2017 Prayer Focus Issue 1

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January 2nd - 8th

Week 1: 2017 Goals & Challenges for CLC Monday (2nd) – Gerardo Scalante, International Director:

Most of our workers around the world are nationals, less than five percent of them are cross cultural missionaries. Please pray that we will be able to develop the mission side of CLC up to the point that we can prepare and send more missionaries to countries where this sort of work is much needed. Right now there are open opportunities in areas like Africa and Asia.

Tuesday (3rd) – Gary Chamberlin, Europe Regional Director:

The biggest challenge we face is to find stability in our shops across Europe. There has been a notable decline in Christian retail over the past 8 years as many people now increasingly purchase online. The struggle is to maintain a viable shop ministry in the face of lower sales, which makes sustainability more difficult. The result is often a reduction in staff and a search to reduce costs. One major way that we are diversifying our ministry is through publishing, which is having a positive impact. We look to the Lord in hopes that our internet and publishing efforts will grow significantly in 2017.

Wednesday (4th) – Gerardo Scalante, International Director:

Most of the countries where we are working in Latin America are facing difficult economic situations. For example, due to inflation, salaries in Venezuela are very low and an inexpensive version of the Bible from CLC is worth a week’s salary for many people. We thank God for dedicated CLC members who love God and serve people so that they come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ. These team mates continue to explore alternative ways to spread Kingdom resources throughout their countries - knowing how they transform lives! Please pray that the economies of these countries will stabilise and that they will be given better access to the foreign currency they require to purchase books from US publishers. Pray also for us to be able to make Christian literature available in these countries at affordable prices.

Thursday (5th) – Romualdo, Macinas, Asia Pacific Regional Director:

We have three main challenges that we are currently facing: communications, financial sustainability and cooperation. As each country in the Asia region has its own language, please pray that God will open our ears and hearts to better understand each other. This will increase our unity allowing us to work together more efficiently for God’s Kingdom and to help each other when there is a need that another can supply. Pray also that each team will regularly communicate with me, especially concerning financial struggles, so that we can develop a clear strategic plan to grow their ministry and make it sustainable.

Friday (6th) – David Almack, North America & Caribbean Regional Director:

Please pray for our CLC bookshops in the Caribbean as they are functioning in islands that have suffered from economic downturns in recent years. One team in particular is still recovering from the effects of a major storm that destroyed infrastructure and roads on the island. Our major goal is for financial stability in 2017 so that we will be able to keep supplying needs for Christian literature. In North America, we desire to impact the culture with Christian books at a time when there many other entertainment options that distract Christians from developing a habit of reading. Another goal is to see many more Christians reading on a regular basis.

The Weekend (7th/8th) – Liz Patten, Africa Regional Director:

Please pray for us, that we will get a renewed understanding of the core values of CLC and how they relate to what

we do each day. Also pray that we will be committed and able to work according to the ‘key words’ of the new International Director, particularly with ‘accountability’ and ‘transparency’ in our personal lives and our CLC ministry. January 9th - 15th

Week 2: Current Global Needs Monday (9th) – Sierra Leone:

Please join us in prayer for a sustainable ministry. We are trusting the Lord for the impossible this year – that we will be debt free before the end of 2017 – because we know that with God all things are possible! We also need His help in supplying the resources that our customers need most as this continues to be one of our greatest challenges. We buy most of our stocks from the USA and UK and we pay for them in foreign currency but we sell in our local currency, the Leones, which currently has been depreciating by the day. Thank you for continuing to remember our ministry in your prayers. ~ Donald John, National Director

Tuesday (10th) – Mexico:

Please pray for our team in Mexico, especially that God would bring more workers with a heart committed to the ministry of CLC. It is a small team with a big heart and an even bigger dream for what the ministry could accomplish in Mexico. ~ Maria del Carmen, National Director

Wednesday (11th) – Canada:

At the time of writing, we filed an application with the Federal Government asking that our distribution arm become a recognized charity. In the event of a rejection, there will be major consequences for the rest of our ministry. Please pray that the authorities will grant our request. ~ Antoine Roberge, National Director

Thursday (12th) – Bolivia:

Pray for growth in our ministry here in Bolivia. We especially need growth in our distribution department and are praying that God will open the doors of more churches, universities and libraries throughout Bolivia. Please pray that God will give us creative ideas on how to draw more people into visiting our bookshop, and find more efficient ways of acquiring our stock so that we are consistent and punctual for our customers. ~ Gamaliel Padilla, National Director

Friday (13th) - Spain:

