College of Lake County Fall 2012 Alumni News

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FA LL 2012

Capturing Images of the Space Program

College of Lake County

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Contents FE ATU RES 3

Space Program Icons NASA is decommissioning the shuttles and launch pads that once were workhorses of the space program. Through his photographs of these icons, Roland Miller, a CLC dean, photography instructor and professional photographer, has created an enduring and often lyrical portrait of space program technology.


Fine Dining, CLC Style Prairie, a new student-managed restaurant on the Grayslake campus, is the latest example of the growth in the college’s hospitality and culinary management program.


Writing Success: Tenacity and the Right Niche

To Our Readers: Aspiration is a common thread running through the stories in this issue. In our cover story, featuring Roland Miller, a CLC dean, photography instructor and professional photographer, we tell of his quest to capture poignant and lyrical images of space technology. In “Writing Success,” we present the paths followed by two former CLC students to achieve their dreams of publishing. And, in “Fine Dining” and “More than Competition,” we show how two CLC enterprises—a new student-run restaurant and a winning forensics team—are the latest examples of academic excellence at the college. Enjoy the articles, and if CLC has helped you attain a meaningful goal, send an email to our writer, Dave Fink, at You may be profiled in AlumNews! Julie Shroka, director of Alumni Relations and Special Events

Meet two former CLC students—a former mechanical engineer turned children’s author, and a woman who has worked through her dyslexia to attain success as a self-employed researcher and published author.


More than Competition Led by instructors Lynn Harper and Joel Chmara, the CLC forensics team has won state and national awards. And the rewards of participating have inspired several alumni to give back as volunteer coaches.


Class Notes


News Roundup


Upcoming Events

AlumNews AlumNews is published three times a year by the College of Lake County’s Office of Alumni Relations and Special Events. Director of Alumni Relations and Special Events JULIE SHROKA Administrative Secretary DORAE BLOCK

Cover: Roland Miller captures textures and reflected light on the underside of the space shuttle Discovery in 2012. Photo Credit: Ken Thorsley


To submit story ideas, email Dave Fink, AlumNews editor, at or call him at (847) 543-2243. Address change? Call (847) 543-2400. Share memories, ideas and comments at the CLC alumni website, at

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Space Program Icons The photographs of CLC’s Roland Miller provide a poetic and enduring record of America’s space program.

ON A CRISP FLORIDA NIGHT in December 1998, Roland Miller sets up his tripod and cameras, claiming his spot amid several hundred photojournalists covering the launch of the space shuttle Endeavour. Not affiliated with the press, and a college photography instructor, he’s nevertheless gained rare access to photograph NASA launches over the years through relationships he’s built with NASA personnel. Now an “old hand” at watching space launches, he still feels a keen nervous anticipation. Shop talk with the other photographers— banter about lenses and shutter speeds, the pleasant night—is welcome. Suddenly, a compelling voice booms the countdown over the loudspeaker—“ten, nine, eight…” Within seconds, a deep roar sounds as the shuttle lifted off and the stark night sky turns daylight. CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

Intentional blurring captures the pre-launch rollback of a launch pad section.


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COVER STORY Space Program Icons continued from page 3

This 1993 composition, titled “Night Before Launch,” captures Endeavour as the sunset light matches the shuttle’s artificial lighting.

“It’s very dramatic. The shuttle roars at 100 miles per hour when it leaves the top of the tower,” Miller recalls. “It rises quickly, and after a few seconds, you feel the sound waves rumble in your chest.” Capturing moments like this, and creating visually arresting images of objects associated with the space program, has been Miller’s passion for the last 24 years. He’s photographed 78 shuttle launches, deactivated launch pads and the intricacies of space paraphernalia. His work has been featured in major exhibits and permanent collections, in venues ranging from the NASA Art Collection to the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Photography. Miller’s exhibit known as “The Space Shuttle” will be on display next summer at the National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, Fla. The exhibit exploring deactivated launch pads, known as “Abandoned in Place,” has been on display throughout the country, including six months at the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center. Miller, a Chicago native who earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in photography at Utah State University, is now dean of Communication Arts, Humanities and Fine Arts at the College of Lake County. Before that, he was a photography professor at CLC for six years and at Brevard Community College in Cocoa, Fla., for 14 years.

