Prayer Focus, April - June 2015

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Join us in this work. Lend us a hand through prayer so that many will give thanks for the gift that comes to us when God answers the prayers of so many. 2 Corinthians 1:11 (VOICE)

March 30th - April 5th

Week 14: Canada Monday (30th) - Brossard:

Our financial results have forced us to reorganise our structure as quickly as possible. We need to close the warehouse and one of our branches, which are both located in the same building in Brossard. As we are bound by a lease, we need to sublet this location. To do this, we are using the services of a real estate agent specialising in the field. Please pray that we might find someone to sublet as soon as possible.

Tuesday (31st) - CLC Book Counters:

As our territory is vast and sparsely populated, we find it difficult to actually take literature to the people living in the outlying regions. Because of this, we are starting a new structure this year - CLC book counters. Halfway between a book shop and a church book table, the counter will be a place where churches and individuals in the area can come and pick up books and other articles. Please pray for the introduction of at least three counters this year.

Wednesday (1st) - Publishing:

Having started publishing books last year, with Josh McDowell’s book More than a Carpenter as our first book, we want to continue in this area. Our goal this year is to start a new project every month. Please pray that we might find good authors and good books that will reach and bless the readers.

Thursday (2nd) - Staff Training:

Last year, we arranged staff training sessions, but on a ‘need’ basis. This year we plan to hold training sessions every quarter. Please pray that the training will be relevant and contribute to improving the service we give to our customers.

Friday (3rd) - Distribution:

We have been distributing to other book shops for the past 20 years. We have specialized in DVDs and games, with only a few books. However, we now want to significantly increase our distribution of books. Please pray that the Lord will open up opportunities for us in this regard.

The Weekend (4th/5th) - ZETeO:

In 2014 we set up a regular event we have called ‘ZETeO’. Zeteo is a Greek word which means ‘to look for’. Every two months we hold a lecture in one of our bookshops. These are given by a guest speaker, based on his or her theological specialty. The speakers are professors or students who have published an academic thesis (masters or doctorate). Pray that our guests will be inspired and able to impart knowledge that can be used to build-up and attract the interest of listeners. (ZETeO event photo) Week 14 information provided by Antoine Roberge, CLC Canada National Director

April 6th - April 12th

Week 15: French Speaking West Africa (FSWA) Monday (6th) - Relocation in Burkina Faso:

Please pray with us that the ministry in Burkina Faso finds its place again after having to relocate the Ouagadougou bookshop in 2014. Pray that customers will find us easily and that we will be more effective in serving the church and the country.

Tuesday (7th) - The Health of CLC Burkina Faso and its team: Good health is important. Please pray for the financial health of CLC and also for the physical health of the workers and their families. Requests sent in by Prosper Weda, Director for CLC FSWA

Wednesday (8th) - Three Specific Needs for CLC Benin:

*Pray for someone with a clear call from the Lord to serve with us in Benin through Christian literature *Sometimes we encounter problems related to the way in which we pay our invoices. May the Lord help us to find the best way. *Pray for a miracle, that the Lord would open up the way so that we could have our own property.

Thursday (9th) - Benin Mail Bags:

The method of sending new merchandise via mail bags to the post office is very helpful for us. However, some of our suppliers do not know this method, so they often send our orders via transportation companies. This means that we have to pay a transport tax, which can be very high. Please pray that our suppliers will understand and that they will use the mail bag system. Thank you. Requests sent in by Emmanuel Ladeyo, CLC Benin Manager

Friday (10th) - Bouake, Côte D’Ivoire:

“Please pray that CLC in Bouake will go well and that the Lord will lift up the sales again to the point where the bookshop can fully cover its own expenses and then begin to make a profit. Please also pray for the town of Bouake that has a much greater Muslim influence since the 2002 crisis (the first civil war in Ivory Coast). Pray for a spiritual awakening as Christians return to the country and that this will also have an effect on our sales. May God bless you!” Martine Foto, shop manager

The Weekend (11th/12th) - Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire:

