North American Clean Energy - Jan/Feb Edition

Page 1



The Future of Renewable Energy

Predictions for ‘09 New Environmental Health & Safety Guidelines Affect wind and geothermal projects


Reasons to Build Green

2009 Solar Buyers Guide

Show previews… RETECH 2009 Renewable Energy World Conference & Expo


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contents 8

The Future of Renewable Energy:

Predictions for ’09 09

January/February 2009 Volume 3, Number 1

New Environmental Health & Safety Guidelines Affect wind and geothermal projects


Michelle Froese

R Reasons to B Build Green


Kristy Vail


Ian Stuart


Port Moody, B.C. V3H 5H1 Phone: (604) 461-6223

per year. Editorial, Advertising, Production and Circulation

Portable Machine Tools Find a Niche in Wind Power: And enable companies to meet tight tolerance requirements for tower flanges


Poor Wind Turbine Performance? Consider the design


A Closer Look at Spain’s Success: A renewable energy source for the US


New Environment Health & Safety Guidelines: Affect finance of wind and geothermal project


Clean Tech Investment Outlook ‘09

Renewable Energy World Conference & Expo

Cover photo by P2 Photography |

departments Wind Energy


Investing in Clean Energy


RETECH 2009 Show in Print


2009 Solar Buyers Guide


Renewable Energy World Show in Print


Geothermal Energy


Hydro and Marine Energy


Waste to Energy


Energy from Biomass


Energy Efficiency


Events Calendar


North American Clean Energy is published bi-monthly by Action Media Ltd. Subscriptions: $48 per year. Foreign $89

12 RETECH 2009


Alison Bell

Hoist Maintenance and Safety: Central to steady turbine operation

Show previews…

Rommel Ramirez SALES MANAGER


2009 Solar Buyers Guide





GRC’s Assessment of the Price of Geothermal Power: From development and exploration to drilling and transmission


Hydro Power Generation Control Packages: Is “Black Box” vs “Blank Box” syndrome fact or fiction?


Turning Organic Waste into Automotive Fuel


Biopark: Businesses working together in waste to energy


Growth in European Demand Provides Opportunity for North American Wood Pellet Manufacturers


8 Reasons to Build Green


Renewable Energy Policies

North American Clean Energy accepts no responsibility or liability for reported claims made by manufacturers and/or distributors for products or services; the views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of North American Clean Energy. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the publishers. Copyright 2008, Action Media Ltd. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Circulation department, 255 Newport Drive, Suite 336, Port Moody, B.C. V3H 5H1 email:

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2009 Solar Buyers Guide


are at 255 Newport Drive, Suite 336, Port Moody, B.C. V3H 5H1 (604) 461-6223.

Renewable Energy in 2009: Great Hopes for change and capital


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Wind Energy Services Wind Facility Siting Environmental Studies and Permitting Civil, Structural, and Electrical Engineering Design Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC) Balance of Plant (BOP) Field Services Safety






MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN A COMPLEX WORLD Tetra Tech is a leading provider of consulting, engineering, and technical services worldwide. Tetra Tech provides the full spectrum of wind energy environmental, engineering, and construction services for the development, construction, and operation phases of wind projects. Tetra Tech, a $1.5 billion company, has the ďŹ nancial strength to stand behind large turnkey projects. We have supported more than 200 wind projects in 34 states, and have provided construction services for 18 projects totaling more than 1,500 MW of wind energy. Tetra Tech offers smart, efďŹ cient solutions that make a difference in a complex world.

Photo by Michelle Moore

editor’s note Seems everyone has an opinion or prediction about the imminent Obama administration. I was listening to the radio the other day and, among the reporters and analyst, a numerologist voiced her calculations in regards to President-elect Obama’s future (as of press time—that will change to President Obama in just over a week). Accordingly, both the President-to-be’s birth date and birth year add up to success. What’s more, claimed this numerologist/psychic, is that he is a man who will promise less than what he will actually deliver—which, if you are in the renewable energy industry, could be a very good thing. After all, during his presidential campaign, Obama promised to invest $150 billion over the next ten years in alternative sources of energy. And, in his recent speech at Washington’s George Mason University, he announced that America: “…will double the production of alternative energy in the next three years.” As far as research goes, Obama does have numbers on his side—at least, statistically speaking. Based on the Monthly Energy Review (November 2008) issued by the US Energy Information Administration, renewable energy accounted for almost 11% of the domestically produced energy used in the US during the first eight months of 2008, an increase of 7.4% from 2007. Wind power was up by nearly 45% during this period, compared to the year before, with solar and geothermal power expected to rise as well (check out the news bites below for a breakdown of clean tech venture investments in ‘08, where solar does lead the way). On a global basis, The Global Market for Distributed Energy Generation research report* shows distributed energy was worth an estimated $51 billion in 2008. That number is expected to increase to $127 billion in 2013. Fuel-based technologies led the way, but renewable technologies maintained the second largest market share, generating an estimated $11.4 billion in 2008 and a predicted $33.6 billion in 2013. Although distributed energy technologies are small-scale in terms of conventional power plants, they are being increasingly used to generate baseline power for local and regional use, especially as far as renewables go. But we have a ways to go, at least in the US where a troubled economy might affect President-elect Obama’s ability to deliver what he promised, let alone more. Perhaps time will be the only true predictor of the future. Until then, we offer current stats, figures, and forecasts for the year ahead (don’t miss the articles on pages 8 or 21), as well as the latest in industry news and products. Enjoy the read.

Sincerely, Michelle Froese

* Source: The Global Market for Distributed Energy Generation, courtesy of BCC Research (; Contact:, Suite 110, 40 Washington Street, Wellesley, MA.

news bites Preliminary ‘08 Results for Clean Technology Venture Investments The Cleantech Group, founders of the clean technology investment category and providers of global market research and other services for the clean technology ecosystem, recently announced preliminary 2008 results for clean technology venture investments in North America, Europe, China, and India, totaling a record $8.4 billion, up 38% from $6.1 billion in 2007. The 2008 total represents the seventh consecutive year of growth in venture investing, widely recognized as a leading indicator of overall investment patterns: Historical Clean Technology VC Investment By Year North America, Europe & Israel, China, India 2001














2008 (preliminary)


“As expected, clean technology venture investing slowed in 4Q08, but it’s important not to miss the forest for the trees,” said Nicholas Parker, Executive Chairman, Cleantech Group. “In 2008, there was a quantum leap in talent, resources and institutional appetite for clean technologies. Now, more than ever, clean technologies represent the biggest opportunities for job and wealth creation.” Preliminary results for 4Q08 indicate venture investment commitments worldwide of $1.7 billion across 99 disclosed investments, the smallest quarterly total

in six quarters. 4Q08 was down 35% from 3Q08, yet down only 4% from 4Q07 despite a much more difficult economy. The top clean technology sectors in 2008 were solar, biofuels, transportation, and wind. Solar accounted for almost 40% of total clean technology investment dollars in 2008, followed by biofuels at 11%. “2008 saw solar take a 40% share of clean technology venture investment dollars, led by mega-investment rounds in thin-film solar, concentrated solar thermal and solar service provider companies,” said Brian Fan, senior director of research, Cleantech Group. “Investors also continued to migrate from first-generation ethanol and biodiesel technologies to next-generation biofuels technologies, led by algae and synthetic biology companies. Other sectors with healthy investor interest included smart grid companies, small-scale wind turbines, plastics recycling, green buildings, and agriculture technologies.” Top Venture Capital Clean Technology Sectors in 2008 Technology Sector Solar

Amount Invested

% of total

$3.3 billion


Biofuels (including ethanol, biodiesel, synthetic biology, algae)

$904 million


Transportation (including electric vehicles, advanced batteries, fuel cells)

$795 million



$502 million


Smart Grid

$345 million



$166 million



$148 million


The Carbon Portal Communicating about carbon emissions got easier with the launch of the Corporate Carbon Portal from Carbonetworks. This online web tool allows corporations to create a customized portal that demonstrates how a company is actively reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Customized for each client to showcase environmental stewardship by publishing their carbon management strategies, reduction activities, and other corporate environmental initiatives, the Corporate Carbon Portal provides a snapshot of carbon reduction initiatives running on the Carbonetworks platform, as well as graphics and charts to illustrate emissions reduction activities. Carbonetworks | North American Clean Energy


Ed Feo is a partner in the international law firm of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP. He co-chairs the Firm’s project finance and energy practice and is a member of the Firm’s Global Executive Committee.

Renewable Energy in 2009

Great Hopes for Change and Capital

By Ed Feo | Milbank Tweed Hadley & Mc Cloy LLP


Leading the list for immediate action must be the need for improved tax benefits.


January / February 2009

he new administration will have taken office on January 20th, 2009. During the election, the Obama/Biden team made clean energy one of the major planks of their platform, based on environmental concerns and high fuel prices. As the election neared, the crash of the economy made jobs the main issue, with green energy being one of the premiere routes for reviving the economy and re-industrializing the US. The “New Energy for America” platform of the Democratic candidates is, perhaps, the most ambitious energy policy undertaking in the history of the country. The proposals include an economy wide, auction-based cap and trade system to reduce carbon emissions to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. Approximately $150 billion from auction proceeds and other sources would be invested over 10 years to accelerate the commercialization of new clean energy technologies, and the related creation of five million new jobs. Some of these funds would support plug-in hybrid technology and infrastructure, with the goal of a million such hybrids on the road by 2015. The plan also calls for an increase in fuel economy standards by 4% over current mandates. An expanded renewable fuels standard would require at least 60 billion gallons of advanced biofuels by 2030, with a mandate for all new cars to be flex fuel vehicles by the end of 2012. Related to the investment in renewable energy is a program for grants to states to identify and support local manufacturers to convert from existing or closed manufacturing facilities to new advanced clean technologies.

The new administration also supports both reduction in energy use and diversification of energy sources. They propose to reduce electric demand by 15% from projected levels by 2020, through a combination of programs including improved appliance efficiency standards, reduced federal energy consumption (with a goal of achieving a 40% increase in efficiency in new buildings within five years), regulatory incentives for utilities to invest in energy efficiency, establishment of a grid modernization commission to facilitate adoption of smart grid practices, and a smart grid investment matching program in the Department of Energy, and funding for weatherization of up to one million low income homes annually. The administration supports a federal renewable energy portfolio standard requiring 10% of the electricity in the US to be from renewable sources by 2012, and potentially 25% by 2025. A five-year extension of the production tax credits available for wind, biomass, geothermal, and wave technologies is also being proposed. Clean coal technology is a likely beneficiary of a demonstration program to promote commercial-scale coal fired plants with carbon capture and sequestration. The new administration’s transition team has been meeting with all stakeholders in the energy community to identify issues and to gather ideas. While the commitment to building a new energy policy remains, the more urgent issue of the economy has been drawn into a sharper focus, with the immediate goal being to promote job creation. If the discussion in the late summer and early fall centered on reducing

dependence on foreign oil, the discussion coming into the new year is clearly directed at putting people to work as soon as possible. In the renewable energy community, the unavailability of capital is the primary impediment to economic and employment growth. Traditional sources of construction and long-term funding have dwindled since September 2008, as banks have pulled back from providing debt and the number of tax equity investors has dramatically declined. The result of this decline of capital is delayed projects, deferred equipment orders and construction contracts, and job losses. So, when asked how to create more jobs, the industry’s answer has been: provide more capital. Leading the list for immediate action must be the need for improved tax benefits. Under current law, most of the federal support for renewable energy comes through tax credits and accelerated depreciation. These are fine incentives if there are taxpayers able to use them. But the combination of restrictive tax rules, which work against the use of credits by anyone other than large corporates, together with the implosion in the financial services sector, has resulted in a moribund market for these tax incentives. The number of active tax equity investors declined in 2008 from 18 to 6, and the volume of investment went from $7 billion in 2007 to $5 billion in 2008, and a forecasted $4 billion in 2009—hardly the trend line of a thriving industry. Many ideas have been proposed to the new administration to enhance tax equity financing, including:

• extending the PTCs for at least five years; • making the tax credits refundable so that the federal government would make a tax-free refund of the credit to the taxpayer; • permitting the use of financing leases for wind projects (the production tax credit currently can only be used by an active owner/operator), which would result in better use of accelerated depreciation by the investor; • permitting carry back of tax credits for five or more years; • expanding the pool of eligible investors by eliminating the passive loss and at-risk rules, which tend to preclude investment by individuals and small corporates; • further expanding the pool of investors through the use of tax-free master limited partnerships for renewable energy projects; and • making the credits transferrable so that the credits could be sold separately from an interest in the energy project. Although it is unlikely all of these proposals will see the light of legislative day, at least at this point the extension of the production tax credit is likely to occur, and there is a reasonable possibility that some form of temporary relief will be part of an economic stimulus package. Refundability seems more likely than transferability, but is controversial because it is a more direct subsidy of renewables than the credits themselves, and would require the government to go out of pocket (as opposed to not receiving tax revenue in the first place). Refundability also does not resolve the use of accelerated depreciation and the resulting operating losses. Ideas being floated to make refundability a more palatable concept include having the refund made at a reduced percentage of the credit, and having a limited time period for refundability. In a period when capital is difficult to raise, the federal government can play a significant role in financing of new energy technologies through government loans or guarantees. The existing federal loan guaranty program under the Energy Policy Act of 2005 has proven at best illusory. The mandate of this program is to support new technologies that would not obtain financing without the guarantee. The current program was first funded in 2007, but implementation has been slow—at the end of 2008 no application has been fully approved or funded. There are many ideas being floated for the improvement of the federal loan guarantee program. These include improving the current program through increased staffing, reduced application costs, appropriations for the credit subsidy costs, and expediting application processes. A more ambitious proposal is to expand the program

to provide $100 billion funding for commercialized technologies—so that the federal government could provide loans or guaranties for construction and long-term financing of any renewable energy project. Another suggestion is to move the loan guaranty programs to the Treasury Department, which has deeper experience in financing, and has a record of working with third party lend-

ers on other financing programs. At this point, the likely direction of changes to the federal loan guarantee program for renewables is not clear. What is clear is that the direction of energy regulation will change under this administration. The need for economic stimulus may trump longer term objectives in the near term. Hopefully, the stimulus provisions will increase the flow of capital

to the renewable energy sector, perhaps through some of the ideas outlined above. And in time, we may well view 2009 as the year in which this country embarked on a very different, very green path into the energy future. Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy LLP

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North American Clean Energy


wind energy

Hoist Maintenance and Safety Central to steady turbine operation


aintenance hoists are a critical piece of equipment that provide safe and easy transport of parts and tools to a wind turbine’s nacelle. A solid and scheduled maintenance program for wind turbine hoists will increase a hoist’s working life, and protect personnel and property during the operation and maintenance of a wind turbine. Poor regular maintenance of any hoist can result in unnecessary downtime of a turbine, or could possibly even contribute to injury or death. As with all hoists, wind turbine hoists need to be regularly inspected and should reference ASME B30.16 for required inspection highlights. Regularly scheduled maintenance inspection of a hoist ensures safe and continuous operation for the life of the unit. Hoist wear and tear is kept in check, and significant repairs can be scheduled alongside other turbine maintenance. There are two types of inspection: frequent and periodic. Frequent inspections usually consist of a visual examination, which can be done by the operator prior to each use of the hoist; it does not require a written record. Some things an operator should look for during a frequent inspection include: • general chain wear such as nicks and gouges; • hook wear, containing nicks, gouges, and stretch on the hook, as well as potential missing hook latches. While inspecting, chain hoist operators must be certain that the reeving is in proper configuration and that there

are no twists in the chain. Operators should also check that all hoists with hook or trolley mounts have latches. The hoist should then be run, in the unloaded state, through all its motions. During this time, the operator should listen for any unusual sounds coming from the unit as this is a sure sign something is wrong and the hoist should be taken out of service immediately. During visual inspection, limit switches (if the hoist is outfitted with them) also need to be checked, set, and working properly. ASME further requires all necessary safety and warning labels on the unit be intact and legible. Brakes on the hoist are to be checked during an inspection by doing an operational test. When an operator releases pressure on the pendant control, the load must stop immediately. If the load drifts or continues to move, the hoist must be sent out for brake service. ASME B30.16 requires 50lbs per load strand of chain or wirerope (reeving). A double reeved hoist, for example, would require a 100lbs operational test. Periodic inspections must be held to a rigid schedule, which could range from an inspection every three months to one annually, according to the amount of service a hoist sees. It is up to a user to determine the severity of service and develop an inspection schedule. Normal service calls for a yearly inspection; heavy service requires a semi-annual inspection; and severe service requires an inspection every three months. Periodic inspections are usually performed by a third

party technician who has been trained in hoist maintenance and repair. The same inspection points overviewed in a frequent inspection must also be performed in a periodic one, and should be documented. A more thorough link-by-link inspection over the entire length of chain must also be completed by the technician. Afterwards, the chain is to be measured per the manufacturer’s requirements to ensure dimensional stability. It is critical the chain rides in the sheave perfectly. The technician will also visually examine the lower hook block and the top suspension. It is also a good time to check torque setting on the upper suspension per the manufacturer’s requirements, and ensure all pins are in good condition. Hook blocks will require disassembly to ascertain all pins are in good condition. A brake inspection is recommended as well. Anything found abnormal, including a worn chain, can be a sign of worn internal components and a full dismantling of the hoist is highly recommended. Anytime a load suspension part is replaced, a proof load test of 100% to 125% rated capacity must be performed. The chain is excluded from this test since it has been tested by the manufacturer. To keep maintenance to a minimum, choose a hoist specifically designed for wind turbines. Here are some features to look for: • formalized grease in the gear housing to eliminate the need for time-consuming oil changes and nuisance oil leaks;

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January / February 2009

• precision machined and hardened lift wheel to ensure exact chain fit and smooth operation, with reduced chain vibration; • heavy duty motor design (H4) for uninterrupted service on long lift requirements found in wind turbine applications; • additional safety features such as AC dual braking systems, limit switches, NEMA 3R enclosures, and load hook protectors. When maintaining a wind turbine hoist, operators should also take time to inspect other associated items used during the hoist maintenance operations such as the hoist rigging gear and hardware. Safety features on any hoist should not be thought of as a substitute for correct safety practices. It is important that scheduled and recorded inspections be performed at least once per year. Correct use and care of these products starts with properly trained operators and technicians. Article contributed by Peter Cooke, Henry Brozyna, Stacie Wingfield, and Dean Stressing of CM Training. Columbus McKinnon offers a wide range of training classes for hoist safety, proper rigging techniques, inspections, and hoist maintenance. Columbus McKinnon

Lodelok lifting attachments

Medium voltage SPD modules Raycap Inc. has developed medium voltage surge protection devices (SPDs) that provide continuous protection from over-voltage and other transient voltage activity. Designated Strikesorb 40-3000, Strikesorb 40-4000, and Strikesorb 405000, the medium voltage SPD modules meet the IEEE C62.11-2005 Standard. Designed to protect equipment from lightning strikes, power surges, and spikes without performance deterioration, the medium voltage Strikesorb SPD modules are comprised of a single distributiongrade metal oxide varistor (MOV) disc (40mm in diameter) in an environmentally-sealed aluminum housing. Unlike conventional medium voltage SPD designs, Strikesorb medium voltage products can be integrated into equipment without putting it into its own enclosure because they do not fail in a catastrophic manner.

CM Industrial Products, a division of Columbus McKinnon Corporation, recommends the Lodelok rigging products line for turbine construction and maintenance lifting applications. These attachments have a forged, positive interlocking latch that fully engages tip of hook. The over design of Lodelok hooks allow a generous load bearing surface to protect synthetic materials. Self-locking Lodelok attach-

ments are designed for use with Grade 80 or Grade 100 chain, synthetics, or wire rope, and also feature integral grip pads forged into the body of the hook, and a latch designed for easy use even when worker is wearing gloves in cold weather or harsh environments. Lodelok units are available in sizes from 9/32" through 5/8", and capacities from 4,300 pounds through 22,600 pounds. Columbus McKinnon Corporation |


Raycap Inc.


Metal-silicate nanocoating for sliding surfaces Uni-Coatings Canada has been appointed distributor of REWITEC Nanocoatings in central and eastern Canada. REWITEC is a patented metal-silicate nanocoating for sliding or rubbing metal surfaces. Applications include gears, engines, transmissions, differentials, and bearings in both automotive and industrial situations. Worn parts are created by oil breaking down and allowing the parts to rub against each other causing friction. This friction generates conditions on the metal surface that triggers the chemical bonding process of the REWITEC concentrate. The soft silicate molecules form new particles of iron-silicate over the surface. As the parts are rebuilt, the friction and excess heat is reduced allowing the engine or gears to operate smoother, cooler, and quieter. The side effects of less friction are more horsepower and less energy usage.

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wind energy

Portable Machine Tools Find a Niche in Wind Power And enable companies to meet tight tolerance requirements for tower flanges By Andy Becker


ew generations of portable machine tools are now playing an integral role in the manufacturing of wind towers. Years of research and development have led to advances in portable flange facers and circular mills with power and precision equal to the exacting tolerances demanded of towers. As a result, more and more tower manufacturers and service companies are using onsite machine tools to efficiently machine the flanges that connect tower tubes.

