CLC World 2013 Issue 3

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2013 - Issue 3

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Are YOU IN ‘TUNE’ with The Fruit of The



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HIS LOVE For only £5 (€6.00) we can put a Portuguese Bible into the hands of an African in need!

Portuguese Bibles For Africa CLC Portugal’s Project of Love

We know that the Bible is like food for the soul and the message contained continues to bring hope and change lives! The CLC Portugal project, Bibles for Africa Campaign, is one of the best ways to get the Bible into they hands of the needy who are desperately searching. These individuals have limited funds and in areas of Africa, it is nearly impossible to access to a Bible. With your help we will regularly put the Word of God in the hands of individuals, families and communities in need in African countries such as Mozambique, Angola and Sao Tome and Principe. Our prayer is that these Portuguese Bibles will give them hope in the challenges that they face daily.

Since we started this project in 2007 we have had reports of pastors and theology students who had - for the first time ever - a Bible to read, study, and to meditate on daily. Normally, one Bible would be shared amongst a large group of people in these communities. New and old believers, children and grownups, even refugees are receiving Bibles, thereby providing them with the opportunity to strengthen their faith and their relationship with God! With just £5 you can make a difference in a person’s life, family and community. Join us in planting these seeds of hope and really enriching lives. Yes, we can actually do something very significant for relatively little. Why not partner with us and truly make a difference in someone’s life?

Here’s how you can support this campaign:

1) Prayer 2) By Cheque: Made payable to CLC International (UK) . Send here >> Ref: CLC Portugal: Bibles for Africa Campaign. 3) Wire Transfer: IBAN PT 0036 0033 99100642330 31 Bank: Montepio Geral Beneficiary: Centro de Literatura Cristã Address: Av. Emídio Navarro, n.º 89 3000 - 151 Coimbra, Portugal

Christian bookshops BOOKS BIBLES

In This Issue: 5 - 6 Kindness: Continuing to Care 7 CLC: Blackpool & Aberdeen 8 - 9 Joy: CLC Mozambique 10 Patience: Come back...


From the Editor:

This is generally a ‘refreshing’ time of the year when we are able to enjoy some sun, relaxation and family time with our loved ones. Hopefully, this also means a time of spiritual rejuvenation for you. To help and encourage you along the way, we’ve decide to make the focus of this issue the Fruit of the Spirit. Amanda Lutes, Editor

11 - 12 Goodness: Taylor’s Gift 15 - 16 Peace: PNG & Trinidad 17 The Necessity of Gentleness 18 - 19 Faithfulness: CLC Updates 20 Editor’s Choice for Adults 21 Self Control (Book Excerpt) 22 Suprised by Sausages! 23 Editor’s Choice for Children

CLC International (UK)

291 Abbeydale Rd, Sheffield, S7 1FJ

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Address for Magazine & Finance Dept: 51 The Dean, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 9BJ Registered as a charity in England & Wales (1015793) and in Scotland (SC037939) © Copyright CLC World, CLC International (UK)


At our CLC UK Annual Conference this year, we were privileged to have Patrick MacElligott and his wife, Sarah, share from the Word and about their experiences as CLC/WEC missionaries for 50 years both here in the UK and the many years, they spent in Japan. We truly found his devotional times to be ones of refreshment and revelation. As I was working on this issue of CLC World, I found what he said about ‘The Clusters’ to be exceptionally relevant and asked him to share. Here’s what he had to say: Often in the epistles, the work of The Holy Spirit within us is described in clusters of words. Examples include the Fruit of the Spirit in Gal 5:22 and the nature of the Kingdom of God within us in Romans 14:17. Our text (2 Tim.1:7) mentions three qualities of the Holy Spirit within us which deliver us from fearfulness in our Christian lives, power, love and self-discipline. The power of the Holy Spirit within us delivers us from the fear of failure. The fear of failure holds many people back from attempting something new and robs them of the adventure of the Christian faith.