“The past few years have been tough for the ministry but now it is a year since the introduction of new leadership and, slowly but surely, the direction of the work is beginning to change. Give thanks with us for the fact that debts are being paid off to suppliers and generally things are improving. However, there is still the matter of the CLC apartment, which has not yet sold. These funds are needed to help clear an outstanding debt to Livr’Afrique. Please pray with us that we can soon find a buyer and be able to get a fair price in the transaction, so that we may meet our obligations.” Liz Patten, CLC Regional Director for Africa

April 13th - April 19th

Week 16: France Monday (13th) - Paris:

We plan to move out of the current bookshop because the landlord wants to double the rent. We need to find an appropriate new location in the same area of Paris, somewhere big enough to present a lot of books and easy to find for our customers. At the time of writing, we don’t 2

CLC Paris Team

know if we will find an affordable shop – either to purchase, if at all possible, or to rent. We need God’s guidance in all our decisions. Please pray also for our shop team in Paris managed by Quentin Lala.

Tuesday (14th) - Rennes:

CLC Rennes is the only Christian bookshop in Bretagne (western France). There are very few evangelical Christians in this region and CLC France wants to maintain a presence here although the sales are not so good. Please pray with us for a revival in Bretagne. We were so happy last year to see a young lady, who was going through serious difficulties with depression, become a Christian after visiting the bookshop and receiving help and encouragement from the shop manager Marie-Pierre.

Wednesday (15th) - Marseille:

You may have heard about tensions in France with Muslims, and our Marseille bookshop is situated in a Muslim area. Please pray with us for the security of the shop, and for Martine who manages the shop, and her helpers and customers. We want to be a light in this big multi-ethnic city.

Thursday (16th) - Lille:

Ruth Williams has served with CLC in France for many years and has had a number of responsible positions. Ruth took over as manager of the bookshop in Lille almost two years ago. A major prayer request is for more voluntary help for Ruth and co-worker John Pierre. While Ruth has been there, 10 volunteers have come and gone (one returned) and we are grateful to all who have helped, but volunteers who can commit to helping longer term would make a huge difference. As Ruth says “It takes a tremendous amount of effort to keep a bookshop vibrant and working well.”

CLC Lille, France

Friday (17th) - Montélimar Bookshop:

Heidi Lauber has been working with CLC over the last 36 years. She is now back home in Switzerland. Emmanuelle, who just moved to the area in January, replaced Heidi as manager of the Montélimar bookshop. Emmanuelle has a lot to learn about how to run a bookshop and she also has to help the purchasing department as she sends regular orders to 12 suppliers. Please pray for Emmanuelle during these early days in her new job.

The Weekend (18th/19th) - Montélimar Warehouse:

We increased the size of our building by 220m² in 2013 and a further 600m² in 2014 in order to serve more publishers. We are now doing the logistics for 5 publishers and the Scouts Association. This means that we stock their books, receive their orders each day and deliver to their customers. This is a good activity because delivery costs to us are greatly reduced, and we achieve better rates from transport companies and for packaging material. Please pray with us for a good and efficient organisation in this developing department. Week 16 information provided by Hervé Lessous, CLC France National Director

April 20th - April 26th

Week 17: CLC Connections Monday (20th) - CLC Ecuador’s Hospital Connection:

CLC Guayaquil, Ecuador

In 2012, CLC opened a second bookshop in the city of Guayaquil. Carlos Marin, the National Director for CLC in Ecuador, writes to say that the shop is well established and has a steady flow of customers. Many customers are visitors to a major university hospital that is close to the shop and CLC is becoming an ‘oasis’ for family members of people who are admitted to the hospital. The team pray that they will be sensitive to the needs of these customers and have opportunities to give spiritual encouragement. 3

Tuesday (21st) - CLC India’s Hospital Connection:

Six of the 21 CLC bookshops in India are located in hospitals, or in the surrounding hospital grounds. In Vellore, Bangalore, Ludhiana, Guwati and Ranipet they are linked to hospitals run by Christian organisations or denominations and in Pondicherry the bookshop is part of the campus of the Pondicherry Institute of Medical Science. These shops are open to the general public as well, but have an CLC Hospital Bookshop - Bangalore, India important ministry among people who are unwell and their visitors.