For years, plant managers and field service crews within the power industry have relied on portable machine tools in a wide range of machining applications. These onsite tools have brought new dimensions of time and cost savings to power projects as varied as turbine shell upgrades, pipe replacement, and valve and seal repairs. By combining the convenience of going directly to the workpiece with surprising precision, power, and ease of use, onsite tools can reduce plant downtime, streamline repair

processes, and optimize the workforce. These same tool attributes lend themselves to meeting the tight tolerance requirements for wind tower flanges while reducing the time it takes to do the work, whether on the assembly line or in the field. Although wind turbines receive greater attention because of the obvious part they play in generating electricity, flanges also play a critical role. Welded to each end of the tower tube, the rims are then bolted together to connect each

section of a tower. The flange connections must be extremely flat and meet exacting tolerances to avoid excess stress on yaw bearings, which can increase wear and tear and lead to generator failure, along with the associated costs of downtime and repair. Though turbine manufacturers specify tight tolerances for flanges—up to .004-inches (0.1016 mm) on a 13-foot (3.962 meter) diameter tower—flanges may not always meet these specifications due to complications such as warping when welded onto the tower tube. As a result, they must be machined before the towers can be assembled—a task requiring utmost accuracy, and one that is typically the province of flange facers and circular mills. Until recently, only large, stationery tools in machine shops promised the performance required. But today’s generation of portable circular mills and flange facers have proven equivalent precision, strength, and metal removal capabilities. Flange facers were the first portable tools used for machining flanges for towers ranging from 8 to 10 feet in diameter. Used by both manufacturers and service companies, they typically have a mounting and facing range of up to 10 feet (3048.0 mm) in diameter. Several can be operated in horizontal, vertical, or inverted positions, and they come with a standard pneumatic power drive. As the industry has moved to larger diameter towers, portable circular mills are also becoming popular options. For example, Climax CM6000 is a custom circular mill developed for flanges with diameters up to 16.5 feet (5.0 meters). Its precision and metal-removal capabilities have allowed machinists to substantially shorten machining time required when compared to using traditional flange facers. Meeting specs in the field and on the line

An inherent advantage of portable circular mills and flange facers is that they can go wherever needed. The 12

January / February 2009

service company In-Situ Machining Solutions has taken advantage of portable flange facers to contract with major wind turbine manufacturers to machine wind tower flanges at wind farms across Canada. When towers coming into port at the Summerside shipyard on Prince Edward Island were found during a routine quality control check to need machining, the service company’s machinists were able to set-up their flange facer at the port and machine the towers in place. This same crew was called for on another project that involved machine tower flanges ranging in size from 9 to 13 feet (2.743 to 3.962 meters) in diameter. Because the flange facer used was a standard facing range of up to 10 feet (3.048 meters) in diameter, its arm was not long enough for these towers. However, the company was able to modify the machine so that its facing arm could extend to 13 feet (3.962 meters), and the machinists were able to machine two to three 9-foot (2.74 meters) flanges a shift, or one of the massive 11- and 13-foot (3.352 to 3.962 meters) flanges every 10 to 12 hours. The final inspection showed that all flanges met the tolerances set by the manufacturer.

High pressure hydraulic pumps & torque wrenches The Power Team brand of SPX Hydraulic Technologies recently introduced a new Predator Series of high performance hydraulic pumps and tools, serving the global bolting industry. Products include electric and air powered portable hydraulic torque wrench pumps, as well as square drive and low clearance torque wrenches. The Predator Series features a constant horsepower variable flow hydraulic pump designed for greater bolting speed and efficiency, low amperage operation, and a low sound level. The torque wrenches feature faster operation, and a body that is 2/3rds the size of other lightweight wrenches. Power Team |

Optimizing the workforce

Portable machine tool suppliers often offer training programs for their customers’ machinists as part of the sale. Training sessions generally consist of one or more classes that include handson and classroom training, as well as techniques for using tools safely and effectively. Today, companies can profit by the experience of tool builders in helping solve challenges of the wind power industry, including custom engineering for special needs and training of a workforce in valuable machining skills. Portable machine tools have already won wide acceptance among manufacturers and field service companies for helping reduce tower vibration and extend the life of both turbines and towers. Look for portable machine tool manufacturers who listen, who are willing and able to partner to streamline processes, and who are committed to helping their customers gain or maintain a competitive advantage. Andy Becker is vice president of business development at Climax Portable Machine Tools. Climax is a global provider of machining solutions based in Newberg, Oregon, and Duren, Germany. Climax Portable Machine Tools In-Situ Machining Solutions North American Clean Energy


wind energy

Poor Wind Turbine Performance? Consider the design


ind turbine generators are subjected to extremely harsh environments, from sudden changes in wind speed to extreme heat ranges, very low humidity, and cycling on and off of the actual generator unit. Carbon brushes and related assemblies are a small but critical component to generator efficiency and output. Design issues can lead to maintenance concerns, which can result in higher maintenance costs and significantly reduce generator reliability. Poor turbine performance is occurring at a number of wind farms throughout North America. Major symptoms include poor brush life, heavy dusting, and damaged rings, which are the results of friction chatter, brush instability, and low spring force. These symptoms are directly related to deficiencies in the original design. When efficiency is reduced, operating costs and maintenance requirements increase, creat-

ing complaints from site managers challenged to keep turbines operating. Problems are found to be in existing brushes, brush holders, and rigging. Holders are fabricated from stamped metal plates and spot welded in place, while only about one-half of the length of the brush is encased or supported. Brush instability is the result, and this situation is conducive to arcing. Rapid brush wear, excessive heat, and ring damage are the manifestation of arcing, all possible causes of a flashover. In some cases, the temperature becomes high enough to distort the thin walls of the holders, binding the brushes in the holder, and increasing the arcing and eventual failure of the unit. Furthermore, in certain designs, one brush in each holder is placed in a ‘stubbing’ orientation. Stubbing (or leading) is when the rotation of the ring surface is into the toe (or long side) of the brush.

This design is a major contributor to a condition called friction chatter. Friction chatter causes the brush to vibrate or bounce at a very high frequency. It is almost always accompanied by some arcing since bouncing brushes do not conduct current very well, so slip ring roughening due to electrical etching is the end result. Low spring force is another contributor to performance problems. Springs need to operate smoothly, and with proper force applied to the brush to maintain contact with the moving surface of the ring. Low brush pressure (spring force/ cross-sectional area of the brush) can cause higher contact resistance, threading, and arcing. (Threading is the machining of the slip ring by particles in the brush face. These particles are trapped in the porous brush face and work-hardened, creating a tool that machines the ring surface.) Brush pressure should also be equal (within 10%)






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on all brushes to avoid difficulties arising from selective action, which is the unequal current distribution among the brushes. Lastly, original brushes are made of a high metal content material and are not adequately designed for environmental conditions such as low humidity. Brushes with a high metal content have a tendency to perform poorly at low current loads, causing threading. The resulting product is poor combination of cost and longevity. A newly designed brush holder system has been developed to combat these problems—one that directly and easily mounts in place of the original holders and stabilizes the entire unit. Upgraded units are precisely machined with tight tolerances and high-quality materials instead of the original stamped metal, resulting in a strong and sturdy unit. Holders are designed to encase the entire length of the brush to provide stability, and the fine finish of the carbon-way aids in reducing brush-to-holder friction. To eliminate friction chatter, holders are mounted radially (90° to the ring surface). The number of brushes is increased from four to six per ring, which increases the cross-sectional area of the material, reducing the amount of load per brush and allowing a lower metal content brush to be used. Spring force is significantly improved over the original coil spring design. This spring clip assembly not only utilizes a constant force spring, but is also designed with a removable spring that can be replaced at a minimal cost during each brush change to ensure adequate force. Constant force springs maintain a 10% differential to fight selective action, and this design applies a constant force to utilize approximately 65% of the total brush length. Moreover, the brushes are made of an aerospace-grade material that films equally well in low and high load conditions, and has been developed specifically to perform well in the low humidity atmospheres in which numerous wind farms operate. In field testing, design improvements have achieved up to 24 months of brush life, no ring wear or damage, a low wear differential between brushes, and less dust. Units can be cleaned every six months, while brush replacements intervals are about every 24 months. Brush replacements also come with a plug-in terminal connection, which reduces replacement time by half and does not require any tools. Wind farms experiencing significant issues with original stamped holders have found this solution as a way to alleviate serious failures. The final result is improved efficiency, reduced operating costs, and increased turbine uptime. Article courtesy of Morgan AM & T. For more information on the design and maintenance of wind turbines, email Morgan AM & T |


January / February 2009

Gen-set engines PowerTech E 4.5L and 9.0L engines are recent additions to the John Deere lineup of 60-Hz gen-set engines. While these lower-cost models offer Tier 3 emissions compliance, they also provide an alternative for customers in regions where low sulfur fuels are not mandated. Tier 3 PowerTech E 4.5L features gen-set ratings up to 161 kVA (129 kWe) at 60 Hz (1800 rpm). The 4.5L is a four-cylinder, turbocharged or turbocharged and air-to-air after-cooled engine with full-authority electronic controls and an HPCR fuel system. Whereas, the Tier 3 PowerTech E 9.0L features gen-set ratings up to 348 kVA (278 kWe) at 60 Hz (1800 rpm). The 9.0L is a six-cylinder, turbocharged and air-to-air after-cooled engine with full-authority electronic controls and an HPCR fuel system. John Deere Power Systems |

Wind Energy service provider supports Safe Communities Canada Northwind Solutions’ David Asling-Snee, vice president of business development for the company, has been a participant with the Kellsie Memorial Hockey Day since the event’s inception in 2004. The ‘Kellsie,’ which takes place in Toronto each fall, is a fundraising event for Safe Communities Canada, a charitable organization dedicated to helping communities across the country build collaborative programs designed to reduce the pain and cost of injury, while promoting a culture of safety for all citizens. Safe Communities Canada is an Affiliate Support Centre for the World Health Organization’s Collaborating Centre for Community Safety Promotion. When joining Northwind Solutions in the spring of 2008, Asling-Snee realized an obvious connection between the event and the business of safely servicing wind turbines. “I had the opportunity to join one of our crews this past summer for a gear box change in Alberta, and the need for rigorous effort in following safety procedures seemed a solid match to what the Kellsie event and Safe Communities Canada was working to achieve in workplace safety,” Asling-Snee shares. “Northwind Solutions’ takes safety very seriously, and the discussion on ways to improve safety simply never ends. We feel that ensuring a dialogue of working safely is kept high profile to be our duty to the category of renewable energy and plan to continue this crusade.” “To have the support from an established company working in a responsible industry like renewable energy was great for our event, as well as for the Safe Communities Canada foundation,” stated Sean Casgrain, Kellsie Memorial Hockey Day event co-founder and organizer. “We were thrilled to hear Northwind Solutions was interested in taking a role in sponsorship of the 2008 event, and look forward to collaboratively furthering that involvement in the years to come.” Kellsie Memorial Hockey Day Safe Communities Canada Northwind Solutions North American Clean Energy


wind energy

A Closer Look at Spain’s Success A renewable energy source for the US By José Luis Briceño


upport for renewable energy technology in Spain began in 1980 for various reasons. The country was heavily dependent on foreign oil, and its growing economy was in need of new sources for clean energy. Since then, a variety of tactics have been used to boost alternative energy sources, particularly feed-in tariffs, which have contributed to the country’s renewable energy success. In Spain, a market option has been added to a fixed tariff scheme, allowing generators to make more or less money than a fixed tariff depending on the momentary demand for electricity and its market price. The results of this policy have been positive in driving growth and innovation in wind and solar energy.

Living on wind

Installed capacity in wind energy doubled from 2003 to 2006, and is on track to double again by 2010. In 2007, a record year for the Spanish wind industry, 3,523 megawatts were installed. The yearly average supply of wind energy is 10%, although on very windy days wind energy production can supply up to 40% of Spain’s demands. One of the challenges of integrating large proportions of wind power into the national grid system is wind forecasting.


January / February 2009

Wind farm operators in Spain have become leaders in wind forecasting because they must provide accurate predictions to the grid or they’ll risk paying penalties. Other key features of the system include real-time control centers that make communication easier by allowing operators to manage wind farms that may be located worldwide through fiber-optic channels and by satellite. Grid interconnections in Spain are among the best in the world, according to Alberto Ceña, director of the Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE). Infrastructures such as the Center for Renewable Energy Research (CENER) and the Wind Turbine Test Laboratory, which opened in Navarra, Spain in September 2008, have provided a great advantage for Spanish turbine and component manufacturers as they allow for thorough and efficient testing of Spanish wind technology. Investments in wind energy have been a key element in the expansion of Spanish companies. Over 8,500 MW have been installed worldwide and Spanish companies are becoming household names. Acciona and Gamesa, two turbine manufacturers, have created jobs in the US through their plants in Iowa and Pennsylvania. Both companies are also expanding aggressively

in other geographic areas. Iberdrola Renewables, another Spanish company, is the second largest owner of wind farms in the US, and plans to reach 6,900 MW in operating capacity by 2012 through investing $8 billion over the next two years. Powered by the sun

For several decades there was a worldwide decline in the production of solar power. Spain is now leading the way in Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) projects with a pipeline of more than 500 MW, along with the ongoing creation of new plants for the industry globally. Spain-based Abengoa’s PS10, is an example of CSP tower plant that will reach a capacity of 300 MW in 2013. Other plants, including the Andasol projects in Granada (parabolic troughs) has an initial phase of 50 MW, which will be followed by two more phases of 50 MW each. The Solar Platform of Almería (PSA), a world reference R&D center in solar energy, is where all Spanish solar technology is first tested. “In the past, few people wanted to learn about our [solar energy] systems—now everybody wants to,” said Eduardo Zarza, the director of concentrating solar research at the PSA. “Every week we have several companies coming to see our facilities to obtain information because they’re interested in investing in solar thermal plants.” Spanish companies working in CSP, like Acciona, are making this technology readily available in the US. Acciona developed Nevada Solar One (64 MW) in 2007, the first solar plant built in the US since the 1980s, and is currently working on even larger State projects. Abengoa Solar, another Spain-based company, built a 280 MW Solana power plant in Arizona. Thermal storage through molten salt is used at this plant to maintain peak power, while permitting electricity production when the sky is overcast or after nightfall. However, the growth of solar energy in Spain is hardly limited to solar thermal. The market for photovoltaics (PV) exploded due to generous government incentives. Solar production is expected to reach 1,800 MW in installed capacity at the end of 2008. This growth has spurred more manufacturing investments. Companies like Isofotón and BP Solar have

been joined by others such as Pevafersa, Siliken, Solaria and Atersa, as well as other American and German companies. Many of the Spanish manufacturers are exploring the opportunities offered by the US market. Siliken has already opened a manufacturing plant for solar panels near San Diego, California. Furthermore, Spain has become a world benchmark in Concentration Photovoltaics (CPV) thanks to the Institute for Photovoltaic Systems of Concentration in Puertollano, south of Madrid. The leading companies in the field are building demonstration plants in the Castile-La Mancha region. The goal is to improve the technology efficiency and decrease cost in an effort to speed commercialization. Research centers have been at the core of development in the industry. For example, The Institute for Solar Research, one of the oldest solar centers in the world, has been behind many of the most important initiatives and spin-offs in the country. Its work in intermediate band cells and concentration PV is at the forefront of research in these fields. Recent results include the latter is the development of the first solar simulator for CPV systems which speeds up module testing. Adoption of renewable energy technology will continue to increase globally through Spanish innovation. “We’re facing a grand challenge: consolidating that which we’ve achieved so far, setting the frame work for future development, and creating a sector that makes our country proud,” said Javier Anta, president of the Spanish Photovoltaic Industry Association. José Luis Briceño, a native of Madrid, has lived in Chicago for eight years and currently serves as the director of the Department of Industry and Technology at the Trade Commission of Spain (TCS). He can be reached at jbriceñ Trade Commission of Spain, Chicago Acciona | Abengoa Solar Gamesa | Iberdrola Renewables Nevada Solar One |

High-speed bolt-makers BBC Fasteners (now in their 50th year of manufacturing fasteners in metric and inch sizes) has added more production capacity to serve the wind power industry. The company now offers five high-speed bolt-makers on line, which makes parts through M30 x 240MM, along with seven forging machines for larger bolts through M48 diameter. Roll threading can be performed on parts as large as 75MM, along with CNC Machining of critical dimensions. BBC Fasteners also maintains an in-house accredited test laboratory for dimensional and physical testing. BBC Fasteners |

Double axis tracking systems

Additional wind resource map & data

DEGERenergie GmbH’s product series DEGERtraker 5000NT and 7000NT is now joined by a new product generation of double axis tracking systems called DEGERtraker 3000HD and DEGERtraker 5000HD (= Heavy Duty). These systems have been especially developed for integration into building structures and for severe wind zones—such as on islands and in the open sea, particularly because in many countries the solar power production on buildings brings in higher yields than on open areas. The respective wind force zones are addressed by a design tool developed by engineers at DEGERenergie, which has been used in previous systems. The basic configuration covers wind velocities of 170km/h (+ safety reserve); individual designs allow for this value to be increased up to 300km/h.

AWS Truewind, LLC, has announced the addition of wind speed distribution, wind rose, monthly, and diurnal data to its web-based prospecting and project siting application windNavigator. An interactive tool, based on GoogleMaps, windNavigator allows for exploration and purchase via the Internet of accurate and detailed wind resource maps and data for the conterminous US and India. A copy of windNavigator Grapher, a custom application specifically developed for windNavigator, will accompany each purchase of additional data. windNavigator Grapher will generate graphical plot files for the entire project area, or a single point providing analysts with visual representations of this data. AWS Truewind, LLC

DEGERenergie GmbH

Manual pulse generator

Hydraulics compact pump for wind power plants

Micronor’s MR190 Universal Manual Pulse Generator/Handwheel (MPG) offers both A/A’/B/B’ differential line driver and A/B pull-up quadrature outputs in a single unit. An MPG would be designed into an internal control panel or pendant that allowed manual overide and testing of some wind turbine operating parameters, such as blade position or pitch. MR190 provides 100 detent positions per revolution and outputs one A/B quadrature pulse cycle per detent or “click.” The quadrature outputs tell the machine both the number of incremental steps to move and direction. MR190’s intuitive operation, tactile feedback, and ease of interface is ideal for use in all types of teach pendants, control panels, motor drives, position control systems, and electronic instrumentation.

HAWE Hydraulics’ type KA power unit is the latest model in the HAWE Hydraulics product line. This compact power unit type KA increases service life of costly components such as gearboxes, rotor blades, tower, and foundations by hydraulically controlling yaw and rotor blades; thereby, reducing wear and tear on the braking function. The hydraulic power unit consists of a tank with an integrated submerged motor, a radial piston or gear pump that is directly attached to the motor shaft (without a coupling), and a connection block. The modules are mounted directly onto the connection block. In the event of disruption to the braking module, the disruption can be identified and the module easily exchanged with no need to remove any hoses connected to the consumers.

Micronor Inc. |

HAWE Hydraulics | North American Clean Energy


investing in clean energy

New Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines Photo by Carl Friesen

Affect project finance of wind and geothermal projects By Allen Eade, Mike Rankin & Brian Griffin


lthough green power sources such as wind and geothermal might have fewer unwanted side effects compared to some other power sources, those they do have must be managed effectively. To help with this, new Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines have been issued for several industrial sectors, including wind and geothermal energy, by the International Finance Corporation (IFC)—which is an arm of the World Bank that finances private-sector projects in the developing world. Despite the fact they are simply called “Guidelines,” these publications are expected to have far-reaching consequences for proponents of energy projects. This is because IFC’s stature is such that the practices and standards it advocates tend to get widely accepted by other financial institutions; they also tend to paint a reliable picture of the current trends in best practice for projects. The Guidelines reflect rising pressures being placed on companies worldwide to protect the environment and the health and safety of their workers, as well as that of people living near their projects. They describe the performance levels and measures that IFC considers to be achievable for construction and operation and maintenance of new facilities. These set new standards for EHS performance for organizations wanting to do business with IFC, and provide a basis for IFC audits on project construction, operation, and decommissioning.

