Prayer Focus 2015 Iss.4

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Join us in this work. Lend us a hand through prayer so that many will give thanks for the gift that comes to us when God answers the prayers of so many. 2 Corinthians 1:11 (VOICE)

September 28th - October 4th

Week 40: Papua New Guinea, Thailand and Korea Monday (28th) - Papua New Guinea (PNG):

Earlier this year Maraga Babona arranged a CLC stall at the XV Pacific Games held in Port Moresby. Praise God for good contacts with, and comments from, Christian athletes from various Pacific Island nations who bought Bibles and books from CLC. The stalls, mainly of local arts and crafts, were run by the organisation ‘Women in Business’ and were available at the end of the games for around 5,000 participating athletes.

Tuesday (29th) - National Book Week (PNG):

Over recent years CLC in PNG has held special events during the PNG National Book Week. Once again this year CLC held a bookstall at a Salvation Army primary school for the duration of the week. A particular point for thanksgiving is that a shipment of children’s books, from Scandinavia Publishing House, arrived just in time for this event.

Wednesday (30th) - Opportunities for Sales (Thailand):

Please pray for CLC Thailand as they have been going through financial difficulties since last year, with a drop in sales but continued costs – including mortgage payments on the shop property. The shop is very well located near a major international bus terminal and it would be wonderful to serve more customers passing through Chiang Mai too. It would also be an encouragement to the team to see increased sales during the Christmas season. CLC Chiang Mai (shop & team)

Thursday (1st) - Opportunities for Growth (Thailand):

One area where CLC Thailand could grow and expand is in the English titles section of the bookshop. Praise the Lord for His provision of help and support in this area once again. The stock of English books was replenished recently and a couple from the USA, Don and Betsy Veldboom, are preparing to move to Chiang Mai early next year to support this part of the ministry; they both have plenty of experience in cross cultural ministry and in book selling.

Friday (2nd) - Study Books (Korea):

CLC in Korea is known for publishing academic and study books, and this is appreciated especially by pastors and seminary students. Recently they have been working on multi-volume sets such as the Anchor Bible Commentaries and the John Frame series. Their prayer is that these volumes will be used to help and encourage the spiritual growth of many Christians in Korea.

The Weekend (3rd/4th) - Other Books… (Korea):

There is significant interest in overseas mission in Korea, and CLC has recently published two titles written by Korean missionaries, one working in India (Understanding Mission in India) and the other in Africa (Little Paradise in Africa). By the end of the year they hope to publish a seasonal book as well – Messages for Christmas.

October 5th - 11th

Week 41: CLC Concerns Monday (5th) - Multiple Issues:

As with any mission, there are always issues to be addressed: staff changes, our spiritual effectiveness, our ability to change with the times. CLC has an extra dimension in that we are also a business, and that brings a whole different set of challenges: economic recession, unstable political conditions, changing exchange rates, technology affecting the book industry, to mention a few. During the rest of the week some specific examples will be mentioned, but please pray particularly for leaders grappling with multiple issues.

Tuesday (6th) - Latin America:

For many years the work of CLC has grown strongly in Latin America, and in some countries it continues to do so. However, there have been some external factors that have slowed that growth. In recent times the strong US dollar has made the importation of books from the US far more expensive than before. Local book prices in Latin America cannot be increased by the same amount or they would be unaffordable. Please pray for our teams as they look for ways to overcome this.

Wednesday (7th) - Hungary:

The ministry in Hungary is at a crossroads. The work has grown under Heiner Rindisbacher and then Zsolt Karpati and now has three bookshops in the country. However, Zsolt now feels it is time for someone else to take the work on and he will be stepping down at the end of the year. Please pray for just the right person to take over as CLC Hungary seeks to move into publishing and develop the online work.

Thursday (8th) - Spain:

Our Spanish team is working hard to stabilise the work, fighting against the financial crisis that is still holding the country back, with more than 25% unemployment. Many changes have taken place in the last 4 years, most recently with the retirement of former leader, Antonio Vargas. Some of the changes are now bearing fruit but we still need to see a generalised improvement that is sustainable. Pray for Darwin Vergel as he leads this team. (Photo of Darwin with a customer on the left)

Friday (9th) - Japan:

In the last ten years the work of the team has been focused on managing decline. Both the church and the economy have been stagnant, and buying habits have changed. These changes are affecting all of the Christian book trade and our team has looked for ways of working with others for mutual benefit. Obviously it is not easy to work under these conditions so please pray for encouragement and blessing for this hard-working team.