Wednesday (22nd) - Hospital Connections for CLC Trinidad and CLC Belarus:

In both Trinidad and Belarus there are CLC members involved in ministry in local hospitals. In Trinidad a member of staff visits patients and, as the opportunity arises, prays with them. Some people have come to know the Lord personally through this ministry. In Belarus, the involvement has extended to the bookshop where relatives of patients in the local Children’s hospital visit the bookshop. Some just want somewhere to go, while others buy books or want to talk to someone. Currently, three mothers of children who are seriously ill attend a weekly Bible study that is held in the bookshop.

Thursday (23rd) - CLC Italy Connecting with Prisons:

CLC Naples, in partnership with the rest of CLC Italy, has a project to collect books that cannot be sold - because of minor damage for example - to be donated to prison libraries. Volunteers have taken deliveries of books to a prison near Naples and we hope to give more books, as we are able, in the future. (See photo on the left)

Friday(24th) - CLC USA Connecting with Prisons:

CLC USA sends free books to prisoners on a regular basis, as they are requested. Carolyn Moore coordinates this program and communicates with the recipients of these books as they are being sent out. Very often she hears back from prisoners about how meaningful the books have been. One prisoner said, “I want you to know that you have not only been a blessing to myself, but after reading the books, I have passed them into the system to be read by others as well, so you have been a blessing to many men in here over the years.”

The Weekend (25th/26th) - CLC Chile Connecting with Prisons:

CLC Chile takes books to one of the prisons in the capital city, Santiago. The aim is to provide a complete library of reference books for each individual prison block. Claudio, a member of the CLC team, is committed to carrying out this ministry. In 2014 CLC arranged for prisoners to attend a Thompson Bible seminar and we praise God for the opportunity to hold this event. April 27th - May 3rd

Week 18: United Kingdom (UK1) Monday (27th) - Inverness:

“Once again this year, we plan to travel to outlying areas in the north of Scotland with bookstalls. These will include a large selection of children’s books etc., for the churches’ Annual Prize Giving in May. With Christian bookshop closures, there may well be some additional venues on our route this year and we need wisdom in the planning. Pray too for safety as we travel extensively in the Scottish highlands.”Les and Esther Dowey.

Tuesday (28th) - Sheffield:

The Sheffield shop fittings and layout are starting to look old and are in need of attention. Pray for Jan Burnham (shop manager), Mick Goodman (Operations Manager) and the retail team as they begin to consider the options for at least a partial refresh sometime this year. 4

CLC Sheffield, UK Bookshop

Wednesday (29th) -Newcastle:

Pray for the Newcastle shop as they try to fill the gaps created by the recent closure of two local bookshops. Pray that they can link up with churches and individuals from these areas and provide the materials and services they need. Pray too for more staff/volunteer help for Brian Taylor, the manager. Give thanks that Imon Ragui’s visa has been approved! At the time of writing, he has just returned from India and should soon be joining Brian in Newcastle.

Thursday (30th) - London:

Pray for the recruitment of a deputy manager for the London shop. The manager, Shelley Webb, and her team need more help so that they can develop the possibilities provided by a shop in this key location near to St. Paul’s Cathedral. As the tourist season approaches pray that many foreign visitors will find, appreciate and use the shop.

Friday (1st) - Dundee and Guildford:

Pray for the Dundee shop. Mark Buchanan has recently become the manager and Ian and Lynne are two part time workers who have joined the team. After falling for some years, sales in Dundee need to increase to balance the books so pray for the team as they reach out to churches and build contacts with the local community. Give thanks for the support we are receiving from a number of strategic local churches.

CLC Dundee, UK Team Lynne, Mark, Iain

The Guildford shop has also experienced falling sales for a few years. However, give thanks for recent good improvements and pray for Graham Lapthorn and the team as they build on what has been achieved.