Keeping up-to-date The final EH&S sector documents are posted to the IFC website at IFC considers these to be “living documents” with the potential to be updated in the future, so consulting IFC’s online resource is a good way for companies to stay current with the Guidelines. The Guidelines are particularly relevant to project finance, which is defined by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, as lending in which the financial source looks mostly to a single project as security for the loan and as a source of repayment funds. Private-sector banks, which are signatory to the Equator Principles, called Equator Principles Financial Institutions (EPFIs), apply the Guidelines in their lending decisions. Similar decision principles are also applied to equity sources—starting with green investment funds to public-sector pension funds and, increasingly, everyday funds run by investment-management companies. For IFC-funded projects, the Guidelines can even take the place of national standards if the host country’s national standards are less stringent than those of the IFC. For projects located in countries outside the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), the project assessment will typically employ the applicable IFC Performance Standards and the applicable industry sector EHS Guidelines. To make sure that its guidelines meet current technology and understanding, IFC recently asked Golder Associates Ltd. to conduct a comprehensive review and update the Wind Energy EHS Guideline and the Geothermal Energy EHS Guideline, as well as those for several other sectors including General EHS Guideline on cross-cutting issues for all industry sectors. A summary of points covered in the Guidelines for wind and geothermal energy is as follows: 20

January / February 2009

EH&S guidelines for wind energy projects 1.0 Industry-specific issues 1.1 Environment: alteration of visual landscape, increased noise, risk to wildlife species mortality, or injury from turbine collision (particularly birds and bats), habitat alteration and fragmentation, water quality (the Guidelines distinguish between onshore and offshore projects) 1.2 Occupational Health and Safety: working at heights, working over water 1.3 Community Health and Safety: aircraft and marine navigation safety, blade and ice throw, shadow flicker, electro and magnetic interference and radiation, public access 2.0 Performance indicators and monitoring 2.1 Environment: environment and effluent guidelines, noise guidelines, environmental monitoring 2.2 Occupational Health and Safety: occupational health and safety guidelines, accident and fatality rates, occupational health and safety monitoring 3.0 References and additional sources Annex A General Description of Industry Activities EH&S guidelines for geothermal projects 1.0 Industry-specific issues 1.1 Environment: drilling fluids and cuttings, spent geothermal fluids, air emissions, solid waste, well blowouts and pipeline failures, water consumption and extraction 1.2 Occupational Health and Safety: geothermal gases, confined spaces; heat, noise 1.3 Community Health and Safety: hydrogen sulphide, infrastructure safety, impacts on water and hot spring resources 2.0 Performance indicators and monitoring 2.1 Environment: emissions and effluent guidelines, noise guidelines, environmental monitoring 2.2 Occupational Health and Safety: occupational health and safety guidelines, accident and fatality rates, occupational health and safety monitoring 3.0 References and additional sources Annex A General Description of Industry Activities

Allen Eade (, B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences, is an energy sector regulatory approvals specialist and project manager in the Calgary, AB office of Golder Associates Ltd. Mike Rankin (, M.Sc. in Environmental Toxicology, is a senior toxicologist and risk assessor in the company’s North Vancouver, BC office. And, Brian Griffin (, B.A.Sc in Engineering, is a senior principal in the company’s Houston, TX office. Golder Associates Ltd. |

Clean Tech Investment

Outlook ‘09 By Jay Tannon


(left) & Tom Reems (right)

he fluid investment market that characterized the US clean tech sector in 2008 will likely continue in 2009. Through the third quarter of 2008, venture funds had invested a record $5.1 billion in clean energy companies; over $2.8 billion was invested in the third quarter alone. In contrast, private equity investments declined from the second to third quarters with New Energy Finance reporting $4.5 billion invested in the second quarter, but only $1.6 billion in the third. Project finance in the sector held relatively steady with $18 billion invested in the third quarter, following $21.9 billion in the second. As with most other sectors of the economy, valuations across the clean tech sector plummeted over the last months of 2008. What will 2009 bring? Many investors remain upbeat about the sector as a result of favorable regulatory environments and important public commitments to advance clean energy. As part of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act passed in October, Congress extended the tax credit for solar power installations for eight years, while extending for one year the wind energy, geothermal, closed-loop biomass, hydropower, landfill gas, and trash combustion production tax credits. The commercial buildings deduction for energy efficiency was extended for five years. Congress also expanded and extended the hybrid vehicle tax credit. The American Council on Renewable Energy projects that renewables will rise from 2% to 25% of electric power generation by 2025, and (as of press time) President-elect Obama set that same goal during his campaign. Wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass should see dramatic increases to approximately 600 gigawatts in the aggregate by 2025. The US Department of Energy has set a lofty transportation energy goal of 30% biofuels by 2030. Despite crisis in the credit and capital markets, coupled with plunging oil and coal prices over the last months of 2008, the long-term environmental, economic, and energy security imperative to generate more clean, renewable energy remains. The economic stimulus package being prepared by the incoming Obama Administration may exceed $800 billion, and include $400 billion or more for infrastructure projects. Clean energy may be specifically allocated a portion of those infrastructure funds. Americans should anticipate short-term and sustained public commitments to advance clean energy, combat climate change, and create green jobs. While the pace of sector investment and acquisition transactions may be sluggish and valuations may remain depressed during the first months of 2009, many cashrich investors will eventually deploy significant capital in clean tech before allowing the enticingly low market valuations to slip away. Eventually stability in the credit markets and a strong clean tech push from the public sector should boost investment activity and valuations over the course of 2009. Most analysts anticipate that venture investors will focus on well-managed, emerging companies that bring solar or wind power generation closer to grid parity, that enhance energy efficiency, or that advance battery technology or engine controls for electric transport. Within solar, emphasis may be upon advanced silicon production methods, thin film, and nano-structured photovoltaic. Within wind, companies offering innovation for offshore platforms, leading regional operations and maintenance companies, and small wind companies may receive the greatest attention from venture investors. For clean tech companies with strong EBITDA seeking to obtain growth capital, mezzanine financing remains a possibility. Despite a decline in the number of such lenders, some active providers of mezzanine financing will continue to deploy funds into the sector. Such financing would be attractive to a company with strong EBITDA that needs expansion capital but does not wish to relinquish a controlling or at least substantial equity stake. Given low public company valuations, private equity funds and other institutional investors focused on the sector may pursue take private transactions or PIPES during 2009. Leading solar, wind, biofuels, waste gasification, efficient power transmis-

sion, and other sector public companies should see accelerating interest as credit markets recover over the course of 2009. Jay Tannon is a partner at the law firm of DLA Piper and a co-founder of the clean tech private equity fund Novus Energy Partners. Tom Reems is a lawyer at DLA Piper specializing in clean energy. DLA Piper |

North American Clean Energy


Show in Print Features just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.

RETECH 2009 February 25th to 27th, 2009 • Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV RETECH 2009 is expected to be the largest all-renewables gathering in the US this year, with an attendance of over 5,000 people. It offers an opportunity to connect with other manufacturing and supplier peers, industry experts, and influential leaders as they share insights on renewable energy and what the year ahead holds for the industry.

Large-scale energyfrom-waste solution

Sustainable development courses

Covanta Energy is an internationally recognized owner and operator of largescale energy-from-waste and renewable energy projects, as well as a recipient of the Energy Innovator Award from the US Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Covanta’s 38 energy-from-waste facilities provide communities with an environmentally sound solution to solid waste disposal needs by using municipal solid waste to generate clean, renewable energy. Annually, Covanta’s facilities safely and securely convert approximately 16 million tons of waste into more than eight million megawatt hours of clean, renewable electricity, creating 10 billion pounds of steam that are sold to a variety of industries.

The Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) is a non-profit professional society of 9,500 members in 73 countries. The mission of AEE is: “To promote the scientific and educational interests of those engaged in the energy industry, and to foster action for sustainable development.” AEE offers a full array of informational outreach programs including seminars (live and Internet-based), conferences and trade shows, journals, books, and certification programs. AEE continues to cultivate a sustainable future by offering the Certified Sustainable Development Professional and the Certified Carbon Reduction Manager. Both live and online course and certification information is available on AEE’s website.

Covanta Energy | Booth 109

Dry and wet electrostatic precipitators WEIS ENVIRONMENTAL is specialized in manufacturing of dry and wet electrostatic precipitators designed for biomass power plants in the North American market. The company represents Beth Filtration GmbH, a German company with more than 120 years of experience in pollution control technology. WEIS ENVIRONMENTAL offers tailor-made engineering solutions in designing, constructing, and implementing a wide range of dust removal systems. WEIS ENVIRONMENTAL Booth 338

The Association of Energy Engineers | Booth 319

Geothermal drilling and turnkey solutions ThermaSource owns and operates 11 drilling rigs and has over 120 combined years of geothermal drilling experience within their management team. The company has grown from a two-person geothermal consultancy to a 300-person geothermal energy service provider in just two years time. In this last year alone, ThermaSource has formed a subsidiary base of companies that consists of ThermaSource Cementing, geothermal cementing and services; Tecton Geologic, logging for well and drilling fluids; EGS, Inc., geological and geophysical exploration; and ChemTech, drilling fluid services and supply. This subsidiary base of companies allows ThermaSource to offer turnkey geothermal solutions to clients that are both cost- and timeefficient alternatives. ThermaSource | Booth 731

BioEnergy Bridge Initiative at Penn State A new initiative was launched within Penn State Biomass Energy Center to address the critical need for integrated research and technology development in the area of biofuels research. The Initiative will serve as a bridge between the laboratory bench and industrial implementation in the areas of technical feasibility, process and system economics, product quality and yield. This “BioEnergy Bridge” partnership will address the full spectrum of challenges to the national priority of reducing dependence on foreign sources of oil by increasing production of biofuels. By conducting integrated research into every stage of the biofuels process, Penn State is working with companies to optimize whole system performance while minimizing environmental impact and reducing fuel costs. Penn State is seeking industrial participation across the entire bioenergy spectrum. All organizations participating in the Bioenergy Bridge will work together to attract significant federal, state, and foundation funding streams to leverage the partners’ commitments. Robert Wallace, director of BioEnergy Bridge, and Tom Richard, director of Penn State Biomass Energy Center, will be hosting a side event to discuss this new initiative at RETECH from 4:30 to 6pm on Thursday, February 26th. The Pennsylvania State University | Booth 500 22

January / February 2009

Kenyan Geothermal Project Ormat Technologies, Inc. recently announced the completion of phase two construction at the Olkaria III geothermal power plant in Kenya. The power plant has been synchronized to the grid, adding 35 MW of base load capacity to the existing 13 MW plant, which has been in continuous operation since 2001 with availability between 97% and 99%.

The expanded power plant will save 120,000 tons of imported oil, mitigate approximately 200,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year, and reduce the average production cost of electricity in Kenya, while reducing its dependence on imports. The additional clean, base load geothermal energy generated by

Olkaria III will increase the supply to the local transmission, distribution, and retail utility, Kenya Power and Lighting Company Ltd. (KPLC). It will also help meet the country’s increasing demand for reliable, fuel-free electricity. Ormat’s green technology meets the highest standards for sound environmen-

tal practice and complies with all of the relevant local and international regulations as acknowledged in the 2001 World Climate Technology Award from the UN Climate Technology Initiative (CTI). Ormat Technologies, Inc. Booth 215

Renewable energy academia, research, and business The University of Wyoming’s School of Energy Resources and the Wyoming Business Council have joined efforts to present the academic, research, and business opportunities, which are being developed in Wyoming. The UW School of Energy Resources promotes interdisciplinary academic and research programs in engineering, science, economics, and environment and natural resources policy to address critical energy related issues. Among UW’s emerging areas of renewable energy expertise are the Wind Energy Research Center and the Renewable Energy Resources Center. The Wind Energy Research Center, supported both by the UW School of Energy Resources and the College of Engineering, is establishing the pre-eminent wind energy laboratory for theoretically, computationally, and experimentally addressing further understanding to significantly improve wind turbine performance. Wind Technology studies offered at Casper College and Laramie County Community College complement the efforts for workforce development in this promising field. The Renewable Energy Resources Center is a collaboration of the UW Colleges of Arts and Sciences and Engineering for research in energy nanoscience, particularly solar cells and energy storage. University of Wyoming Wyoming Business Council | Booth 238 North American Clean Energy


Clean energy essential to economy and community

Green biopower energy solutions ADAGE, an innovative joint venture between AREVA and Duke Energy, is dedicated to the development of green biopower energy solutions for US electricity customers. Formed in September of 2008, ADAGE is the first biopower partnership in the United States between major energy companies. ADAGE develops biopower plants that use wood waste to produce electricity. AREVA will build the plants and Duke Energy Generation Services will manage operations. Biopower has great potential: biopower is baseload, carbon-neutral energy; each project creates hundreds of green collar jobs, and biopower supports best practices in forest management. ADAGE works with large, credit-worthy forestry partners who support sustainable practices. Opportunities exist with large forest products companies and land owners. The joint venture will be headquartered in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. Former Duke Energy executive Reed Wills serves as president of ADAGE.

NY Loves Clean Tech is a consortium of like-minded organizations with the mission of creating an “enabled” environment across New York State capable of supporting and growing renewable energy investments. Through a model of collaboration with industry, government, and academia, NY Loves Clean Tech proactively markets investment and expansion opportunities to the renewable energy community. In his 2009 State of the State address, New York Governor Paterson sent an important and direct message: clean energy will be essential to our economic recovery. In his speech, Governor Paterson pledged to meet 45% of the state’s projected energy needs with renewable and energy efficiency measures by 2015. This is a significant step to helping spur our growing cleantech industry and to invigorating local economies. NY Loves Clean Tech | Booth 517

ADAGE | Booth 304

Financing the Power of Green 661-799-0440

Intellectual capital and industry expertise

Delivering maximum value

Promoting the adoption of renewable sources

Name change to highlight clean energy leadership FPL Energy is now NextEra Energy Resources to better reflect the company’s focus on offering clean energy solutions. As one of the largest competitive energy suppliers in the US, and the largest producer of wind and solar energy in North America, NextEra offers customized renewable energy solutions that enable customers to participate in the development of new renewable energy projects and offset their carbon footprint. NextEra currently has more than 6,300 MW of wind generation in operation, or enough to power more than 1.5 million average homes. It also is the largest generator of solar thermal power in the world. The company co-owns and operates seven solar plants in California’s Mojave Desert, which collectively form the world’s largest solar site. In all, the company operates 310 MW of solar power. NextEra Energy Resources |

Legal services for renewable energy sector Stoel Rives provides a broad array of legal services to developers, investors, utilities, and project owners in the renewable energy sector. Representation encompasses all aspects of power project licensing, local permitting, financing, taxation, real estate, equipment, procurement, construction, project acquisition, and project operations. Stoel Rives has developed a strong reputation assisting renewable energy providers throughout a project lifecycle including site selection, development, construction, and financing. By 2007, Stoel had provided legal counsel to approximately 40% of the installed capacity of US wind power. Stoel Rives has also pioneered numerous renewable energy textbooks, including The Law of Wind, Lex Helius: The Law of Solar Energy, The Law of Biofuels, “The Law of Ocean and Tidal Energy, and The Law of Building Green (available for free download at Stoel Rives LLP | Booth 422 24

January / February 2009


BALANCE OF SYSTEM Allied Tube & Conduit Allied Tube & Conduit, a division of Tyco Electrical & Metal Products, manufactures in-line galvanized steel tubing. Balance of system is the company’s focus, and they treat the mounting structure as one of the key components of a solar installation. Allied Tube & Conduit’s product line is extensive and features Gatorshield tubing, Flo-Form angle and channels, and Unistrut strut products. In addition to material sales, capabilities include: engineering support, fabrication, installations, and fall protection systems.




January / February 2009

OTHER Full Service Engineering and Project Development Legal Insurance Broker Pipe, Pre-insulated Solar Integrators Solar Resource Assessment Solar Support Systems Structural Components Testing and Certification



Fibox Enclosures Fibox’s ARCA JIC enclosure family has been tested and certified by SGS FIMKO to comply with the European Community’s Low Voltage Directive, and may bear the CE Mark. The CE Mark is recognized worldwide and CE Conformity is required for importation of electrical equipment into the European Community. ARCA enclosures were evaluated against EN 60529 and EN 62262, achieving ingress ratings of IP66/IP67 and an impact rating of IK09. Additional test results are available. The Fibox ARCA enclosure line consists of 10 standard JIC enclosure sizes ranging from 6 x 6 x 4'' D to 18 x 16 x 10'' D.

Wieland Electric Inc. Wieland Electric’s RST 25i3/i5 AC system, comprised of three and five pole screw clamp pluggable connectors, features UL and CSA ratings 25A, 600V, and 10 AWG. For solar applications, the RST 25i3/i5 AC system consists of four basic components: connectors for onsite field wiring, pre-assembled plug-in distribution units, cut-to-length heat shrink tubing cable assemblies for connection from the inverter to the combiner box or panel, and connectors for enclosures. Factory preassembly and testing eliminates time-consuming field assembly. An IP 68 protection rating ensures reliable operation in harsh environments.

Architects & Builders

Lumeta, Inc. Lumeta’s Solar S Tile is the first roof-integrated solar module that simulates the shape of clay or concrete profiled S tiles, producing clean, renewable energy with greatly improved roof system functionality and aesthetics. The Solar S Tile can be manufactured in popular color choices to maintain an elegant appearance of any roof system. Its design eliminates the need for rack-mounting systems and associated roof penetrations, and requires no other roof alterations, significantly reducing the risk of water intrusion and premature roof failure.

HUBER+SUHNER HUBER+SUHNER’s RADOX solar cables are UL listed, double insulated, and PV rated. Their electron beam cross-linked insulation and jacket is designed to withstand the harshest conditions of extreme temperatures, sunlight, abrasion, oil, ozone, weathering, and severe bending. RADOX PV cables can easily be installed without requiring protective conduits [approved according to NEC 690.35 (D)], saving both time and money. As a result of multiple approvals, RADOX cables are well suited for solar applications anywhere around the world, in all climate zones.

Solar energy solutions Aluminum extrusion support structures, frames, and mounting systems for the renewable energy sector Hydro is the leading supplier of extruded aluminum support structures for utility-scale CSP plants and manufactures a variety of components for PV mounting solutions. Because project success requires more than just high-quality components and a reliable supply, our dedicated solar unit can provide: • Technical, design and concept prototyping support • Extrusion, fabrication, and finishing of frame components • Raw material management and component procurement • Warehousing, kitting, and JIT delivery • Assistance with on-site installation and on-going support Whether you need complex framing systems for utilityscale CSP plants or frames and mounting systems for PV units, Hydro can deliver. Partner with Hydro, a global leader in renewable energy structural components, and take your next solar project to a new level. Hydro Solar Solutions 249 S. 51st. Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85043 Phone: (800) 459-3030 Fax: (602) 269-0220

Bottom photo courtesy of Envision Solar

North American Clean Energy




Wieland Electric Inc. W Wieland Electric offers a new family of PST 40i1 connectors to provide pluggaW ble connections on the DC side of PV installations. Featuring a 40A DC capability and superior contact conductivity, these connectors satisfy the trend toward increased input on solar string inverters, even over-extended cable runs. PST 40i1 connectors provide easy handling, mate compatibility with industry standard types, and resistance to UV. The pre-assembled, cut-to-length over-molded cable assemblies, tested and delivered ready-to-install, replace conventional onsite requirements. The IP 68 ingress protection rating ensures operation in harsh conditions. UL approval is pending.

Balance of System

Garrad Hassan America Inc. Garrad Hassan has adapted its 24 years of technical expertise to offer services to the solar energy markets. GH currently offers a range of services to investors, owners, and developers of solar power plants. GH’s experience has been gained in the solar PV and solar thermal markets, where it has tailored its existing technical knowledge to deliver specialist services including due diligence, independent engineering, site assessment and feasibility studies, support for measurement campaigns, energy optimization of PV layouts, comparison of suppliers, basic electrical infrastructure design, and asset evaluation.

Consulting / Business Services SolarBOS SolarBOS is an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for balance of system products for the solar energy industry in North America. Product lines include combiner boxes, solar cables, disconnects, and current monitoring solutions. All SolarBOS products are designed to be highly flexible, allowing customers to specify and configure them for each specific project.

Next Generation Energy® Manufacturer of the World’s Highest Rated Evacuated Tube Collector* NGE-116-TU

Multiple sizes for all your needs -

Holland & Hart LLP Holland & Hart has extensive experience representing developers and owners in solar projects large and small. The company represents private, public, and governmental clients involved in rooftop and ground-mounted projects across the US. Holland & Hart attorneys assist clients in developing and financing solar projects of virtually any size, and their attorneys help with permitting, site control, contracts to procure equipment, leases and real estate contracts, interconnection agreements, power purchase agreements, net metering, REC purchases, and sales and financing. Rose Consulting Service, Inc. Rose Consulting Service is a professional grant proposal preparation service for renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable agriculture projects. High rate of success on USDA Section 9007 REAP grant (formerly Section 9006 RE/EE grants), Value Added Producer grants, as well as local and regional funding opportunities.





Little Mule Construction Products (LMCP) LMCP announces TB 602, a mini-hoist that can lift up to 550lbs, while fitting into a toolbox. Weighing in at just six pounds, and performing like larger models, TB-602 Mini-Hoist is small and light enough to be used in places where a larger tool might not fit. TB-602 comes standard with these features: 1/4-ton (550lbs) maximum capacity; lightweight design for ease of portability; simple use in confined conditions with one-hand operation; rubber hand-grip for better comfort and security; free chaining, short, ergonomic handle for easy use; hardened link-type steel load chain for strength and long wear; impact resistant.

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January / February 2009

Online Solar Inc. Online Solar specializes in PV packages for oil and natural gas pipeline monitoring, automation systems, traffic signals, water pumping, off-grid residential electricity, remote instrumentation, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), and Remote Telemetry Units (RTUs). Online Solar also carries high-end residential grid-tie solar power systems and RV/boat/camper battery charging kits.

Engineering (and/or Operations & Maintenance)

Vela Solaris Polysun 4 offers an efficient and professional way to design renewable energy systems. Designing and optimizing a new or an existent system is getting easier and the yield forecast, based on meteorological data from over 7,400 worldwide weather stations, is even more precise. The simulation for solar thermal, geo thermal, and PV systems is included in just one software. Polysun 4 can help you: accelerate your planning process; offer reliable yield forecasts; enable easy optimization of existing and new systems; easily generate PDF reports.

vZenergy vZenergy is an Ontario-based energy solutions firm offering energy consulting services. vZenergy’s principal has over 25+ years of experience in the energy field, specializing in Green Business Propositions to improve clients’ bottom line. Areas of expertise include: solar renewable energy farms, energy efficiency (lighting, power system optimization), and distributed power generation (solar, wind, fuel cells, CHP, and energy storage). Energy consulting services include: project development services, technology services, and business services.

Satcon. The standard for clean power.

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The world’s largest solar power installations depend on Satcon® PowerGate® Plus PV inverters to provide efficient and stable power—even in the harshest climates.

Engineered from the ground up to meet the demands of large-scale installations, Satcon PV inverters feature an outdoorrated enclosure, advanced monitoring and control capabilities, and Edge,™ Satcon’s next-generation MPPT solution.

Broad Range of Power Ratings With 11 power ratings—ranging from 30 kW to 1 MW (UL and CE certified)— Satcon offers the widest range of solar PV inverter solutions in the industry.

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©2008 Satcon Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. Satcon and PowerGate are registered trademarks, and Edge is a trademark, of Satcon Technology Corporation.