The Weekend (10th/11th) - Austria:

Please continue to pray for the future of the CLC bookshop in Graz. It has been a Christian bookshop for more than 50 years! Edeltraud Heumann cannot continue to run the shop on her own. Together with local people, we are urgently seeking alternatives. After closing the present shop in November, the intention is to re-open at a new location hopefully within a few months. October 12th - 18th

Week 42: Kenya and Mozambique

Information from Liz Patten, CLC Regional Director for Africa

Monday (12th) - New Person (Kenya) :

When our National Director resigned unexpectedly and left CLC at the end of April, we prayed for a suitable successor. After an interim leadership period, we have been delighted to appoint Patrick Omukhango, who 2

had previously worked in CLC, to this post. It appears that the Lord has brought him back “for such a time as this�, as it is a time of major changes in the ministry.

Tuesday (13th) - New Premises (Kenya):

Earlier this year, we were informed by our landlord in Nairobi that we would have to vacate the current premises. This is the second time in 8 years that we have had to move our warehouse! At the time of writing, it seems that a suitable new place may have been found. By the time you read this, the move will have taken place. Please pray that with this move, we will be able to retain our former customer base, and at the same time build a new one.

Wednesday (14th) - New Project (Kenya):

At the end of April, we were very pleased to install equipment for a new Print on Demand (POD) facility, as an additional feature of our ministry in Nairobi. This was a significant answer to prayer, a dream finally becoming reality. Please pray for the person we will appoint as manager for the project, that he or she will be able to develop the project well in all aspects and help to supply the need for good but low cost materials in Kenya.

Thursday (15th) - Refurbishment (Mozambique):

Following the destruction, by termites, of most of our bookshelves in the CLC shop in Maputo, a large quantity of second hand fixtures and fittings were donated by CLC UK and funds raised to ship these in a container to Mozambique. Praise the Lord, the container finally arrived in July and remodelling has begun in the Maputo shop. We hope to get some of the shelving transported on to Beira, where we have our other CLC shop, by the end of the year.

Friday (16th) - Sales, Growth & Mission (Mozambique):

We praise the Lord for increased sales and general growth this year for CLC Maputo. We are also grateful for the opportunities that come our way to support those working in mission in Mozambique by supplying Bibles. Please pray for Gary Bolton and his team, as they come from Ireland on 23rd October for a 10-day mission in Beira. They have requested a supply of more than 750 Bibles and New Testaments 3

in Portuguese and two local languages (Sena and Shona), and, at the time of writing we are working to obtain these in good time.

The Weekend (17th/18th) - CLC Beira (Mozambique):

One of our primary goals over the next months is to see CLC Beira become financially autonomous. Please pray that we will have wisdom in our financial management and in our ordering, as these are two key elements in reaching that goal. We are already thinking about where to open our third CLC shop in Mozambique, but Maputo and Beira must first be standing firm! We are still very challenged by the whole process of ordering Bibles and books from Brazil as it is generally a lengthy and very expensive exercise. October 19th - 25th

Week 43: UK Developments Monday (19th) - Going Live :

Give thanks for the completion of the work on the new warehouse and for “going live” early in September. Pray that it will be a blessing to the whole of the UK Christian Book Trade and enhance CLC’s mission and ministry. A section of our new warehouse

Tuesday (20th) - Team Work:

Pray for the new warehouse staff team. Some have moved to Chester from Alresford and others have joined us locally. Pray that they will work well together and blend into an efficient team. Pray too that the CLC team and the Eden team can also work well together as Eden (a Christian internet retailer) are leasing a portion of the warehouse for their operation.

Wednesday (21st) - Change of Ministry:

Pray for Chris and Lynne Magee who have worked for many years with CLC UK initially in a bookshop and more recently in the warehouse. They are now moving on from CLC and are planning and working The Magees towards joining Operation Mobilisation. Pray that everything falls into place for this change of ministry. Pray too for others who will be moving on to new jobs and ministries.

