CLC World 2012 Issue 4

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2012 - Issue 4

FREE Magazine!


‘Shop-in-a-box’ Project Update:


Preparing to Leap:

Bolivia Bound! Risking Birmingham’s

High Streets Giving Thanks: no matter your situation... • 1 Thessalonians 5:18 • 1 Chronicles 16:8 • 1 Chronicles 16:34

2012 CLC UK Bestsellers






Available at our CLC Bookshops, other participating bookshops and online at:

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Christian bookshops

Well, it is that time of year when we are ready (usually) to get back into our ‘routines’ with school, work, ministry, etc. Hopefully, you are filled with a bit of excitement and joy about what lies ahead. As we near the end of another year, we decided to make the theme of this issue ‘giving thanks’, as it is always vital to stop and look around before all the busyness takes over! Let’s take the time to remember all the many ways in which we have been blessed, and by giving thanks - no matter our situation - may we rediscover true joy this autumn!

4 Those who inspired us... 5 Have you said thank you today? 6 -7 Risking Birmingham’s High Streets


From the editor:

In This Issue:


8 Jumping for joy


- Amanda Lute

9 - 10 Preparing to leap: Bolivia bound 13 Those who respond to your call 14 - 15 Global updates 16 - 17 Discover true JOY this season 18 - 19 ‘Shop-in-a-box’ project update: Tanzania

CLC provides sale or return bookstall services for churches, camps and one-off events (large or small). If we have the people available, we will even run the bookstall for you! For more details, contact your local bookshop or email us at:

20 Did you take a ‘leap of faith’ for Him this year? 21- 22 Book reviews

CLC International (UK)

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Mission Website: Retail Website: Editorial Email: UK Director: Personnel Enquiries: Tel: 0114 2812136 CLC Finance Office: 51 The Dean, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 9BJ Tel: 01962 733342 For Overseas Opportunities: Registered as a charity in England & Wales (number 1015793) and in Scotland (number SC037939) © Copyright CLC World, CLC International (UK)

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Thank you, Lord for...

Denis came to faith in Christ at the age of 21 and from then on he developed a passion for studying Those who inspired us along the way the Bible and for reading theological books. This emphasis particularly marked Denis’s career in CLC, firstly in Sheffield and then in Aberdeen. In the 1950s, Irene gave up her job and left her By the time they were married in 1959, Denis and native Aberdeen in answer to God’s call on her life Edna were District Reps for CLC in North East to go and serve with CLC Italy. England – this meant taking bookstalls in the region In addition to her call to bless Italians through and led to a calling to serve the Lord in the ministry Christian literature was serving the Lord in song in of Christian literature. Then, in 1961, they came the churches and on Christian radio with her lovely to London for six months training before going to voice. She had a big heart and loved people and they Sheffield. knew it. In Sheffield, Denis and Edna felt an important part Irene later married Don Teall, one of the founders of their calling was to encourage people, especially of CLC Italy, and their ministry together expanded. young people, in the study of God’s Word. As a They first went to Sardinia as pioneer missionaries direct result, some of the young people set up a with WEC. Their missionary career together, weekly bookstall in Sheffield’s Saturday market. involving church planting and bookshop ministry It was in 1967 that the family moved to Aberdeen took them to many parts of Italy. At different times, where Denis remained as manager until his they managed the bookshop in Florence and also retirement. He was known as a walking encyclopaedia in Palermo, Sicily. They took up the challenge to of Christian books, authors and publishers, and open the first bookshop on the island of Sardinia, in other Christian bookshop managers would often Cagliari. The project did not come to birth, but that contact him for advice. A great did not stop their literature distribution throughout project of Denis’s was his book, the island from their home. Their church planting A –Z of Bible Study Books and continued to bear fruit and last year, we were able Commentaries, which was to visit the church in Cagliari where Sandro, one of published by CLC in the early Don and Irene’s two boys, is a leader. Their other 1980s. son, Angelo, is part of a church in South London. We thank the Lord for Denis We, as a family, have always been blessed and and his life of Christian service. encouraged in our service Denis Edwards with CLC Italy through the (1927 – 2012) friendship the Lord gave us By Roger Page, CLC UK Retiree with Don and Irene and the boys. We thank the Lord for the life and service of dear Irene. Cynthia’s love for books showed itself at an early Irene Teall age, and this passion for reading continued (1926 - 2012) throughout her life. By Peter & Irene Lofthouse, It was in October 1963, while she was in CLC Italy Retirees Scarborough training to be a teacher, that Cynthia attended the last night of an evangelistic campaign and it became clear to her that she needed to accept Jesus Christ as her Saviour which she did that night. Her first teaching job was not too far CLC bookshop in Inverness. They continued in that from Sheffield where Cynthia got to know the CLC ministry until their retirement in 2005. Even after Bookshop. She was soon helping on bookstalls and retirement, they were frequently helping in other getting to know CLC as a worldwide mission. It was CLC centres and the CLC Warehouse in Alresford. on a Christian holiday in 1966 that she discovered The large number of people at the Thanksgiving God was calling her to be a member of that Service for Cynthia’s life and worldwide mission! After two years Bible School the moving tributes given (where she met Tommy, her future husband), spoke eloquently of the Cynthia joined CLC in 1970. respect and esteem in which She and Tommy married in 1971 and so began she was held. many years of fruitful ministry in Scotland, firstly in Praise the Lord! Aberdeen where Tommy was based doing mobile Cynthia Hunt work and then from 1973 in Inverness. In Inverness, (1944 – 2012) they were both involved in the mobile ministry of CLC to the Highlands of Scotland and then in the By Roger Page, CLC UK Retiree 4

