Charlotte Scottish Rite News - August 2008

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“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” - Albert Pike

The Rite News A Quarterly Newsletter

Vol. 4 Issue 2 - August 2008

Thanks for Your Service!

The Scottish Rite Golf Committee held the Second Annual Roger Hart Memorial Children's Charity on May 24, 2008 at the Charlotte National Golf Course. There were over eighty golfers in attendance including students from the Scottish Rite Children's learning Center. Through the efforts of the golf committee over six thousand dollars was raised for the learning center. Many door prizes were donated and we held a fifty-fifty drawing with Brother Gary Isenhour the winner. The day started chilly and rainy but the clouds parted and by tee time the weather was pleasant and all had a great time.

We were honored to have our Sovereign Grand Inspector General, Illustrious William B. (Bill) Brunk, present Fifty Year Service Awards (Light Blue Cap & Lapel Pin) to five of our members at the June 4th, 2008 Stated Communication and two more at Mint Hill Lodge. Earle P. Brown - 4/23/51 (57)

Walter J. Klein - 4/21/58 (50)

Carl A.S. Hedberg - 4/27/56 (52)

John R. Litaker - 4/21/58 (50)

Lewis N. Smart - 11/15/48 (60)

Jesse L. Smith - 4/21/58 (50)

Jack R. Worley - 11/14/49 (59) Some of the members told stories about the honorees. One of the amazing things about presenting this "token of our favour and esteem" to these three Brothers at the same time is that they represent 378 years as Scottish Rite Masons (collectively).

Fall Reunion Coming in October! Wouldn’t you like to see the Tradition of the Scottish Rite continue? We had 34 in our Spring Class. If you have a friend or a Brother who has not yet become a member, take the Petition from this newsletter, sign it and give it to him - it might just be the most valuable gift you can give. Do it today! Thank you. Get the full color version of this newsletter at
























Edwin Becton 32°KCCH - SGIG’s Personal Rep Thomas P. Stroozas 32°KCCH - General Secretary Charles L. Davidson 32ºKCCH - Treasurer Robert K. Braswell 33º - Almoner Kenneth W. Hinson 33º - Chaplain Robert K. Braswell 33º - Master of Ceremonies Brad Hufeld 32º - Tyler

Above - a few more pictures of our 50 Service Awardees and their families. Below - Brother Gilbert Bailey and his fencing partner gave a demonstration for the Brethren and guests it was very entertaining and enjoyed by all!

Jan has been working diligently and is doing a great job. She has also been showing our facility and obtaining contracts for rentals, thanks Jan! The Scottish Rite “Master Craftsman” educational program is available through our office for $40. This includes the first test - which will soon be required to hold an Officer’s position. If you would like a copy of the “FreeMasonry and the Fabric of America” video by the late Brother Lee Sherman Dreyfus, 33rd, former governor of Wisconsin, please contact our office. It is also available on our website.

Contact Us

Street address: 4740 Randolph Road Charlotte, NC 28211

Mailing address: P.O. Box 221149 Charlotte, NC 28222

Children’s Learning Center Monday - Wednesday 9:00am - 5:30pm Telephone: 704-365-0725

Editor: Clayton L. Wright 32°KCCH 2

Notes From the Secretary Rentals for 2008 = $21,150. Contributions to the “Save our Temple” fund have now exceeded $54,000, Thank you and keep it coming!

Officers of the Four Bodies Billy Max Walker 33º - Venerable Master Sidney A. Carter 32º - Wise Master Carl J. Pinion 33º - Commander Michael D. Harding 32º - Master of Kadosh

Thomas P. Stroozas 32°KCCH - General Secretary Jan Garmon - Administrative Assistant Office hours: Mon - Wed 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Thur 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Fri 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Summer Hours: Mon - Thur 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed: Friday - Sunday Telephone: 704-365-3579 Fax: 704-365-3570 Email:

It would be very helpful and will be greatly appreciated if all members of the Valley of Charlotte would e-mail or call the Valley Office if they know of a death or illness in the membership. You may send an e-mail to us at or call (704) 365-3579.