Thursday (22nd) - All Things New:

A new warehouse and new computer software! Please pray for the smooth running of the new warehouse system and software. Pray for the team as they learn how it operates. Give thanks that in David Scouler and Geoff & Miriam Bearham, CLC has three people who have already used the Chreos system in CLC Australia and know it well; they will be able to train and oversee others.

Friday (23rd) - Shop Software:

Pray for the 19 UK bookshops that will also change to the new Chreos software. At the start of February 2016 a programme to put the shops on Chreos will begin and the first shops are likely to be London, Sheffield, Stockport, Leicester and Tolworth. CLC Wolverhampton may go on this autumn as a trial shop. Please pray that the shop staff quickly master the new system and that there are no major problems. Pray too that the more efficient links to the warehouse will improve both warehouse and shop efficiency.

The Weekend (24th/25th) - Choosing Titles to Stock:

With many new English language books being published each month, wisdom is needed as to which titles to stock - both in the warehouse and the shops. Pray for guidance for the warehouse buyer as both UK and USA publishers are keen for us to hold their titles. Pray that the Bibles and books CLC supplies will be ones which bring people to faith and build them up in that faith. 4

October 26th - November 1st

Week 44: Answered Prayer Monday (26th) - Belarus:

We praise God for the opportunity to arrange CLC bookstalls at some major conferences earlier this year. It was a concern, and a matter for prayer, that we were unable to attend these events the previous year. One of the bookstalls was at a youth conference in Kobrin and although we do not have a CLC centre in this city now, it is where CLC Belarus started!

Tuesday (27th) - Swaziland:

Liz Patten (Africa Regional Director), Petra Nemansky (CLC IO) and Carol, a visiting friend and previous CLC colleague, were in Swaziland on CLC business earlier this year. They had to go back to Mozambique with extra luggage and shop stock. Travelling by public transport is arduous and uncomfortable and Carol prayed fervently for a better solution for the return journey. Praise the Lord they were offered a lift with a pastor they knew. It was a comfortable journey in a spacious car and, as an added bonus, the pastor had a diplomatic passport so there was no waiting or inspection at the border!

Wednesday (28th) - UK:

If Anumonye, the manager of CLC Chatham, wrote the following earlier this year: “Hallelujah! We have witnessed a miracle! A regular customer who has been using a walking aid for about ten years just got healed in the shop when another customer was moved to pray for him! He has had surgery twice for his knees and back, but to little avail, and was due for more surgery. He came in using his walker, barely able to walk or stand unaided, and has just left with that same walker, this time carrying it on his shoulder. Amazement from us if we should be surprised! It’s the Holy Spirit at work. God be praised!”

Thursday (29th) - USA:

Recently in one of the bookstores, where there is a regular prayer time for staff and customers, a young lady shared her serious problem of a force that repeated commands over and over in her mind, filling it with negative thoughts. Prayer had previously given temporary relief but any peace was short lived. The shop manager, another lady and the concerned customer prayed together and the customer left with a book by John Eckhard – Prayers that Rout Demons. Praise the Lord this lady got in touch some weeks later to say the voices had stopped.

Friday (30th) - France:

Praise the Lord that after months of prayer and searching we have found a new location for the Paris bookshop. It is not far from the current bookshop and the rent is cheaper. After some long and complex negotiations, this move should now take place, although at the time of writing a contract had still not been completed.

The Weekend (31st/1st) - Ecuador:

CLC Ecuador was hoping to purchase a property in Quito for the HQ and warehouse. After a long time in negotiations, the property was taken off the market. The decision was taken to look for suitable premises in Guayaquil instead, as it is the largest city in Ecuador and the port where our supplies enter the country. A property was found close to our main bookshop in this city and at a price we could afford to buy it outright! In addition, there is enough available space for a good warehouse, offices and to relocate the main bookshop!

Guayaquil, Ecuador


November 2nd - 8th

Week 45: Christmas Activities Monday (2nd) - Christmas in the Shops :

CLC Indonesia

Pray for all the bookshops as they think of ways to draw customers’ attention to the bookshops over the Christmas season. We want our shops to look festive and inviting, but also to point people to the wonder and significance of Christ’s birth. In Papua New Guinea, for example, the team are planning a Nativity theme to run throughout the bookshop..

