CLC World 2013 Issue 1

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2013 - Issue 1

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* Open again! Liberia’s Dedication Launch * CLC USA members travel to Sierra Leone to train & help with renovations!

t For A Hear


David Desch, Mark Ridenour and Davy Montgomery (CLC USA) at UK airport before heading to Sierra Leone!

Forget about the’s time to make a

fresh start!

CLC Stockport: Getting back up again... And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 (KJV)

Intro Offer!

£8.99 RRP: £10.99 9781619580121 Coming 02/13

“The highest accomplishment of humanity is entering the overwhelming presence of God. Our whole purpose as created beings is to utilise our time, delighting in the manifest presence of our creator.” — A.W. Tozer Available at your local Christian bookshop and online at

GOD on FIRE is why you were born. You are more alive in the middle of God’s white-hot presence than anywhere else on earth. Once you encounter the manifest presence of Christ, you will never want to settle for anything less. In fact, the manifest presence of Christ is the single factor that distinguishes the church from the sports bar.

Normally the history of revival is studied from man’s perspective; what we do to encounter God. GOD on FIRE explores what God does to encounter us. This book will help you: • Learn the difference between the omnipresence and the manifest presence of God. • Discover there is more to knowing God than lukewarm religious activity. • Explore the manifest presence of Christ through both Biblical and modern history.

Christian bookshops BOOKS BIBLES

In This Issue: 5 New Beginnings... 6 - 7 CLC Stockport: Getting back up again... 8 - 10 A Heart for Africa: Sierra Leone’s New Look! 11 - 12 Thank God for Second Chances (Book Excerpt) 14 - 15 Global Updates & News 17 Happy 50th Anniversary to CLC Netherlands 18 - 19 From Italy With Love 20 - 21 Starting again in Liberia! 22 It’s still Good News...

23 Pain’s Alchemy (Book excerpt)

CLC International (UK) 291 Abbeydale Rd, Sheffield, S7 1FJ

Tel: 0114 2812136 Mission Website: Retail Website: Editorial Email: UK Director: Personnel Enquiries: Tel: 0114 2812136 CLC Finance Office: 51 The Dean, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 9BJ Tel: 01962 733342 For Overseas Opportunities: Registered as a charity in England & Wales (1015793) and in Scotland (SC037939) © Copyright CLC World, CLC International (UK)

Printed by ARM Communications Tel: 0121 248 4430 Email:



New Beginnings by Sandy Sanderson, CLC Retiree (Age 91, but still an active volunteer at CLC Wholesale!) How many of us entered the year 2013 determined to improve our quality of life by making New Year resolutions? Bad habits to be discontinued; aspirations to be a ‘better person’, at home, at work and socially? Maybe we tried to encourage ourselves by quoting the phrase found in the clinic of Émilé Coué in Nancy, France: “Every day in every way, I am getting better and better”. In keeping your resolutions, how do you score on the scale of 1 - 10? To quote the Scottish poet, Robert Burns, “The best laid schemes of mice and men often go astray”. St Paul expressed a similar sentiment in chapter 7 of his letter to the Romans, “For what I do is not the good I want to do”, or “I decide one way but then act another”. (The Message). Should we limit new beginnings to once a year? We all face times when personal situations call for a decision which will affect our way of life, sometimes dramatically, and generally involve others. The pattern or programme we have followed is broken and replaced by something for which we feel unprepared or inadequate: a change of school, job or even career. How do we respond? Is there someone’s example we can follow?

For Christians, we have Biblical testimonies of men and women, called by God, and their responses. Some, like Abraham, “by faith”. A few, like Moses and Gideon, by excuses, such as, “Who Me? I’m not able”. Yet others obeyed at considerable risk: Esther and the unnamed girl who was servant to Naaman’s wife. Saul’s dramatic encounter with Christ meant a new beginning with a new name. For many of us, our conversion to faith in Christ may not have been dramatic, but it still meant a new beginning with a variety of consequences. What was our response? I look back with regret on the feeble attempts I made as I tried to explain the changes in my lifestyle caused by my new beginning, but I thank the Lord for His enabling grace as I was encouraged by my reading of such scriptures as 2 Corinthians 5:17: “If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come”. With verses like this and the assurance and promise that the Holy Spirit would empower and equip me to follow the Lord as He directed, I have proved that we need have no fear of new beginnings when we allow the Lord to have control of our lives.

Job went from having everything he could want in life to being stripped of everything except life, yet in the purposes of God, he was still able to utter one of the greatest expressions of faith found in scripture! It is one which I claim for myself whatever new beginnings or challenges I may have to face — Job 19: 26 - 27: “In my flesh I will see God. I myself will see Him with my own eyes,. How my heart yearns within me”. 3


Getting back up again!


by John Watkins, CLC Stockport Manager

On May 28th 2012, the fire in the half-built

block of flats adjacent to our building destroyed a portion of our roof. The water used to put out the fire wrecked our shop and its stock. Five months later, on October 29th, we officially opened the doors of our new shop just down the road from the old one. From the day of the fire we were feeling that God wanted us in the shop we now occupy, but the five months of waiting tested both our patience and trust. The negotiations for a lease seemed to drag on forever, with a number of setbacks along the way. Even the process of fitting out the new premises had its difficulties, and the last minute problems with our computerised till and stock control system slowed things down further. So what kept us going during the five months and what was the staff team doing during that time? God provided for our needs in a variety of ways. God uses people. On the day of the fire, the Revd. Roger Scoones from St. Mary’s Church offered us help. St. Mary’s Church is up the hill in the Stockport market place, about a hundred yards from the CLC shop. It is a large building with two galleries which are seldom used. The congregation embraced us warmly and we were able to store equipment and salvaged stock in the church galleries. They also, with enthusiasm, allowed us to hold two fire salvage sales in the building. 4

