CLC Prayer Focus May - June 2012

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May 2012 1 Tue. 2012 Making the Message Global (team photo)

Praise the Lord for the opportunity for around 35 CLC Directors and members to meet in Panama back in March. Please pray for these delegates, and everyone else in CLC, as they look at the implications of what was discussed - in particular regarding the use of new technology in various aspects of our work. Pray that we will change and adapt well, and lead the ministry forward in a way that honours God and continues to make His Word known throughout the nations.

2 Wed. Uruguay – Website Challenge

Please pray for wisdom for the CLC team in Uruguay as they look at ways to apply what was learnt at the 2012 Council to their particular situation. Their immediate challenge is to activate a revised and improved website.

3 Thu. Trinidad – New Technology Challenge Marlene Ramroop is the Director for CLC in Trinidad, Dominica and Antigua. She writes to say that the week spent at the CLC Council was very productive and she recognises the great challenge to her as she leads the team in the area of new technologies. Please pray that God will guide them in these issues and that He will be first and foremost in all their planning and that His name will be glorified.

4 Fri. Italy – Publishing Development

We are thankful for the positive development of our publishing department. About 6 titles are almost ready for print and we need to do the final corrections, cover layout and decide the price. We have also launched an economically priced range of books

that include evangelistic titles as well as discipleship books. The sales have been better than expected and our prayer is that they may be fruitful.

5-6 Sat/Sun. UK – Stamford and Birmingham

Pray for Matt and Kayleigh Cutforth as they move from Stamford, where the CLC bookshop has recently closed, to Birmingham. They will join Richard Morris and the team in the Birmingham shop. Continue to pray for CLC Birmingham as there is reduced customer access to the bookshop due to redevelopment work on the buildings around it.

7 Mon. Kenya – Relocation

Due to economic and political circumstances, we find that people are reluctant to buy books and sales are depressed. We also had a major theft from one of our shops earlier in the year which cost us almost US$ 2,000. One solution to the financial pressure these things have produced is to relocate the warehouse and HQ to a cheaper site. Please pray with us as we trust God to show us a suitable property. This move is key to our future operations and plans.

8 Tue. Chile – Need for Staff

At the time of writing, there is an urgent

need for more staff for the bookshop in Santiago because four team members have left recently. Isaac Zuñiga, the National Director, writes: “We need to ask the Lord for wisdom in recruiting young people with the desire to commit themselves to the vision and mission of CLC, and with a call from God to make the gospel message available using all the methods at our disposal – especially through new technology.”

sale is almost certain to go through. At the same time, two options for re-location are no longer available so please pray that the Lord will clearly lead and guide the team to the right place to move to. They are open to anywhere on the island of Montreal but want the place to be the Lord’s choice first and theirs second! Assuming the sale goes through, they will need to move by the end of August.

9 Wed. Belarus – Need for Staff

12-13 Sat/Sun. UK – Sheffield

Grigorij Torchilllo, the National Director for CLC Belarus, writes with a prayer request that is similar to the one from CLC Chile yesterday. The Belarus team are also looking for someone to help them with the new technologies - that affect and enhance the distribution of Christian resources – either as part of the team or as outsourced help.

10 Thu. Australia – Shop Closures, Townsville Over the coming months CLC

bookshops in Australia will either be closing down or be taken over. This is part of a planned strategy due to major changes in the bookselling world that are significantly affecting sales for CLC Australia. Sadly the Townsville bookshop had to close earlier than expected when a tornado caused major damage to the property in March. It was not easy for the shop staff to come to terms with this abrupt termination of the ministry. Please pray for them, and the staff of the other bookshops due to close, that God would show them His will for their futures. (photo - shop after storm)

From the 1st to the 4th of June we will have a large bookstall at the annual Cliff College Festival conference called ‘Therefore Go’. The theme this year is evangelism in the local church. Pray for the preparation involved and that we would order the right material for our customers. Pray that we will be a blessing to those who attend and that they find those items which will equip them in their walk with God.