Grand Cross Reunion of the Carolinas - April 2009 The Valley of Charlotte will be hosting the first joint reunion involving the Orients of North Carolina and South Carolina. At a meeting on July 19th, SGIG Bill Brunk (NC) and SGIG Mike Smith (SC) approved a new name for this event - it will be “The Grand Cross Reunion of the Carolinas” [dates: April 16th - 19th, 2009] This event will be in honour of all recipients of the Grand Cross from both Orients and will feature ALL TWENTY-NINE Scottish Rite Degrees! We have reserved an entire hotel in uptown Charlotte, there will be a banquet, the Grand Commander - Ill. Ronald Seale and others from the Supreme Council will be in attendance. More details will follow... If you would like to help, please contact Ill. Allen Hardy <> email:

phone: 704-365-3579

fax: 704-365-3570






FROM THE SGIG - June, 2008 Several years ago, following the installation of our then newly elected Sovereign Grand Commander, Ill∴Ronald A. Seale, 33°, our new Grand Commander came to a decision that promises to be one of the most significant of his tenure – the decision to create a Strategic Planning Committee. The creation of this committee revolved around a desire that the Supreme Council, instead of responding in a reactive manner to those societal and fraternal actions and activities that might influence our organization, should set in place a plan that would outline what kind of an organization we might desire to have and what our future course should be. While efforts of this type frequently fall by the wayside, it is obvious that our Sovereign Grand Commander will not allow this one to do so. Thus was born the Strategic Plan of the Supreme Council. While an outline of the plan can be found on the Supreme Council’s website , we can summarize the five basic objectives briefly as follows: -Fulfill the promise of additional Masonic knowledge through education and training. -Build a positive public image Freemasonry and the Scottish Rite


-Support and expand our philanthropic activities. -Provide a framework for effective leadership to ensure the stability and longterm success of the fraternity. -Provide a financial process to ensure the stability and long-term success of the fraternity. These are rather concise, yet widely encompassing objectives which, if followed by our Valleys, will ensure that our beloved Order maintains its vitality for decades and more to come. The question becomes, are we up to it? A good deal of work has already been accomplished towards all five of these













objectives. The Supreme Council has implemented its new “Master Craftsman” educational program intended to provide a thorough grasp of the basics of Scottish Masonry to our members, and the Scottish Rite Research Society is hard at work designing an advanced educational program to make it easier for our members to delve deeper into the esoteric meaning and significance of our ritual and our history. A number of our Orients and Valleys are in the process of developing Public Relations Committees and Departments (North Carolina has had one for a number of years). Our Supreme Council has had a good deal of success in developing relationships with several major national entities, including Walt Disney Productions. We’re in the process of evaluating all of our RiteCare Centers and have the next RiteCare Conference for clinicians scheduled to be held in Washington over Labor Day weekend. Scottish Rite Masons in North Carolina are very proud of the three Clinics in Charlotte, Boone, and Greenville that continue to help hundreds of children each year, and interest is being expressed in the idea of starting new clinics in at least two other locations. Valleys across the Southern Jurisdiction are working diligently on their organizational structure and on developing job descriptions for every leadership position. A simplified Fiduciary Report has been developed to make annual financial reporting much easier for our Valleys and for our Valleys to transmit financial information to their members in a much more meaningful way. And our Valleys are all looking with a much sharper eye at their buildings and how those assets might be better utilized in the future. The Valley of Charlotte made a decision several months ago to keep its building and to utilize it to enhance its activities on behalf of the Scottish Rite. Some sorely needed repairs have already been accomplished, and the Valley has been successful in efforts to reach out to the community for increased involvement. And, as a result of these efforts, the Valley will serve as host to the Joint State-wide Reunion for the Orients of North and South Carolina in April of 2009 as all twenty-nine of the Degrees are conferred in full form. Our classes of candidates are now somewhat different than those of a few years ago, due to the decision on the part of the Shrine in 2000 to remove the requirement of membership in either the York or Scottish Rite. Accordingly, our candidates are now Masons who clearly are deeply interested in the educational enlightenment that the Scottish Rite has to offer. Valleys that have


