2014 CLC World 2.0 'The Events Edition'

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2014 Issue 2.0:‘The Events Edition’

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“A resource I encourage all young people to read if they feel is God leading them to get more involved in missions.” Amanda Lutes, CLC World Editor

ISBN: 9781781913215 Offer valid until 30/09/14

CLC’s Purpose: To bring glory to God by making evangelical Christian literature available to all nations so that people may come to faith and maturity in the Lord Jesus Christ.



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From the editor: At CLC our vision is to share God’s Word with God’s world. It’s a vision all Christians share, but how do you actually get started? A few years ago our International Director, Neil Wardrope, came up with the ‘P’s of CLC Vision. In this edition of CLC World, take a look at our 13 ‘P’s, along with an example of how each one has made a difference in our ministries around the world. It’s not an exhaustive list, but I hope this will give you further insight into our CLC ministry and inspire you to get started!

Amanda Lutes

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God’s Power! Remember, ‘with God all things are possible’ (Matt 19:26 NIV). Ask God for His direction and wisdom, and begin today! Our vision for CLC has grown enormously since we began in a little bookroom in Colchester in 1941! May God bless your vision and ministry as well. -

13 P’s of ‘CLC Vision’ from our ministries around the world!




2 Establishing your Plan

No matter what your vision, writing down a plan is the first step to setting it in motion. Ask yourself: What is your vision? To what purpose? What are the steps vital to making this a reality?


Finding the right People

In 2013, CLC Bolivia was set up by our former CLC Venezuelan Director, Gamaliel Padilla, and his wife Marlene. They accepted God’s call, handed over their responsibilities, and moved to Bolivia. This move included leaving their adult children behind but they knew that God was calling them specifically to start this new ministry. They set off with a strong conviction that books and bookshops don’t function without people and that the ‘right’ team is necessary to make sure a new ministry maintains a strong biblical foundation. Now a year later we are encouraged to see a strong team and bookshop that is a real blessing to the people of Santa Cruz.

For our team in Belarus, their vision is to establish their second bookshop in the country, in the capital city of Minsk. To what purpose? To fulfil CLC’s purpose. Did you know that our Christian bookshop is the only evangelical one in the country? Steps towards reaching this goal: First, the team raised funds to begin publishing quality Russian Bibles that could be sold in Belarus and in Moscow (Russia) at very affordable prices. Now they are are setting aside a portion of the profits for the new bookshop and using the rest to publish more Bibles. Swaziland




Perseverance - Don’t quit!

Simphiwe and Sncedzile, our two sales ladies in Manzini, Swaziland, know all about perseverance! They have been ‘holding on’ now for some time, despite the challenging circumstances that the ministry has been facing during the past few years. Things started declining in 2010, and the following year CLC had to release some staff members. Since then, it has been a real struggle for survival, throughout which we have been asking God to save the ministry from closure. By God’s grace, CLC Swaziland has managed to reduce operating costs by relocating the bookshop to a more favourable location at a lower rent, and last year (thanks to a generous donation) they received a great and varied stock of Study Bibles. However, it is still difficult to imagine a cash flow that will enable them to regularly replenish key book and music titles. Nonetheless, they believe that for as long as God gives them the grace to persevere, they will continue to do so, both for His sake and that of His people in Swaziland!



Remember the importance of Prayer ,

Ever since they opened in the 1970s, CLC in the Highlands of Scotland have had an ‘Outreach Vehicle’ attached to the ministry. In 2013 it became apparent our current vehicle needed replacing to cope with the rough roads. Considering our budget, it didn’t look like we could afford a replacement but we brought it before the Lord seeking His direction. Scotland Later, a customer came in to find out how this project was progressing and the Lord started working in an amazing way! Speaking clearly with the phrase ‘Feed my sheep’, this lady recognised it to be CLC’s purpose (making Christian literature available) and felt led to exchange her car for CLC’s new van. From there details started falling into place – she even planned to use the very garage where we’d been looking for a van. When the exchange process took place, this anonymous giver felt led to make up the outstanding balance between the two for the new van. We were totally overwhelmed by such generosity. Even those at the garage were rather confused, as they had never dealt with a transaction like it! We thank God daily for our new van and for such amazing supporters.


Two Battles

100th Anniversary:

Did you know that WWI began 100 years ago in 1914? We thank God for the sacrifice many men and women made for the freedom of others.

