Prayer Focus - July to September 2015

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Quito, Ecuador

Join us in this work. Lend us a hand through prayer so that many will give thanks for the gift that comes to us when God answers the prayers of so many. 2 Corinthians 1:11 (VOICE)

June 29th - July 5th

Week 27: Ecuador & Panama Monday (29th) - Quito (Ecuador):

We continue to pray that the Lord will allow us, according to His perfect will, to buy a property in Quito. We have already made a formal offer to the Christian ministry that owns the building and we are waiting for their decision about whether or not our offer is acceptable. It would be a great blessing for us if this purchase could go through.

Tuesday (30th) - Maintaining Sales (Ecuador):

Please pray with us that we will be able to maintain sales in our 5 CLC bookshops in Ecuador, a country where the economic situation is changing. In the first quarter of this year we have seen a significant drop in sales.

Wednesday (1st) - Guayaquil (Ecuador):

David, the manager of the main bookshop in the city of Guayaquil, has been under some emotional pressure this year as his wife has recently had a gall bladder operation and is also expecting a baby. Please pray for good health and peace of mind for this couple, and for the safe arrival of their baby. CLC Ecuador information provided by Carlos Marín

Thursday (2nd) - Needs (Panama) :

Please pray for CLC Panama regarding the following needs the team have. We need two more salespeople on the team, specifically for the mobile work – one for Panama City and another for the city of David. We are also praying that we will be able to buy our own property for the warehouse, offices and wholesale departments. A year ago we moved into rented premises, but we see this as temporary.

Friday (3rd) - Special Event (Panama):

Jim and Elizabeth George, international speakers and authors of many books, will be participating in three special events (for women, pastors and couples) organised by CLC and some Christian publishers in Panama this month. Please pray that this time will be an encouragement and blessing for everyone involved.

The Weekend (4th/5th) - A New Project (Panama): CLC Panama recently instigated a new project, Círculo de Lectores Kenesis, which is a reading club held once every two weeks in CLC Albrook. This bookshop is situated in a large modern shopping mall and, as it is open late, it is an ideal location for evening events. A voluntary helper arranges the programme and authors or other guests are invited to read and talk about passages from different books. At the time of writing, around 12 people regularly attend this – but that number could grow as people hear about the project.

CLC Panama information provided by Milton Cheng

July 6th - July 12th

Week 28: Switzerland, Cyprus & Germany Monday (6th) - New Website (Switzerland) :

Last November, we launched our new website. In the first three months of this year, website sales had already doubled compared with the same period last year. However, total sales in the bookshop were down. While we are pleased that people are ordering from us on the Internet, we still want customers to visit us in person.

Tuesday (7th) - Shop Improvements (Switzerland):

As the bookshop in Lugano-Agno now has some extra volunteer help, there are plans to make some changes to freshen up the appearance of the bookshop and improve the signs for the different sections. Pray that the results will make shopping for books easier for customers, and that the shop will be more inviting for everyone who enters. CLC Switzerland information provided by Carlos Ciafani CLC Cyprus Camps

Wednesday (8th) - Books at Camps (Cyprus):

Once again we plan to hold book tables at Christian camps. At the time of writing, a book table at a children’s camp is already planned for July 8th and a family camp in August. There may be more arranged nearer the time. Please pray that the books and other items chosen will benefit those who will purchase them and help to meet people’s needs at each event.

Thursday (9th) - Co-operation in Limassol (Cyprus):

An English speaking fellowship in Limassol has turned one of the rooms where they hold their Bible studies into a bookshop! They recently obtained some Greek Bibles from us for the bookshop. Please pray that this co-operation will increase, and expand to supplies of our books and other items as well. CLC Cyprus information provided by Sotos & Eva Photiades

Friday (10th) - An Answer before Praying! (Germany):

A gifted and much appreciated work colleague, who has worked for CLC Hamburg for the past 10 years, had to leave us recently. We will miss this lady who was warm-hearted in her service to customers and was often called on to give counsel and advice. Before we found out about this move we had already found another lady, also a mature Christian with a lot of experience, who was willing to work with us. Sometimes a solution arrives before we pray!