Article by Jon Taylor, Creative Director at Taylormation Photo of Jon with his family

aid s u o y e v Ha ay? d o T u o y thank On

the 4th October 2009, at about 11pm, I was sitting downstairs playing on a computer game while my wife was in bed. All of a sudden my wife calls for me, saying our first baby was on the way. We got dressed, picked up our bags, jumped in the car and drove to the hospital. It was so exciting! We were taken to a really large room; my wife got comfortable on the bed and I opened a packet of Haribo. We sat eating our sweets and chatting about baby names, all the time getting more and more excited about the life changing experience that was about to happen. After a while the Doctor came to make sure that she and the baby were OK, but found there was a problem. All of a sudden, the room turned from peaceful and relaxed to commotion. The doctor pressed an emergency button and the midwife came rushing in and, within seconds, had taken my wife away. I was left

by myself in this big room (which was now much bigger with the lack of a hospital bed), confused and scared for the lives of my wife and unborn baby. My instant reaction was to ask God to save them but, in that moment of uncertainty, I decided to simply thank God for the child. I sat and prayed and at once felt at ease; I knew God had them in his hands. About 10 minutes later, the midwife came back in and handed me a little bundle. Between the layers of towel, I could see two little eyes staring back at me; it was my son, Isaac. He was fine and so was my wife. God calls us to be thankful in all situations (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Whatever we face, we can rely on Him because his love for us endures forever (1 Chronicles 16:34). Things might not always turn out the way we would like, but God knows the bigger picture. What can you thank God for today?

Animator, Jon Taylor, established Taylormation with the dream of making it the UK’s leading producer of Bible-based children’s entertainment. Their newest DVD for children under 5 is certainly creating 5060186320038 waves! For more info & trailers, £10.00 visit: 5

Thank you, Lord for...

Enabling us to impact lives, no matter our circumstances

Risking Birmingham’s

High Streets

By Dave Almack, CLC USA Director

In the world of retail, as in real estate, location

is vitally important. This is particularly true with ministries like CLC that do not have the financial resources of major secular retail chains. Over the years, God has been very good to us and allowed us to find surprisingly effective locations on secondary streets near busy thoroughfares. In the case of CLC Birmingham, our shop is located just off one of the busiest retail shopping streets in the UK and next to a major train station.

As you can imagine, this was a real challenge to our team. In the face of this, our team, led by their manager, Richard Morris, decided not to accept this situation and responded with the kind of creativity and determination you might expect from the people who stood up in the face of Hitler’s bombs and did not give in. Richard decided that a radical solution was needed and that he would be a part of the plan himself. Rather than tell others what to do or simply wallow in despair, he had a simple sign made and attached it to a piece of wood. After some moments of trepidation, he took that sign and stood on the corner of the busy street near our store and waited to see what God would do.

Be alert,

The station and shopping centre are going through a ÂŁ500 million, four year redevelopment that will transform the city centre. As these things sometimes happen, nothing was said to the Birmingham team about the impact of this construction As you might expect, he got lots of project over the next few years. stares and many questions about Instead, one day in October of last 1 Corinthians 16:13 directions to local attractions. God year, they came in to work and saw (Good News Bible) did not let Richard down. On one of that six foot fences had been put up the days that he was out with the in front of the store. As the work sign, a man in his early 30s approached him and progressed, things got worse and worse until it seemed quite stunned to see the sign. After a was virtually impossible to see the store. Many few moments of gathering his thoughts, the man customers thought we had closed and others proceeded to tell Richard that he had just flown simply could not be bothered to find out. in from Tenerife and taken the train straight into Birmingham. He had lived a pretty wild life of This retail catastrophe had a major impact on drugs, alcohol and chasing women while living Christmas sales and foot traffic to the store.

stand firm in the faith, be brave, be strong.


Before signs were used, it was very difficult to tell if we were open or not!

overseas. Interestingly, when he was 16 he had attended a Christian youth camp, but had no contact with the church since that point in his life. The week before he flew in to England was the first time that he had prayed in years, asking God to make Himself known. As he came up the steps of the train station, he asked God for a sign and there was Richard. Neither man knew who was more surprised by this encounter. As a result, Richard was able to talk with him, direct him to the store and help him select a Bible to help him begin a new chapter in his life. (Photo on the right.) Greatly encouraged by this encounter, Richard and the team decided to put up bright yellow and black signs telling people that CLC is still open. The signs are the only thing visible above the barriers in the street in front of the store. A couple who had travelled from another town to the store almost gave up searching when they saw the signs and realised that the store was open in the midst of all that was going on around it. What a testimony of God’s faithfulness to our team. This story helped me understand in a new way the famous quote from Winston Churchill, “Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never–in nothing, great or small, large or petty–never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense.”

Signs to help show we are open from far off!


