CLC World 2011 Issue 4

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2011 - ISSUE 4

The Jewel Of True Identity: Growing In Grace Through The Trial Of Joblessness

Update from Asia:

CLC Asian Leaders’ Conference

Why Your Custom Matters: Discover The Ripple Effect...

Update from Belarus:

Our New Project For Bibles & A Bookstore In Minsk

So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. Hebrews 4:16 (NLT)

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Our work in these countries began in...


United Kingdom Australia Canada Dominica United States Germany Uruguay Japan Trinidad France India Indonesia Italy Austria Barbados Philippines Chile Thailand

1941 1944 1944 1947 1947 1948 1948 1950 1951 1952 1954 1954 1956 1957 1957 1957 1958 1958

Papua New Gunea 1959 New Zealand 1960 Antigua 1961 Cote d’Ivoire 1961 Pakistan 1961 Netherlands 1962 Sierra Leone 1966 Spain 1966 Venezuela 1970 Colombia 1973 Korea, South 1975 China Hong Kong 1976 Panama 1976 Cyprus 1981 Portugal 1985 Burkina Faso 1991 Poland 1991 Romania 1991

Myanmar Bulgaria Hungary Belarus Central Asia 1 Central Asia 2 Swaziland Benin Bangladesh Tanzania Ecuador Mozambique Fiji Russia Kenya Switzerland Central Asia 3

1992 1993 1993 1994 1996 1997 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2001 2004 2006 2007 2008 2009

Christian bookshops BOOKS BIBLES




From the editor:

In This Issue:


- Amanda Lute

5 The Jewel of True Identity 6 - 7 Reviews of New Titles 8 - 9 Why Your Custom Matters! 11 CLC Retirees’ Prayer Retreat 12 - 13 More Great Reviews! 15 - 16 Must-See Films 17 Open Your Bible: Your all-in-one guide 19 Minsk Bookstore & Bibles for Belarus 20 - 21 CLC Asian Leaders’ Conference 23 CLC Vouchers! available rly CLC World is Published quarte or post. d shops, downloa free via CLC Book py, or co ur yo be sure of To subscribe and by us t ac nt co s, copie to order multiple ld, or : FAO CLC W email or write to 9BJ rd, Hants, SO24 sfo re Al , 51 The Dean

Each ‘Shop-in-a-box’ costs £9,500! We almost have enough for our 1st shop!

Well, first and foremost: Happy Anniversary, CLC! This November we celebrate 70 years since we opened a small bookshop in Colchester, England. Praise the Lord, we’ve come a long way! As you can see from the scripture reference on the cover page, this issue is about stepping out boldly before the Lord no matter what your circumstances are. By His mercy and grace He will see you through! We have known 70 years of His blessing and we hope He will enable us to have at least 70 more! Thank you for your financial and prayer support over the years, as well as your loyal custom! Most importantly thanks be to God for His never-ending love! £9,500

CLC International (UK) 291 Abbeydale Rd, Sheffield, S7 1FJ

Tel: 0114 2812136 Mission Website: Retail Website: Editorial Email: UK Director: Tel: 0114 2812136 Personnel Enquiries: Tel: 0114 2812136 CLC Finance Office: Tel: 01962 733342 51 The Dean, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 9BJ Enquiries for Overseas Opportunities: Registered as a charity in England & Wales (number 1015793) and in Scotland (number SC037939) © Copyright CLC World, CLC International (UK) Printed by AMD Communications Tel: 0121 248 4430 Email:


I could really use some excitement in my life . . . how ‘bout you?

Do you feel stuck in Neutral? Looking for something fulfilling and inspiring to do with your time?

Have you ever considered volunteering with CLC? We have a variety of teams in administration, retail and wholesale that are eager to serve the Lord, their community and the world through Christian resources...but they need your help! Whether you are a retiree, a stay-at-home mum, a student or job-seeker, CLC is a great way to re-enter the work force through Christian service to your community. Join CLC as we take missions to the high street!

It doesn’t matter if you have years of experience or none at all - CLC is always looking for volunteers. Please contact: to see if there is work locally that is custom-fit for you!