Miller’s fascination with flight began at age 16 when he took his Kodak Instamatic film camera to an Iowa hot-air balloon exhibition. “Pressing on to the next adventure, breaking the bounds of our environment: It’s what separates humans from other creatures, beyond opposable thumbs,” Miller said, explaining his passion. “We’re so lucky to be at this time in history to have the ability to leave Earth to other orbital bodies.” Miller’s work capturing images of the space program began when he taught at Brevard,

which is located near Cape Canaveral. It wasn’t uncommon for him to have NASA employees in his courses. One day, a contractor for the Air Force offered to show Miller an old launching pad for Project Gemini, the manned spaceflight program in1965-66. Miller saw not junk, but beauty and a piece of American history. “I said to myself, ‘I’ve got to photograph this stuff!’” he recalled. NASA granted Miller access to shoot more deactivated space launch and test facilities that were used in the 1950s and ‘60s. His work led to

A lighted flight deck offers a sense of being on a shuttle mission. 4 | COLLEGE OF LAKE COUNTY

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Horizontal composition captures the cylindrical nature of Discovery’s airlock tunnel.

the “Abandoned in Place” exhibit. The exhibit was designed to give the viewer a sense of place but also detail. “The launch facilities are very unique and beautiful if composed in the right way,” he said. “Roland’s photos are icons of the American space program,” said Jim Remar, the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center’s president and chief operating officer. “Their beauty drew numerous comments from our visitors, who have shared emotions that ranged from awe and wonder to disappointment. Many visitors were upset with the state of these historic sites and the lack of ability to preserve and care for them.” continued on page 7

A nose-end view of a stored shuttle reveals symmetry and a sense of scale. ALUMNEWS | 5

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MILLER SAID HIS WORK makes people take a look at technology from a different standpoint. “I deliberately do a combination of literal and abstract because I find people are initially attracted to the artistic value but get drawn into the intricacies and detail,” he explained.


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This February 2011 view of Discovery shows the launch tower’s complexity and beauty. Miller said his work makes people take a look at technology from a different standpoint. “I deliberately do a combination of literal and abstract because I find people are initially attracted to the artistic value but get drawn into the intricacies and detail,” he explained. Often the detail takes on metaphorical significance. “In photos such as the shuttle hanging in the Vehicle Assembly Building, the frosted windows are cathedral-like,” he said. “They portray ethereal aspects of leaving earth, and they’re designed to show connections between heaven and worldly things.” Miller said he especially enjoys the challenge of capturing and “re-creating” a personal experience with the rocket technology. “It’s one of the

hardest things,” he said. “It requires artistic and technical knowledge. You’re always in a delicate dance between the artistic and the realistic.” Miller considers it a “real honor” to have gained close access to the storied NASA launch facilities. “It took several years, but I’m possibly the only non-press photographer who was allowed such close access to the shuttles,” said Miller, whose work has been featured in Smithsonian Air & Space Magazine, Florida Today, Kodak’s Photo Educator International and other publications. “NASA was very supportive.” With his close connections to NASA, the 1986 explosion of the Challenger still resonates with him 26 years later. “It was a horrible day,” Miller said. “I still get choked up. A good

number of my students worked out there and knew the astronauts.” For Miller and his contacts at NASA, the winding down of the 30-year space shuttle mission also represented another kind of death. “I worked with two spacecraft operators who were assigned to deactivate the shuttle by cutting its wires and removing the innards,” Miller recalled, noting that both technicians had worked on the shuttle for more than 20 years. “One of them said, ‘We’re taking the oxygen system out, so I guess the patient has stopped breathing.’” Editor’s note: View more of Roland Miller’s work at


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Fine Dining,CLC Style

Cooking, waiting tables and supervising are part of Prairie’s real-world learning for students such as Emily Sanscrainte, above.