The Weekend (2nd/3rd) - Bookshop Leases:

The leases for several UK shops become due for renewal or renegotiation this year. Please pray for Mick Goodman, CLC Operations and for Jennie Byrne, who is our property advisor, as they talk to landlords and their agents about terms and conditions for new leases. The Leadership Team and Trustees also need much wisdom in knowing how to proceed when new terms are proposed. May 4th - May 10th

Week 19: The Philippines Monday (4th) - Bookshops and Wholesale:

CLC Karuhatan, Philippines

Please pray for daily operations of our bookshops in Malolos, Cebu, Naga, Davao, the main shop in Karuhatan (Manila) and the shop attached to the Febias Bible College. Also continue to pray for our wholesale operations based in Karuhatan as the way some larger retail customers buy from us has changed.

CLC Cebu, Philippines

Tuesday (5th) - Cebu:

Please pray for the bookshop in Cebu City. We need to find personnel to manage the shop as the current manager, who moved there from CLC in Manila, is now approaching to retirement age.

Wednesday (6th) - Davao City:

CLC Davao is the most recent shop to open and there is a need for additional staff. A recent resignation means that, at the time of writing, just the manager and a volunteer were running the shop. Please pray for God’s provision of additional competent staff.

Thursday (7th) - Wholesale:

Continue to pray for the Sales Team of the Wholesale Department that they will be encouraged and more efficient in selling our books through different channels despite the challenges that they continually face. 5

Friday (8th) - Online Shopping:

Praise God for the orders through the online shop, LAZADA. Our products have been active on this site since last December and orders are coming in. Continue to uphold us in prayer, as we will be adding more titles to this site.

The Weekend (9th/10th) - Facilities in Valenzuela: Our main HQ, warehouse and bookshop in Valenzuela continues to be a channel of blessings to other Christian groups here in Valenzuela. Regular prayer meetings of the Far East Broadcasting Company Prayer Partners are held here every Tuesday. Other groups, and a church congregation, use our large Function Hall. Even non-Christians have held wedding receptions and birthday parties here. Please pray for the safety of everyone who comes into our premises.

Recent event held at CLC’s Function Hall in Valenzuela, Philippines

Week 19 information provided by Romualdo Macinas, CLC Philippines National Director

May 11th - May 17th

Week 20: Bolivia & Uruguay Monday (11th) - A Good Start in Bolivia:

We give thanks to God for the first 18 months of CLC in Bolivia. He has blessed us and we have seen His provision and faithfulness month by month. As we move on, we would appreciate prayer for more openings for distribution that will help us increase sales and be faithful in paying our suppliers.

Tuesday (12th) - Key Components for CLC Bolivia:

Please pray for wisdom to establish good strategies for buying and selling books and Bibles so that we would have the right stock to meet the specific needs of people in Bolivia. We also ask for prayer for the staff – that those who are already working with us will have a love for the vision of CLC and that God would bring more personnel capable of taking on key roles in the future ministry of CLC in the country.

Wednesday (13th) - Bolivia Resources and Residence:

CLC Bolivia Bookshop

Please pray for God’s provision and direction as we look to open a second bookshop at some point in the not too distant future. There are a number of important cities in Bolivia without a good Christian bookshop. Please pray for Gamaliel and Marlene Padilla who have left their home and family in Venezuela to direct the work of CLC in this country. Pray for continued good health and also that they would soon be issued with permanent residence visas. Thank you for your prayer support.

Thursday (14th) - CLC Uruguay’s New Bookshop:

We are grateful to God for the possibility of establishing a new CLC bookshop in February this year. This second, and smaller, bookshop in Montevideo is located just 100 metres from the main bus terminal in the capital. We trust that God will bring many new customers to this place.

Friday (15th) - Vision and Extension for Uruguay: New CLC Uruguay Bookshop: A second CLC Bookshop for the city of Montevideo


We need vision to see opportunities to minister, through CLC, in areas we have not yet explored in order to make a difference in

the lives of people in this country. Praise God for the work already accomplished through the mobile bookshop and the main shop in Montevideo. Now we trust that the new bookshop, by the bus terminal, will serve people who come from different cities in the interior of the country.

