Claudia Sani I Portfolio 2014

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Parks Technology Florence Strategy Urbanism Ferrara Landscape CLAUDIA SANI Architecture student PORTFOLIO

CV SANI | Claudia DATE OF BIRTH : 06.03.1990,Chiavenna,(SO)ITALY. ADRESS :

via al Portone 12,Chiavenna 23022,ITALY


+39 348 1073306







Exchange program for thesis research, PUCPR, Curitiba, Brazil.

2013 :

Exchange program, HFT, Stuttgart, Germany.

2010|2015 :

M.Arch-Master degree in Architecture, Università degli Studi di Ferrara.

2005|2009 :

scientific linguistic diploma, liceo scientifico Leonardo da Vinci, Chiavenna (SO), Italy.

ACADEMIC EXPERIENCES 06|2013 : 06|2012 :

International prize for Suatainable Architecture, collaboration with Fassa Bortolo, Unife, Ferrara, ITALY. W, collaboration with Fassa Bortolo, Unife, Ferrara, Italy.

03-04|2012 :

“Michelangelo’s box”, Salone del Restauro, Unife, Ferrara, Italy.

03-04|2011 :

“Alberti’s box”, Salone del Restauro, Unife, Ferrara, Italy.

WORKSHOPS 11|2013 :

“Brazilian history of architecure”, prof.C. De Castr, Curtiba,Brazil

11|2013 :

“Valle della Conca 2013”, workshop sealine, Rimini, Italy.

05|2013 :

“The Contemporary Architecture in Copenhagen”, with Prof.Loeffler of HFT,Copenhagen, Denmark. “The Sustainability of wood”, Makholz Workshop,Haimburg, Austria.

11|2011 :


Imobiliengesellschaft Hubeli AG, Internship, Sankt Moritz, Switzerland

2009|2013 :

Heinemann Cosmetics promoter,Livigno, Italy.

2007|2009 :

Lifeguard and swimming instructor,Wellness center Hotel Andossi,Madesimo,Italy.



Illustrator cc, Photoshop cc,Indesign cc,Premiere cs6


Autocad 2d 2015, Rhinoceros 2d,Allplan Nemeschek,Sketchup Autocad 3d, Rhinoceros 3d


Cinema 4D


Word,Exel,Power point

00 INDEX| Indice


NEUE WHONUNGEN | Weissenhof| FLOOD-RENCE| Florence| redevelopment

urban planning


redensification od the area


of an area close to arno river 3.

13X13 HOUSES| Livorno| environmental THE ATELIER| Stuttgart| 8x8



room, atelier for artists


INTO THE WOOD | Trentino| wooden LEUVEN STATION| Leuven| representation

building 6.

of the new station 7.

S.ANTONIO CHURCH | Ferrara| restoration

of a church 8.

COMPETITIONS SICILIAN DREAM | Sicily| landscape LET SEE | Finland| observatory


for the northern lights 10.

ATTRACTIONtoC| Copenhagen| library 2.0



research 11.

ACADEMIC PROJECTS Urbanism Landscape Design Technology


01 LAU | Ferrara 6th SEMSETER | UNIFE URBANISM LANDSCAPE DESIGN The darsena is a filter between the city center and the southern suburbs. As confirmed by the results of the analysis, there are different discontinuity points,. The strategy chosen is the connection, that it’s been realized by four parallrl cycle-pedonal circuits, three green bands and one bridge, that work as physic connectors between the two areas. This way, the area is divided into smaller parts, each of which is strongly characterized by a specific function. Considered the impossibility to re-create an urban fabric similar, but especially functional, as medieval one of old city or the 60s, the idea to create single attractive points seems to be the most appropriate, all the single points are so well characterized to be completely self-standing.



02 PI | Weissenhof 8th SEMSESTER | HFT URBANISM DESIGN The project consists of the construction of residentiall buildings in the famous Weissenhof district in Stuttgart, built on the occasion of the modern living Universal Exhibition in 1927, which was attended by the best architects of the time, including Le Corbusier, Mies Van der Rohr, Gropius and Berhens. The area, where to design the dwellings, has been damaged during the 2nd worldwar . The objective is to supplement it, but at the same time to adapt it to the new principles of modern eco-sustainability and energy saving. The new houses are built with the new construction systems, but never forgetting the principles whereby this exposure was important to the architecture history.



Ground floor

Ground floor

First floor

First floor

Second floor

Second floor


Ground floor

First floor

Second floor


03 LAP3| Florence 5th SEMESTER| UNIFE URBANISM LANDSCAPE DESIGN The goal of this third year project was to work in the suburbia of Florence, facing the problems of a built nobody-land and trying to sew up the pre-existent surrounding buildings to the near Arno river, giving quality to the area. The key factor of the strategy is water; it tries to get hold the area, buildings rise from the ground to get away from the force of water, leaving behind a luxuriant vegetation. The internal organisation of the buildings is flexible, it is based on a system of staggered planes which assume different functions, but at the base of the buildings there are always common areas that collect various functions.