During 2017, please pray that more local churches and ministries will be open to learning about CLC’s ministry in Spain and around the world. Stronger partnerships with them will enable us to better support each other’s ministries. Our team has had a very difficult time financially during the last few years, but it remains our hope that CLC’s ministry will become well-known and well-loved throughout the country, as we know that the amazing Christian resources we distribute can transform lives! ~ Darwin Vergel, National Director

The Weekend (14th/15th) – Panama:

Thank you God that despite 2016 being a hard year financially, which caused us to reduce our team, He is helping us to overcome the challenges we are facing! Please pray that God will continue to unite and strengthen our team and help us find a warehouse (and offices) in a very central/strategic location in Panama. ~ Sara De Gracia, National Director January 16th - 22nd

Week 3: Encouraging Stories from Chile, Cyprus & Central Asia Monday (1th) - Indonesia:

A former colleague told us that after leaving CLC, the book that most helped him to understand God’s grace throughout all that had taken place was George Verwer’s book More Drops. After reading it, he was able to see how God had used his time with CLC to build up his faith and life. What a blessing it is to reflect on how God uses the ‘disorder’ in our lives to fulfil His purpose for each one of us. ~ Isaac Zúñiga, National Director 2

Tuesday (17th) - Chile:

We thank God for Mónica Tapia, the wife of Pastor Marcos Bianchi, who lives in a small town of 13,000 inhabitants called Taltal. For 3 years she has been carrying material to sell in her church, something unthinkable years ago. We are thankful to God for our sister’s motivation to carry out the ministry of literature in her congregation. ~ Isaac Zúñiga, National Director (Photo of Mónica Tapia)

Wednesday (18th) - Central Asia (CA2):

A little while ago a woman came in the store who was completely ‘covered’. This is rare here but what is rarer is that although a practicing, conservative Muslim, she was clearly wrestling with questions about faith. She asked our assistant Director if she read the Bible and how often, and was surprised to hear it was read daily and that she didn’t need a school to teach her. She said she thought most Christians weren’t serious about their faith and then started asking about the difference between true Christians and sects. She wanted to buy a Bible but said she’d come back when she had money with her. Our assistant Director saw her again on the street later and told her we’d been praying for her because we could tell she was seeking truth about God. She said she’d be in again soon. ~ The Director, Central Asia (CA2)

Thursday (19th) – Cyprus:

Three years ago, a friend of ours had to leave Cyprus to live with her family in Dublin because she was ill and spiritually drained. Since then, our shop helper has been regularly sending her devotionals and books on ‘Christian Living’. Most recently our helper sent to her some books on the Holy Spirit (from the RHP Essential classics series). Our friend replied this week to say she was thrilled with the books and she plans to read them every day! She especially loved Andrew Murray’s Absolute Surrender. ~ Eva Photiadou, National Director

Friday (20th) – Chile:

Some time ago on a local radio station we reviewed the book, Lead Your Family Like Jesus. There was so much interest in the book and about bringing up your family, ‘the Jesus way’, that we decided to go through it bit by bit as a series on the radio. The programme now goes out every Friday morning and we are thrilled to report that a great many Christians have grown closer to the Lord as a result. No doubt their family life has benefitted too. ~ Isaac Zúñiga, National Director

The Weekend (21st/22nd) - Chile:

Recently one of our customers bought the book The Passion of God for His Glory by John Piper. He has been enthusiastically sharing his thoughts inspired by this book on Facebook and it is greatly impacting the lives of many as they share their thanks for his posts. We love seeing how Christian literature can transform one man’s life into encouraging so many others! ~ Isaac Zúñiga, National Director January 23rd - 29th

Week 4: CLC’s New Digital Team Prayer points contributed by Neil Wardrope, Digital Director

Monday (23rd) – CLC Digital:

The demands of the digital world has meant that CLC has had to adapt to new realities. We currently have over 30 commercial websites around the world, which now account for over 5% of global sales. Many more sites and improvements are planned for this year. The next step is the challenge of eBooks and how CLC can supply these via our network of websites. To this end we have been forming a Digital Team.

Tuesday (24th) – Neil Wardrope, Digital Director:

After stepping down as International Director in June last year, Neil has taken on responsibility for our digital strategy. Please pray for him as he heads up the Digital Team and develops relationships with publishers and suppliers of technology.

Wednesday (25th) - Cristi Cotovan, Webmaster:

Please pray for Cristi as he continually updates and improves our commercial websites, as well as having a 3

significant role in the eBook project. Pray for inspiration and understanding as he deals with the continual development of the possibilities of the digital world.

