PM 12:30 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM

September 9, 2018

Child Care - Nursery Our Whole Lives (OWL) 4-5 Parent Info Session - Lizzie Crozier French Room Personal Beliefs and Commitments - Room B Youth Religious Education Classes - Rooms A-H Worship Service - Sanctuary UU Conversations - e.e. cummings Room Spiritual Care Listening Booths - various locations Trashy Treasure Hunt - meet at lobby back door Endowment Committee Meeting - # Centering Prayer - Lizzie Crozier French Room Sing Out - Lizzie Crozier French The mission of Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church is to create a welcoming community that nurtures spiritual growth and challenges us to transform the world through acts of love and justice.

Order of Worship September 9, 2018 * Please Stand In Body or Spirit

Ringing of the Chime Welcome and Announcements Ringing of the Chime Introit

Praise to the Spinner


Opening Words *Chalice Lighting Hymn Reach out your hand if your cup be empty If your cup is full may it be again Let it be known there is a fountain That was not made by the hands of men

*Affirmation Love is the spirit of this church, And service is its law. To dwell together in peace, To seek the truth in love, and to help one another, This is our great covenant.

*Hymn 368 (Gray Hymnal)

Now Let Us Sing

Story for All Ages Hymn 168 (Gray Hymnal)

One More Step


Ten Beliefs

David Rankin

Responsive Reading 594 Spoken Prayer and Silent Meditation *Hymn 346

Pam Johnson

Come Sing a Song with Me

Introduction to Offering and Share the Plate Lonsdale Environmental Camp at Tremont Share the Plate is a program in which we split the Sunday plate offerings with groups whose values and mission we strongly support. Any check not designated as a “Pledge” and all cash collected during the offertory will be split with this weeks designated recipient: Lonsdale Environmental Camp at Tremont. Supporting these inner-city kids to connect with nature relates directly to many of UU’s seven principles, especially helping them to understand and have respect for all existence. Participating in this environmental camp also helps kids to accept and respect diversity, and to work together toward environmental and community benefits.

Offertory Sermon

Rhythm of Life


Explaining Unitarian Universalism Before Your Ice Cream Melts Rev. Chris Buice

*Hymn 141 (Gray Hymnal)

I’ve Got a New Name

*Closing Words *Musical Benediction Let people living in all lands, declare that fear and hate are done. Rise above differences and stand, in love and understanding, one.

*Greet Your Neighbor Please join us after the service in the Greg McKendry Fellowship Hall for conversation and coffee.

Attendance Last Sunday 133 e.e. cummings room: The soundproofed room at the back corner of the Sanctuary allows you to see and hear the service while giving you and your children more freedom to move around and talk. Honor with Flowers: If you would like to donate to TVUUC’s Flower Ministry, please fill out an information card from the Honor with Flowers Bulletin Board (located in the Fellowship Hall) along with your donation and your honoree. You will see your honoree listed here on your chosen date.

Ways to give to TVUUC:   

Cash or Check: In the Sunday Offering Kiosk : located in the Church Lobby Donate securely online at:  To Give a Gift by Text Message, send “TVUUC” and “amount” to 73256  Direct Deposit: Please sign in to your REALM account to give . *If you don’t have a REALM account or need assistance, please contact the church office at (865) 523-4176.

Events This Week BOLD text indicates a TVUUC event or meeting Italic text indicates a rental of the facility # Indicates an off-site event

For the most current info, see the online church calendar

Sunday, September 9 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:15 PM 12:15 PM 12:15 PM 12:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM

Child Care - Nursery Our Whole Lives (OWL) 4-5 Parent Info Session - Lizzie Crozier French Room Personal Beliefs and Commitments - Room B Youth Religious Education Classes - Rooms A-H Worship Service - Sanctuary UU Conversations - e.e. cummings room Spiritual Care Listening Booths - various locations Trashy Treasure Hunt - meet at lobby back door Endowment Committee Meeting - # Centering Prayer - Lizzie Crozier French Room Sing Out - Lizzie Crozier French Room

Monday, September 10 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:30 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM

Suzuki Violin Lessons - Room F Tennessee Interfaith Power and Light Advisory Panel - Room C Sweet Potato Pie Recorder Group - Lizzie Crozier French Room Personnel Committee Room C Piano Tuning—Sanctuary SGM (Small Group Ministry) 3 - Room A SGM 8 - Room D Young Adult Book Club - Library Smoky Mountain Hiking Club - Room C Gay Men’s Discussion Group - Room B