The Weekend (11th/12th) - Challenges in the Market (Germany):

As the Director of CLC Germany, I am involved in a number of working groups of Christian booksellers and publishers. I am very aware of the huge challenges that we all face in this market these days, and we value your prayer support. However, it is God himself that is building His Kingdom. As long as it is necessary, we have great joy in being in His service through the Christian bookshop ministry. CLC Germany information provided by Valentin Schweigler

July 13th - July 19th

Week 29: India & Indonesia Monday (13th) - The Sales Situation (India) :

Pray for good sales in all the ELS centres. On the whole, there has been a drop in sales since the beginning of 2014 and the trend seems to be continuing this year too. By God’s grace, the 2 new bookshops opened last year, in Ranipet and Bangalore, are doing well. The bookshops in Delhi and Guwahati are struggling the most financially and the teams there would appreciate your prayers for increased sales. 2

Tuesday (14th) - ‘The Heat is On’ (India):

Pray for good health and stamina for all the staff as the hot summer season has already started. Our bookshops in Delhi and Ludhiana reach the hottest temperatures - that can rise up to 44ºC.

CLC India Special Sale

Wednesday (15th) - A Special Sale (India):

A ‘Special Sale’ was held in the CLC Headquarters bookshop, in Chennai, for four days in April. Praise God for the good response. Praise God too that during this time several people from other religious backgrounds walked into the shop and bought books and Bibles. Pray that God would minister to them by His Spirit and that they would be saved. CLC India information provided by Justin Chellapan

Thursday (16th) - Praying for a Re-Opening (Indonesia):

If it is God’s will, we are considering re-opening a CLC centre in Manado, North Sulawesi. There are many Christians in this city and we recognise the need for a supply of Bibles, books and other Christian materials. Please pray for guidance in this matter.

Friday (17th) - CLC Publishing (Indonesia):

CLC Publishing in Indonesia has about 50 titles in print. At the time of writing, we have a book by Watchman Nee, Love Not the World, being prepared for printing and a book by Warren Wiersbe is going through the translation process. Praise God for the opportunity to publish Christian books in this country and pray that the books will bless many people.

The Weekend (18th/19th) - Promotion Programme (Indonesia):

Please pray for our promotion programme. We send letters and leaflets to many theological schools and trust God for a good response. Our goal is that students will buy, and appreciate, the books we have to offer. In particular we want to make contact with new schools. CLC Indonesia information provided by Donny Kairupan

July 20th - July 26th

Week 30: Volunteers “The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers”, Everett Mámor

Monday (20th) - CLC Volunteers around the World:

Praise the Lord for all the volunteers (currently we have over 200 regular volunteers) who help CLC around the world. CLC would not be what it is, or do what it does, without them! Please pray for them - some will be mentioned in the following prayer points but God knows all of them by name.

Tuesday (21st) - Switzerland:

“In Switzerland it is hard to find volunteers - people need well paid jobs due to the high cost of living here. I want to thank God for a new volunteer in our bookshop. Her name is Gina, and she has come from Peru with her husband and two children to live in Switzerland. She only works a few hours each week, but she is very capable and willing and it is good to have a lady’s contribution to the aesthetics of the shop!” Carlo Ciafani, bookshop Manager

Wednesday (22nd) - Dominica:

“Tajya is a volunteer worker for CLC in Roseau. She is married with four children and would love to start up her own business from home but at the moment she does not have the finances for this. Meanwhile, we thank God for her dedication and contribution to CLC. Tajya is one of the main speakers on our newly established radio programme ‘CLC and the Open Book’.” Davis Laudat, bookshop Manager 3

Thursday (23rd) - United Kingdom:

“We are so thankful to have a new volunteer currently with us in CLC London, UK, for about three months. Becky is a nineteen-year-old who has just completed YWAM Discipleship training in Australia. She plans to return to Australia in September to serve for another 2 years with YWAM. We are grateful that this young lady is willing to serve with us at a time when we really needed help.” Shelley Webb, bookshop Manager

Friday (24th) - Philippines:

“CLC recently started to publish a children’s Sunday school curriculum “Sa Puso at Diwa”. As more orders are now coming in for the curriculum, CLC has secured the services of volunteer workers to do the revisions of the curriculum and add the final touches. Thank the Lord for these young people who are available and happy to help us.” Don Tan, CLC Philippines

The Weekend (25th/26th) - Portugal:

“We praise God for the work of João Silva, a key volunteer in CLC Portugal’s publishing department that started just last year. João is involved in the publicity, the cover design and the editing and he also has great ideas to develop the work in the future.” Carlos Cunha, National Director Carlos Cunha and João Silva

July 27th - August 2nd

Week 31: UK Changes Monday (27th) - New Warehouse:

Give thanks for the purchase, at the end of March, of a new warehouse just outside Chester. Pray that the renovations and fitting out are finished on time and that the warehouse is ready for use on the projected start date of early September. Pray for Mick Goodman as he oversees the work of preparing the premises.