Thursday (26th) - Patricio Arenas: Chile and Latin America Web Support: Please pray for Patricio as he supplies support for all the website administrators in seven Latin American countries. He provides training and back up, as well as developing the CLC Chile site.

Friday (27th) - Ivano Cramerotti: Italy & Web Training/Marketing:

Ivano has taken on additional responsibility for training the website administrators in Europe as well as managing the website of CLC Italy. He is gifted in design and marketing and he will increasingly be sharing that knowledge with others involved in the web project. Photo of Cristi and Ivano

The Weekend (28th/29th) - David Anachkov: Bulgaria Website and eBook Curation

Please pray for David as he manages the CLC Bulgaria website which accounts for around 30% of total CLC sales in the country. In addition he has joined the Digital team to help with the management and integration of the eBooks becoming available on the eBook platform – currently in excess of 5,000 titles. January 30th - February 5th

Week 5: News from our Teams around the World Monday (30th) - Portugal:

As the only member of CLC Portugal (although he has an amazing support system of volunteers), Carlos Cunha is always on the go! At the time of writing, Carlos has just finished three book tables, each in a different city, at the annual Global Leadership Summits that take place each Friday and Saturday during the month of November. He has one more to do in Porto, but plans to stop in Aveiro to set up a book table there on his way to the event. Meanwhile, he is trying to get new stock, from three different publishers, all into the computer system so he can take it to the different events and on the shop shelves, all before the rush of Christmas begins. Please pray for Carlos’ health, stamina and family. ~ Amanda Lutes, on behalf of CLC Portugal

Tuesday (31st) – Venezuela:

Due to the on-going serious economic crisis in our country, many Venezuelans have emigrated to other countries in search of a better quality of life. A Christian brother who had previously emigrated to Aruba was recently able to return home for a visit. On his way to Merida he stopped in to visit our bookshop in the city of Maracaibo, where he had been a regular customer. He shared with me what a pleasure it was visit us once again and how much he had missed us. He also said how much he would love for CLC to open a bookshop in Aruba. I hope this story reminds us all that our work is about so much more than selling books - it is about establishing relationships with the people who daily visit us. We are so grateful to God that we are able to see how our ministry makes a mark on the lives of the people we serve each day. Pray for us, that each day we will give the best service we can, and share just the right words and advice with all who visit our bookstores. ~ Yohel Peña

Wednesday (1st) – Côte d’Ivoire:

What a blessing to have such good working relationships with our local and international suppliers! These relationships enable us to better meet the needs of our customers. How happy our customers are to find the books they have long been searching for at CLC. It is also such a joy to watch them discover new uplifting titles while browsing our shelves. Although we operate in a highly competitive environment, God in His grace continues to direct customers to us every day, blessing us often with good sales. We praise His glorious name! ~ Martine Foto, National Director 4

Thursday (2nd) – United Kingdom:

We have been praising God in the Cambridge CLC that we have had a quite a few interesting encounters in our shop lately. One encounter was with an older couple who asked for a ‘Bible for grownups’ that was similar to a children’s Bible, for some friends they had known for quite a while. Recently these friends had been asking about God and so we suggested The Story, a paraphrased Bible by Murray Watts. Please pray for both couples as God works in their lives. We’ve also had encounters with two couples that regularly distribute New Testaments/Gift Bibles to those on the streets. Please pray for fruit from the distribution of these Bibles. ~ Lucinda Sparrow, Cambridge UK Manager

Friday (3rd) – Antigua:

In November 2016, in an effort to celebrate 55 years of ministry in Antigua and give back to our community, we held a two-week sale. Afterwards, a customer called to offer congratulations and to thank us as she was very satisfied with all she had been able to purchase. We’d like to thank God for Andrew who designed our posters for the event and although the sales were not as high as we had hoped for, we give thanks to God and we will not give up! So many local businesses are shutting down around us but we serve a GREAT BIG GOD and He will supply ALL OUR NEEDS. Please continue to pray for us! ~ Arah Martin, National Director

The Weekend (4th/5th) - Colombia:

In October 2016, there was a significant theft of valuable books and Bibles from CLC Colombia’s warehouse. National Director, David Pabón was interviewed on the local news shared with viewers that although heart-breaking for the team, the situation is first and foremost in God’s hands. The relevant authorities are continuing to study the video recordings and carry out their investigations, but so far no charges have been made. Please pray that the team will continue to illustrate God’s mercy and love in how they share about this loss. Pray also for team unity and that they will experience a deeper sense of joy in the Lord as they work to recover from this situation. ~ Sheena Wardope, on behalf of CLC Colombia February 6th - 12th