The Jewel of True Identity

by Rich Jensen

During my journey of unemployment, some close friends treated our family to a day at a local amusement park. Our son, we discovered, has a real love for roller coasters, and he asked me to join him. The first part of the ride wasn’t bad. After leaving the station, we began the long climb to the top. I knew what was coming next and was bracing myself for it, but before I was totally ready the train of cars hurtled down the tracks at seventy miles an hour, only to jerk back up, then down again, to the left and then the right. We descended in a corkscrew and went over a couple of smaller hills before sailing back into the station. The ride lasted about two minutes. After we got off the ride (and my knuckles regained some color), I began to think about what I had just experienced. A roller coaster is the perfect metaphor for the experience of job loss. The only problem is that this particular roller coaster lasts a lot longer than two minutes! Part of the ride is coming to understand what really defines us as persons. Unemployment has a way of tearing down the very things we use to shape our identity. From the rubble that remains, we can then address the issues of what truly moulds us into who we are. This is the first facet of the jewel we can discover in job loss. I was not expecting the emotional turmoil that arrived with my first day of unemployment. As the rays of dawn began streaming through the windows, I was already dressed and ready for a new day. Then the thought hit me: What do I do? Where do I go? Fear and anxiety began to grip my heart. The weight of figuring out how I would provide for my family increased exponentially, until my knees felt weak and my heart began to pound. Where and when would all this end? My thoughts shifted from my unknown future to my immediate past. What would I have been doing if I still had my job? A deep gloom began to overshadow my heart. There were no meetings to attend, no projects to be completed, no events to prepare. There was nothing. For so long my identity had been associated with what I did, but now that was gone. Looking at the pieces of my shattered image, I began to wonder, “How do I put the pieces back together? What will the new picture look like?” Finally I asked the question at the root of it all: “Who am I?” No matter how it happens, losing your job hurts. It can hit at the core of your being, making you question your career, your worth, your identity, even your relationship with God. Rich Jensen knows the feeling—he’ s walked the road of job loss. And he wants to invite you to discover the spiritual riches that can be gained through a period of unemployment. This is not another “how to find a job” book, but a guide to growing in grace through the trial of joblessness. ISBN: 9781936143153 Publisher: CLC USA, 179 Pages




Through My Eyes by Stephen Hackney Only


ISBN: 9781850789550

‘There was a time when God and I didn’t speak for a while. Apparently He had nothing to say and frankly, neither did I. Now, he’s big and I guess could handle it, but I’m small and couldn’t…Prayer left me confused- hurting, even.’ “Stephen Hackney kept a ‘diary of obsession’, how life was dominated by the cancer that cruelly took over his wife’s life. It is a raw and honest account that doesn’t shirk from the hard questions. And yet his faith sustains him. This book looks at the role of prayer, the mystery of suffering and still remains firm in the belief that God can be trusted and His love does not fail.” - David Barnes Publisher: Authentic, 100 Pages

God’s Dangerous Book by Nick Page

ISBN: 9781850789017

“I guess most of us know something of the origins of the Bible but I found this fascinating book filled in an awful lot of gaps in my knowledge. It’s a history book, but don’t let that put you off. Nick Page is able to tell the story of the history and development of the Bible in an easy to read style with lots of small snippets of information and amusing comments along the way. You can read about the Bible’s content, format and translation as well as its spread around the world. By the time you get to the end of the book, you will agree with the author that ‘every time the Romans or the Inquisition or the Kings or the Koreans or the Soviets or the Nazis think they’ve made the thing secure, up it jumps. Unpredictable you see. Dangerous.’” - Jackie Gibbons Publisher: Authentic, 256 Pages



Living the Dream (Lessons from the Life of Joseph) By Dave Smith




“As the subtitle suggests, the teaching of this book is based on the story of Joseph and picks out many lessons that can be learnt and applied from his experiences. Such topics as overcoming offences, triumphing over temptation, godly attitudes in tough times, restoring relationships and more, are dealt with in a highly readable style. They are shown to be foundational preparation for any work which God wants his children to do and the author’s own experience has underlined these principles. I recommend this encouraging book for any Christian who wants to go on with God and fulfil the purpose for which He has called them.” - Jean Mintoft ISBN: 9781850789338 Publisher: Authentic, 144 Pages

Center of the Universe by Bill Johnson Only


ISBN: 9780768436105 “This is not a book that I would normally purchase, but it has been a delight and inspiration to review it. Center of the Universe is a collection of 93 humorous stories and lessons on life. Each can be used as a helpful `pause for thought`. Bill Johnson, a fifth generation pastor, writes of everyday experiences, covering such topics as fly-fishing, heroes, students, revival in Malawi, and many more. This compilation of stories brings smiles as well as challenge and profound insight. Written in a casual, readable style, the author reveals valuable lessons he has learned on the lighter side of life. A helpful and enjoyable devotional aid.” - Wilma Brock Publisher: Destiny Image, 200 Pages