phone: 704-365-3579





achieved an active and involved role in Masonic life in their geographic areas are being quite successful in generating new members. It appears that a posture in which we maintain close communication with the subordinate lodges that we serve, as well as one in which we truly are helpful to those lodges, will help us to welcome more and more Masons to the world of Scottish Masonry. The leadership being provided by the Advisory Conference and the officers of the Valley of Charlotte is setting a good example in this regard. Our Grand Commander has made a simple request of all of us that if we are planning an activity that does not support the Strategic Plan, then we should find some other activity that will. I am proud that the Valleys of North Carolina, and in particular the Valley of Charlotte, are involved in activities that not only support the Strategic Plan, but that will indeed help to ensure the future success and vitality of our organization. The need for our organization to espouse the principles of Scottish Masonry in as meaningful a way as possible cannot be overstated, nor the importance of the Scottish Rite maintaining a position of influence in today’s society. There are people in the world who think that it’s OK for someone to fly an airplane into a building and kill thousands of innocents. There are those who think that there is nothing wrong with a government that oppresses its people, and rule every aspect of its people’s lives. And there are some who think that it’s acceptable for the leaders of one of the largest and most influential religions in the world to cover up the moral, ethical, and criminal misdeeds of some of its priests. But the Scottish Rite teaches that its members should stand up for what is just, right, and true, and that we should unite together in the fight against corruption, oppression, hate, and fear. By teaching its sublime and noble doctrines, and influencing its members and thereby society in a positive manner, the Scottish Rite can continue to provide the enlightenment that will help to make our world a better place for all mankind. Each of us who are proud to claim membership in this organization should feel an immense pride in knowing that we are helping to accomplish these goals. May our Supreme Architect continue to bless and prosper our efforts in this direction. Cordially and fraternally, William B. Brunk, 33° Sovereign Grand Inspector General in North Carolina

fax: 704-365-3570


















Stroozas, who initiated the “Save the Temple Campaign”. In this campaign Brother Tom, in a letter to each of us, asked for a contribution of $100.00 or more for the Save the Temple fund. A number of members have responded and a total of some $54,000.00 has been raised through this effort. While this is a significant sum, much more money will be needed to “Save the Temple”. Let me encourage you, if you have not already done so, to please make a contribution to this fund. If you can’t give the amount requested, then please give what ever amount you can. A MESSAGE FROM THE PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Greetings my Brothers. I have requested this space in this news letter in an effort to help you understand some of the circumstances that we the members of the Valley of Charlotte find ourselves in. While our Valley is extremely strong in so many ways, we do face certain challenges. The most significant current one is our financial position, which has been significantly weakened over the last several years. You doubtless have heard rumors, but may not have heard the facts, and thus may not have the understanding that will help us get over this hump. In this message I will attempt to supply you with certain facts in hopes that you will better understand our circumstances and that you will lend your total support toward overcoming the problem. Several months ago, after much debate and at times, very emotional expressions of opinions, it was decided that we would maintain rather than sell our building. That decision meant that we must make some necessary repairs to the building which in turn meant that we must spend significant amounts of money in order to protect the building from further deterioration. The first project was to fix the roof. That work has been done and paid for. Unfortunately, paying for the roof necessitated the invasion of our reserve funds, not just to pay for the roof, but to support our day to day operational expenses. It is obviously detrimental to the health of the Valley to operate in a deficit mode and it is imperative that we reverse this trend as soon as possible. An additional concern is that there are numerous other building repairs that must yet be made, all of which will require the expenditure of significant funds. In an effort to get things under control several things have been implemented. The first item is a very notable effort by the Valley General Secretary, Brother Tom 4

In yet another effort to ease our financial difficulty, the membership has voted to raise its dues, which will have a tremendous positive impact on our financial position. That impact will be felt once the 2009 dues start to come in. I applaud your willingness to step forward to face this challenge and I am confident that you will likewise step forward to meet other challenges as they arise. Another effort to ease our financial burden has been to rent portions of our building. Bro. Tom and Jan, our administrative assistant, have been promoting this effort which has resulted in renting a couple of office spaces, some single day rental of conference space in the dining area and in the library, and several days rental of the auditorium. There is an ongoing effort to rent our kitchen to a company who will prepare meals for the Meals on Wheels program. This plan has not been finalized yet, but work is diligently being done to close on this. I am proud to say that we are now beginning to use our building assets in a manner that will let the building help keep itself up.






