3 minute read

Chairman’s Welcome

Branch Contacts



ADRIAN SMITH t: 07495 448555 e: chairman@centrallancs.camra.org.uk

Membership Secretary

POST VACANT e: membership@centrallancs.camra.org.uk


DAVE WOOLCOCK e: treasurer@centrallancs.camra.org.uk

Secretary & Webmaster

GORDON SMALL t: 01772 746118 e: secretary@centrallancs.camra.org.uk

Pubs Officer

RICHARD LANGFORD t: 07974 799224 e: pubsofficer@centrallancs.camra.org.uk

Pub Protection Officer

POST VACANT e: pubprotection@centrallancs.camra.org.uk

Cider Officer

EDD FLETCHER e: cider@centrallancs.camra.org.uk

Social Media Officer

STEWART GRIEVE e: socialmedia@centrallancs.camra.org.uk

As I write this welcome, in the early days of February, the world outside my window is dull and cold and windy – a typical day for this time of year. However, amidst the gloom, there are new shoots on the bushes and bulbs pushing their way through the soil – all signs of brighter times ahead. Let us hope the same is true in the beer world.

The news from our area is, once again, a rather mixed bag. Set against the closure of one of our local breweries and news of 2 micropubs under threat (one closed and one concerned that they will be gone by the time you read this), we have more positive signs with new outlets opening and a wellrespected brewery resurrected and moved into our area. All these developments will be covered elsewhere in the magazine, but they confirm what we expected, that the local drinking scene is likely to be unsettled for some time to come.

Recently in the news there have been reports that Wetherspoons are disposing of 39 of their pubs – fortunately none in our area, but one of the Southport ones is scheduled to close. Hot on the heels of this, Stonegate have announced that they plan to sell off 1,000 of their 4.500 strong pub portfolio. They hope to raise £800m, which will go some way towards their estimated £2.6bn borrowings. Yes, £2.6bn. The problem with most of the big pub operators is that the whole empire is built on unsustainable debt, which inevitably leads to sell-offs of this nature. Just who is going to be able to afford to buy this pub portfolio is unclear, but it seems certain that whoever does end up with them (assuming of course that they remain as pubs) will continue with the business model employed by the large pubcos – namely squeeze their tenants for every penny they can get, squeeze their suppliers to get the lowest prices and deliver to the customer a dumbed down pub experience. Is it any wonder that the pubs that are doing well (some even thriving) in these difficult times, are the true independent operators, delivering their own, quirky, individual pub experience? Enjoy them while you can.

As ever, if you have any thoughts, comments or feedback (about Ale Cry, the local branch or CAMRA nationally) please get in touch with us via email, you will find a contact list in this magazine, or better still, come along to one of our forthcoming meetings or events. Please also remember to visit our website www.centrallancs. camra.org.uk for all the latest information and local news and if you are on Facebook, please search for CAMRA Central Lancs and like our page. In addition, you can now follow us on Twitter, search for CAMRA Central Lancs.

We also produce a monthly newsletter which is emailed to Branch members on the 1st of each month. If you are not receiving this, it might be because we do not have an up to date email address for you or perhaps because your membership options need changing. Please go to https://camra.org.uk log in and go to edit membership details/ marketing preferences in the members area to amend your details and options.

Kind Regards

ADRIAN SMITH Branch Chairman

Ale Cry Editor

ADRIAN SMITH t: 07495 448555 e: editor@centrallancs.camra.org.uk

Social Secretary

POST VACANT e: social@centrallancs.camra.org.uk

Young Members

POST VACANT e: youngmembers@centrallancs.camra.org.uk www.centrallancs.camra.org.uk @CAMRA_CentLancs

CAMRA Central Lancashire Branch camra_central.lancs

All material copyright © Central Lancs CAMRA No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this magazine are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily endorsed by the Editor, Branch Committee or CAMRA nationally. Central Lancs CAMRA accepts no liability in relation to any advertisement or article and recommends the reader make their own enquiries. It should also be noted that inclusion of an advertisement in this magazine should not be deemed an endorsement of quality by Central Lancs CAMRA.

Design & Layout: Stewart Grieve Design Ltd e: stew@stewartgrieve.co.uk www.stewartgrieve.co.uk

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