“Sometimes our fate resembles a fruit tree in winter. Who would think that those branches would turn green again and blossom, but we hope it, we know it.” —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Vo lu m e 15 • N u m b e r 4
� am �eelin� �ope�ul
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T h e
n e w s l e tt e r
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C l ay t o n
c o l l e g e
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n at u r a l
h e a lt h
From the Editor coming to a close — it’s been one of
lenging economic times that the holidays may be a
those years that has felt both long and
source of stress when they really should be about
short in its duration. Like all of you, I have seen
sharing good times with people you love. That’s why
things happen, both good and bad, that I never
I am going to try to spend less and
imagined I would see in my life time. The events that
give more — more gifts made
have transpired in 2008 will forever mark a signifi-
from my own creativity and
cant moment in global history, but at the same time I
skills, more recycled gifts made
don’t know anyone whose personal life has not been
from renewable materials or from a high
touched in some way by the same events.
quality second source, and more gifts that give
hat a year! It’s hard to believe 2008 is
Fortunately, CCNH experienced a lot of good
So many people have been affected by chal-
back: plants, foods, or the gift of time. Mostly,
in 2008. We passed the USDLA’s rigorous review
I just want to be with my friends and loved ones
process and were awarded their Quality Standards
having a laugh and making memories.
Certification, the academics department regrouped
Despite a bumpy ride this year, I am feeling
and reorganized
hopeful and excited about the future. From the
to better serve
microcosm of my little world to the macrocosm of
the needs of our
Mother Earth whirling around on her axis, a change
growing and
is coming. I hope we can all work together for the
evolving student
greater — no, the greatest — good. I for one, am
body, and the
saying, “Yes, I can and will do my part.” Welcome
college introduced
2009! Welcome to the future!
a new doctoral
Enjoy your winter 2009 Holistic Times. We have
program as well as
two great interviews — one with our educational
enhanced its existing
partner Cory Holly, and another with our good
bachelor’s degrees
friend and recurring conference presenter, Daniel
programs. The college is grateful for these accom-
Gagnon of Herbs, Etc. who takes the reader on a
plishments in what has been a difficult time for many
fascinating behind the scenes tour of creating his
institutions and businesses.
well-known herbal remedies — as well as all news
From issues that affect both the professional and the personal, I have to admit to having a news and
and updates about the college and our students and graduates. Happy Holidays!
media hangover — between the global economic meltdown and the presidential race of a life time I was glued to NPR, CNN, C-Span, and online newspapers. I need a break — I do try to take one, but the world is moving so fast, and I am eager to stay on top of the issues of the day. It has become a balancing act to get information whilst trying to disengage and focus on self, friends, family, and the
upcoming holidays. Oh, right! The holidays!
Tara Nicole Brown • Managing Editor
holistic Times is a publication of Clayton College
Natural Health
2140 11th Avenue South • Suite 305 Birmingham, AL 35205-2841 1-877-782-8236
Happy Holidays from CCNH ....................................................................... 9 On the Road with Cory Holly “Traveling the U.S., We Learn and We Teach” Mary Grace McCord.................................... 10
Managing Editor: Tara Nicole Brown Copy Editor: Rebecca Haack Contributing Writers: Margaret Arthur, M.D., Tara Nicole Brown, Lisa Burke and Courtney Grammer, Susie Hale, Krista Leamon, Janice E. Martin, Mary Grace McCord, and Avie Overbach, M.D. Graphic Design: Jim Poole, Tricia Lay Cover Photo: ©iStockphoto.com/DNY59 The opinions expressed in the Holistic Times do not necessarily reflect those of the college. Clayton College of Natural Health does not endorse any of the services or products mentioned in this newsletter. This information is provided strictly as a service to students and alumni. Also, Clayton College of Natural Health cannot be held responsible for any information dispensed by the authors of the enclosed articles should a reader contact someone for further information.
The Art and Science of Breathing Free An Interview with Daniel Gagnon Mary Grace McCord.................................... 14
Departments From the Editor.......................................................................................................... 2 News from the Academics Department........................................................... 4 Curriculum Development Report....................................................................... 5 Promoting the Profession...................................................................................... 6 Social Networking with CCNH............................................................................. 6 CCNH Globe Trotter Avie Orbach....................................................................... 7 Abstract Reality.......................................................................................................... 8 Graduates...................................................................................................................20 Student and Graduate Communities..............................................................22 ClassNotes.................................................................................................................23 Health in the News.................................................................................................26 End Notes...................................................................................................................28
Important News from the Academics Department
ith our ever present commitment to
found commitment to herbs and the health benefits
providing quality education and excel-
she has experienced through their use. Additionally,
lent student service, Clayton College of Natural
Nichols was recently elected to the city council where
Health’s academic department has been through
she lives. Kyle Washam, M.S., is our newest program
a process of major change this fall. According to
advisor. Washam is an avid
Webster’s Dictionary, an “evolution” is “A process
vegetarian and activist for good
of change in a certain direction,” and it’s a term we
nutrition. Also, Tony Cox and
have lovingly embraced as it describes our expe-
Brian Burnett were promoted to
rience for the past months, a change which was
the new program advisor position.
introduced in the last Holistic Times. The CCNH
They are all very excited to be a part
academic professionals, working as an integrated
of the CCNH academic team.
team, now include program advisors and faculty.
To help make students aware of the change,
CCNH’s history has been that both of these roles
CCNH sent an e-mail notification in early November
be performed in tandem by a single faculty advisor.
to all students with valid e-mail addresses. Also, a
The growth of our school and our student body,
Web page was developed where there are answers to
plus the emerging discipline of education in the
frequently asked questions. A WebCT© notification,
natural health and holistic nutrition fields, has
for those of you who are currently testing online, as
challenged our model of operation, demanded
well as a flyer returned with all graded, coursework
our attention, and supported this evolution.
was developed. These avenues of notifying you will
The CCNH program advisor serves as the student’s success agent and is the person who answers
Most of those reading this edition of Holistic
your questions about the program, courses, books,
Times were enrolled with us before this important
and other aspects of the educational experience.
change and, most likely, now have a new advisor.
As always, newly enrolled students at CCNH are
The program advisors group includes: Aimee
assigned their own advisors, now known as program
Lanier, Delsey Austin, Lisa Burke, Anne Barnhill,
advisors. The CCNH faculty holds the responsibility
Brian Burnett, Kyle Washam, Ann Harper, and
for the curriculum — its breadth, depth, quality, and
Tony Cox.
the achievement of learning outcomes. In keeping
remain in place until mid-December.
The faculty group includes: Crystal McVey,
with the college’s tradition, the faculty embrace their
Angela Vail, Misty Downs, Janice Martin,
responsibility to you, our student body, for the excel-
Susie Hale, Teresa Nichols, Rebecca Haack,
lence you expect from CCNH.
Avie Overbach, Wendy Arthur, and Phyllis Light.
All of CCNH’s academic professionals are well
Hopefully, these various means of communi-
qualified to serve in these important roles. Program
cation have answered all of your questions. Visit
advisors and faculty will work together to ensure
the Student Reassignment FAQs at www.ccnh.edu/
that your success at CCNH is achieved. During these
students/sitehelp.aspx#programadvisor1 to review
changes, the academic department welcomed two
the reassignment information. Please contact us at
new members to our group. Teresa Nichols, Ph.D.,
programadvisor@ccnh.edu if you have additional
faculty member, has many years experience in educa-
tion and educational leadership. She has a newly
Curriculum Development Report Educating Educators
any years ago, when asked about a mission
healthy. We are now advancing further by adding
statement for the schools that he founded,
a course in adult learning to our
Lloyd Clayton replied simply, “We seek to teach
postgraduate curriculum and
people how to be healthy and how to teach others
introducing the Doctor of
to be healthy.” As time has passed, we at CCNH
Education in Holistic Health
have never turned away from this mission.
and Wellness program.