‘Dear Abdullah’ by Robert Scott

ISBN: 9781844745289

“Muslim people generally ask eight different questions about Christianity which are fully and sympathetically examined in this book. These include issues such as ‘What sort of God can be murdered?’, ‘Don’t Christians worship three gods?’ and ‘What sort of God can be born as a baby?’ Scott writes in careful detail and ‘in consequence’ his readers will undoubtedly learn new aspects of their faith. To reinforce this, each chapter concludes with six questions - three for Christians and three for Muslim friends. Scott’s scholarly approach should help people of both faiths to have a better understanding of their respective beliefs.” - Betty McKay, Publisher: IVP, 160 Pages

Joined-up Life by Andrew J B Cameron





ISBN: 9781844745159

“This book is ‘A Christian account of how ethics works’ (sub-title). The first part of the book deals with the basic issues—what is right and wrong, how we make decisions, how we relate to other people. Later chapters deal more specifically with Christian ethics—the teaching of Jesus, what behaviour is ‘Christian’, and some of the hotspots such as sex, homosexuality, bioethics, and so on. This book is pitched at the level of the seminary or university, and it is not an easy read. But the author sets out his material very clearly and with many life examples to make difficult issues lucid. There are excellent indexes of subjects and scripture references. I am sure it will be widely adopted as a textbook, as it deserves to be.” - Brian Butler Publisher: IVP, 336 Pages 7

Why Your Custom Matters! With the current state of Christian retailing, the pace of change in technology and the ministry of CLC around the world, I am convinced that knowing that you matter and why is core to growing and thriving in this day and age. It is so easy to listen to the prevailing media perspective and begin to have that creeping feeling that you are no longer relevant – maybe even a relic of some bygone era (or about to become one). In that light, here are my thoughts on why we (in CLC) matter now, maybe more than ever. • We matter to the little boy in Sierra Leone who will learn to read for the first time from books in his school library now fully stocked by a global CLC effort in a room that once had no books at all. • We matter to the atheist in Paris who would never go to church, but will visit the quaint CLC store to see what others have to say about this God she does not believe in. • We matter to the transvestite in Venezuela who would likely have killed himself in the bathroom of the bookstore if not for the love of God, the courage of our team and the aroma of Christ in our store that day. • We matter to the isolated pastor in Chile who walked for several days to get a Bible and learn how to prepare sermons from the unique chain references once developed by a man named Thompson – all at a conference sponsored for free by CLC. • We matter to the people of a little country in Central Asia where decades of corruption, oppression and government control are still an everyday reality. The fact that the CLC shop is open at all may be the one ray of hope in an otherwise dark existence where anyone can learn about true freedom in Christ. • We matter to the young person in England who has never been to church and sees more mosques being built than cathedrals. He can still find a little shop on the high street proclaiming the truth of the gospel every day. An answer to his nagging spiritual questions is one book or conversation away. • We matter to those who will become Christians and grow in their faith as a result of buying a book or Bible in Kenya from a Shop-in-a-Box. This is our current project in the UK: to raise funds and create sustainable bookshops from shipping containers.

Gift Income for missionary support for the six months to July 2011: Designated Gifts: £ 54,079 General Fund: £ 28,930 Total gift income: £ 83,009 Paid out: £125,102 We thank the Lord for those who make these gifts that aid our ministry and contribute to the support of our non-salaried workers. Designated gifts are used as indicated. Where no specific use is indicated, donations are pooled in the General Fund to be distributed monthly among qualifying non-employed CLCers, who receive up to £90 each as funds allow. Any excess is carried forward. Usually, legacies or other big gifts keep the fund afloat.


Gift Aid: If you are a UK taxpayer, CLC can increase the value of your gift by claiming back the tax you have paid on it. Get a Gift Aid form from or contact our Finance Office (see page 3). Thank you!

By David Almack, CLC USA Director

• We matter to the thief in Papua New Guinea who never thought he would get caught by an off duty police officer in a Christian bookstore. He certainly had no way to expect that the store manager would extend grace and forgiveness and lead him to the foot of the cross where he could find ultimate forgiveness for all his sins. • We matter to the Muslim cleric in Central Asia who has always wondered about the Bible and Jesus but had no safe way to investigate these questions. Despite death threats to the local CLC team, he can still ask these questions in a neutral location – a store that sells copies of the very book he so desires to understand and can explain what it is that he is reading. • We matter to the Bible college student in Myanmar who is so grateful to be able to study God’s word. Because of the simple faith and perseverance of the CLC team, he can now read and study Bible reference books in his own language. As he begins to plant a local church, he will be able to help his congregation grow with many new books being translated and published each year. For 70 years, despite overwhelming odds, CLC has been keeping the flame lit in Christian literature lighthouses all over the world. While others have responded to the call to make the gospel known in the hardest places to reach through ministries of mercy, church planting or mass media, CLC has done it through the means of ordinary commerce on the high street – one book and one life at a time. These little shops on the corner offer thirst quenching, life giving water to a drought-stricken world. May the CLC of the future continue to reach the passerby who will never enter a church, but will respond to a well placed item in a shop window.