New CLC Warehouse, near Chester

Tuesday (28th) - Project Management:

Pray for David Scouler, the project manager for the warehouse move. As well as supervising the actual move, David is managing the setting up and configuration of the new integrated computer software for the warehouse and shops. Give thanks that we have been able to identify a system that suits our needs and pray for warehouse and shop staff as they are trained in, and get used to, the new software.

Wednesday (29th) - From Alresford to Chester:

Pray for the actual move and transfer of the supply operation from Alresford to Chester. The stock will need to go north as well as other equipment. Pray that books and Bibles will continue to be sent out to the UK book trade with no problems and interruptions. The last two weeks in August and the first week of September is the crucial period.

Thursday (30th) - Staff Relocation:

As well as the stock, the Scoulers and some other staff members will also be moving north. Pray for those considering whether to relocate to Chester. For all involved it will be a new and unsettling period. Pray for the whole UK team as it goes through these changes. 4

Friday (31st) - Opening and Closing Shops:

Give thanks for the recent acquisition of the Re:Fresh Christian Bookshop in Tolworth, Greater London. Pray for Graham Lapthorn, the manager, who has transferred from CLC Guildford to Tolworth, and for the staff who have joined us from Re:Fresh. The trustees reluctantly made the decision to close our shops in Canterbury and Guildford at the end of the leases in May.

The Weekend (1st/2nd) - Future Plans:

The UK Leadership Team would like to be able to open new shops in cities where there is no Christian bookshop. The economic problems of the past few years saw many Christian bookshops close. Please pray that if this vision is from God, we will be able to find the right premises in the right location and at an affordable rent. August 3rd - August 9th

Week 32: USA Monday (3rd) - Missionaries for CLC Thailand:

Don and Betsy Veldboom are currently serving as short-term missionaries with CLC, in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Dave Almack will be visiting them there in August to help with a major English language book table and to facilitate discussions about their possible longer-term service with CLC in Thailand in 2016.

Tuesday (4th) - Interns:

Three young women, all university students, are serving as interns with CLC around the world this month or in the near future. Tylar Gooden will be with CLC in the UK, Nicole Doornink will be in France and Tabitha DeHart will be serving in the Editorial Department with the CLC USA team in Fort Washington. Please pray for them.

Wednesday (5th) - Publishing:

From left to right: Nicole, Tabitha & Tylar

CLC USA will be publishing 7 new books in the second half of 2015. One of these books is the muchloved Prison Letters by Corrie ten Boom that has been out of print for many years. This book is the only known compilation of letters from Corrie while she was in prison. There will also be a new book by Stuart and Jill Briscoe, entitled Improving with Age. Stuart and Jill firmly believe that the senior years can be some of the best years of a person’s spiritual life and that senior saints have an important role to play in the life of the church.

Thursday (6th) - Mission Mobilizers:

Jim Pitman will have a new role in CLC USA as he takes on responsibility for mobilizing the next generation of CLC missionaries. He retains his role as Director of the Retail Stores, but will be handing over the day-today store management of the Cedarbrook store. Please pray for Jim in this new role, and for Bill and Marge Almack as they step down as the current mission mobilizers for CLC USA.

Friday (7th) - Websites:

CLC USA is re-launching two of their three websites this year in order to make them more effective and userfriendly. The first website to be redone is the and this new website will allow CLC Publications to have a much more robust and “author-centric” web presence. The main mission website, www. will also be re-designed and will focus on our goal of attracting the next generation of CLC missionaries as well as new donors and partners for the ministry around the world. 5

The Weekend (8th/9th) - A Facelift:

Work is ongoing to give a complete facelift and remodeling of the Philadelphia Center City store. Much work has already been done to replace all of the overhead lighting fixtures. The additional work will involve painting, replacing the flooring and adding some new shelves. This project has taken far longer than expected and we would value prayer that it can be finished soon and without too much disruption. CLC USA information provided by David Almack

August 10th - August 16th

Week 33: Portugal & Spain Monday (10th) - Growth in a Small Space (Portugal):

Thank God the bookshop has been blessed by growth in sales and we believe that it is a consequence of the many activities taking place in the bookshop. Some of these activities do not directly involve sales, but we are happy that our space is used as a centre of encounter and meetings. Our biggest challenge is that our shop is small and that limits the sort of initiatives we can take up, but our service to others is a priority.