Because God is infinitely wise and gracious, He can use our mistakes just as effectively as our “successes”. He delights to use the weak and the simple. The love of God within us through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit delivers us from the fear of man. If we love our neighbours and our enemies, we will not fear them. The spirit of self-discipline keeps us on the path of discipleship and, thus, delivers us from the fear of a wasted life. These words come in clusters because in isolation they change in character.


- power without love equals mere force, coercion, manipulation. - power without discipline results in destructive excess. - love without power descends into sentimentality. - love without discipline often results in moral laxity and loose living. - self-discipline without love becomes cold legality and a judgemental attitude. Only in Christ do these three qualities, power, love and self-discipline, meet in perfection, as supremely demonstrated in His life, crucifixion and resurrection. We should seek Him; all else follows.”


Some of the current CLC Philippines team

The early days of CLC Philippines

Continuing to Care

By Neil & Jean MacKinnon

Our CLC Bookshop in Valenzuela City

Jean’s story is different. She had heard a In the late 1950s, Neil was an apprentice young preacher speak on John 3 : 3: Jesus printer working at William Collins in Glasgow replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the and Jean a secretary at the Singer Sewing kingdom of God unless they are born again.” Machine factory in Clydebank. Neil had This led Jean to ask a friend at work (Singers) attended a WEC Conference held at The WEC what this meant, and her friend Isabel led her MTC at Prince Albert Rd, Glasgow, and was to the Lord in a ladies’ toilet! They both ended really challenged by the young students who up going regularly to the WEC Friday night were committing their lives to serving the ‘Prayer Battery’ as it was called where Neil Lord to “Go into the world and preach the and Jean were introduced to people in WEC Gospel to every creature”. Here were young and CLC who were on the front line spreading men and women motivated by a purpose and the Gospel all around the world. commitment that was fired by C. T. Studd’s passionate statement – If “If Jesus Christ be Prayer has always been a vital Jesus Christ be God and died for God and died for and essential part in the spread of me, no sacrifice can be too great me, no sacrifice the Gospel. At that time, CLC was for me to make for him. can be too great still a part of WEC; however, in the for me to make early 1960s, after much prayer, A message from Romans 12: for him” C.T. Studd WEC was happy to let CLC move 1 & 2 really clinched it for Neil: ahead as another younger sister Therefore, I urge you, brothers mission with its specific aim to ‘make Christian and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your Literature available to all nations, so that bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to people may come to faith and maturity in the God—this is your true and proper worship. Do Lord Jesus Christ.’ not conform to the pattern of this world, but be There was one couple in particular that transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then challenged Neil and Jean. Ray and Margaret you will be able to test and approve what God’s Oram had started the CLC work in Japan will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will. 5

and had moved to the Philippines to help start the CLC work there in the late 1950s. Margaret was from their home church in Clydebank. What really caught Neil’s attention (as a young printer) was the fact that they were starting a Christian Printshop because printing services at that time in the Philippines were virtually non-existent. To cut a long story short, Neil arrived in Manila in 1963, then Jean in 1964. On May 2nd 1964, they were married. Milan and Virginia Steffel, with their young son, Steve, had been there with CLC just six months previously – Milan was a skilled Master Printer and Virginia a School Teacher. Both were totally committed to the Lord and became like parents to them. In fact, Milan actually took Jean ‘down the aisle’ so to speak at their Filipino wedding.” The CLC work in the Philippines started out as a Christian printshop serving many missions and churches. However, as printshops developed, CLC launched into Bookselling and began opening Bookshops with a Warehouse at the HQ in Manila. Romualdo and Didah Macinas, who presently lead this growing ministry, were used by God in this amazing development. The latest news from the Philippines is that a

new Bookshop was opened in Davao City – the largest city in Mindanao the large southern Island of the Philippines – on December 10th, 2012. This is their sixth Bookshop. Only eternity will reveal how many thousands of people in the Philippines have been impacted by this ministry. So, the passion and care that motivated WEC’s founder, C.T. Studd, has been passed on to literally thousands of men and women who make up WEC and CLC today (and many other ministries that have sprung out of WEC). Neil states, that he and Jean are glad to have played their part in this great worldwide movement. C.T. Studd was simply following his Lord and Saviour and caught his passion when he said in Matthew 9: 37 & 38: Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.” Today, the Lord is still looking for caring men and women willing to …present their bodies as a living sacrifice… and willing to say, If Jesus Christ be God and died for me then no sacrifice is too great for me to make for Him. Ready to commit totally to seeing this needy, dying world reached for Him.

