6th World Water Forum Marseille France 2012 - Cleantech Finland

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WORKING TOGETHER FOR WATER – THE VALUE OF PARTNERSHIPS common arena in which to discuss and exchange ideas.

Finland is a land rich in water resources, and we have come a long way in solving questions related to water protection and the sustainable and effective use of this resource. As a result, Finland has considerable expertise in water resources management and protection, as well as in water-related technologies, planning, construction, and research. Our know-how is built not only on high-level expertise, but first and foremost on close collaboration between different actors. We value partnerships.

Towards water security In all its international efforts, Finland’s water sector aims to promote water security. Water security is understood as reducing risks related to the well-being of individuals and communities, and minimising risks related to food security, energy security and other vital needs of societies. Finland addresses water security at various levels, from households to communities, and all the way to the national and regional levels.

Finnish actors are used to working closely together across sectoral borders. Collaboration between different actors such as government agencies, universities, the private sector and civil society is active. The Finnish Water Forum, established in 2009, has brought further improvements by providing different actors with a

The community-based WASH programmes in Ethiopia, Kenya and Nepal focus on reducing water-related insecurity and vulnerability at the household and community levels, while the support to transboundary

Finnish town Nokia relies on SATEL’s knowledge

Finnish–Russian Partnership for an Improved State of the Baltic Sea

Pärnu River Forecasting Project

European Water Futures until 2015 – Results of the SCENES Project

Rural and Semi Urban Water Supply and Sanitation in Mali

6 Dry sanitation projects in Southern Africa


Development. Sustainable water resources management contributes to poverty eradication, public health, food and energy security, and is a prerequisite for maintaining biodiversity.

water resources management along the Mekong and Nile and in Central Asia reduces the risk of water-related conflicts between riparian states. Water and sustainable development – preparing for Rio+20

At our pavilion you will be able to see and hear practical examples of partnerships and our work on water security and sustainable use of water resources.

Water is one of Finland’s national priority themes for the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable


Heidi Hautala Minister for International Development

Ville Niinistö Minister of the Environment

Climate Change and Water Cycle – Effect to Water Resources and their Utilization in Finland

Me & Lake Vesijärvi

Low-cost, rapid, miniaturised solutions for water quality assessment

Growing shortage of water challenge also in India

Community-Led Accelerated WaSH in Ethiopia


Problem solving is in our nature. CLEANTECH FINLANDÂŽ is a network of top cleantech experts. We link Finnish cleantech expertise with global demand. For decades Finnish cleantech companies have solved environmental challenges making us global leaders in energy efficiency, clean industrial processes and water treatment.

Cleantech Finland’s new SOLVED expert service harnesses the Finnish problem solving ability and worldclass technology expertise to solve. www.cleantechfinland.com www.solved.fi Finpro, France Finpro, Finland Trade Center 23, rue Vernet, F-75008 Paris, France Tel. + 33 1 58 56 53 00 france@finpro.fi

of the Finnish water sector for international forums and projects, to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals and to promote Water Security. One particular objective is to promote collaboration between the Finnish private and public water sectors. www.finnishwaterforum.fi

Finnish Water Forum is a joint network of the Finnish private and public water sectors. It serves as a cooperation platform for commercial enterprises, government and non-government organizations, scientific institutions and water-related associations. FWF was established in 2009 and it is open to all organizations active in water sector. The objectives of FWF are to promote the capabilities


The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry steers Finnish policies relating to the sustainable use of natural resources in line with Finnish Government and EU policies. This Ministry’s administrative work covers agriculture and horticulture, rural development, forestry, veterinary services, controls over foodstuffs of animal origin, fisheries, game management and reindeer husbandry, the use of water resources, and land surveying. The Natural Resources Strategy of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry specifies how Finland’s renewable natural resources must be used and managed in sustainable ways. The strategy also defines specific objectives related to the sustainable use of natural resources.

In its recently revised Water Management Strategy for 2011-2020, the Ministry aims to react to changes such as climate change and to ensure the sustainable use of water resources, prepare for risks to safety, health and the environment and, thus, create the conditions for well-being and diverse economic activities.