Tuesday (11th) - Publishing (Portugal):

Currently we have two books, from CLC USA Publishing, that are under revision for publishing in Portuguese by CLC Portugal. We trust that both books will be launched by the time you read this, or very soon after! Please pray that these books, Changed into His Likeness by Watchman Nee and Holiness without the Halo by Stuart and Jill Briscoe, will be a blessing to many. CLC Portugal ‘Mini Concert’

Wednesday (12th) - Mini Concerts (Portugal):

This year we have started a new project to hold ‘Mini Concerts’ in the Coimbra bookshop. The first one was held in May, during lunch time, with Tiago Cavaco who is a well known pastor and musician in the evangelical churches of Portugal – he is also known in the secular music market too. We hope to hold similar events once every three months. CLC Portugal information provided by Carlos Cunha

Thursday (13th) - Seville (Spain):

CLC Seville

The Seville manager, Manolo, has been actively promoting a number of events in the bookshop. This is bringing in a wide variety of people to the shop and sales have improved as a result. Pray for creativity and energy to arrange these events, and that they would connect with new people.

Friday (14th) - Valencia (Spain):

There are increasing numbers of Muslims in the area around the bookshop and they visit a market that is nearby. The CLC manager, Antonio, would like to have respectful communication with them. Please pray for opportunities to engage in conversation.

The Weekend (15th/16th) - Madrid (Spain):

Pray for the National Director, Darwin, as he manages a lot of responsibilities. In September new material will 6

be arriving from the United States. Pray for skill in placing these important orders, and for new wholesale opportunities. Bookshops continue to close across Spain due to the effects of the financial crisis. CLC Spain information provided by Neil Wardrope on behalf of CLC Spain

August 17th - August 23rd

Week 34: United Kingdom Monday (17th) - Birmingham:

CLC has two shops in the centre of Birmingham, Stephenson Street and Carrs Lane. Pray for them as they work together to increase the sales of Bibles, literature and resources. Pray for Sue Allen, the new manager of Carrs Lane, as she learns the job and forms links with customers and churches.

Tuesday (18th) - London:

The London shop urgently needs a deputy manager. Please pray that the right person is found and also that the shop can find some more volunteers to help with the heavy work load.

Wednesday (19th) - Events:

Over the holiday weekend at the end of August, CLC will be providing the bookstalls at two large Christian events. As this weekend is also a crucial time in the warehouse move, this may make obtaining the stock for these events more difficult. Pray that the necessary resources will be available for the teams running the bookstalls. Pray too that CLC’s presence at these and other events will be a blessing and encouragement both to the organisers and those attending.

ONE Event 2014

Thursday (20th) - Staff Training:

Richard Morris, one of the UK Retail Managers, is retiring. He has agreed to continue with CLC two days a week to devise and implement training for the shop staff around the country. Pray for him as works out training priorities and the best way of providing it. Pray for his co-operation with Lloyd Hodkinson in the International Office who has been working on on-line training modules for CLC in various countries.

Friday (21st) - Finance Team:

Pray for John Auger and the finance team who, for the moment, will continue to be based in the Alresford warehouse. Pray for them as they handle the day to day business generated by shops and wholesale. Pray for them too as they provide financial information and projections to help the Leadership Team and Trustees in their planning.

The Weekend (22nd/23rd) - Scotland:

Pray for the three shops in Scotland - Inverness, Aberdeen, and Dundee. Give thanks for the enthusiastic teams in all three shops and the way they are developing contacts with local churches and organisations in each city. Pray too that they will be able to reach out to the smaller towns and villages in their areas, working with others to promote the Good News. August 24th - August 30th

Monday (24th) - Russia :

Week 35: Leadership Matters

Nikita Sapunov, who became the National Director for CLC Russia earlier this year, has had a busy few months. He writes: “In April, and after more than 8 months of preliminary work, we finally switched to a new Point-of-Sale and bookkeeping software system. Despite all the work so far, there are still adjustments to be made but our prayer is that the Lord will bless this change-over, not just as a fulfillment 7

of legal requirements, but also as another step to more efficient work and better service for our customers.” Please pray for Nikita in his new role.