Dave Almack (CLC USA) Edited by Jacqui Burne

It was 1939; there was a war on and soldiers were being trained by the thousands in Colchester to be sent to the front to fight the Germans. Many did not return home. Each day Bessie Adams saw this mass of humanity and felt burdened. Just like Jesus, she had compassion on these men and wanted to make a difference in their lives. Bessie was my grandmother and a tremendous evangelist in her own right. She and my grandfather, Ken, had established a small book room right in the heart of Colchester. Despite the active work of literature distribution that they were already involved in, the “soldiers’ work” became a priority as well. The two quickly planned meetings in a local Quaker hall and, each weekend, invited as many of these men as possible. Bessie and Ken had a network of young people stationed at street corners near to the hall, inviting people in. Hundreds come out to eat, sing and hear the gospel. My grandfather would preach a convicting message and often gave away books at the end of his sermon. He quickly realised that the men taking the books were often the ones that were serious about pursuing a relationship with God. Many conversations led to decisions for Christ, and it was not unusual to see people on their knees praying all over the room at the end of one of these sessions. Who knows how many men made professions of faith and went on to die in the next few weeks, meeting their Saviour far sooner than they had expected. A few years ago, I received a letter from a very old woman in Florida who wrote to thank me for what my grandparents had done many years ago. Her recently deceased husband had been one of the soldiers who trained in Colchester and who had gone to a meeting and given his life to Christ. He had not died on the battlefield but, instead, had lived a long life as a committed Christian and a dynamic witness to the power of the gospel to change a life. As Ken and Bessie’s grandson, I treasured that letter and my grandparents’ boldness in the middle of a war. They knew that two battles were taking place simultaneously and were committed to doing something about it. 4

Today, the urgency of war is not an immediate reality for many people. Battles are fought in places so far away that we don’t even know where they are. Despite this, the second war continues on and is devouring lives on a daily basis. Our enemy uses many tactics, but they all have one aim – death and destruction. While many suburban homes often look pretty good on the outside, there may be a different story going on inside. Many people live lives of desolation, loneliness, depravity and hopelessness, all hidden under a false veneer of self-sufficiency and success. New tactics are needed to make the truth of the gospel as relevant and attractive as it was to soldiers in World War II. The message and the power to save are the same, and the need for a Saviour is just as great. The challenge is to help people see the certain fate that awaits them, even when bombs are not falling all around and their physical mortality is not a daily question. May the Lord open our eyes to the real battle going on all around us and give us the compassion and wisdom we need to reach a lost and dying world. Building where CH Spurgeon once roomed & where CLC began


ISBN: 9780875086507

Price: £8.50

Read how it all began! Travel back to the early days of CLC with Norman Grubb in Leap of Faith. “Although our challenges and opportunities today are very different, they still require us to put our faith fully in God if we want to achieve His Purposes.” Neil Wardrope, CLC Int’l Director “A truly inspiring read! There is no denying the call and vision from the Lord — to make His Word available and accessible to all — that was placed on the hearts of the early CLCers. Nor the faith required to fulfil this purpose.” Amanda Lutes, CLC World Editor

13 P’s of ‘CLC Vision’ from our ministries around the world!




CLC & Biblica

Partnership - Making a bigger impact: Working with others is not without challenges but usually the fruit of such labour is bountiful. Recently an agreement has been reached between CLC Colombia and Biblica enabling CLC to act as their distributors in Colombia. This partnership will also allow us to print Bibles for all of the Spanish-speaking CLC countries. We are also working on a project to publish a ‘missionary Bible’ to distribute for a very modest price. Pray that this partnership will permit us to distribute the Word of God to even more people throughout the Spanish-speaking world.

The impact of CLC’s Thompson Chain workshops held in Latin America: CHILE: Since 2006 there have been 31 workshops with 3034 leaders trained. COLOMBIA: Since 2010 there have been 90 workshops with 9514 leaders trained. ECUADOR: Since 2013 there have been 9 workshops with 923 leaders trained. PANAMA: Since 2007 there have been 41 workshops with 2774 leaders trained. VENEZUELA: Since 2009 there have been 23 workshops with 2117 leaders trained.