14 Mon. Barbados – Meeting Needs

“Please pray for us as we seek to minister to each new generation with Sunday school materials and resources relevant to their needs. We also try, in this technological age, to continue to cater to the needs of our regular customers through sound literature and interesting gift items.” Jefferson Alleyne, CLC Bridgetown

15 Tue. Thailand – Funds, Tenants and Staff

Praise the Lord for enough funds to be able to keep up payments for the mortgage on the new CLC shop and office complex in Chiang Mai. However, prayer would be appreciated as they also need to pay back a loan as soon as possible. Obviously increased sales would help the situation - as would tenants for the space in the building that is currently available for use either as offices or possibly living accommodation. In CLC Bangkok, there is a need for an English speaking volunteer.

16 Wed. USA – Shop Relocation 11 Fri. Canada – HQ Move

For some time now the CLC HQ and bookshop building in Westmount has been up for sale. Previous possible sales have not worked out but, at the time of writing, a 2

The Chestnut Hill bookshop in Philadelphia is moving to Cedarbrook Plaza (where the shop was originally located 20 years ago) at the end of this month. Please pray for all the preparations that are underway, and for a smooth transition. The new shop should be open to the public by June 1st.

17 Thu. Ecuador – Established CLC Country

CLC Ecuador opened in 2001 and now has 4 bookshops, a warehouse and a regular mobile ministry. National Director, Carlos Marin, writes to express the team’s gratitude to God and the International Office, including Gerardo Scalante the CLC Regional Director, for the decision made at the recent Council meetings to give CLC Ecuador ‘Established Country’ status. Their prayer is that the Lord would help them continue in the ministry with diligence confident that He who began the good work in them will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

18 Fri. Venezuela – Established CLC Country

Along with CLC Ecuador, CLC Venezuela was also given Established Country status at the recent Council. In this case, they are actually re-instated after going through significant financial difficulties some years ago. Praise the Lord for the wonderful turn around in the situation, and that CLC Venezuela no longer need the extra help, support and advice from the CLC International Office. Gamaliel Padilla writes to express his gratitude for the help they have received and for the confidence placed in the team for the future.

19-20 Sat/Sun. UK - Conference

The UK team will be meeting for their Annual Conference from the 20th to the 23rd of May. Dave Almack from the USA will be the devotional speaker and will also share in some of the other sessions. Pray that the fellowship and teaching will be an encouragement and also a spur to further action in the months ahead as we all face the challenges of ministry in a difficult spiritual and economic climate.

21 Mon. Antigua – Ephesians 3:20

Whilst the team in CLC St. John’s praise God for continued good health and safe keeping, there is a concern as there has been a drop in sales recently. A particular prayer request is for wisdom in ordering the stock so that they have the right Bibles, books and other items for the customers’ needs. A verse Eurel Hodge, the current manager, sent with this prayer request is Ephesians 3:20. Eurel retires at the end of this month after 33 years of service in CLC Antigua. Praise God for his faithful commitment during this time.

22 Tue. Germany - Opportunities 1

Recently CLC staff had the opportunity to speak at a local church meeting. The occasion was the 20th anniversary of the church’s booktable! An opening game, in the form of a quiz, was enjoyed by all, and people were then open to hear about new and good books that are available. Valentin Schweigler, the National Director, says that they would like to do this kind of event more often to strengthen the contact with their ‘partner’ churches.

23 Wed. Germany – Opportunities 2

“We were very pleased to hand over 100 DVDs of the film ‘Courageous’ to a seamen’s mission recently. We could offer them the DVDs at a good price because we got them from CLC Italy! We didn’t make a profit from this, but it is a joy to see what the local missionaries can do with such resources. We often receive amazing testimonies from sailors.” Valentin Schweigler

24 Thu. Ecuador – Council and Conference

We give thanks to God for the CLC Council held in Panama in March. We firmly believe that the information and teaching we received will make us much more effective in our work and commitment as a mission to take the good news of salvation to the lost. Please pray for the CLC Ecuador team as they now meet for their Annual Conference to be held on May 25th and 26th. Gerardo Scalante (CLC Regional Director) and some members of CLC Colombia will also take part in the conference. 3

25 Fri. Central Asia 2 – Congratulations!

The Director of CLC in this country will be spending the next few months back in her home country and gets married in June! Praise the Lord for this new blessing in her life and please pray for all the changes and adjustments this will mean, both for her and for the shop team while she is away.