Tuesday (25th) - Canada:

CLC Canada has undergone some major changes in the past two or three years, including expansion, and some subsequent downsizing again, several new projects and more changes in the leadership than expected. Pray for Antoine Roberge who has served with CLC Canada for several years and is now the National Director. Pray for God’s guidance and blessing for Antoine and the team. .

Wednesday (26th) - India:

Justin and his daughter

Justin Chellapan became the Director for CLC India earlier this year. Within a few weeks of taking on this role, sadly, Justin’s wife died unexpectedly after a few months of health problems. Please pray for Justin as he leads one of CLC’s largest and busiest ministries while still coming to terms with the loss of his wife. Pray too for his daughter who is currently studying at university.

Thursday (27th) - United Kingdom:

This year, CLC UK has an interim leader, Eddie Olliffe, who is seeing through some major changes that are outlined in Week 31 of Prayer Focus. Pray for Eddie and also for God’s choice of National Director for CLC UK in the future.

Friday (28th) - Kenya:

CLC Kenya’s Director resigned recently. At the time of writing, Patrick Omukhango, a previous member of CLC Kenya, has agreed to return and serve as the interim general manager for a few weeks. This has been a huge blessing as he has been able to oversee the installation of a Print-on-Demand system that CLC Kenya has been praying and waiting for. We trust that by August we will have a new Director for the ministry in Kenya.

The Weekend (29th/30th) - The Caribbean:

Marlene Ramroop, the Director for CLC in Trinidad, Antigua and Dominica, became quite seriously ill earlier this year and following hospital treatment she spent several weeks at home resting and recuperating. Sadly, and despite some signs of improvement, she passed away at the end of May. We know Marlene is safe and well in the presence of her Lord but please do pray for her husband Duncan, who has serious long term health issues himself, and their son. This is a huge loss to the CLC teams as well and they would value your prayers as they come to terms with this situation.

In loving memory of MARLENE RAMROOP Marlene Ramroop served with CLC on her home island of Trinidad for almost 40 years and was much loved and appreciated. She first worked in the Arima bookshop, becoming the manager, and then as the manager of the main bookshop in Port of Spain. In 2000, Marlene became the National Director for CLC in the East Caribbean. Marlene fulfilled this role with remarkable dedication and commitment until her ‘promotion to glory’ on May 30th, 2015 after a brief but serious illness. 8

August 31st - September 6th

Week 36: Sierra Leone & Liberia Monday (31st) - Audits (Sierra Leone):

We have engaged the services of an auditing firm to audit our books for the past three years, 2012-2104. This will not be an easy task, so pray with us that the process will be handled professionally and will go smoothly. There were some discrepancies with regards to the reports, stock records, valuations of property etc. but we are doing our best to deal with these issues. New Makeni Bookshop

Tuesday (1st) - Makeni (Sierra Leone):

Last year, CLC opened a fourth bookshop in Sierra Leone, in the northern town of Makeni. Almost from the outset, there were difficulties in operating the shop particularly due to the serious outbreak of the Ebola virus in the country. Earlier this year it also became necessary to move location, and that was accomplished in March. Pray for Alie Kamara, the young manager of this little bookshop, as he makes contacts and looks for ways to make the shop known to local people and the surrounding churches.

Wednesday (2nd) - Bo (Sierra Leone):

We are trusting God for His provision for our most desired project. We have been longing to acquire some land in Bo where we can build our own bookshop. The current bookshop belongs to a devout Muslim who has been increasing his rent because of the nature of our operations selling Christian materials. He has also been under pressure to evict us. If the Bo shop was owned by CLC, it would save us from all these uncertainties.

Thursday (3rd) - Staff Housing (Liberia):

CLC Sierra Leone information provided by Donald John

Isaac Dweh serves in the Monrovia bookshop. We have been praying about his housing situation, as his home was often flooded due to the temporary structure and the position of the land it was built on. Praise the Lord that through the generosity of members of the international CLC family, Isaacs’s long-held desire to build a home out of bricks has become a reality. Hopefully it will be finished by the time you read this.

