Portfolio cláudio magalhães

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Clรกudio Magalhรฃes Fernandes Portfolio

Personal Info

Cláudio Magalhães Fernandes 02\11\1988 Portuguese +351 910385777 magalhaesfernandesclaudio@gmail.com Address Rua António Bessa Leite, porta nº 1417 rés-do-chão Dto Porto

Educational background

CLÁUDIO FERNANDES magalhaesfernandesclaudio@gmail.com

Bachelor Degree in Architecture and Urbanism - Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade de Lisboa Masters Degree in Architecture - Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto Skills /Experience Auto desk AutoCad Googlesketchup Adobe photoshop Adobe InDesign Adobe Illustrator Kerkytheia TRIENNAL DE ARQUITETURA “A House in Luanda” Lisbon Assistence TESS(Territorial Empowerment and Social Sustainability) Programa Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus Intensive Programme Faculdade de Arquitectura de Ferrara Ferrara-Vicenza 2014 CIAMH-CEAU FAUP International seminar / Vernacular Architecture 2/5/2013 Rehabilitation Serra de Aire e Candeeiros Family Housing 2008-2015 Rehabilitation Telhados Grandes Old Shed in the mountains 2016

Cover Letter

I am applying for a position as an architect for 3, 6 months or further, to start by the end of June. Even though I have no office experience I already have experience in two house scale project, and am currently working on a rehabilitation for rural tourism in the mountains. I am very pro-active and passionate about Architecture and its meanings, as for me it is not just a job, but above all a life choice. Any life experience is a part of our work as architects. As an architect, i believe we have the power of change. So we also have the responsibility of it. For me, the beauty in our life, is we have the space awareness needed to give sub-conscious and unconscious sensations to the people who experience our spaces. Even if sometimes it can feel inglorious, in the end all our efforts made are a part of something bigger than ourselves. I have always been team player, as i am a team sports lover and former basketball player. I currently teach basic geometry which i believe it is a matter of space awareness. Drawing is also a passion of mine, as i use it to understand space and an opportunity to experience different types of atmospheres. I have advanced Autocad, Photoshop, Indesign and Sketchup skills, even though when in work process i like to explore different tools for different problem solving situations, such as writing, hand drawing and modeling for each scale. I took my bachelor in Lisbon in Architecture and Urbanism, and I am currently in my masters thesis at Oporto University in Architecture, two different cities and education strategies, between urban and human scale approach. In this Portfolio I chose three projects with different presentations, which i believe reflect my overall competences and what i can bring on to the table.

Thank you for your time, Yours Sincerely,

ClĂĄudio MagalhĂŁes Fernandes

Our work process would be an infinite road to perfection with an infinity of problems/solutions if there was no time schedule, but even knowing perfection is impossible to reach, it should always be the main goal.

Letters of recommendation

RECOMMENDATION LETTER Maria da Graça Ribeiro Correia Ragazzi, member nr 4063 of Ordem dos Arquitectos (Portuguese Architects Association), scholarship in 1998/02 from FCT-Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia (Foundation for Science and Technology), invited assistant Professor at FAUP- Faculdade de Arquitectura do Porto (Oporto’s Architecture Faculty) and Professor and Director at Universidade Lusófona do Porto, Ph.D by UPC-Universidade Politécnica da Catalunha, Barcelona (Polytechnic University of Catalonia), hereby present my recommendation to



As Cláudio Fernandes’s teacher I had the opportunity to follow him performance; has revealed great character, good analitic spirit as well as work and motivation qualities that will allow him to achieve success. For the personal and professional knowledge I have of Cláudio Fernandes, I believe he is an interesting, responsible and proactive person, able to deal with the challenges of any architecture office and, therefore, I have no reservations in recommending Cláudio Fernandes. Porto, July 17th 2015

(Graça Correia, arch.)

Rua Azevedo Coutinho, 39 . 4º sala 44B . 4100-100 Porto . Portugal T/F +351.226 067 047 / correiaragazzi@gmail.com / www.correiraragazzi.com GRAÇA CORREIA, LDA SOCIEDADE POR QUOTAS - MAT. 505216507 NA 2ª CRC DO PORTO - 2ª SECÇÃO - NIPC 505216507 - CAPITAL SOCIAL 5000 €

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House of Water Lisbon

Work with, Architect Sergio Miguel Padrão Fernandes The House of Water is located in the heart of Lisbon. Designed with stone water and light, these characteristics will guide us to explore the different spaces as our senses are defied to explore the different sensations.