With a new student-managed restaurant, CLC teaches the joy and hard work of running a restaurant. lad in a white chief’s uniform, Emily Sanscrainte grates Parmesan cheese while sitting at a table in Prairie, the new student-managed restaurant on the College of Lake County’s Grayslake campus. She and 13 fellow students are preparing for the lunch rush. “We’re opening in one hour!” shouts a student, relaying the message from their professor, Chef Rob Wygant, who is standing in the kitchen and looking at his wristwatch. It’s 10:30 a.m. on a Wednesday in early September, and the students, darting between the kitchen and dining room, exude a palpable energy. This is the restaurant’s “soft” opening, an in-house trial run before Prairie’s official, public grand opening two weeks later. The restaurant,


Instructors Teresa Novinska and Rob Wygant are veteran chefs.


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replacing the former Willow Room cafeteria, seats 50 in a dining room with an earth tone décor. Items on its menu, which change weekly, are chosen by the culinary arts students, Wygant said. Entrees include grilled hanger steak bordelaise with mushrooms, pan-seared crab cakes and mesculun greens with pulled duck. Though Sanscrainte’s task of shredding cheese may not have the pizzazz to warrant footage on a Food Network show, the task nevertheless is one of hundreds that she and her colleagues will perform daily in their lives as professional chefs. That’s just fine with Sanscrainte, a former business major, who took a baking course “on a whim” but discovered that cooking is her “true passion.” Indeed, the booming popularity of cable-TV cooking shows has been good for CLC’s hospitality and culinary management program, which has grown from 200 students in 2008 to an astounding 800 students today. Though the instructors are thrilled to see high enrollments, they sometimes have to poke a sharp skewer into students’ misconceptions of a chef’s life. “I often tell students that the career is not as glamorous as TV portrays it,” said Teresa Novinska, whose culinary career includes working as a chef at the Marriott Lincolnshire and teaching culinary arts part-time for 12 years before joining CLC as a full-time instructor in 2010.

Non-cooking tasks equally important Wygant agrees that the Food Network and other channels often glamorize the profession. “Some students think they’ll be instant food celebrities,” said Wygant, a California native and former chef in San Francisco.“You need to put in 10-15 years of work to get to anything resembling prominence. You have to pay your dues.” Cable TV shows also gloss over, if not ignore, the critical, behind-the-scenes tasks of running a restaurant, the instructors said. “There’s inventory management, hiring and firing staff and working with vendors,” Wygant said. “And you also have long hours, stress and working many nights, weekends and holidays. But the rewards are the chance to be creative, work with

your hands and make people happy by preparing great food.” The real-world advice is not lost on Sanscrainte. “What I like about CLC’s program is that it is not just food,” she said. “It’s purchasing and inventory, supervision and all the behindthe-scenes details. This program makes you well-rounded. Plus, I have a portfolio of recipes and photos of the foods that I prepared.”

Restaurant serves CLC-grown food Besides offering practical, hands-on experience, the Prairie restaurant plans to be a leader in using locally grown vegetables in its food preparation. Standing at a kitchen counter slicing cherry tomatoes is Lorraine Orbon (’12). The former accountant graduated from the program in May but couldn’t resist a chance to help open Prairie. The tomatoes, bell peppers and other vegetables come from the campus garden. Horticulture students plant, water and harvest the produce, which ranges from head lettuce, radishes, broccoli and cauliflower to red beets and winter squash. Herbs include rosemary, thyme, sage and tarragon. The CLC farm has a goal of supplying 20 percent of the restaurant’s produce needs, according to Gianna Fazioli, CLC’s local foods coordinator. Serving produce grown within a 500-mile radius pays off both environmentally and economically, said Wygant. “Every chef should

be on board with it, even if it’s for the flavor alone,” he said, noting the just-picked freshness. The environmental benefits are many, said Rory Klick, chair of the horticulture program. “The average bite of food has traveled 1,500 miles before it goes into your mouth,” she said. “Traditional food is typically grown with added pesticides and chemical fertilizers, managed in farms with equipment needing fossil fuels, and then shipped to us using fossil fuels. Compare that environmental footprint to raising food right here on campus using natural fertilizers such as compost, no pesticides and hardly any fossil fuel.” Prairie’s ultimate goal, Klick said, is a “closed-loop” system that can serve as a model for restaurants. “The food grown here in the campus farm will go into our restaurant and cafeteria,” she explained. “The funds earned by the sale of that produce will go back into supporting the farm. The pre-consumer food scraps go back into the compost that sustains the soil that grows the food. The students are hired to help grow and prepare the food, and so the circle is self-sustaining. It’s not just what we want to teach, it’s what we want to model for other schools, corporations and institutions.” The green approach is one more thing that Sanscrainte can put in her already-thick portfolio. “Having this experience at a young age will help me when I launch my own restaurant someday,” she said.

