CLC World: Event Edition

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Discover more about INTERNATIONAL

Events Edition

Bringing glory to God by making Christian literature available to all nations so that people may come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ. CLC is a registered charity: England & Wales (1015793), Scotland (SC037939)

Project ‘Shop in a box’ (SIAB)

The Dilemma: Although we are greatly encouraged that the church in Africa is growing so incredibly fast, the book famine continues to be unrelentling. High overhead costs only add to making Christian books too expensive for the majority, so how can we lower them and still have a sustainable ministry? Our Response: Convert a shipping container into a bookshop! Once we’ve refitted the shipping container with windows, awning, door & shelving, etc, we are then able to fill it with dependable, relevant and affordable Bibles and other Christian resources and place it on the grounds of a church, ministry or friendly business. An initial start up cost of £10,000 enables us to do all of the above, as well as train two staff members in evangelism and Christian retailing and cover their salaries for six months. With an already well-established supply chain, we can replenish the stock as needed. Project Update: a) Currently, we have two SIABs in Kenya: one in Umoja, a suburb of Nairobi, and the other in Kitale, which is in the north of Kenya. They are doing extremely well, especially as we also have our first African warehouse in Nairobi. b) We also have a SIAB in Tanzania, but we are still raising funds to cover the inital costs, so if you’d like to support this ‘essential’ ministry, please visit the link below. c) Back in 2010, due to the rise in overheads, we had to shut down our shop in Togo, but we are researching new opportunities for returning with a SIAB. How you can help: Please pray! Currently, the name of the game for Christian literature ministries in Africa is ‘survival’. There are so many challenges to overcome that in today’s ‘instant’ society we can’t really fathom. If you’d like any more information on these projects (or any others) or how to offer support, please contact us at Thank you.


CLC Interational (UK) is a registered charity: England & Wales (1015793), Scotland (SC037939)

Christian bookshops BOOKS BIBLES CARDS GIFTS MUSIC CLC International (UK)

291 Abbeydale Rd, Sheffield, S7 1FJ Tel: 0114 2812136

A Brief Introduction to CLC by Neil Wardrope, CLC International Director

Mission Website: Retail Website: Editorial Email: UK Director: Personnel Enquiries: Tel: 0114 2812136 CLC Finance Office: 51 The Dean, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 9BJ Tel: 01962 733342 For Overseas Opportunities: Marketing Email: Registered as a charity in England & Wales (1015793) and in Scotland (SC037939) © Copyright CLC World, CLC International (UK)

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If we think that today is a difficult trading environment for bookshops (and it is!), it is nothing compared to when CLC started. Right in the middle of the Second World War in 1941, God gave Ken and Bessie Adams the vision to start a literature mission. They had been challenged by two things. The first was that the Jehovah’s Witnesses were using tracts to propagate their beliefs and Ken and Bessie believed this had to be countered. Secondly, Ken had seen how literature in other languages could be used to communicate the Gospel. The Adams were encouraged by Norman Grubb of WEC to set up a ministry dedicated to Christian bookshops around the world. Initially parallel operations were set up in countries where WEC was working. Quickly the work expanded and in the 1960s the time had come for CLC to be fully independent.


This specific vision for literature has enabled CLC to have work in 53 countries, operating 180 bookshops, 18 wholesale distribution warehouses and 14 publishing houses. Some of the places where we work would have been unthinkable 70 years ago. Ken Adams rashly predicted in the 1970s that we would one day have a bookshop in Moscow. Well, today we do, not to mention bookshops in three former Soviet, now Muslim, nations, as well as five countries , in the former Eastern bloc. When CLC first ventured into South America, it was a dangerous place to promote the evangelical Gospel. In the last 30 years, an unprecedented number of revivals have taken place and the ‘window of heaven’ is well and truly open over countries such as Colombia and Venezuela. Our CLC work there grows significantly every year, despite the political and security issues they face. While Western Europe becomes ever more cynical and unbelieving, the church continues to grow in Brazil, Russia, India and China (the BRIC countries) and CLC has a presence in three of those countries. 3