One of the many refreshing devotional journals by Summerside Press

Jumping for Joy (A) person can pray to God and find favour with him, they will see God’s face and shout for joy. Job 33:26

ISBN: 9781609362218 Price: £13.99

Book Excerpt from A Praying Heart

Do you jump for joy? Unless you’re naturally overexuberant (or, perhaps, a sports fan), you probably don’t often let your feet leave the ground in a burst of happiness. This is because, generally, your circumstances don’t call for such a reaction. Real life, even in cheery moments, is a tad more mundane. That’s what makes the Bible so relevant. It provides basic instruction that you can apply to your everyday existence. When it says to be joyful always with prayer and thanksgiving, God is giving you a way to navigate whatever circumstances come your way. He is suggesting that you, at various times throughout each day, come to Him with a thankful heart because you know He will work all things for your ultimate good. That produces a joyful outlook that’s based on how you look at life rather than on what is happening to you at the moment. So don’t just jump for joy. Live in it, and pray confidently for yourself and others in spite of it all.

Heavenly Father, I want to joyously give thanks to You today for…


(Excerpt from August 13, A Praying Heart, 2011 Summerside Press)

Preparing to Leap: Bolivia Bound

By Dave Almack, CLC USA Director

Thank you, Lord for...

Giving us new opportunities

T hroughout the history of CLC, burdens have birthed bookstores. In 2010, the main Christian bookstore in Santa Cruz (the largest city in Bolivia) closed after many years of service. The need for Christian resources in this nation with a growing evangelical population is quite significant, and the store closure left a big hole in the community. Many local Christian leaders and pastors sought to find a suitable replacement and approached CLC about opening a bookstore as soon as we could. To God’s glory, the CLC work has been growing rapidly in recent years in Latin America. Today, CLC has resource centres in Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile and Uruguay. Each of these teams is thriving and praying about how it can reach beyond its own borders. A little over 10 years ago, the Colombian team sent out their best manager and his wife as cross cultural missionaries to Ecuador to get that work started. This model proved to be quite successful and CLC now operates five bookstores and a distribution warehouse to serve the growing needs of the Ecuadorian church. When this need in Bolivia became known, the CLC team in Venezuela began praying to see if this was a project that they could take on. After a significant time of prayer and seeking God’s wisdom, they decided to step out in faith to take on this huge task and to give of their best. This sacrificial principle of tithing from your first fruits has been a hall mark of the CLC Latin American teams for many years.

Surprisingly, the team decided not just to send one of their best managers, but the current leader of their team, Gamaliel Padilla and his wife Marlene. They have both served actively on the Venezuela team for many years and filled vital roles that will make them very hard to replace. While the two countries do speak the same language, this will be a very cross cultural experience for this family as many things are different. Getting a new store started in a new country is not a simple undertaking and there is much work to be done. Applications will need to be completed with the government, a location will need to be found, books will need to be purchased, shelves will need to be built and installed, and the community will need to be informed that CLC is opening a store. Each of these steps involves time, money and people. Please pray that the Lord will clear the way with government officials and others that need to give us permission to get started. Our goal is to see Gamaliel and his family move to Bolivia this winter, once all the needed permissions are in hand. This also means significant transition for the Venezuela team which will now need to elect a new leader and find people to fill the roles that are being vacated. What makes this story particularly remarkable is that the Venezuela team nearly ceased to function just a few short years ago. When the current president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, 9

came into power, the ensuing economic turmoil almost destroyed the CLC ministry. For two years, the sales decreased precipitously (nearly 75%), while many fixed expenses remained the same. On top of that, getting money out of the country to pay vendors was nearly impossible. The team prayed, asked for counsel, and sought the patience of the book publishers that they had been working with for many years. Many wonderful people stepped up to help with advice, finances, prayer and patience. Some vendors even forgave some of the team’s indebtedness. As a result of these miracles, the Venezuelan team began to have hope that they would eventually come out of the crisis.

During the midst of the crisis, however, the team had to make hard choices. Little did they know how these choices would help them prepare for the future. They sold a headquarters location in the western part of the country and moved many people and offices to the much more centrally located city of Valencia. In addition, they began making plans to grow again once things became more stable in the country. Within a few short years, things began to turn around and the team saw their sales increase by double digits for several years in a row. They were able to open many new stores and even a new warehouse location in 2010. Knowing how God had so richly blessed them, they could not help but be motivated to see a new work started in Bolivia so that they could bless others.

Gamaliel & Marlene Padilla Please pray for us as we step down from our role as team leaders of the CLC Venezeulan field and begin this new ministry in Bolivia!


Did you know that the first UK CLC Bookshop opened in 1941?

Every CLC centre is a beacon, a safe place where Christ is shared, fellowship is enriched, customers are advised and prayers are offered. We thank the Lord daily for the army of part-time and full-time volunteers in our bookshops, warehouse and offices that have kept us going since 1941. It is thrilling to know that each item served to a customer has the potential to change a life and bring someone closer to Christ! Our full-time volunteers are missionaries in the traditional sense of the word. Their mission field is the UK (or overseas) and their pulpit is a shop counter or a telephone. They communicate the Gospel and provide trustworthy and helpful resources to hundreds of people each day from our warehouse and 20 shops. Your partnership in giving – both personal and general – is vital for the support of our missionaries.