Week 6: Publishing News Monday (6th) – USA:

Please pray for the successful launch of a new book by Dr. David Apple entitled Neighborology that came out at the end of last month (January). This is a follow up to his well-received first book called Not Just A Soup Kitchen. In this new book he tackles the real life challenges of doing effective mercy ministry by loving our neighbours well. ~ David Almack, National Director

Tuesday (7th) – Venezuela:

Last year was a very difficult year with a lot of setbacks, but we thank God that even amidst the problems we were able to publish the devotional A Pause in Your Life. Join us in praying that this year will have a lot less setbacks and that we will receive the funding, supplies, raw materials and machinery necessary to help us publish six titles that Editorial CLC (CLC Colombia publishing) has given us the permission to print in our country. ~ Yohel Peña, National Director

Wednesday (8th) - Russia:

In 2016, it was such a delight to our team to see the Lord provide the necessary finances and resources so that we were able to publish two new titles. Once the publishing permission was granted, the translating into Russian and printing of Tramp for the Lord by Corrie ten Boom, and Little Hands - Story of Jesus by Carine Mackenzie, were quick to follow. Praise the Lord with us! ~ Nikita Sapunov, National Director

Thursday (9th) - India:

ELS (CLC) India have several popular titles in Tamil that are needing to be reprinted this year but currently 5

the funds are not available. This is due to a general fall in sales in 2016. Please pray that sales will soon turn around enabling us to reprint the necessary books to help satisfy our customers’needs. ~ Justin Chellappan, National Director

Friday (10th) – Korea:

We thank God that CLC Korea continues to publish an amazing amount of new titles each year. Please join us in praying that God will continue to give them wisdom as they decide which books to publish. May He guide them to select those titles that will greatly impact the lives of the Korean people and deepen their faith in our Lord and Saviour. ~ Gwangsu Jo, on behalf of CLC Korea

The Weekend (11th/12th) – Romania:

We praise God for the resources which will enable us to continue our publishing activity. A financial gift that we received in 2016 is going to enable us to increase the number of good Christian books that we can offer to our readers and to other partners in the Christian trade market. Thank you Lord! ~ Ronela Micula, National Director February 13th - 19th

Week 7: Members of CLC’s International Office Team Monday (13th) - Rudy Kuijer, CLC IO Global Mobiliser:

Please pray for wisdom and good health so that I will find the right openings to share about CLC’s Mission. I am currently contacting Bible colleges and attending a variety of mission conferences across Europe. Pray also that I will be led by the Holy Spirit to develop a clear challenge to our teams for bookshop evangelism. Each of us needs to develop a greater desire to share the Gospel wherever we are working – no matter how busy we are! Remember, “For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfill your purpose] for His good pleasure.” Philippians 2:13 [AMP]

Tuesday (14th) - Lewis & Elsbeth Codington, CLC International Development: The way we meet and encounter people is so varied and seemingly random...on the bus, in the neighbourhood, on the street, unbelievers inviting friends to a study group, etc. I am reminded of Paul as he wrote to the Ephesians, challenging them to make the most of every opportunity as he asked them for prayer that every time he opened his mouth, he would be able to share the Good News fearlessly - even when he was chained up in prison! Paul certainly saw every situation as an opportunity! At any rate, our request would be that we also would use every occasion to share with those who are heading down the broad road or who have not heard.

Wednesday (15th) – Lesley West, CLC IO Finances:

Lesley has the challenge and responsibility of looking after the finances for CLC’s International Office team and its Directors. She also has the challenge of making sure that funds for international projects, teams and suppliers are sent to them in a timely manner. Pray that God continues to give her the wisdom in understanding all the international laws and issues that she faces each day. Pray also that God will give her peace when she discovers situations that desperately need help but the funds to change the outcome are not yet available.

Thursday (16th) - Amanda Lutes, Global Communications Director:

Moving from the UK Ministry Marketing Director role to the CLC IO team is turning out to be an even bigger challenge than planned! Although it involves moving from the UK to the US, at the time of writing, I am still in my native country of Canada awaiting a USA visa. Please pray that the visa will soon be approved and that I will be able to keep on top of the majority of my new duties even though I am separated from my team. Thank you for your prayers! 6

Friday (17th) – Sheena Wardrope, CLC IO Administration Support:

For many years Sheena Wardrope was the administrative support for her husband Neil, who was the former International Director. She was formerly the one compiling CLC’s Prayer Focus and a variety of other reports for CLC International. In addition to this she looked after the IO archives and personnel and office enquiries. She continues to be a part-time support to the new International Director, Gerardo Scalante, and a blessing to Amanda Lutes in her role. Sheena has built up strong relationships with the international teams over the years and is a real source of encouragement to many. Please pray for Sheena as her role in the IO changes and as she continues to assist her husband in his new roles as the CLC UK Mission Director and CLC IO Digital Director.