As we have matured, we have gained greater
Intended for those who
awareness and appreciation of the teaching aspect
have a master’s degree and want to earn a doctoral
of our mission. Through the development of The
degree focusing on teaching the concepts of holistic
Clayton College Model of Empowerment, with its
health and wellness, this program fulfills our mission
emphasis on client education, and with the addition
at its highest level. Not only do students gain specific knowledge about health, but they also learn how to best convey their knowledge to clients who may have a wide range of learning styles. In addition, students learn how to design curricula that can be used in both individual and group settings and how to recognize when their
of the consulting practicum to several of our programs, we have already taken important steps toward our goal of helping our students learn how to teach others to be
teaching is effective. With its emphasis on
Announcement Due to the ongoing green initiative at CCNH we are
holistic health and wellness, this program also includes topics such as mind/body wellness, health and the human energy field, the spirit
no longer retaining copies of students’ graded coursework.
and science of holistic health, overviews of traditional
Coursework, submitted through the mail for grading, will be
Chinese and Ayurvedic medicines, historic research
graded, recorded, and returned to the student just as always.
into the relationships of diet and health, nutrition
We do wish to remind students that occasionally mail is lost
and longevity, and nutrition and mental health.
or damaged in transit (to and from CCNH) so students will still
Long recognized as the premier terminal degree
need to retain copies of their coursework for their records
for professional educators, the Doctor of Education
until receipt of their diploma. By cutting out the additional
is appropriate for both natural health and nutrition
on-site copying, CCNH can do so much more to preserve
practitioners who are, most importantly, teaching
our precious environment. Should you wish to help CCNH
others to be healthy.
further its green initiative we encourage you to take advantage of our online paperless grading system, WebCT.
Krista Leamon, N.D. • Director of Curriculum Development
Promoting the Profession
Social Networking with CCNH
and find independence. Chal-
graduates have joined and are sharing ideas in
lenges inherent to this profession
forums and blogs, uploading photos, sharing
include setting boundaries and
favorite links and RSS feeds, and making new
working independently, both of
friends and identifying colleagues. Signing up
which require strength and persis-
is easy — visit claytoncollege.ning.com to view
tence. This profession is breaking
a brief video that will show you how quick
ground and teaching individuals about the
and easy it is to set up your own account
importance of taking responsibility for one’s health,
today and become a part of the community.
lthough this profession is not new, it is probably in its adolescence. Developmentally, adolescence
is a time to experience challenges, test boundaries,
approaching health from a proactive stance, and
continues to grow everyday. Since it’s intro-
duction in August, more than 600 students and
CCNH wants to stay in touch with you where
addressing ill health from the “building from within”
it’s convenient for you. Social butterflies can find us
perspective while embracing the occasions when
on Facebook and MySpace, activists might prefer to
disease must also be “treated from without.”
hang out with us at Care2, and those of you who
The evolution of the Western medical model has
are strictly interested in professional networking may
led the public to this place — a place of demanding
join us on LinkedIn. Drop by any time — we love
to be more in charge of oneself, demanding more
making new friends and bringing students and gradu-
information about health, our bodies, stress manage-
ates together.
ment, nutritional supplements, etc., and demanding to be better informed before adhering to many of the principles of allopathic medicine. The public has clearly made an outcry for the services of those who choose to practice this unlicensed profession, where education and personal empowerment are the cornerstones for finding true health. Choosing a career in this profession is a tremendously gratifying experience. It is in response to the needs of today’s health consumer. It is about taking the proactive approach rather than a passive approach. And, it is exciting as it means one is participating in moving this profession into its adulthood — fully claiming its worth, knowing its strengths and limitations, and heralding the global changes that it embraces. Share your knowledge, passion, and excitement — promote this profession by growing it healthfully into its adulthood!
Susie Hale, N.D., Ph.D. • Director of Practitioner Education
CNH’s student and graduate Ning network
A Moment with CCNH Globe Trotter Avie Overbach
r. Overbach and her husband toured the
tour of Copenhagen, teacher and student discussed
Scandinavian countries, Berlin, and St. Peters-
Sorensen’s dissertation plans as well as how he plans
burg, Russia during the month of September
to use his CCNH education. Sorensen is currently an
2008. They returned to NYC via a trans-Atlantic
elementary school teacher in Denmark.
cruise, which stopped in Iceland, Newfound-
Upon docking in St. Johns, Newfoundland, Over-
land, and Nova Scotia. As usual, Overbach made
bach was met by Wayne Evans, who is just beginning
a point to meet and visit with as many of her
his Ph.D. in holistic nutrition. Evans and Overbach
Ph.D. students as possible while overseas.
had met two years ago at the college’s natural health
In Copenhagen, Denmark, she met with Lars Sorensen, a Ph.D. in holistic nutrition student who is almost finished with his program. Sorensen joined
conference in Peachtree City, Georgia. Overbach and her husband were treated to a tour all over the island of Newfoundland and to a wonderful fish and chips lunch at the Royal Cana-
the CCNH Appalachian
dian Yacht Club. Evans
Tour two years ago and
is currently a college
met Avie as well as several
professor of the sciences
other CCNH staff at
in St. Johns.
that time. During the “Hop-On-Hop-Off” bus
Overbach previously visited several of the same sites in 1983, before the wall had come down. She found Berlin much different 25 years later. Although Overbach visited both East and West Berlin in 1983, there is no obvious separation now except a small commemorative plaque. She also noticed that the people in St. Petersburg are much more colorful and well dressed, and there are items in store windows. It is much more like any other European city now.
Avie Overbach, M.D.
At left: Avie and CCNH student Wayne Evans above the harbor in St. Johns, Newfoundland. Above: Avie and CCNH student Lars Sorensen in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Abstract Reality
he research described below presents an excellent example of the survey method of research in Shirley Bardell’s investigation of attitudes and perceptions towards alternative therapy methods, practices, and remedies. Through the use of surveys, the experiences and perceptions of people can be explored in ways that are not directly observable. The survey method relies on the self-report of individuals regarding their observations, experiences, and perceptions. Such research contributes significantly to the body of knowledge regarding health behaviors and motivations to live in healthy ways. Janice E. Martin, Ed.D., N.D., LPC • Research Coordinator
Age Related Attitudes Towards Alternative Therapies Starting in the latter part of the 20th century, Americans have developed an increasingly growing
usage history, and their experience with their indi-
interest in the use of alternative therapies to either
vidual primary care physicians. Findings of this study
maintain their health or target specific health condi-
led to the conclusion that age is a mediating variable
tions. Alternative therapies and remedies have always
in beliefs and attitudes towards alternative therapy
been available in the United States, but interest
methods, practices, and remedies.
in their usage was limited to those who specifically sought out alternative therapies and practices.
Shirley Bardell, Ph.D.
Starting early in this century, and continuing today
Shirley Bardell, Ph.D., recently earned her doctorate in
in staggering numbers, are Americans who prac-
natural health from CCNH. Her early work included serving
tice alternative therapies, including natural health
as a trauma nurse, and she more recently spent 18 years
remedies. This is partially due to increased education
in senior management of home health care agencies.
regarding these methods and remedies, and partly
Bardell has a teaching background in both undergraduate
due to the dissatisfaction inherent in the average
and graduate health care management. She also has
American’s opinion of their conventional health care
served with the State of Florida Public Health and Medical
Preparedness Team. Bardell holds the rank of Captain
The purpose of this study was to determine if
with the U.S. Army Nurse Corps. With extensive nursing
the beliefs and attitudes towards alternative therapy
and health care administrative experience, she also enjoys
methods, practices and remedies, as well as their
her family, spouse, and five children. She additionally
usage, was evidenced more or less when age was the
enjoys cruises and other types of travel and gardening.
intervening variable. Specifically, the question asked
Her current focus is on the integration of conventional
was, “Do the attitudes regarding the usage of alter-
medical practices with natural health practices, including
native therapy differ if the subjects were under 50
alternative and complementary therapies. Bardell’s
years old or over 50 years old?”
future plans include continuing to work with the State
To determine the answer to this research ques-
methods, their understanding of the methods, their
of Florida on the 2007 - 2010 Public Health and Medical
tion, 75 questionnaires were given to a cross-section
Preparedness Strategic Plan as a Subject Matter Expert, and
of individuals with 20 multi-layered questions
teaching at the community college and university levels.
regarding knowledge about alternative therapy
�o�i�a� ��eetin�� The staff of Clayton College of Natural Health invites our readers to take a moment out of your busy lives and share it with us and with each other. Pause, observe, reflect, and be grateful for what remains perfectly consistent and beautiful in a time of rapid change. Look to your friends, family, and loved ones to find the spirit of the holidays shining in their eyes. Keep it simple, share smiles, stay warm, spread joy! We wish you all a Merry Christmas, a happy new year, and a peaceful holiday season.