A sample of Prairie’s menu. ALUMNEWS | 9

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Writing Success:

Tenacity and the Right Niche A CLC writing course helps a former engineer build a career as a children’s author.


uzanne Slade had a mechanical engineering career, designing and testing NASA rocket engines and automotive parts. But after becoming a stay-at-home mom, the Libertyville resident decided to pursue her earlier dream of becoming a writer. After enduring eight years of rejection letters, she published her first children’s book 10 | COLLEGE OF LAKE COUNTY

in 2007 and has since published more than 90 additional ones. Slade said she gained confidence in her ability to become a writer in a six-week personal enrichment course taught by English instructor Mary Dunn, who has since retired. Slade, who earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Valparaiso University in 1986, had no formal training in writing. “I had thought about writing things for children, but the thought of publishing books seemed so ludicrous,” she recalled. “I didn’t have a solid writing background in college beyond a one-semester English course. I had no idea how to start, and I didn’t know any publishers. It seemed out of reach.”

But Slade decided to give the class, called “Writing Books for Children,” a try. “Mary was so welcoming and nice,” Slade said. “The course covered practical aspects of writing and publishing, including making fiction and non-fiction compelling, writing query letters to publishers and formatting a manuscript. Everybody in the class was encouraging, and Mary encouraged us to write about subjects that we know.”

Selecting science, history niche proved fruitful With her engineering background, Slade decided to focus on science and nature-related books aimed at young children. After eight years and dozens of rejection letters, she published

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“The Structure of Atoms,” through publisher Rosen Classroom, in 2007. Since then, she has published scores of other children’s books, including her most recent, “The House That George Built.” Out in August, the book takes a look at the lore behind the design and construction of the White House. Rich in watercolor and ink images, the book includes a page showing George Washington holding an artist’s rendering of the winning White House design. The accompanying text reads: “This is the design, that would stand for all time, that was drawn for the lot, that grand, scenic spot, for the President’s House that George built.” Slade’s publishers praise her skill with words. “Once she knows the story she wants to tell, she finds a way to tell it that’s fresh and new,” said Alyssa Pusey, editor at Charlesbridge Publishing, publisher of “The House That George Built.” “Her writing sounds light and carefree, but she considers each word carefully. The overall rhythm of the words—the storytelling voice—is very important to her.” Such care has perhaps led to her work being among children’s favorites. Debbie Colodny, coordinator for children’s programming at the Cook Memorial Public Library District in Libertyville, said her work is very popular with the library’s young patrons. “She makes complicated scientific ideas easily understood by even very young children,” Colodny said. Slade’s CLC writing instructor, Mary Dunn, isn’t surprised by Slade’s success. In addition to taking Dunn’s writing course, Slade also participated in a workshop Dunn offered in her home. “Suzanne is one of those rare people who has focus, motivation, patience, business savvy and intelligence,” Dunn said. “You find students with a mix of a couple, but she had them all. Suzanne was faithful about coming to the writer’s group, and she was very open to suggestions and willing to work hard to revise.” Find out more about Suzanne Slade at

“Cooney’s success in having her story published was inspiring to other CLC students” -Mike Latza