Are you able to help?

Like many mission organisations, our reserves are under pressure and our costs are rising. With your help, we can free up other much-needed cash for extending the Kingdom of God and getting trusted and Bible-based resources into people’s hands on the High Streets of our post-Christian nation, as well as in over 50 countries around the world.

Interested but unsure how to proceed?

Why not consider the following? • Why not support a ‘local’ missionary? Simply contact us (details overleaf) for more information that will help you determine which missionary you’d like to support, or you can send a gift to our Support Fund, which is shared amongst all our missionaries. • Why not find out the needs at your local CLC centre? Whether it is a place of ministry or a CLC missionary’s home, some of the properties that we own or lease require maintenance or upgrades. • Why not create a lasting gift for CLC International (UK) by leaving a legacy? Help us remain visible and accessible to future generations. Every gift is very welcome, whether it’s a one-off gift, a regular cheque or a standing order. If you are a UK taxpayer, using giftaid will add at least 25% to the value of your gift! Just ask for a giftaid form or tick the box on the reply form.

With your assistance

we are not only able to continue with our ministry here in the UK, but also contribute to the ministry needs of CLC in the 50+ countries where we work and the literature-related projects of other organisations. (An example of this is Tanzania’s new ‘Shop-in-a-box’ seen on the left.) 11

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Please do not send cash through the post. Make cheques payable to CLC International (UK) and send to the address below. Any questions? Please contact us!

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Thank you for your consideration & support of CLC International (UK) CLC Finance Office, 51 The Dean, Alresford, Hampshire SO24 9BJ Email: Telephone: 01962 733 342


Thank you, Lord for...

Those who respond to your call

Tim Bloomfield, until recently our Administrator, is emigrating in November to New Zealand, where his daughter and son-in-law already live. Youngest son Peter is also going, but another two sons stay in the UK. The family were all set to emigrate in 2002, but a family bereavement sadly intervened.

Prompted by a shop volunteer’s comment, Tim started volunteering at CLC Norwich in 1998. A fulltime job then got in the way and prevented him from helping, but as his heart was for serving the Lord through CLC he soon applied to join as a fulltime missionary, then becoming shop manager in 2001. “When I began as Administrator in May 2007, there was quite a steep learning curve”, Tim reflects. “Several areas of the role were completely new to me. As I travelled I saw things needing doing, so I just did them: I followed a PAT testing course to check the electrics as I visited the shops; I enjoy DIY so I got involved in shop fitting… though there have been some very late nights..” An example of this was last year when Tim worked unannounced through the night to install better lighting at CLC London. “Yes, I enjoyed it when a lease favourable to CLC was completed, but I particularly loved visiting the shop teams and doing practical stuff as and when I could, occasionally helped by Peter,” he comments. Petra Nemansky, our London Manager, remembers another time where she was “running around like a headless chicken not quite knowing what to do first or even how to do it. In that state of mind I went on to the shop floor late in the afternoon, and, to my utter surprise, there was Tim with all his gear, ready to do whatever needed to be done, reducing my dreaded list to a bare minimum in no time. I literally felt a big burden fall off my shoulders, the weight of which I hadn’t even fully realised until then. His constant availability has been such a blessing and encouragement, and will certainly remain a big challenge to me personally. What probably stands out most is that he has a gifting of just showing up when you need him most, and you don’t even have to ask him to do so!”

Tim & Peter Bloomfield

Photo taken in Italy where they were helping CLC Italy refit one of their shops

Please pray for us as we seek God’s will for the next chapter in our lives.

So what’s next? Peter hopes to find a gap year job. Tim plans to regroup, reflect, get established “and see what the Lord would have me do.” Tim has been described as calm, willing, helpful, sacrificial, friendly, shrewd, loyal, humble, solid, trustworthy and with a wicked sense of humour. Sounds about right. Geoff Fanning, our Retail Director, says “Tim has been an increasing help and blessing to me and the retail team over recent years. We have worked some long hours together, but as long as Tim had a cup of tea within reach, his constant comment was ‘Right then, let’s get on with it’.” And you knew he’d give it his best. Tim, your CLC colleagues salute you! Be assured of our thoughts and prayers!

The Fields Are Ripe for the Harvest -

Lord Please Send Us the Workers

We are keenly aware that God has given us a big task in making the gospel known through the written word to the nations of the world. It is our desire to see a new generation of missionaries recruited, trained, and sent into the harvest fields both here in the UK and around the world. Would you prayerfully consider how you might be able to respond to our need for workers or suggest CLC to someone you know who is considering what God might do with their lives? Whether you feel God calling you to do a gap year, sabbatical year, summer internship or perhaps volunteer part-time or join CLC as a full-time missionary - we are interested in hearing from you! To find out what exciting opportunities are available both globally and here in the UK, just send an email to:

13 13

Canada: Shop without a home?

This has been a roller coaster year for Rod Fowler (Canadian Director) and his team. First, they had the experience of trying to sell their main property, and after many trials the property was sold and they commenced the search for a new shop. Having received verbal permission for the changes they wished to make on the new property, this was later reversed. It seemed that the shop would have no home, until the new owner of their old building said they could remain for another six months with a reasonable rent. As Rod comments: “so thanks to ALL who prayed for us. The story is not yet finished, but now we have more time to make wise and good decisions.” Please pray that customer service will not be disrupted during this time of upheaval.