We were also heartened and encouraged by

the many expressions of support from our customers. “When will you be back?”, “we miss you”, and “we are praying for you all” were frequently heard. Phone calls to my home and CLC Bolton, as well as emails, encouraged us to keep going. Having reopened, these same customers are back supporting us with their purchases and by telling others that we are open again. We have also been encouraged by expressions of support and some practical help from other local traders. Often this has given us opportunities to speak to them about the Lord Jesus. During the summer, we were selling Bible reading notes from St. Mary’s, plus sorting and selling salvage stock from the church. In addition, a team from the shop supplied and ran a big bookstall at the North Conference near Middlesbrough. It was a bit tricky without a shop base but, with a lot of help from our suppliers, we managed it. Preparation for reopening went ahead. At one point my dining room at home was full of Christmas cards and calendars as we checked off invoices and priced goods! Opening from scratch just before Christmas has proved hard work, but we and our customers are delighted with the brand new shop God has given us (all paid for by insurance!). We look forward to serving the people of Stockport and the wider area with Christian resources over the coming years.

The official opening of the resited and refitted Stockport shop took place at 11am on Saturday 1st December 2012. The Revd. Roger Scoones cut the tape, and with a crowd of 40 to 50 people inside the shop, he spoke of how Christian literature had meant so much to him as a young Christian. Before praying for the shop, he said what a blessing and resource it was to have a flourishing local Christian bookshop, and how glad he was that CLC Stockport had come back from the fire and was now reopen for business. Jeannie Birtwistle, a former manager of the shop, gave a brief potted history of the shop and Lloyd Hodgkinson from the CLC International Office also spoke of the ‘Shop-In-A-Box’ project. Photo of Lloyd below (right), with Geoff Fanning, our CLC UK Retail Director (left).

New Shop

Now Open! CLC Stockport!

Throughout the day, mince pies and chocolates were available as well as a free children’s book and sampler CDs. In addition to the crowd that came for the opening, there was a steady stream of people visiting the shop all day. Our thanks to all who took part and who came along and made it a good start to our revived ministry.


Living Faithfully

by John Pritchard Sunday faith is too often divorced from Monday’s down-to-earth issues. We need to ‘mend the gap’ and that’s what this book aims to help us do. ISBN: 9780281067626

Christian Belief for Everyone:

Faith and the Creeds

by Alister McGrath This first volume in the Christian Belief for Everyone series concentrates on the nature of faith and the history and relevance of the Creeds in a thrilling reflection on what we really mean when we say ‘I believe’. ISBN: 9780281068333

God of Intimacy and Action

by Campolo and Darling Reveals how contemplative spiritual practices can lead to greater intimacy with God and fuel passion for reaching out to others through spreading the Good News and fostering justice for the poor and oppressed. ISBN: 9780281069330

Faith Confirmed

by Jackson and Wright A completely updated edition of SPCK’s bestselling confirmation preparation guide, Faith Confirmed covers all the essentials of the Christian faith and is ideal for use with individuals or groups. ISBN: 9780281064236

New Kind of Christian

by Brian McLaren The first in Brian McLaren’s acclaimed ‘creative non-fiction’ trilogy offers a tale of hope and spiritual renewal for those who thought they had to give up on faith, God and church. ISBN: 9780281069903

New Testament Wisdom For Everyone by Tom Wright A distillation of Tom Wright’s meditations on the wisdom of Jesus and the apostles, drawn from his popular New Testament for Everyone series. ISBN: 9780281069378

SPCK Bible Atlas

SPCK Bible Guide

The SPCK Bible Atlas includes accurate and accessible retellings of the key events of the Bible, illustrated with more than 100 full-colour, digitally rendered maps.

The SPCK Bible Guide is designed as a navigational tool for readers who want to gain a broad overview of the Bible, grasp its major themes and understand its key teachings.

ISBN: 9780281068517

ISBN: 9780281069453

Essential new releases coming this spring from 6


Shop: Before Renovations

rra Leone CLC USA & CLC Sie well done! job a te ra teams celeb

t For A Hear Check out Sierra Leone’s Transformation!


Ever since I was 10 years old, growing up in a

Missionary Church, I have wanted to go to Africa to serve the Lord. Unfortunately, I’d never had the opportunity to do so, but as I am the maintenance man here at the CLC USA Headquarters where I spend much of my time renovating flats and offices, this shop renovation project seemed custom-made for me! The trip began with four of us from the USA team, Mark and Linda Ridenour, Davy Montgomery, and myself, travelling to London (UK), where we met up with Noel and Lou Hurst (both in their eighties and longtime friends of CLC), who had travelled to England earlier to do some work in the Birmingham shop. From there the six of us flew to Freetown, Sierra Leone, on October 12, 2012 and we quickly got to work! We had less than two weeks to refurbish the existing bookshop and extend it to the rest of that floor level that had previously been rented out. In order to do this, we shipped over a container filled with supplies, shop fixtures (we down-sized one of the Philadelphia shops), and computer equipment. As only He can do, the Lord saw that it was all released from customs just in time for our arrival! (Even though it took twice as long to arrive and get through customs.) Those items, as well as what we could bring in our suitcases, plus the shop fixtures and materials (previously used in the London