Tuesday (3rd) - USA:

“Christmas is our busiest time of the year as it is for nearly all CLC stores around the world. As a result we have more challenges with theft and our team members have less time for doing direct ministry with customers. We could use prayer for diligence in observing potential theft, energy and stamina for daily interactions, and wisdom to balance customer service with the ministry opportunities that God will bring our way.” Dave Almack, Director


Wednesday (4th) - Russia:

“We hope to participate in at least one book table this Christmas and we are praying that the Lord would allow us to have a children’s Christmas event in the coffee shop area on the ground floor of the CLC bookshop. We would appreciate prayer for good sales at this time too, of course. Sales have been a little uncertain recently, but God has been faithful.” Nikita Sapunov, Director

Thursday (5th) - Portugal:

This year, CLC Portugal launched a new initiative to hold ‘mini-concerts’ in the bookshop every three months. At the time of writing, a third concert of the year is planned as a special Christmas event. Pray for shop manager Carlos Cunha as he prepares these special events.

Friday (6th) - France:

“Every year, we send 175 boxes of books and other articles on sale-or-return to 175 churches before Christmas to allow some French regions, where there is no CLC bookshop, to access and buy our materials. Our selection is made up entirely of new titles, DVD’s, CD’s, cards and calendars etc. This generates sales and introduces people to new things we have on offer.” Herve Lessous, Director

The Weekend (7th/8th) - Cyprus:

“We would value prayer for our Christmas Book Fairs in November. At the time of writing the planned dates are: Paphos (7th), Nicosia (11th), Limassol (14th) and Larnaca (21st). We thank the Lord for all the assistance we usually get at these events and we hope that it will be the same this year. Of course we hope for good contacts and sales too; these book fairs are essential for the upkeep of the bookshop.” Sotos and Eva Photiades November 9th - 15th

Week 46: CLC International Office Monday (9th) - CLC 75th Anniversary:

In 2016 CLC will celebrate 75 years of work and ministry. In the years since Norman Grubb of WEC encouraged Ken and Bessie Adams to initiate a ministry focused on Christian literature, CLC has worked in over 75 countries! While bookshops are still the focus of the ministry, many other activities use the tools God has given us to reach people with the Gospel. Please pray for the preparations for the 75th anniversary celebration which will be centred around the International Council meetings in June. 6

Tuesday (10th) - International Training Platform:

During this year, an online training platform has been introduced to enable us to give training more effectively. In time, we trust that this will be available in multiple languages. The set-up work was carried out by Lloyd Hodkinson but, following his retirement in September, we need someone to continue and develop this work. Please pray that we will be able to identify this person.

Wednesday (11th) - Paraguay:

This is not the first time we have asked you to pray for Paraguay. Please continue to persevere in prayer for this project which has been hindered by significant legal hurdles. At every step we need to refer back to a retired missionary in New Zealand, and then have everything translated and verified by Paraguayan Consulates. Pray, too, for Gerardo Scalante as he coordinates this together with the local Board.

Thursday (12th) - Publishing:

Please pray for Gary Chamberlin as he works with numerous countries seeking to double our publishing output. Around this time some of the translations of the Francis Chan book You and Me Forever should be going to print. We would like to be able to work with publishers in such a way that we can translate books into multiple languages quickly and efficiently. CLC is uniquely placed to be able to do this.

Friday (13th) - CLC eReader App :

The Apple App was released in July making it possible for CLC to offer its own eBook platform for the very first time. There are now three significant areas in which we need to progress: a) the addition of more eBooks from publishers in multiple languages; b) the ability of CLC websites around the world to be able to sell the eBooks and connect to the App; and c) the development of the Android version of the App, which is already underway. Please pray for this significant project and those involved.

