Seven Creative Ways to Declutter Your Home
In the perfect case scenario, our homes should look like peaceful sanctuaries where we can enjoy harmony and soothing atmosphere, and there is no such thing as chaos. However, in real life, our homes usually turn out to be literally packed with things we do not actually need but have kept only because these items have sentimental value to us. However, keeping so many items in your home not only spoils the look of your house or apartment's interior, but also make the cleaning and overall maintenance of your place a lot harder. Here are some practical and easy ideal how to declutter your home in order to make it easier to clean and more comfortable. 1. Throw away all stuffed animals and unnecessary items from your childhood If you are no longer a child or your own children have already grown up and do not play with their toys any more, you had better remove all objects related to childhood. Make sure you throw them away, donate them or give them to someone who can make use of them, but make sure they are not present in your home any more. Of course, you can leave some items of great sentimental value, but do not keep anything you and your own children do not need and use any more.
2. Any belongings of your ex All items that have once belonged to a person who is no more part of your life can make you sad if they are constantly around you. Not to mention the fact that they make the interior even more packed with unnecessary objects that only get in your way and make your home cleaning and maintenance routine harder. So, simply have them thrown away or get rid of them in any way. And remember that piling them anywhere else – at the attic or in the basement – is not an option here. 3. Get the old magazines lost There is absolutely no point in keeping old magazines and newspapers for years, piling them up and only adding to the great mess in your home. Remove all magazines and newspapers that you have already read, even if some are favourite to you. If you have young children, you can give them some of the paper materials to use them in their projects at school, but everything else should go in the bin. 4. Things you have not used for years This rule applies to all items that you have not used for years and it seems that you will not use them any more. You can keep some items, which you really love, which mean something to you or which are handmade and unique ones. However, all unnecessary pieces of furniture, accessories and other objects should go. Now. 5. All items related to any old hobbies of yours If you have ever had a hobby which you do not practice any more and you do not have any intentions of doing that in the future, you can easily declutter your home by removing all the items related to these hobbies of yours. This way you will make some space for things that you may need up to date. 6. Get rid of any unnecessary collections All of us have been making different kinds of collections over the years, but the truth is that as years pass by, we get somehow indifferent to them and at the end simply stop making new additions to them. So, it is absolutely pointless to keep a large group of items, no matter how small they are. Cleaning Tottenham Ltd. recommends it is better to gather them in a box and save yourselves the boring dust cleaning. 7. Old clothes and shoes If you have kept some pieces of clothing and shoes that you have not wore for at least five years, there is no point in keeping them any more. You should better donate them or give them to someone who really needs them than piling them up in your wardrobes and drawers. Make some additional space for the clothes you really like wearing and the ones that you are going to buy.