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Easter and Lent reading

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From Glory into Glory

Tom Parsons


The hour has come for Jesus to return to the Father’s heavenly glory. He embarks on the journey ahead, even though it will lead him through the depths of earthly shame. Crucifixion awaits him, and what destiny could be considered more disgraceful than to die on a cross? Yet right there, in the indignities of his suffering and death, Jesus will reveal the glory of God.

From Glory Into Glory follows Jesus on this journey from the veiled glory of the cross into the blazing brightness of the resurrection. Travel along, then, with these daily comments and prayers in your hand. There are some glorious views along the way…

RRP: £4.99 | 9781914966736

The Prayers of Jesus

Amy Boucher Pye

This Lent, refresh your relationship with God by exploring the way Jesus Himself prayed to His Father. Focusing on six of the prayers of Jesus leading up to the central events of our faith, encounter the Saviour in a new way and reach new depths of intimacy with God in prayer. Through six sessions, experience more of God’s presence as you pray and reflect on Jesus’ journey to the cross. Each session includes: Warm up suggestions; setting the scene; Bible readings; session focus sections; discussing starters and prayer exercises.

RRP: £8.99 | 9781789512502

Images of Grace

Amy Scott Robinson

Lent is traditionally a time of repentance, fasting and prayer as we prepare to celebrate our salvation at Easter. Through daily readings and reflections from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day, Amy Scott Robinson explores different biblical images of repentance, sin, forgiveness and grace, bringing them together in Holy Week as a lens through which to view Christ’s work of reconciliation on the cross.

A devotional whose focus on imagery particularly lends itself to further creative response from the reader through art, journaling and poetry. Includes questions and suggestions for individual and group study.

RRP: £9.99 | 9781800391178




Gerald Chrispin

What are the two most significant events in history? The Christian will say, ‘The death of Jesus on the cross and His resurrection from the dead.’ Gerard Chrispin’s book is like a witnesses’ waiting room at a trial. Those appearing are eyewitnesses of either the horror of what happened on and around the cross, or of the staggering encounters with the risen Lord Jesus Christ three days later!

This gripping book urges us to face the challenge of the question, ‘On whose side are you?’

RRP: £9 | 9781846256820


Stephen Cottrell

In the Gospel of Mark’s account of the Passion narrative, Jesus calls out from the cross ‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?‘ which is the Aramaic for ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ – the first line of Psalm 22. It’s an anguished expression – traditionally ascribed to King David – of defeat, failure, abandonment and despair. This series of reflections, written for Lent is a beautiful and compelling exploration of the dark, suffering side of the Passion – and how Jesus’ words lead us to the greatest hope of all.

RRP: £14.99 | 9781399805247

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Emma Ineson

What is failure? What did Jesus think of it? What did he say about sin, mistakes and generally mucking things up? At the start of this wonderfully humorous and encouraging book – which will end at the cross – it’s suggested that our tendency to lump all kinds of failure together could be a bit unhelpful.

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As the book draws to an end, we are reminded of our calling to live life to the full, to take risks despite our fears. We are bound sometimes to fail! Yet gazing at Jesus – who looked like the greatest failure of all – we may discern in the heartache, vulnerability and humility of failure, the glory of the cross.

RRP: £10.99 | 9780281087846

Meditate on the NEW Words of Jesus

Truly, Truly, I Say to You

Have a personal encounter with Jesus every day with these 40 devotions that reflect on the sayings of Jesus in John’s Gospel. Reflections and prayers by Adam Ramsey together with insights from Charles Spurgeon. Ideal to read during Lent and there are two extra special reflections added for Easter Sunday and Monday.

Adam Ramsey

RRP: £9.99 | 9781784988241

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