Photo credit: ©iStockphoto.com/viaden777 (Viktor Prokopenya)
hen Cory Holly
research. They have earned
finished his Doctor of
international renown as natural
Naturopathy studies
bodybuilders, created audio
with CCNH back in 1992, he and
programs in sports nutrition, and
On the Road with Cory Holly: “Traveling the U.S., We Learn and We Teach” tested and formulated proprietary nutritional supplements for peak athletic performance. Throughout 2008 the Hollys have taken their teachings on the road: crossing national borders and building new alliances within the American landscape of gyms, libraries, schools, and holistic health centers. Their message is geared to all ears who will listen. “After all,” says Holly, “all of us are athletes who want to deeply engage in the sport of life — to live long and live strong.” Like the legendary Johnny Appleseed, Holly’s passion is casting seeds of wisdom, with heartfelt allegiance to nature’s his wife Tracy had two little girls
bounteous sustenance. But unlike
and one big dream: total wellness
his iconic predecessor who, trav-
for their family.
eling by foot, addressed only parts
As founders of the Cory Holly
of the American Midwest, our
Institute (CHI) in Vancouver,
self-described modern day gypsy
British Columbia, over the years
intends to “reach and teach”
the Hollys have amassed an
within the entire continental U.S.
amazing body of natural health
before returning home to Canada!
Collaborating with CCNH
boost and for post-workout
damage and the nutritional chal-
and three other sponsors, Cory
recovery, it’s easy to blend a
lenges of our Standard American
and Tracy Holly have outfitted
satisfying fruit smoothie: adding
Diet (SAD).
a sensibly self-sufficient “mobile
filtered water, one serving of
home on the range.” So far their
whey isolate protein powder,
Health supplements chain is a
educational travel includes Wash-
one or two cups of fresh or
powder called Electro-Quench
ington, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming,
frozen fruit, combined with one
C7. Mixed with filtered water and
serving of our Sport Oil Blend.
sipped during workouts, E-Q C7
“After all, all of us are athletes who want to deeply engage in
“The synergistic effects of
The final link in their Total
provides “extreme hydration” by
ribose, creatine, glutamine and
replenishing electrolytes, carbohy-
spirulina (in the protein powder)
drates, and vitamins, to stabilize
alongside the omega EFAs in our
blood sugar, further aid against
proprietary blend of flax, chia,
fatigue, and even help re-synthe-
the sport of life — to live
size connective tissue, collagen,
long and live strong.”
Water is Nature’s Champagne
and cartilage.
Who in their right mind
— Cory Holly
would choose to starve their cellular development by not
Montana, the Dakotas, Utah,
drinking enough water, here in
Colorado, New Mexico,
our land of plenty? Holly never ceases to be
Nevada, and Arizona. At press time, the Hollys were motoring
amazed when somebody tells
toward California for the fourth
him that they just don’t like to
quarter of 2008.
drink water. “Somehow I refrain
Another Day, Another Smoothie Waking up in a new town
and hemp oils work together to
from asking them if they like to
help produce lipoproteins that
breathe air,” he muses, “since
strengthen cardiovascular health,
both natural elements are equally
aerobic fitness and muscle func-
essential to life as we know it.”
every few weeks, our dynamic
tion. Thus we fuel the body
duo starts each day with one
to sustain peak performance
thing on their minds: “Where can
and fortify it against depletion,
we go to work out?”
fatigue, and injury.”
How to get ready is a no-
That’s the “shake” part of
brainer, he adds. As the creator of
their equation. While consuming
The Cory Holly Signature Series
a potent and tasty smoothie, the
for Total Results, their four-part
Hollys’ Essentials HandyPak®
supplemental regimen for all-day
allows them to “take” in a
nutrition begins with what he
powerhouse of essential nutri-
calls “Shake ‘n’ Take.”
ents—vitamins, minerals and
“Using our Whey Super
enzymes that bolster the body
Blend for a pre-workout energy
against infection, free-radical 11
In bringing the wisdom of
A Mountain of All-Natural Knowledge
naturopathy to audiences of all ages, cultures and sociological
Tracy describes their semi-
circumstances, Holly seeks to
nars as “synergistically valuable”
target rescue workers in physi-
for dietitians, health educators,
cally strenuous jobs, such as
and health professionals, exer-
firefighters, police officers, and park rangers. “Their own lives, and often the lives of others, may depend on their long-term ability to function at the highest level. “Doctors and nurses, parents, mail carriers, waiters, ministers, teachers, and in fact all of us rely
on the sustained ability to maintain physical energy and mental clarity, year after year,” he adds.
When the Student is Ready Pilates instructor Marguerite Ogle is an M.S.H.N. candidate who is certified in hypnotherapy and various forms of movement therapy. Inspired by meeting the Hollys during their class time in Colorado, Marguerite invited Cory to be interviewed on sports nutrition for About.com Guide to Pilates. As a member of NANP and the American Aerobics and Fitness Association, Marguerite feels that following Holly’s travel schedule CCNH student Marguerite Ogle with Cory Holly.
through www.coryholly.com is a great way for students and grads to help share our colleagues’ personable expertise, city by city.
Some may want to help maximize the Hollys’ time in your area by arranging a media interview, helping to schedule a study group or community/networking event, or meeting informally to share a healthy meal. Holly’s association with CCNH alumni groups reminds us all why it’s so important to proactively communicate within and throughout our profession, finding creative ways to build on the momentous strength of this fast growing, allnatural movement. “I think sports nutrition is the center of the health universe. It combines exercise physiology with whole food nutrition and dietary supplements. Studying with Clayton College helped me clarify my goals and move forward as a health professional, teacher and mentor. Naturopathy embodies the central core of our natural health, food and fitness professions.” 12
cise leaders, coaches, trainers, athletes, and seniors who want to age healthfully. To gain new perspectives, the Hollys especially encourage interaction and collaboration among affinity groups such as nutrition specialists, physical therapists, and personal trainers. Synergistic approaches with naturopathy and holistic nutrition are messages they love to deliver. His classrooms are an ever-changing backdrop of interesting settings and diverse audiences — at mountaintop or beach side communities, for urban professionals, and in sprawling suburban settings. Formulated in partnership with Clayton Naturals, the Cory Holly Signature Series products are specially priced for Clayton College students and graduates.
can always bring him back to
mentoring. Learning about
center — especially seeking the
life in America one day at a
calm, powerful reassurance of
time, Cory loves to investigate
animal energies.
creative possibilities for North
Playfully rehearsing variations of his teaching topics with an
— from educational outreach
obliging herd of bison, Cory was
to new product distribution,
silently reminded that in Native
“with the goal of leaving no
American traditions, the buffalo
stone unturned,” he quips.
is sacred: symbolizing the strength of selflessness and faithful
Recalling the Value of Rest and Recreation
American cultural exchanges
Mary Grace McCord
patience on one’s path, for manifesting abundance. Part of the Hollys’ success
Although learning how to navigate one new city after
is in shedding new light on
another can bring a litany of
the miraculous healing powers
logistical challenges, Cory Holly
of nature: with small classes,
knows that returning to nature
large groups, and one-to-one
Cory Holly Signatur S ri s e
• Whey Super Blend is designed to supply the body with energy for the sport of living. • Sport Oil improves athletic performance, reduces inflammation, and helps reduce excess body fat. • Electro-Quench C7 will quench your thirst, optimize cell hydration, and has a refreshing natural flavor. • The Essentials are a unique combination of vitamins, minerals, Co Q-10, and enzymes for energy and vitality.