Friday (4th) - The Ebola Crisis (Liberia) :

House under construction The Ebola crisis has made a huge impact on the lives of everyone in Liberia. Praise the Lord that, on May 9th, the country was officially declared free of the virus. Pray for this country, and CLC’s ministry, as life starts to return to normality. The outbreak won’t be forgotten, and people will still be looking for hope and security in life.

The Weekend (5th/6th) - Mobile Plans (Liberia):

Within the next 2 years, CLC Liberia is hoping to establish a mobile bookshop to meet the tremendous need for Christian literature in the country. This mobile bookshop will make some of the Bibles and Christian literature currently sold at our Monrovia store available to other parts of Montserrado county and six other accessible counties in Liberia. We have identified areas where there are churches, Christian institutions and people who are in great need of the resources we offer, but currently have to travel long distances to make their purchases. CLC Liberia information provided by James Cooper


September 7th - September 13th

Week 37: Partnerships Monday (7th) - CLC Portugal with GLS:

“We are blessed to continue our partnership with Willow Creek Church through the Global Leadership Summit events each year. By working with leaders from John Maxwell’s ministry, as well as partnerships with other organisations, we take CLC book tables all over the country, serving the church and communities.” Carlos Cunha, CLC Portugal

Tuesday (8th) - CLC UK with Eden:

For almost a year now, – a Christian Internet retailer - has been hosting and operating the CLC UK Retail website. Give thanks that this has gone well. In addition, Eden will be sharing part of the new CLC warehouse. Pray for Gareth Mulholland, Eden’s Managing Director, and his warehouse team as they too settle into new premises. Pray that the two organisations, though different, can work smoothly together to increase the supply of Christian materials in the UK.

Wednesday (9th) - CLC USA with the College of Prayer:

CLC USA has already hosted two of three College of Prayer modules at their HQ or at the neighbouring WEC HQ. They will host a third module in November in Philadelphia. These events take place over a weekend and around 100 attendees have the opportunity to get a university/seminary-level training experience on the topic of prayer over a three-year period. CLC author, Fred Hartley, is the President of the College of Prayer International.

Thursday (10th) - CLC & Author Francis Chan:



CLC’s Polish edition

Żyli wiecznie i szczęśliwie

Crazy Love by Francis Chan is an international bestseller. Little did CLC imagine that we would be able to secure the rights for his new title on marriage, You and Me Forever, written together with his wife Lisa. We feel thankful and blessed that CLC has been given the rights to publish this new Chan title in languages across the globe, including Spanish, Russian, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Burmese and Romanian! CLC Philippines was also given the rights to the English version for their country.

Friday (11th) - Central Asia 2 and Fair Trade:

We rent out a quarter of our shop space to a local fair-trade gift shop. The Fair Trade team are believers, but most of their customers are not. Please pray for God to protect our relationship with them. The income and draw of new people to the store, that wouldn’t have come otherwise, have been a big benefit to us. We need wisdom to know how to serve them well and reach out to customers together.

The Weekend (12th/13th) - CLC Korea and Dr Lim:

Dr Lim, a pastor and author, has published a series of booklets explaining the Gospel. We have been able to translate and publish them in Chinese to distribute for free, and recently we translated his first volume into English. Dr. Lim is eager to distribute these booklets, or the text for translation, to any country, especially in Asia, and he will cover the expenses. Please pray for him and his ministry, and for any interested country that may contact CLC Korea as we partner with Dr. Lim in this venture. 10

September 14th - September 20th

Week 38: Answered Prayer Monday (14th) - Central Asia 2:

We often pray that God would bring people in to the store with whom we can share the good news. Recently three women visited us and our manager was able to introduce them to Jesus. He will share with men and women alike, but is always looking for women he can ask to connect with these seekers, to encourage them to grow closer to the Lord. God, in His perfect timing, had a missionary lady, known to the manager, enter the store at just the right moment and the manager introduced these three ladies to her.

Tuesday (15th) - Venezuela:

We want to thank the Lord that he answered our prayers and enabled us to legally register the names of the current CLC Venezuela Board. This may seem a simple task, but here in Venezuela it is very complicated and we have been trying since July 2014. The officials at the department made it very difficult and required many changes to our recorded minutes. Finally, the official that was such an impediment was replaced, and we were able to complete the process. We give glory to God.