The Weekend (14th/15th) - ‘Yes’ Evangelistic Booklets:

At the time of writing we are preparing for the translation of six evangelistic booklets in a number of languages. Please pray that these booklets will achieve their purpose of drawing people to Christ. November 16th - 22nd

Week 47: Romania & Russia Information from Ronela Micula, CLC Romania Director

Monday (16th) - Publishing (Romania):

We praise God for His help concerning our publishing activity. Although we started out hesitant, and not very confident in our own expertise and understanding in this area, God helped us to develop the abilities required for this specific activity. All the books chosen for our 2015 publishing plan are already translated and, at the time of writing, are waiting for printing. In addition, we have already started to translate books that are in next year’s plan!

Tuesday (17th) - Provision (Romania):

We praise God for His provision concerning the finances for publishing, from different sources: CLC resources, a special project with OM, special projects with OMF and our own savings. We praise God for all the opportunities that He miraculously opens up for us.

Wednesday (18th) - Personnel (Romania) :

We praise God for His provision of new staff after an 18 month personnel crisis. Andreea recently joined the team and we thank God for her ability to learn quickly and adapt to many different tasks: serving customers, preparing internet orders for dispatch, maintaining the new products on the website etc. This is particularly vital as Tabita, another staff member, has recently married and will leave CLC Romania before the end of the year. 7

Information from Nikita Sapunov, CLC Director for Russia

Thursday (19th) - Growth (Russia):

We are calculating the cost, and ramifications, of expanding the second floor of the shop. We are in need of more space, especially considering the new publishing activity we will be involved in. Please pray for wisdom in planning, and in dealing with the inevitable rules and regulations for this new venture.

CLC Moscow Team

Friday (20th) - Events for Children (Russia):

During a CLC conference in Poland, we established connections with the Russian branch of Child Evangelism Fellowship. Besides arranging to have their materials in the shop, we are praying and planning to start events for children in the coffee shop on the first floor of our shop. Please pray for this project.

The Weekend (21st/22nd) - New Systems (Russia):

Our new automatic ordering system for the shop’s new POS (point of sales) software is fine-tuned now. Please pray for wisdom and creativity for the programmer involved in this, that the system would work effectively, we would be getting best prices and that customers would be served well and quickly. November 23rd - 29th

Week 48: UK Centres Monday (23rd) - Christmas Bookstalls :

During December many churches ask our shops to provide bookstalls. Some are run by CLC staff while others are run by the churches themselves. Pray that shops will have sufficient stock to meet the needs without being overstocked. Pray also for wisdom to know what Bibles, books and gifts to supply to each stall and give thanks that these bookstalls take our ministry to a wider customer base.

Tuesday (24th) - Welling:

Praise the Lord for the new workers we have in Welling. This now enables Luke, a staff member, to spend more time communicating with churches and Christian organisations and running bookstalls. Pray that these contacts will be fruitful especially in the build-up towards Christmas.

Wednesday (25th) - Inverness:

CLC Highland Mobile Ministry

Thursday (26th) - Newcastle:

October and November have been an important two months for the mobile work of the Inverness shop. Leslie and Esther Dowey have been visiting some of the more remote towns and villages of the Highland region of Scotland with the CLC van, setting up pre-Christmas bookstalls. Praise the Lord for these opportunities and pray that the materials sold during this time will be a blessing to many people. Pray for strength and stamina for the whole team at this busy period - remembering Pam, the shop manager, and the volunteers who have been staffing the shop during Les and Esther’s absence.

In September, CLC Newcastle underwent a partial refit. This involved some new shelf units and island display stands, a new counter, new carpet and some electrical work. Due to the CLC UK warehouse move, it was not possible to do this work in August as originally planned. Pray that the two-week closure so near to a key time of the year did not cause too many problems and that customers will use and appreciate the “new look” shop. 8

Friday (27th) - Strength for the Season:

Pray for the spiritual and physical health of the UK staff. Having moved the warehouse, adapted to new systems, run event bookstalls, many face the busy Christmas period already tired and in some cases in less than perfect health. Pray against spiritual attack in whatever form it may take, and that God is glorified by all CLC does, says and sells as we approach Christmas.