The Weekend (16th/17th) - Decisions and Provisions for CLC Uruguay:

May God give us wisdom and grace as we make personnel decisions to give continuity and ensure the future of the ministry. We are thankful for God’s provision in order to maintain the distribution from our warehouse despite the difficult economic climate in the country. Week 20: Bolivia information provided by Gamaliel Padilla, CLC Bolivia National Director Week 20: Uruguay information provided by Humberto Urrutia, CLC Uruguay National Director

May 18th - May 24th

Week 21: International Office Monday (18th) - Regional Director for Europe:

Pray for Gary Chamberlin (Regional Director for Europe) who has the responsibility of arranging and coordinating the CLC European Leaders’ meetings to be held in Poland next week. Representatives from most of the 15 countries where CLC works in Europe will be present for a time of fellowship, training and sharing of ideas and concerns in the ministry.

Tuesday (19th) - Regional Director for the Americas:

“Next month there will be a webmasters meeting for the CLC countries in Latin America to be held in Panama. These meetings are crucial for training our web masters on the new features of the CLC eCommerce website. We are also planning to have time to discuss our marketing and social network strategy. We have a lot of work to do to increase the sales through the CLC sites. There are some countries, like Venezuela, that are really moving ahead but we would love to see the same results for all the websites.” Gerardo Scalante, Regional Director for The Americas and Caribbean

Wednesday (20th) - Regional Director for Africa:

In October 2014, Liz Patten (Regional Director for Africa) and Petra Nemansky moved from the UK to Maputo with the aim of developing the work of CLC in Mozambique, Swaziland and Kenya. They are living at a guest home for missionaries and other full time Christian workers, where they are also involved with giving a helping hand. Please pray for them, that they will be able to balance the various commitments and also make time for rest and refreshment. They will need wisdom in planning their travel schedules to the other countries: Petra to Swaziland and Kenya and Liz to other countries in CLC Africa.

Thursday (21st) - I.O. Personnel, Accounts :

Give thanks for the work of Lesley West. She oversees the accounts of the International Office, managing the project funds, requesting country contributions and the myriad of details that are associated with making sure that all monies are accounted for. Her work is unseen by most but we would soon know if it was not done!

Friday (22nd) - I.O. Personnel, Online Training Platform:

Lloyd Hodkinson has been working in recent months on the preparation of an online training platform. The purpose is to enable CLC to share the training resources that it possesses. In time we trust that this will provide training material in a variety of languages. Training is a vital part of any

From left to right Crisit Cotovan: I.O Personnel eCommerce Lesley West: I.O. Personnel, Accounts Lloyd Hodkinson: I.O. Online Training Platform


work – please pray that this online facility will enable many to gain the skills necessary for their CLC work.

The Weekend (23rd/24th) - I.O. Personnel, eCommerce:

Cristi Cotovan has been masterminding the eCommerce project for a number of years. He originally developed the system in his native Romania, but is now based at the International Office in Sheffield. Websites are now available in more than 15 CLC countries as a result of this platform, reaching more people than is possible through our bookshops. He is currently involved in the development of the eBook eReader app project, which will be a major advance. May 25th - May 31st

Week 22: Kenya Monday (25th) - Finance :

For some time now, the work of CLC Kenya has been struggling. We began in 2007 as a wholesale operation but this has suffered due to the national economic situation and the closure of various retail outlets that used to buy from us. As a result of diminishing wholesale sales, we have tried a new focus on retail, at the same time continuing with wholesale. Please pray for our shops in Nairobi (a small retail front at our wholesale department and a ‘container’ bookshop in a church compound) and our shop in Eldoret. Pray that we would be able to continue to minister through the book sales but also through The area in front of the CLC Wholesale in Nairobi, Kenya personal conversations with the customers.