Giving: God is ultimately our Provider. People and churches/organisations are His channel. All gifts, no matter what their size or frequency, are not only greatly appreciated, they are vital in helping us fulfil our mission to glorify God by making Christian literature available to all nations so that people may come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ. Gift income can: - help fund a CLC project (set-up, training, capital costs….) - bolster a CLC ministry (by reducing its overheads) - contribute to the support of a CLC worker in the UK or overseas We welcome your feedback and will openly answer any questions you may have regarding financial support for any CLC ministry, project or charity worker. Your donation, be it as a legacy, an occasional or one-off gift, or regular financial support will directly or indirectly enable us to impact someone’s life for eternity. 9


Have you heard the exciting news? Our London Shop has moved to:

3 - 4 Ave Maria Lane London, EC4M 7AQ That’s just around the corner from St. Paul’s Cathedral! Telephone: 020 7248 356 Email:

Thank you to everyone who put in so much time and hard work in order for the new shop to be ready for business. An extra big thank you to Keith & Willette Ericson who came over from America to help! 10

Find Us Here!

Retirees Prayer Retreat

High Leigh Conference Centre, Hoddesdon, We gather in the reception area. Embraces and handshakes all round, a happy buzz of conversation as we catch up with each other’s news. Yes, the fellowship aspect is important, one in which we love to engage, but essentially we have gathered for the serious business of prayer. Having stepped back from the ‘front line’ of CLC’s ministry, it is so meaningful for us to be still involved in this vital matter of intercession. Well-informed intercession too, as Sheena Wardrope from the International Office, and Tim Bloomfield, CLC UK Administration Office, found a gap in their busy programmes to come and share current news from around the CLC world. In these times of enormous change – the world-wide economic crisis, the great challenge of these electronically-driven days, and the impact of terrible natural disasters – never has there been a greater sense of our human incapacity and our utter dependence on God for His work to continue to prosper. This was felt keenly and our cries went up to God. Japan, its people, and our workers there amidst the immeasurable devastation of earthquake and tsunami, were naturally at the forefront of our concern. Could this terrible disaster actually be a turning point for this great land, where the seed of God’s Word has been sown for so many years…a new dawn as the people in a time of great trouble discover the insufficiency of their gods and the all-sufficiency of our God? Surely this is something to be deeply prayed into. Sheena sensitively referred back to the opening song of our praise and worship – ‘I want to serve the purpose of God in my generation.’ Our great task is to find out what God is doing in these days and pray in the flow of these things. Entirely apt was Sandy Sanderson’s devotional message on Thursday morning – The Names of God. Rich teaching indeed. God revealed a new aspect of His character at key moments in Israel’s history, on each occasion entirely relevant to the situation. He is still speaking to us today through those names. If man’s greatest goal is to know God better (and it is) then, to quote Selwyn Hughes, one of the chief ways is to understand the meaning behind those names. Sandy gave real help in that task. Tim Bloomfield took us on a quick and informative hop around our UK centres. We prayed into challenges and gave praise for the many positive things God is doing. Serious health needs in our CLC family, home and abroad, were also a cause of much earnest prayer. Sadly, many businesses and shops are closing in these days, but we praise God that for CLC, advance is always on the agenda. We were never promised anything other than a battle, but victory is secure. Thank you Roger and Pearl for arranging this valuable time together, and for Roger’s convening and gifted musicianship. By Gordon Oldham


Runaway Train by Kathy Lee, 146 Pages

ISBN: 9781844275052 “This book is outstanding - it will send a shiver down your spine! This book follows a character who isn’t a Christian and whose sister suffers from cancer. When his sister and mother go away to America to find a cure for his sister’s condition, he finds himself ghost hunting with his friend for a train that crashed. In the midst of this adventure, tragedy strikes and our hero starts praying for the situation and along the way discovers the love of God.” Christopher Markwell (Age 14)

River Rapids by Kathy Lee, 146 Pages ISBN: 9781844275083 “When a dramatic flood hits Maya’s town, find out how she and her mum rescue a girl who turns out to be an illegal immigrant. Maya and her friends, Dylan and Luke, almost get killed as they try to save the girl from the criminals who smuggled her into the centre, but was that the right choice? River Rapids, a mystery and adventure book wrapped up in one. Five big stars from me.” Georgia Cameron (Age 11)

Only £4.99

at CLC!

New Scary Youth Titles!