Holborn shop), all came together perfectly. I was very aware of the Lord’s hand of blessing on this project as it seemed that we always had just the right amount of materials — never too much or too little of anything! In the end, our team painted the shop, built a 10-foot checkout counter, and finally installed slatwall on it and on the wall behind it. The shop grew to twice the size in a very short

time, with much more space to display products due to the use of the slatwall display units. Besides the construction work, the other major purpose of the trip was to install a stock management system in the two shops in Freetown and set up 800 titles on the computer with bibliographic information and current on hand counts. This powerful software package was designed specifically for the unique needs of bookshops and includes the advanced features in commercial applications costing £13K per shop. It was installed on four computers and though still learning how to use the software, Jusu, the National Director, has said that he “couldn’t be happier” with it. We really enjoyed spending time with the CLC Sierra Leone (SL) team, working and sharing life. Life in this country was quite different than I expected. There were interesting new foods to try, amazing church experiences, shopping in the middle of the streets, and downright crazy road and traffic conditions. One day the CLC SL team took us to a Chimp Preserve and we saw the countryside. I was particularly struck by the poor infrastructure. As I do a lot of plumbing repairs at home, when we passed a major pipeline that was exposed in the road, leaking profusely, I wanted to stop and fix it! I discovered that the fellows we worked with had little experience with basic repairs, painting, etc. I would love to go back on another occasion and teach maintenance skills and disciple young believers. God gave me a heart for Africa a long time ago…so maybe He has that in my future. We pray that God’s will be done and many people are blessed by the CLC shops in this country.

- David Desch, CLC USA Maintence


What an amazing


I really enjoyed the devotional times we had each morning before the work began. The staff joyfully sang praises to God, and prayed fervently for each other’s needs and those of other CLC fields. Each morning, one from our group shared an insight from scripture as well as a word of personal testimony. It deeply impressed me that one or more of the staff members would always ask a question about how they could more effectively live out the scriptural principle that was being discussed. They had a thirst for righteous living, and their prayer requests were almost always for the needs of others. What a privilege it was to be a part of the Sierra Leone team! I would love to do something like this again in another country, sharing what we know and can do with our brothers and sisters in Christ, and allowing them to minister to us as well. - Linda Ridenour

CLC USA Team Davy, Linda, Mark, Lou, David, Noel

Grand Re-Opening: CLC SL Team with Liz Patten (CLC Africa Regional Director)


Although the team paid their own way (whether through personal savings or fundraising), funding for the other project expenses were provided by the Lord in a miraculous way! Enough money to allow the project to get the green light came in at a critical time, without having been requested! The balance needed was pledged by CLC teams in Ecuador and Venezuela just in time for the preparatory construction work to be done before the team arrived. - Mark Ridenour

Excerpt from Grace Notes Journal by Philip Yancey ISBN: 9781609361280 Price: £10

One of the many encouraging promise journals from Ellie Claire

Pain’s Alchemy He fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.” Matthew 26:39

Christianity contains within it paradoxes that would make little sense apart from Jesus’ life and death. Consider one paradox: although poverty and suffering are “bad things,” yet at the same time they can be called “blessed.” This pattern of bad transmuted into good finds its fullest expression in Jesus. By taking it on Himself, Jesus dignified pain, showing us how it can be transformed. We feel pain as an outrage; Jesus did too, which is why he performed miracles of healing. In Gethsemane he did not pray, “Thank you for this opportunity to suffer,” but rather pled desperately for an escape. And yet he was willing to undergo suffering in service of a higher goal. In the ultimate alchemy of all history, God took the worst thing that could possibly happen—the appalling execution to the innocent Son—and turned it into the final victory over evil and death. It was an act of unprecedented cunning, turning the design of evil into the service of good, an act that holds within it a promise for all of us. The unimaginable suffering of the cross was fully redeemed: it is by his wounds that we are healed (Isaiah 53:5), by his weakness that we are made strong. (Where Is God When It Hurts?, 230 - 31) (Excerpt from Grace Notes Journal by Philip Yancey, 2011 Ellie Claire)






Available at our CLC Bookshops, other participating bookshops and online at:


Global Updates & News: Testimony from Zsolt Karpati, CLC Hungary

Available at:

I’m writing because I can’t keep it for myself... A curious thing is happening in Hungary. Róbert Molnár, a former MP politican, became a Christian a few years ago. He wrote a book called ‘A Politician Touched by God’ in which he tells how as a young man, he was member of a political party, very involved in high politics; then his life crumbled when his party didn’t make it to Parliament and his girlfriend left him. One night, he went to an evangelistic meeting where he accepted Christ and he felt led to go back to his native village and take up the lowly post of the local mayor. God turned his village around! Now his second book has come out ‘Awake, Hungary’, in which he boldly addresses mostly nominal Christians or unbelievers. Both of his books sell extremely well and are reaching wider and wider audiences.

I’ve just talked to a customer on the phone and she shared the following story concerning these books. Her husband, a Methodist pastor, and their church had a special meeting a few weeks ago in a small town. The mayor of the town, a nominal Christian lady, was very favourable towards them, so they decided to give her the two books as a present. The mayor later phoned our customer’s husband, saying she had read them and was moved to tears. A few days later...He led her to Christ!