Tuesday (26th) - Staffing:

Due to necessary financial cutbacks as a result of yesterday’s point about finances, sadly it has been necessary to cut back to a minimum the number of staff in the team. Please pray for Edith Wamalwa as she leads the now much smaller team, and for each staff member that they would remain encouraged.

Wednesday (27th) - Outreach:

With retail and wholesale sales having become a struggle, there is an even greater need for the team to get out with the books! Clarence Matheny Ministries currently hold a leadership conference in Nairobi most months of the year, and CLC has been regularly attending with a book table. Please pray that our perseverance will be rewarded and that the delegates will make the most of what we are offering!

Thursday (28th) - Marketing:

Funds are currently low for the purchase of new stock. However, the ministry does have a large quantity of back (older) stock still in hand. The challenge is, how to market these titles to those for whom they would be a blessing! Please pray for the team, that they will be inspired to market creatively so that these titles will get to those who need them, and with the funds that this will generate, we will be able to settle old supplier debts and make new purchases.

Friday (29th) - New Project:

From left to right Liz Patten, : Regional Director for Africa Edith Wamalwa: Kenya National Director Petra Nemansky: I.O. Project Manager


The CLC International Office, together with the Missions Director from CLC USA, has been investigating the possibility of a Print on Demand system (POD) for Kenya. Funds have been raised to purchase the initial equipment and Edith Wamalwa in Nairobi is looking forward to the new opportunities that this will bring to the ministry. Petra Nemansky (CLC International Office) plans to visit Nairobi to help set up this system during the first half of 2015, and thereafter it is anticipated that she will make quarterly visits, from her base in Mozambique,to support this new project. Please pray for good training and a smooth, encouraging start to this new venture.

The Weekend (30th/31st) - Valued Customers:

It goes without saying that all customers are valued! Sometimes we get large orders from mission workers, living far out of town, to use in local outreach. It is a privilege for CLC to be able to help to get specific materials as requested. Please pray for mission workers in rural areas of Kenya particularly, that God will bless them for their faithfulness and for their investment in His Kingdom. Week 22:information provided by Liz Patten, Regional Director for CLC Africa June 1st - June 7th

Week 23: Publishing Monday (1st) - Italy:

CLC Turin recently organized a meeting with Emanuele Fardella, the author of two books, published by CLC Italy, about the influence of the occult and subliminal message in music. The books are bestsellers for CLC Italy as thousands of copies have been sold. Over 500 people came to the meeting. We have had similar meetings in Naples and Catania as well. We praise God that thousands of people are becoming informed CLC Turn, Italy: Book Event with Emanuele Fardella on these topics, and for the positive impact on the ministry of CLC Italy.

New CLC USA Publication

New CLC TPortugal Publication

Tuesday (2nd) - USA:

CLC USA is publishing several key books, on the topic of global missions, leading up to the triennial Urbana Student Missions Conference that takes place in December. Of particular importance is the new book Send Me, I’ll Go that has just been released. It is written by a young, but experienced, missionary church planter who worked in Mainland China and is now in Taiwan. The book is designed to challenge young people to long-term commitments to serving God wherever He sends them.

Wednesday (3rd) - Portugal:

Many years ago CLC published a book by a Scottish missionary in Portugal. Now, under Carlos Cunha’s leadership, CLC Portugal has taken up publishing once more. In December 2014, the devotional book A Noite de Deus (Night of God) by Clarisse Barros, a Portuguese author, was published. In the first two months almost half the initial print run had been sold and feedback about the book is encouraging.

Thursday (4th) - Romania:

CLC Romania is currently running two bookshops, a website with online sales and a translation and publishing programme. At the time of writing they have 6 more books translated and ready for the layout process, one book ready for print, one book in the process of being translated and two titles waiting for permission to publish. Please pray for wisdom and energy for Ronela Micula and her team; they are as busy as ever but with a significantly reduced number of staff.