Class Assignments Lead to Freelancing Career As a creative writing class assignment, Jackie Cooney (’05) wrote “And the Dead Danced,” a gothic ghost story involving spirits reuniting at an abandoned Hollywood movie studio. It’s a story exploring the boundaries between the spiritual and physical world. The story proved such a hit in class and with her instructor, Diane Williams, that Cooney submitted it to the Outrider Press, which included it in a 2004 anthology called “Things That Go Bump in the Night.” For two years, Cooney’s short story was required reading in all of CLC’s creative writing courses for its creativity, said English professor Mike Latza, who taught Cooney in another creative writing course. “There is a literal as well as a figurative dance between the dead and the living,” Latza explained. “The story contains strong characterization, an appropriate amount and selection of detail, a proper sense of mystery and revealment, good pacing and a strong realistic sense of presence.” Cooney’s success in having her story published was inspiring to other CLC students, Latza said. “It’s good for our students to hear about real success stories that we have here at CLC,” he explained. “When they read former students’ writings in published collections, their attitudes often change. Instead of hypothetical success, they see real applications of what they are learning.” Achieving writing success was all the more sweet to Cooney because she struggled with dyslexia since childhood. She said at CLC her instructors helped her learn despite the condition. “If I had questions regarding a test question, the instructor would explain the question to me so that I could understand it,” she said. “Nobody in high school or grade school had done that for me.” Cooney went on to graduate with honors, earning two associate degrees from CLC: one in history and the other in geology. She later earned a bachelor’s in history in 2008 from Roosevelt University, with additional courses in journalism. In May, her article, “Men of Violent Means: The Chicago Circulation War and Its Effects on Chicago Prohibition,” was included in an anthology published by Harper College. Currently, Cooney operates her own freelance writing and historical research business. One client is Wayne Johnson, a former Chicago homicide detective, who is working on a reference book scheduled to be published next year by the Chicago Crime Commission. The book, titled “History of Violence: 1,200 Murders of the Chicago Mob,” summarizes the workings of gangsters such as Al Capone, George “Bugs” Moran and Spike O’Donnell. “She has that tenacity that a good researcher will have,” said Johnson, assistant professor in the forensic science program at Harper College. “She dug things up that I could not dig up in the archives of the Chicago Crime Commission, and the archives have been around since 1919.” Editor’s note: Read more about Jackie Cooney at ALUMNEWS | 11

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More than Competition


Lynn Harper (left and above), CLC’s director of forensics, and Joel Chmara, assistant director, coach student Jovi Villarreal.

ynn Harper, director of forensics, has just listened to a sophomore present a dramatic interpretation. It’s a practice run for an upcoming competition, and though Harper is concerned about keeping the student’s confidence high, she also is pushing her to excel. “You need to slow down,” she advises. “At the end, you rushed through important stuff that justifies what your character did. And you need cut some lines to stay within the time limits.” Harper’s feedback is an example of the straight-talk coaching that has spurred CLC’s forensics team to bring back one victory after another, filling the showcase on the second floor of the B Wing on the Grayslake campus. There’s a 2010 national silver award, a 2007 national gold and a dozen more. Most recently, the team added a bronze award to the case from the 2012 national speech tournament for Phi Rho Pi, one of the nation’s oldest forensics organizations. The team’s coaches have also won recognition. In 2012, Harper won the prestigious Collie-Taylor award, given to the coach most recognized by the students at the national tournament for providing inspiration and influence on the activity. Joel Chmara, assistant forensics director, received the same award in 2007 and the Illinois State Forensics Coach of the Year award in 2009. The awards earned by the team and coaches come from lots of work. Harper says she works with students an average of 25 hours a week outside of the hours she spends teaching and Chmara puts in similar hours. That commitment comes from a passion not just for competition but also for helping students gain the benefits of mastering the forensics craft.

“Students who take on the challenge of participating in forensics are giving themselves a lifetime of opportunity.” —Lynn Harper


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“Forensics is a bug that kind of bites you,” Harper said, indicating that she’s competed in forensics since she was 14, and it’s a passion and skill she wants to share with students. “Students who take on the challenge of participating in forensics are giving themselves a lifetime of opportunity,” she said. “They are learning to create messages and convey them better than the average person.” Gaining those communication skills is more important than competing, she said. “Our students are learning skills that give them a permanent leg up in life and in their careers.”

In coaching students, Harper and Chmara try to involve students in choosing speech topics. “We find that students are more passionate about the topic and have a sense of ownership,” she said. Harper and Chmara try to help students develop their craft by sharing their experiences of what works and what will win in a competition. They’re constantly passing on tips on language, pacing, connecting with the audience. “Joel and I wear multiple hats,” Harper said. “We have to encourage and hold the students’ hands, find the talent inside and bring it to the surface.”