CLC in Kenya is regularly approached to see if we can help churches and charities in the UK

supply books and Bibles to individuals, churches or organisations in Kenya, with payment being made in the UK. This has the benefit of getting good prices in Kenya and easing the transference of money or product. Earlier this year we were approached by a group in the UK known as “Jael Christian Women International” who asked us to arrange the delivery of a number of local language Bibles and English Bibles, to a church in Kisii, Kenya.

The pictures above are of those Bibles being distributed to the excited recipients. If you would like our help in distributing Bibles and books in Kenya, please contact our Sales Manager, Patrick, in Kenya in the first instance. Patrick will make all the necessary arrangements. 10


BIG thank you To Brian!

Quite simply, Brian Stevens has been a Godsend. He is in no doubt that the Lord directed him to CLC and neither is anyone who has spent a bit of time with him. Brian was always at pains to uphold the honour of the Lord’s name in his work and to balance the cold conclusions given by figures against the gentler promptings of God. Thanks to his knowledge and experience, he has revolutionised the Finance Office, enabling the mission to gain efficiencies and effectiveness. The Leadership Team and Trustees have likewise benefited from Brian’s clarity and precision. If only he could be with us for many more years before retiring! Brian and Barbara will certainly be a great blessing to the retiree community where they will be living, just as they have been to us in CLC. We all wish them the Lord’s best as they begin this new chapter in their lives. Phil Burnham, CLC (UK) Director

I have only worked with Brian for a few months, but what a great few months they have been as he is without doubt the best boss I have ever had. Although he works longer and harder than anyone I know, he is forever telling jokes that make you groan. Whoever said accountants are boring forgot to tell Brian! Honestly, there has never been a day when I felt I didn’t want to go to work. I have learned so much and had a lot of fun in the process. When Brian told me he was retiring, I cried, then told him I was very happy for him and Barbara and very miserable for me. I will miss Brian and Barbara, but I wish them both every happiness in their retirement. I just hope Barbara can cope with his daily jokes! Jane Morin, CLC Finance Dept.

November 2012 1 Thu. Liberia – Back in Monrovia Praise the Lord for the re-launch of the CLC ministry in Monrovia following two years of much hard work by all members of this project – including CLC Sierra Leone and USA. The new bookshop opened on September 3rd and an official celebration opening day will be held soon. The shop manager, James Cooper, requests prayer for God’s wisdom to manage the shop in an effective and efficient way. He is assisted by Isaac Dweh, who has been involved with CLC Liberia in the past and has been waiting for the re-opening for many years! (Photo below)

with his son Peter, to New Zealand shortly. Please pray for Jill Fanning who has taken up this role. Pray that she will quickly learn what is involved and settle into the job. Also pray for those who will be taking over the website work previously done by Jill.

(Changing of the guard: photo of Tim B. & Jill F.)

5 Mon. Mozambique – Beira Please pray for missionary Claudia Middendorf as she returns to Mozambique in two weeks time following several months of home assignment in Germany. Claudia oversees the work of our bookshop in Beira as well as being the leader of another missionary organisation in Mozambique. Please pray that together with national worker Jose Sacramento, she will be able to develop the ministry of the bookshop which, like our bookshop in the capital, Maputo, is located within a Bible college.

CLC Prayer Focus:

Our electronic bi-monthly resource will give you daily up-to-date prayer & praise points from any one of our 56 CLC countries. 2 Fri. Bangladesh – Booktables Over the next two months shop manager Dominic Cadet hopes to have CLC booktables in various areas in and around the large and densely populated city of Dhaka. This will mean that extra resources and help will be required. Please pray that God will supply what is needed, and guide the team to the right venues for the booktables. Pray too for the safety of the shop and staff. 3-4 Sat/Sun UK - Administration Give thanks for the work of Tim Bloomfield, the UK Administrator who will be emigrating,

6 Tue. Mozambique – Maputo Please pray that a quantity of Bibles and books being shipped from Editora Vida in Brazil will make it to the bookshop in time for Christmas. The ministry particularly needs good Christmas sales in order to be able to order more Bibles and books, and to help with the repayment of a loan that was taken out last year for a much larger quantity of stock.

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Happy 50th Anniversary CLC Netherlands!

CLC in the Netherlands celebrated their 50th

anniversary with a special thanksgiving service on Saturday October 6th, 2012. Past and present CLC staff and volunteers, members of the Board and CLC prayer partners attended the event. Neil and Sheena Wardrope were invited guests from the CLC International Office. Neil shared some CLC news, mentioning certain countries that are of particular interest to CLC Netherlands because they have specifically supported and helped them in different ways over the years. One special guest, Ineke Stuiver Jaarsveld, shared news of her time serving with CLC 50 years ago. Ineke was instrumental in starting the ministry in the Netherlands from very humble beginnings and limited resources. It was a joy to hear stories and sing hymns together that testify to the faithfulness of God to CLC Netherlands. During the month of October, the three CLC bookshops in the Netherlands — Amsterdam, Apeldoorn and Arnhem — held their own special anniversary events and book sales. Here are some examples of the extra activities arranged by CLC Apeldoorn: - One Friday evening Otto de Gruijne, a painter, writer and speaker came along to talk about a project he has developed called the ‘Canvas Chapel’. It’s a modern chapel-like space filled with paintings. The idea is that people who enter

this space can find rest, inspiration and meditate on aspects of God’s story, such as creation and salvation. Otto also spoke about his new publication – a book of the Canvas Chapel paintings and meditations. - On another Friday evening, author Marianne Grandia came to the shop to share something of her ministry. She had recently published her second novel. Both novels have the theme of ‘forgiveness’ and ‘identity’. Marianne wants to encourage people, especially women, to look to God and find their identity in Him. - Marianne then shared something about her interest in the Amish people in the USA. Novels about the Amish are very popular in the Netherlands, and one of the major publishers (Kok) organised a trip to the States to visit Amish communities. Marianne was one of the tour guides on this trip and she recounted stories of their experiences and spoke about the life and faith of these people. These events are important, partly because so many of our shops need to build up their customer base and, of course, to thank them for their custom in these days when books can be obtained so easily elsewhere. However, it is a privilege to be able to use our shop premises to inform, inspire and encourage one another at the same time.