The Weekend (28th/29th) - Coventry:

CLC Coventry has developed their upstairs floor as a bargain book centre. Pray for them as they source cheap end of lines, remainders etc. to sell there and that they can effectively publicise this section. Pray that this development will help the shop’s viability, bring in new customers and enhance the shop’s ministry as they come to terms with this situation. November 30th - December 6th

Week 49: Venezuela and Mexico Monday (30th) - Personnel Needed (Mexico):

The distribution work is growing and there is a need for more personnel on our team in Mexico City. Please help us by praying for more nationals with the desire to serve the Lord and with a vision for this type of ministry. Mexico is a big country and the opportunities we have are enormous.

Tuesday (1st) - Vehicle Needed (Mexico):

We have started to visit some cities outside the capital and have found that there are pastors and bookstores with a real need for Christian books and Bibles. The main Christian distributors are located in Mexico City and, as a general rule, people have to travel to the capital to buy what they need. The few trips we made were successful and people are asking us to come back. We would like to buy a vehicle that could allow us to make more frequent visits with a wider range of material.

Wednesday (2nd) - Gran Feria Cristiana (Mexico):

CLC recently took part in the ‘Gran Feria Cristiana’ (a major Christian fair) in Mexico. On the first day, under the heading ‘Pastoral Update’, CLC contributed to the seminars with two authors from the publishers we represent. There were teaching sessions for around 1,000 pastors! CLC also had a number of booths at the fair representing, and selling, our own material and also products from other publishers including Harper Collins, LifeWay and Tyndale. Praise God for this opportunity. (Photo of the event on the left)

Thursday (3rd) - Money for Stock (Venezuela):

For a number of years now it has been difficult to obtain currency (US dollars) in Venezuela, which is vital for the ministry in order to pay debts and order new stock. Please pray about this and also for the basic materials we need in Venezuela; if we could buy paper we could print books locally rather than depend on imports.

Friday (4th) - Elections (Venezuela):

Please pray for the political, economic and social situation in Venezuela. Elections are about to be held (planned for December 6th at time of writing) for the National Assembly, and we trust God that things will be under control and that the whole process can be accomplished in a peaceful way.

The Weekend (5th/6th) - Giving Thanks (Venezuela):

We give thanks to God for His goodness in the midst of difficult times and that one of our key staff members, Fabiola, has been able to return to work following an extended time off work earlier this year due to ill health. 9

December 7th - 13th

Week 50: CLC and the Bible Monday (7th) - Belarus:

In 2012, the CLC team in Brest, Belarus took on a very exciting project to publish Bibles in Russian using a local Belarusian company that has printed Bibles in many different languages. Since then, almost 9,000 Bibles have been printed in different sizes and cover colours. Some of the profit from the sales will go towards CLC’s project to open a bookshop in the capital city of Minsk.

Tuesday (8th) - UK:

CLC is very thankful to Tyndale House Publishers for helping us make available a low cost outreach edition of The New Living Translation Bible. This will be given away to customers purchasing books featured in the autumn promotional magazine Take Note. Copies will also be available for shop staff to give away to enquirers or customers who can use them evangelistically. Larger quantities can be purchased at ÂŁ1.99 each. Please pray that the Bibles are given away wisely and that many people are brought to faith through them. They are available in the UK shops now and for the foreseeable future.

Wednesday (9th) - Mexico:

CLC will start to work closely with the Thompson Bible Seminars in Mexico. The plan is to have a CLC book table at every seminar held in the country. The Thompson Bible Seminars in Mexico are represented by another ministry but thanks to the good relationship we have with them in other countries, where CLC arranges the seminars, they are more than happy to allow CLC to partner with them in Mexico. This work will require more people to travel to different cities in the country and set up the book tables for two days.

Thursday (10th) - Netherlands:

We recently had an order from a school for 60 Bibles for the school children studying there. Praise God for this order and for such schools!

Friday (11th) - France:

From March to August this year, we had a new partnership with Wycliffe. This partnership consisted of donating one euro to Wycliffe for each French Bible sold; these French Bibles have a green sticker and are published by the CLC Publishing House. This promotion supports the translation of the Bible into different languages.