Class Notes Bob Carrison (’74) lives in Winnsboro, S.C, where he formerly owned a restaurant and is now an information technology professional. Lisa (Seveska) Wernli (’82) is a sourcing manager at Northbrook, Ill.-based Allstate Insurance Co. Adrienne Regnier (’83) has been head of the philosophy department at the Louisville, Ky.-based Jefferson Community and Technical College since 1995. Jay Maningo-Salinas (’92), Ph.D., R.N., has been named as director of ambulatory nursing services at Mayo Clinic in Arizona. Louette (Landt) Kleffner (’95) is a nurse at the North Chicago, Ill.-based Captain James H. Lovell Federal Health Care Center, which is managed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Rodrigo Reyes (’01), is a senior systems administrator for Abbott Laboratories, Inc. and is an adjunct instructor of computer information technology at CLC. Chris Melnytschuk (’05) teaches health information technology at CLC after years of management and education experience. Jason Hewkin (’09) earned an aerospace engineering degree in May from the University of Illinois. He’s living in Maryland and now works for the Navy as a mass properties engineer.

Alumni still involved in forensics Several CLC alumni say they gained so much competing in forensics that they are staying involved with the team as volunteer coaches. Kristen Frey (’11), (shown above) now a school nurse, for example, said her forensics experience gave her the skills to communicate better with students, families and doctors. Mike Argol, a florist and party planner, who competed in 2008 and 2009, said forensics helped him “become a more outgoing person.” According to forensics director Lynn Harper, alumni volunteers are valuable as “another set of eyes.” And as experienced competitors, they are able to provide students feedback competitor-to-competitor, she said.

Nick Hankins (’10) works in the information technology department of Chicago-based Harpo Studios, Inc., where he previously did audio and video for “The Oprah Winfrey Show” and “The Rosie Show.”

What have you been doing lately? Let your fellow alumni know! Post your submissions online at Use the pull-down menu to post in either the careers section or the message board that corresponds with your graduation decade. Selected entries also will be published in the AlumNews.


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Providing a Sporting Chance The Foundation’s Keith Ryan Scholarship Fund and Sports Banquet is a tradition funding opportunity for students and celebrating star athletes of the past.

Left to right: Joshua May, Elizabeth Gutierrez, and Francisco Rivera


hree students—two soccer players and a student journalist—are the latest beneficiaries of a 24-year CLC Foundation fundraising tradition that uses recognition of Lake County athletes to fund scholarship opportunities. The three CLC students—Elizabeth Gutierrez, Joshua May and Francisco Rivera each received $1,000 scholarships at the Foundation’s 24th Keith Ryan Scholarship Fund and Sports Banquet, held Nov. 1 at Midlane Golf Resort. The banquet, which attracted 220 guests, recognized 12 new inductees into the Lake County High Schools Sports Hall of Fame and the three CLC scholarship recipients. The event is held in memory of the late Keith Ryan, a popular sportscaster who spent nearly 25 years promoting local sports in Lake County. Proceeds from the event help fund three Foundation scholarships—one for a student pursuing a career in print or broadcast communications and two for a sophomore male and 14 | COLLEGE OF LAKE COUNTY

female student athlete. Since the scholarship’s inception, more than $60,000 has been raised for journalism students and student-athletes. Bill Devore, Foundation executive director, and Mike Babicz, Keith Ryan committee member, served as emcees for the event. Scholarship winner Elizabeth Gutierrez attended Stevenson High School, where she participated in soccer for four years. She plays on the CLC soccer team and plans to be a special education teacher or an aide at the elementary school level. Joshua May also graduated from Stevenson High School and currently serves as co-editor -in-chief of CLC’s student newspaper, The Chronicle. Last March, he won two awards at the Illinois Community College Journalism Association Conference, including a first place in news writing. Francisco Rivera attended Zion-Benton Township High School, where he participated in

soccer and wrestling for four years. He plays on the CLC soccer team and is majoring in physical education. After graduating from CLC, he plans to pursue a health and fitness career. Inducted into the Lake County High Schools Sports Hall of Fame: • Gary Bereiter (Zion-Benton High School) • Brian Colbert (North Chicago High School and Zion-Benton High School) • Eric Eckenstahler (Antioch High School) • Norm Erickson (Libertyville High School) • Andy Farrisey (Stevenson High School) • John Graham (Mundelein High School) • Randy Kuceyeski (Libertyville High School) • Dr. Edward May (Warren High School), • Quiande Moore (Zion-Benton High School) • Joel Peebles (Grayslake Central High School) • Don Swanson (Northern Officials Association) and • Kevin Walter (Libertyville High School).