THE DIGITAL CHALLENGE Now we are facing a transition from ‘bricks’ to ‘clicks’ as more and more purchases are made online — and books are the most frequently bought product. This causes us a dilemma as we know the value of face-to-face conversations, but there is no turning the clock back. CLC UK is continually updating its website — — and we have at least 20 other websites around the world. It is important for Christians to support Christian bookshops and websites to ensure they can survive in a very challenging environment. Remember, no one will give you better advice than a Christian bookseller. The next great challenge is to enter the digital world of ebooks, and we plan to do this by developing our own eBook Reader app, initially working on iPhones and iPads. We hope this will be available by the summer of 2013. Our tag line for this project is ‘Making the Message Global’. It is now the case that we can make the Bible and good Christian resources available in multiple languages to anywhere in the world with just a few ‘clicks’. How exciting is that?! Read Matthew 24:14 to see where we get our motivation. We want to see authors from the all over the world bringing their spiritual wisdom to the global conversation about faith. The publishing industry is dominated by the first world, but this can now change. We want to be part of that initiative. THE GOAL Ultimately CLC will be assessed by its ability to point people to Jesus. There is no email I enjoy reading more than the report of people finding Christ through one of our books or through conversation in the bookshop. Just this year we heard of two people coming to Christ in Central Asia right in the bookshop. This is a place where being a Christian exposes you to many risks as our workers have discovered to their cost. And yet they have decided to be bold in their witness and they are seeing spiritual outcomes. 4

CLC South Korea received national recognition for three of their publications in 2012! These awardwinning titles and many others are already available in eBook format from CLC Korea. Please pray for workers to help us develop our multi-lingual, multinational eBook Reader app. Interested to know more or how you can help? Drop us an email at: THE LEAP OF FAITH

ISBN: 0875086500 Price: £8.50

Read how it all began! Norman Grubb (WEC) wrote a book about CLC in its early days called Leap of Faith. “Although our challenges

and opportunities today are very different, they still require us to put our faith fully in God if we want to achieve His Purposes”. Neil Wardrope, CLC International Director “A truly inspiring read! There is no denying the call and vision from the Lord — to make His Word available and accessible to all — that was placed on the hearts of the early CLCers. Nor the faith required to fulfill this purpose”. Amanda Lutes, CLC World Editor

How to pray for CLC...

“Therefore, go “Therefore, go and and make make disciples disciples of of all all the the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the and the Son Son and and the the Holy Holy Spirit. Spirit.Teach Teachthese thesenew new disciples to obey all the&commands I have given The need for volunteers full-time missionaries: disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And beteams sure of this: I am with you always, Many of our struggling you. And be sure are of this: I am with withtheir you workload always, and need forofvolunteers great(NLT: because the Translation) finances eventheir to the end the age.” and supported missionaries is extremely Matthew 28:19-20 New Living even to the end of the age.” (NLT: New Living Translation) are just not there to support paid employees (ie: Thailand, theMatthew UK, and28:19-20 the USA).

Protection of our teams and property (premises & stock) globally especially in areas: a) of unrest (such as Trinidad & Pakistan) b) where legalities, restrictions and customs issues hinder our ministry (such as Central Asia, Eastern Europe and African countries — just to name a few!). Researching new opportunities: We are always looking for areas around the world that are in need of better access to Christian literature and resources, such as Togo, Bolivia, and Paraguay. CLC receives a lot of interest and requests from other countries via the CLC International website. For instance, at the time of writing, we were working on a request to get books to the theology department of a university in the Congo! From lending libraries to Project ‘Shop in a box’ (SIAB), we vary the ministry to fit the need. No matter the approach, the heart of our ministry is the same! Growing pains: You may be shocked to read this, but in many areas around the world, CLC’s ministries are growing and their needs for properties, workers, etc. are expanding. a) CLC Myanmar needs new warehouse premises to stock all of the books they are translating and publishing, plus staff accommodation. b) In Latin America, CLC Colombia have a fast growing team and are looking at opening shops in two or three new cities in the next couple of years. They also have an interest in beginning a new ministry in Mexico. CLC Chile is also expanding and has a number of shops which require more local people for staff. c) CLC South Korea has recently built two new warehouse buildings on their land and are beginning to be recognised with book awards by their government for their publishing endeavours. d) Earlier this year, CLC Canada moved their main HQ and shop to another part of Montreal. They are also planning to open two new bookshops in the first half of 2013, one of which will be attached to a new distribution warehouse. 5

The Golden Chariot

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Some were present during major events in world history, some risked their lives on crocodile —–infested rivers, others just needed a friend. Modern day kids whose parents are part of a missionary organisation that is now 100 years old tell you their story. The Stories will reveal their heart to you. These young writers reflect the multinational identity of WEC: they come from Australia, Peru, Brazil, South Africa, Germany, Korea, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, the United Kingdom and the United States. ISBN 978-1-84550-981-1 | £5.99

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Operation World (7th Edition) The definitive guide to global prayer has now been completely updated and revised by Jason Mandryk to cover the entire populated world. Whether you are an intercessor praying behind the scenes or a missionary reaping the benefits of intercession, Operation World gives you the information you need to play a vital role in God’s plan for the nations. 97818507886211, RRP: £14.99, *Bulk purchase offers available.