Tuesday, September 11 - Deadline for Newsletter Articles to be Submitted 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM

Tai Chi - Fellowship Hall SGM 10 - Room A SGM 4 - Lizzie Crozier French Room Staff Meeting - Office Conference Room Suzuki Violin Lessons - Room F SGM 9 Library Women’s Table - # TLAP Meeting - Room C Music Committee Meeting - Office Conference Room Conversations with God - Room A Sierra Club—Fellowship Hall

Wednesday, September 12 9:00 AM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM

Tai Chi - Fellowship Hall SGM 9 - Library Suzuki Violin Lessons - Room F Adult Education: In Later Years, Finding Meaning and Spirit In Aging - LCF Room Wednesday Potluck - Fellowship Hall Chalice Singers - Sanctuary High School Youth Group - Room B Middle School Youth Group - Room A Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal - Sanctuary

Thursday, September 13—Newsletter Published 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 5:30 PM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM

Tai Chi - Fellowship Hall Alliance Meeting and Potluck Lunch - Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall Children’s Diversity and Justice Library Work Day - Lizzie Crozier French Room Suzuki Violin Lessons - Room F Greater Knoxville Chess Club - Rooms C and D Spanish Class - Office Conference Room Friends of Lois - Room B Thrill the World Knoxville Dance Rehearsal - Fellowship Hall Building and Grounds Meeting - Lizzie Crozier French Room

Friday, September 14 Church Office Closed

Saturday, September 15 10:00 AM Greater Knoxville Recorder Society - Fellowship Hall 6:00 PM Classic Movie Night - Lizzie Crozier French Room

Sunday, September 16 8:45 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:15 PM 12:30 PM 1:00 PM 1:00 PM 5:00 PM

SGM (Small Group Ministry) 13 - Room C Child Care - Nursery Personal Beliefs and Commitments - Room B Connection Circle for Newcomers to TVUUC - Library Youth Religious Education Classes - Rooms A-H Worship Service - Sanctuary UU Conversations - e.e. cummings room Program Council - Room C Our Whole Lives 4-5 Parent/Child Orientation - Fellowship Hall and Room A Children’s Diversity and Justice Work Day - Lizzie Crozier French Room Centering Prayer - Lizzie Crozier French Room

Next Sunday… September 16, 11:00 am “All is Forgiven” East meets West this year: the High Holy Days of the Jewish calendar intersect with the Jain tradition of Samvatsari, both of which are holy days of forgiveness. Service Leader: Rev. Chris Buice and Viren Lalka

Announcements: Today Everything You Wanted to Know About the Church But Were Afraid to Ask! After the service, a board member will be sitting near the fireplace in the Fellowship Hall, waiting to hear your concerns, answer your questions, or accept your words of happiness with our wonderful community! During the Fireside Chat, a board member will take down any information you pass along or questions you ask and promise to follow up in a punctual way. Let us know what's on your mind and find out more about church governance. Make a board member happy by sitting down for a chat !

Youth Religious Education Classes—11:00 am in Rooms A-H If you are visiting for the first time, you will be invited to check in at the Religious Education Greeter Table in the lobby when you arrive. Our staff and trained volunteers will be available to answer any of your and your children's questions about the program. If you would like to speak with someone about our RE classes before you visit, you are welcome to contact the RE office at (865) 523-4176 x 106

UU Conversations—12:15 pm in the e.e. cummings room Every Sunday after the service a TVUUC Member is available in the e.e. cummings room at the back of the Sanctuary to welcome newcomers, answer questions about Unitarian Universalism and TVUUC. UU Conversations facilitators are friendly folks who want to get to know you and your interests, and help you get connected to our community. They will be able to offer printed materials, a wealth of their own knowledge, and will be able to connect you to the right person to answer any questions that they aren’t able to. No need to RSVP, just show up any Sunday!

Trashy Treasure Hunt—12:15 pm meet at lobby back door Gather at the back porch and we’ll head down to the Third Creek Greenway for some litter pick up. We provide the litter picking sticks and trash bags. Volunteers of all ages welcome! We return about an hour later.