Cultural Centre of Urban Art OPorto

Work with, Architect Maria Graça Correia Ragazzi The Cultural Centre of Urban Art located in the heart of Oporto, reflects the History of it surroundings, as it is designed with proportions you can find in the typical historic buildings in the heart of the city of Oporto. As you explore the different open spaces through the top you’ll get clean views to the city, as the building facade is made partially out of glass.

Collective Housing in Amoreiras Lisbon

Work with, Architect Maria Manuela Da Fonte In a city as dense as Lisbon, the public open spaces are crutial for the welbeing of the citizens. The surrouding areas have different social classes, and as they all coexist in the same area, overall solutions have to be thought as well for the master plan.

House of Water Lisbon

Work with, Architect Sergio Miguel Padr達o Fernandes

Water House Square of Oliveirinha Light, Water, Stone In this exercise the challenge is to design a Water House in the Heart of Lisbon. Must be a structure made with stone from the region of Lisbon(Lioz), and there must be a very strong connection with water and light. These three subjects are perfect to stimulate our senses in space, and can guide us from space to space without realizing we’re being driven. Just like we’re walking through a cave. The darkness brings out our senses, you can feel and smell the humid cold wall like no other, see the smallest hole that let light in. It is moments like this where we get aware of ourselves like no other time. So, a place like this must be closed from the outside, controlling the transitions/connexions between them in extreme ways, just like in a cave.

View of Lisbon from Square of Oliveirinha

Square of Oliveirinha

Orthophoto ,roof plan

Public Space Water / Rock /view The square has the potential to be a place to live and still use it as an urban shortcut like always before. The intervention on the square it’s very simple, the square it’s located on a very high point of Lisbon so this gives the potential of a great view over one of the most beautiful parts of Lisbon, the Castle as well as the medieval housing. This will be possible by taking down the wall that’s blocking the view and introducing three open windows of rock so people can appreciate the view in any weather conditions. In order to ensure better integration of the building on the Urban space, i chose to organize the evolution of the project based in three pre-existing power lines. The most present line is the big wall boundary, that i chose to ignore, giving more presence to both project and wall. The other two lines are orthogonal between each other and are the base of all project.

Light Test of the impact of the building in the square, Hand drawing and Photoshop

Square and entrance plan Some of the the overhead light structures to the inside of the house are also opened and prepared to let water inside sliding down the stone walls if it rains. High from the ground this will protect the interior from the sounds in the outside. The ground overhear lights will let light in side in the day, and light out side to the square in the evening.

-1 floor plan, All spaces are open but the ones that need temperature control such as the sauna, dressing rooms, massage areas and gym rooms.

Work process model of floor -1, scale 1/100

In order to fit somewhere, we find a pattern, a guideline, an orientation, a rule. Only after there might be space for exceptions, so we can be a part of it instead of trying to be it.

Cultural Centre of Urban Art OPorto

Work with, Architect Maria Graça Correia Ragazzi The Cultural Centre of Urban Art located in the heart of Oporto, reflects the History of it surroundings, as it is designed with proportions you can find in the typical historic buildings in the heart of the city of Oporto. As you explore the different open spaces through the top you’ll get clean views to the city, as the building facade is made partially out of glass.

Cultural Centre of Urban Art OPorto

Work with, Architect Maria Graça Correia Ragazzi The challenge is a Cultural Centre of Urban Art, located in the heart of Oporto, a place full of History, a city that maintains its traditions and keep a certain continuity in all interventions. This place is no different, even though there are buildings like the Casa dos 24 from Fernando Távora, the Sé do Porto, and the São Bento Station, all these buildings respect this continuity. So the building must also respect their surroundings without excelling. One of the most present characteristics in the center is the typical Housing of Oporto, high and lean, this reference will be the base design of the cultural center, making it a part of the existing urban language.