From Italy With Love Interview with CLC Summer Intern, Giorgia Donia

Hi Giorgia; will you tell us a little about yourself? My name is Giorgia Donia, I’m 22 and I graduated from university in July 2012. My degree is in High Fashion, so I’m a fashion designer. I live near Rome, and I was born in Milan, but my family comes from Sicily, so I like to say that I symbolize all my country, from the north to the south!

How did you hear/learn about CLC and its short term mission opportunities? My sister, Roberta, works in the CLC Rome shop. I help her in the shop when I can, especially during the Christmas period. I love CLC’s ministry and really desired to help them in another country. I thought that working for CLC UK was the best option so I could take the opportunity to also improve my English. When I told this to my sister, she put me in contact with the necessary people, which led to me joining the CLC UK Wholesale team for a short-term mission trip.


Considering that what you’ve studied (High Fashion) is so very different from the ministry of CLC, why did you choose to work with CLC? I love what I studied and I do love my job, but after getting my degree and especially my last fashion show, I wanted to spend time serving others. In fact, because my job seems to take up all my time and every aspect of my life, I really have to keep focussed on spending time with/for God. I want to live for Him and nothing else. With this in mind, I needed to spend time in a Christian context 24/7. Working with CLC was the answer to my need: I could work for God, serving others and also finding spiritual refreshment through the blessed people around me. I know that fashion is very different from CLC’s ministry, and sometimes people think that the fashion world is irreconcilable with God, but I think that God uses different people for different works to bring about His kingdom. I feel the creative spirit of God in me, and I want to use this talent for Him and for His glory. During my experience in the Warehouse, I felt that God wanted to teach me many things! I found through

my different duties, especially picking and packing (perhaps not the most exciting of jobs), the Lord spoke to me, especially about aspects that deal with my fashion world! God has reconciled the irreconcilable in my mind!

Did you find it a valuable experience? What things will you take away from it? An amazing experience! And when I say ‘amazing’, it doesn’t mean ‘without problems’. However, through all the challenges I faced, I was surrounded by the love of my CLC ‘family’ and they took care of me, each in different but wonderful ways. God has taught me so many things through my time with CLC UK! The most important is to ‘serve others’; it doesn’t matter if I don’t see the results; it doesn’t matter if something seems to be so different from what I normally do: just serve God by serving others! Just love God by loving others. Jesus was the first to truly exemplify this, serving the disciples and those deemed ‘unloveable’ and loving them even after their betrayals and mistakes. His holy life challenges me daily to ask Him to change my mind, my soul, my life, my heart. What have you enjoyed the most during your time in England? The laughs in the Warehouse! I had a lot of

Giorgia’s Designs!

fun with everyone! Chris W., Brian, Miriam, Chris M., Paul C., and Daniela were some of the people I loved to spend my time with! And you know what? After this experience, I even have English/Canadian parents (William and Jane)! I established a strong relationship with them and they gave me so much love. I thank God for them! I am their Italian daughter! I loved the hospitality of these people and the way they got involved and helped me to do new things.

Is there a funny story you’d like to share about your time here? There are a lot of funny stories (!), but the one that I will always remember is the one about the ‘sign in’ magnetic board: the first time I saw the in/out indicator with my name, I started laughing, because it had a ‘special’ size! It was about three times the size of everyone else’s! Everyone saw it and laughed as there was no way not to notice it! It was made just for me, and I think that it represents how big the love is that the people of the Warehouse felt for me! Now I keep the magnetic ‘badge’ in my house on the oven, so every day I can see it and remember my English friends and pray for them. Would you recommend this experience to others? I would! The Warehouse is a place in which people work hard for the glory of God, and the love that they have for others is huge! God truly uses them to bless others! Is there a Bible scripture that you found really spoke to you during your time here? The multiplication of the loaves and the fishes in Mark 6:30-44. It reminded me that God knows exactly what I need, and He is able to provide it. But the most wonderful thing is that He gave me more than I needed! “42 They all ate and were satisfied, 43 and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish”. This is our God: if we have a need, just ask Him to provide because He’s able to do it! And the amazing thing is that He will give us more, much more than we deserve! Just believe!

BOOKS Three years at war JOSH FORTUNE

The diary of a cameraman in Afghanistan How God used a literal desert experience. A gripping tale. Paperback £8 ISBN 978-1-84625-372-0

Riches in Romania REBECCA PARKINSON (Age guidance 8-12)

Everything seems to go wrong for Jenny in her new life in Romania – until she is taught the secret of forgiveness… Paperback £6 ISBN 978-1-84625-360-7

Old, but not out!


A delightful book on living a God-centred and meaningful life in old age Paperback £6 ISBN 978-1-84625-306-5

52 Gap Fillers TIRZAH L JONES

A brilliant resource for filling in those five spare minutes with energetic young people Paperback £4.50 ISBN 978-1-84625-359-1

Day One Publications UK Ryelands Road Leominster HR6 8NZ Tel 01568 613740 15

Open Again! On

“From this day on, I will bless you….”