ENGINEERING (AND/OR OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE) Tetra Tech Tetra Tech provides consulting services for the solar energy industry, from initial siting/ permitting phases through post-construction monitoring. The company has supported development of more than 300 renewable electric generating facilities, 150 power generating facilities, 100 transmission lines, and over 200 natural gas pipelines throughout the US.

LIGHTNING & SURGE PROTECTION CITEL INC. CITEL, an international group established in 1937, specializes in surge voltage protection— protection against over-voltages and transients originating from lightning strikes or electrical disturbances. CITEL manufactures two types of products: Gas Discharge Tubes (GDT) and Surge Protection Devices (SPD). For years, the company has diversified its range to provide protection devices (modules) adapted to the increasing sensitivity of electronic equipment. By adding secondary components to gas tubes, CITEL has designed a range of products to protect AC power systems, data/signal networks, and high frequency equipment. CITEL provides transient protection for all applications within a customer’s facility or remote site.


Indium Corporation Indium Corporation is a materials supplier to the global electronics assembly, semiconductor fabrication and packaging, solar PV, and thermal management markets. Founded in 1934, the company offers a broad range of products, services, and technical support focused on advanced materials science. With facilities in the PRC, Singapore, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the USA, the company is a five-time Frost & Sullivan Award winner and registered to ISO-9001.

Mounting Systems Schäfer + Peters With more than 25 years of international experience, Schäfer + Peters offer customers a wide range of products, quality, and service. As discovered during Intersolar North America in San Francisco last year, specific solutions are lacking in the solar market. Schäfer + Peters now provide metric screws and special products under the solar label as a solution. A reliable EDP system, as well as its logistics team, are granting quick daily shipments to Europe and to the other continents.

RayTracker RayTracker designs, engineers, and manufactures commercial use, single-axis solar trackers for ground and carport mounted applications. RayTracker GC (available since summer 2008) is already a part over 2 MW of installations in the US. RayTracker’s distributed actuation design and rigorous testing processes make it a good choice for any sized solar installation.


January / February 2009


MOUNTING SYSTEMS PLANSEE USA LLC. PL PLANSEE provides coating solutions that make solar products PL perform. High purity, full density, and maximum target utilization: pe that’s what PLANSEE customers can count on. PLANSEE is a supplier of planar and rotatable sputtering targets for thin film solar cells and related technologies within the solar industry (ex. solar absorbers). Based on its core competency in refractory metals and a long history in powder metallurgy, PLANSEE continually develops high performance coating solutions for the solar industry.


Your Solution in Mounting Products Solar









Quick Mount PV Quick Mount PV’s Curved Tile Mount utilizes proprietary technology to ensure secure waterproofing and structural attachment to the roof. QMPV Curved Tile Mount meets and exceeds the IBC code requirements for securing anything through a curved tile roof and incorporates two levels of waterproofing with the base layer waterproofed into the tar paper substrate, and the top layer, utilizing a flexible aluminum flashing (no lead).

Schletter, Inc. Schletter’s Fix2000 is a customized, easily installed fastening/mounting clamp for all popular sized trapezoidal sheet metal and sandwiched roof elements. Whether module orientations are running either parallel or perpendicular to the ribs, or whether the panel mounting is a flush mount or a tilt-mount, the Fix2000 will easily accommodate the PV installation racking. |

Performance Monitoring / Tracking Systems Measurlogic, Inc. Measurlogic Inc. is an energy management and power quality partner, providing affordable, effective, scalable energy management solutions for building owners and managers. Measurlogic’s line includes a range of fixed or portable power quality analyzers, a line of sub-meters for load control, demand analysis, and cost allocation, as well as voltage sag support modules that eliminate downtime due to nuisance supply trips and dirty power.

Obvius The A89DC-08 Solar Current Monitor (SCM) provides users of PV solar arrays with direct real-time access to the generation capacity of their renewable applications. The SCM is an eight-channel Modbus RTU-based direct current monitor specifically designed for solar installations. By providing users with real-time average generation capacities of each active channel, the module can generate alarms based upon user selectable thresholds. For example, if one cell on an array generated less than the current average of the overall installation by pre-determined percentage, an alarm would be activated notifying the user.

North American Clean Energy





Unirac RapidRac offers fast, easy, and cost-effective ballast solutions. Unirac developed RapidRac through significant computational fluid dynamics and wind tunnel engineering. Built at a fixed degree tilt angle optimizing natural convective cooling, RapidRac meets the requirements of current applicable building codes. In a recent time trial, a three-man electrical contractor crew using hand tools installed 3kW of in one hour. Unirac supports RapidRac by providing complete design assistance, installation and code compliance documentation.

Schenk Vision LLC Schenk Vision’s SolarInspect is a turnkey vision inspection system for thin film solar panels. Optical inspection systems play an important role when it comes to the optimization of

the production process to improve yield and maximize the output quality. The Schenk Vision SolarInspect series is designed to fulfill the special requirements throughout the production of thin film solar panels. These turnkey vision systems offer reliable quality control throughout the running production process.

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January / February 2009

Thompson Technology Industries, Inc. Thompson Technology Industries, Inc. (TTI) is a designer and manufacturer of solar PV products. Founded by experienced solar integrators and installers, TTI develops and builds its products for ease of use, elegance in design, and quality and longevity in performance. From the SunSeeker Single-Axis Tracker to the Flat Jack roof mount, TTI offers the latest tracking technology and dependable mounting systems for solar PV installations. By offering innovative solutions, including the Floatovoltaic floating PV system, TTI is moving energy forward. Companies worldwide rely on TTI’s products, which are designed to the highest manufacturing standards in the world, field-tested, and include best of breed technologies. All are patent pending.

PV Distributors

Conergy Conergy provides end-to-end solutions through two distinct, highly focused sales channels. Their

distribution sales group serves a national network of installers, developers, and dealers in the gridtied and off-grid residential and small commercial markets. Conergy projects deliver premium largescale turnkey solar electric systems in all major commercial sectors. Their dedicated team, innovative value-added services, and best-in-class products ensure that projects exceed expectations.



Campbell Scientific Inc. Campbell Scientific’s CR1000 Measurement and Control Datalogger provide reliable monitoring for a wide variety of solar applications. Features include wide sensor compatibility, rugged reliability, and multiple communication options. Measurements: solar radiation (irradiance) AC current & voltage, DC current & voltage, power factor harmonic distortion, solar panel/solar collector temperature pressure. Applications: solar site assessment PV and CSP, PV and CSP system diagnostics/performance, SCADA/ModBus/DNP3.0.

ThinkSolar ThinkSolar is a full-service PV distributor and project integrator, offering US contractors quality products, competitive pricing, expert design support, personal service, and strong working partnerships. The company also manages commercial PV installations over 250kW and invites its partnering contractors to join them on project bids. ThinkSolar is the US subsidiary of SolarMarkt AG, founded in 1985 in Freiburg, Germany, as a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE. Product lines include: Schott, Suntech, SMA, KACO, UniRac, CreoTecc, Tyco, MC, and more.

PV Installers

Eagle Roofing Products Eagle Solar Roof is a system that maintains the aesthetics of a tile roof while generating clean, safe electricity from the sun. Significantly reducing or eliminating monthly electric bills, Eagle Solar Roof comes with 10 years of free Internet monitoring to track results. While reducing pollution and greenhouse gases, the solar also increases property value. Sizable rebates and tax incentives are available. Eagle Solar Roof is easy to install and the panels come with a dual warranty: 25 year power, 25 year protection against water intrusion.

SunWize Technologies, Inc. SunWize Grid-Tie Systems contain top quality components such as Sharp and Sanyo modules, as well as SMA, Fronius, and Xantrex inverters. Everything needed for a successful installation is in the package, including UniRac SolarMount or Sharp On-Energy flush PV racks, as well as the necessary hardware and electrical components. Complete documentation contains: drawings, installation guide, warranties, and operation/owner’s manual.

Trojan Battery Company With over 80 years of proven technology, Trojan Battery’s deep cycle batteries deliver long life and charging efficiency for any renewable energy application. Trojan’s flooded and sealed batteries in 6-volt, 8-volt, and 12-volt sizes feature Maxguard Advanced Design Separator and exclusive Alpha Plus paste formulation to help extend the life and performance of flooded batteries while providing reliable power for any off-grid and grid-tie with back-up power systems.

Applied Solar, Inc. Applied Solar, Inc. is a next-generation solar energy company that develops clean energy solutions, innovative solar products, and energy management applications. Applied Solar’s award-winning products include proprietary and cost-competitive BIPV solar tiles, membranes, and asphalt/composition products. In addition, the EcoTouch Energy Management System gives consumers control over their energy usage while saving money. Applied Solar’s portfolio of products and services are coupled with innovative financing to enable green solar communities that provide low-cost power with no upfront cost to consumers.

Suntrek Industries Suntrek Industries began operations in 1991. With seven offices in California and Las Vegas, Suntrek has over 20,000 customers. Suntrek patented the highest rated custom solar collector for swimming pools and, as a solar energy integrator, provides solar energy solutions with PV, hot water, and pools—which Suntrek has termed the Power of 3. Explore the company’s video case studies and library online.

Renewable Technologies Inc. RTI designs, engineers, furnishes, and installs turnkey solar PV, wind turbine, and sationary fuel cells for commercial, industrial, and residential applications. Please visit the RTI website to request a free quote.

ASYS SOLAR PORTFOLIO + Automatic Screen Printer + Micro crack inspection + Optical breakage inspection + Post print inspection + Dryer + Buffer + Handling + Laser edge isolation + Cooling station + Cell tester / Cell sorter LINE FEATURES + Up to 2400 cells / hour + Up to 3 predefined cell sizes + Single or dual track configuration + Modular line configuration + Smooth cell handling + Lowest breakage rates in the market! + Highest uptime in the market!

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North American Clean Energy



PV MANUFACTURERS U C U S / EQUIPMENT Pfister Energy, Inc. Pfister Energy is a renewable energy company providing power solutions and energy efficiency measures for commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities. The company is a national provider and installer of turnkey renewable energy and onsite distributed power generation systems, with an emphasis on building integrated applications. The company’s “green solutions” presently encompass a host of complementary systems, including PVs, solar thermal, solar lighting, daylighting, wind turbines, geothermal, rainwater harvesting, fuel cells, green roofs, and energy efficiency improvements.

PV Manufacturers / Equipment Angstrom Sciences Angstrom Sciences has developed the ONYX-REVOLUTION with a new magnet array design to improve rotating cylindrical magnetron performance in thin film PV applications. Field-testing has verified a power savings of 20% and target utilization of 92%. This new patent pending technology, available in 6'', 5'', 4'' diameters, is designed for in-line systems and is compatible with both horizontal and vertical applications.

Balance of system is our focus, and we treat the mounting structure as one of the key components of your solar installation. A solid and cost effective structure is vital to the success of your project. Allied Tube & Conduit can assist you with developing a durable mounting system. Our product line is extensive and features Gatorshield® tubing, Flo-Form® angle and channels and Unistrut® strut products. Whether you require one or all four of our capabilities, we are dedicated to keeping your cost-per-watt low.

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January / February 2009

ASYS Inc. ASYS, a supplier to the PV industry is headquartered in Germany, and employs over 650 people worldwide. Specialized in the metallization process of solar cells, ASYS manufactures single and dual track production lines with a throughput of up to 2,400 cells/hour. The product portfolio includes loading/unloading units, visual inspection, screen printers, post print inspection, dryers, laser edge isolation, cell testers and sorters. ASYS offers the lowest breakage rate in the industry, with more than 4,4 GW installed.

Alcatel Vacuum Products. Inc. (Adixen) Alcatel reduces PV manufacturing costs by meeting the challenge to develop vacuum pumps that can evacuate large internal volumes, and handle the flow of huge amounts of process gasses and their by-products. A series of dry roughing pumps, derived from a line of semi-conductor pumps, are the result. Alcatel’s new Adixen brand ADKL & ADKH range primary pumping packages meet the pumping requirements of high volume load locks and transfer chambers, as well as process modules. Features such as temperature and power management, as well as standby and boost modes help conserve energy.

Datapaq Datapaq’s Solar Cell Temperature Profiling System was created to monitor the wafer temperature as it travels through the furnace— without disrupting production. This system can be used for various thermal processes including contact firing/metallization, diffusion, PECVD, lamination, and others, which is critical to ensure PV cell efficiency. Consisting of data logger, thermal barrier, and analytical Insight software, the Solar Cell System is easy to use, yet powerful enough to handle all profiling needs. Datapaq’s Insight software quickly interprets information gathered to give users an in-depth analysis of the process. Information such as peak temperature, time above temperature, slopes, and Delta T appear on a results summary screen.

DEHN Inc. DEHN is a supplier of lightning and surge protection, with specialized knowledge and products designed for the particularly harsh and lightningrisk environment that PV and wind applications are exposed to. With almost 100 years of experience in this industry, DEHN’s products include Surge Protection Devices (SPDs) for electrical circuits including power, measurement and control, and instrumentation and communications— they are designed to protect electrical systems and components against the high discharge current caused by direct lightning strikes.

Edwards Edwards offers innovative vacuum and abatement products, first-class service, a single source of technological expertise, and customized systems for the solar and semi-conductor industries.

Ferraz Shawmut, LLC Converting solar energy to electricity is a reliable process, with proper protection. Ferraz Shawmut’s educational Protection Intelligence Quotient (PIQ) program lets solar power design engineers, specifiers, electrical professionals, and equipment manufacturers gauge their electrical safety knowledge. Access the online test at Ferraz Shawmut offers protection components specially designed for solar power generation and distribution including fuses, fuse holders, combiner boxes, and surge protective devices.




EFD, Inc.: A Nordson Company EFD, Inc. offers a variety of dispensing systems for applying controlled amounts of solder paste, flux, coatings, silicones, and other fluids used in PV manufacturing processes. Products include high-speed jet dispensing systems, precision coating systems, pneumatic bench-top dispensers, precision dispense valves for automated production lines, dispensing robots, and high-quality solder pastes.

Patriot Solar Group For those companies using the sun to create heat or hot air, they can now purchase reflective dishes and troughs. Patriot Solar Group is announcing their new product line of dishes from 3M to 12M. Those interested will need to call for trough measurements. Anyone using steam or Stirling Engines to create solar energy need dishes and troughs—Patriot Solar Group has spent time deciding on reflective surfaces, size of devices, and what materials to use.

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January / February 2009

Full Spectrum Solutions Full Spectrum Solutions EverLast PVW is a solar- and wind-powered street light, topped by a wind turbine, two solar panels, and a battery to store energy. The energy efficient EverLast induction lamp will turn on only at night to properly illuminate any outdoor setting. EverLast will perform under all conditions utilizing two of Mother Nature’s resources—sun and wind. Installation is light, easy, and eliminates excavation costs to run power lines.

INFICON INFICON Guardian Co-Deposition Controller, powered by electron impact emission spectroscopy (EIES), improves the reproducibility of film quality during fabrication of CIGS films. For solar PV cell manufacturing, Guardian provides precise control of deposition rates from 0.1 to 10,000 Å/s. The system operates one or two sensors, up to eight optical inputs, and controls up to eight deposition sources, enabling co-deposition of up to eight materials.

IPG Photonics IPG Photonics, headquartered in Oxford, MA, is a manufacturer of high-performance fiber lasers and optical amplifiers for diverse applications. For greenbased applications including edge isolation, silicon wafer drilling/cutting, thin film scribes, fuel cell/battery welding, IPG’s maintenance-free fiber lasers also benefit by using three four-fold less energy to operate than conventional laser technologies.

Mitsubishi Electric Mitsubishi Electric’s eco-friendly PV systems are used throughout the world to bring clean, reliable energy to residences, businesses, power generation plants, schools, factories, and areas without access to electricity, as well as other applications such as highway and stadium lighting. In the US, Mitsubishi Electric PV panels are marketed by Mitsubishi Electric & Electronics USA Inc., and sold only through authorized distributors and installers.

MKS Instruments, Inc. Easy chamber clean with the ASTRON-hf reactive gas generator from MKS, designed to clean undesired deposits from interior walls of CVD process chambers. By generating atomic fluorine that reacts with waste deposits in the chamber, new gases are formed, which are readily scrubbed to minimize environmental impact. In addition, the field-proven ASTRON-hf remote source reduces wear and tear on the process chamber compared to other cleaning methods.

Power-One Power-One is a multinational company that produces PV and wind inverters, developed and manufactured in Europe. The AURORA series of inverters were developed with the goal of setting a new benchmark in the RE industry in terms of a reduction of payback time when production rather than capacity is rewarded.

SOLAR COLLECTORS / INVERTERS Advanced Energy Inc. Solaron 500kW PV Inverter for large utility installations features a durable, transformer-less, grid-tie design, converting raw DC power from solar cell arrays to high-quality, AC-grid electricity. With robust controls and patented, soft-switching technology, Solaron inverter achieves unbeatable 97.5% CEC efficiency (pending), and is NRTL-certified to UL 1741. A wide MPP (maximum power point) tracking window ensures maximum, day-long power processing. Both local and remote communications, and data monitoring is available via AE’s IDS integrated data system. Installation assistance, long-term warranties, and maintenance programs ensure integrators and power producers operate Solaron inverters for decades.

R3&A Limited Offering unique surge protection for PV systems. DEHNguard PV 500 SCP surge arrester is setting standards in regards to safety. The dual effect of the monitoring and disconnection unit Thermo-Dynamic-Control is combined with a short-circuiting device. Even at an overloading of the devices due to an insulation fault in the PV generator circuit, this arrester control ensures a safe state of operation without a risk of fire in the system. The combined disconnection and short-circuiting device is able to carry the short-circuit current.

Rofin-Sinar, Inc. When considering a laser manufacturer for your solar technology product, look to ROFIN as a partner. Not only does ROFIN offer a widerange of CO2 and solid state technologies, but the company also works closely with their clients—from process development, through design and manufacturing of the system, to its implementation and onsite support. Rofin takes responsibility for complete solutions, helping with challenges and finding solutions—always with an open mind for improvements and new applications. With 28 locations worldwide, ROFIN is also close to their customers.

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North American Clean Energy




Satcon Satcon delivers proven and advanced power conditioning solutions and system design services for large-scale renewable energy plants. The world’s largest solar power installations depend on PowerGate Plus PV inverters to provide efficient and stable power—even in the harshest climates. With 11 power ratings, ranging from 30kW to 1 MW (UL and CE certified), Satcon PV inverters also feature an outdoor-rated enclosure, and advanced monitoring and control capabilities, including Edge MPPT solution, which enables large-scale installations to maximize power production.

Solectria Renewables, LLC Solectria Renewables, LLC, of Lawrence, Massachusetts develops and manufactures of a wide range of inverters for renewable power applications including 1.8kW to 100kW grid-tied PV inverters for systems from 1kW to multi-Mega Watts. Solectria Renewables has a 20-year background in inverters and other electronic power systems for harsh environments.

Your Solution in Mounting Products Solar









The ALL-IN-ONE Waterproof Flashing & Mount For Engineers & Installers who DEMAND: Code Compliance 50 Year Lifespan Labor Savings No Roof Cutting NEW Works with all Racks Meets NRCA’S Standards & Best Practices



Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership Sarnia-Lambton, Ontario, Canada is a key R&D and manufacturing location. Significant cluster-power in chemicals, manufacturing, and power generation. Manufacturing land in Chemical Park offers shared infrastructure and services. Many affordable industrial parks for light manufacturing and assembly operations. Sustainable energy trained graduates in the community.


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January / February 2009

Sono-Tek Corporation Sono-Tek has introduced the SelectaFlux SC ultrasonic selective fluxing system designed for fluxing solder bus lines in silicon solar cell manufacturing. Easily retrofitting into all Tabber Stringer machines, SelectaFlux SC system provides uniform ultrasonically atomized flux lines for optimal solder connections, ensuring maximum solar cell efficiency and durability of solder joints. Sono-Tek is one of the originators of ultrasonic spray fluxing technology for printed circuit board manufacturing.

SOLAR HOT WATER DISTRIBUTORS / INSTALLERS K-Flex USA L.L.C. K-Flex Solar Systems are designed to provide both high temperature performance and UV resistance. The K-Flex Solar Twin System – ST provides complete insulation for residential solar hot water applications, and includes flexible stainless steel tubing, high temperature insulation rated to +300F, a UV/abuse-resistant jacket, and thermostat wire package in 50' and 75' lengths coils. In addition, supply and return lines are joined together with a hot melt adhesive, providing a quick and easy way to insulate the system. Other models include the K-Flex Solar – R, which does not include the stainless steel tubing or the thermostat wire, and comes in tubes 6' length or coils 50' length.

Sun Xtender Battery Sun Xtender Battery produces high-quality AGM batteries for solar power, wind power, and other renewable energy for off-grid and grid-tied systems. Sun Xtender Battery is also depended upon for power in inaccessible locations: remote telemetry, satellite communication stations, cathodic protection, SCADA, and residential applications. Each sealed lead acid battery is hand-crafted in the US, and designed specifically for renewable energy applications using the original AGM (Absorbent Glass Mat) technology adopted by the US Military. Sun Xtender uses high-density plate technology to provide reliability, power, and extended life with deep cycle power. The non-spillable design never needs watering, is maintenancefree, and operates upright, on its side or end, shipping Hazmat Exempt by any means.

Last year, Marketing asked for 101%. Now, industry leaders are asking for: · More power · Faster ROI · Better BoS

Introducing the Solaron® 500 kW, grid-tie inverter with best-in-class 97.5% weighted-average efficiency. Interested in system optimization and higher energy harvest? Call us—you can count on our decades of PV power experience.