The Weekend (19th – 20th) – CLC International Office Board of Trustees:

As with most mission organisations, each CLC country has a Board of Trustees. Each member of this committee brings a unique wealth of knowledge, experience and spiritual maturity to help in the oversight of the ministry. Their main purpose is to keep us in God’s will and help redirect the ministry if it begins to get off track due to a variety of distractions or market changes. The CLC IO is incredibly blessed to have a Board of Trustees with members who have such a heart for God and CLC’s ministry. Please pray for Graham Ince, Ruth Williams, John Raby (Chairman), Jonathan Chamberlain. February 20th - 28th

Week 8: Prayer/Praise Points from Both Sides of the Pond Monday (20th) - USA:

Please pray for CLC USA’s new Multi-Language Media department and for the new e-commerce website that will enable people to buy Christian books and Bibles in over 80 languages on-line. Pray that we will have wisdom in adding new titles and reaching many more people in the years to come. ~ David Almack, National Director

Tuesday (21st) - Scotland (UK):

We have a wonderful cafe here in the Aberdeen bookshop, and we are looking forward to starting up an acoustic cafe night with local Christian artists. Two evenings were held in November and this is something that will hopefully be ongoing. Please pray for the start-up and continuation of these events, that the Lord may bless this work.” ~ Eli Williamson, Aberdeen Manager

Wednesday (22nd) – Canada:

We have started discussions with an organization that is both a publisher and distributor. In addition, it has a bookstore and several other significant sales benefits. This dialogue could lead to a merger with CLC, with CLC most likely running the bookstore and becoming the distributor for other Francophone bookstores. Please pray for the success of this merger, as well as an understanding of God’s will for our shared future. ~ Antoine Roberge, National Director

Thursday (23rd) - Dominica:

Due to a slow economy, our stock turnover is struggling which in turn interferes with our ordering of goods and maintenance of stock. We are praying for growth in 2017, as we are making it a goal to venture outside of the shop more often for evangelical projects, events and outdoor bookstalls. Please pray for creative ideas, good health and stamina for our team. Davis Laudat, National Director

Friday (24th) – England (UK):

The closure of bookshops is always heart rending but there is now so much retail competition in the UK that it becomes inevitable. For this reason, the Chatham and Wolverhampton bookshops have closed in the last few weeks. We thank God for all who served in these centres over the years. Please pray that the former shop staff would quickly find what God has in mind for them next. Pray also that our long-time customers/supporters from these areas will find alternative CLC shopping avenues such as our website. ~ Penny Rivett, on behalf of CLC UK’s Leadership Team 7

The Weekend (25th/26th) – Miami, USA (CLC Colombian Team):

Please pray for the distribution work we do for Editorial CLC (CLC Colombia publishing) from the city of Miami. Miami is a strategic place for the distribution of Spanish books to countries in Latin America. Some time ago, CLC moved all the inventory to a logistic company that is doing the storage, fulfilment and the shipping for us. As we grow into new markets, it’s very important to have good communication between the sales department and the logistic company to give to our customers the best service. Pray also for our Marketing Director: Alfonso Guevara, who lives in Miami but travels most of his time giving talks and presenting the Spanish products and resources to pastors, leaders and potential customers in Latin America. ~ Gerardo Scalante, International Director February 27th - March 5th

Week 9: Print-on-Demand (POD) & Bible Projects Monday (27th) – Kenya POD Update:

God continues to surprise us with the POD project. At the time of writing, we have just completed an order of 2,500 books from a Pastor in Nakuru and we are now working on another of his books! He has already placed an order for 500 copies of this second one! Meanwhile, we have a new cutter and binder and we are testing some ink from Korea. Please pray that we can find the best quality products (paper, ink etc.) at the best possible prices so that we can carry out this ministry with cost effectiveness. ~ Patrick Omukhango, National Director

Tuesday (28th) – Philippines POD Update:

We are so thankful to God that local authors, churches, Bible schools and other Christian organisations now have the opportunity to print their resources at CLC. Please pray that the news that we are now a publishing house would spread throughout the Philippines. Recently CLC published Deliver Us from Evil which was written by a local pastor who practices what he preaches. We are hopeful for good sales and that other CLC countries might wish to publish it in their language. Please also pray that we will receive the publishing rights to print English titles by popular authors. ~ Romualdo Macinas, Asia Pacific Regional Director