Typical Housing of Oporto, Ribeira

Avenida da Ponte, old quarry and project intervention on the right

Avenida da Ponte, old quarry and project intervention in front

Orthophoto, intervention space, roof plan

“Like music, architecture tells us how to behave in a certain place�

The area of intervention is vast so we first stipulated some rules to follow in such a place, solving the urban needs of open public spaces we release as much permeable space as possible, avoid the large deconstruction of the old query, for economic and historic purposes and a new building front for the main avenue. With this basics in mind, the building is divided into two volumes on the top corner. The bottom volume, will serve programs that need to be closed and isolated, such as the auditorium and the plane room. This volume will follow the main avenue geometry making it the new front, with one of the entrances. The second volume stands on top of the roof turning it into an extension of the public space and the main entrance. This second volume will be served by the atrium, workshops, exposition areas and coffee concert bar, that will be oriented to the monumental stairs, which have 50cmx10cm each step, turning them into an object to just walk slowly with any big effort, to sit, chat and look at the beautiful city of Oporto. The volumes will have different materials, the bottom one will have stone plaques, that will be avail from the stone extraction of the query. The top volume will have a glass skin that will slightly reflect the surroundings, appearing lighter and giving great open and free spaces with great views from the inside. The rest of the public space (one of the starting basis) will be all the area on top of the query, that has already vegetation, and the hight gives again a great open view and privacy. The workshops are located on the top floor in connection with the public space so people can use it for bigger art structures or other objects that need big open spaces

Detalhe 4

Rufo Metálico Isolamento Térmico (6cm) Caixilho Cortizo ST 52 Godo Tela Geo-têxtil Perfil Metálico L (1,5 cm espessura) Tela de impermeabilização/barreira pára-vapor

Rufo Metálico

Camada de regularização Paineis de Madeira Carvalho fixação oculta

Isolamento Térmico (6cm)

Sarrafo em madeira


Camada de forma 85.1

Tela de Impermeabilização

Central Térmica

Perfil Metálico L (1,5 cm espessura)

Posto de Transformação (Acesso exterior)


Perfil Metálico de tensão

24m2 x2

Betão armado


Esfera plástica de dilatação



Caixilho Cortizo ST 52 Galeria Técnica

Tecto Falso

Madeira Carvalho

68,5 Apoio Cafetaria


Detalhe 4

Acessos Verticais Monta-Cargas


Caixilho Cortizo ST 52 Tábua de Madeira Carvalho Perfil Metálico "L" Café Concerto

Átrio 320 m2

Café Concerto 148 m2


Átrio 320 m2

Detalhe 3


Caixilho Cortizo ST 52



Placagem em pedra (Granito Branco) Placagem em pedra (Granito Branco) Camada de regularização Isolamento térmico (8cm)

Tela de Impermeabilização camada de Regularização Bucha Metálica de fixação ao betão armado

Muro de Sustentação/ Granito Branco

Galeria Técnica

72,1 Espaço entre "Viga-Parede" para passagem de ductos e fonte de luz artificial

Detalhe 2

87.2 Madeira lamelada colada

Fixação de Perfil "L" ao Betão Grampo de fixação mecânica

Tela de Impermeabilização 82.8



Isolamento térmico (8cm) 68.76 68.63


Parede de Betão aparente Revestimento interior/ Madeira

Detalhe 3

Galeria Técnica




Placagem em pedra (Granito Extracção)

Fachada de Vidro espelhado/ Sistema Cortizo/ ST 52 68,5

Caixilho Cortizo ST 52 76.9 Acessos Verticais

Perfil Metálico "L" (1,5 cm)


Perfil metálico



Esfera plástica de dilatação 68,5 Administração



Madeira Carvalho


Caixilho Cortizo ST 52


Detalhe 1

Cantoneira Placagem em Pedra colada (Granito Polido Extracção de obra) Camada de Regularização

Secretaria 14 m2


Laje Maciça de Betão Armado Átrio 149 m2



Café Concerto



Sala de Reuniões 50 m2

Gabinete 1 20 m2

Gabinete 2 22.9 m2


Gabinete 3 20 m2

Camada de regularização

Cobertura invertida /Pavimento Granito Branco

Perfil Metálico em "L"