THIEME Corporation THIEME Corporation offers innovative system concepts for solar screen printing. Decades of experience and constant innovations by THIEME have led to supierior screen printing machine concepts, which are used as complete solutions for printing a wide range of substrates. For the solar industry, THIEME has developed standard-setting, screen-printing systems for the coating of silicon wafers, thin film on foil and thin film on glass.

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North American Clean Energy




Next Generation Energy Next Generation Energy offers renewable energy solutions, specializing in innovative products, system design, superior craftsmanship, and cutting-edge technology. NGE (University of Stuttgart, Germany) manufactures the world’s highest rated evacuated tube collector for use in radiant heat, spa/pool heating, DHW, and more. NGE offers complete system packages, which includes tube collector, tank, controller, pump station, and mounting system.

grated Solar Inte


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Schüco Schüco offers expertise in all aspects of solar energy including PV, solar thermal, building-integrated solar products, thin film, and other innovative solar technologies. In addition, Schüco utilizes its extensive experience in building envelope technology to produce industry leading solar mounting systems. With a Schüco solar energy system, all major system components come from one source, ensuring inter-operability, longevity, and a high-quality, finished look.

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January / February 2009

Ulbrich Precision Flat Wire Ulbrich Stainless Steels & Special Metals, Inc. recently announced the opening of Ulbrich Precision Metals Asia in Hong Kong. This manufacturing facility provides solar cell tabbing and string interconnect for the solar industry. It is the second Hong Kong facility that Ulbrich has opened, with the first supplying stainless steels and special metals in strip, foil, flat, fine, and shaped wire products. However, overall, it is Ulbrich’s fifth PV manufacturing facility, setup to produce over 500 MW of materials. Other PV production divisions are in South Carolina and Pennsylvania, as well as in Ireland and Austria. The combined divisions yield more than 3,000 MW capacity.

VAT, Inc. Series 06 XL-VAT Transfer Valve is a new product series for large substrate production systems for flat panel display, solar, glass coating, and other applications. The valve features modular design technology, offering customers easy maintenance and low cost of ownership, and comprises of an o-ring sealed gate that can be accessed for service through a removable top cover in the body. Additional features include adjustable gate sealing force (high/low pressure); a pneumatic control unit for communication via logic interface; an o-ring sealed shaft-feedthrough actuator (optional bellows) with a pneumatic locking device. Xantrex Technology Inc. Xantrex Technology Inc. a subsidiary of Schneider Electric, develops, manufactures, and markets advanced power electronic products and systems for the renewable power markets. The company’s products convert and control raw electrical power from any central, distributed, renewable, or back-up power source into highquality power required by electronic equipment and the electricity grid.



Sopogy Sopogy specializes in MicroCSP (Concentrating Solar Power) solar thermal technologies that bring the economics of large solar energy systems to the industrial, commercial, and utility sectors in a smaller, robust, and more cost-effective package. Because of its scale and innovative design, MicroCSP technology can provide process heat or solar air conditioning to large commercial, industrial, and agricultural facilities in addition to distributed solar generated electric power in the 1 to 20 MW range.

XL Telecom & Energy Ltd. XL Telecom & Energy Ltd. established in India in 1985 and engaged in the two principal areas of business, namely Telecom and Energy. XL has a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, which can produce solar PV panels of up to 80 MW per annum. Products from this plant have the approvals from leading test houses like TuV, UL, CE to name a few. XL also manufactures quality crystalline solar cells, 156x156mm and 125x125mm. The company will be expanding its capacity to manufacture 120 MW solar modules from existing 80 MW, and will be setting up a new 120 MW solar cell unit. This unit will be expanded to 350 MW by the year 2010.

DEGERenergie GmbH DEGERenergie is a manufacturer for single and dual axis solar tracking systems with the patented DEGERconecter control system. The unique efficient control system DEGERconecter delivers the highest availability and return on investment. As a provider for solar plants, with 21,000+ installed DEGERtrakers, the company offers systems for the highest yield with the best price/ performance ratio.

Zhejiang Sunflower Light Energy Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Sunflower Light Energy Science & Technology CO., Ltd. (sunowe photovoltaic) is at an internationally advanced level in the technical development, design, and production of PV cells and modules. The company works at “producing and selling productions friendly to the human, living environment” with the development target of “improving the utilization of renewable energy for human beings.”








K-Flex Solar™ Twin System - ST > Stainless Steel Flexible Tubing > Thermostat Wire (2-lead) > Supplied with quick-fit couplings for easy connection > Insulation rated to +300°F > Jacketed Insulation for UV Resistance > Coils 50’ and 75’ lengths > ID sizes (IPS) - 1/2”, 3/4” and 1” > Insulation wall thickness 3/4” and 1”

The Only High Reflectance Mirror Film Proven for Use in Solar Concentrators

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> Insulation rated to +300°F > Jacketed Insulation for UV Resistance > Coils 50’ length or tubes 6’ length > ID sizes - 3/8” thru 1-1/4” copper ID > Insulation wall thickness 1/2”, 3/4” and 1”

Developed in Partnership with the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory Phone: 800-765-6475 ©November 2008 K-Flex USA. K-Flex Solar is a trademark of K-Flex USA. KFAD-0029

North American Clean Energy



TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS Valentin Energy Software Valentin’s T*SOL Expert 4.5 comes with a new solar local district heating module, as well as nine variable system types for the simulation of local district heating systems, supported by solar energy. The Expert version of the T*SOL simulation programme includes the most significant system types in respect to network structure, system applications in buildings connected to the network, and the integration of the solar system. The module was developed within the framework of the German Solar Thermal 2000plus Programme (Solarthermie 2000plus), in partnership with ZfS-Rationelle Energietechnik GmbH.

ATS Logistics Services Inc. ATS Logistics Services Inc. is an experienced transportation management company in the wind, solar, alternative power, and power plant industries. Their experience in Transportation Management of Energy Components can help facilitate a program that will save costs and provide a single point of contact for smooth transportation management. Employ a supply chain expert who will manage inbound shipments from suppliers, warehousing/yard lay-down, and outbound project freight.

Solar Collectors / Inverters

Solar Hot Water Distributors / Installers

KACO Solar Inc. KACO Solar Inc. has been making power conditioning devices for over 60 years. KACO manufactures grid-tied photovoltaic inverters for the US market, and offers superior customer support and an industry leading warranty. To find more information about KACO’s quality inverters and solar system components visit their website.

Matrix Energy Matrix Energy’s new MatrixAir is an environmentally sound, highly efficient and cost-effective means of providing fresh, solar air heating and ventilation on new or existing commercial, industrial, or institutional buildings operating in cold climates. In addition to solar air heating, MatrixAir system filters incoming air to improve indoor air quality, and effectively doubles an exterior wall’s R-value through heat recovery. Operating at nearly 75% efficiency, this solar air heating and ventilation system offers high performance with zero maintenance costs over a wide range of possible applications.

SMA America, Inc. SMA America, Inc. is the US-based division of global solar giant SMA Solar Technology AG, located in Germany. SMA America supplies North and Central America with the world’s most advanced inverter and control products for renewable energy sources, primarily solar. SMA’s inverters—featuring the popular Sunny Boy residential and Sunny Central commercial models—provide more than three gigawatts of power around the globe from clean sources such as the sun, wind, and water.

Solar Heating Canada Solar Heating Canada is an international distributor and installer of solar thermal systems, specializing in solar heating applications such as domestic hot water, pool, hot tub, radiant, and air heating. With a vast experience in commercial and residential solar water heating applications, Solar Heating Canada is dedicated to providing clients with the right products and services, which will save the environment and save money.

Solar Glass / Encapsulation

Solar On

XYG Glass XYG Glass, a subsidiary of XINYI Glass Holding Ltd., manufactures PV glass and exports to North America and Europe. Producing 3.2mm and 4mm Ultra Clear PV glass with solar transmittance over 90.7%, the glass is suitable for crystalline and thin film solar module manufacturing. Melting capacity: 300T/day and additional 500T/day capacity in 2009. Obtained SPF U-1 Solar Glass Designation & CE Marking, as well as compliance with ISO 9050:2003, ANSI Z97.1- 2004, CPSC 16CFR 1201, EN 12150, ASTM E903- 96, and ASTM C1048- 04 standards.

Solar Greening by Design


January / February 2009

Kingspan Renewables Kingspan Renewables now manufacture Thermomax Solar Hot Water Systems. Renowned for over 25 years of experience, Thermomax systems have been chosen for a wide variety of commercial and residential applications. Key product: Thermomax, Mazdon HP200 with integrated failsafe temperature limitation. With the 10-5mbar vacuum protecting the collector plate and single layer of glass, Thermomax delivers noticeable returns on investment. In all weather conditions, users can get more energy from smaller absorber areas than other collectors on the market.


UTILITY SCALE SOLAR PV Troutman Sanders LLP Troutman Sanders LLP is an international law firm with over 600 attorneys and 12 offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. The firm’s heritage of extensive experience, responsiveness, and commitment to service has garnered strong, long-standing relationships with clients across the globe. Troutman Sanders provides comprehensive legal advice to utility, independent power producer, financial, industrial, and government clients engaged in energy-related businesses in the US and globally.

Viessmann Manufacturing Company Inc. Viessmann manufactures a complete line of flat plate and vacuum tube solar thermal collectors and a full range of solar system components designed to integrate seamlessly for maximum system performance and reliability. Built on more than 30 years of experience in solar hot water heating, Viessmann solar products feature high-quality construction, timetested European designs, and cutting-edge technology for exceptional performance, operational reliability, and product life. |

Solar Thermal Electric Systems

ABB, LVP&S ABB LVPS offers some of the largest product range including: industrial control products, motor control and protection devices, automation controls and components, terminal blocks, contactors, motor starters, softstarters, electronic and mechanical relays, power supplies, sensors, wireless devices, timers, and control relays. These products are designed for NEMA & IEC applications with UL & CSA approvals and CE declarations. ABB supplies power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact.

Stiebel Eltron Stiebel Eltron manufactures components and thermal solar systems for domestic hot water, consisting basically of a well-insulated storage tank with heat exchanger(s) and flat plate collector panel(s). They constitute an economical and reliable solar domestic hot water (DHW) system for commercial and residential applications, including space heating and swimming pools. Stiebel Eltron thermal solar equipment is the culmination of over 30 years of experience, and there is a five-year warranty on all Stiebel Eltron solar equipment. SkyFuel, Inc. SkyFuel, Inc. is a solar power technology provider with headquarters in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and research and development facilities in Arvada, Colorado. SkyFuel is emerging as a world leader in the design and deployment of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) systems. The company designs turnkey large-scale solar fields that produce steam for power generation and industrial application.

Amonix Founded in 1989, Amonix is a manufacturer of High Concentration Photovoltaic (HCPV) solar power generators designed for large-scale commercial, industrial, and utility scale installation. With over 15 years of rigorous field experience, Amonix has successfully deployed highly reliable solar power generation systems that have produced gigawatt-hours (GWh) of non-polluting solargenerated electricity at a competitive cost. Amonix has design and manufacturing facilities in Torrance, and Seal Beach, CA.

Premium Quality Sputtering Targets

In the field of solar applications, PLANSEE is the leading supplier of planar and rotatable sputtering targets for thin film solar cells and related technologies such as solar absorbers. PLANSEE single and multi-part sputtering targets are characterized by

TCT SOLAR Since 1984, ProgressivTube passive solar water heater has been successfully set-up in thousands of installations worldwide. Applications include: residential, commercial, and industrial. ProgressivTube systems are available to meet loads of 30 to 30,000gal/day. ProgressivTube systems need no mechanical or electronic equipment to operate successfully, resulting in a 20+ year design life with no/low operating expense.

- high purity and full density - deformed and homogeneous microstructure - optimized target geometries for maximum cost effectiveness and target utilization

- Mo

- CuIn

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- Cr

PLANSEE USA LLC., Franklin, MA 02038, USA Tel.: 508 553-3800, Fax: 508 553-3823,

North American Clean Energy




Hydro Hydro is a supplier of support structures for utility scale CSP frames and PV unit installation mounting systems for the renewable energy sector. With a solar unit committed to delivering innovative energy solutions, Hydro provides: technical, design, and concept prototyping support; extrusion, fabrication, and finishing of frame components; raw material management, and component procurement; warehousing, kitting, and JIT delivery.

ReflecTech, Inc. ReflecTech Mirror Film is a highly reflective (>94%), silver-based polymer film for concentrating sunlight. It was developed to replace the fragile glass mirrors in concentrating solar collectors. Commercially proven, ultra-lightweight, and highly durable, ReflecTech Mirror Film is demonstrated to be stable under UV light, and self-adhesive for easy application. It was developed through cooperative research with the United States National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Solar Thermal Manufactures / Equipment

Swiss Solar Tech Ltd. Swiss Solar Tech provides high efficient heating and cooling systems for commercial buildings. Services include personalized consulting, design, and installation. Swiss Solar Tech combines solar thermal with ground-source heat pumps and heat recovery systems, offering clients advanced technologies and customdesigned hybrid systems. The company specializes in energy retrofits of commercial buildings and systems for new commercial construction. The goal is to solve heating and cooling challenges in a way that saves the most money.

Transportation and Logistics Laing Thermotech, Inc. Laing Thermotech, Inc. has released DC Ecocirc Solar Pump, the first DC spherical motor pump for direct connection to PV panels with automatic performance optimization using Maximum Power Point (MPP) tracking. The Ecocirc solar pump can be used for most circulation pump applications without connection to the power grid. Highly efficient, Ecocirc solar can be connected directly to a PV panel and is characterized by its small size, high efficiency, extremely low power consumption, and over-temperature safety shut-off device. The shaft-less spherical motor technology provides a maintenance-free, quiet service life. Evosolar Evosolar, a division of Jomar International, is launching a full line of solar thermal products and pre-package systems. From the broad range of storage tanks, high quality collectors and pump station, and all the accessories, Evosolar is a onestop shop for solar thermal. Evosolar offers its technical team, equipped with the latest design software, to support all residential and commercials. Evosolar will be attending the AHR Expo, January 26th to 28th, 2009 (Booth 4855).

The RK Logistics Group The RK Logistics Group has been planning, consulting, and executing transportation, warehousing, and distribution programs for renewable energy companies. Working with manufacturers, distributors, and commercial or residential installers, the RK Logistics Group is ready to work with clients through the supply chain requirements. Their team of logistics experts will provide immediate solutions that are priced competitively and are service oriented. The RK Logistics Group provides a full range of comprehensive services; truckload, ocean, airfreight, L-T-L, warehousing, pick & pack/order fulfillment, logistics, and project management.

Turnkey PV Integrators 1 Star Energy 1 Star Energy is a turnkey solar electrical system integrator with installations and representation from coast to coast, including Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and the Caribbean. 1 Star provides design, engineering, equipment, installation, and monitoring of all systems integrated. The company also specializes in PV integration of systems over 50kW to utility grade grid-tied systems, as well as off grid.


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January / February 2009

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Urecon Supplying pre-insulated pipe to the municipal, mining, and HVAC sectors for 35 years, Urecon’s SunPipe is designed specifically for transfer of solar thermal energy. For above or below ground, SunPipe consists of small diameter copper pipe, polyurethane foam, and a UV-resistant PE jacket. Quick-connect couplers or solder joints, SunPipe is made with factory applied polyurethane foam insulation for superior thermal performance resulting in minimal heat loss. |

Utility Scale Solar PV

eSolar eSolar develops and constructs cost-effective utility scale Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants. The eSolar approach marries a lowimpact, pre-fabricated form factor with advanced optics and computer software engineering to meet the demands of utilities of any size for clean, renewable solar energy. By focusing on the key business obstacles that have characterized large solar installations from its inception (price, scalability, speed of deployment, and grid impact), eSolar has developed a uniquely modular and scalable solution that delivers costcompetitive solar energy in response to growing worldwide energy demands. ERICO ERICO offers a variety of grounding, bonding, and cable-management products for commercial and utility scale solar applications. For inverter manufacturing and installation, ERICO is a market leader of panel products such as the ERIFLEX FLEXIBAR insulated cable/busbar alternative. ERICO also offers CRITEC surge protection and ERIFLEX power distribution products, ERIFLEX metallic braids, copper-bonded ground rods, and the ERITECH HAMMERLOCK grounding connector. CADDY PYRAMID is ideal for supporting conduit runs on commercial PV rooftops. Siliken Renewable Energy Made in the USA: Siliken Renewable Energy builds full turnkey commercial and utility scale solar power plants throughout the world—including the world’s largest 60 MW PV solar park, which provides the least cost per kilowatt-hour. Siliken has the capacity to produce more than 300 MW of PV modules in 2009, including 40 MW at the company’s newest plant in San Diego, California. Siliken also sells residential kits and bulk system integrator solar power kits.

Other: Full Service Engineering and Project Development

Solar Destination Solar Destination provides various solar solutions for home, business, industrial, and institutional needs. From solar electricity and solar water heating to solar space heating and solar pool heating, the company even offers municipal (street) and residential solar and wind lighting systems. Providing a site visit to discuss the renewable energy system that is well suited, Solar Destination will then suggest and install the solar or residential wind solution that works best.

Insurance Broker

Solar Integrators

Willis HRH Insurance broker Willis HRH is dedicated to the risk management needs and technology issues of the energy industry. With over 25 years of experience and market relationships, Willis HRH provides expert advice and customized solutions in a range of power generation technologies including hydro power, wind power, biomass, landfill gas, geothermal, and fossil fuels.

Alpha Energy Offering turnkey PV systems and a member of The Alpha Group, Alpha Energy recently introduced the next generation of solar power, a hybrid AC/DC power plant, designed to extend power to remote mission critical applications. At the upcoming Renewable Energy World Show, Alpha Energy will be displaying a 200 Amp DC system featuring a Cordex DC controller, 1.8kW Cordex rectifiers designed for 120/240 Vac input, one battery string with 100 Ah of energy storage and an Apollo T80 MPPT Charge Controller. This display system accepts 4kW of PV input power on the single charge controller.

American Capital Energy American Capital Energy provides turnkey mid/ large scale (100kW to 30 MW+) solar PV, solar thermal, plus utility scale solar systems. Professionally designed and installed, and guaranteed for 25 years, American Capital Energy’s systems capture the untapped value of large flat roof and ground space to deeply cut utility bills; customers across the USA and beyond. PPA’s and other financial options are offered. Call to schedule a complete/accurate (no cost/ no obligation) assessment.

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tures surge e protective devices (SPDs) (SPDs for CITEL manufactures SP Photovoltaic applications. SPDs that protect the AC main di t ib ti panel, l inverter, i t charge h distribution controller & PV combiner box against over voltages originating from the AC utility, industrial switching machinery & lightning strikes.

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North American Clean Energy



OTHER: STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS Baja Construction Co. Inc. Baja Construction Co. Inc. designs and engineers supplies, and installs solar support systems (i.e. carports, RV capopies, and ground mount systems). Note: Baja Construction does not do solar, they just support it.

Roll Forming Corporation Roll Forming Corporation (RFC), with headquarters in Shelbyville, Kentucky, is one of the largest diversified roll forming operations in the US. Serving the market leaders in a wide variety of industries that include solar technology and alternative energy, RFC is part of the largest custom roll forming group in the world—the Profilform Division of voestalpine AG. RFC has 11 affiliate companies in 10 countries around the globe, forming an alliance that allows them to leverage the world’s latest technologies, innovations, and benchmarking tools.

Solar Resource Assessment

We Know Renewable Energy Troutman Sanders LLP is one of the world’s leading energy law firms. We have represented clients in energy matters since the 1920s, and our climate change practice has been active for nearly two decades. From this foundation of experience, we have developed a dynamic renewable and alternative energy practice that advises clients worldwide at every stage, from investment and tax structuring to development, construction and operation. As your plans for solar, wind and other renewable energy projects emerge, put the energy of our lawyers to work for you. For more information, contact: Craig Kline 212.704.6150 craig.kline@

Phil Spector 212.704.6004 phil.spector@

3 TIER Using innovative methods built upon proven science, 3 TIER offers solar resource assessment. From early stage prospecting to in-depth site analysis, 3 TIER provides the critical resource information required to make informed decisions regarding solar projects. Visit for free, instantaneous average annual Global Horizontal Irradiance values for any location in the Western Hemisphere, or contact 3 TIER for information about in-depth assessment.

Testing and Certification


SOLAR 2009 is America’s leading conference on the emerging trends, technology, and opportunities shaping the new energy economy. Now in its 38th year, this cutting edge conference helps you gain the insight and build the connections you need in this industry.

Intertek Intertek, which offers testing, inspection, and certification services has announced the opening of a new testing and certification lab in Lake Forest. The new facility houses Intertek’s new regional center of excellence for testing of PV (solar) modules. The new PC lab is providing a much-needed market capacity for testing.


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... greater returns - twice the yield As market leader, DEGERenergie stands for innovative, automatic intelligent tracking systems with strong yields. With the development of the DEGERtraker and the patented DEGERconecter controller, we have set entirely new levels for the solar energy usage. Compared to inflexible PV-installations, the DEGERtraker generates up to 45 % more energy and accordingly, doubles the yield.

Up to 45% more yield possible only with the DEGERconecter.

Profit from productive advantages, which pay for themselves: • a competitive edge through experience - since 1999 • more than 20,000 DEGERtraker • approx. 100 MW at the network • quickest amortisation • highest rate of availability (99,9%) • most clever controller system • tested and certified by the Technical Inspection Agency (TÜV) • up to a 25-year guarantee

solar energy ThinkSolar, in cooperation with solar contractor Pacific Solar, has completed one of California’s largest commercial roof-mounted photovoltaic systems. The 650kW turnkey solar array for Lithographix is the first commercial array in the City of Hawthorne. The rooftop installation at Lithographix’s 250,000-square-foot facility near Los Angeles International Airport features Schott ASE300 solar panels, selected for their durability and double glass encapsulation, Solectria inverters, and a custom-designed UniRac ballast racking system. The array, commissioned on December 15th, 2008, is already performing up to standard and is expected to offset Lithographix’s energy demands by 30%.