The purpose of Finland’s Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is to ensure that everyone in the country has the same possibilities to have a healthy and safe life. The Ministry job is to promote the population’s good health and functional capacity; promote healthy working and living environments; ensure that there are sufficient social and health services; ensure that people have an adequate

income at various stages in life and to promote gender equality. The Ministry seeks to protect the health of the population by inspecting and monitoring the possible hazardous health impact of water for human consumption and swimming, housing and general residential areas, and waste. www.stm.fi

Moreover, natural resource indicators measure the state and sustainable use of natural resources. Indicators have been established for agriculture, forestry, fisheries, reindeer husbandry, game management, water resources and natural resources in rural development. www.mmm.fi



conservation, housing and construction. Our vision is an environmentally responsible society open to participation, the conservation of biodiversity and an environment promoting wellbeing. The Ministry is headed by the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Housing. www.environment.fi/ym

The Ministry of the Environment leads national efforts and encourages cooperation in safeguarding biodiversity, promoting sustainable development, and securing a good living environment for both current and future generations. The Ministry’s remit covers environmental protection, water and marine protection, land use, nature


Finnish–Russian Partnership for an Improved State of the Baltic Sea

The aim of the joint activities has been to promote full implementation of the recommendations on municipal wastewater treatment, adopted by the Baltic Marine Environment Commission (HELCOM), in the City of St Petersburg.

The Baltic Sea is one of the most polluted seas in the world and the Gulf of Finland is the most polluted sub-area of this sea. Eutrophication through nutrient loading is the greatest threat to the state of the Sea. By the late 1980s, the combined untreated wastewaters of the 5 million inhabitants of the City of St Petersburg formed a large nutrient point source to the Gulf, resulting in poor water quality.

During the more than 20 years of multi-party cooperation, over 100 projects have been implemented. One project, the construction of the Southwestern wastewater treatment plant, which was completed in 2005, was carried out with the support of 14 financiers and an investment of 200 million euros. Other major projects have included rehabilitation of wastewater networks and pumping stations and development of remote control operation of the sewer system. As a result, the nitrogen load has decreased by 5000 tonnes and the phosphorus load by 2000 tonnes annually, contributing to visible improvement in the state of the Gulf of Finland.

At the beginning of the 1990s, a programme on partnership in improving wastewater management in St Petersburg was started, and was supported by the Ministry of the Environment of Finland and other international financiers. One of the cornerstones of cooperation has been the long-term partnership and twinning arrangement between Helsinki Water and St Petersburg Water Utility Vodokanal. In addition, tens of private sector enterprises, both Russian and Finnish, have contributed to the rehabilitation of the wastewater treatment facilities. 6

hundred diplomatic and consular missions abroad serve the Finnish society at large in international affairs. In Finland’s development policy, outlined in a government program, the water sector has played and continues to play a significant role. www.formin.fi

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is responsible for Finland’s foreign and security policy, trade policy and development policy. Its goals are to promote the security and welfare of Finland and Finns, and work for a secure and fair world. The Ministry and approximately one


Community-Led Accelerated WaSH in Ethiopia

Rural water services are often unsustainable because they result from one-off, stand alone projects and are not part of large scale approaches that decentralize service delivery.

Communities contribute a minimum of 15%, in cash or in kind, and the rest is transferred through a micro-finance institution directly to a local water and sanitation committee.

The Community Managed Project (CMP) approach explicitly addresses these issues by making communities responsible for the planning, implementation and maintenance of new water schemes, whilst district authorities provide capacity building and external support.

Results have been so impressive (a five-fold increase in the construction rate of schemes; and 94% functionality rate) that the CMP approach was recently mainstreamed into the National WaSH strategy of Ethiopia.


SYKE´s expert services provide assistance on environmental issues for administrators, local authorities, private companies and organisations. SYKE serves as the national centre for environmental data and co-operates closely with other research institutes, universities, environmental experts and businesses, both in Finland and internationally. www.environment.fi/syke

SYKE is both a research institute and a centre for environmental expertise. SYKE’s research focuses on changes in the environment, and seeks ways to control these changes. Our expertise is based on long-term environmental monitoring, wide-ranging research results and highly-qualified staff. Research topics vary from global issues, such as climate change and biodiversity decline, to regional and local ones.