26-27 Sat/Sun. UK – Bolton

The Olympic torch will be in Bolton overnight on the 31st May; it is one of only 66 locations where this will happen. The torch will be coming past our bookshop and there will be widespread coverage in the media. We are planning an Olympic themed shop window, featuring the new Eric Liddell biography Pure Gold which was published on the 24th of March. Please pray that this will create a good opportunity for sales of the book and to raise the profile of the shop.

28 Mon. Papua New Guinea– Importing Stock 1

Please pray for two shipments of stock for CLC that were due to be delivered last December and March but, at the time of writing, had not yet been cleared through customs. The customs agents we have used in the past are not dealing with smaller shipments now, as they are concentrating on more major imports as a result of growing mining activities in the area. Please pray that the new agents Vere Babona has contracted will deliver the books soon, if they have not done so already. The current situation is very time consuming and costly for the ministry.

29 Tue. Bangladesh – Importing Stock 2

Praise the Lord for an improving situation regarding custom clearance for stock for CLC/ELS in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This procedure is not without problems but shop manager Dominic Cadet hopes they will have a more regular supply of imported 4

books in the future and is grateful for help from Christopher Robert (CLC/ELS India) and a contact person in Calcutta. Please continue to support this ministry through your prayers.

30 Wed. Japan – Nagoya

The Nagoya shop has recently been completely remodelled. Pray that this shop, in Japan’s third largest city, will be used to reach many with the Gospel. Praise the Lord for good relations with the local churches in Nagoya. There have been more opportunities to have contact with churches since another Christian bookshop in the city closed down. Please remember the shop manager, Mr. Okunishi, in prayer; he and his wife are expecting a baby in July.

31 Thu. Volunteers

Where would CLC be without the support of volunteers? Thank the Lord for all the extra support we receive, and pray that He will bring us the right volunteers for the current needs. It is often interesting to see how God provides… at the time of writing, someone who used to work for CLC in Venezuela has just offered to volunteer in CLC Valencia (Spain) having moved to Spain recently.

June 2012 1 Fri. Kenya – Book Tables and Shops in Boxes

Edith Wamalwa writes: “We have 2 booktables at conferences in early June. Please pray for the pastors’ conference in the first week, and a ladies’ one the second week. We want to draw people to our stand to buy but, at the same time, look for opportunities to minister to people. We also are trusting God to show us a place for our next ‘Shop-in-a-Box’ (a bookshop in a converted shipping container).

2-3 Sat/Sun. UK – London

The London shop team are expecting a busy summer. The Olympics will be held in London in July and will have a major impact on the city, though the team is not sure how much the situation will directly affect them. Pray we will have sufficient staff and volunteer help during this time.

On the 5th of June, the Queen is having her Diamond Jubilee service at nearby St Paul’s Cathedral – this will also be a time when we need to be prepared for extra visitors to the shop.

install a second bookshop in Santiago. Please join with us in prayer – asking that the Lord will multiply the resources we have and lead us to the extra personnel we will also need.” Isaac Zuñiga

4 Mon. Making the Message Global

7 Thu. Cyprus – The Future

As part of a sabbatical, Neil Wardrope will be spending significant time this month investigating the options for CLC to sell eBooks. This follows on from discussions at the Panama Council meetings. Please pray that the Lord will guide us into the right response so that we can take hold of the opportunities presented by eBooks to more widely and effectively share the Gospel. Neil will spend some time with potential partners this month. We need help with the technical challenges!