F o r T o t a l R e s u lt s ! To order or for more information, give us a call —1-800-633-6286 or visit our Web site — claytonnaturals.com Clayton Naturals 2717 7th Avenue South • #201 • Birmingham, AL 35233 • Fax 205-252-2586 • claytonnaturals.com HT1208
CCNH students: remember to register at claytonnaturals.com for wholesale pricing! 13
The Art and Science I n his lifelong quest for the
sweet satisfaction of deeper
Mexico and, within the next few
and easier breathing, Daniel
years, completed three additional
Gagnon has traveled far to
certifications in massage therapy,
study the Eastern and Western
iridology, and herbology. While
approaches to respiratory health.
in school he worked part-time as
Living in Northern Ontario in
an herbal researcher — and there
the mid-1970s, he worked at
he discovered the miraculous
a natural foods co-op. Next,
mysteries of botanical healing.
while earning certification in
From there he moved to New
“With meticulous attention
reflexology, he became the owner/
to individual herbs and then their
manager of a natural food store.
synergistic effects, for the first time in my life I learned how to
help myself breathe more easily.
year history. In short order he
others, just the spiraling cost
With the physical and mental
doubled its initial 800-square-feet
of expensive drugs is inspiring
heaviness of feeling limited by
rental space and, within five years,
more and more people to get
allergies and asthma finally lifted,
expanded into a nearby strip mall
busy looking for workable health
I could actually enjoy being
to insure continued room to grow.
outside. As I continued this quest and discovered natural ways to address eczema as well, I was
Workable being an operative
“…I was delighted to
delighted to learn how to stop the suffering with gentle, green natural healers.”
every sense of the word.
learn how to stop the
tion on various herbal topics. In
suffering with gentle,
cannot be denied. within the holistic health professions that, not only is our work in this progressive field clearly the
green natural healers.”
the early 1980s he became the owner of Herbs, Etc. in Santa Fe,
naturopathic options and simply “I want to encourage all of us
For almost 30 years, Gagnon has presented practical informa-
“halo effect” for cost-effective herbal products extends to other
Thus began a career that has given Gagnon immense clarity, in
word, he adds, the word of mouth
wave of the future, it’s during the challenging periods within our overall economy that even greater
Now with more than two
strides are being made within the
NM. Its phenomenal success
decades’ hand-on experience in
exponentially growing popularity
has mirrored the super-charged
growing his herbal company,
of CAM approaches.”
growth of the herbal products
Gagnon observes that even when
industry — throughout the U.S.,
the economy is down — and in
Over the years, Gagnon has been a popular presenter at
of Breathing Free Canada, and beyond. He is a third-generation entrepreneur who watched his parents and grandparents develop
fact, especially when the general
several of our school’s natural
economy is down — his industry
health conferences. Having
learned so much from his semi-
“People are getting tired
nars and intensive classes on
and grow five different service
of just the standard allopathic
stress and the nervous system,
and retail businesses. So, with a
approaches and having to endure
care of the immune system, herbs
family loan of $3,000 Gagnon,
so many unexpected side effects,”
for digestion and overcoming
the college student, purchased
he notes. “But if their job and/
respiratory health challenges
what was then a tiny herbal store
or health insurance situations
naturally, we are thankful that
whose name could well have been
change, this can become the cata-
he granted not only an interview
“Tumbleweeds,” having changed
lyst that actually brings them
with Holistic Times, but also a
locations 18 times during its 11-
to better health, naturally. For
leisurely visit with several of the 15
25 associates who work at his
important steps. “We start with
Gagnon: There are 300 types of
newly expanded and updated
farm-fresh locally and/or region-
herbs tested, treated, assem-
14,000-square-foot Herbs, Etc.
ally grown herbs, received within
bled, packaged and shipped
formulating facility and nearby
hours of harvest. Although
from in house, including a
herbal store.
most of our processes are auto-
number of blends. With our
“…our role is to bridge the differing mindsets so that our results parallel, enhance, or exceed that of conventional medicine. Herbalism, after all, is the original traditional medicine.”
During these tours, we
mated assembly lines, with some
combination formulas, their
observed many of the proprietary
robotics, each of our quality
fine-tuned synergistic prop-
procedures through which refrig-
control measures necessarily
erties exceed the sum of all
erated delivery drums of organic
includes human evaluation,” he
parts. One popular example
fresh-harvested herbs eventually
says with the patience and pride
of this is our “Deep Sleep”®
become private-labeled softgel
of an urbanized mountaineer.
creation, whose organic ingre-
capsules or liquid extracts. Beginning in the herbarium, we witnessed Gagnon’s handson inspection of aromatic brown twigs, yellow straw, orange and dark brown sticks — echinacea, Oregon grape, cassia and Chinese licorice, respectively. Here he compared the texture, fragrance, weight, taste, and general appearance of each arrival alongside a corresponding “perfect specimen” housed within long shelves of sealed jars. This initial relatively “lowtech” quality assurance method is nonetheless among the most 16
Holistic Times: After reading your
book, Breathe Free: Nutritional and Herbal Care for Your Respiratory System, in the ‘90s and using several Herbs, Etc. formulations ever since, it’s a strong affirmation, when shopping at
dients — California poppy herb, valerian root, passionflower tip, chamomile flower, lemon balm, fresh (milky) oat seed and dried orange peel — working together, help re-educate the brain sleep center.
Wild Oats or Whole Foods
This means that, whether a
in so many diverse areas of
person has trouble getting
North America, to easily find
to sleep or if they awaken
your products everywhere.
too early or too often, their
How many formulations are
amount and quality of
produced here in Santa Fe?
relaxing, restorative REM sleep can uniquely return to balance, according to individual need.
Holistic Times: As of 2008 this
Holistic Times: But I bet most
exceed that of conventional
product has been designated
people have no idea that the
medicine. Herbalism, after
one of the Best Supplements
extraction step, alone, takes a
all, is the original traditional
by Better Nutrition magazine
full 24 hours!
for five straight years. It’s also described as the only encap-
Gagnon: To ensure the fullest
Herbal medicine has always
extraction of an herb’s active
prevailed, even at times as a
constituents, our exclusive
more underground modality,
kinetic maceration is a centrif-
gliding under the radar as if
ugal process whereby alcohol,
divinely protected. It is proven
water and botanicals tumble
to be highly effective, without
together continuously. Most
question. But it’s gratifying
other manufacturers agitate
to be part of a science-based
the tour): To retain each
theirs for just a few minutes
movement that brings herb-
botanical’s full medicinal
a day. We’ve measured our
alism more fully above-board,
potency and protect their
resulting potency as being 20-
mainstream, and we’re
fragile constituents, Herbs,
50 percent higher than these
helping its methodology to
Etc. pioneered an exclu-
others. We’ve also created
become more replicable and
sive method by which our
streamlined automation and
transparent, if you will.
herbs are cryogenically
a sufficient critical mass to
ground. Because the friction
introduce economies of scale.
sulated sleep aid made from fresh, undried herbs, so it’s a real treat to be able to “walk through” and observe some of these innovative processes. Gagnon (explaining during
with conventional grinding machinery would create a high level of heat that has a destabilizing effect, our unique cooling process injects liquid nitrogen around the grinding chamber to create a frigid environment.