European Water Futures until 2015 – Results of the SCENES Project

drivers provided by the storylines and climate change scenarios.

The future of European waters will be influenced by a combination of many important environmental and socio-economic drivers as well as policy and technology responses affecting them. In the project Water Scenarios for Europe and Neighbouring States (SCENES) a set of both qualitative and quantitative scenarios were developed to describe freshwater futures up to year 2015.

The climate change will lead to a decrease in annual water availability in large parts of pan-Europe, especially in Southern Europe and Western Asia, but also to an increase in Northern Europe. The effect of driver changes on water use differs between scenarios and regions but overall the total water withdrawals are expected to increase in panEurope under EcF and FoE and decrease under PoR and SuE. As a result of the combined changes of water availability and water use, water stress will increase in many regions. The SCENES project was coordinated by the Finnish Environment Institute, and conducted by 28 research institutes in Europe.

Four narrative storylines, namely Economy First (EcF), Fortress Europe (FoE), Policy Rules (PoR) and Sustainability Eventually (SuE) were developed during the stakeholder workshops. They comprise a set of plausible futures which address both socio-economic and environmental drivers and consequences for water quantity and quality. The quantitative scenarios in turn are based on modeling results taking up information on


basis of water management in Finland. The Foundation has enabled flexible integration of public and private funding as well as water management activities taken by governmental, municipal and private bodies. New governance practices have boosted water management activities in the basin of Lake Vesijärvi dramatically.

Lake Vesijärvi Foundation, established in 2008 by the city of Lahti with its neighbouring municipalities Hollola and Asikkala, Society of Industrial Enterprises in Lahti, Esan kirjapaino Ltd and a company Kemppi Ltd, has become – in a very short time – a front line actor in renewing collaboration practices and funding


Me & Lake Vesijärvi

Finland is known for its almost 200 000 lakes. One of the greatest is Lake Vesijärvi, 100 km north of Helsinki. The lake which covers 100 km2 has a long history of pollution and partial recovery. As a result of active water management actions the water quality improved from bad to good during the 1980`s and 1990`s. However in the early 2000`s the status turned from good to satisfactory. Due to this unexpected turn the municipalities and private sector established Lake Vesijärvi foundation in 2008.

By sharing information and providing arenas for active consultation “Me and Lake Vesijärvi” project boosted the amount of water management activities in the area. Information was available through webpage, local newsletters, leaflets and posters targeted to the local people. Moreover, an exhibition and studia generalia lectures on Lake Vesijärvi, its history and present state were also very popular. Thousands of people took part in various events during the two years.

Lake Vesijärvi Foundation and the main municipal actor Lahti Region Environmental Service created a management plan in order to achieve goals set in the WFD and to maintain recreational value of the lake. The management plan differs greatly from other similar projects thanks to its active communication plan which was implemented throughout the project. The “Me and Lake Vesijärvi” project is a result of the communication plan.

It is also very important not to forget younger generations when influencing public environmental awareness. Thus “Me and Lake Vesijärvi” project prepared a varied range of material for primary schools. Thanks to the work done in the project, the future of lake management in the area looks secure and bright.


careers in research, and encourages to practical application of research results. The Academy funds research annually with 340 million euros (year 2011), which accounts for 16 per cent of government R&D spending. Each year Academy-funded projects account for some 3,000 researcher FTEs at universities and research institutes. www.aka.fi

The Academy of Finland is an umbrella organization of the four Finnish Research Councils. The Academy allocates funding to high-quality basic research based on the evaluation of submitted research proposal, supports international scientific cooperation and acts as an expert organ in issues related to science policy mission. The Academy facilitates researcher training and


Climate Change and Water Cycle – Effect to Water Resources and their Utilization in Finland