5 Tue. Philippines – Davao

Sometime during this month, Romualdo Macinas, Director of CLC Philippines, and Don Tan, the marketing manager, will be visiting the city of Davao on an island 1,300 km south of Metro Manila. Davao is the second largest city in the country. Please pray for God’s guidance as they look around for possible locations and contact key people to help with the project. (Map showing Davao and Manila)

Eva Photiades, the manager of the CLC bookshop in Nicosia, should be retiring in January 2013. Sotos, her husband and co-worker, officially retired some time ago. There is an urgent need for someone to take over from them. Eva writes: “Please pray with us as we look for someone with knowledge of both Greek and English, and who loves the Lord and wants to be involved in His work. We have already made it known to several Christians and we are praying and waiting for some response as the word goes round.”

8 Fri. Japan - Ochanomizu

Nakano San, the manager of CLC Ochanomizu in Tokyo, has recently started promoting books on a Christian radio station. Currently he has an opportunity to do this once every two months. Please pray that he will be able to speak clearly and well and that many people will really listen to the message and so discover books that will encourage and bless them in their lives.

6 Wed. Chile – New Shop

“We are praying and looking for a property to purchase where we can

L O N D O N 2 0 1 2 5

9-10 Sat/Sun. UK - CRT

Christian Resources Together (CRT) takes place on the 12th and 13th of June. This is an informal gathering for booksellers, publishers and suppliers, for fellowship, prayer, discussion and networking. Chris and Lynne Magee from the warehouse will be there to meet booksellers, and staff from various CLC bookshops will also be going. Pray that the gathering will be helpful to those attending.

11 Mon. Australia – Bundaberg and Wagga Waggga

elections in this country. Vere Babona writes: “Pray that God will help us appoint honest and stable leaders. At present our Parliament has a record number of parties and it is no wonder there is no unity. Please pray that the churches and para-church organizations will be united in their efforts to influence the Government.” Dr. Myles Munroe, author and international speaker, addressed thousands of people in PNG in March at the ‘Kingdom Leaders’ Summit’.

Continuing the phased closure of CLC’s bookshops in Australia, CLC Bundaberg will close on June 16th and CLC Wagga Wagga will probably close towards the end of July. Again, please pray for the staff involved, and the customers who will be affected by these closures. While it is sad to see places of ministry close down, praise the Lord for all He has done through them in the past, and ask Him to raise up other means of testimony, witness and spiritual counsel in these towns.

12 Tue. Australia - Cairns

Hopefully not all the CLC shops in Australia will close completely; at the time of writing, there is a possibility that CLC Cairns will soon be taken over by others and will remain a Christian bookshop. Please pray that negotiations will be fruitful, and for a good outcome that is to everyone’s benefit.

13 Wed. Australia – Remaining CLC Centres

Please pray for the futures of the remaining two CLC bookshops that have not been mentioned in the prayer news so far – Glen Innes and Gladstone. At the time of writing it is not known if they will carry on independently of CLC or if they will close completely. Please pray too that the warehouse affairs will be settled well. May the Lord guide us clearly as to what, if anything, should be the focus of CLC in this vast country in the future.

14 Thu. Papua New Guinea- Elections


National Elections are due to take place in PNG mid June. Please pray for safe elections and that there won’t be any outbreak of violence. Sadly, violence is not unusual in

15 Fri. Eastern Caribbean

The CLC teams from Trinidad, Dominica and Antigua will be meeting for their Annual Conference very soon (dates not known at time of writing) in Trinidad. Please pray for them as they assess their situation and make plans for the future. Pray that they will know clear guidance and direction from God. Following Eurel Hodge’s recent retirement from CLC Antigua, Arah Martin has now taken over the management of the CLC bookshop in St. John’s.

16-17 Sat/Sun. UK – Aberdeen

“Praise God for a good report from a pastor who came to the bookshop to encourage us with news of a young man who had started attending his church. This young man had visited CLC Aberdeen a few months previously and we spent a lot of time sharing the Gospel with him. He was struggling with some addictions. He didn’t accept the Lord that day, but we gave him a Bible. We now know that the young man has given his heart to the Lord and has been delivered from his addictions.” CLC Aberdeen

18 Mon. Ecuador – Guayaquil

“Plans are still underway to open a second bookshop in Guayaquil this year. Please pray for Ángel Aguirre who has been working with us in the original Guayaquil shop for three years and is preparing to manage the new CLC branch.” Carlos Marín

19 Tue. Central Asia 1 - Conference

The Annual Conference for CLC Russia and CLC countries in Central Asia will take place in Moscow in July. Please pray for the CLC team in Central Asia 1 as they prepare to attend – that the travel arrangements will all work out well and in particular that the finances will be in place to allow them to attend.