Wednesday (1st) – Sierra Leone POD Update:

Praise God! After many years of planning we have recently made the final payments owed to Publish4All, so that Sierra Leone will have a POD system of its own. We express our thanks to God and our appreciation to all our generous supporters, especially the CLC USA Team who embarked on an incredible fund-raising drive towards this great achievement. The new POD system will be implemented this April. Please pray that this process will go smoothly, and for Emmanuel Kamara, who will be responsible for the system and supervising all who will be working with him. Pray with us that with this system and a lot of hard work we will be able to meet customers’ demands with punctual and quality services. ~ Donald John, National Director

Thursday (2nd) – Mozambique’s ‘Missionary Bible’ Project:

We are working on a project to print 10,000 ‘missionary Bibles’ for exclusive distribution in Mozambique. At the time of going to press, we are still at the initial stages of planning. However, the idea is to have these Bibles available in a modern Portuguese translation and at a very low cost in order to enable (bulk) buying to give away, as well as serving those with low purchasing power. One of our customers has set herself a personal goal to give away several hundred Bibles and told me, “By the time I reach my goal, I think I will just continue because it will be a lifestyle to give away God’s Word”. She buys a few at a time, and has asked us to pray for her spiritual protection, as we know the enemy doesn’t want people to have the word of God. She also asked for prayer for those receiving the Bibles, that they may receive another gift - that of His salvation. Praise the LORD! ~ Liz Patten, Africa Regional Director

Friday (3rd) – Belarus Russian Bible Project:

Please continue to pray for this Bible project. Due to the economic situation in the country, the Belarus team was unable to do a reprint last year on their Russian Bible. Before they published CLC Bibles, they had 8

to import them from Russia, and this was an expensive process, which led to having a very limited supply in their shop at times. It is really important that the people in Belarus have high quality Bibles at affordable prices, so please continue to pray for this project. So far nearly 9,000 Bibles have been printed and sold with some of the profits being set aside in hopes that one day a shop will be opened in Minsk, the country’s capital. ~ Lina Pinkevich, National Director

The Weekend (4th/5th) – Myanmar’s First Ever Burmese Study Bible:

Join me in thanking our Heavenly Father that (at the time of writing) I have just finished my final edits on Isaiah chapter 25. Time is quickly passing by and my team and I are hopeful to complete our first ‘final’ draft by March. This draft will then be sent out to about 20 different people to proof-read so please pray that we will finish on time. Please also pray that our proof-readers will be able to fully understand our translation and that they will have sharp eyes to pick up on anything we may have missed. ~ Jacob Mung, National Director March 6th - 12th

Week 10: Seeing God at Work Monday (6th) – Bulgaria:

We have been experiencing relationship problems with some of our suppliers, as we mentioned in our prayer point last quarter, and already we are seeing that God is at work! Praise God that communications have improved immensely and one publisher has taken the first steps in an effort to improve the pricing politics we are constantly facing. There is still a long way to go with some of the suppliers, but we are blessed to witness the changes God is making. Thank you Father! ~ David Anachkov, on behalf of CLC Bulgaria

Tuesday (7th) – USA:

Praise the Lord for a successful two-year extension of our lease for the Moorestown, NJ store that begins in February. This lease negotiation resulted in a much needed rent reduction that will allow our team to continue to serve their community with Christian resources. ~ David Almack, North American & Caribbean Regional Director Thank you to Josh Street Design & Photography for taking such amazing photos of the multi-author booksigning event at CLC Moorestown.

Wednesday (8th) – Liberia:

When Brother Isaac became too sick to continue working, Sister Nyenatee Appleton, a member of Providence Baptist Church, stepped in to fill the gap. She has been an essential volunteer for us over the past several months, especially on the days when Laban has his college classes. Please continue to pray that God will send just the right person to fill the vacuum Brother Isaac has left. ~ James Cooper, National Director

Thursday (9th) – Germany:

What a joy to witness many Iranian refugees in Germany coming to faith in Jesus. We are so thankful to see many of our Alpha resources being sold to reach out to them and help them understand just how much God loves them. It is such a blessing to see so many being baptised and integrating into our Christian community. ~ Valentin Schweigler, National Director

Friday (10th) – Indonesia:

We are so thankful that Tirianus ‘Teris’ Malyo, from Papua (East Indonesia) was able to join our team last year! He shared with me how grateful to God he is to have been able to join CLC and to serve people with Christian literature. Currently, Teris is also studying for his master’s degree at Theology College. It is his dream to one day begin literature ministry like CLC in Papua. Please pray for Teris and for the future growth of CLC’s ministry in Indonesia. ~ Donny Kairupan, National Director 9