Friday (5th) - The Philippines:

CLC in the Philippines have published over 200 titles. However, almost half of these titles are either out of print or the contracts have expired. Please pray for the publishing department as they negotiate with foreign publishers for permits to publish their books. At the same time, CLC Publications have a project to provide reference materials to pastors and Christian workers in the Philippines at prices lower than bookstore prices. For this, there is a need for reference books, such as Systematic Theology, that can be published by CLC Philippines. 9

The Weekend (6th/7th) - International Office:

In recent months we have collaborated with a UK evangelist to produce a Gospel of Mark specifically directed at people who are not used to reading the Bible. It comes in a magazine style and is entitled ‘Look Closer’. The New Living Translation of the Bible has been used, along with testimonies and explanations of ‘spiritual’ words in every day language. Please pray that this project will enable many people to read part of the Bible for the very first time. June 8th - June 14th

Week 24: UK Changes Monday (8th) - Warehouse Relocation, Project Manager:

David and Roelina Scouler (ex CLC Australia) have joined the UK team. David is the project manager for the warehouse move. Pray for them as they settle into the UK and for David as he learns how the Christian book trade works in the UK and all the other information he needs to oversee the enterprise.

Tuesday (9th) - Warehouse Relocation:

Please continue to pray for the warehouse move. The trustees have identified a suitable property in the Chester area. Once all the legal processes, which hopefully will be well underway by now, are completed, the process of equipping and moving begins. Pray for all the people for whom this move will bring big changes and elements of uncertainty, that they may know God’s peace. A big welcome to this fun-loving couple who recently joined the CLC UK team. May God richly bless them both as they adjust to life in the UK.

Wednesday (10th) - Computer System for Warehouse & Shops: With the warehouse move will come a new computer

system requirement for the UK ministry. Pray for Mick Goodman, the advisory group and the trustees as decisions are made as to which supplier is selected and for the work which will have to be done to adapt the system for CLC’s particular needs.

Thursday (11th) - CLC Interim General Manager:

Pray for Eddie Olliffe in his short-term role as UK General Manager. Part of his brief is to facilitate the finding of a longer term National Director for the UK possibly from outside CLC UK. Pray that we will know God’s person for this job.

Friday (12th) - Retail Managers Group:

Richard Morris, retires after the conference in May and John Watkins, will be retiring shortly thereafter. Geoff Fanning will continue with the retail management but pray that the Leadership Team will know the best way of overseeing the shops in the future. With God’s help CLC UK wants to keep as many High street shops open as possible and perhaps dream of opening others in strategic locations.

The Weekend (13th/14th) - Stock and Supply Chains:

With changes in the supply chain to shops continuing, and in particular USA publishers looking for UK outlets, pray for the warehouse as they evaluate the stock ranges being offered to them for distribution and wholesaling, particularly when more space becomes available in the new warehouse. Pray too for the shops and warehouse as they work together to ensure the availability of the Bibles, books and other supplies our customers need.


June 15th - June 21st

Week 25: Poland & Hungary Monday (15th) - Wroclaw, Poland:

Please pray as, at the time of writing, we are looking for a new manager for the CLC bookshop in the historic city of Wroclaw. The shop is located in the premises of a Baptist church, but it is also open to the public. At the end of March, after many years of service with CLC, the previous shop manager left the ministry. We see this as an opportunity to find a new manager, someone who can take the bookshop forward and be active in organising book tables and in connecting with the local churches.

Tuesday (16th) - Katowice, Poland:

Please pray for the staff of the small CLC bookshop in Katowice. The manager, and CLC Director for Poland, Ewa Rymer, has been very committed to the ministry here for over 10 years. Praise God for the help of Sabina who assists Ewa in the bookshop and with adding new articles to the website - Please pray with the team for an additional person to help CLC Poland with the change over to the CLC International ePlatform website either this year or early in 2016. Thank God that the shop is now more financially solid than it was several years ago.

Wednesday (17th) - Publishing in Poland:

CLC Poland was able to publish a number of books in 2014. These included Amazing Love by Corrie Ten Boom, Reason for my Hope: Salvation by Billy Graham and two titles by Evelyn Christenson. We are currently translating the new title by Francis Chan; You and Me Forever and, at the time of writing, working on printing Billy Graham’s book How to be Born Again. Praise God that there is much interest in Billy Graham’s books. Please pray that the Lord will guide us as we search for new titles that can truly make a difference in the lives of the readers.