Need a change?Maybe a new perspective? Why not discover missions in a whole new way? CLC has Christian literature ministries in over 50 countries around the world that are daily making an impact into thousands of lives!

Bringing glory to God by making Christian literature available to all nations so that people may come to faith & maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Want to know more? Contact us!


International Opportunites: UK Opportunities:

Gospel Hall in Aberdeen is the place that all the local children head to after school on a Monday night! Wonderful singing, quizzes, stories and even some food help present the gospel to the children who live near the Gospel Hall. Nearly 100 kids are on the register, and you can tell by their enthusiasm and the smiles on their faces that they are having a wonderful time.


Fernilea run a primary school Monday Club and a Youth event on Thursday evenings. They also run a Sunday School on Sunday mornings and a mother and toddler group during the week. At the end of the session, all the kids from these groups will be given a book to reinforce the message that was taught during that time. We are delighted that Fernilea choose to support the local CLC shop in Aberdeen. They love the selection of books available and are very appreciative that they can come into the shop and select the perfect book for each child.

I was able to attend the prizegiving last Monday and the kids were delighted to receive their books. The great thing is that most of the kids who attend the Monday club do not attend church so they are taking the message home in the books they are presented with at the Prizegiving.

Please pray for the chiildren who have been given a book, that the gospel message they have heard and the books that they have to read will turn into a great harvest of young people who want to follow the Lord.



Praising God for 10 Years of Challenging Ministry in England’s ‘Party Central’.


Working Against The Odds...


CLC Mozambique - By Liz Patten

When Amanda (CLC World Editor) asked me to write something about “what has happened in Mozambique....” highlighting the ‘Fruit of the Spirit: Joy’, I knew instantly what she was referring to! Mozambique is one of those situations where we work against all the odds to bring life-giving resources to spiritually hungry souls. It’s been an uphill struggle for years because we never seem to have enough to meet the demand, especially Bibles, and what’s more, it is so very difficult to get anything at prices that most people can afford. Our work in Mozambique is not subsidised or funded from outside and by the time books have been ordered from Brazil and, freighted across (whether by air or sea), then customs

clearance duties have been added, the price of a Bible or a book may well end up being just the same as the same book or Bible in Europe or America – or even higher. And that is in one of the world’s poorest countries, where the income per person is 1% of that in the USA. Oh, and then there are salaries to be paid to our bookshop workers (one in each of our two shops), and our rents to pay.... So, when at the beginning of 2012, I was contacted by Rick Denham, CEO of Brazilian publisher, ‘Editora Fiel’ (Fiel means “faithful” in Portuguese), wanting to ask how they could partner with us in Mozambique, I was thrilled. Rick’s missionary upbringing means he understands the needs and challenges, and

Maputo, Mozambique


his open and generous attitude has brought us much refreshment.

Alex, manager of CLC Maputo

Last year, for the first time, Editora Fiel hosted their annual Mozambican Pastors’ Conference in Maputo (as well as in a northern province) and supplied the stock for a large bookstall for the event. We worked in partnership with them before, during and after the conference, and they now supply us on special terms that facilitate not only our cash flow to pay for the stock, but also good prices for the customers. At the time of writing (17th June), I am looking forward to being in Maputo for this year’s conference, in a month’s time. Meanwhile, our bookshop in Maputo is the registration centre for the conference and discussions are under way as to how we could also be a centre for Fiel’s ‘Books for Pastors Project’. We thank God for all these encouragements and pray that the LORD continues to help us develop the ministry in Mozambique to His glory.