Exciting RE-BIRTH in Liberia The container of books arrving!

The sign is up!

After 15 years, a miracle is taking place in Monrovia, Liberia. A CLC Bookshop is being reborn. In 1996, the store was closed after several years of intense fighting during the brutal civil war that took the lives of thousands of people in this African nation. At the time of writing, CLC was preparing to re-open again in the Providence Baptist Church where the nation was founded in 1847 by returning African American slaves. The document they signed still hangs in the church! This historic site is well known to all Liberians and thanks to the generosity of Pastor Samuel Reeves and his congregation, it will now also be home to a new CLC Bookshop. Shelves have been built, a sign has gone up, a container of books has arrived and by now all the hard work of getting the store ready for the Opening Day in September has been done! Please join us in celebration as we thank the Lord for this ‘rebirth’ and for our team’s dedication and hard work. Please remember them in prayer.

Ecuador’s New Shop: Check out these great photos of the newest shop in Guayaquil! They now have 2 shops in this city!


Korea: Making an Impact!

Thank you, Lord for...

• The TWO new warehouses for the publishing department have now been The prayers and support of completed. Pray these new facilities a growing international family bring glory to God. • A new bookshop has now been installed in the headquarters. Previously, they were only doing publishing and wholesaling. • Praise God for the recognition giving by the Publications Ethics Commission (part of the Korean government) for a recent title by CLC Korea. Our prayer is that our publications would impact every level of society in Korea.

CLC UK: Double blessings for 2012!

In June, CLC received two awards, Retail Group of Year and Distributor of the Year, at Christian Resources Together, the annual trade meeting! Retail Director Geoff Fanning commented, “It’s especially good to know that our efforts have been noticed.” This certainly has been an encouragement in what has been very challenging year.

Trinidad: Responding to violence

Sadly, the violence in Trinidad continues to increase causing our staff to take more and more precautions. Please pray for the protection of our team, but also the ability to respond with the peace and hope of the Gospel.

Colombian Growth...

From their exciting venture into the USA (Miami) with a wholesale distribution centre, and a new bookshop in the city of Tunja, to now buying property for a shop in Cali — CLC Colombia is growing at a rapid pace! Please pray for this team that as they grow they will have God’s wisdom and guidance to work out all the many details necessary. (Tunja Shop in photo below)

Rewarding Challenges...

Please pray for our teams in the Muslim countries where we are active. Despite all the challenges of working in these countries, we praise God that every year we see ongoing increases in sales and continual opportunities to speak to people from other faiths.

Belarus: Publishing

September was an important month for the Belarus team as they received their first ever CLC Publication of the Bible in Russian. They hope and expect that there will be further print runs in the coming months. Please pray that the Word of God will impact many lives. Publishing is a very important element to the ministry in Belarus. Their latest title, ‘Conversations about Eternal Things’, was written by a local pastor and has already seen 14,000 copies printed and distributed! 15

Discover true


this season! Australia & NZ An excerpt from A Vision of the Deep by Susan Scott Sutton, CLC Publications, 2009, Pages 60 - 62

Jesus wants us to know that anything in life, no

matter how valid and good, pales in comparison to life with Him. Having found Him, we have the best thing, and our hearts are filled with joy. But of course this joy does not make sense to a world in which life must look a certain way— comfort, never discomfort; success, never failure; affirmation, never criticism; health, never illness; smooth skin and never wrinkles—in order for people to be happy. We can certainly enjoy good things, but our gladness does not depend on them. The Christian’s joy is rooted in something deeper than surface realities:

“Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls.” (1 Peter 1:8–9) Our joy, as Peter writes, is grounded in a Person. We are filled with inexpressible and glorious joy simply by loving and believing in Jesus. Heaven anticipated this joy and could not help but burst into song when God became a Man in the person of Christ. Joy featured in the announcement of Jesus’ birth. “Do not be afraid,” the angel said to the shepherds that night, “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people” (Luke 2:10). Joy comes from Jesus. “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11). Joy comes from being with Jesus. “Now is your time of grief,” He told the disciples before 16

the cross, “but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy” (John 16:22). “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again . . . !” Paul counsels in a letter to the Philippian church. Why? Because “the Lord is near” (Phil. 4:4–5). Paul’s letter to the Philippians is filled with references to joy in Christ. Reading this letter is all the more challenging when we remember that it was written while Paul was in prison. Following Christ cost Paul his freedom and his reputation, but his eyes are on something else when writing the following words: “But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him.“ (Phil. 3:7–9) If Paul were a businessman, he might draw up two columns in his ledger. On the left he might list profit gained from his life before Christ, and on the right what he had gained with Christ. ___________________________

Before Christ, other things had value to Paul — but a greater Yes has put them in perspective. ___________________________

The left (hand) column contains things the world would say yes to. It makes an impressive résumé for a man moving up in the religious world of Paul’s day. His list includes a good heritage, an upstanding family, favourable connections, membership in the most powerful religious party of his day and right behaviour—essential qualifications in the eyes of those he hoped to impress.

seemed so important, he no longer sees a list of good things that no one would fault him for pursuing, but a list ready for the trash can. Rubbish. Not even worth preserving. “One thing I do,” he writes, “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 3:13–14).