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Are you struggling to find where you fit?

A personal inventory as you prayerfully consider service in the Kingdom through CLC International.

Our Mission:

To make evangelical Christian literature available to all nations, so that people may come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ. CLC members come from many different national, ethnic and denominational backgrounds. Our common beliefs and an ability to work with one another are what keep us moving together toward our common goal.

What CLC believes. . .

• The divine inspiration and consequent authority of the whole canonical Scriptures • The doctrine of the Trinity • The fall of man, his consequent moral depravity and his need of regeneration • The atonement through the substitutionary death of Christ • The doctrine of justification by faith • The resurrection of the body, both in the case of the just and of the unjust • The eternal life of the saved and the eternal punishment of the lost • The spiritual unity of believers, who form the universal church, of which Christ is the Head

Questions to ask yourself. . .

‘CLCers’ are not perfect people, nor are we able to enlist the help of perfect people (there is no such person). But we do want our team members to see their gifts being optimally used while meeting the goals of CLC. If you can answer ‘yes’ to most of the following questions, we believe that you can have a meaningful mission experience with us. You may want to discuss these with your pastor, church elder, missions committee, or someone else who knows you well.


• Am I a Christian who has a growing relationship with the Lord? • Am I able to use and apply God’s Word? • Am I actively involved in a local church? • Does my behaviour reflect my commitment to sexual purity and personal holiness? • Do I agree with ‘What CLC Believes’? • Can I work in harmony with those who differ from me on points of doctrine or practices not covered by ‘What CLC Believes’, and not place undue emphasis on such? more>> 7

• If single, am I comfortable with the idea of mission involvement as a single person? • If married, do I have a healthy and satisfying marriage? • If a parent, do I have a positive, healthy relationship with my children?

CLC International has Christian literature ministries in:


• Do I have a skill that could be used in CLC or am I interested in being trained for literature distribution? • Have I had successful work experience? • Do I feel I could learn to train others?


• Are my finances in good order? • Can I trust God to provide for my financial needs through churches and friends?

Physical Health

• Do I have a level of health that enables me to function normally, even in areas of the world where healthcare is not at the level I now experience?

Emotional Health

• Do I think I could be resilient and adapt well to areas of the world that are dangerous, stressful and full of changes? • Cross-cultural living brings discouragement as well as joy. Could I maintain a positive outlook on life? • Am I able to be flexible?


• Is my church supportive of my desire to work with CLC? • Do I have the ability to form friendships? • Would co-workers say that they enjoy working with me? • Am I a team player? • Can I willingly follow leadership and supervision?

Having prayerfully considered these questions, do you feel like CLC might be the ‘right fit’ for you? If so, contact us

with the email below to find out more about what opportunities are available in your area and internationally. 8

Antigua & Barbuda Martinique Austria Mozambique Bangladesh Myanmar Barbados Netherlands Belarus Pakistan Benin Panama Bulgaria Burkina Faso Papua New Guinea Philippines Canada Poland Central Asia (3) Portugal Chile Romania Colombia Russia Cyprus Sierra Leone Dominica South Korea Ecuador Spain Equatorial Guinea Swaziland France Switzerland Germany Tanzania Guadaloupe Thailand Hungary Trinidad and Tobago India United Kingdom Indonesia United States Italy Uruguay Cote D’Ivoire Venezuela Japan Kenya

“People want so badly to have and understand the Bible. The ESV Global Study Bible meets this desperate longing in a brilliant way.” Francis chan

E S V Global Study Bible Equipping the Global Church through God’s Word The ESV Global Study Bible connects you to the worldwide church. With study notes, the global message of each book, and articles from international contributors, it will help you understand God’s Word and apply it to a global context. For every copy purchased, an additional digital edition will be given to a Christian in need.