Holistic Times: I read that many
think these turning points in people’s perception — along
of your methods have been
the continuum from skeptical
created and/or enhanced by
to acceptable and then, often-
research gurus and product
times, even preferable — have
developers who trained with
the mega-corporations such as Proctor and Gamble. It seems like a delicate balancing act:
The herbs are then cold-
the interplay between brainy
percolated in a glass funnel.
science and the intuitive
Once juices are extracted,
vision needed to tease out the
all that remains is a cellulose
optimal effectiveness, indi-
mash called “marc” that we
vidually and synergistically,
save for local farmers to use
of botanical compounds with
as compost so that nothing is
various energetic vibrations.
Holistic Times: Where do you
Gagnon: Just as there are great
Gagnon: In 1997 I was tapped
to serve on an advisory committee at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, to help study, assess, and document the advances in complementary and alternative medicine. Within a group of medical doctors and post-graduate researchers, herbalists were
Many of our formulas are
results as well as gaping limi-
literally given a place at the
available as alcohol-based
tations with synthetic drugs,
table and sometimes even
tinctures, alcohol-free extracts
our role is to bridge the
invited to lead the charge.
or gelcaps, all for optimal
differing mindsets so that our
Seeing this highly academic
results parallel, enhance, or
and allopathic group defer, 17
with keen interest, to our
of an important insight that
cultural/ancestral knowledge
seems easily missed in our
it’s rough all over. In urban
and expertise, I remember
general understanding.
settings, there’s more pollu-
feeling encouraged and validated. I also remember thinking, the world is really changing.
Given that normal breathing is a function of the parasympathetic nervous system — as is the regulation of our heart
Herbalists helped set the
rate, reflexes, and digestion/
agenda for the depth and
assimilation/elimination —
parameters of our NIH
healthy lung function is one
studies of 10 specific herbs.
of those invisible processes;
All this came as a natural
“as natural as breathing,” so
outgrowth of the landmark
the saying goes.
Eisenberg Study of Americans’ growing acceptance of CAM approaches and philosophies, evidenced by the fact that subjects in the early 1990s reported that they chose to spend more of their own money on alternative methods than on the conventional clinical approaches covered by insurance.
Your book says that a typical adult breathes more than 17,000 times in 24 hours, and that healthy lungs use just two to three percent of the body’s total energy for normal (resting) respiration. But for those with lung disease, up to 1/3 of the body’s total energy is expended for respiration alone — and unless someone
tion from vehicles, industry and second-hand cigarette smoke. But within the rural landscape, farming exposes us to different kinds of mold, spores, and plant allergens. Short of living in controlled isolation, we all know that exercise is essential — for the health of our organ systems and for stress reduction. But we have to pay attention to where we’re exercising. Ironically, it may require a commute to find yourself in a grove of trees, for trees are the lungs of our planet. I’ve said that whenever someone buys a car, they need to plant five trees as a means to help dissipate the pollution that most cars create.
We can be sure and certain
is an elite athlete who’s highly
that in the last 15 years this
attuned to energetic nuances,
mindset has mushroomed,
he or she could gradually lose
Free: Nutritional and Herbal
and will continue to do so!
20 percent or more of func-
Care for Your Respiratory
tional lung capacity before
System, I remember thinking
even becoming aware of
that your providing detailed
chronic breathing challenges
information on foods for
that lead to these significant
lung health as well as herbs
“energy leaks.”
for lung support and general
Holistic Times: I’ve taken our
conversation far away from a subject that’s of keen interest to many people who navigate urban life with breathing challenges such as asthma,
No wonder there’s so much
allergies, and various chem-
generalized fatigue, resulting
ical/industrial threats to our
in lower activity levels, which
lung health. Returning to your
brings continued atrophy for
book, Breathe Free, which
lungs and other body systems.
you co-wrote with Amadea
So what can we do about the
Morningstar, I was reminded
slow-creeping effects of environmental challenges? Move away?
Gagnon: Well, you could say
Holistic Times: Reading Breathe
homeostatic rebalancing is an important piece that isn’t always addressed. But what I found truly intriguing was the ending visualization exercise for each of the dozen lung challenges addressed. Some of the visualizations were
even accompanied (and thus,
add to our protective cushion
everyday, thankful for my
made more memorable) by a
of wellness or puncture it.
loving family, thankful for
humorous illustration.
For those with addictions,
our health, and thankful for
guilt and self-loathing can
the privilege to work with
be replaced by envisioning
people who are passionate
one’s happy inner child; a
about herbal healing. I think
wise child who has no need to
of proactive promptness as a
smoke or drink, because he or
way to display my gratitude,
she is peaceful, content with
and this puts a spring into my
the simplicity of life, and free
step. I am eager to greet the
of stress.
day, and thankful for what-
I learned from your approach that lung issues can include an element of psychological distress that precipitates or exacerbates a breathing challenge: that, for instance, a strained personal relationship, not just as an inanimate
ever it brings.
object such as an elevator car,
I have a powerful natural
can lead to a sudden sense
therapy for breathing easier,
of claustrophobia that defies
calming down a racing heart,
“rational” explanation.
easing bone pain or muscle
For more information:
spasms, and sleeping better
Gagnon: For many conditions, we
can visualize specific ways that our own choices either
Mary Grace McCord
at night. Take gratitude with you, wherever you go. I pray 19
Graduates CCNH is proud to congratulate the graduates for the second and third quarters of 2008. Editor’s Note: We apologize for several names being excluded in our last issue. This list is based on diplomas ordered during the period specified. It does not necessarily reflect exact graduation dates. If your name has been left off this list, please e–mail Tara Nicole Brown at tbrown@ccnh.edu with your name and graduation date. You will be included in the next listing.
Bachelor of Science in Natural Health Rebecca J. Al-Nakhli Venessa E. Arredondo April Nicole Bradley Kristen Conrad Nancy G. Costanzo Celina Audrey Dolan Beverly A. Edwardsen Yvonne L. Forest Barbara Fritts Linda M. Gardner Joanne A. Gatto Meiyun Ge Fariba Manteghi Ghaffari Catherine Jane Ghalebi Joann M. Grodell Grace Elizabeth Jones Susie H. Kannada Carolyn Marie Kanter Lorianne Karney Debra Lee McNair Jonnie Lynn O’Connor Michele C. Peterson Megan Lynn Roush Corwin E. Russell Corinne Saffell Elizabeth Santamaria Alaa Mohammad Sarsour Sybille M. E. Stoner Andrea Lynn Weaver Angela L. Windham
Bachelor of Science in Natural Health with Homeopathy Concentration Pamela Boyd Bombyk
Bachelor of Science in Natural Health with Herbology Concentration Kathy Louise Al-Shinnawi
Bachelor of Science in Holistic Nutrition Brandon James Alleman Julia Mara Barbaro Roni S. Bergerson Garrett Forbes Bunting Brenda Cairns Elizabeth Ann Calkins Genisis Ann Chamberlain Vicki Rae Chelf Robin C. Clifton Coyee Marco C. Del Rosario Rachel Lenore Derr Joanna Joy Downs Gabriella Noelani Duncan Wendy B. Eggenschwiler April L. Einspahr Peggy Anne Enderle Margie Frazier Susan Eva Fredenburg Maxine Fredricks Debra Nadine Graham Colleen J. Groff Kimberly Ann Habich