CLC Maputo Shop

Editora Fiel Team with Liz & Alex

Editora Fiel’s Annual Mozambican Pastors’ Conference


“Come back next week,

the computer system does not work!”, says the official behind the window, regardless that this was the same response he gave a week ago. When, finally, we were sure that we had completed all the requirements, the Manager, without any remorse, informed us that the certificate, with which we started the whole process a month ago, has already expired, and we must get a new one to start everything over! A feeling of dread invaded us, as we began to realize that a lot of patience was going to be required. The purchase of foreign currency is a fairly common and relatively simple operation in most countries around the world. Usually, we go to an Exchange Office or bank and, without much effort or worries, we get what we are asking for. In Venezuela however, buying US dollars is an experience that tests our faith and challenges our patience. Our team started the process by working the numbers and carefully estimating their projections for what they would need because they can only apply every two months and, even then, only for a limited quantity of US dollars. Having US currency is crucial for them as most of their suppliers are from abroad and about 80% of our products can only be purchased with US funds.


The next step is filling out an application that is processed by a single office that processes thousands of applications from across the country and here begins our team’s ‘via crucis’. The requirements and procedures for applying are constantly changing, and when the team feels that they have finally learnt how to do it, a new office is created to do pretty much the same job as those that already exist. Of course, this new office has ‘its own way’ of doing things, so once again the process must be restarted from scratch. An application may take a month, two months or even longer before being approved; you just never know. What we do know is that for when the team finally receive the funds, they have already accumulated another two or three months’ worth of payments. As you can understand, it is here that our suppliers need to be patient with us. There are times in our lives and in our work that require that we exercise patience to wait for things to happen, learning not to complain and how to manage the anxiety and despair. This is when we need to turn more intensely to prayer, because what seems simple never is and always requires an extra portion of faith and patience. It’s never easy but God’s perfect timing is always worth the wait. Gerardo Scalante, CLC Americas Regional Director


Now £7.99 until 30/09/13

Interview with:

‘Todd and Tara Storch’

“This book will make you cry, grieve and hug your near ones. It will also make you thank God for His gift of life, even in death, and really consider what it means to be an organ donor from all sides.” Melanie Carroll, Unicorn Tree Books A participating bookshop of CLC UK’s Take Note Magazine

“The unexpected death of their 13-year-old daughter, Taylor, left the Storch’s faced with making the ‘immediate’ decision of whether or not to make her an organ donor. Join the Storch’s on their journey to finding God’s goodness and a way forward in the midst of terrible heartbreak and loss. It’s overwhelmingly honest — so don’t forget your tissues!” Amanda Lutes, CLC World Editor

I’m sure many who’ve read the synopsis of your book are thinking: ‘This couple has lost their daughter to a tragic ski accident… how can you find anything good in this situation?’ Or the ever popular, ‘Why would a good God allow this to happen?’ How would you, Todd and Tara, respond to this question? The swirling question of “why?” can haunt a grieving parent. What has happened does not make sense. At that rock-bottom point, we had a choice: to cave in or to find the good and believe that God is there through it all. Taylor’s favourite scripture was Luke 18:27: “What is impossible with man is possible with God”. Many times in our grief we felt that life was forever going to be impossible. We had to rely on a big God who has control of our situation. He didn’t promise us a life without trouble. However, He did ask us to have faith and to believe there is purpose within the pain.

You were so honest when writing this biography and you didn’t skip over the fear, despair, etc. Yet, it’s amazing how you’ve chosen to respond to that pain. For instance, Todd, you chose to stay close to God and you begged a friend to hold you accountable.

Being held accountable before the Lord is key to spiritual growth. In living with my grief... it became essential.

Tara, people tried to get you to refocus on life, not the pain and grief. You also knew they meant well when telling you to “Pray more. Fast. Go to church. Read your Bible. Memorise Scripture”, things you’d already done. Then your repeated statement of “This is all for your glory” opened the door and the tears flowed. You say, “My faith had been – and still was - shaken, but it wasn’t broken. God and I were talking once again.” Tara, I’m sure many readers are trying to drag a loved one out of the darkness of pain. Tell us about the persistence and dedication of your own loved ones with you. I was surrounded by love. The best thing they did was to just be there. There were no expectations. No judgement. And, the big thing is that they didn’t try to “fix” me. Many people wanted me to be back to my bubbly, outgoing self. But that Tara was not there. Many days I was very hard to be a friend to. I wanted to push everyone away. They would give me a little space and then jump right back in. Thank God they never gave up. The best


advice we could give to a friend of someone who is grieving is to say “I don’t know what to say, and I may say the wrong thing, but I want you to know that I love you and I’m here.” Say that in person, in a card, a text, anything.