The research project investigates how climate change will affect water resources in Finland, and how the adaptation to climate change requires altering current water regulation practices. The planned work is relevant for different sectors of society including hydro-power production, land use planning and construction in flood-risk areas, as well as flood prevention. Essential factors contributing to the water cycle in boreal forests (taiga belt) include precipitation, snow fall, temperature, short and long wave radiation, radiation balance, surface albedo, lake ice conditions, wind conditions, soil frost, soil moisture and temporary flood storages. In order to estimate future changes in these factors and their impacts on the water cycle, a combined


climate-hydrological modeling approach is proposed: hydrological models are driven by data provided by climate model simulations. Projected changes in the water cycle will then be used to assess the environmental consequences in selected drainage basins of Finland, as well as the effects on water level regulation policies and practices. The project combines the climate modeling expertise with the hydrological research and societal impact assessment expertise. Primary investigators: Professor Jouni Pulliainen, Finnish Meteorological Institute FMI and Dr. Bertel Vehviläinen, Finnish Environment Institute SYKE. Project funded within Climate Change Research Programme FICCA for 2014–2014 by the Academy of Finland.

securing clean water and a healthy environment for future generations. Our mission is to introduce functioning dry toilets together with controlled management of toilet waste and to make people aware of the benefits of ecological sanitation. www.drytoilet.org

The Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland, founded 2002 in Tampere, Finland, aims to protect the world’s water resources and to promote the implementation of the natural nutritional cycle. Our vision is to make dry toilet an essential part of sustainable development, thus


Dry sanitation projects in Southern Africa

Dry sanitation improvement programme for Zambia (ZASP, 2006-2013), in cooperation with Kaloko Trust Zambia, is working on improving the state of sanitation for 10 000 people of Luansobe-Luankuni area in Masaiti District, Zambia. The project aims to gain impact and sustainability by implementing improved water sources and sanitation hygiene for all, increased composting and home gardening and increased livelihood and participation in the project area. The results include 36 urine diverting dry toilets at schools, clinics and other meeting points, 10 boreholes with hand pumps, established water committees and sanitation clubs and given trainings on hygiene and health for thousands of participants. Sustainable Sanitation Improvement Project for Madimba Peri-Urban Community Lusaka– Zambia (2008-2013), with the local partner Network for Environmental Concerns and Solutions (NECOS), is upgrading the environmental sanitation standards 11

and poverty alleviation in Madimba, a peri-urban settlement of Lusaka with 6 000 inhabitants. The project focus is to improve environmental sanitation, hygiene practice, waste management and poverty alleviation, in cooperation with governmental and educational sector (e.g. University of Zambia), eventually adding ecological sanitation to government’s official policy. So far 90 urine diversion dry toilets have been constructed at public places and households, training on backyard gardening, hygiene and recycling toilet nutrients. Msunduza Dry Sanitation Project (2007-2013) concentrates on improving the sanitation of the oldest and partially informal township of Msunduza, located in Mbabane, the capital of Swaziland, with the local partner Salvation Army in Swaziland and with Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland. The results include 31 toilets constructed and education given on environmental issues and sanitation.

Tekes is the main public funding organisation for R&D&I in Finland, funding industrial projects as well as public research projects. Tekes especially promotes cooperative, innovative and risk intensive projects,

and offers partners from abroad a gateway to the key technology players in Finland. Tekes Water Programme provides a budget of EUR 90 million for water sector development in 2008-2012. www.tekes.fi

Maa- ja vesitekniikan tuki ry (The Society of Soil and Water Technology), founded in 1949, is a private scholarly organization dedicated to promoting mainly water and

environmental related projects. The Society provides grants to individuals, groups and organizations.






quantity management that improves customers’ energy, water, and raw material efficiency. Kemira’s vision is to be a leading water chemistry company. www.kemira.com

Kemira is a global over two billion euro water chemistry company that is focused on serving customers in waterintensive industries. The company offers water quality and


Growing shortage of water challenge also in India

Kemira has built several pilot facilities. One of them serving the Indian region is located in Hyderabad.

Growing shortage of water increases the need to use unconventional water supplies such as seawater or waste water for industrial processes, irrigation and potable water. Desalination and water reuse can help balance the supply and demand. Reverse osmosis (RO) technology, commonly used in desalination, utilizes membranes which need to be maintained free of scales and deposits, cleaned and changed regularly.

A complete product portfolio for desalination as a goal

“We are developing products and testing them in the pilot facilities because each plant can have a unique setup,” says Sudip Sarkar, Managing Director of Kemira India. “We need to be sure of the compatibility of our chemicals in each case.”