Wednesday (16th) - Dominica:

For about two years now we have wanted to host a short programme on the Christian Radio station ‘The Voice of Life’. We are very pleased to report that, starting in March this year, we now have a regular five-minute radio programme that we have called ‘CLC and the Open Book’. We use this opportunity to emphasise our mission statement and to encourage people from the Word of God. We also use the different themes to highlight the books we have available.

Thursday (17th) - Korea:

We have been praying for a capable person to join CLC Korea as a team leader for the Design Department. We are very happy with our answer to prayer – we have recently employed a lady, Paek Seol-hee, who is doing very well in the job.

Friday (18th) - Central Asia 1:

Praise the Lord that another Christian organisation, that distributes books free of charge in the country, has agreed to work with our store to make us one of the points of distribution. Right now they only want the books to be distributed freely but we CLC Korea Design Team with Paek Seol-hee in the middle pray that they would see the value of the shop, and the legitimate expenses involved in upkeep and salaries, and allow us to sell the books for a small price soon.

The Weekend (19th/20th) - Philippines:

Importation of books has had to take a lower priority for CLC Philippines over the past year due to changing government regulations. Previously we only needed one permit from the Bureau of Customs but now we have had to apply for a number of other permits. Added to this there has been severe congestion in the ports that has affected the delivery of goods. Praise the Lord, we are now in a position to resume importing and, at the time of writing, orders have been sent and the final paperwork requirements are well underway. 11

September 21st - September 27th

Week 39: Connecting with Colleges Monday (21st) - Mozambique:

“We are grateful to our landlords, the Theological Bible Seminary (OMS) in Maputo, and the AIM Seminary in Beira, for providing room in their installations for our bookshops. In the Beira Seminary we moved into a larger space last year, and in Maputo we have a new person, Abel Chau, running the bookshop. Abel is encouraging the students to take advantage of the resources and the student discount we offer.” Liz Patten, CLC Regional Director

Tuesday (22nd) - Europe:

“Together with WEC representatives from various western European countries, I serve as a member of the board of the Cornerstone Missionary Training College in the Netherlands. I enjoy attending the board meetings because it not only allows me to be directly involved in the development of the college, but it also gives me opportunities to speak with students about their future involvement in mission. This raises the awareness of CLC and, hopefully, encourages them to establish links with the CLC ministry as they serve abroad.” Gary Chamberlin, CLC Regional Director

Wednesday (23rd) - Canada:

Jepthe and Antoine

“We have initiated a scholarship project that is named after Ken and Bessie Adams, the founders of CLC. This is a scholarship offered to Bible College students to help them with their studies and we also give them training in book selling. Our first recipient, Jepthe, is a 20 year old student who is already very enthusiastic about CLC and everyone is benefitting from the arrangement.” Antoine Roberge, CLC Canada Director

Thursday (24th) - Philippines:

“For more than 35 years CLC has had a bookshop inside the Febias College of Bible. This bookshop caters almost exclusively to the needs of the college faculty and students - not just with literature but with other items such as toiletries etc. Whenever the college holds events that are open to the public, we also have the opportunity to be present with a book table. Pray that CLC will be able to minister to these future pastors and Christian workers through the literature and other products that the CLC bookshop provides.” Don Tan, CLC Philippines

Bill and Marge Almack

Friday (25th) - USA:

“We have the role of ‘Mission Mobilizers’ for CLC and we love this work! It is always encouraging to meet with young people and encourage them in their desire to serve the Lord through service in CLC - using their interest in business. We have established relationships with several professors who teach business classes in the Christian Universities where we share about CLC. They give us a whole class session to share about ‘Business as Mission’ and how CLC does this.” Bill and Marge Almack, CLC USA

The Weekend (26th/27th) - United Kingdom:

“Last year we began partnering with FORMISSION College (formerly Springdale) by providing ‘goody bags’ for the national events that they attend and for events they arrange for church/mission leaders. As a mission-focused Bible college, they have been sharing information about our ministry with their students and encouraging them to support us through praying, shopping or serving with us. May this relationship continue to strengthen and bear much fruit in the coming years.” Amanda Lutes 12

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