You also share what Taylor was like through those lives she’d impacted. Then you go one step further by sharing how Taylor dramatically changed lives by being an organ donor! We even learned about what their lives were like before and after receiving her donations, and your account of them is very honest. What is it that has moved you to start a foundation for organ donations? We never discussed organ donation in our family. It was never brought up until we were faced with it. Now we want people to have a conversation with their family about it. And it’s not a sad conversation; it’s about leaving the world a better place and what a gift we all have within! Organ donation is a beautiful way to Outlive Yourself! The foundation began because we saw the overwhelming need in our own state for people to register. What started off in Texas has become an internationally known foundation in just 3 years. We encourage people to register, and we make this easy at With one click, they can be registered with an official Donate Life in any state across the USA in less than 2 minutes. If you are from the USA and are reading this, we encourage you to go to and check you are in your state’s database, even if you think you are a donor.

How are Ryan and Peyton coping now and how is your relationship with them? Are there tips you would give to parents in similar situations? Ryan and Peyton are really doing well. They miss their sister terribly and have their moments when things trigger pain and tears flow. You are never over this; it becomes part of you. But we know it will shape who they are in the future. My most important job is not


co-founder of Taylor’s Gift, it’s being mum to Ryan and Peyton. It’s sensitive because this foundation has their sister’s name on it, but they are our biggest cheerleaders. Todd and I try to be very conscious of their feelings with the work we are doing. They talk openly with us and we are so grateful they share their inner world with us. Our relationship is probably stronger because we have this incredible bond and we attribute our strength to God. Many times Todd and I would release our children to God’s care when we felt we couldn’t parent the way we should through the grief. That was our actual prayer: “God, we release them to you”. And He provided every time. Friends and family would show up to be Christ’s hands and feet in those hard times. If you are parenting a grieving child, just love your children where they are now in their grief journey and give them the grace to grieve the best way that is for them. Their grief could look totally different than yours. Also, it’s ok for them to see you cry. They need to see that it’s a real emotion. When the kids would see us cry, I would always acknowledge it by saying, “Mommy is sad now, but I’ll be ok! I just need to cry for a little bit”. Laughter has returned into our home and joy is present. At first, a grieving parent feels that joy will never enter their world again. God did not make us for vessels of despair, but for vessels of His love and joy. He wants us to have happiness in our life and He provides it along the way, even when we aren’t ready to see it or accept it.

For UK residents interested in learning more about organ donation please visit:




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Please Pray For Peace

...and and ...

for the the protection of for of our our teams teams and property property (stock & premises) and premises) around around the world world — — especially in areas the areas of of unrest! unrest! have recently seen public demonstrations taking place nationwide and petitions being handed to the Prime Minister by NGOs (non-governmental organisations). Please pray that the Church will continue to rise up and address this issue so that changes will take place.

CLC Bookshop: Port Moresby, PNG Please note: The women in the photo are not those mentioned in the testimonies.

You may have seen in the news recently that violence against women is on the increase in Papua New Guinea. Currently, approximately two thirds of women are constantly exposed to domestic violence and about 50% of all women become victims of sexual assaults. Added to this terrifying statistic is the newest record - of women being accused of sorcery and being publicaly burnt. The authorities at this time seem unable to prevent this violence or implement justice as quite often there is a ‘lack of evidence’, or the women are unwilling or too afraid to press charges. We

Our ministry in PNG is based in Port Moresby where the violence towards women is especially high. Here are some customer testimonies shared with our team: Recently a middle aged lady visited our shop looking for a book on divorce and marriage. While speaking with one of our staff, she decided to share her story. Her husband had just brought another woman into the home in a polygamous arrangement. She didn’t know what to do but she decided to seek answers and to do what was the right thing as a Christian. Manoka, our senior staff member, showed her the books on marriage that we had available and recommended one. She bought the book and left. After a few days she returned and although her situation had not changed, something had changed in her! We continue to pray for people like this lady as there are still greater challenges in the days ahead.