Kemira solution

Keeping membrane surface clean from organic and inorganic fouling is a significant issue for plants using RO technology. With adequate pretreatment membranes can be kept clean for longer which reduces the downtime required for cleaning and enhances the lifetime of membranes. A well designed chemical pretreatment also helps to control the energy consumption which increases when membranes become less permeable. With the right chemistry, not only the membrane performance can be improved, but the entire process becomes more stable and cost-effective.

The Indian facility is highly configurable and can be modified to match each customer’s plant. The exact water source is simulated so Kemira can identify the optimum solution for every customer. “This pilot facility is a platform for Kemira to showcase its capabilities, giving us the means to show customers hard data,” remarks Sarkar. The desalination and water reuse project is part of the Center of Water Efficiency Excellence (SWEET) program. In 2010 Kemira and VTT* established ‘The Center of Water Efficiency Excellence’ (SWEET) to develop more sustainable and energy efficient solutions for water treatment and water-intensive industries.

Each desalination or water reuse plant can have a different set-up. Thus, for simulating the conditions at customers’ plants in different parts of the world

* Technical Research Center of Finland


Do you save or waste water? Calculate your water footprint! Water is vital to life, but the demand for better living standards is increasingly straining our limited supply of fresh water. To be able to save water, we need to know what consumes it. Did you know for example that producing a cup of coffee consumes nearly as much water as taking a bath? There are many tools available to help people as well as businesses manage their water use, keeping it sustainable and economical. The most important of these tools is the water footprint which is a method of determining total use, indicating how much water a person, company or an entire nation consumes. In addition to household water, the water footprint includes all the water that is needed, for example, to manufacture a product.

The more we appreciate clean water now, the more likely it will be available to us in the future. You can decrease your own water footprint by using watersaving measures while washing dishes or even while brushing your teeth. Reasonable consumption, recycling, and awareness of the consumption of hidden water make all the difference. By measuring your water footprint, you will receive information and useful tips to support your choices. Discover your water footprint! www.waterfootprintkemira.com

Please note that the water footprint calculator gives only a rough estimate of your personal water consumption. The reference used is the average water consumption in Finland. The average water consumption varies between countries.

By calculating your own water footprint, you can find out how much of the world’s water resources are consumed by your way of life. Even though there is still plenty of water in most of the Western countries, many of our daily products contain virtual or hidden water which may have been consumed in countries where water is scarce. For example, one cup of coffee contains up to 140 liters of virtual water used in the production.


related and industrial markets. Headquartered in Finland, Vaisala employs approximately 1400 professionals worldwide and is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki stock exchange. www.vaisala.com

Vaisala is a global leader in environmental and industrial measurement. Building on 75 years of experience, Vaisala contributes to a better quality of life by providing a comprehensive range of innovative observation and measurement products and services for chosen weather-


Pärnu River Forecasting Project

The Baltic Sea, to which also Pärnu River runs to, is the world’s most polluted sea. Vaisala has joined the effort to help to protect the ecosystem by delivering a hydrological forecasting system for the Pärnu river basin. Real time hydrological forecasting helps predict possible flooding situations by providing more specific information on the water level and flow. Vaisala released a pilot version of a coupled meteorological-hydrological forecasting system as part of a co-operation project with the Estonian Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (EMHI) in spring 2010. In addition to research purposes, EMHI will use the system as a fully operational hydrological forecasting system. The system uses real-time observations together with numerical weather prediction model data to forecast river discharge and water level. The hydrological

forecasts occur at 24 points along five primary tributaries in the Pärnu River basin as well as at five points along the main river channel. The Pärnu River basin was chosen as the pilot location because the area already has an extensive network of Vaisala supplied meteorological and hydrological observation sites in operational use, including weather radar at Surgavere. The possibility to include weather radar data into the modeling was of significant importance as it provides superior spatial and temporal resolution of rainfall as compared to rain gauges only. The Pärnu river forecasting system will utilize general weather observations and information from weather forecast models. Forecast runs are scheduled every 6 hours. Read more: http://en.bsag.fi/


and technologies. VTT’s vision is to create technological stepping stones towards a zero-emission society using our internationally recognised competence in: r Advanced membranes r Management of microbes and micropollutants in water treatment r Sludge and concentrates r ICT for the environment r From waste to resource r Organic waste refining r Industrial symbiosis www.vtt.fi