Searching for the perfect Place:

Be aware that it might take some time to find the right ‘fit’ or location for your ministry. Our CLC team in Spain are currently ‘right-sizing’ their location in Madrid to combine their warehouse and bookshop, improve their administrative and logistic processes, as well as offer a better service to their customers. Their hope is to rent out their current warehouse, which they own, to help with costs of renting this new combined property (near the Bullring) which is only 20 metres from their previous bookshop and very much in the heart of the city of Madrid.

Participation - See a need? Get involved!

A great way to help your ministry is to become a vital part of your local community. Discover something that is needed in your area that fits within your ministry’s purpose and join forces with others to meet that need. Our CLC teams in Latin America found that within each of their countries there was a strong cry from pastors and church leaders for more Bible training, especially as relating to teaching others. Joining forces CLC has hosted these Thompson Chain Bible (TCB) workshops throughout many cities and towns, mentoring and shepherding these Christian leaders. We thank God for all the results you see in the chart on the left.

Create a Project to meet the need:

In a new project for 2014, CLC hopes to send a container of shop fixtures to Mozambique, as we desperately need new shelves and office furniture. The shelves in our Maputo bookshop have been destroyed by termites, and the shelves in the Beira bookshop are ‘on loan’ from a missionary! Just over the border, our bookshop in Manzini, Swaziland, could also do with an upgrade as we have very old shelving in a brand new bookstore. CLC UK has kindly offered to donate some shelving, but transport is a problem. Sending a container would give us the opportunity to send some free stock and other donated materials, which would be a blessing to our ministry in those two countries. The minimum amount we need is £5000. To learn more about these projects, or to donate to the appeal, please contact Elizabeth Patten directly at liz.patten@clcinternational.org

Similar container sent to CLC Liberia




13 P’s of ‘CLC Vision’ from our ministries around the world!

Central Asia

10 Be Professional in every way! 1

Showing true ‘professionalism’ (integrity, honesty, reliability, consistency, etc.) lets others know they can count on you and as a result more opportunities will come your way. CLC Korea writes: “What is truly encouraging is that our publishing efforts are being recognised more and more – so much so that we now have more authors than we can handle asking us to publish their books. We are in a position where we can review and choose, from among many transcripts, which books to publish. Our titles, both theological as well as general Christian books, are positively influencing seminary students and the wider Christian public.”

Book table

11 1

When Persecution comes, TRUST GOD!

When thinking of our CLC teams in Central Asia, the quote, ‘If God leads you to it, He’ll lead you through it’, always comes to mind. Although Christian bookshops are still legally allowed in these countries, as well as in places like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia, every day is met with new challenges and obstacles. We thank God daily for protecting our teams and their ministries and are always greatly blessed by the testimonies from these areas. CLC Pakistan will have the opportunity to publish two titles in Urdu this year. Please pray for this ongoing project.

12 Provision: God blesses the giver & the receiver!

In the hopes of re-establishing our ministry in Sri Lanka, ELS (CLC) India has set up a book table in a local church (and at different events) with ELS India sending the necessary books and resources to a young man named Brian in Sri Lanka to sell. The profits from these books are being set aside for an official ELS (CLC) bookshop. Praise God that the very large quantity of stock which was initially sent has already been sold. Please pray for those involved in registering CLC as a ‘society’ once more in Sri Lanka as there has recently been a setback. We are trusting God to see ELS India’s vision of a ELS (CLC) bookshop in Sri Lanka a reality. As the ‘giver’ of the books to Sri Lanka, CLC (ELS) India has truly felt God’s blessing this year! They recently opened their 20th bookshop and now have the funds to open yet another. Praise the Lord for His provision and may He guide them in their future endeavours.

13 Make a difference with your Profits! 1



CLC profits have always been used to support other CLC ministries around the world as needs arise or as a new work is initiated, but some profits go to other causes too. As required by law for large organisations, CLC Colombia have established a ‘social foundation’ (FSCLC), something that is very close to their hearts. In 2013, FSCLC was very active in supporting, sponsoring or arranging events in major cities and in local communities. Working with other organisations, missions and churches, they facilitated teaching on health issues, addictions, parenting, among other topics. FSCLC also donates equipment for those in need and offers support to vulnerable children and their families. Their aim is to make a difference in their community, and country as well as leading others to Christ. You can make a difference too! Ask around about the needs in your community or to learn more about CLC opportunities use our form on the next page.

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