At another time, a distraught-looking young lady, probably only 18 or 19 years old, came into the shop and shared her heart with Manoka regarding mistreatment and abuse from her ‘step-parents’. Her mother had passed away and her unemployed father had an ‘I don’t care’ attitude, so he decided to hand her over to a couple he is related to. This young woman’s situation has become unbearable. She has run away from home once already, but it’s even more unsafe out on the street. She came in just wanting someone to listen to her story... Stories like these are everywhere, but it’s the way they conclude that we really need to concern ourselves with. We want justice to prevail in the end, and to see the victims set free from these burdens. Women like these frequently come to our bookshop to seek peace and encouragement – we see our ministry as vital as it is difficult for many of them to go to a church. The Church in PNG is beginning to voice its concerns in a public manner, but our bookshop has always been on the main street doing what we’ve always done - providing a venue for the seeker to find answers, the wayward soul to find salvation and the shattered individual to find peace. We may never get to talk to all of them, but our ministry provides a venue for them to find help. Some come in to buy, others just to read a passage and quietly leave again, but the message is getting through one book at a time. I guess that is our ministry; ‘Changing our world, one book at a time’. Vere Babona CLC National Director, Papua New Guinea


No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. - taken from Isaiah 54:17 - is our daily declaration. Our four bookstores are fitted with cameras, two of them have electronic doors and, in the Port of Spain branch, sales are conducted from a specially made booth to protect the cashiers. This added safety measure was a recommendation from the police because of our numerous attacks. We are now considering installing a booth in the Arima branch as well. We have been victims of crime; I have been held up at gun point in my office, we have been held up a few times in the Port of Spain branch and, on the 21st December 2001, one of our workers in the Point Fortin branch was murdered in the bookshop; this crime remains an unsolved mystery. Recently, in Arima, we recorded camera footage of a bandit attempting a robbery. However, because of the distraction of the customers, he just stole a cell phone instead. This incident was reported to the police but they did not come to investigate, I guess to them this was just a minor theft. On another occasion, when this man’s attempt at robbery failed, he shouted “What are you all watching me so for? Do you think I come to steal something?” Once in a while this man still visits the store. Every day in the news, newspapers and social media, crime, crime and more crime is mentioned. We must be careful though, we can be so obsessed sometimes that almost everyone can be classified as a bandit… We on the CLC team remain confident that God is able to keep that which we have committed to Him. This is the strength that enables us to open our shop doors on a daily basis.”

CLC Caribbean Teams 16

The CLC Director for the Eastern Caribbean

The Necessity of GENTLENESS

What is gentleness?

According to the dictionary it means: not rough or harsh, rather something severely refined. What a contrast to the world that can be at times brash, rude, pushy, hard and severe!

Gentleness in our actions and reactions:

Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. [Colossians 3:12 NLT]

This is demonstrated in how we talk, interact and respond to those we meet. A gentle act can calm a person: a touch, a cup of tea, a chair to sit on or even a shoulder to cry on. I’m sure we can all think of times when the tears have dried, the nerves settled, the breathing sorted and the person leaves with a smile.

Gentleness in our answers:

A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare. [Proverbs 15:1 NLT]

In today’s society there are quite a number of people who walk around irritated, angry, annoyed with life and on a short fuse. When we meet them, sometimes it is just letting them get it out of their system. Sometimes it may be restarting the conversation and finding the right words to bring the conversation to a positive outcome. While other times it might be that we need to work on being sure to respond in a gentle manner.

Gentleness in our authority:

Now I, Paul, appeal to you with the gentleness and kindness of Christ—though I realize you think I am timid in person and bold only when I write from far away. [2 Corinthians 10 :1]

We are called to be Christ-like in our shops, community and homes and so with gentleness we can have the strength to stand for the truth, to do what is right, to turn the other cheek, and in so doing see God’s glory revealed.