The Weekend (11th/12th) – Côte d’Ivoire:

We thank the Lord for His faithfulness, without which we are nothing and can do nothing. The Lord has answered our prayers for the country’s stability without which we cannot freely exercise our ministry. We remain grateful to Him for the protection of each member of the team and for our strength that He renews each day. Thank you Father! ~ Martine Foto, National Director March 13th - 19th

Week 11: Upcoming Opportunities Monday (13th) – Liberia:

March 13th -17th will be our annual Church Leaders Summit 2017. The summit has become widely recognized by senior pastors as a must-attend annual event. Each year this summit brings together participants from all around the country, mostly senior pastors, elders, deacons and staff, from various denominations with congregations ranging from 50 - 2,000 people. The purpose of this summit is to provide high quality, relevant pastoral and leadership training and to make people more aware of the ministry of CLC. This year we hope to have 500 participants. Please pray that God will grant us this desire. ~ James Cooper, The National Director Photo of the 2016 Summit

Tuesday (14th) – Indonesia:

Praise God for the opportunity to open a new book kiosk near the Petra Christian University, which is a wellknown university in Surabaya. It is an incredible opportunity to further spread the Good News and reach out to more students. We are looking forward to sharing our mission with these students and hope that it will lead to more opportunities that will help our ministry grow. ~ Donny Kairupan, National Director

Wednesday (15th) – Benin:

Benin is currently in an economic crisis and we ask for prayer that we will find new opportunities for outreach and sales in our country. Although I am the National Director for Benin, I recently took on the leadership role of coordinating all of CLC’s French West African countries. Please pray that God will bless me with good health, courage and wisdom in working with these teams so that together can further God’s Kingdom in this area of the world. ~ Emmanuel Ladeyo, National Director

Thursday (16th) – Growth in Asia:

We hope to open a new CLC ministry in Cambodia and to reopen two others (Sri Lanka and Bangladesh). You may recall that we tried to reopen our ministry in Sri Lanka a couple years back but it was unsuccessful. Thankfully a pastor has reached out to us as he is very interested in establishing the work in his country again. Last year, due to financial issues, Bangladesh’s ministry was shut down but we are hopeful that it will be reopened this spring. Thank you Lord that You see the way before us. Please guide Romualdo Macinas and his team as they search for your wisdom in moving forward with these ministries. ~ Romualdo Macinas, Asia Pacific Regional Director

Friday (16th) – Philippines:

We will be having our annual Daily Vacation Bible School (DVBS) and Workshop on the 1st of April. Please pray that many youth workers will attend and that many children will participate. It is our hope that more churches will create outreach events such as these not only for children but for their parents as well. ~ Romualdo Macinas, Asia Pacific Regional Director

The Weekend (18th/19th) – France:

We are having the inauguration of our recently relocated Paris bookshop on April 22nd, 2017, with several meetings being organized in the afternoon. The musical group, Héritage, from Canada will be performing throughout the day, followed by a concert later that evening at a nearby auditorium. Please pray for our 10

team as we organise this event. We are hopeful that it will be wonderful day for all who attend as well as a great opportunity to share the Gospel! ~ Herve Lessous, National Director March 20th - 26th

Week12: Working Together Monday (20th) – Mozambique & World Relief:

At the time of writing, CLC Maputo has just served, with a book table, at a two-day leadership conference (Willow Creek) organised by World Relief. We benefitted hugely from the sessions and we were so happy to be able to resource the delegates, some of whom were not believers when they came to the conference. During the programme, an opportunity was given to receive Christ and also to commit to making a difference in this country of Mozambique. We believe we can add value to each other’s ministries though this kind of mutual support and we were delighted when the conference organiser told us that he would like us to come every year! Please also pray that our two bookshops in Mozambique can work together more effectively in 2017. Honestly this is difficult because of the great distance between Maputo and Beira, please pray that we can overcome this. ~ Liz Patten, Africa Regional Director

Tuesday (21st) – Papua New Guinea & The PNG Bible Society:

We are working closely with the PNG Bible Society for the wide distribution of the Bible here in our city and the surrounding provinces. The Pidgin Bible is a very popular translation and we have ensured a steady supply through our partnership with the PNG Bible Society. Please pray for an increase in sales as we make contact with schools and churches in the city of Port Moresby. ~ Vere Babona, National Director

Wednesday (22nd) – Uruguay & Churches:

CLC Uruguay continues with its work in the interior of the country by visiting and working with a significant number of churches in these rural areas. We ask for prayer for each one of these churches, and also that the Lord will continue to open doors with more churches in areas where we don’t currently have access for literature distribution and evangelism. ~ Humberto Urrutia, National Director

Thursday (23rd) – CLC & Thompson Bible Seminars:

Please pray for the many Thompson Bible Seminars that will be taking place in 2017. Already I have reports that two will be happening in Spain, one starting today (23rd – 25th) and the other next week (27th – 1st April). CLC Spain will also be doing another seminar in October in Equatorial Guinea! Throughout Latin America our teams have many seminars booked, including CLC Panama who has five booked for the year. Please pray that each pastor and church leader that attends will be blessed by this training and use it to impact the lives of their congregations. ~ Amanda Lutes, Global Communication Director Photo from CLC Panama seminar

Friday (24th) – Switzerland & Open Doors:

At the time of writing, our team was blessed to have a bookstall at the regional Open Doors conference. There were two speakers, one from Iran and the other one from Niger. They shared the testimonies of persecuted Christians around the world and how we can best support them (examples: praying, writing letters, sending them food, etc.). As there were about 130 people in attendance, all of whom were very interested in being involved and learning more, it was a great place to have our bookstall of Christian resources. ~ Carlo Ciafani, National Director

The Weekend (25th/26th) – UK & Theological Colleges:

Thank the Lord for the increasing role CLC has in meeting the needs of Theological College students in England and Wales. Pray that the CLC colleagues running the book sales have timely access to the list of ‘essential’ books for each course, so that demand is met. And pray that as a result of our visits, college 11

libraries increase their ordering from CLC Wholesale now that we carry many more lines. ~ Phil Burnham, Events Mobiliser March 27th - April 2nd

Week 13: European Praise Points Monday (27th) – Netherlands:

We are very thankful for God’s provision for us. We had to make some hard decisions in 2015, letting two long-term CLCers go because we closed the shop in Amsterdam. We thank God they are both now employed elsewhere and that after eight years of declining sales, our sales are now stable (even though the rest of the country is still experiencing an average loss of 10% in sales). After such a long period of cutting in expenses for survival, we are now looking ahead and taking some steps to plan for our future growth and investing in projects like publishing our own books. ~ Bertus Keuter, National Director

Tuesday (28th) – Poland:

We want to thank God for the steady expansion of our publishing program. In 2016 we published eight more titles including authors such as A.W. Tozer, Corrie Ten Boom, John Dunn and John Stott. Pray with us as we strive to market these important titles outside the typical Evangelical channels. We now have two established representatives that are trying to promote our books in the secular and Catholic bookshops. Please pray that God will open these doors for us so that these important titles and future ones can have greater impact. ~ Gary Chamberlin, Europe Regional Director

Wednesday (28th) – Romania:

We praise the Lord for the new shelves we received from CLC Austria as a result of the closing of the CLC Graz shop. This has given us the opportunity to renovate our shop, offering a better shopping experience to our customers. What a blessing it is to know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV) ~ Ronela Micula, National Director

Thursday (29th) –Hungary:

Praise God that Hungary is having significant growth this year - about 30%! All three bookshops plus the internet sales have increased substantially. In addition, they published Prison Letters by Corrie Ten Boom. Please continue to pray for Annamaria Karpati who took over the role of National Director in April 2016. ~ Gary Chamberlin, Europe Regional Director

Friday (30th) – Belarus:

Praise God for two new records set in 2016! In July, we had the best-ever sales in our bookshop and, in October, we had the best-ever sales via our online bookshop! We are so thankful to the Lord for the increasing number of internet customers, and for the CLCers who have pushed for us to have online bookshops over the years (Cristi Cotovan and Gary Chamberlin). The internet sales are especially encouraging as the economic situation in the country is still not great. What a privilege to see so many people turning to God during this difficult time. Thank you Father for the way You are providing for our ministry. ~ Lina Pinkevich, National Director

The Weekend (31st/1st) – Italy:

‘By chance’ an Italian policeman named Daniele entered the CLC Torino bookshop some time ago wondering what type of bookshop he had stumbled into. He was looking for books on counselling for various kinds of addictions. Gigi, the shop manager explained that we were a Christian bookshop and shared with him about God. Now we know that with the Lord nothing is ‘by chance’, but part of His divine plan. Daniele became interested in spiritual things, began to draw nearer to God and then dedicated his life to the Lord! Daniele and Gigi have become friends and he has invited Gigi to his baptism! ~ Gary Chamberlin, Europe Regional Director 12

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