But in the other column, we see four words: Christ Jesus my Lord.

Does Paul feel obligated to put on a happy face in very difficult circumstances because it is the Christian way to act? No, he is joyful because he sees something greater than his circumstances. His eyes are on Christ and not on the cost. Moving from the left (hand) column to the right is not loss but gain when Christ is our possession. Forgetting what is behind and pressing on toward what lies ahead makes sense when what lies ahead is valued above all else. For Paul, even in prison, there is no halfhearted sigh over what he has to endure— only wholehearted joy in knowing Christ.

Everything left of the line now pales in comparison. Paul could have written the lines to a worship song I heard on the radio this week, “Everything is a lesser thing compared to You, Jesus.” Before Christ, other things had value to Paul— and they were good things—but the real Treasure has put them in perspective. When Paul looks at the left (hand) column and runs his eye over the advantages that had

Are you dissatisfied with “surface living”? Want to go beyond a sense of obligation and responsibility in the Christian life and discover a ‘Vision for the Deep’? Join author Susan Scott Sutton in this life-altering venture to lose yourself in the fathomless depths of Jesus Christ. Warmly and pertinently, Sutton shares her own testimony of growth — how God brought her from spiritual self-effort to an understanding of His lordship and, step by step, into the increasing fullness of His grace. Using examples from her early Christian life as well as her missionary experience in the country of Chad, she highlights the satisfaction of being hidden in Christ. ISBN: 9780875087863

Price: £7.99

Are you interested in learning how you can have personal relationship with Christ? Is there someone you’d love to share God’s love with but need a bit of help? Why not visit the site below to discover four simple points that will help you discover Jesus in a personal way?


ect Update:

oj ‘Shop-in-a-box’ Pr


Our new shop at its new location on Scripture Union’s property. By Liz Patten, CLC Africa Regional Director


Thank you, Lord for...

November (2011), when Chris Magee (CLC UK Wholesale and leadership representative) and Liz Patten Providing all that is necessary (CLC Africa Regional Director) visited the to see Your work move forward CLC work in Tanzania, it was abundantly clear that our ministry there would only be able to continue in the “After having discussed the event of external financial and s we shared and current position with Salome administrative support. One Mapinda, our Tanzanian of the main reasons for this prayed around worker, the three of us set off was the fact of our landlords the table, we felt a to explore potential contacts increasing the rent by more who could be willing and than 50% in a clear strategy common bond of able to help in various ways. to move us out, in which they fellowship which Eventually, our search led us soon succeeded! to the offices of Scripture Pastor Emmaus (SU) After much prayer, soulUnion and despite the fact searching and careful financial later summed up by that we arrived without consideration, it became clear an appointment, Pastor saying “we serve the to us that Tanzania was the Emmaus B. Mwamakula (the perfect situation for our project same Master”. very busy General Director) ‘Shop-in-a-box’ (the purchasing kindly agreed to see us. The and conversion of a shipping container into a amazing thing was that had we been even five lovely bookshop). As the Lord showed our UK minutes later – we would have completely missed leadership that it was His will for us to move him as he had only popped back quickly to the forward in this direction, CLC UK donated the headquarters for something he had forgotten to initial funds necessary for this project to begin. take to a meeting! This was the point at which God’s very real intervention began. As with most projects, there are always a few ‘snags’ along the way! The original plan was for We had decided to be very open and transparent this ‘Shop-in-a-box’ to be located in one of the in all of our encounters and so we explained our large church compounds; however, we soon situation to Pastor Emmaus. Before we had even understood that this would not be the best way finished, he asked for the size of our container, in the long term. So this past July, Chris and Liz and at that point we instinctively knew that help made a further trip to Dar es Salaam, with a view was on the way! He told us that SU formerly to hear clearly from God on the ‘where’ and the had a bookshop on the premises, but that the ‘how’ of moving the ministry forward. Liz takes ministry was unable to continue due to lack of a up the story: trained worker.



At the end of our meeting, he took us outside to their garden and invited us to bring the container as soon as we wished! He even said that the garden could be sacrificed in favour of the ministry, for the glory of God. We were deeply touched by this offer of partnership and the relief on Salome’s face was immediate and noticeable! As we shared and prayed around the table, we felt a common bond of fellowship which Pastor Emmaus later summed up by saying “we serve the same Master”. “ At the time of writing (end of August), and after much hard work and the provision of some further funds, the “container shop” has already been moved onto the garden spot at Scripture Union, a well-known place next to the general hospital. We are grateful to God for the help and support of missionary Penny Elliott during this process. Now at last, and after many sad months of not being able to trade, Salome is preparing the shop for opening! So, with this exciting new development on the horizon, what comes next and how can YOU help? Well, both Prayer and Financial support are needed! Following months of high rent with the previous landlord, and then subsequent months of not being able to trade, funds are at an all-time low. Many of the books look rather “jaded” now after all their adventures, so Salome will open with a special cut-price sale.