Update from Sheena, CLC Blackpool Manager: “Since writing this article, I have had the opportunity to practise all three aspects of gentleness. It is as if the Lord is testing, growing or pruning this fruit in my life.”



To His Calling Because He Is Faithful COLOMBIA: A country that was known for so long as the drug capital of the world is now the largest CLC entity by sales volume in the world. Praise God for a country turning back to Him! CLC Colombia is in the process of opening a bookshop and wholesale facility in Mexico City. At the time of writing, the legal documents for CLC Mexico are already in place and a rental property of almost 700 square metres, over two floors, has been acquired. This team also opened a warehouse distribution point in Miami, Florida (USA) last year and now they are preparing to open a bookshop in the city as well.

INDIA: The development of the retail and publishing ministry in India over the last few years has been marvellous to watch. The team leader, Christopher Robert, shared recently about the exciting potential for CLC to be established once again in Sri Lanka and the possibility for opening another store in India this next year as well.




Thank God for Ben Saxe, who did short term service with CLC in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso earlier this year. Among other things, Ben was able to help team leader Prosper Weda with learning English. This is very useful for Prosper’s wider role in CLC, as he is sometimes required to travel to Englishspeaking countries. Pray that Prosper will be able to continue with his new skills and add to them. 18

THE FUTURE: Significant progress has been made towards launching the CLC eReader App for Apple iPhones and iPads. We hope to be releasing the app over the next few months. The participating websites will need to be prepared for this change and contracts agreed with publishers. This is a major undertaking for CLC but we believe it has the potential to ‘Make the Message Global’. Please pray that God will overrule in every aspect of this project so that it will glorify Him and reach many people with the Good News.


PRAY for our CLC

teams that are in areas of the world where legalities, restrictions and customs issues hinder our ministry.


TESTIMONY: My co-worker and I served customers until around 7:45pm and then closed the shop and went off in different directions. As I walked towards the bus stop, I was totally unaware of the unrest and violence in the streets. Some members of a political party had been killed and around 300 men were out protesting. Some very strong men blocked my path, and although I called out that I was a Christian and took out my wallet to show them my ID card, they said they couldn’t read it and started to drag me towards a dark area of the street. Suddenly, 5 policemen distracted my attackers and I was able to run to a safer area. Although I lost everything I had of value on me, the Lord protected me and my life was saved. Praise the Lord!

CANADA: CLC began in Toronto in 1944 with one bookstore (this location subsequently closed). In 1953, the ministry started in Quebec. We are now celebrating our 60th anniversary serving and ministering to the people of Canada! For the first 48 years, CLC Canada had only one location in the Montreal area. Then, in 2001, a second store was opened. This year, we will close the main store (having sold the building) and will open in three new locations, making a total of four. All will be located in greater Montreal. What a challenge! What a blessing! The CLC Canada team is full of strong leaders who love the ministry. One of the strengths of our team of fourteen people is the varied multicultural backgrounds. Many were born in Canada as second generation immigrants, and others come directly from Asia, Africa and Latin America. Even our Board of Directors has this multicultural component: one individual is French Canadian and two come from Africa. Even as we recognize that God is in control, we are all excited about the future! Please pray for Oscar Cardoso who is the new National Director for CLC in Canada, having taken on the role in January. He will be working with former National Director Rod Fowler to complete these transitions. PORTUGAL: We were really blessed this year to have Carlos Cunha from CLC Portugal join us for our annual UK Conference. Carlos is a one-man mission for CLC in Portugal as he is the only CLC member for the entire country. We praise God daily for his team of volunteers who assist him in reaching as many areas as possible in Portugal with only their one shop, online presence and bookvan. Three points he shared with us about his ministry and that we are determined to implement better into ours are:


Connect to serve:

Use technology, events, etc. to connect with a new or larger audience.

2) Learn

how to be relevant:

impact our community?