Micro-cubo de Granito


Sistema de passa gem UTAS / Iluminação controlada

Caixa de areia com traço seco de cimento 72.1


Massame de betão com malhas



Planta cota 72.1 / Administração / Loja 68,5



Espaço de Apoio a exposições/ capacidade espacial para obras de grande porte


Galeria dos Artistas

Placagem em Pedra Apoiada (Granito Extracção) Galeria Técnica

Espaçador com afinação (espaçamento de 50cmx50cm)


Espaço de apoio

Corte BB'

Tela de Impermeabilização Monta-Cargas

Camada de Regularização Camada de Forma

Detalhe 2

Sala de exposições


340 m2

84 m2

Betão Armado Caleira Por cima da Galeria dos Artistas, possibilitanto entre 3,4 tubos de queda, diminuindo dimensão de camada de forma

Acessos Verticais

Pavimento /Micro Betão

Parede de Betão aparente Central Térmica Corte AA'

Planta cota 78.1 /Exposições 68,5

Detalhe 1 Tela de Impermeabilização Isolamento térmico (8cm) Grampo de fixação mecânica Placagem em pedra (Granito Branco)

Perfil Metálico "L" (1,5 cm) Caixilho Cortizo ST 52

Galeria Técnica

Microcubo Granito

Massame de betão com malhas Granulometria extensa

Acessos Verticais Monta-Cargas



Sala Workshop 50 m2 Pavimento /Micro Betão

Soalho em Carvalho Camada de regularização Tela de impermeabilização Laje em Consola, com comprimento ajustado ao corte na escarpa

Isolamento Térmico Barreira pára-vapor Betão Armado Detalhe do Palco do Auditório em Carvalho

Tela de Impermeabilização Manta Geo-textil Manta Pictonada



Planta Cota 82.1 / Workshops /Central térmica

68,5 B

Projecto IV / Construção III

Cláudio Magalhães Fernandes

Guia de Granito(extracção)

Caixa de areia com traço seco de cimento


Pavimento /Micro Betão

Professora Graça Correia / Professor Eliseu Gonçalves

escala 1/100













V1 LMu2






















Piso 2 ,3, 4




PP2 LMu2























Piso 1


Structural system In order to maintain the clean geometry in the spaces on both volumes, the roof slab of the bottom volume needs a very strong structure. This structure is made with concrete beams with a exagonal geometry, which is a result of the connection between the geometries of both volumes. This will make it possible to create big spaces on the bottom volume, without risking the structure of the top volume.




PP2 LMu2









Piso 0















The stairs slab will finish on the old query in console after the concrete wall, making the old query a wall limit. The space under will be used for infrastructures and the access will be possible without disturbing any activities happening in the auditorium.


On the top volume the structure is designed so infrastructures can pass by from the rooms to the infrastructure corridors without having to onpen any holes that can damage the structure on the long run.

Espaçamento entre "Viga-parede" e Laje para passagem de ductos da galeria técnica para os diferentes espaços, incluindo ductos de àguas de àguas pluviais

Paineis em madeira amoviveis Bancada de Apoio a workshops/ Àguas Pavimento / Micro betão


Elemento em madeira, continuidade de fachada, banco Pavimento / Micro Betão


Pavimento / Madeira

Sala De Reuniões






Café Concerto Pavimento / Granito Branco

Pavimento / Granito Branco

Café Concerto



Corte Longitudinal 1/50

Pavimento / Micro Betão


Sala das màquinas


Sala de Aquecimento

Espaço de espera a Auditório e Sala Plana

Sala Plana

Soalho em madeira "Kahrs", Carvalho

Espaço de Entradaa Auditório e Sala Plana

8,80 m P.D.

Espaço de Apoio a exposições/ capacidade espacial para obras de grande porte

Galeria Técnica Passagem de Ductos

68,5 Apoio Cafetaria

Cafetaria Camarins

Acessos Verticais Monta-Cargas



Sala das Maquinas

Galeria Técnica

68,5 Camarins Acessos Verticais Monta-Cargas


Sala de Aquecimento

50cm Planta 65.4

Sala Plana 171m2 + 52 m2




Auditório 260 m2



Planta 1/50



Sala das Maquinas

Galeria Técnica

68,5 Camarins Acessos Verticais




Sala de Aquecimento

Detalhe 1

Planta 62.0

esc: 1/10

Detalhe 1 esc: 1/2

Detalhe 2

esc 1/2

Detalhe 2

esc: 1/10

Saída/Entrada Auditório/Sala Plana



60 .1 59 .9




59.75 61.37

Sala Plana 171m2 + 52 m2

Regie Sala Plana Ante-Câmara

29 m2

Galeria dos Artistas

Pré-Palco (Ver detalhe painel 4)