Joel F. Hall Denise Lynn Haun Farryn Agusta Hayosh Patti L. Howard Paula M. Huffman Janelle Marie Jacobson Kyle Alexander Jarvis Mary Theresa Jurnack Paula J. Kaprocki Donna L. Kelley Terence (Pui Kun) Kwong Joan Larsen Kris Liesner Diane C. Lillard Esther Hope Lockerby Ryan R. Mace Teresa Jane Macon Sheri Lynn Mahood Indrawatee B. Mandharan Elisha McFarland Melinda McReynolds Henry W. Mehdeh Penni Merrick Ted James Murray Laura Ray Robyn Anne Sadowski Karen F. Scott Rebecca Sparrow Shedd Fiona Mary Soltes Julie Staneck Michelle Strand Yuka Tashiro Laureen Tweed Ursla Ann Ungermann Lisa M. Viele Shannon Mary Waits Lilane Waldron Vanessa C. Williams Mary Wong
Bachelor of Science in Holistic Nutrition with Nutrition and Lifestyles Concentration Kimberly P. Davis
Second Bachelor of Holistic Nutrition Studies Stacey Acocella Karen DiMare Pantea Etminan Jerre J. Grefe Jennifer Ray Delbert L. Renfroe Christina Gimbel Rutheiser Shayla Simmons Price Pamela Jean Stone Monika G. Trenkler
Bachelor of Natural Health Studies Renée Detky Bernadette R. Goodine Joan E. Morgan Pamela J. Porter Paola Gabriella Rosa Isabel Salas Katrin Schulz Barbara Sostack Felice D. Swalla Susann Hiromi Takaki Cheryl Lynn Tucker Rachel Whitehawk-Day Kristina M. Woods
Bachelor of Natural Health Studies for Healthcare Professionals Patricia K. Langerman Karen Beth May-Quiros Kambra L. Wylie
Bachelor of Science in Natural Health with Herbology Concentration Susan Dianne Newman
Master of Science in Natural Health Diane H. Appicelli Jane L. Colby Donna Massey Corley Danielle Cucek-Murgel Debra E. Dallas Laura L. Earp Michele L. Folk Susan M. Groothuis
and Third Quarters 2008 Anita Ahlmann Hansen Linda L. Isabelle Marie Louise Lehman Laura Collins McFall Minnie Mercer Carrol Jean Neighbors Aradia R. Orcutt Claudia Lavinia Preston Karla K. Reyff Patricia M. Sams Swapn Vemuri Kathleen Webster Whitmire
Master of Science in Holistic Nutrition Cheryl Anne Beland Karen Wallace Bolton Lisa Davidson Heidi Dean Myra J. DeLeo Diane C. Emerson-Holm Gina Lyn Fasser Dana Ferrara Rachel Hope Fowler Sarah Louise Gharib James Gurkovic Diana M. Kawczak Laura Bridgett Leff Linda Kaye Marchi Jacqueline Andrea Mitchell Tawnya Moore Pamela Murphy Annie Niewenhous Eileen O’Dea Susan M. Prier Heather Racz Wolfe Azita Saidi Saffold P. Roger Saville Jane Savino Rick J. Schaff Leanne J. Sotir Denise M. Souza Sarah N. Stolarski-Galla Larry D. Tate Frances Taylor Tamara Lynn Tennison Richard K. Thomas Mary G. Tierney Anisa Michele Tipton Cheryl E. Trembrock Kimberle Ann Wiley Spice Williams-Crosby
Master of Science in Holistic Nutrition with Homeopathy Concentration Kari Moe-Hoffman
Master of Science in Holistic Nutrition with Nutrition and Lifestyle Concentration Claudia Maria Chis
Master of Arts in Holistic Wellness Jazmin Iman Forté Briggs Mary E. Coia Nixa DeBellis Melinda A. Hardin
Doctor of Natural Health Joyce V. Adderley Concepcion Verdasco Agudo Curt Edward Burbach Karen L. Carbone Arlene T. Ehrlich Irene Bonnie Gunther Ronald Joseph Kettering Katherine Murphy Marvin G. Swigart Norma E. Thompson Karen Jan Valentin
Doctor of Naturopathy Denise Marie Acton Miguel Leopoldo Alvarado Saldaña Rebecca Ann Barnes Laurie V. Bates Cynthia K. Bissett Carol A. Bolin Audra Jhane Bursae Lindsey Delozier Walter A. Dragus Alan M. Ducorsky John Harrison Duggan Katarina Dwyer Karen Marguerite Gleason Milka S. Gronlund Susan Gail Grossholz Alexander G. Gulchin
Lirio Eritme Herrera Olavid Jeffrey M. Hora Wendy Jellema Ako Kumagai Helen Louise Larrivee Dong Su Lee Arlene Stilgenbauer Lengyel Paula A. Litton John William Loper Susan Matus Shirley J. McLain Baldasare Elena L. Meloul Charlotte Ann Morgan Martha Ann Nichols-Ketchum Michael Jospeph Plyer Eliane C. Provencher Cynthia Lynn Ransom (Corbey) Siddiqa Sajid Annemarie Seidenberg Alla Shvarts Nancy D. Stephens Peggy Walla Harris Deena Marie Wrieden
Doctor of Naturopathy for Chiropractors Celeste M. Krawchuk Michael Walker
Doctor of Naturopathy for Healthcare Professionals Jacqueline W. Adkins Rahmatu Afadua Annoh Emmanuel Kwame Asenso Juliane G. Goicoechea Jennifer L. Martin Jennifer M. Martinc Angela Marie Melton Debra Ann Newman Terri Lee Phillips Kampol Poophawatanakij Thomas Seal Edith M. Wilson Margaret R. Wilson
Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Health Shirley Ann Bardell Marian E. Bressner Dana Cuper Laggan Bagavathikan Raj Suzan Crisp Sannicandro Paula Sekeras Edward Shneyvas Colette C. St. Andre Annita L. Stansbury Marc Swanepoel Brenda M. Yost
Doctor of Philosophy in Holistic Nutrition Michele Hope Batz Tammy Campbell Green Doreen D. Carlson Carolyn Bridges Corley Meredith Anne GilliattWimberly Peggy Jane Leach Keith Mason Akmal Talib Muwwakkil Ghazala I. Nathu David Nico Mary M. Robbins Ruth Esther Santiago Michelle M. Sears Danijela S. Zotovic
Holistic Care for Companion Animals Grace Beck Suzanne Marie Belliveau Anne M. Berendsen Karine N. Johnston Samantha J. Kingsley Carol Kiran Pamela J. Robbins
Doctor of Naturopathy with Herbology Concentration Mair MacKinnon …continued on next page 21
Graduates The Family Herbalist Certificate Candace Alvarez Beryl J. Bardsley Teshera Lynne Barr Tara Maureen Brennan Accalia Carter Judith Hope Chinitz Michele A. Evans-Hoover Kirsten E. Fenton Juanita Harvey Julie Erin Hines Virginia W. Hockenjos Cynthia M. Hudson Linda Huenecke Susan Lewis Ericka K. McDaniel Aradia R. Orcutt Anika L. Ostrom Michele Pidcock Julia G. Pomeroy Heather D. Ring Megan L. Shelfer Kathryn Louise Taylor-Urich Noreen Watts Beth Ann Zorn
The Consulting Herbalist Certificate Kaila J. Bartlett Theresa M. Jones Audrey Corrine Joyner Renise Larsen Judith A. McKee Cynthia J. Muscarella Aradia R. Orcutt Joan D. Wysocki
The Master Herbalist Certificate Susan Gail Grossholz Susan Beth Simonton de Tomasini
The Natural Wellness Certificate Pamela S. Alley Howard Alter Linda M. Auleciems Mandy Rae Baklas Jane Rosalyn Bell Sandra L. Bullard Thelma Chavez Othello V. Enoveso Yvonne Garcia Patricia Gritsko-Wascavage Sandy Howard Mariana Pavlova Kamburov Walt Kasmir Susan Klosterman-Finke Maritza Lue Kwong Beverly Ann Lower Esra Cal Barbara S. Sternitzke Gail Y. Williamson
The Iridology Theory and Practice Certificate Ellen Marie Blood Grant Fletcher Clarke Shelley D. Hart Betty Jones-Smotherman Jane E. Pate Susan J. Summerton
Graduate Studies in Herbology Nancy McLellan
Graduate Studies in Homeopathy Nancy McLellan
Graduate Studies in Nutrition and Lifestyles Certificate Frances Carol Alford
Continuing Education Dana Lyn Gluyas John Osborne Dana Lee Spates
Student and Graduate Communities
layton is pleased to welcome two new student and graduate groups in the Broussard, Louisiana area and
in Madison, Wisconsin. Also, the Arizona group needs a new volunteer leader. If you are interested, please contact either Jacque Miller at j@cdoaz.com or Mindy Miraglia at mmiraglia@ qwest.net. You can also visit the group’s blog at www.azccnh. blogspot.com. If you are interesting in joining a group, first check the Reference Map (www.ccnh.edu/community/networking/ map/US_Map_index.aspx) to see if there is one in your area. If there is not a group in your area, and you are interested in volunteering as a group organizer, contact Eartha at emcgoldrick@ccnh.edu for help in forming a group. Student and graduate groups are a great way to meet other students, network, educate each other, and discuss important issues concerning practitioners and future practitioners of natural health, holistic nutrition and traditional naturopathy. The groups vary in nature from emerging formal organizations to loosely formatted potluck dinners and discussions. Groups are formed at the city, metropolitan, or state level as fitting to the locale. Take your CCNH experience to the next level and get involved with student and graduate groups today!