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Alumni help Changing Lives campaign exceed $1M The Changing Lives scholarship campaign has raised $1.04 million in gifts and commitments as of Sept. 1, according to Bill Devore, executive director of the College of Lake County Foundation. The campaign’s goal has been increased to $2 million, according to Devore. For more information on how to contribute, visit the Changing Lives campaign website at Donations may be made online through the website.

Black & White Ball raises more than $115,000 for scholarships Nearly 300 alumni and guests attended the Sept. 29 Black & White Ball, the CLC Foundation’s annual gala fundraiser for CLC Foundation scholarships. The event took place at Lake Villa’s historic Lehmann Mansion, which is celebrating its centennial in 2012. Visit to access a photo gallery.

Nearly 50 alumni and friends enjoy Cubs-Brewers game A group of 50 CLC alumni, their families and friends enjoyed an Aug. 20 bus trip to Milwaukee’s Miller Park , where they watched the Milwaukee Brewers (with third-base coach and CLC alum Eddie Sedar) beat the Chicago Cubs 9-5. Left to right: Jean Werner (‘92) and daughter, Angie (‘06) were part of the CLC group.

New mobile app provides access to 400 alumni discounts Receive discounts at more than 400 Illinois retailers, from Gurnee Mills stores to Rainforest Café to Abt Electronics, with a free new mobile app. This location-based app, currently available to iPhone users only, automatically displays participating local retailers regardless of your location. To download this free app, visit or scan this quick-response (QR) code:

Searchable online alumni directory has more than 30K names Looking to reconnect with a former CLC student? Searching for a former CLC classmate is easier than ever. The searchable directory, located on the alumni website at, now has more than 30,000 names, with nearly half displaying email addresses. To access the directory, follow these steps: 1. At the top of the page, click the First-time Login tab if you have not registered with the website. 2.If you have an account set up, click the Login tab at the top and enter your user name and password. 3. Once you are logged in, click the Connect tab and scroll down to Online Directory. You can browse by first name, last name or graduation year to access the alum’s contact information.


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Holiday Wind Ensemble Concert


Sunday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m. Mainstage Theatre

Monday, June 3, 2013 Glen Flora Country Club, Waukegan

Enjoy a holiday musical celebration by the Wind Ensemble, featuring beautiful music of the season. The Holiday Choral Concert at 3:30 p.m. has sold out.

Enjoy a full day of golf, a pre-tourney lunch, contest prizes, awards dinner and silent auction. All proceeds will benefit the CLC Foundation Scholarship Fund.

Ruth Page Civic Ballet: The Nutcracker

For more information, or to receive an invitation, call (847) 543-2400 or email

Saturday, Dec. 15 at 1 and 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 16 at 3 p.m. Mainstage Theatre

The Moscow Boys Choir: Christmas Around the World Tuesday, Dec. 4 at 7:30 p.m. Mainstage Theatre The Moscow Boys Choir, with its international reputation for excellence, carefully blends heavenly boy soprano voices with the rich resonance of bass, tenor and baritone sounds to bring a distinct Russian flavor to the choral experience.

Subscription prices: Adult: $21/19/17 Senior/Staff/Alumni: $20/18/16 CLC Student/Teen: $13 Children under 12: $10

Chicago’s special holiday tradition returns to the James Lumber Center for the Performing Arts. This full length ballet performance, featuring the original choreography and costumes by Ruth Page, will enchant your entire family with its timeless story, beautiful music and classic ballet choreography.

Subscription prices: Adult: $25/23/19 Senior/CLC Staff/Alumni: $24/22/18 CLC Student/Teen: $13 Children under 12: $10.

To order tickets for the above JLC events, call (847) 543-2300 or visit

Foundation Golf Outing

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