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is the biggest multitechnological applied research organisation in Northern Europe. VTT provides high-end technology solutions and innovation services. From its wide knowledge base, VTT can combine different technologies, create innovations and a substantial range of world-class technologies and applied research services thus improving its clients’ competitiveness and competence. Water scarcity and the sustainable use of materials are global challenges that require new innovative processes


Low-cost, rapid, miniaturised solutions fot water quality assessment

and chemical detection of certain impurities and pollutants from water.

Monitoring water quality is becoming more and more important because of depleting water resources, expected water price increases and pollution. Conventionally, water quality is measured by analysing samples in the laboratory. However, in many cases there is a need for rapid tests that can be used in the field. The goal of the WATERCHIP project is to develop innovative, low-cost, miniaturised, rapid and specific test concepts for water quality assessment by combining manufacturing technologies – printing and injection moulding together with micro-fluidics – with biological


The WATERCHIPproject is funded by Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation), research partners (VTT and the University of Helsinki) and industrial partners (MK Fluidics, Orion Diagnostica and FIWA – Finnish Water Utilities Association).

and pollution abatement, water resources and demand management, wastewater and solid waste management and in legislation, investment and financial analyses. During the past 10 years, Niras has implemented more than 50 assignments in the water sector in numerous countries worldwide. www.niras.fi

Niras provides technical assistance and project management for development programmes all over the world. The company’s core competence lies in integrated natural resource management and rural development. Niras offers consulting and advisory services also in various interdisciplinary water related sub-sectors such as urban and rural water supply, sanitation, water quality


Rural and Semi Urban Water Supply and Sanitation in Mali

The Rural Water Supply Project in Mali aims at supporting the Government of Mali’s objectives of reducing poverty and of getting equitable access to water and sanitation. The specific objective of the Project is to develop safe water supply in rural areas in communities of more than 2,000 inhabitants and to ensure sustainable and optimal management of water resources. The project has been designed to build capacity in local communities, at inter-communal and communal level, and to strengthen the capacity of the Regional Directorates of Water (Directions Régionales de l’Hydraulique) in planning, managing and providing support to the community to manage water resources. The Government of Mali has been facing challenges in the development of the water and sanitation sector, especially in the rural and semi-urban areas: in 2001 - 2006 the amount of population with access to water 18

rose only by 1 % per year. In both rural and semi urban areas, the demand for water and sanitation has been rising rapidly due to population growth, and changes in the climate. The Project provides technical assistance and support to the Regional Directorates of Water in the regions of Koulikoro, Mopti and Sikasso in planning activities, in the elaboration of work plans and budgets and in organizing, monitoring and updating the Communal Development Plans. The project also provides capacity building for Directorates of Water in tendering procedures, contracts and in monitoring the water supply systems, in promotion of the private sector as entity for operation and maintenance of water supply schemes, in planning and implementation of training programme and in management of the national database for water resource management.

processing plants. Since these installations are often in remote places or cover a large area, the data network needs to be flexible, easy to expand and above all reliable. With SATEL radio modems, setting up a local data transfer network is quick and cost effective, providing reliable data communications. www.satel.com

SATEL Oy, established in 1986, is a Finnish electronics and telecommunications company that specializes in the design, manufacturing and global marketing & sales of radio modems for wireless data communication and alarm transfer. SATEL radio modems are used widely for the remote control and monitoring of waterworks and sewage


Finnish town Nokia relies on SATEL’s knowledge

Nokia Waterworks is one of the SATEL’s hundreds of Finnish water utility customers. SATEL radio modems were first introduced at Nokia in the 1990s. In 2008, the system in use with its data communication network was decided to be upgrated. Connecting new equipment into the remote monitoring and control system will also be easy in future. With the aid of automation systems, operations at water intake plants, the central waterworks, the water mains and wastewater sewer networks, and wastewater pumping plants are monitored and controlled. Productivity at the waterworks is improving, because the maximum ratings of plants and equipment can be


reduced with a direct impact on operating costs. The soundest reasons for using SATEL radio modems are reliability and the capacity to operate a network oneself. Long distances, a rugged landscape and changeable weather conditions easily present challenges for data transfer. Inexpensive operating costs are also a clear advantage.