ClassNotes Students
Kimberly Miles, Ph.D. in natural
Jodi Peckich, 2006 Master
health student. Miles recently released a self-help CD titled Relaxation. The CD is a profound guided technique that does not rely on complicated visualization. Set to soothing Celtic harp improvisations, the technique assists the listener in experiencing both physical and mental relaxation. Enhancing and improving
of Science in holistic nutrition. Peckich’s book Drive-Thru Weight Loss: How I Lost Weight on Fast Food — and You Can Too! shows
Reinfeld along with co-authors
The book is available online at
Bo Rinaldi
and Jennifer
recently released a new book title
daily lives. The CD is available on
What Are You Weighting For? In
it, Scales makes the mind/body connection as she shares a wealth of health and fitness information. Bringing years of active lifestyle
e want to hear from
and personal training experience
all of you. Not only do
to the fore, she chronicles her
your accomplishments affirm the
personal prayer-guided journey to
college’s mission and goals, but
health, fitness, and wellness and
more importantly they motivate
invites the reader to join her. The
and inspire your peers to put their
book is available in hard-copy or
natural health and holistic nutrition
for download at Lulu.com.
information, including a photo, you wish to appear in ClassNotes to the regular CCNH address, Attention: Tara Nicole Brown, Holistic Times Editor. Or send it via e-mail to tbrown@ccnh.edu.
of Science in holistic nutrition.
ness, and abundance into our
and give us your news. Send any
You can order the book by calling
and even lose weight doing so!
of Science in natural health. Scales
in ClassNotes, please drop us a line
consumers who want to access it.
Mark Reinfeld, 1995 Master
the key to allowing health, happi-
If you would like to be featured
ners offering alternative care and
choices at fast food restaurants —
Victoria Scales, 1997 Bachelor
education to use in the world.
issues that face both practitio-
readers how to make healthy
our ability to let go and relax is
discussion of the regulatory
Murray, has released The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Eating Raw, which can be found online at Amazon.com. In this guide, readers will find the secrets to raw food weight loss; how raw foods can
Pamela A. Popper, 1998 Bach-
heal the body and boost energy
elor of Science, Master of Science,
and enthusiasm; information on
and Ph.D. in holistic nutrition.
the anti-aging properties of raw
Popper has released a new book
food; and, more than 100 recipes
called Health Freedom for All!
that show how raw foods can be
The book relates the story of how
combined into delectable meals.
the author became the subject of a state investigation (which she ultimately won) into her nutrition business, how she became interested in legislative reform, and provides a clear and concise
Mark Laursen, 2001 Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. Laursen’s new book, The Inside Outside Diet provides readers with a …continued on next page
holistic weight loss program
The book is available online at
a speaker October 5th at the
structured to allow you to perma-
American Fertility Associa-
nently regain your natural body and ideal weight. The program uses slimming foods, nutritional supplements, and balancing herbs to end physical cravings and begin to target the psychological reasons for overeating. The book is available online through Amazon.com. For more information, visit Laursen’s Web site www.naturalbodyhealth.com.
Bachelor of Science in holistic nutrition. Coscia, a nationally recognized nutritional consultant specializing in disease prevention, has combined her
tion’s patient educational event, Family Matters New York, in the renowned Steiner Studios at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The day was comprised of three tracks which ran concurrently. All of the educational content was presented via moderated panel formats. Spencer-Dees participated in the panel titled “Diet, Lifestyle, and your Weight. What Makes
Patty Webb-Butts, 1997 Ph.D.
in holistic nutrition. Webb-Butts’
in nutrition for
latest book, Free Yourself from
humans with
Chronic Fatigue and Fibro-
her love for and
Accem Scott, 1993 Doctor
myalgia, is based on her own
care of animals and is the owner/
of Naturopathy. Scott is best
struggle. Her journey with chronic
operator of The Animal Rescue
known for his “Conscious Move-
fatigue began 17 years ago when
and Adoption Agency, Inc., a
ment” cable television series on
Webb-Butts was diagnosed with
nonprofit no-kill organization for
URTV and for sharing “medita-
CFIDS and fibromyalgia. She was
the betterment of animal welfare.
tion in motion” with hundreds of
so ill that her doctor wanted to
Her book, The Holistic Cat,
people by hosting four celebra-
give her medical disability. After
is written in an accessible and
tions of World Tai Chi & Qigong
four years of agony, Webb-Butts
engaging style for both seasoned
Day. In August, he returned
finally said to her doctor, “I either
cat lovers and first-time owners
to his hometown of Asheville,
want to get better or I want to
and focuses on disease preven-
North Carolina, for the climax
die.” Since then, she has recov-
tion. The book provides specific
of Conscious Movement Across
ered even though the Centers for
tips for raising a cat in a healthy,
America, a four-city tour that
Disease Control says there is no
safe environment. The book will
started in Baltimore and offered
cure. Webb-Butts says, “I drasti-
be available January 27, 2009,
a week-long series of wellness
cally changed my diet, finished a
but you can pre-order online at
events. “This walk is a real home-
doctoral degree in holistic nutri-
coming for us,” said Scott, an
tion, and I have more energy than I did 30 years ago. My passion now is to educate others and give them hope for recovery.” 24
Jennifer A. Coscia, 2003
Karen Spencer-Dees, 1999 Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Ph.D. in holistic nutrition. Spencer-Dees was a member of the faculty and
Sense if you have PCOS or Endometriosis.”
African-American martial artist and naturopath, author of the American Barefoot Doctor’s Manual, “Montford Park is where we held the first Conscious
Cheraskin Grant Awarded Movement Day in 2004.” Asheville was host to one of four such walks across the country as part of Conscious Movement Across America, a grass-roots approach to self-healing and healing our communities, founded by Scott and Michael Clark. Conscious Movement Across America aims to bring health, wellness, and fellowship to all Americans across racial, economic, and religious boundaries. The Free Wellness Walks and accompanying workshops teach folks how to relieve stress and stimulate their body’s internal medicine through mind-
“I’ve always been a naturopath. I just didn’t know it had a name.” EMANUEL CHERASKIN, M.D., D.M.D. 1916 – 2001
Clayton College of Natural Health Honors the Life’s Work of Dr. Emanuel Cheraskin, Our First Director of Naturopathic Research. CCNH dedicates the Cheraskin Research Grant to the memory and the legacy of our beloved friend and colleague.
20 0 8 C H E R A S K I N R E S E AR C H G R ANT AWAR D E D
n behalf of the Faculty and Staff of Clayton College of Natural Health, it is our privilege to announce the 2008 recipient of the
Cheraskin Research Grant in Holistic Nutrition. Melinda Perper, a doctoral
body techniques like Tai Chi
candidate in the Ph.D. program in holistic nutrition, is the recipient of this
and Qigong. For more infor-
award for her study entitled, A Comparison of the Results of a Bioenergetic
mation, contact Tao Brothers: www.tao-brothers.com. Paula Owens, 2005 Bachelor of Science, Master of Science in holistic nutrition. Owens
and Biochemical Test for Food Sensitivity: Armlength Reflex and ALCAT. Ms. Perper proposes to determine if a correlation exists between two types of food sensitivity measures, the armlength reflex test (AR), and the ALCAT. The AR test is a bioenergetic measure, while the ALCAT
recently released The Power
is a biochemical measure, both of which are designed to measure food
of 4, a book designed to teach
intolerance/sensitivity. Due to the prevalence of food intolerances and
readers what it really takes to
sensitivities, this study is expected to contribute information regarding the
achieve health, vitality, longevity and fat loss. The Power of 4
effectiveness of non-invasive methods of determining human sensitivity
empowers readers with simple,
to specific food substances. Ms. Perper notes that such methods may
yet profound “winning formulas”
decrease costs and time demands, as well as alleviate pain for people
to create a leaner, healthier you.
with these conditions.