will require some extra effort on everybody’s part, and I am again confident that this change in protocol will be instrumental in avoiding any un-necessary expenditures and thus reduce the possibility of any “fat” in our budget. A new procedure for writing checks has also been established. Rather than being written on an “as needed” basis, checks will be written on a schedule which is planned to occur when payroll and related tax checks are written. This effort will improve our office efficiency and improve on the flow of information regarding approval of and payment of invoices. Elsewhere in this news letter you will find information from the chairman of the budget/finance committee on the current condition of our budget. Study this information. It is of vital concern to each of us. You will also find elsewhere in this newsletter, a request that if you have e-mail capability that you please notify the Valley Office and give them your e-mail address. Having your e-mail address will assist your Valley in communicating with you and save one postage stamp. Every little bit helps. My Brothers, I thank you for your help in meeting these as well as the many other challenges which we will continue to face. Our Valley will continue to be a leader in Scottish Rite Masonry due to the dedication and perseverance of its most important asset - its members. Sincerely & fraternally, Ed Becton Personal Representative of the SGIG to the Valley of Charlotte

My Brothers, this is great and I am excited to report this good news. All of these efforts will eventually enable us to reduce the impact of what I hope will be a temporary financial dilemma and take the next step in fixing our building. We have also instituted some austerity programs which will help us stretch our finances. In short, nothing will be purchased until an absolute need is established and we determine where the money to pay for that need will come from. If you need to buy something, please see Jan and obtain a purchase requisition form, fill it out and return to Jan along with written information to substantiate the actual need. When the purchase requisition is approved it will become a purchase order and be used to order the requested material and to reconcile invoices in preparation for payment. This


phone: 704-365-3579

fax: 704-365-3570






















Children’s Learning Center

Be a part in making our 20th Year Our best year! Dear Brother Scottish Rite Mason, Think of it! Our Children’s Learning Center in Charlotte was founded in 1988! In the past twenty years, since 1988, we have assisted hundreds of children. And, Right now there are 33 children enrolled in YOUR “Rite Care” Program. These children would be left behind in their class work if it were not for our Learning Center. The Children’s Learning Center is committed to helping children who are have problems with language development. Naturally, the center takes money to operate, and since any project would carry costs, and those costs would come “off the top” of income realized from a project, by asking you to contribute directly to the Leaning Center, your contribution will go directly to YOUR Center. Thus, we are asking you for your assistance in commemorating our 20th Anniversary by making a Contribution to our Children’s Learning Center. The amount? Simply, let your heart be your guide. Your donation may be in any amount, it all adds up. ($5.00)








Thank you for your assistance as we make every effort to continue to help the children as we have for the past 20 years. Fraternally and Sincerely, The Golf Committee


phone: 704-365-3579

fax: 704-365-3570






From the Secretary Brethren: It has been several months now since we have been together and I hope that you have enjoyed your summer schedule as much as Debbie and I have. Since June we have covered many miles and visited with so many different folks while at our summer home in Homer, Alaska. Have no fear however as I still continue to "mind the store" via my virtual office amidst the grandeur created here by the Great Architect and stay abreast of our Valley of Charlotte interests. I am so grateful to Jan Garmon, our Valley Administrative Assistant and all of the Brethren who stop in at the Temple to lend a hand while I'm away during our summer recess. Yes, we have managed to do a little fishing, kayaking, glacier hiking, moose and bear watching (they frequent our back yard virtually daily) and some good old photography. But probably most of all we enjoy the wonderful and fresh seafood that we manage to catch or purchase direct from the fishing boats that moor up in the local harbor; salmon, crab, scallops and oysters. We will be back in Charlotte in mid September and I look forward to seeing you all again. But if you can't wait, have a question or just want to come up and visit, please give me a call or email..."just for the Halibut"! Fraternally,