How can we better

3) Change and engage: Make the necessary changes so that we are engaging with the younger generation.

New Sign for our CLC Bookshop in Coimbra, Portugal!




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Excerpt from:

Fruit of the Spirit, A Lifebuilder Bible Study

You’re on a diet. As you pick up a magazine, you turn innocently to the food section. “After all,” you say to yourself “pictures aren’t fattening.” As you pore over every page, each dessert looks better than the last one. You decide to read in the kitchen because “the light is better.” After a few minutes you begin thinking about the ice cream in the freezer. A model of restraint, you decide to get only one spoonful – well, two at the most. Pretty soon you’ve eaten the whole carton! Sound familiar? We all struggle with self-control. And temptations often blind our better judgment. GROUP DISCUSSION

Describe in mouth-watering detail the food that most tempts you. PERSONAL REFLECTION

In what are of your life would you like to have greater self-control? Saul was anointed king over Israel. But because he was disobedient, God took the kingdom from him and gave it to David. As a result, Saul’s wrath and jealousy were kindled towards David, and he tried to kill him at every opportunity. In 1 Samuel 26 David faces the powerful temptation between choosing between self-gratification and self-control. His response can encourage us in our struggles. Read 1 Samuel 26

Interested in doing the questions that go along with this Bible study guide? Why not pick up a copy of Fruit of the Spirit, A Lifebuilder Bible Study?

Fruit of the Spirit A Lifebuilder Bible Study

Publisher: Scripture Union ISBN: 9781859993729

Now or Later

Price: £3.99

Write a letter to God about the area of your life where you are in need of self-control. Be just as detailed and graphic as possible. Prayerfully work out a plan in your letter to change your behaviour. Put the letter away and come back to it in a day or two, perhaps adding new thoughts. Then lay the letter before God, asking Him to take over this area of your life. God may lead you to share the letter with a trusted friend, your pastor or a professional counsellor. It may take months to gain mastery over the problem. But writing the letter will help you gain self-control in this area, and the fruit of self-control will be displayed in you as you allow God’s Spirit to work in this area of your life. 21

Surprised by sausages...

by Lucy Moore, Author of Messy Church Even the most ardent carnivore would be hard pushed to call a sausage a fruit. Unless a trendy chef got really adventurous. But when we were offering hand painting as one of the activities at the Pentecost Messy Church with a tasteful choice of a painted banana, grape, strawberry and so on to match a ‘Fruit of the Spirit Of Your Choice’, young Ben was having none of this vegetarian nonsense. Usually one of our more withdrawn members, he insisted on having something different painted on his hand. The teenage leaders are well versed in the need to be encouraging and to be led by the creativity of the families opting for their activity, so were pleased to oblige. Ben spent the rest of the afternoon with his face split open by a huge grin as he showed off the painted Sausage of Joy to anyone who would stand still long enough to see it. It’s fun to ponder Ben and those teenagers with their childlike readiness to play with the rather abstract concept of fruits of the Spirit. That creativity, that glee in imagination, that readiness to take a risk, untrammelled by fear, tradition or preconceptions, is in fact part of what the fruit of joy itself is all about. The generosity of the leaders in going with Ben’s idea, their wisdom in letting go of their preconceived plans and their delight in his imagination is also fruit or evidence of the Spirit. The experience taught Ben and those who viewed the Sausage of Joy about joyfulness in a way that goes further than spoken or written words ever could. Learning through doing, touching, smelling, tasting, listening: all these seem childish but are in fact crucial for holistic deep-down learning for all disciples of Jesus as they go beyond the rational to the heart or gut. When did you last use all your senses in a church service? Try spending a day intentionally giving some playtime to the child inside you, intentionally noticing, touching, listening, smelling and tasting all that God puts in your way in the course of the day. And let your senses join together to praise him without words as you relish whatever raspberry, apple or indeed sausage of joy he sends your way. 22

Messy Celebration available in November 2013 (BRF) Price: £5.99 ISBN: 9780857461162 64pp



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The Big Bible Storybook (HB)

Jesus Storybook Bible Collector’s Ed.



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