Hall Of Mirrors by Kathy Lee, 146 Pages

ISBN: 9781844275069 “Hidden treasure, secret notes, secret corridors, ghosts, killing, legends and strict meetings. What more could you ask for in a book? The hall of mirrors is a spooky strange place with mirrors that make you look like a hag, which is a very ugly witch. It’s like no other book I have ever read before. Five big stars again from me.” - Georgia Cameron (Age 11)

Space Invaders by Kathy Lee, 146 Pages

ISBN: 9781844275076 “This book is amazing! It quotes verses from the Bible and it follows a character who wasn’t a Christian who becomes a Christian through stuff happening such as his step-brother falling down a hole in the new attic room and his other step-brother getting stuck in a sinkhole. He finds himself praying for their safety and after a while he finds the grace of God; that relates to our lives and how we need to find the Grace and love of God.” Christopher Markwell (Age 14)

12 12

I recommend..


Good Morning Beautiful by Paulette George

ISBN: 9781935507123


“This book is the story of Christina and her battle against seizures. Written by her mother; it tells the story of the first few years of Christina’s life; the seizures Christina was suffering could be up to one hundred per day. The family’s journey through the storms of life and their determination to get the correct medical treatment for Christina are an inspiration. This book gives an insight into one family’s strength to persevere in a difficult time. A book about hope and love and the power of prayer.” Publisher: Ambassador International, 216 Pages

Resistance Fighter by Susie Howe

ISBN: 9781844745173

“I really enjoyed reading this fascinating biography. I was amazed at the things that Howe has achieved. She listened to God and followed all that she was asked to do. It truly affected me personally. If you place God in the centre of your life, you can do so many things because He is there with you and will supply all you need. All He requires is that you trust Him fully and do as He calls you to do. Howe is a very inspiring woman! This book will motivate you to realise you can do anything with God and determination. To change things even in a small way can have a massive impact on people. It’s a really good read.” Publisher: IVP, 176 Pages



True Spirituality by Vaughan Roberts

ISBN: 9781844745180

“Based on Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth, True Spirituality explores the letter in detail. This is a great book for anyone who wants to study 1 Corinthians in depth. Complex issues are dealt with in an easy to read style that is accessible to everybody. This book will challenge you with the Bible study questions at the end of each chapter to think about what Paul was saying to the church and apply the issues raised and how they are relevant in today’s society. “ Publisher: IVP, 224 Pages



Karen Markwell, CLC Ipswich Staff I recommend...



A Simple Blessing by Michael W. Smith with Thomas Williams

“The first thing the I like about this book is the layout. I don’t tend to read much, but with the way this book is presented, it is an easy and comfortable read. The honesty with which this book is written is admirable, particularly about Smith’s past misconceptions about holiness. Many things about this book jumped out at me, as much about the way it is written as the actual content. What I mean by this is that Smith uses different analogies, references to popular culture and particularly the use of the word ‘instrument’ to outline and back up many key points that he is portraying. I really like the way he uses Biblical wisdom to support what he is saying, in particular from Paul. Smith also includes good practical advice, mainly surrounding relationships and self-sacrifice.”

Publisher: Zondervan 176 Pages (Hardback) ISBN: 9780310327561

Daniel J. Fisher, CLC Ipswich Staff


Peppermint Bark Cook Time: 25 minutes Total Time: 25 minutes

Ingredients: 450 grams dark chocolate, chopped, or chocolate chips 450 grams white chocolate, chopped, or white chocolate chips 8 peppermint candy canes

Preparation: 1. Unwrap the candy canes and place them in a food processor. Pulse on/off several times for 5-10 seconds each, until the canes have been crushed into small pieces. Alternately, place the candy canes in a large Ziploc bag and seal tightly. Use a rolling pin to roll/smash the candy canes until they are the size you desire. 2. Prepare a baking sheet by covering it with smooth kitchen foil. 3. Melt the dark chocolate. Pour the chocolate onto the prepared baking sheet and use an offset spatula or knife to spread it to an even thickness, a little more than 1/8” thick. The chocolate does not have to reach all sides of the sheet, as it will be broken up later anyhow. Place the tray in the refrigerator to firm up while you prepare the white chocolate. 4. While the dark chocolate hardens, melt the white chocolate. Stir in most of the candy cane bits, reserving about a quarter of the mixture to put on top. 5. Remove the tray from the refrigerator and spread the white chocolate in an even layer over the dark chocolate. 6. While the white chocolate is still wet, sprinkle the remaining candy cane pieces over the entire surface evenly. Press down very slightly to ensure they stick. Place the tray back in the refrigerator to firm up for 30 minutes. 7. Once the peppermint bark is completely set, break into small, uneven pieces by hand.