From the Finance Committee In January 2008 members attending the Lodge of Perfection meeting approved the 2008 Budget. The budgeted Revenues were $308,925 and budgeted Expenses were $439,443. Thru June we have received approximately $258,000 in Revenues. During the same period we have incurred approximately $307,240 in Expenses. When you take the repairs to the roof out of the expenses, we have spent around 62 % of the year’s expense budget. In early May, the valley found that it did not have enough cash to continue paying it’s bills. Part of this was caused by our spending approximately $115,000 on roof repairs. These repairs were paid for out of operating funds rather than making withdrawals from our investment accounts. Through the “Save the Temple” campaign, members had contributed $54,000 at the end of June to help offset these withdrawals. The other reason that we were out of cash was that for years the Valley has been using next years dues payments to finish paying the years expenses, although we have never run out of cash this early in the year. To keep paying our bills and payroll expenses in a timely manner, the finance committee took two actions. 1. We authorized transfers from our investment accounts in the amounts needed to meet our obligations with additional transfer authorizations to be made as required.

Please be assured that the Finance and Budget Committee will be doing everything possible to watch the Valley’s expenses and Investment position. We plan to institute a program of reinvesting into the investment accounts each year so that we will be able to improve our Valley’s financial position for the future. Fraternally, Bob Gresham 33°

“Problems” are really only Opportunities to Learn.







Two by Two Productions Presents

Thursday, August 28th @7:00 p.m. Friday, August 29th @7:00 p.m. Saturday, August 30th @12:00 noon Scottish Rite Temple Auditorium 4740 Randolph Rd. Charlotte, NC

For ticket information Call 704-909-2848 or visit

2. Directed that all further expenditures be reevaluated as to their necessity. Just because something was approved in the original budget does not mean that it will be approved during the remainder of this year. This action was taken after consultation with Max Walker, Venerable Master and Ed Becton, the SGIG’s Personal Representative. Both agreed with the action and helped institute more controls to contain expenses.





SATURDAY OCTOBER 4th 7:00AM until 11:00AM Menu: Bacon, Eggs, Grits, Biscuits & Gravy and Coffee Cost: $7 for Adults and $3.50 for kids under 12 Purpose: To raise money to buy Costuming and Props for the “Knight of the Sun (or Prince Adept) Degree that our Research Group will be performing at our Reunions.

Tickets available by contacting your Scottish Rite Office. phone: 704-365-3579

fax: 704-365-3570

PETITION DEGREES S E Q U FOR O I THE A C L U B OR APPLICATION FOR AFFILIATION PHONE: 704-365-3579 Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America Valley of Charlotte, Orient of North Carolina

Date Received_____________

Amount Received__________

Temple: 4740 Randolph Road – Mail: P.O. Box 221149, Charlotte, NC 28222 NOTE:

Petition No. _______________

Petitions for the degrees – Complete sections I, II, IV, and V

Applications for Affiliation – Complete Sections I, II, III, IV, and V

SECTION I (Make Checks Payable To Charlotte Lodge of Perfection) Your check will not be deposited until you have taken the degrees. Enclose at least $150 with petition. Includes current year dues, 14° Ring and 32° English Patent. Fees and Dues Lodge $129.00 Petitioner’s Current Blue Lodge Card or Copy Chapter $ 57.00 Must Be Attached or One Recommender May Council $ 57.00 Verify Blue Lodge Status By Initialing Petition Consistory $ 57.00 Total $300.00 INITIALS

SECTION II (PLEASE USE TYPEWRITER OR PRINT PLAINLY) Applicant____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (First Name)

(Middle Name)

(Last Name)

Address_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Street, Route, or P.O. Box)




(Home Phone)

Name of Employer____________________________________________________________________________________________ (Street, Route, or P.O. Box) (City) (State) (Zip) (Office Phone) My Occupation (Be Specific) ___________________________________________________________________________________ (Salesman, Engineer, Job Title, Owner, etc)

If Retired, Your Occupation Before Retirement______________________________________________________________________ (Be Specific)

My Birth Date______________________Place of Birth_______________________________________________________________ (Month)