Satcon Technology Corporation has entered into a three year, 180 MW agreement with Samsung C&T Corporation, Korea’s largest engineering, construction, trading, and investment firm. In addition to supplying Samsung with Satcon PowerGate Plus inverters for its own solar power plant development around the globe, this agreement provides Samsung the exclusive right to market and sell Satcon solutions in the rapidly growing Korean renewable energy market. As a certified member of the Satcon Global Service Partner Network, Samsung will also provide full maintenance and warranty service to all Satcon solutions in Korea.



North America




SEPA Releases Utility Procurement Study The Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) has released a new report, “Utility Procurement Study: Solar Electricity in the Utility Market,” the first in a series of research reports to be released in 2009. This report, which is aimed at improving large-scale solar acquisition by electric utilities, provides innovative ideas for future project procurement. “The past year was marked by an unprecedented number of announcements for new large-scale solar power projects," said Julia Hamm, SEPA executive director. "A significant investment of time and resources by both utilities and solar companies goes into a solar project’s initial development. Current practices and procedures such as requests for proposals, negotiations, and contracting occur behind the scenes, but are critical to the overall success of new solar generation. This report targets improvements during these early stages of project planning by identifying areas of common expectations and understanding between the two industries.” The new research report is based on the results of two studies; one conducted to explore traditional methods for the procurement of large-scale solar electricity by the utility market, and a parallel study to explore innovative methods of solar acquisition. The full report is available for download at

Solar Metrology, provider


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January / February 2009


of X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis tools, offers a comprehensive 12-page X-ray fluorescence technology guide for film composition and thickness measurement of CIGS and CdTe photovoltaic depositions. The guide describes typical XRF tool layout and subassemblies, along with the features and benefits of various methods relevant to solar PV film control. Designed as a quick reference to determine the appropriate insertion points of XRF measurement equipment for specific CIS, CIGS, and CdTe PV applications, X-ray Fluorescence Technology Guide is written in non-technical language, yet covers major topics such as x-ray fluorescence, generation and detection columns, (tubes, collimation, detectors, processing), algorithmic tools, and user interface.

geothermal energy

GRC’s Assessment of the Price of Geothermal Power From development and exploration to drilling and transmission

Production-sized wells require large drill rigs like these and can cost as much as a million dollars, or more to drill. Geothermal wells can be drilled over two miles deep.

Natural steam from the production wells power the turbine generator. The steam is condensed by evaporation in the cooling tower and pumped down an injection well to sustain production.


per megawatt hour or more to the cost of power. Time delays typically occur in the first two stages of development, where the risks are higher and the cost of capital is greater than the last two stages. Legal and contingency costs are also part of the nature of geothermal development. Legal services are needed to ensure quality in contract, performance, and reporting documents. A contingency reserve is necessary to provide working capital, and to cover unexpected costs due to delays and new requirements unforeseen in planning. It also covers any margins required by the developer or owner.

he Geothermal Resources Council (GRC), a 501 (c) 3 educational association, provides information on market pricing for geothermal power and how that price can be structured to attract utilities. GRC has determined that the price a geothermal power plant developer can offer to a utility in a Purchase Power Agreement (PPA) largely depends on the following factors: 1. Power conversion technology 2. Power plant size 3. Development costs 4. Financing charges 5. Operating and Maintenance (O&M) costs 6. Resource credits This article focuses on development costs—the costs required to construct and put a plant on line. According to the GRC, these costs are significantly higher than those of fossil fueled power plants. The development cost of a natural gas power plant is about one-third of the total cost of providing power from the facility. The development costs of a geothermal facility, in contrast, represent two-thirds or more of total costs. Development costs

Development costs include all expenditures associated with exploration, drilling, permitting, construction, and ancillary investments such as transmission costs. GRC estimates of development costs for a typical 20 MW power plant are shown in Table 1. These costs are rules of thumb. Actual costs vary based on time delays, geology, environmental restrictions, project size, and transmission access. The cost of time delays is significant, sometimes adding $10 to $20

First, a small- diameter “temperature gradient hole” is drilled (some only 200' deep, some over 4000 feet deep) with a truck-mounted rig to determine the temperatures and underground rock types. the following surveys: gravity, ground magnetic, magnetotelluric, electrical resistivity, and seismic surveys. The final step in district exploration is its most expensive activity—drilling the first deep exploration well.

By Guy Nelson

When the rising hot water and steam is trapped in permeable and porous rocks under a layer of impermeable rock, it can form a geothermal reservoir. Well field drilling and development

Well field drilling and development includes siting and drilling production wells, testing well flow rates, and Continued on page 50…

Exploration and resource assessment

Successful exploration results in the discovery of a resource that provides geothermal heat flow to run a power plant and produce electricity. Exploration activities include regional reconnaissance and district exploration, as well as prospecting, acquisition of rights, and field analysis. The activities are not linear, meaning developers may start acquiring land and mineral rights even before significant prospecting has begun. Regional reconnaissance screens a large area of hundreds of square miles to narrow prospecting efforts. It involves geologic studies, analysis of available geophysical data, and geochemical surveys to identify specific areas for detailed exploration. District exploration uses geophysical surveys and temperature gradient measurements, and focuses on smaller, concise areas of 5000 acres or more to site the first production well. Activities could include

Table 1: GRC estimated geothermal power plant development costs Development Stage Exploration and resource assessment

Cost ( $/kW) 400

Well field drilling and development


Power plant, surface facilities, and transmission


Other development costs (fees, reserves, and contingencies) Total Development Cost

600 $4000 North American Clean Energy


geothermal energy …continued from page 49

engineering the reservoir. Ideally, the exploration well can be also used as one of the production wells. A successful set of production wells result in high fluid temperatures and flow rates. According to GRC, wells drilled during this phase

Power plant, surface facilities, transmission and environmental compliance

These expenditures encompass the costs of the power plant and fuel system, grid connection, ancillary infrastructure, and pollu-

The Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) is conducting its annual meeting from October 3rd to 7th, 2009, at the Peppermill Conference Center in Reno, Nevada. It is expected to draw more than 1400 professionals in the industry. The GRC encourages individuals and organizations to submit abstracts by March 3rd, 2009 for consideration in technical and poster sessions at the meeting. Visit or for more information. have an average success rate of 20% to 25%. Reservoir engineering determines the best location for injection wells and the flow rates that result in the most stable production. Drilling exploration wells generally take four to six weeks until completion; whereas, production and reinjection wells take six to eight weeks. Once drilling begins, any difficulties encountered during drilling may extend the time needed prior to completion. Work is typically performed at the drilling site 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

tion abatement systems. They also account for environmental compliance work including engineering, regulatory, documentation, and reporting activities. A power plant is a series of unit operations and equipment such as pumps and motors, turbines, cooling towers, and transformers, while the fuel system is the network of pipes that connects the power plant with all production and injection wells. A grid connection includes the substation and transmission lines needed to transmit outputs to the market. Ancillary infrastructure includes office buildings,

roads, utilities, and other structures associated with the facility. Pollution abatement systems and environmental compliance work is a big umbrella. Geothermal power projects have to comply with federal, state, and local regulatory requirements, which vary according to location. For example, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements apply if the project is on federal land. State or local agencies, such as air and water boards, may require air and water discharge permits. Each agency could have its own reporting requirements. Beginning in the exploration phase, there may also be a need to consult with the State Historic Preservation Office or Native American tribes if cultural resources are affected, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service if plant or animal species of concern could be affected. Other federal regulatory agencies involved in the process include the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which grants geothermal leases, the Forest Service, and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Bottom line

Taking into consideration the development, financing, and O&M costs, a typical geothermal developer is expected to

charge a utility $63 to $102 per megawatt hour for the plant output, excluding any reduction due to resource credits. External factors also have a major impact on geothermal power costs. Local, regional, national, and global competition for commodities such as steel, cement, and construction equipment must be considered. Geothermal power competes against other renewable and non-renewable power development, building construction, road and infrastructure improvements, and other projects that use the same commodities and services. Until equipment and plant inventories rise to meet the increase in demand for these commodities and services, project developers can expect the costs of them to rise. Guy Nelson is the team lead of the Utility Geothermal Working Group, which provides energy education and training for utilities. It was co-founded in 2003 by the Geothermal Resources Council, Western Area Power Administration, and the US Department of Energy’s Geothermal Technologies Program. Geothermal Resources Council



101 Pipe & Casing has developed a specialized Pump Column that utilizes Geothermal Couplings and threading. Together with our modified Geo Tube & Shaft, 101 Pipe & Casing is able to outfit you with all the down-hole tubular products you need for your geothermal water wells.











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January / February 2009


geothermal energy news briefs Western GeoPower Corp. recently announced that

completion testing of the company’s fourth well (WGP-4) at The Geysers Geothermal Field in California has established an initial power capacity of 9.0 MW (gross) or 8.2 MW (net). This latest well increases the power capacity placed behind pipe to 28.7 MW (gross) or 26 MW (net), representing over 70% of the initial steam resource required to supply the planned 35 MWe Western GeoPower Unit 1 plant. Flow tests on all four wells were conducted by independent consultants GeothermEx. The initial flow rates for the four wells aggregate 463,000 lbs/hour at a design condition of a minimum flowing wellhead pressure of 87 psia. The power plant specifications call for steam requirements of 16,130 lbs/hour per MW (gross) or 17,743 lbs/hour per MW (net). The Geysers geothermal field, located 75 miles north of San Francisco, California, is the largest producer of geothermal electricity in the world. Commercial geothermal power has been generated continuously at The Geysers field since 1960, the present generation level being about 900 MWe of clean, baseload electricity. Western GeoPower’s Unit 1 project is situated in the south-western region of The Geysers field in Sonoma County.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF)

have announced the completion of project testing advanced seismic and drilling techniques in Kenya, which has revealed a number of promising geothermal prospects. The three-year US $1 million project used techniques known as Micro Seismic and Magneto Telluric surveys and studies for identifying promising new drilling sites at locations including Olkaria, Naivasha which is around one hour’s drive from Nairobi. Exceeding all expectations, wells able to generate 4 to 5 MW, and one of 8 MW, have been discovered using this technology. The results have paved the way for an international effort in 2009 to expand geothermal energy up and down the Rift, which runs from Mozambique in the South to Djibouti in the North.

The US Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

plans to open more than 190 million acres of federal lands for leasing and potential development of geothermal energy resources. In December 2008, the BLM published the “Record of Decision and Approved Resource Management Plan Amendments for Geothermal Leasing in the Western United States”—this followed the release of the Final Geothermal Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS), which the Interior Department published in October 2008. That PEIS was open to a 60-day review by the governors of the affected states, but none of the governors objected to the proposed plan amendments. The newly issued Record of Decision amends 114 BLM resource management plans and allocates about 111 million acres of BLM-managed public lands as open for leasing. An additional 79 million acres of National Forest System lands are also legally open for leasing, although the US Forest Service will need to evaluate its land use plans and amend them as needed through a separate environmental review process.

North American Clean Energy is published 6 times a year. To subscribe, go to

Raser Technologies Inc. is nearing completion of

the commissioning process of the 50 power generation units at its first commercial-scale power plant, in Beaver County, Utah. Most of the individual units have been commissioned and placed in service. The power being generated during the commissioning period is being sold to Rocky Mountain Power to avoid the transmission scheduling issues associated with fluctuating power supply. Raser is using 250 Kw power units from UTC Power, Inc. to turn the hot water, deep underground into electricity. The power generated will be enough to eventually supply 200,000 homes, and electricity from the site will be piped to Anaheim, California within weeks. Raser has been buying up land leases for the past five years that other geothermal companies have passed up as it specialized in low boil technology often deemed unsuitable for other companies. North American Clean Energy


hydro and marine energy

Hydro Power Generation Control Packages Is “Black Box” vs “Blank Box” syndrome fact or fiction? By David Robinson

Figure 1


xcitement surrounding the new wave of clean energy RFPs, RFQs, and multi-year Standard Offer Contracts has renewed interest in previously marginalized or even dormant Small Hydro Power (SHP) generation sites. Many of these older power generating sites, all but written off as unprofitable, are now prime candidates for project upgrade and refurbishing. Hydro management companies recognize the benefits of streamlined control system packages with graphic/symbolrich touch screen menu displays for local and remote site operations [see Figure 1] that provide a broad range of monitoring and control functions, electrical protection features, and expandability, with the capability of communicating with the outside world. Often these packages are presented in two ways: the first utilizes a PLC as the main control component, which initially starts as a “Blank Box” with no application-specific software, and which has to be programmed from the onset. The second, a “Black Box,” is often

represented by a high-level processor unit, already programmed with all of the main control functions, electrical protection algorithms, and interfaces with third party units—either lower level PLCs, excitation units, remote monitoring systems, and the like—with only the site-specific parameters left to be entered. Flexibility, ease of programming, adaptability to changing site conditions, ease of comprehension for operator training, and ease of integration with either existing hardware or new hardware are all key factors for any SHP owners, particularly small IPPs. For the serious power generator/operator, there are some must-have features: • Ease of configuration, enabling it to monitor and control all turbine types such as multi-jet Pelton turbines, Kaplan, or Francis utilizing straightforward operator accessible parameters; • A full-spectrum site management package with simplified integration (thereby, streamlining the equipment product ordering process for customers);

Figure 2

• An ability to allow project planners greater budgetary control over the system by utilizing ‘pick and choose’ component options such as off-the-shelf PLCs, which present an upfront, lower hardware cost compared to a custom designed control systems; • A greater range of selectable operations for interfacing with more newly designed hydraulics and governor packages (including such items as single or multiple regulated high-pressure units, BangBang valves, cylinders, adaptor plates, nitrogen over oil piston accumulators, etc). [see Figure 2] These features can often be provided by either “Blank” (after programming), or “Black” boxes (after site specific parameters are entered)—though it remains that the required resources to accomplish either are very different. A “Blank Box” will require the services of an experienced programmer, who will need to travel to the site, and will often stay for weeks entering control codes and operating parameters. These programmers typically carry a

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January / February 2009


high cost and, at times, follow an unwritten set of rules as to their programming philosophy. Unfortunately, challenges can arise if the local owner or operator wishes to change operating parameters, or if a second unit is later set-up, as the programming philosophy may not be the same this second-time around. Moreover, the person doing the work may not be the same, so training can become a well-known quagmire of issues and frustrations. The “Black Box” utilizes replicable software as all of the core programming is completed prior to a unit leaving the factory. This way, only the site-specific parameters need to be entered, greatly reducing time and costs. Training becomes more streamlined and an owner can rest assured that future facilities will be start from an identical core, while operator training costs are minimized. In the same manner, if servicing is ever required, the technical personnel can begin from a known foundation, greatly facilitating any changes to the operating parameters. Most external modules, be they excitation related, hydraulics controls, or external additional electrical protection, can be accessed by either of the two solutions. So, to respond to the question: is “Black Box” versus “Blank Box” syndrome fact or fiction? The answer is fiction, simply because both have manufacturer/programmerspecific philosophies that remain closed to the owner or operator, and have the ability to communicate with their respective outside worlds. What must remain on top of the list of requirements is the ease by which site parameters can be changed, new operators can be trained, and knowledge gained can be transferred to new sites. Because of this, the so-called “Black Box” wins hands down and is becoming the de-facto standard. After all, the last time you purchased a new PC, did it come pre-loaded with an operating system and software or with a “Welcome to Programming 101” manual? And, which would you prefer? David Robinson is the manager of sales and marketing at Powerbase Energy Systems Inc. Powerbase Energy Systems Inc.

Renewable Energy World Conference & Expo: North America Show in Print Features just some of the companies and technologies attendees will see at this year’s show.

March 10th to 12th, 2009 • Rio All-suite Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, NV Formerly POWER-GEN Renewable Energy & Fuels, Renewable Energy World Conference & Expo is North America’s top-rated renewable energy event, now in its sixth year. The Show offers a worldwide audience who will hear papers, panel discussions, and presentations related to technology, markets, business strategies, and policy covering the wind, solar, biomass, hydro, geothermal, ocean/tidal/ wave, bio-power, bio-fuels hydrogen, and energy sectors.

7/16/08 10:18:51 AM

Electrical control and power distribution systems

How pumped storage hydropower balances variable energy sources HDR|DTA’s senior vice president and president of the National Hydropower Association, Rick Miller, will speak on the topic of pumped storage hydropower during the Renewable Energy World Conference & Expo North America conference sessions. “As our nation talks about investing billions of dollars in wind, solar, and other sources, hydropower must be included in order to maximize and enable those expanding renewable energies, and truly establish our country’s energy independence,” said Miller. “The electrical grid is a real-time system, but wind and solar production is weather-dependent. Pumped storage hydropower projects are the only large scale ‘battery’ to store excess energy and release it to the grid when it is needed.” Andre Casavant, HDR|DTA senior scientist, will present ‘The Status of the Hydrokinetic Industry in North America.’ “Ocean energy is at a critical stage,” said Casavant, “HDR|DTA understands the complexities of ocean energy licensing.”

Point Eight Power’s breakthrough thinking always solves electrical-control and distribution-system needs. If losing power is not an option, turn to Point Eight Power—they have designed, manufactured, and serviced quality electrical control and power distribution systems for over half a century. As a committed partner, the company approaches every project as a partnership, and together with their clients, develops the right solution. Power Eight Power | Booth 422

HDR | DTA | Booth 920

Arc-flash detection for safer electric power Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. (SEL) announces its high-speed arc-flash detection option for the SEL-751A Feeder Protection Relay—install in power generation equipment to reduce arc-flash hazards. Arc-flash detection combines light-sensing technology with fast over-current protection to recognize the onset of a dangerous arc-flash condition, and immediately open the circuit breaker. This fast interruption of the arc fault current reduces the energy level of the arc flash. SEL-751A combines over-current, voltage and frequency elements with flexible I/O and communications for many applications. Save time and expense integrating into existing systems with Ethernet, fiber-optic, and serial communications and protocols including IEC 61850, Modbus, DeviceNet, and others. Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. | Booth 518 North American Clean Energy


7/16/08 10:18:51 AM

50 MW MicroCSP solar power plant

Grinder with field-swappable rotors

US-based Sopogy, Inc., manufacturer of the proprietary MicroCSP concentrating solar thermal energy system, has entered into a solar power agreement with Spanish Solar Project Developer Inypsa Informes y Proyectos, SA, and German Solar Project Financer Omniwatt to develop a 50 MW solar power plant by December 1st, 2010 in Toledo, Spain. Sopogy is excited to bring its MicroCSP system to the Spanish market. Sopogy’s MicroCSP technologies have been designed for these unique markets by bringing advantages over traditional concentrating solar thermal including fast deployment, pre-engineered kits in 1 MW, 5 MW, and 10 MW increments, as well as use and support of local labor for onsite installation. Inypsa, a publically traded Spanish project development firm has decades of experience in large infrastructure projects, and is well positioned to take advantage of the growing solar thermal power plant market in the Spanish region. Omniwatt AG, a Germany-based company, specializes in the renewable energy power production, project development and financing of decentralized power plants throughout Europe.

CBI’s Magnum Force 6400 with a four-pocket chipping rotor delivers single-pass production of wood material, ideal for the manufacturing of pellet fuel. The Magnum Force 6400 is the most versatile grinder, where owners can select from four different field-swappable rotors to accommodate changing materials and processing demands. This unique design provides the flexibility to process an exceptionally wide variety of materials and generate the products that clients demand—all with a single machine. Within a day, go from making high-quality mulch from trees and stumps, to chipping stemwood into custom sizes ranging from 2 to 30mm, to grinding highly contaminated C&D or railroad ties with the tie plates attached. Continental Biomass Industries, Inc. Booth 511

Biomass boiler systems Hurst Boiler’s latest edition in their biomass boiler series is the Hurst Reciprocating Grate Stoker with automated ash removal. This unit offers the best of solid fuel combustion, allowing mechanical replacement of fuel with the least amount of moving parts. The efficient multi-fuel design is offered in various configurations to utilize a wide selection of solid fuels. All Hurst factory stokers are cast from the highest quality steel alloys and mounted on a robust undercarriage system. Capable of burning wood, coal, bark, construction debris, nuts, shells, husks, paper, card/board products , hog fuel, sawdust, shavings, sludge, and agricultural biomass. Hurst Biomass Boiler Systems can reduce, or even eliminate energy and disposal costs through the combustion of renewable and sustainable fuel sources, also known as biomass. Hurst Boiler | Booth 519

Sopogy | Booth 912

Bring It Together

The ability to store energy for peak demand increases revenue. It also balances intermittent energy sources from progressive renewable technologies. Pumped storage provides the most flexible means of energy storage. HDR|DTA’s engineers, scientists and regulatory experts have years of experience with pumped storage. We bring value to our clients from siting and feasibility through design, testing and commissioning; HDR|DTA has established itself as a leader in the pumped storage market. We can help you integrate power sources and improve grid stability with hydro pumped storage. We’ll work with you to bring it together.