The Weekend (12th/13th) - Ecuador: The CLC team in Ecuador praise God for the recent opportunity to donate 300 Bibles to people serving time in a prison in the city of Tacunga. This was a follow-up to a project started a while ago which was put on hold because of building work at the prison. Now the ministry can continue with a member of the team who preaches and gives out Bibles in the prison. The aim of the project is to take the message of hope and salvation to those in prison, and provide Bibles for all those who become Christians. 10

CLC Ecuador Poster

December 14th - 20th

Information from David Pabón, CLC National Director

Week 51: Colombia

Monday (14th) - Bookshops in Bogota:

Praise the Lord for the opportunity to expand the network of bookshops in Bogota this year. In June, a fourth shop in the capital was opened, ‘Calle (street) 84’ and, at the time of writing, plans are underway to open another bookshop, this time in the south of the city.

Tuesday (15th) - New Shop Managers:

Please pray for the newest bookshop managers on the CLC Colombia team. Olga Médina is managing the new shop in Bogota and Johan Flores has taken over as the manager of the bookshop in Tunja.

Wednesday (16th) - FSCLC (CLC Colombia’s Social Foundation): As an established business, CLC Colombia is required by law to use some of the profits for the benefit of the country, but it is also an opportunity to show love in action – and often an outlet for giving away some of our material as well. One of their recent projects was the distribution of ‘school kits’ with essentials for children in three rural areas of the country where resources are scarce.

Thursday (17th) - CLC Colombia in Miami:

CLC Colombia has a distribution warehouse and an Photo of children receiving ‘school kits’. adjoining bookshop in Miami. This is almost exclusively for Spanish material. Please pray for this newly established work that now needs to grow and expand. Jennifer Scalante, a second generation CLCer, and her mother Silvia run the bookshop and Ruben Reyes is the manager of the wholesale department.

Friday (18th) - CLC Events:

CLC Colombia arranges varied events around the country, in bookshops, local churches and other venues. One recent event was held in Bogota for the CLC staff themselves when Coalo Zamorano, wellknown throughout Latin America as a musician and worship leader, visited the Headquarters and presented his new book No Estás Solo (You are not alone). Not only did the staff learn more about the author and the book they would be selling, but CLC was highlighted on Coalo’s Facebook post that day. Praise God for the opportunities we have to promote and distribute good books, and for fellowship and co-operation with other ministries.

CLC Event with Coalo Zamorano presenting his new book.

The Weekend (19th/20th) - CLC Publications:

CLC Colombia has a major publishing ministry in Latin America. One of the publications, for which we thank God, is Ven y Sigueme (Come, Follow Me) by Christopher White. This book talks about discipleship and it has had a huge impact on the church in general, motivating people to become true disciples. We have also used the book in workshops for pastors and Christian leaders in Bogota. Praise God too for a book that is soon to be published in Spanish by CLC – You and Me Forever by Francis Chan. 11

December 21st - 27th

Week 52: Belarus, CA2, CA1 and Christmas Monday (21st) - Publishing in 2015 (Belarus):

Like many other CLC countries, CLC Belarus is pushing ahead with a publishing programme. For a small team, we have quite ambitious plans for 2015 with at least four books to be published by the end of the year: Resisting Gossip by Matt Mitchell, You and Me Forever by Francis Chan, and two books for children. Please pray the books would be ready in time, and distributed around the Russian-speaking world quickly.

Tuesday (22nd) - Publishing in 2016 (Belarus):

Five children’s books that were published in previous years are now out of stock and have to be reprinted at the beginning of 2016. We are also pleased that local Christian authors have started to submit their manuscripts for publishing. At the time of writing we have three proposals.

Wednesday (23rd) - For Praise (CA2):

Praise God for a huge order through a government office to set up a library. Although it was for secular books, this money will help us get much closer to covering costs. Praise God for permission for another order of Russian Christian books – we got this permission faster than any other we can remember!

Thursday (24th) - For Prayer (CA2):

Pray for continued wisdom for the bookshop Director and her husband to know how to equip the local staff to run things more on their own as she is home much more with their new baby.

Friday (25th) - Christmas Day: Praise the Lord that the Good News is still being announced around the world. May that continue – and increase – in the year ahead!

The Weekend (26th/27th) - Part of the Family (CA1):

This work in Central Asia is one of the most isolated of our CLC teams, but praise the Lord they still feel very much part of the CLC family. In August they received a visit from three CLC staff members to help with the reorganisation of the work. Pray as a new committee is appointed to oversee our activity here. 12

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