Thursday (18th) - Budapest, Hungary:

Last year we saw dramatic changes in the Christian book market with two publishers opening bookshops in Budapest. We could sense the direct effect of this on our sales, even though our Internet sales rose significantly. This impacts the way we work and we have to concentrate more on online activities. Please pray as we adjust to these realities.

Reason for My Hope by Billy Graham (Polish)

Friday (19th) - Debrecen, Hungary:

We have received news of an opportunity to move our Debrecen bookshop from its present location, in a small shopping mall, to a church property. At the time of writing, we don’t have all the details but we know the overhead costs would be lower. After 4 years of operation in Debrecen the overhead costs are still very high and a move like this could help the shop become self-sufficient. Please pray for wisdom in decision-making.

Zsolt Karpati (CLC Hungary) waiting for permission

The Weekend (20th/21st) - Miskolc, Hungary:

For the past two years the future of our shop manager, Ilona, has been uncertain. At the time of writing, it now seems probable that her husband, a pastor, will be moved to a church in another town in Hungary possibly in the next few months. Please pray for the Szuhanszkys at this time as they prepare to move after many years living and serving in Miskolc. Pray too for the CLC ministry as this will mean decisions will need to be made about its future in Miskolc. Week 25 information provided by Gary Chamberlin, Regional Director for CLC Europe 11

June 22nd - June 28th

Week 26: Answered Prayer Monday (22nd) - Trinidad:

Trinidad has a high crime and murder rate and the CLC team there pray daily for God’s protection. Recently, they believed a man was attempting to steal from the Port of Spain bookshop. The staff were amazed to see how God kept sending customers into the shop while the man was waiting to make his move. As he finally drew closer to the cashier’s booth (a protective screen around the till as in the photo on the left) two more men entered the shop, which seemed to confuse him and he walked straight out having been in the store for about an hour and a half. The police had been alerted but arrived just after the man left. Please pray for continued protection for our four bookshops in Trinidad.

Tuesday (23rd) - USA:

CLC USA is praising God for His direct answer to prayer this past Christmas season. The team had been praying that sales would increase after several years of declines and bad weather. Not only did God provide good weather, but also sales increased by 30% in December in two of the three stores. What a good God we serve.

Wednesday (24th) - Dominica:

The landlord of the CLC bookshop in Roseau, Dominica, reduced the rental substantially for the whole of 2014 - an answer to prayer, for which we were very thankful. In last October’s Prayer Focus this temporary arrangement was mentioned and we asked for prayer that the rent would not be increased too much in 2015. Praise the Lord it has stayed at the same amount as 2014!

Thursday (25th) - Ecuador:

National Director Carlos Marin writes: “We give thanks to God for the Thompson Bible Seminars we were able to arrange in two cities earlier this year. In Quito, 81 pastors and church leaders attended and in Otavalo there were 122 participants. Dr. Phil Train from Bolivia led the Bible seminars, including one that was specifically for the families of the pastors. The event was a great blessing for everyone.” Photo of event:

Friday (26th) - Portugal:

Carlos Cunha manages a vibrant CLC ministry based in, and reaching out from, a small bookshop in Coimbra. Recently, Carlos’ wife started helping part-time in the shop. She had previously been employed elsewhere and volunteering with CLC meant significant financial sacrifice for the family. Praise the Lord for His provision for all their needs during this time though, on occasions, their faith was really stretched as well as built up! They have now been given the promise of extra financial support for the next two years – praise the Lord for this answer to prayer.

The Weekend (27th/28th) - Cyprus:

Sotos and Eva Photiades write from Nicosia: - “The previous occupants of the shop next door to us had a small business and insisted that their customers should be able to park across our driveway, blocking our car and creating problems for us. We have been praying this would not happen with the new occupants. Praise the Lord, a very pleasant man is now renting the property, which he uses as an office for only a few hours every day.” 22

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