Providence Baptist Church & CLC Bookshop

Saturday 1st December 2012, we were privileged to witness a wonderful occasion and to rejoice in the LORD’s help and provision for a brand new re-launch of CLC’s ministry in Monrovia, Liberia. Although the new bookstore had actually opened to the public on 2nd September, this was the Official Opening & Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. At 11.00h, invited guests and members of the press and public gathered under a canopy in front of the Providence Baptist Church, Ashmun Street, Monrovia. Manager James Cooper, giving a brief history of CLC Liberia, said: “CLC Liberia operated a Christian bookstore in Liberia in 1948 until 1996 when the store became a target for the violence that engulfed Monrovia during the country’s lengthy civil war. Twice that store was looted and destroyed and after the second time, the CLC workers were forced to flee for their lives and became refugees in other countries. As a result, the CLC ministry in Liberia was ‘temporarily suspended’ and it was not clear when it would ever be able to open again”. During the years that ensued, two men held on in faith and hope that one day, CLC would return. Those men were Isaac Dweh and Isaac George. Isaac Dweh worked with CLC until it closed and today he is once again part of the CLC Liberia team. He was there to help when, two years after the 2006 elections and the ceasing of hostilities, CLC sent a research team in 2008 to explore the possibility of re-opening. However, it was felt the time was not yet right and it was only after a further four years that another visit was made in February 2012. This time, conditions were deemed to be sufficiently improved and thanks to a generous gift from the Tyndale Foundation, the Liberia project team began to work with intensity towards the realization of their goal. CLC in the USA gave much time and energy to providing the logistical support, including arranging the shipment of a 20 foot container filled with initial inventory. The project has been coordinated by CLC’s International Office and by Jusu Wai Sawi, National Director of CLC’s ministry in neighbouring Sierra Leone. Neil Wardrope (International Director) 16

Mrs. Juanita Neal (above), exMinister for Internal Revenue, who expressed her gladness to see CLC back in her country, duly cut the ribbons and we were all invited into the bookstore and given a tour by Mr. James Cooper.

Monrovia, Liberia’s Dedication Launch! By Liz Patten, CLC Africa Reginal Director

was present at the Opening and shared an encouraging word from the book of Haggai chapter 2:9 “The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house”, says the LORD Almighty; and 2:19 “From this day on will I bless you”. After a brief word from Mrs. Juanita Neal, exMinister for Internal Revenue, who expressed her gladness to see CLC back in her country, she duly cut the ribbons and we were all invited into the bookstore, where we were welcomed by Mr Cooper and given a tour around. It was wonderful to see the various categories of good books and CDs available at low prices and particularly the second hand section which is already proving popular with customers, with books as low as 1 US dollar. After the tour, in which Mr Cooper encouraged all those present to find their quality resources at CLC, closing remarks were offered by Rev. Dr. Samuel Reeves (Jr), Pastor of the Providence Baptist Church. While Dr Reeves said it was a privilege for the Church to be hosting the bookshop, CLC is also honoured to be there. The church is of historic significance, being the site of the founding of the country by returning American slaves in 1847 and in fact, the founding documents still reside within the church. So what will be the significance of the new CLC bookstore for the people of Liberia, and how does the CLC team plan to serve them?

James Cooper, Neil Wardrope and Isaac Dweh (L to R)

“What a great selection of Bibles!”

Prophet Bekono Gervais was our very first customer! He was a customer of our old shop (1980s) and is very happy that we have reopened. The books he purchased that day were given as gifts to members of his congregation.

In James’ words: “For the first time since CLC closed in 1996, a wide variety of books, Bibles and other Christian resources are now available at reasonable prices to the citizens of this majority Christian nation. CLC will continue to work closely with the local Liberian church community to make these life-transforming resources available all over the country in the years to come”. To this, we say “Amen.”

CLC Liberia, you will be in our prayers as we look for the blessing of the LORD Who promises:

“From this day on, I will bless you”.

Already making an impact! The team found some loose Gideon Bibles in the boxes of used books that came from America, which they were thrilled to give to their Security Guards.


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“Thank God for Second Chances!” “Here’s an excerpt about second chances from our newest CLC Publication, Still, I Will Praise. I hope you find it as encouraging as I have.” Amanda Lutes, Editor Still, I Will Praise by R. Bondi & N. Curtis, CLC Publications USA, 2012, Pages 40 - 45 See back inside cover for more details...


and Naomi and their two sons Mahlon and Kilion lived in Bethlehem, in Judah, in the Promised Land. But there was a famine in the land, so Elimelech moved his family to the country of Moab. Now understand that when God gave the Israelites the Promised Land, He told them, “Be careful to obey so that it may go well with you in the land and that you may increase greatly in the land flowing with milk and honey” (Deut. 6:3). In the land! He didn’t say, “Dwell here unless there’s a famine,” or “If things get tough, run to Egypt or Damascus or Moab.” No, God gave them the land and expected them to live there, close to Him and under His protection. Moab was not a good country. The Moabites worshipped the god Chemosh (Num. 21:29; 1 Kings 11:7, 33) who accepted human sacrifices (2 Kings 3:26–27) and encouraged immorality (Num. 25). Jews were not to mix with the Moabites (Deut. 23:3). So why would a God-fearing Jew not only leave the place of God’s protection but—even worse—move to a pagan country of idol-worshippers? Elimelech’s flight was an indication of his lack of faith; it was a sign that he didn’t believe God could take care of them in Bethlehem (which, ironically, means “House of Bread”). He took matters into his own hands and fled. Elimelech only planned to stay in Moab “for a while” but became comfortable in the land and remained there. Unfortunately, his two sons grew up in Moab and, quite naturally, were influenced by its pagan culture. Had they grown up in Judah, they would have been influenced by the stories of the one true God’s faithfulness to His people—how God had given