The book is available online at www.PaulaOwens.com. Ten
We would like to express our congratulations to Ms. Perper, and are
percent of all book sales will be
confident that she will make significant contributions to the growth of the
donated to PawPlacement.org and
field of natural health.
Arizona Animal Welfare League.
Tara Nicole Brown • Editor
Do commercial weight loss diets meet nutrient requirements?
A shrinking brain may be determined by what we (don’t) eat
Adults were randomly assigned to follow the Slim Fast Plan,
Professor David Smith of Oxford University said that “the rate
Weight Watchers, Pure Points Programme, Dr. Atkin’s New Diet
of shrinkage of the brain as we age may be partly influenced by
Revolution, or Rosemary Conley’s “Eat Yourself Slim” Diet and
what we eat.” Shrinkage of the brain has been strongly linked
Fitness Plan. According to the authors, while the macronutrient
with a higher risk of developing dementia. Professor Smith directs
intake of the adults changed, there was no evidence to suggest
the Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing. The project
micronutrient deficiency over the two months of the study. The
published results of a five-year study of 107 healthy volunteers in
authors did note that the sub-groups with higher needs for
the journal Neurology, where it was noted that the elder individ-
specific nutrients such as iron, foliate, or calcium may benefit
uals with lower than average B12 levels were over six times more
from tailored advice. The first eight weeks is the “greatest phase
likely to experience brain shrinkage. The researchers divided the
of compliance and when the majority of weight changes are
group into thirds. Even the third with the lowest levels of B12 were
demonstrable,” the study suggests. An assessment of the defi-
above the threshold some define as a deficiency. What this means
ciencies of this study reveal that the authors made no attempt
for health prevention is that we all need to be incorporating foods
to educate about
higher in B12 such as nutritional yeast for the vegans and meat,
long term dietary
fish, and poultry for omnivores.
changes required to maintain weight loss. The partici-
Vitamin ‘may prevent memory loss’. BBC News. Retrieved Sept. 9, 2008 from news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/health/7595423.stm
pants averaged
Cold weather stabilizes flu virus
consuming 2.4
It is common knowledge that there are more cases of flu in the
portions of fruits
winter. Virologist Peter Palese has found that “the virus is more
and vegetables
stable in cold temperatures.” He also found that the dry, cold
per day. Most
conditions of winter pull the moisture out of droplets released by
studies have
coughs and sneezes, which allows the virus particles to remain in
concluded that
the air longer. The dry air also dehydrates the mucous lining of the
seven to nine servings per day are needed for health. Since many
nose creating entry ways for the virus in the cold winter months.
individuals cycle on and off these diets a longer term study to assess micronutrient deficiency status would be valuable. Truby Helen, Hiscutt R, et al. (2008). Commercial weight loss diets meet nutrient requirements in free living adults over 8 weeks: A randomized controlled weight loss trial. Nutrition Journal. Retrieved Sept. 5, 2008 from www.nutritionj.com/content/7/1/25
l th
Compiled by Margaret Arthur, M.D.
(2008). Does winter cause the flu? Microbiologists discover reason why the flu virus thrives in winter. Science Daily. Retrieved Sept. 11, 2008 from www.sciencedaily.com/videos/2008/ 0103-does_winter_cause_the_flu.htm
in the News Blue peanut butter
How is the metabolism of alcohol and
Scientists presenting at the American Association for Cancer
recovering from heart damage connected?
Research say that “Blue peanut butter in one option that comes
Alcoholic beverages require an enzyme called ALDH2 to be
to mind.” For what would this be useful? For years, scientists at
broken down in the body. Daria Mochly-Rosen of Stanford Univer-
the Linus Pauling Institute have studied synthetic food dyes. Two
sity Medical Center in California observed that rats with higher
of the common dyes — blue number two and red number 40
levels of this enzyme experienced less damage to their heart
— offer cancer protection equivalent to chlorophyllin. Chlorophyllin is a compound that has been shown to decrease levels of aflotoxin-induced DNA damage in humans that have been exposed to high levels of this cancer causing agent, found in molds of nuts such as peanuts and some grains. This research evolved from years of studies by toxicologist George Bailey, an international expert on cancer chemoprevention, as well as contributions from other Oregon State University researchers. Some foods dyes may help prevent cancer. Oregon State University. Retrieved Sept. 11, 2008 from oregonstate.edu/dept/ ncs/newsarch/2008/Apr08/dyes.html
Laughter yoga provides many health benefits How much do you laugh each day? Well, Barb Fisher, a certified laughter yoga leader at the University of Minnesota says “studies have shown that 20 seconds of a good, hard belly laugh is worth three minutes on the rowing machine.” Other benefits include stress reduction, enhancing the immune system, strengthening cardiovascular functions, and increasing oxygenation by improving the respiratory system. Laughter also helps tone muscles and helps with digestion and constipation. She says that kids laugh 400 times a day while adults only laugh about 15 times
muscle when they had heart attacks. When the rats were given Alda-1, a chemical compound, it significantly turned up the activity of the enzyme protecting the heart against damage. In a telephone interview with a Reuters reporter, Thomas Hurley of Indian University School of Medicine stated that “this enzyme is central to a number of cellular processes that are related to how the body deals with toxic compounds.” Certain individuals have a mutated gene that makes the ALDH2 so the Alda-1 may provide significant protection from cardiac damage. Forty percent of people of East Asian descent have a mutated form of the ALDH2 gene. Dunham, William. (2008). New way to protect against heart damage explored. Retrieved Sept. 11, 2008 from www.reuters.com/article/ healthNews/idUSN1142674720080911?sp=true
a day. University of Michigan Health System (2008). Laugh your way to wellness with yoga trend. ScienceDaily. Retrieved Sept. 11, 2008, from www.sciencedaily.com /releases/2008/05/ 080505225405.htm
End Notes
t’s not easy being “green” or “single in the city,” and the search for an eco-friendly companion is often more complicated than a case of mutual interests or attraction. With little time, and even fewer local resources, to
find a significant other many people are turning to Internet dating. No longer confined to party parameters and community events, individuals now have carte blanche to leave home and surf the globe for online companionship and love. The world of conscious dating sites is now increasingly available for vegetarians, environmentalists, animal activists, and outdoor enthusiasts looking to meet and network with other like-minded individuals for holistic friendship, dating, and possibly a sustainable relationship. Online dating has left behind its stigma of the past and entered the 21st century. With many individuals going from Web site to wedding bells, there’s hope for even the faint of heart. According to Online Dating Magazine, it is estimated that more than 120,000 marriages a year occur as a result of online dating (2007, Online Dating Magazine). Selecting a suitable online service will depend on personal preferences and interests. Most sites offer a free profile submission and matching profile search, but require a subscription to that particular site to communicate with someone. Below is a list of online sites available to individuals seeking a deeper connection with Mother Earth and her fellow companions. •
Green Singles — www.greensingles.com/FREE
Earth Wise Singles — www.ewsingles.com/$14.95 for three months, 1st week free
Planet Earth Singles — www.planetearthsingles.com/$14.95/month, free trial
Green Party Passions — www.greenpartypassions.com/FREE
Lisa Burke and Courtney Grammer
Permit #3139 Birmingham, AL
2140 11th Avenue South • Suite 305 Birmingham, Alabama 35205-2841
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C l ay t o n
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