Centering Prayer—5:00 pm in the Lizzie Crozier French Room Centering Prayer is a contemplative practice in the Christian tradition, a time in which we intentionally consent to our relationship to God or higher power. Some have called it "Christian Meditation," though the group welcomes all forms of practice during our 20-minute time of silence. The time of silence is preceded by a half-hour discussion of a poem, reading, or other topic that relates to our spiritual lives. All are welcome, and no prior experience is needed.

Sing Out—7:00 pm in the Lizzie Crozier French Room Sing Out meets the second-Sunday-of-the-month in the Lizzie Crozier French room -- a singing circle open to all. We provide the book Rise Up Singing, and we take turns choosing the song to sing as a group. Bring a friend, a guitar or rhythm instrument, or just yourself. Hope to see you!

Announcements: Upcoming Adult Education: In Later Years, Finding Meaning and Spirit In Aging —4:30 pm Wednesday September 12 in the Lizzie Crozier French Room Bruce Marshall, who helped set up this congregation's pastoral care program, has written a new book based in his experiences as a chaplain in a retirement home. This class will look at some of the themes in that book as it relates to the later stages of life (or thinking ahead to prepare for those stages). Who are our role models for aging? How do we handle loss? What do we do when our sense of identity is built around things we can't do anymore? How do we find a new identity? This class will be offered on Wednesday afternoons from 4:30-6:00 before the potlucks/community dinner on Septembers 12, 19 and skip a week October 3 and 10. Facilitated by Chris Buice. If you buy the book through TVUUC Amazon account you help raise funds for the church Or you can buy it through the UUA Bookstore and that helps the denomination.

Wednesday Potluck Dinners are back—6:00 pm Wednesday September 12 in the Fellowship Hall Second, Fourth and Fifth Wednesdays, September - May, 6:00 PM - 7PM Bring enough to feed your family + one extra person. We will then all share in the Wednesday Potluck Meal. Join us in the Fellowship Hall for this great community gathering opportunity before scheduled events at church on the Second, Fourth and Fifth Wednesday evenings. Volunteers always needed for set up, dish washing and clean up. Please sign-up to help on the Sign-Up link For more information, contact: Eunice Turner, Phone: 523-4499 E-Mail: eaturner(at)

Alliance Meeting and Potluck Lunch—10:30 am Thursday September 13 beginning in the Sanctuary We will have a brief business session, then music by Karen Yarbro and a couple of her friends ( I believe they call themselves the Summerset Trio) and then decide on the agenda for the upcoming year. Please come and don't forget to bring a dish for the potluck. The Alliance welcomes new members!

Children’s Diversity and Justice Library Work Day—1:00 pm Thursday September 13 Work party for the Children's Diversity and Justice Library, in anticipation of launch in October. Contact: Miriam Davis,

Classic Movie Night—6:00 pm Saturday September 15 in the Lizzie Crozier French Room Watch for details on this weeks film announcement.

Stay In Touch! Follow us: Instagram @tvuuc Twitter @tvuuc Facebook - Like our page @TennesseeValleyUUChurch Join our group: “TVUUC Members and Friends” Listserve / Newsletter: Sign up online at YouTube Sermons: TVUUC Video iSermons

Today’s Lay Leaders Welcome Table • Ushers • Greeters • Church Leader on Duty • Caring Table • Music • UU Conversations • Flowers • Shopping Card Table • Sound • Coffee •

Amy Morris Hess, Chris Hamilton Faye Joyce, Mary Jo Holden, Don Dougall, Frony Ward Bob Palmer, Trevor Dockery Palmer Ryan McBee Tom O’Connor, Suzanne Brown Ann Barber, Sanctuary Choir David Ostermeier Wimberly Thompson Eunice Turner, Dee Stephenson Tina Becker Carrie Balent, Eunice Turner

Staff Senior Minister • Ministerial Intern • Director of Administration • Director of Lifespan Religious Education • Membership and Communications Coordinator • Director of Music • Music Program Assistant • Religious Education Program Assistant • Youth Programs Coordinator • Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper • Building Maintenance •

Reverend Chris Buice Pam Johnson Claudia Pressley Catherine Farmer Loya Lauren Hulse Leslie Gengozian Will Dunklin Miriam Davis Juniper Stinnett Michael Miller John Montgomery

Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church 2931 Kingston Pike, Knoxville, TN 37919 / / 865-523-4176 Pastoral Care Line 865-297-3155 Office Hours this week: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm; Sunday 10:00am-1pm

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