In the meantime, • New stock of Bibles and books needs to be purchased in time for a proper Dedication launch of the “new” CLC ministry, anticipated to be a very special occasion, before the end of 2012 • Another staff member to help Salome, and sales to cover their salaries • New CLC Board Members (Trustees) are also needed – please pray for at least four people with business experience and a heart for the ministry, as well as time to give on a voluntary basis. This article would not be complete without mentioning Organ Mapinda, Salome’s husband. Organ has spent the last 10 years in the CLC ministry, but at the end of last year had given notice that he felt it was time for him to move on. His greatest desire was to see that the ministry would be guaranteed a future before he left CLC, and with these latest steps of progress God has answered his prayers! We want to say a big THANK YOU to Organ for all his years of hard work and dedication, and for persevering through the various and particularly difficult challenges that have come his way over that decade. Organ, may the LORD bless you richly and abundantly as you move into new things and may you and your family know His provision, always.

Interested in knowing more about Project ‘Shop-in-a-box’? Perhaps it is something you, your church or housegroup would like to get involved in? For further details, contact us: 19

Did you take a ‘leap of faith’ for Him this year? Tell us a bit about yourself, Matt: I am an accounting student from Beavercreek, Ohio. I am currently attending Cedarville University where I am receiving a minor in Biblical Studies as well as majoring in Accounting. In my free time I enjoy playing sports and I have a love and a passion for ministry and for short term missions trips. How did you hear about CLC and what brought you to work with the UK team? I heard about CLC through my university’s annual missions’ conference. During my International Business class Marge and Dave Almack came in and spoke to us about using business as a mission. I had never thought about using my degree in this way but it sounded like a good opportunity to serve the Lord. As they passed out a pamphlet of the places that I could serve with CLC I felt God lay the ministry of CLC UK on my heart. What has God taught you through your time with CLC UK? God has shown me a lot about myself, as well as how to better serve and follow Him. This was mainly through the good influences of my co-workers who are all amazing Christians and really strong in their faith. I have also learned more about my studies and that by doing them to the best of my ability I can glorify Christ through my work day by day. What was the highlight of your time here in the UK? The first highlight and the most important, was the amount of fun and fellowship that I got to have with Jane and Brian (Finance Office) day in and day out. They are amazing people and I can honestly say that there is never a dull moment in that office! (I will miss them both.) Brian is an amazing boss who never got mad when I messed up - in fact, he would often joke or say “you can never make as many mistakes as I have”. What an amazing attitude to have and it is a rare one to come by. The other highlight would be getting to go to the Olympics. While here I was able to attend beach volley ball event, plus see and hold the Olympic torch. Those are memories that I will have with me for the rest of my life. Both of these experiences I feel truly blessed to have had and if I had the chance I would definitely do it all over again. Would you recommend working as a ‘CLC missionary’ cross-culturally to others? Why? I would definitely recommend CLC to others looking for missionary work or business as a missions work. It was a great experience that taught me more about who God is and how to better use the gifts that He has given me to serve Him. The environment has definitely helped me to grow in the sense that I felt I was given tasks that mattered to the company and that I didn’t feel pressured to make everything perfect. Although I could have got a paid internship this summer I felt God was calling me here. I think that coming here was more valuable than the money. Is there a scripture or anything else that has really impacted you while being here that you’d like to share? Psalms 24 has definitely been on my heart through this whole trip. Being completely dependent on God for everything as He guided me on this adventure was an experience I will take forward no matter where I go. I Name: Matt Powell will always be able to look Major: Accounting back on this time and see Minor: Biblical Studies where He has brought From: Ohio, USA me and feel His calling Destination: Hampshire, in my life. UK


Purpose: To spend his summer vacation on a short-term mission trip with CLC UK, helpin g in their finance department.

Book Reviews The Crucified Life by A. W. Tozer



ISBN: 9780830759224 Review by Jackie Gibbons Publisher: Regal Books, 220 p Tozer’s books are easy and difficult to read at the same time, and this one is no exception. It is easy to read because he uses straightforward language to declare theological truths, making it possible for the man in the street to understand. It is difficult because he had no time, even in his own day, for what he calls “easy believism”. He does not believe that Jesus came into the world to help us, but to put an end to self so that he might live through us, and this is what he aims, successfully, to demonstrate in his use of the scriptures in this book. Tozer cuts to the quick with many of his remarks, and he can be very critical of Christian leaders he believes are deceiving their congregations by not encouraging them to have a growing passion for intimacy with God. It is his own passion and uncaring attitude towards what people thought of him that ring true and will encourage the reader to believe that the crucified life is a real possibility. This is not a book for the fainthearted; it will challenge and spur on anyone who will prayerfully read it!

Woman to Woman by Barwick, Derges, Dixon, Follet, Penson & Storkey



ISBN: 9781853457425 Review by Bonnie Brooks Publisher: CWR, 156 p For those involved in leading and ministering to other women – and for those considering such a role – this is a helpful guide. Each author draws from her own experience, providing the reader with valuable practical advice. The book begins with an exploration of what the Bible says about women and ministry, followed by an examination of more recent changes in culture affecting women today. We are then guided through personal preparation for ministry and the practicalities of working with others, effectively communicating across cultures and helping hurting people. Throughout the book there are opportunities for the reader to pray and reflect, encouraging personal growth. Whether you work one-to-one with other women or in large group settings, this book has something positive to offer.

