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Climate Mates

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Kevin and Katie

Kevin and Katie

Climate Mates are seven animal friends who have fun together. While reading their stories, kids learn in a playful and humorous way how we can work together to keep our environment healthy and pleasant.


• Mole – likes to do his own thing

• Mouse – often has good ideas

• Pigeon – wants to be friends with everyone

• Hedgehog – is sweet and a bit careful


• Owl – thinks a lot about everything

• Fox – thinks he’s the coolest and toughest

• Frog – is always enthusiastic

We live in a changing world where alarming news can lead to defeatism. The Climate Mates turn this defeatism around and try to do something about it. Children experience how they can achieve great things with something small, for themselves and for others. This way, we make our books not only for the children of today, but also for the adults of tomorrow.

The themes correspond to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations!

• Books translated into more than 5 languages

• Themes: food waste, light pollution, bees, plastic pollution, flooding, saving energy, global warming, recycling, water consumption, overconsumption

• Theatre adaptation in the making!

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