(Ver detalhe painel 4)

Auditório 260 m2


Regie Auditório 53 m2

Betão Armado Tela de Impermeabilização

Geo-têxtil Madeira Carvalho Barreira pára-vapor Tela de Impermeabilização Isolamento Térmico

Montante metálico com com isolamento injectável

Projecto IV / Construção III

Cláudio Magalhães Fernandes

Professora Graça Correia / Professor Eliseu Gonçalves

escala: 1/50, 1/10 , 1/2


Collective Housing in Amoreiras Lisbon

Work with, Architect Maria Manuela Da Fonte In a city as dense as Lisbon, the public open spaces are crutial for the welbeing of the citizens. The surrouding areas have different social classes, and as they all coexist in the same area, overall solutions have to be thought as well for the master plan.

Collective Housing in Amoreiras Lisbon

Work with, Architect Maria Manuela Da Fonte The Urban challenge is to rehabilitate the North region of Bairro de Campo de Ourique in Amoreiras, Lisbon. After an Urban research, we found no public spaces near to use, the citizens were mainly senior citizens, and the secondary streets weren’t working properly with the main connections. The building scales were too extreme. From housing with only three or four floors, to office buildings with as much as 70 meters.

(6) (5)





(8) The project is located in the end of Bairro Campo de Ourique(1), there for it is a great place to fit commercial areas(2), public spaces(3), a connection with the Bike Lane(4), etc. The Plan geometry is based on the surrounding blocks, and the hight is the middle point between the two extremes. Respecting and adjusted to the neighborhood housing blocks, and making a transaction between them and the new office buildings in the area. The mass is located strategically with the sun and strongest winds in the area. Making the public spaces as guarded from the wind and as sunny as they can be, pointing the shadows from the building mass to the main roads. The commercial area connects all three housing buildings(5) and the office building(6) in the end, dividing the space in two zones, on for public use that closes the neighborhood and other for the new firefighters station(7). In the East side of the project, down the old quarry(8), a new Shed(9) for multiple activities will be a new opportunity for people who want to start something new, either get a small office or have workshops, to sell or buy needs in the new market area. The old query wall will be sculpted to make a connection to the neighborhood.


(7) (9) (8)





(3) (2)



(4) (2)


1/100 model to test, ground commercial area, structure, facade, and interiors

A trip to Italy, Vicenza. The city of Palladio. Basillica Palladiana

The control between the public and private places its crucial. The stairs are located inside the gallery, giving a controlled environment to the commercial area. The second floor of the commercial area its mainly for restaurants and small offices, so there is no point on bringing those to the public area.

Ground floor

Second floor Restaurants / Offices

Third floor Residences collective spaces /laundry /Internet Area/ Daycare Centre

Kitchen 14,5 m2

Living Room

22,5 m2

Living Room Kitchenette Balcony 45 m2


10 m2


7 m2


14,5 m2



22,5 m2

23,5 m2

When i get home from work, i can´t think about anything else than take my peaceful shower, sit in my chair, and just take a moment with my thoughts, staring through my window into the deep view. A view so deep that i get lost into the unknown, so deep that i get lost in time. As i grow older i find my activities changing, choosing quality over quantity, organization over spontaneity and rule over exception. I never thought i would enjoy cooking this much, or to just take a walk without a destination. Never though i would spend more time talking in the hall than in the living room, or actually leave my keys or jacket in it. My sense of privacy was never a problem, until my first child came. I still enjoy an open space and can enjoy a snack at my neighbor kitchenette island with his friends and have a great time, but for me regularly, cooking is cooking, dinner is dinner, and sleeping is sleeping.

Exploded Axonometry of top Duplex

1/200 model

magalhaesfernandesclaudio@gmail.com 910385777 Rua Ant贸nio Bessa Leite, n潞 1417, r/c Dto, Porto

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