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January / February 2009

Language consulting, translation, and interpreting Language Intelligence provides professional language services to companies that are doing business globally. Language Intelligence’s services include: document translation, software translation, website translation, localization consulting, language and culture training, and interpreting. Clients range from companies that are currently doing business overseas to companies considering expanding into international markets. Visit their website for additional information. Language Intelligence Booth 330

Visit us at Renewable Energy World booth #920

Turnkey PV power systems The juwi group, based in Wörrstadt, western Germany, evaluates sites, leases land, designs, builds, and operates large-scale photovoltaic installations on rooftops and in open-spaces. juwi delivers cost-effective, technologically advanced, and proven projects. The company uses proven technologies for all of their large-scale PV power installations. This includes: thin-film technologies from First Solar, and other companies producing solar modules; inverter systems from SMA and other companies producing inverter systems; and support systems for rooftop and openspace installations from Schletter, and other companies producing light-weight materials. juwi | | Booth 1209

Feature products: Motech and PanelClaw

PV solar master planning services In response to the growing needs for renewable portfolio standards, E-Village Solar is adding siting and long-range planning studies to their list of services. The company will offer master planning for commercial rooftops and utility scale ground mount PV solar systems. Proper deployment of PV systems is critical for short-term and long-term success. E-Village Solar also provides the E-PowerBlock, a modular and pre-engineered system, which ranges in land requirements of 1.5 to 2.1 acres (depending on technology). Capable of installing both crystalline and thin-film technologies, E-Village optimizes master plans to suit client’s long-term goals. This system can utilize custom tilt or single-axis tracking solutions. With a smart data acquisition system and 260-kW inverters, E-Village offers a 20-year comprehensive warranty. E-Village Solar |

groSolar is featuring their exclusive products, Motech and PanelClaw, at Renewable Energy World. Offering world-class performance, Motech’s inverters are expected to become a favorite of installers. Featuring a low-profile, the inverters are lightweight, simple to install, and have lower installation costs as they require only one person for installation. groSolar is developing accessories for the inverter, including true plug-and-play, inexpensive monitoring. PanelClaw has revolutionized flat roof PV mounting systems with the introduction of the Polar Bear, PanelClaw's first commercial flat-roof mounting system. Polar Bear is a non-rail based, ballasted mounting system offering features designed to save integrators, architects, inspectors, and building managers time and money. PanelClaw’s Polar Bear system is simple and based on only three components (support, claw, deflector) and two types of fasteners. groSolar | Booth 201

Commercial solar inverter PV Powered will be featuring their new PVP260kW commercial solar inverter at Renewable Energy World Conference & Expo. PVP260kW raises the bar for commercial inverter reliability, ease of installation, and lifetime maintainability. High reliability is enabled by market-leading features including busbar power connections, redundant cooling system, card cage circuit board design, and the widest temperature rating of any inverter in its class. The highly integrated system saves installers time and money by including load rated AC & DC service disconnects, neutral-free installation, oversized busbar landings, and generous cable bending area for top, bottom, and side cable entry options. PVP260kW has a standard 295VDC, minimum MPPT, and an optional full power 265VDC minimum MPPT—the lowest MPPT voltage of any commercial inverter. This low input voltage option enables exceptional stringing capability with all PV module technologies including new thin film modules. PVP260 also simplifies performance monitoring by offering inverter-integrated solutions from Fat Spaniel, Draker, and Energy Recommerce. Additional options from PV Powered include integrated revenue grade meter and subcombiner monitoring. PV Powered | Booth 212

Renewable energy in multiple power sectors Sunrise Engineering, Inc. works with private and public clients to develop renewable energy in multiple power sectors including geothermal, hydroelectric, wind, and solar energy. The company’s 30 years of experience in the renewable energy arena allows Sunrise Engineering to fully understand client’s needs, and manage the driving forces that regulate this growing industry. Services include: permitting and licensing, regulatory compliance, electrical study and design, hydrology and hydraulics, geotechnical engineering, hydrogeology, water supply and resources, dewatering, roadway design, mechanical design, construction administration, general civil design, 3-D and traditional facility surveying, geographic information systems, SCADA/controls and instrumentation, operations & maintenance, and geothermal analysis and site evaluation. Sunrise Engineering, Inc. Booth 533

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North American Clean Energy


waste to energy

Turning Organic Waste

into Automotive Fuel By Judy Monchuk


oanna Underwood sees a time when each garbage pick-up is a potential fuel stop. The New York environmentalist believes municipalities and businesses should be looking at natural gas derived from organic waste for mass transit and fleet vehicles, including trucks that collect garbage. “Our interest is bio-methane as a transportation fuel,� shared Underwood, president of Energy Vision, a non-profit organization dedicated to analyzing and promoting cleaner transportation fuels. While the rest of the world has long viewed natural gas vehicles as cleaner and more environmentally friendly, North America has been slow to consider it as an option. Only about 150,000 of the more than five million natural gas vehicles on the roads are driven in the United States, many of them in fleets for transit, taxi, or garbage collection. Far fewer are driven in Canada. Soaring fuel prices are, however, forcing more communities to look closer at alternatives to cut transportation costs and reduce carbon footprints. And, as discussions of biofuels causing food shortages increase, the potential of reusing garden waste is becoming a more and more viable option. According to Underwood, biomethane technology as a transportation source has been growing in Europe, but it’s largely unknown to most Canadians and only slowly gaining attention in the United States. “You’re not waiting for a huge breakthrough; the technology is already there,� she says.



Ontario and British Columbia have recently proposed adopting standards similar to California, where air pollution concerns have made the state a leader in the use of alternate fuels. Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel and sends far fewer greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, while biomethane has the same chemical breakdown and is renewable. It’s made by transforming the greenhouse gases that escape from landfills and organic waste sites into clean transportation fuel. With Canada a major producer of natural gas, Underwood is surprised it is not largely utilized in transit and fleet operations. Many landfills around the world use the carbon dioxide generated by the rotting organic material to create electricity—sometimes for local heating or sometimes to sell as excess clean energy. But technologies have been developed to clean up the biogas being generated and create biomethane, which can be used in vehicles. Underwood recently asked Alberta businessman Scott MacKay, CEO of Sustainable Energy Holdings Ltd., to join an advisory group that would critically examine and assess transportation fuel options being used in Europe: information that would be passed on to American legislators and the public. MacKay, whose company is based in Stony Plain, Alberta, has spent the last two years trying to get North Americans to adopt European technology that turns kitchen waste into biogas. The technology, called KOMPOGAS, uses a 14-day anaerobic digestion system to ferment organic material such as vegetable scraps, coffee grounds and grass clippings into several different products: high-grade compost, liquid natural fertilizer, and biogas that can be compressed into vehicle fuel. “It’s not just economic, it’s the carbon footprint,� MacKay said. The Swiss-based technology, he explained, is used in 36 facilities around the world, while buses in several European cities operate on biomethane generated from its plants. In fact, several gas stations in Europe now have pumps which supply biogas. Sustainable Energy Holdings, which has been exclusively marketing the KOMPOGAS technology in both Canada and the United States, is currently pursuing opportunities in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

People are starting to see energy equity in garden waste...�



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Underwood said their advisory group’s final report would point out if technologies have bugs or potential problems, noting that the goal is to determine what operations are highly sophisticated and ready to use now. “If we give them an inaccurate picture they make a real investment and then find out it’s not as good as it’s cracked up to be, they are likely to go away and not try again,� she said. Some jurisdictions are starting to buy into the concept. For example, New Jersey, with a population of 7.6 million people, has the highest population density in the United States and air pollution levels which have garnered failing assessments from the American Lung Association. Communities have started to demand their garbage contracts use natural gas as fuel, partly because it costs dramatically less than diesel. This, in turn, is building a market. “People are starting to see energy equity in garden waste,� said Robert Simkins, solid waste coordinator for Burlington County in New Jersey, where a pilot project in 2005 convinced him of biomethane’s potential. “New Jersey has its own natural gas reserves in organics collected every day,� he said, adding much of that is shipped out of state. “If we were to convert all organic waste that’s digestible in New Jersey, we could power every garbage truck in the state. In that sector, it would have a huge impact.� Simkins predicts the change to natural gas, and in turn, biomethane, will come quickly once it starts. Transit systems in California already run on compressed natural gas, while New York City is also gearing up to switch their garbage fleets for natural-gas vehicles—a move which is being subsidized by the US government in their efforts to “reduce the country’s reliance on foreign oil.� Underwood claims once vehicles have converted to natural gas, the switch to biomethane is much easier and, that over the last decade, an entire industry of entrepreneurs has developed an infrastructure, including filling stations that can be expanded to biomethane. “I think biomethane as a real new commercial resource is terribly exciting,� she added. “We know how much use of biomethane is going on abroad. It just hasn’t taken root here.� Joanna Underwood is the president of Energy Vision. Energy Vision |

Biopark: Businesses working together in waste to energy Biopark Terneuzen, located in the Netherlands, was designed with the goal of bringing together businesses that have the potential to exchange and use each other’s by-products and waste products as raw material or energy for their own processes. Known as Smart Links, these bio-complementary partnerships between participating enterprises serve to minimize the impact of their activities on the environment, while promoting synergies between industrial activity and sustainability. One of the companies that specifically chose to establish operations in Biopark Terneuzen is Rosendaal Energy, a producer of biodiesel for the European market. Founded in 2006 by Bart Rosendaal, Rosendaal Energy was drawn to Terneuzen because of a number of factors. “We needed a port location with direct deep-sea access”, explains Rosendaal. “Logistically, Terneuzen offered exactly what we were looking for.” Biopark Terneuzen is already home to a solid core of industry leaders who have established Smart Links involving the exchange and use of each other’s by-products and waste as raw material or energy and utility supplements. Rosendaal Energy, for example, delivers water to a recycling company, Heros. Cargill, a manufacturer of food starches, supplies residual starch, purified water, and compressed air to Nedalco, who makes alcohol and bioethanol. The benefits for the industry are clear. Enterprises can capitalize on residual values that would otherwise go unrecovered and unused, thereby cutting storage and disposal costs, optimizing production costs, and improving profitability. Looking at further growth and expansion Rosendaal’s preference goes out to business-to-business enterprise, such as the production of bioplastics. “Glycerine, a possible feedstock needed to manufacture bioplastics, is produced by our biodiesel plant and is in good supply with Dow so nearby,” says Rosendaal, “or, a bulk terminal for biomass. This would, in turn, create opportunities to generate green electricity and second generation biofuels such as BTL. The possibilities are boundless.” Biopark Terneuzen | Rosendaal Energy |



First Open Innovation and Education Center for the Biobased Economy in Europe Europe, Flanders and The Netherlands have joined forces within the framework of an Interreg IV project and allocated €21 million to Bio Base Europe. Bio Base Europe is the largest Interreg project ever granted to the Dutch-Flemish border region. Bio Base Europe will build research and training facilities for biobased activities to speed up the development of a sustainable bio-based economy in Europe. The result of a partnership between Ghent Bio-Energy Valley and Biopark Terneuzen and their respective stakeholders, Bio Base Europe is expected to boost the current drive towards sustainable production processes, while reducing the emission of greenhouse gases such as CO2. The first of its kind in Europe, it will develop a unique platform for the advancement of sustainable biobased processes that aid the development of bio-energy and bioproducts from renewable biomass resources and cut reliance on non-replaceable fossil fuels. Bio Base Europe consists of two parts: a Pilot Plant and a Training Center. The Pilot Plant will focus mainly on second generation technologies to convert agricultural waste products and non-food crops such as wheat straw, corn cobs, wood chips, Jatropha, and algae oils into biofuels, bioplastics, and other bioproducts. Whereas the potential of these technologies has already been demonstrated in laboratory trials, the difficulty lies in taking these processes to the production scale. The Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant is a flexible and diversified pilot plant, capable of performing the entire value chain in a single plant: from the green resources up to the final product. It will operate as an open innovation center, available for commercial companies and research institutions that are engaged in biobased activities throughout the world. The Plant is scheduled to become operational in the fourth quarter of 2009. The second core part of the Bio Base Europe initiative will include a state-ofthe-art Training Center to address the issue of an industry-wide shortage of skilled process operators and technical maintenance specialists, especially for the biobased economy. The Bio Base Europe Training Center will be operational in 2010.

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North American Clean Energy


waste to energy Energy from waste heat ElectraTherm, Inc. announced the successful completion of its 2008 Series A common share capital raise, totaling $2.6 million. Four years of research and development, ElectraTherm Green Machine stands alone as the first commercially viable generator to make electricity from low temperature, residual industrial heat that has, until now, gone to waste. Using patented heat and pressure recovery technology, ElectraTherm employs its proprietary

twin-screw expander to generate fuel-free, emissions-free electricity at the lowest operating costs and fastest paybacks in the industry. Texas distributor Gulf Coast Green Energy installed the first commercial 50kW ElectraTherm Green Machine this summer at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. The machine has exceeded its 50kW output rating by 20%, garnering positive reviews from SMU’s world renowned Geothermal Laboratory.

“The growing momentum is not surprising since our technology taps into the largest single source of immediately available renewable energy, according to the US Department of Energy—untapped geothermal and industrial waste heat,� said Richard Langson, CEO of ElectraTherm. ElectraTherm, Inc.

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January / February 2009

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Waste Coffee Grounds Offer New Source of Biodiesel Fuel Researchers in Nevada are reporting that waste coffee grounds can provide a cheap, abundant, and environmentally friendly source of biodiesel fuel for powering cars and trucks as per their study in the ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. According to the study, a major barrier to wider use of biodiesel fuel is lack of a low-cost, high-quality source or feedstock for producing a new energy source. Spent coffee grounds contain between 11% and 20% oil by weight. That’s about as much as traditional biodiesel feedstocks such as rapeseed, palm, and soybean oil. Growers produce more than 16 billion pounds of coffee around the world each year. The used or “spent� grounds remaining from production of espresso, cappuccino, and plain old-fashioned cups of java, often wind up in the trash or find use as soil conditioner. The scientists estimated, however, that spent coffee grounds can potentially add 340 million gallons of biodiesel to the world’s fuel supply. To verify, the scientists collected spent coffee grounds from a multi-national coffeehouse chain and separated the oil. They then used an inexpensive process to convert 100% of the oil into biodiesel. The resulting coffee-based fuel, which smells just like java, had a major advantage in being more stable than traditional biodiesel due to coffee’s high antioxidant content. Solids left over from the conversion can be converted to ethanol or used as compost, the report notes. The scientists estimate that the process could make a profit of more than $8 million a year in the US alone.

biomass and biofuels Wamar International, Inc. is a US corporation located

in Simi Valley, California and Primesouth, with its headquarters in Columbia, South Carolina have merged their individual capabilities through Wamar International, acquiring controlling interest of Primesouth. This new alliance will allow the two companies to serve its customer base even better by being able to offer an extensive spectrum of services under one roof.

Wamar International’s Energy Division is supporting a growing number of international clients by providing overhaul, repair, and maintenance services for industrial gas turbines of all sizes—supplying complete turnkey solutions for gas turbine operated power plants, and offering major overhaul and repair services for steam turbines and facilities. Primesouth has over 20 years experience in providing third party operations and maintenance services to power, ethanol, biodiesel, and industrial facilities throughout the US and internationally.

Logistically this new entity will be supported by Global Tech Services, LLC (GTS), a Wamar International Company, which offers a complete array of OEM-Equivalent Gas/Steam turbine parts for power industries worldwide. GTS is already established as a growing leader in OEM equivalent parts, and is a manufacturer’s representative and distributor for various electrical, instrument, and BOP parts to industries worldwide.

Renewable Energy Group (REG) has been award-

ed a $740,000 grant from the Iowa Power Fund to staff a state-of-the-art biodiesel research and feedstock commercialization lab at its headquarters in Ames, Iowa. The Office of Energy Independence sets the strategic direction for Iowa’s clean energy future by identifying goals to achieve desired results. The grant for Renewable Energy Group’s lab helps the state move one set closer to energy independence through partnerships with business and industry, community leaders, government and public agencies, and other stakeholders. REG intends to construct a biodiesel research center within its Ames headquarters building to support an existing network of commercial-scale biodiesel production facilities. The grant will aid in improving the overall biodiesel industry through quality research and feedstock commercialization investigation by industry experts. The laboratory construction project is slated to utilize staff from up to 15 Iowa companies and is scheduled to begin before the end of 2008.

The Montana Agriculture Development Council awarded $50,000 in grant

funding from the Montana Growth Through Agriculture (GTA) program to Great Plains—The Camelina Company. The funds will be used to conduct a feasibility study for an oilseed crushing plant in Montana. Great Plains is focused on developing Camelina sativa (camelina) as an oilseed crop for biodiesel production in Montana, Washington, Oregon, and surrounding states, and has engaged in extensive research and marketing of the crop for over 10 years. Camelina grows well in the unpredictable dry climates of these states and can be used as a profitable rotational crop with wheat or other small grain crops.

North American Clean Energy


biomass and biofuels


or nearly a decade, European governments have been encouraging consumers to convert from fossil fuels to wood pellets in residential and industrial applications. Switching to wood pellets reduces net greenhouse gas emissions, for which European countries are held liable under the Kyoto treaty,

Growth in European Demand Provides Opportunities for North American Wood Pellet Manufacturers By Thomas Meth

(left) and Brandon Ogilvie (right)

Biomass Energy & Fuel Prep Systems From Concept To Completion EYVcV Zd _` dfSdeZefeV W`c ViaVcZV_TV R_U ViaVcZV_TV Zd GVT`a]R_Äd decV_XeY EYV dfTTVdd `W R_j 2]eVc_ReZgV 7fV] AcVaRcReZ`_ DjdeV^ UVaV_Ud `_ eh` eYZ_Xd 7Zcde eYV Wf_TeZ`_R]Zej `W VRTY Z_UZgZUfR] T`^a`_V_e eYRe ^R\Vd fa eYV djdeV^ R_U dVT`_U eYV RSZ]Zej `W R]] T`^a`_V_ed e` h`c\ dVR^]Vdd]j e`XVeYVc Rd R hY`]V EYV `_]j hRj e` RTYZVgV eYVdV eh` X`R]d Zd eYc`fXY acRTeZTR] ViaVcZV_TV 3Z`^Rdd 6_VcXj AcVa DjdeV^d GVT`a]R_ djdeV^d RcV fdVU h`c]U hZUV W`c eYV acVaRcReZ`_ `W R_ RccRj `W R]eVc_ReZgV WfV] C57 WVVUde`T\d fdVU W`c T`^SfdeZ`_ Z_ Z_UfdecZR] dTR]V HRdeV e` 6_VcXj djdeV^d W`c V]VTecZTZej R_U YVReZ_X dfaa]jZ_X djdeV^ d`]feZ`_d W`c dYcVUUZ_X dVaRcReZ`_ T`_gVjZ_X R_U de`cRXV `W R]] W`c^d `W >DH ^Z]] cVdZUfVd XcVV_ hRdeVd UV^`]ZeZ`_ UVScZd Z_UfdecZR] R_U `eYVc hRdeV ^ReVcZR]d 3Z`WfV] 7VVUde`T\ AcVa DjdeV^d GVT`a]R_ Zd R h`c]UhZUV ]VRUVc Z_ eYV 5VdZX_ 6_XZ_VVcZ_X >R_fWRTefcZ_X :_deR]]ReZ`_ R_U :^a]V^V_eReZ`_ `W 2]eVc_ReZgV 7fV] AcVaRcReZ`_ DjdeV^d W`c eYV dYcVUUZ_X dVaRcReZ`_ T`_gVjZ_X R_U de`cRXV `W de`gVc _`_ W``U SZ`^Rdd Tc`ad R_U `eYVc cV_VhRS]V R_U hRdeV TV]]f]`dV R_U SZ`^Rdd ^ReVcZR]d W`c eYV ac`UfTeZ`_ `W dVT`_U XV_VcReZ`_ ]ZbfZU ecR_da`ceReZ`_ SZ`WfV]d HZeY `gVc $! jVRcd `W ViaVcZV_TV R_U ^`cV eYR_ "!! djdeV^d fa R_U cf__Z_X Rc`f_U eYV h`c]U GVT`a]R_ YRd VRc_VU ZeÄd cVafeReZ`_ Rd eYV W`cV^`de ViaVce Z_ ecf]j Z_eVXcReVU 3Z`^Rdd 7fV] R_U 2]eVc_ReZgV 6_VcXj 7VVUde`T\ AcVaRcReZ`_ DjdeV^d 4`_eRTe GVT`a]R_ E`URj e` ]VRc_ ^`cV RS`fe `fc ViZdeZ_X djdeV^d `c e` RccR_XV R gZdZe e` `_V `c dVgVcR] `W `fc Z_deR]]ReZ`_d T H E



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January / February 2009


and increases independence from foreign oil. Understanding the nuances between the residential and industrial segments in Europe can help North American suppliers serve these segments more effectively. The European wood pellet market is growing rapidly. In Germany, the number of residential wood pellet furnaces increased from 800 in 1999 to 100,000 in 2008, up 20% over last year (www.depv. de). Wood pellets are used primarily for residential heating and industrial co-firing in utility scale power plants. Markets in Germany, Austria, the Benelux region, Scandinavia, and Italy create opportunities for North American suppliers to export in advance of a strong domestic market. Today, Canadian and US manufacturers supply one quarter of the eight millionmetric-ton per year European market (Wood Pellet Assoc. of America, 2008). Retail prices for wood pellets vary significantly. According to DEPV, delivered pre-VAT prices per metric ton have ranged from EUR 160 to 210 for residential consumers and EUR 110 to 135 for industrial consumers. Numerous factors drive the price differentials between these two segments of the European wood pellet market. Before entering this market, North American suppliers should consider a range of issues such as product specifications, seasonality, risk appetite, distribution channels, and currency exchange rates. Not all wood pellets are the same. Sweden, Germany, and Austria, for instance, specify limits on the physical and chemical properties of wood pellets used in residential heating applications, as defined under standards such as DIN+. Such specifications include size, caloric value, moisture, ash content, and limits on trace elements like chlorine, nitrogen, sulfur, and metals. These standards exist to preempt the formation of “slag” in the furnace, which creates maintenance and performance problems for fully-automated, self-cleaning residential systems. On the other hand, industrial systems tend to tolerate a broader range of product specifications and are, therefore, not regulated since routine maintenance and cleaning occur more frequently. Seasonality and risk appetite play important roles in deciding which market segments to serve. Industrial customers typically engage in long-term contracts for a steady supply of wood pellets throughout the year. Steady and predictable demand reduces demand uncertainty, which translates into production cost optimization, yet increases feedstock risk. Industrial customer contracts typically fix the price throughout the year, which transfers feedstock cost volatility to the wood pellet supplier. The recent downturn in new home starts has resulted in tighter supply of sawdust, a primary feedstock for wood pellet manufacturing, which in turn increases feedstock costs for pellet manufacturers and diminishes mar-

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gins under fixed-price customer contracts. Strategies for mitigating feedstock price risk can lead to higher returns from the industrial segment. Conversely, residential customers typically purchase wood pellets on the spot market, once per year, during cooler months. Highly seasonal demand from residential customers increases demand uncertainty that poses production planning and asset utilization challenges for wood pellet suppliers. However, suppliers often succeed at passing feedstock cost fluctuations to residential consumers. Historically, strong correlation exists between spot market sawdust prices and residential pellet prices, whereas contractually fixed industrial pellet prices are typically not sensitive to near-term fluctuations in spot market sawdust prices. Delivering wood pellets to residential consumers poses additional challenges that influence decisions about whether to serve this segment. While the typical industrial consumer receives barges or railcars of wood pellets in bulk on a continuous basis, the typical residential customer only requires one partial truckload of five metric tons per year (5 tpy), typically during the winter months. For a pellet manufacturer with 50,000 tpy capacity, this translates into a choice between serving a handful of industrial customers on a continuous basis, or serving thousands of residential customers on a spot basis. To capture the residential market price premium, many suppliers of the residential segment are integrated vertically with their distribution channels. US-based Intrinergy is one such example of a wood pellet supplier that operates a captive distribution network. Through its 1-Heiz/ CompacTec subsidiary, Intrinergy serves the residential market across southern Germany and neighboring countries from its European headquarters located near Munich, and several distribution centers located throughout the region. Although selling to the industrial segments poses fewer barriers than selling to the residential segment, one challenge to overcome is currency exchange risk. Supplying an industrial customer under a typical long-term, fixed-price contract exposes the North American supplier to risk of currency exchange rate fluctuations. Strategies for mitigating such risks vary, and should be considered when deciding whether and in what capacity to enter the European market.