Look at the Candy Cane White is for my Savior Turn it around What do you see? Who’s sinless and pure! And a staff you will see Stripes that are red “J” is for Jesus My Lord, Jesus my shepherd Like the blood that’s for sure! Was born for Me! shed for me 14


£13.99 Only


ISBN: 5031330593592


Billy Graham: The Early Years DVD


“This film is what I hope will be the first look at the life of the well known evangelist, Billy Graham. Have you ever wondered about how he came to know the Lord? What his ministry looked like when it first began? Or perhaps his relationship with Charles Templeton? This film will take you back to where it all began, his conversion, and then carry on to the beginning of his ministry years. It’s an amazing story of God at work in an ordinary man! I can’t wait for the next instalment!”

Best of David Phelps DVD

(Joining The Dots)

“Wow! What a voice! If you are a Gaither fan, than you will already know the name David Phelps. However, if not, this film is your chance to really get to know about him, his music and his ministry. Bill Gaither sits down with David and they look back over his years of ministry, meet his family and talk about how God has enabled him to follow his dreams. Plus, you get to hear some of David’s best music!”

Enjoy a great night in this Christmas! Reviews by Amanda Lutes (Editor)

Like Dandelion Dust DVD


“Are you a big Karen Kingsbury fan? If so, then you’ll be excited to know that they’ve finally made one of her novels into a film! Like Dandelion Dust is a classic Kingsbury story in that it is full of drama and heartache but most of all the love of two mothers... Definitely a must see, but beware - a tissue box is essential!”

WOW Hits 2011 DVD


“Do you or someone you know love music videos? If so, this is a great selection of hits from 2011 that should definitely be put on your Christmas list! The WOW series is a great way to introduce yourself to some amazing Christian artists, bands and groups that are using different styles of music to share about Jesus! The music you’ll hear is probably somewhat different than what you hear at church, but is a great alternative to secular music videos.”




£13.99 ISBN: 5099960951991

ISBN: 5031330593202

Family Honk If You’re Special by Tails from the Ark Product Code: 850346002271 (Joining The Dots) “This is a great little musical drama that’s a lot of fun. There are some great characters, from a spitting cobra to an overstuffed parrot. I’d never seen any Tails from the Ark films before, but this didn’t stop me from being able to enjoy the characters quickly. The prelude to the message in the DVD was fun but did leave me wondering where the plot was going. However, the story of Honk the goose proved worth waiting for. Even children as young as two or three will enjoy this lively animation. According to the bonus material, the DVD is aimed at 2-10 year olds, which I’d say was correct. Honk If You’re Special entertains and educates at the same time. It gets my thumbs up.” Stephen George (I.I.C. - Youth Worker)

The Road To Bethlehem by Louise M. Cross ISBN: 9781853455650 (CWR) “The story is based on Luke 2:1-20 and Matthew 2:1-12 and the book even comes with a colourfully animated DVD . You can watch the DVD by itself or read along with the book. The book follows Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem and the struggle to find a place to stay, the three wise men following a special star to see a very special Saviour, angels coming down to talk to the shepherds and the birth of the baby Jesus. This book and DVD is perfect for boys and girls up to the age of 7.“ The Markwell Family Sweetpea Beauty by VeggieTales

Product Code: 820439 (Authentic) “This is one for the girls! Mixing together a number of popular princess fairytales, the latest offering from the VeggieTales is perfect for girls aged 3-8. The cast includes Snordella, who encounters the King at the ball and is assured by him that she really is beautiful. and Sweetpea who shows us that beauty is all about what is on the inside. Littered with lovely moments that highlight what beauty is, including some cunningly placed Bible verses, this film would be ideal for all little girls growing up longing to be a Princess of the King of Kings.” Claire Earl (Burlington Baptist Youth Minister, Ipswich)

Crunch Time by The Adventures of Toby Product Code: 6006523004185 (Joining The Dots) “I was captivated by this animation from the start. I think boys from 7 to 8 upwards will immediately identify with the main character of Toby. It’s up to date, and has a very cool, surfer dude, Jesus character. The message is presented in an accessible and relevant way. I don’t want to say too much more because I love this film and would much rather you watched it for yourself. I can easily see how this film won the International Christian Film Festival’s Best Animated Film award. PS, I thought that the Bonus Feature read-a-long story was great too!” Stephen George (I.I.C. - Youth Worker) To Save A Life Novel by Jim & Rachel Britts

Product Code: RM1040099 (Integrity) “Looking for something that will interest your teens and maybe open up a time for discussion about tough situations like teen pregnancy and suicide? Then this is the film for you! This is a well produced film that is both entertaining and really thought-provoking. A must-see in my opinion!” Amanda Lutes (Editor) Only