The Monster Within by Brian Greenaway Review by Rev. Brian Butler



ISBN: 9781853457401 Publisher: CWR, 180 p

Brian Greenaway was brought up in a very dysfunctional family, unloved and cruelly treated, leaving a huge legacy of anger and resentment. He found an outlet in violence and crime, becoming a Hell’s Angel biker, and eventually finished up in Dartmoor. His descriptions of prison life are horrendous — hardly calculated to reform, more likely to embitter. But in an amazing way, he experienced God, was converted, and spent over thirty years in a remarkable prison ministry. This is his story. Its honesty is searing, its difficulties not glossed over, but the amazing grace of God is shining through. A challenging and very readable testimony. 21

Epiphanies of the Ordinary by Charlie Cleverley Review by Jean Mintoft

Only £11.99

ISBN: 9781444701920 Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton, 242 p

The author’s intention in writing this book is to encourage Christians to expect God to break through the ordinary routine of our lives in order to reveal Himself to us and inspire us afresh in our love and service of Christ. He deals with all the varying scenes of life, drawing scriptural examples of how God revealed Himself to people in the Bible narratives. This book is not a quick and easy read, but needs to be meditated on and approached thoughtfully and prayerfully to get the most out of it. Each chapter ends with a collect (prayer). There is some personal testimony from the author, but it is more a reflective book than a narrative, which will suit “thinking Christians” rather than those who like a story.

How GOD became KING by Tom Wright ISBN: 9780281061464 Review by Richard Morris, CLC Birmingham Publisher: SPCK, 282 p There are thousands of books that analyse and dissect the Bible. Tom Wright’s complaint is that far too many chop the Bible up into fragments but fail to re-assemble the parts correctly. It’s akin to a whole load of people buying the same self-assembly kitchens from Ikea, but each putting them together differently with some parts missing and others in the wrong place but then claiming, “Mine’s right and yours isn’t!”. Wright looks at the confessional creeds of the Church and asks why they describe Jesus’ birth and then move straight to His death with no mention of His life. Yet St Paul wrote, “… much more… shall we be saved by his life.” (Rom 10:5 ESV). What are the Gospels for? Only Our incomplete views have led us to fail to see that in Jesus the God of Israel became £12.99 King of the whole world at the cross and that the role of the church today is to share that message through mission “in the power and joy of the Spirit”.



There are no Strong People by Jeff Lucas ISBN: 9781853456244 Review by Wilma Brock Publisher: CWR, 223 p In this vivid, challenging and refreshingly honest book, Jeff Lucas, in his unique style, brings hope and inspiration through the familiar story of Samson. Stripping away the stereotype of Samson, Jeff’s realistic and sometimes blunt 21st century interpretation of his life story is a compelling read. It reminds the reader that God’s grace is bigger than our many failures, and His strength is, amazingly, made perfect in weakness. We do not have to approach life with a resigned acceptance of imperfection; there are vital principles we can follow for living life well. With warmth, insight and relevance, Jeff has produced a book that will perhaps unsettle us, but will certainly inspire and challenge us. Highly recommended. ]

Son of the Underground by A. Kaul & I. Liu



ISBN: 9780857211996 Review by Joan Nicholson, CLC Retiree Publisher: Authentic, 128 p From young Isaac Lui, son of Brother Yun ‘The Heavenly Man’, we get an interesting picture of poor, rural Central China with its home life, customs and government persecution of the growing and fervent underground House Church. Isaac was born in 1984 in miraculous circumstances. He lived through the stress of his often imprisoned father and his mother, who struggled to cultivate their land for food. In their absence, he was raised by his godly Christian grandmother. The Liu family saw God’s protection and supplying of their needs until their escape through Burma in 1999. An enthralling story of a young man nurtured in the school of leadership. ]

Upgrade by Michael Catt




ISBN: 9781936143214 Review by John Watkins, CLC Stockport Publisher: CLC Publications, 177 p Words like, and books about, ‘holiness’ and ‘victorious’ Christian living have fallen out of fashion. Personal sin and lukewarm hearts are largely ignored. In “Upgrade”, Michael Catt tackles the issues head on. No, he’s not preaching health, happiness and prosperity, but urging Christians to look at their lives and their living and do an audit. He’s urging us to allow the Holy Spirit to work within us to make us what we should be. No, he’s not saying “let go and let God” but showing that obedience to God, and getting into the Word and prayer are the keys to the lives God intends us to live. Is your life like the computer which is riddled with viruses, has an inadequate hard disk, too little memory and an outdated operating system? Read this book to find out how it could/should be upgraded.

Books for the Deeper Life Trusted Authors • A Clear Message




Hazardous is a call to listen for God’s leading and to obey, even when it leads us down a difficult and dangerous path. Discover the truth about discipleship and let it influence all your daily decisions and plans. Coming Soon...





This is not a “how-to manual”, but a collection of stories from Renee and others who have found joy in trusting God through difficult times of insecurity, grief, loss and, like Renee, through a devastating injury. Coming Soon...


What do you do when the storm clouds of life surround you—and you can’t see the silver lining? Exploring truths from the book of Job, Jill Briscoe addresses the tough issues that result from the collision of affliction and faith. 9781619580084

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