13 x 13 house

private garden common garden

rays 69째 summer

southwest wind sirocco


rays 46째 halfseasons


rays 27째 winter

chimeny effect

04 AMB| Livorno 6th SEMESTER | UNIFE DESIGN TECNOLOGY The residential complex designed on Livorno coast (Tuscany) has been created in order to reach high environmental quality and energy efficiency. Every single residential unit represents a zero energy building model and has great spatial and functional flexibility. In the project, special attention has been given to maximum utilization of the frequent winds affecting the area: during the summer a central courtyard brings out the warm air, and during the winter the closed walls help sheltering from the cold winds. Besides, in order to guarantee greater self-sufficiency,each house has a private garden with various crops oriented according to their best needs.



05 RUD| Stuttgart 8th SEMESTER| HFT DESIGN RAUM UND DETAIL The 8x8m building, with the function of atelier and exhibition space for artists in the center of Stuttgart ,has been created Starting from the analysis of the tea room of the Japanese villa Katsura in Kyoto, capturing the regulative principles, the feelings, the material used and the connections with the surroundings .The fundamental element of the room is light. Light determines the regulative principles of the room, and takes the visitor through a path of art made by foreshortenings and nature.


the WOOD

06 LCA| Trentino III SEMESTER | UNIFE AHEC wodden building competition| 2nd PRIZE DESIGN TECHNOLOGY The project is a re-interpretation of local cultures, in this case the Chalet from Trentino(Italy), starting from the shapes of traditionally mountain homes and using a wooden structure (platform system) as decorative element. The use of wood, the typical constructive material of the region, is a simple and functional attempt to manage public spaces, showing how it could be an easier, faster and more sustainable construction technique.

Leuven Station

07 TRA| Leuven 3rd SEMESTER| UNIFE RAPRESENTATION TECHNIC Starting from 2d drawings and photos available on the Samyn and partners Studio website, the virtual and physical model of the Leuven Railways Station has been recreated. From the real project,going through the virtual model, which has allowed us to hypothesize with renderings the possible realizations of the physical model,we eventually came to build it. The virtual model has also been useful In the writing of the assembly instructions book of the physical model in which each construction step is explained in detail.

S. Antonio


08 LAR| Ferrara 7th SEMESTER|UNIFE RESTORATION The restoration of the Church of Sant’Antonio Abate the old in Ferrara an excellent opportunity to prove myself into the development of a for both structural and decorative apparatus. Starting from the of the current situation , we made a detailed analysis of the state of tion, up to the definition of the interventions and the actual restoration

has been project analysis degradaproject.

the project

COMPETITIONS Sicily Finland Denmark



09 CDG| Sicily TEAM| L.Dussini, E.Porfido,S.Stefanati LANDSCAPE THE CHIUSE OF GUADAGNA represents an ideal opportunity for the development of tourism and local culture in Sicily. The objectives of the project have been defined taking into account the future users of the area (4 categories): traditional tourism (families), food and wine (organized group), educational tourism (schools and public initiatives) and environmental tourism (sports and Naturists). The project aims to meet the requirements of each category with specific interventions and also it can be made individually with a chrono-flexible program. The principles to follow are Relax and regeneration, sensory stimulation, interactive teaching and slow life which are the grassroots of the intervention Strategy.

essence garden

outdoor exhibition area


sports area



10 OBA| Finland TEAM| D.Mantesso, M.Medici DESIGN LETSEE wants to reconsider the tourist experience of the Northern Lights in connection with local ancient tradition. Rethinking the settlement of primitive Sami villages (or a/the primitive), dispersed pyramidal-shaped volumes are dug into the hill in order to experience the ancient indigenous lifestyle and restore a primitive but efficient thermal comfort solution, like first Finnish saunas dug in the ground and used as dwellings in winter. A wide glass edge is cut out in each semi-hypogeum concrete building on the north direction, looking for the meeting between space and Earth in the Aurora Borealis. Even if every room gives you the possibility of looking out, an observatory tower provides the best view-point. Thanks to a reflecting surface on the top, the tower provides a perfect mimesis of the forest during daytime. But it’s a landmark which activates itself when northern lights appear, becoming visible from the city.


11 L2.0| Copenhagen TEAM| L.Biasutti,G.Galli,A.Gioia, DESIGN The library is located on the most chaotic dock of Copenhagen where a promenade puts in direct connection two of the most touristic places in the city: Nyhavn and the little Mermaid. Therefore anything that is located in this focal point of the city needs to take into account the flows of tourists passing on the waterfront. The intention is to attract the flow to climb and interact with the roof or to enter the court of the building, which becomes a public and sheltered space on the waterfront, embraced by the library. The higher facade of the building is oriented to look at both the waterfront and the two closer iconic buildings: the Opera house and the Royal Playhouse. This public and transparent volume will work as the perfect and sheltered hotspot to admire the waterfront, relax and take pictures. From the outside, the facade could be seen as a simple lantern that reflects its light on the water of the canal or on it can be arranged with special lighting and projecting screens,

COOMING SOON Pais(vi)agem thesis research

FERRARA UNIVERSITYSustainability Livorno Cities Planning Construction Masterplan Mobility

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