20 Wed. Central Asia 1 - Concerns

“We are grateful to God for caring for us and blessing us. However, currently we are experiencing a real shortage of books and other goods for sale, sales remain low and it is increasingly difficult to pay our accounts etc. It is also hard to keep staff on the low salary we are able to offer our co-worker. It is possible that soon it will only be my wife and I running the shop once more. Pray that God will give us wisdom in managing the work, and that we will serve well.”

21 Thu. Italy – Family Issues

“We ask for prayer for our CLC workers and their families - almost all of them face important issues such as relationships, children growing up, finances etc. At the same time they are also looking for the right balance between ministry and family commitments. Please pray for divine protection and spiritual support for our families.” Andreas (National Director) and Ester Bader

be found and dealt with. Pray also for some volunteer staff that can come and share the vision for the work there. They particularly need extra help on Saturdays.

25 Mon. Venezuela – Bolivia Project

Please pray for the project to open a CLC bookshop in Bolivia. The legal requirements are being worked through at the time of writing and it is hoped that a shop will be ready to open possibly by the end of the year. Pray too for Gamaliel Padilla, the Venezuelan Director, as he and his family consider moving to Bolivia to initiate the ministry. Gamaliel writes “May God guide us in all things and may we do His will.”

26 Tue. Venezuela - Future Leadership and Growth

Please pray for the future leadership of CLC Venezuela – if Gamaliel Padilla and his family leave for Bolivia, then there will inevitably be a need for someone else to head up the team. Please pray that God will guide the team in these matters and build them up so that the ministry not only continues, but grows and develops.

27 Wed. Korea – Structural and Staff Changes Following the construction of a new warehouse over the past two years, a second CLC warehouse is now being built alongside it. Please pray that it will be done well and according to plan. Meanwhile, work is also being carried out to upgrade the main headquarters and offices in Seoul and the inside of the building is scheduled to be re-painted. Two new members have just joined the team – please pray that they will settle and adjust quickly to their particular roles in the ministry.

22 Fri. France – Board Meeting

“Tomorrow, Saturday, there will be a meeting of the Board for CLC France. Among the important issues to be discussed, and decisions to be made, is the future of one or two of the bookshops in France. Please pray for wisdom in our decisions.” Herve Lessous

23-24 Sat/Sun. UK – Guildford

The Guildford shop has been suffering from intermittent problems with their computers for a few months. Pray that the cause may

36th Anniversary CLC Korea Team Photo 7

28 Thu. Netherlands– Looking Ahead

Els Oosterhuis writes: “The future of our shops in Amsterdam and Arnhem is still uncertain. There is still some time before the rental leases expire, but we need wisdom to know which direction to go in. In the meantime, good things keep happening! For instance, a young lady bought her very first Bible as she was about to join an Alpha Course, and a mother bought Bibles for both of her children”…

29 Fri. Netherlands – Looking Back

Continued from yesterday... “We celebrate 50 years of CLC Netherlands this year and we cannot even imagine the impact, in those

years, of all the books and Bibles in people’s lives. We trust that God takes care of our sales and our future.” There will be a 50th Anniversary celebration day later this year so please remember the planning and preparation for this event in prayer.

30-31 Sat/Sun. UK – Holiday Season

As UK CLC bookshops increasingly look for opportunities to sell ‘beyond’ the shop, the approaching summer holiday season gives many shops the chance to provide books for youth and children’s camps. Pray for wisdom as stock is selected and orders are placed. Pray that God will use the Bibles and books displayed to extend His kingdom.

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Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16 - 18 (NIV)

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