Open Your Bible by Brianne Holmes Do you feel daunted when you pick up a Bible or wonder if you will be able to understand it? Are you looking for answers to specific Biblical questions but don’t know where to find them? Are you teaching a Bible study and looking for help with your lesson plan? CLC is proud to announce the completion of their project to provide an answer—The ‘CLC Bible Companion’ called Open Your Bible (OYB) in the UK. OYB is a one-book solution encouraging Christians by providing answers to Bible questions and helping them discover the truths contained in Scripture. Since its founding seventy years ago, CLC has desired to see people from all parts of the world understand and apply the message of God’s Word. Open Your Bible was created to do just that—to help average people navigate the Bible and enable them to teach its truths to others. A few years ago, a CLC missionary visiting a church in Ghana accompanied the church’s pastor to his office. The edge of the pastor’s bed functioned as his chair, and his desk served as a bookshelf. His entire library consisted of only seven books with no full Bible commentary.

(WOW! - £10 off)

Intro Price


RRP: £25 9780755489916

Like this pastor, many Christians around the world own few Christian study books and have little money to purchase them. OYB is an affordable, comprehensive source of biblical knowledge and currently even more accessible with an introductory price of £14.99 flexibind and £19.99 Imitation Leather. To further make the truths of the Bible accessible, Open Your Bible presents information from the Scriptures in a way that’s easy to read. Pictures illustrate the text, and maps provide a concrete association with the world and cultures of the Bible. Lessons explaining the life and teachings of Jesus are personalised through thought-provoking sidebars. For each book of the Bible, OYB provides an overview of key events and themes. In addition to the text of the book, there is a CD of the entire layout of OYB which is Powerpoint friendly and free with the purchase of the imitation leather edition. Neil Wardrope, CLC International Director and a driving force behind the release of this unique volume, said, “This book contains a wonderful series of studies and I recommend it to anyone—believer and non-believer, pastor or new Christian.” Each of the studies in OYB are broken down into bitesized pieces, making reading and learning so much easier.

(WOW! - £10

Intro Price



RRP: £30 (Imitation Leather)


While some books are culture-specific, Open Your Bible is purposely cross-cultural, allowing it to speak to people on every continent, from every country. “This is a really great tool and a lifetime study reference book,” said Liz Patten, CLC Africa’s Regional Director. “I am looking forward to putting this almost inexhaustible resource into the hands of my church leaders and a pastor’s library in Uganda.” Thousands of copies of Open Your Bible have now been shipped out and made available all over the world. Pray that God will use this great resource to provide insight into His Word for all those who make use of it. OYB is available at your local CLC bookshop and also online at E-formats will soon be available. To

For more details on Open Your Bible (also known as CLC Bible Companion outside the UK) go to: Fo

Intro Offer!

Free CDRom with purchase of OYB (Im. Leather Ed.) 17

By leaving a will, you can protect and care for those dearest to you, prevent legal problems after your death and provide for your favourite causes. Whether you consider including CLC International (UK) or any other charity in your will, enquire as to what the funds could be used for and establish that your gift can and will be used according to your wishes. All charities have a policy regarding gifts made with no indicated use. In our case, undesignated gifts go to the General Fund and this is distributed monthly among qualifying non-employed CLCers, who receive up to £90 each as funds allow. Usually, legacies or other big gifts keep this fund afloat. For more information regarding legacies in favour of CLC, please contact our Finance Office. For all correspondence about finance, including BACS payments, please contact the CLC Finance Office (page 3), or go to

Join us in pra prayer! yer! Our electronic bi-monthly resource (CLC Prayer Focus) will give you daily up-to-date prayer & praise points from any one of our 56 CLC countries. To sign up simply email us at: with ‘PF Subscribe’ as the subject. 18

Minsk Bookstore & Bibles for Belarus Background After 70 years as a republic of the Soviet Union, Belarus gained its independence in 1991. Twenty years later, under strict restrictions on speech, the press, and religion, many of the people of this nation are still looking for freedom—freedom that can only be found in Christ. CLC operates the only Christian bookstore today in the entire nation of Belarus. It is located in Brest, a town of 300,000 on the border with Poland in the southwestern corner of the country. Near the centre of the country, 200 miles away, lies the capital city of Minsk with a population of 1.8 million—nearly 20% of the country’s population. The CLC team in Belarus has long dreamed of some day opening a Christian bookstore in this large urban centre, but the lack of funding to purchase a shop has held them back. Russian Bibles are one of the primary needs in this country. Over this past year, we have been able to get some Bibles from the Belarus Bible Society, but even this does not meet the need. CLCer Lina reports that there are times, sometimes months on end, when some editions of Russian Bibles are not available. While Russian Bibles are available in other countries, strict import restrictions and documentation hassles mean people in Belarus sometimes must go without. CLC Belarus has now come up with a joint project to try to meet both the need for a bookstore and the need for Bibles.