them the land, how He brought His people out of Egypt, how the Red Sea and the Jordan River had parted for them, how God had given the Israelites Jericho, how God had blessed their forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But Mahlon and Kilion didn’t have access to these stories of God because their parents traded their faith for perceived prosperity. So what happened to their great plan? First, Elimelech died. If Naomi had been concerned about who her sons would take as wives, she would have taken them back to Bethlehem right then, before they married. But she stayed, and Mahlon and Kilion married Moabite women. Naomi evidently approved— or at least she looked the other way or rationalized that it was probably not that big a deal. The next tragedy was that Mahlon and Kilion both died. Naomi was then alone in Moab with two Moabite daughters-in-law, so she finally decided to return home. I wish I could report that in deciding to return to Bethlehem she was returning to her God, but the truth is that repentance wasn’t her motive. She decided to return to Bethlehem because she heard that things were better there now. Naomi’s decision was right, but her motive was wrong. She was still interested primarily in getting food, not in fellowship with God. You don’t hear her confessing her sins to God and asking Him to forgive her. She was returning to her land but not necessarily to her Lord. And wouldn’t it be a natural, loving gesture to encourage her daughters-in-law to go back to Judah with her and come to know the one, 19

true, living God? Wouldn’t she want to take those two young women out of that pagan country, away from idol worship? But no, she urged them to return to their families! Perhaps she assumed her daughters-inlaw had the same priority she had to marry and live comfortably financially, or perhaps she was embarrassed to take her Moabite daughters-in-law with her because they would be a symbol to her people that she had allowed her sons to marry outside the faith. We don’t know what her motives were, but it is obvious that she wasn’t thinking spiritually. Now to be fair to Naomi, she evidently had some testimony about the God of the Israelites because Ruth, one of her daughters-in-law, insisted on going with her. Ruth flatly refused to turn back, proclaiming that she wanted to be a part of Naomi’s culture and to accept her God. “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God” (Ruth 1:16). Naomi had been away from home for ten years, and the women of the town were shocked when they saw her. Can this be Naomi? Naomi was not the woman they had known a decade before; her sorrowful years in Moab had taken their toll on her appearance and personality. Naomi replied, “Don’t call me Naomi [meaning “pleasant”] . . . Call me Mara [meaning “bitter”], for I went away full, but the Lord has brought me back empty” (1:20). Instead of making her better, life’s trials had made her bitter. She accused God of dealing very harshly with her. She had left Bethlehem with a husband and two sons and had come home without them. She had gone to Moab with possessions and had returned home with nothing. She was a woman with empty hands, an empty home and an empty heart. Because she didn’t surrender to the Lord and accept His loving chastening, she did not experience His presence and peace. Sometimes we, like Naomi, bring calamity on ourselves, and sometimes life just deals us a wallop, but either way we can control how we respond to unpleasant situations. “In everything give thanks” (1 Thess. 5:18) isn’t always easy to obey, but it’s the best antidote for a bitter and critical spirit. 20

So Naomi returned to Bethlehem a broken and bitter woman. She needed a second chance, but it appears that she was so defeated and discouraged that she didn’t think a renewal or happy future was possible. She thought her life was over. As it turned out, her trials were not the end but a new beginning for her! Even though Naomi had made a mess of things, God had never forgotten or stopped loving her. Quite the contrary, He had plans for her! Naomi was about to make a new beginning. With God, it’s never too late to start over again. God is a God of second chances. Isn’t that encouraging—that when we fail, God doesn’t forget us and still has plans for us? Naomi was bitter, but Ruth trusted God and was as committed to Him as she was to her mother-in-law. God began His gracious work with Ruth. Naomi soon learned that God’s hand of blessing was on this young woman and that He would accomplish great things through her obedience. Ruth influenced Naomi, and then God brought blessings unimaginable. I wish I had time and space to tell you all the details, but you can (and I hope you will!) read it for yourself in the short, four-chapter book of Ruth. At the end of the story, Ruth marries Boaz, a godly, generous and gentle landowner. Ruth was no longer a Moabitess but was now the wife of Boaz, a name she could be proud to bear. The old was gone; she had a new beginning. She gave birth to a son and called him Obed. Aged Naomi now had an heir. Obed was a special child, giving new life to the family. You can imagine Naomi’s joy in holding this new baby boy on her lap. When he grew up, he had a son named Jesse, and Jesse had a son named David—King David. And from the line of King David came our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! When Naomi returned to Bethlehem bitter and broken, she could not have imagined such a happy ending! The book of Ruth starts in Moab and ends in Bethlehem. It begins with three funerals and ends with a wedding and a birth. Naomi was hopeless, but by the end she’s filled with joy. She was downhearted, but God restored her hope. Naomi’s mistakes weren’t fatal, and her failure wasn’t final.

With God, they never are.