Overall, the strong European wood pellet market poses many opportunities for Canadian and US suppliers to export. Not all pellets are the same, nor are all consumer segments the same. Understanding and managing these differences can improve a supplier’s success in this evolving market, particularly given the complexities of the residential segment. Through managing currency exchange rate and feedstock cost fluctuations, Canadian and US suppliers can find success exporting to industrial customers located throughout Europe.

Richmond, Virginia-based Intrinergy designs, builds, owns, and operates biomass energy facilities in North America and Europe. Thomas Meth is co-founder and executive vice president of Intrinergy; whereas, Brandon Ogilvie is the business development manager for the company. Intrinergy |

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In the past 20 years, Continental Biomass Industries, Inc. (CBI) has designed and installed hundreds of purpose-built stationary machines and systems for customers all over the World. From outdoor plants for mulch and fuel production to entire processing systems turning C&D and MSW into recyclables and RDF. This includes simple stand-alone Grizzly Mills® as well as, horizontal grinders and complete multi-dimensional systems — featuring combinations of slow speed primary shredders, screeners, conveyors, picking stations, magnetic separators, water tanks, and secondary and tertiary grinders to assure specific product size. Our superior equipment, engineering and experience ensure your success. We Guarantee It. For more information visit us online or call us at 603.382.0556. Continental Biomass Industries, Inc. • 22 Whittier Street, Newton, NH 03858 • © 2008. All rights reserved.

North American Clean Energy


biomass and biofuels

Bio-Harvester Fecon’s Bio-Harvester is a machine that simultaneously fells, chips, and collects small diameter woody biomass, ideal for pre-commercial and commercial thinning applications and non-merchantable timber and brush. The Bio-Harvester helps provide a non-agricultural renewable biomass energy supply that enhances forest management practices. It harvests fire-prone ladder fuel material, producing wood chips from previously unutilized biomass source. Wood chips can then be used to produce bio-energy via the generation of electricity or liquid fuel production. The Bio-Harvester can be mounted to the Fecon FTX440, a 440 horsepower, forestry guarded, crawler tractor or to a large, high horsepower PTO tractor. The FTX440 is also capable of towing and powering an agricultural dump wagon to collect material. Material is chipped using Fecon Bull Hog chipper knives or carbide tools, then augured to a material processing fan and blown into a collection unit. It can discharge from the rear or the side enabling a variety of collection units. Fecon |

Nexterra Energy Corp. recently announced that is has been selected by Kruger Products Ltd. to supply a biomass gasification system for its tissue mill in New Westminster, British Columbia. The new system will be the first of its kind in the pulp and paper industry. Nexterra’s turnkey gasification system will convert locally sourced wood residue into clean burning “syngas” that will be fired directly into a boiler in place of natural gas. The Kruger installation will produce 40,000 lbs/hour of process steam and displace approximately 445,000 gigajoules (GJs) of natural gas annually. This is equivalent to the amount of natural gas used to heat 3,500 homes in Canada for a year. Displacing this amount of natural gas with syngas made from wood fuel will lower the mill’s energy costs by millions of dollars a year, making the mill less reliant on fossil fuels. It will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the plant by more than 22,000 tonnes per year, the equivalent of removing nearly 5,500 cars off Canadian roads.

All-Welded System for Biodiesel Industry Pressure instruments used in the biodiesel processing industry must be rigorous and sturdy enough to withstand harsh conditions. Pulsation, vibration, and/or environmental conditions can compromise system integrity, and may break the threaded gauge-to-seal connection found in a traditional diaphragm seal system. A broken connection can result in inaccurate readings or total failure. Also, mishandling and incorrect installation of the traditional diaphragm seal system can compromise gauge alignment, resulting in a leaking system. The WIKA model M933.D1 All-Welded System (AWS) is a process gauge and a diaphragm seal integrated into a complete assembly. All connections and access ports are welded to ensure complete leak-free design, resulting in increased operating life. The AWS is widely accepted as a problem solver in oil and gas refineries, and has even taken the AWS one-step further and developed the premier assembly for the biodiesel industry: AWS with 1.0 NPT-male process connection and flushing port. A flushing port added to the lower housing of the diaphragm seal allows cleaning fluid to flush residue out of the pipe in order to prevent damage or clogging to the instrument. The AWS also has a liquid-filled case to protect the instrument from mechanical vibration and pressure pulsation. WIKA Instrument Corporation |

Analyzers for Biofuel Product Quality

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The biofuels marketplace is a rapidly growing industry and so is the need for analytical measurement techniques to ensure product quality. Wilks Enterprise, Inc. has recently introduced two portable, mid-IR analyzers for use by producers, distributors, fleet managers, or regulators for onsite measurements such as biodiesel in diesel, ethanol in gasoline, water in ethanol, total gylcerides, FFA’s in feedstock, and water in feedstock. The first is the InfraCal Filtometer, a low-cost, single wavelength analyzer that is ideal for measuring the blend ratio of biodiesel in diesel fuel or ethanol in gasoline. InfraCal Filtometer is compact, portable, and easy for non-technical personnel to operate, offering a read-out in percent biodiesel or percent ethanol, and allowing users the ability to measure a blend ratio onsite at a manufacturing or distribution facility. The second instrument is the InfraSpec VFA-IR Spectrometer that is a spectral range analyzer capable of monitoring more than one component. It will measure the percent biodiesel in diesel fuel, as well as total glycerides during the biodiesel reaction process. Using the InfraSpec Spectrometer for making pass/fail determinations for total glycerides can significantly reduce analysis time and increase reactor throughput by as much as 20%. The InfraSpec can also be used for testing free fatty acids and water in the biodiesel feedstock. Wilks Enterprise, Inc. |


January / February 2009

energy efficiencies

8 Reasons to Build Green Landmark study finds benefits outweigh costs Image © Cody Andresen/Arup

A landmark international study on the costs and benefits of green buildings finds that energy and water savings alone outweigh the initial cost premium in most green buildings and that green buildings cost, on average, less than 2% more to build than conventional, non-green buildings. This stands in contrast to public perception, such as a 2007 survey by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, which found that business leaders believe green buildings to be, on average, 17% more expensive than conventionally designed buildings.

greenness, but most LEED buildings (up through gold level) can be built for the same cost as conventional buildings. 2. Energy savings alone make building green cost effective. Energy savings alone outweigh the initial cost premium in most green buildings. The present value of 20 years of energy savings in a typical green office ranges from $7/sf (certified) to $14/sf (platinum), more than the average additional cost of $3 to $8 per square feet for building green.

The deep downturn in real estate has not reduced the rapid growth in demand for and construction of green buildings The study, “Greening Buildings and Communities: Costs and Benefits,” also finds that an average-sized green office creates at least one-third of a permanent job per year, equal to $1/square-foot (sf) of value in increased employment, compared to a similar non-green building, and that the continued rapid growth in green building is creating tens of thousands of new jobs. The study further found that productivity and health benefits are a major motivating factor for building green. With buildings currently consuming 40% of the world’s energy, including two-thirds of its electricity, the marginal cost increase is typically partly offset by savings elsewhere. For example, a more efficient building envelope can reduce the size of heating or cooling systems needed to provide a comfortable indoor temperature, and technologically advanced daylighting and window systems can decrease lighting cost while improving light quality. “The deep downturn in real estate has not reduced the rapid growth in demand for and construction of green buildings,” says Greg Kats, the study’s lead author and managing director of Good Energies. “This suggests a flight to quality as buyers express a market preference for buildings that are more energy efficient, more comfortable, and healthier.” Some of the key findings in the “Greening Buildings and Communities: Costs and Benefits” study include... 1. Most green buildings cost 0% to 4% more than conventional buildings, with the largest concentration of reported “green premiums” between 0% to 1%. Green premiums increase with the level of

3. Green building design goals are associated with improved health and with enhanced student and worker performance. Health and productivity benefits remain a major motivating factor for green building owners, but are difficult to quantify. Occupant surveys generally demonstrate greater comfort and productivity in green buildings. 4. Green buildings create jobs by shifting spending from fossil fuel-based energy to domestic energy efficiency, construction, renewable energy, and other green jobs. A typical green office creates at least one-third of a permanent job per year, equal to $1/(sf) of value in increased employment, compared to a similar non-green building. 5. Green buildings are seeing increased market value (higher sales/rental rates, increased occupancy, and lower turnover) compared to comparable conventional buildings. CoStar, for example, reports an average increased sales price from building green of more than $20/sf, providing a strong incentive to build green even for speculative builders. 6. Roughly 50% of green buildings in the study’s data set see the initial “green premium” paid back by energy and water savings in five years or less. Significant health and productivity benefits mean that over 90% of green buildings pay back an initial investment in five years or less.

7. Green community design provides a distinct set of benefits to owners, residents, and municipalities, including reduced infrastructure costs, transportation and health savings, and increased property value. Green communities and neighborhoods have a greater diversity of uses, housing types, job types, and transportation options, and appear to better retain value in the market downturn than conventional sprawl. 8. Annual gas savings in “walkable” communities can be as much as $1,000 per household. Annual health savings (from increased physical activity) can be more than $200 per household. CO2 emissions can be reduced by 10% to 25%. This report was supported by Good Energies, a global investor in renewable energy and energy efficiency industries. Select findings from the study can be found at: The complete findings of the study will be published as a book in the summer of 2009.

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policies New Executive Order in California On November 17th, 2008, Governor Schwarzenegger signed Executive Order S-14-08, revising California’s existing Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) upward to require all retail sellers of electricity to serve 33% of their load from renewable energy sources by

2020. The existing RPS requires retail sellers to supply 20% of their total electrical load from renewable energy sources by 2010. To meet this new goal, a substantial increase in the development of wind, solar, geothermal, and other “RPS eli-

gible” energy projects will be needed. Executive Order S-14-08 seeks to accelerate such development by streamlining the siting, permitting, and procurement processes for renewable energy generation facilities. To this end, S-14-08 issues two directives:

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January / February 2009

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• the existing Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative will identify renewable energy zones that can be developed as such with little environmental impact; • the California Energy Commission (CEC) and the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG) will collaborate to expedite the review, permitting, and licensing process for proposed RPS-eligible renewable energy projects.

CEC and DFG Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) S-14-08 presumes the coordination of the various state and federal agencies responsible for reviewing and approving proposed energy generation projects. To effect this coordination and cooperation, two MOUs between the responsible agencies were executed on November 17th, 2008. CEC and DFG executed an MOU, establishing the Renewable Energy Action Team (REAT), a body formed specifically to carry out the directives of S-14-08. REAT officials will be appointed by the Chair of CEC and the Director of DFG and will do the following: 1. Create a one-stop process for permitting renewable energy generation power plants so that review of the proposed power plant project is filed directly at the state level, and concurrently reviewed by CEC and DFG. [In this process, REAT will consult both the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS).] Currently, the CEC’s pre-emptive authority is limited to thermal power plants with capacity of 50 MW or greater. For renewable energy projects, this affects only large solar, biomass, and geothermal projects. Legislation will be necessary to bypass local siting authority over any other types of projects. 2. Create a joint CEC and DFG “streamlining unit” that must reduce permit processing times by 50% for projects within REAT-determined “renewable energy designated areas.” The REAT will define such areas beginning February 1st, 2009. 3. Publish a list of places identified as “top priority areas” for conservation using the state’s Natural Community Conservation Plan by March 1st, 2009. 4. Develop and publish a ‘Best Management Practices Manual’ to be used by RPS project applicants in designing their projects by December 31st, 2009.

5. Collaborate with other appropriate federal entities and interested stakeholders to create a comprehensive map identifying areas designated for long-term RPS-eligible project development, and areas designated for conservation by December 31st, 2009. 6. Create a draft Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP) for the Mojave and Colorado desert regions by December 1st, 2008; complete the DRECP by December 31st, 2010, and subsequently begin the environmental review process for the Plan; and complete the final DRECP, which must contain endangered species permit assurances, facilitate approval of RPS desert projects, and provide for state and federal funding to implement the final DRECP. Source: Stoel Rives LLP |

BC’s Renewable Fuel Regulation British Columbia’s leadership in moving towards low-carbon fuels was confirmed with the publishing of new regulations requiring 5% renewable content in gasoline and diesel fuel supplied in the province by 2010. The regulation is a significant step toward BC’s goal of reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions by 33% below 2007 levels by 2020. The Canadian Renewable Fuels Association, a non-profit organization with a mission to promote renewable transportation fuels through consumer awareness and government liaison activities, congratulates BC for their commitment to cleaner burning renewable fuels. “BC continues to lead in the development of smart environmental policy by ensuring the use of cleaner renewable fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel,” said Gordon Quaiattini, president of the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association. “These regulations will not only reduce the carbon foot print of the province’s transportation sector, but also reduce urban air pollution and support agricultural economies, such as in the Peace country.”


First Asia-Pacific Renewable Energy Trust Formed EPURON Pte. Ltd. Singapore, a regional subsidiary of the Conergy Group in Asia-Pacific, and GE (NYSE: GE) unit GE Energy Financial Services have launched Asia-Pacific’s first renewable energy private trust to spur their growth and investments in wind, solar, small hydroelectric, biogas, and biomass power generation throughout the region. The Renewable Energy Trust Asia (“RETA”) is an investment vehicle focused on the $7 billion US annual renewable energy markets of India, the ASEAN countries and South Korea. It plans to build a portfolio of some 200 MW through potential investments, totalling 250 million US within the next five years. “This sophisticated investment vehicle offers great opportunities to develop in future even more commercial-scale renewable power projects in Asia-Pacific,” said Hamburg-based EPURON Managing Director Joachim Müller. “These projects secure predictable cash flow and long-term capital growth and are, therefore, a particularly interesting asset class for investors, despite the volatile financial markets.” Once a sufficient investment volume has been achieved, RETA may be listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”) stock exchange, becoming the first pure-play renewable energy business trust to be listed in Asia-Pacific. This first “green” trust in Asia-Pacific and the collaboration with GE serve as a potential model for realizing commercial-scale renewable energy projects with the Conergy Group in other regions.

held annually in the world taking place at the

McCormick Place Convention Center CHICAGO, ILLINOIS MAY 4 – 7, 2009 Recently recognized as one of the top 50 fastest-growing shows in North America, WINDPOWER 2009 is expecting another record-breaking year of over 776 exhibitors and over 13,000 attendees.

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North American Clean Energy


eventscalendar JANUARY 2009 26-29

US Composting Council 17th Annual Conference & Trade Show Houston, TX – Westin Galleria;

FEBRUARY 2009 1-4

EUEC 2009 Energy & Environment Conference Phoenix, AZ – Phoenix Convention Center;


RETECH 2009 Las Vegas, NV – LV Convention Center;

MARCH 2009 10-12

REenergized Renewable Energy World Conference & Expo Las Vegas, NV – Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino;


Geothermal Innovation & Investment San Francisco, CA;

30-APR 3 National Hydrogen Association Conference & Hydrogen Expo Columbia, SC – Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center; APRIL 2009 7-8

Carbon TradeEx America Washington, DC – Walter E. Washington Convention Center;


Global Marine Renewable Energy Conference Washington, DC – Carnegie Institution for Science


Canadian Geothermal Energy Association Conference and AGM Vancouver, BC;


2009 International Biomass Conference & Trade Show Portland, OR – Oregon Convention Center;


2009 Implementation of Renewable Energy in the Emerging Markets of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean Conference (REEM09) San Francisco, CA – Hotel Nikko;


Energy Efficiency Global Forum & Exposition 2009 Paris, France – Palais des Congres;

MAY 2009 3-6

Solid Waste & Recycling Conference with Trade Show Lake George, NY – Sagamore Resort Hotel ;


Clean Technology Conference & Expo 2009 Houston, TX – George R. Brown Convention Center;


WINDPOWER 2009 Chicago, Il – McCormick Place Convention Center;


SOLAR 2009 - American Solar Energy Society Buffalo, NY – Buffalo Convention Center;


National Hydropower Association 2009 Annual Conference Washington, DC – Capital Hilton Hotel;


NAWTEC’s North American Waste-to-Energy Conference Chantilly, VA – Westfields Marriott;


OPTOmism Conference & Exhibition Santa Clara, CA – Santa Clara Convention Center;


INTERSOLAR 2009 Munich, Germany – New Trade Fair Centre;

JUNE 2009 16-18 EnergyOcean 2009 Rockport, Maine – Samoset Resort; 29-JUL 3 European Biomass Conference & Exhibition Hamburg, Germany – CCH: Congress Center Hamburg; JULY 2009 14-16 InterSolar North America 2009 San Francisco, CA – Moscone Center;

Send us your clean energy show and event listings. Email information to the Editor at 66

January / February 2009

advertisers’ website directory 50 101 Pipe & Casing 39 Advance Energy Industries 34 Allied Tube & Conduit 46 American Solar Energy Society 2 Applied Materials 33 ASYS 38 ATS Logistics Services, Inc. 65 AWEA 4 Baja Construction Co. Inc 10 BBC Fasteners 9 Campbell Scientific Inc. 61 Continental Biomass Industries Inc. 45 Citel Inc. 58 Clean Technology Conference and Expo 47 DEGERenergie Tracking Systems 54 Devine Tarbell & Associates, Inc 45 Dr Valentin Energy Software 35 EFD 63 Enerdynamics 14-15 Fagen Inc 62 Federation of New York Solid Waste Associations 40 Fibox Enclosures 59 Geothermal Energy Association 18 Gexpro Services 52 Global Marine Renewable Energy 56 Granutech-Saturn 68 HPM America 53 Hurst Boiler & Welding Company, Inc. 48 INTERSOLAR North America 2009 67 Iowa Department of Economics 13 John Deere Credit Company 41 K-Flex USA 21 Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP

24 National City Energy Capital 28 Next Generation Energy 27 Hydro — North America 16 Northwind Solutions 19 NRG Systems 51 Ormat Technologies, Inc 26 Patriot Solar Group 57 Peterson 40 Pfister Energy 43 Plansee USA LLC 55 Point Eight Power 64 PV America 38 Quick Mount PV 41 ReflecTech 37 Roll Forming Corporation 29 Satcon 3 Schüco 42 Solar Destination 30 Solectria Renewables, LLC 32 Sopogy 32 Space Potential 49 Sunrise Engineering Inc. 6 Tetra Tech 23 Thermasource 36 Think Solar 31 Trina Solar 46 Troutman Sanders 12 Turn Energy Maintenance 44 Unirac Inc. 38 Urecon Pre-Insulated Pipe 60 Vecoplan, LLC 17 White Construction 11 Wisconsin Oven Corporation

Solar Power International: Date and Location Change Solar Power International will now be held at the Anaheim Convention Center in California on October 27th to 29th, 2009. The trade groups originally planned to hold the 6th annual event in San Jose, California; however, due to unprecedented growth and an anticipated increase in demand due to the extension of the federal investment tax credit in the US, a larger venue is required. Attendance, at what was already the industry’s largest solar conference and expo in North America, jumped from 12,500 in 2007 to 23,200 in 2008, according to the Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) and Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), the show organizers. Attendance is expected to top 27,000 in 2009. Solar Power International |





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