Hardcover £18.99

Paperback £12.00

TruTone, Brown £29.99

I require more information about: O How I can support a CLC missionary O Leaving a legacy for CLC International (UK) O Setting up a Standing Order O Available CLC opportunities to serve in: City/Type of Work: .................................................

Please use my gift for: O CLC Support Fund (for all missionaries) O CLC property maintenance / upgrades O Wherever needed O Specific person or CLC team: Details: .....................................................................

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O I would like to give a regular amount of £ ….................... Are you a UK taxpayer? If so, you can make your donations go further by completing O O O O

this declaration. We can claim giftaid tax relief of 25p on every £ that you give. Please tick all that apply: I would like to giftaid this donation I would like to giftaid all future donations until further notice I would like to giftaid all previous donations for the charity’s current financial period & the previous 4 years I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the Charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 28p of tax on every £1 that I gave up to 5 April 2008 and will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give on or after 6 April 2008.

Thank you for your consideration & support of CLC International (UK) CLC Finance Office, 51 The Dean, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 9BJ Email: Telephone: 01962 733 342 CLC UK


CLC Korea

CLC France

CLC Columbia

Online giving can be done through Stewardship©. Simply visit the links below: Support CLC UK Missionaries: Support CLC Ministry (General Fund):

CLC Belarus: Bible Publishing Project

CLC Belarus has taken up the challenge of publishing Russian Bibles in order to meet the need in their country and, in addition, to help and support CLC Russia. Joining forces with CLC International, the team have been able to get an initial 3,300 copies printed through the financial support of individuals, churches, the Recommended Books for a Deeper Life CLC family and a few other Christian organisations. CLC Belarus even has a collection box in the shop for Still, I Will Praise (HB) the project which has seen much support, including by R. Bondi with N. Curtis ISBN: 9781619580138 from those who don’t regularly attend church! Thi s i s a collection of stories Although 3,300 Bibles may not seem a particularly from those who have found significant amount compared to some publishers, joy in God through times for CLC Belarus it is a large quantity and a HUGE of insecurity, grief and, in blessing! Many of the team members recall when Renee’s case, through an the Bible was a forbidden book in the former USSR £12.99 injury that robbed her of and are absolutely thrilled to now be publishing it! mobility and independence. With the profits from the sale of the initial Bibles “This book really challenged me to praise God more this year!” Amanda Lutes, CLC World Editor printed, they plan to do a second publishing run in 2013. Two thirds of the Bibles have been kept in Belarus to be sold through their bookshop in Brest £8.99 — the only evangelical Christian bookshop in all of Belarus! — and the 15 bookstalls they have through the country. The rest will be sent to CLC Russia. Roger and Anita Jones, who run the CLC Moscow £9.99 bookshop ‘Philadelphia’, are thrilled to be receiving these good quality and inexpensive (a rarity!) Beyond the Edge Russian Bibles, which have been well received by Out of the Storm... by Evan Davies by Jill Briscoe their customers. Plus, getting them from another former USSR country has made them much easier to purchase and more importantly to import. £9.99 Please continue to pray for this project as well as for opportunities to open a bookshop in the capital of Belarus, Minsk. The Belarus team truly feel that the Lord is calling them have a visible presence on the £6.99 High Street — accessible to all. A Quiet Center by Susan Sutton

ISBN: 9781619580114

Interested in learning more about or giving towards this project? Email us: Why not follow their progress on Facebook? CLC Minsk Bookstore and Bibles for Belarus Project

ISBN: 9781936143191

ISBN: 9781936143948

ISBN: 9781619580084

CLC Publications:


by Cyzewski & Cooper




£8.99 Price


Made for a Mission by David Posthuma




God on Fire

Knowing God’s Secrets



by Fred Hartley

by John Hunter

20% OFF all CLC Publications in-store & online! Valid at all CLC Bookshops and online at: *Not valid with any other offer.


Our Bestseller

Open Your Bible

The All-in-One Bible Handbook that’s great for youth & adult Bible students: 9780755489916 (PB) Price: £19.99 9780755496631(LL) Price: £24.99

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118 High Street CHATHAM, ME4 4BY Tel: 01634 843 926

Pilgrim House,10 Bishop St. LEICESTER, LE1 6AF Tel: 0116 255 8481

Bringing glory to God by making Christian literature available to all nations so that people may come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ. CLC is a registerd charity: England & Wales (1015793), Scotland (SC037939)

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