Book Reviews

Are you determined to grow this year? Change Your Words Change Your Life by Joyce Meyer ISBN: 9781444745207


Review by Jean Mintoft

Joyce Meyer is known for her straightforward Bible teaching, and this book is no exception. The teaching is based on the many passages in the Bible which teach that the words we speak can have an impact far beyond what we imagine. They can cause defeat and havoc, or build up, encourage and inspire faith both in the speaker and the hearer. She shows how many of us, Christians included, are unaware that we speak complaining, defeatist, critical words every day, and how these have a negative effect on us and our hearers. Words come from within us, and she shows how vital it is to renew our minds with God’s truth, so that what comes out of our mouth is in accordance with His truths. This is an easy to read book, but contains life-transforming guidelines if put into action - recommended for any Christian who wants to live wholeheartedly for God.

Undaunted by Christine Caine Review by Esther Dowey, CLC Inverness



Please note that Son of the Underground (last issue) is a Monarch (L.H.) title. Our apologies.

Publisher: Hodder 320pp

ISBN: 9780310333876 Publisher: Zondervan, 208pp

Christine along with her husband Nick are the founders of the A21 Campaign, where they prove that some projects are: Difficult, Yes... Impossible, No. This sentiment really struck a chord in my heart! Christine’s compassion for the girls caught up in Human Trafficking has gripped her heart and she won’t be silenced. Christine’s story demonstrates how God uses a life totally dedicated to him. All the way through this book ‘Undaunted-ness’ stares you in the face. She shares the reality of God’s healing and forgiveness through her personal experiences. At every turn in her life, when some would have run in fear and rejection, Christine presses right into God’s unsearchable riches in Christ Jesus.

Nowhere but Up by Pattie Mallette ISBN: 9780800722128 Review by Kay Chandler, CLC Canterbury Publisher: Revell, 220pp This is painful to read, but is a heart and soul-sharing book, written to help those carrying ‘life hurts’ and to inspire hope in them. Here, Pattie Mallette (Justin Bieber’s Mother) tells her side of the story of her past sexual abuse, rejection and abandonment. She acknowledges she made mistakes, but has come to ultimate healing and freedom from the abuse and her own bad choices. Her final words in the book are, “It doesn’t matter where you are today, broken, hurting or ashamed, God can help you”. There is another quote in the book that I would like to finish with: “There is a life worth living beyond the pains of the past”.


Hazardous by Ed Cyzewski and Derek Cooper Review by Jackie Gibbons

ISBN: 9781619580114 Publisher: CLC, 201pp

This book starts by reminding us that living the Christian life is a ‘messy and risky business’, but then goes on to show how the mess and difficulties can lead us to trust in what God can do through such difficult circumstances. The authors use the lives of Old Testament characters, such as Jacob, Judah and Ruth, to demonstrate this, as well as linking their stories with Jesus’ mandate for discipleship in the New Testament. Although easy to read, the book is challenging, and there are chapters on holiness, listening and obedience, as requirements for Biblical discipleship. There is also a very good chapter on discipleship within the family. Each chapter ends with a series of questions which could be used privately to provoke prayer or in a homegroup situation to provoke discussion.


I Am Loved by Claudette Schlitter £8.99

Review by Bonnie Brooks

ISBN: 9781860248603 Publisher: Authentic, 301pp

Claudette Schlitter’s autobiography opens our eyes to the damage caused to a young girl carrying a hidden burden of abuse, bullying and rejection. The author explains how these early experiences led to a breakdown of trust, and also resulted in her suffering long term from bulimia. Unable to believe that she could be loved, Claudette struggled as a Christian for many years before finding full restoration. She now ministers as a Gospel singer-songwriter, and has included some of her song lyrics and poems at relevant points in her story. There is a strong message of God’s faithfulness in all circumstances running through this book, and by sharing her experiences, Claudette provides the reader with insight, understanding and hope.

The Lion’s World: a journey into the heart of Narnia by Rowan Williams ISBN: 9780281068951 Review by Rev. Brian Butler Publisher: SPCK, 152pp C S Lewis was one of the greatest Christian apologists of the 20th century (but not an Evangelical). Though a professor of immense learning, he wrote some of the best children’s books ever—the Narnia series, not to mention some terrific sci-fi fiction. Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, is one of the most learned theologians in the world (but not an Evangelical), but here he has given his attention to unpacking the many underlying Christian themes in Lewis’ Narnia stories. I have to say that this is not really a book for someone looking for a simple explanation of the world of Narnia. But for those who persevere, there are many great insights into the magical world that Lewis created, peopled by English children, dragons, unicorns, elves, and all the usual characters of fairy stories and above all by Aslan, the lion. I think it achieved its main objective—it made me determined to read Narnia again.



Seriously Funny 2 by Adrian Plass & Jeff Lucas ISBN: 9781850789673 Review by Wilma Brock Publisher: Authentic, 177pp


As with the first book, Seriously Funny 2 brings more musings between two good friends who write, in their unique style, on a range of topics with their customary wit and humanity. Plass and Lucas want the truth to shine – however uncomfortable that may be and however daft they may look in the process. I found myself laughing outright as they mulled over topics such as Christian ‘sound bites’, the horrors of speakers’ accommodation, and memories of schooldays. But the book also challenges, and calls on the reader to reflect on topics such as - the need for authenticity in worship, death, doubt, the question of guidance, and the inevitability of change and aging. This is a book to enjoy and treasure.

Challenge yourself to

praise God


this year!

Praise Still I Will Na ncy Curtis

Renee Bondi with ISBN: 9781619580138 Publisher: CLC Publications Price: ÂŁ12.99 erpt on pages 20 & 21 exc Read an BOOKS





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