The Project The vision of the Minsk Bookstore & Bibles for Belarus project is to publish and distribute a variety of Russian Bibles in Belarus. Because they will be printed in the country, they will not be subject to import restrictions! Additionally, these Bibles will be exported and distributed to other Russian-speaking countries, with proceeds from the sale of these Bibles going to help fund the purchase of the Minsk bookstore! For this purpose, we are looking to the Lord to provide the initial funds to pay for the printing of 15,000 Bibles—approximately £32,000 will be needed. When those Bibles are sold, that money will be multiplied several times and should provide funds for a second reprint of the Bibles and a large part of what is needed to purchase the shop in Minsk. That’s only £2.00 a Bible! Would the Lord have you give a portion of the £32,000 needed to help CLC meet the need for both Bibles and the bookstore in Minsk?


Our CLC Belarus Team! For information on how to donate visit us at:

19 19

Asian Leaders’ Conference

By Sheena Wardrope CLC International Office At the end of April 2011, twenty six CLC members, representing eleven of the fourteen Asian/Australasian countries where CLC works, met together in Valenzuela, in the Philippines, for the bi-annual CLC Asian Leaders’ Conference. The number of people participating grew significantly during the morning worship and devotional times as many of the Filipino team joined in; among them were an excellent group of musicians and enthusiastic worship leaders whose ministry was much appreciated. It was a huge undertaking for National and Regional Director Romualdo Macinas, his wife Deedah and their team. The meetings all took place in the conference room in the main HQ/Bookshop/Wholesale building, which is a constant hive of activity even without the conference delegates and visiting speakers! We were all extremely well looked after and the meals, not to mention delicious snacks in between, that were prepared in Romualdo and Deedah’s home (part of the staff complex behind the main building) were wonderful. Deedah’s stepmother did most of the cooking and the food was served by members of Romualdo and Deedah’s church which, I discovered, meet in the CLC Conference facilities too! The Conference theme was ‘Unite to Ignite: One Heart, One Mind’. With this in mind, the Rev. Jay Banzuelo, a local pastor and friend of CLC, led the devotional sessions on the importance of relationships and teamwork… and the influence leaders can have in both of these areas. Another local Filipino, Ferdie Sevilleja, led three seminars on ‘Planning for Growth’. CLC news, updates, reports and current issues to be addressed (preparing for eBooks for example) were shared within the team. We were able to put serious issues to one side, briefly, for an evening of relaxation and fun. Once again the Filipino team did a wonderful job by providing entertainment with a beautiful display of national dances. Small gifts – both of a serious and useful nature and some more frivolous ones – were shared out from each country represented, causing much delight and laughter! One gift prepared by the Filipino team was an ‘I ♥ CLC’ T-shirt for everyone. The conference also included a visit to see the CLC Philippines’ newest and very impressive shop in Malolos. To end with there was a trip to visit the historic island of Corregidor, an hour’s boat ride from Manila. Throughout the four day event, the fellowship and growing friendships between us was very special. Though divided by country, culture and language, we all got on well! Not everyone was comfortable communicating in English, but we managed somehow. One CLC member from Japan, who had never travelled outside of his home country before, decided not to rely solely on his fellow Japanese team member to interpret for him. After attempting to communicate with various individuals by slowly repeating what was probably a very simple Japanese phrase, he normally managed to end with a relevant English word that seemed to sum it all up! Although English might have been a problem for some, the desire to communicate spoke volumes! May that be true of all of us in CLC as we desire to communicate the Gospel. 20

CLC Asian Leaders plus members of the CLC Philippines Team & CLC International Ofiice

Romualdo & Deedah Macinas, Regional Directors

Members of CLC Philippines who showed us some traditional dances. CLC members looking round the new CLC Malolos bookshop.


“I commend this book with enthusiasm. Great trouble has been taken over its production. It contains accurate information, which is presented in a balanced and readable form.” – Rev. John Stott “This handbook is a first-class resource for anyone who is keen to get to grips with the Bible. It has been produced attractively and clearly and I have no doubt that it will be widely read and hugely appreciated.” – Rev. Jonathan Edwards, General Secretary, Baptist Union of Great Britain “It will meet a great need and give clear insight into the Bible’s teaching.” – Billy Graham “Comprehensive... Creative... Christ-centred... This wonderful tool will help you discover... the rich treasures of the Bible.” – Dr. Steve Brady, Moorlands College To


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