I am a Mason in good standing in ___________________________________________Lodge, No___________________ , located at _____________________________________, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of __________________________________ I have been a resident of the State of North Carolina for a period of more than six months. I have never (*) before applied for any of the Scottish Rite Degrees, and I now respectfully petition to receive the degrees, from the fourth to the thirty-second, inclusive, promising always to bear true faith and allegiance to the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America. (*) If applicant has previously applied for any of the degrees he will strike out the word “never” and explain fully when and where such application was made. Please read the following carefully. It is required that you answer these questions. THE SUPREME COUNCIL REQUIRES ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES: 1. “The inculcation of patriotism, respect for law and order, undying loyalty to the principles of civil and religious liberty, and the entire separation of church and state as set forth in the Constitution of the United States of America.” Do you approve? wholeheartedly of these principles? Answer: Yes__________ No __________ 2. Have you ever held or expressed opinions contrary to the foregoing or been affiliated with any organization which has? Answer: Yes__________ No __________


I the undersigned certify that I am a member in good standing of ________________________________________________ Consistory, located at _______________________________________________. I now respectfully apply for Affiliation with Raleigh Consistory promising always to bear true faith and allegiance to the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree for the Southern Jurisdiction for the United States. SECTION IV

Signature of Appliciant______________________________________________________Date_______________________________ SECTION V Have two members of the Charlotte Scottish Rite Valley sign and recommend your application Sign




Rev. May 2008






















Summer at the Learning Center - August 2008 Happenings Calendar of Events Great things have been happening in the basement of the Scottish Rite Temple this summer.

Sep 3, 2008

Stated Communication 7:30PM - Dinner 6:30PM

Sep 10, 2008

Research Group Meeting 7:00PM

Sep 19 & 20

Grand Lodge of NC Annual Communication

Oct 1, 2008

Stated Communication 7:30PM - Dinner 6:30PM

Oct 4, 2008

Breakfast - 7:00AM Fundraiser for Degree Costumes

One of our parents recently wrote, “Where do we begin to thank you for the care of our family? God truly put his foot down in our path when he sent Anne, Wendy & Debbie us to you!!” Another parent wrote, “What a blessing you have been… We are so thankful for this resource (Learning Center) being available to our family and to other families with children who are struggling.”

Oct 8, 2008

Research Group Meeting 7:00PM

Oct 8 - 9

Yom Kippur

Oct 24 & 25

Fall Reunion

Nov 1, 2008

Reunion Workers Banquet

Nov 5, 2008

Stated Communication 7:30PM - Dinner 6:30PM

With the stresses of our current economy, we have been receiving more calls than ever seeking help. Your Center provides an encouraging, professional, pleasant learning environment for children who struggle with reading and written language to find success. Thank you from the staff, parents and children. YOU – THE SCOTTISH RITE – MAKE THE LEARNING CENTER POSSIBLE!!!

Nov 11, 2008 Veterans Day

Thirty-three children have participated in our summer workshops or were evaluated at the Children’s Learning Center. During our six weeks of fourday workshops, we provided 268 individual therapy sessions. Summer options allow many children the chance to get help who can’t attend during the school year.

Nov 12, 2008

Nov 27, 2008 Thanksgiving Holiday

TIME TO RE-LINK - PLEASE HELP US OUT! Each year the Children’s Learning Center makes money to support our Center because members, like you, take time to link their grocery cards. You MUST re-link every year as children head back to school. It’s quick and easy and you don’t pay a penny extra to do this. This helps our Center with expenses. Choose the place you shop and link up!!! Thank you.

2006 - $100,000 Foundation Donor! Please go to Food Lion’s website and sign up! A portion of your purchase will be donated to our Learning Center. Thanks Food Lion!

Research Group Meeting 7:00PM

Dec 3, 2008

Annual Communication & Election of Officers 7:30PM - Dinner 6:30PM

Dec 10, 2008

Research Group Meeting 7:00PM

Dec 25, 2008

Christmas Holiday

Dec 21 - 29


Please go to the Harris-Teeter website and sign up! Enter code 6165 and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to our Learning Center!

For the Latest News VISIT OUR WEB SITE!

Please send us your email and phone number so that we can keep you informed, thanks. PERMIT NO. 2054 Charlotte, NC Charlotte Scottish Rite PO Box 221149 Charlotte, NC 28222

PAID U.S. POSTAGE Non-Profit Organization

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