Nokia Waterworks’ operation engineer Matti Tamski says that the radio modem network setup was straightforward and modems are proven to be an excellent choice for network monitoring. When completed, the radio network will be more than 60 stations and it will cover the entire Nokia Waterworks area.





Panel Discussion: Baltic Sea Cooperation Brings Success Tuesday 13th March at 1 pm

Intensive international cooperation bears fruit in the Baltic Sea region. The Ministry of the Environment of Finland, St Petersburg Water Utility Vodokanal and international financing institutions have cooperated for more than 20 years to improve wastewater treatment in the City of St Petersburg, the largest population centre in the heavily polluted Baltic Sea area. The cornerstone of cooperation has been the long-term partnership between the water utilities of Helsinki and St Petersburg. Tens of enterprises, both Russian and international, have participated in joint projects, which have resulted in a remarkable decrease in the effluent load and in improved water services. The visible results may be seen in the improved state of the Sea in the easternmost part of the Gulf of Finland.

The persons below will take part in the panel discussion. Ms Katariina Poskiparta, State Secretary, Ministry of the Environment, Finland Ms Monika Stankiewicz, Executive Secretary, Baltic Marine Environment Commission HELCOM Mr Felix Karmazinov, Director General, SUE Vodokanal St Petersburg Mr Johan Ljungberg, Senior Director, Head of Environment Unit, Nordic Investment Bank Mr Tommi Fred, Vice Director, Water Services, HSY Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority

As part of the cooperation, implementing the recommendations of the Baltic Marine Environment Commission (HELCOM) is promoted. The St Petersburg water utility is expected to be fully in compliance with these recommendations by 2015. Because of its improved performance, St Petersburg Vodokanal has been named the best performing water utility in Russia.

Moderator: Ms Katri Mehtonen, Managing Director, Finnish Water Forum Come and take part in this open discussion and enjoy the refreshments after the panel!

Modalities of Water Resource Monitoring and Information Sharing in order to Optimize Benefits Generated in the Eastern Nile Tuesday 13th March at 5 pm

Welcome to listen and take part in the discussion on Water Resources Management in Blue Nile Basin and enjoy the refreshments after the discussion!

discussing recent events, the uses and management of the shared waters, modalities for water resource monitoring and information sharing, and the role of River Basin Organisations in the Region.

Recently, the Blue Nile Basin has been the centre of large changes and developments, both in political, institutional and infrastructure terms. These developments will have an effect on the water resources. The panel will be

Welcome to listen and take part in the discussion on Water Resources Management in Blue Nile Basin and enjoy the refreshments after the discussion! 21

Sustainable lake restoration at Lake Vesij채rvi

The UNECE Water convention: When regional goes global!

Wednesday 14th March at 1 pm

Wednesday 14th March at 5 pm

Welcome to take a look behind the curtain of declarations and resolutions.

A debate: Since its adoption 20 years ago, significant results have been achieved, and experience gained, within the UNECE region through the implementation of the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes.

We will proudly present a case about Lake Vesij채rvi which is located in Southern Finland. Experiences on water management and lake restoration gathered from Lake Vesij채rvi have been applied in several continents from South Africa to China.

Based on cooperation and fostering dialogue among Parties, with numerous projects helping partner countries, guiding the implementation through expertise and advice on strategic and technical issues, building capacity manyand assessing waters, while working on emerging issues such as adaptation to climate change.

In this session we will present a very beneficial solution on how to collate public and private financing, scientific and technical knowhow, world famous Finnish educational system and local sense of responsibility in the field of water management.

In the near future two important further steps in international water management will enter into force: the amendment of the UNECE Convention allowing countries outside the ECE region to join, and the UN Convention (The Convention on the Law of NonNavigational Uses of International Watercourses).The aim of the debate in this side event is to present ideas and explore potential synergies between these two Conventions, with a view to determining how these framework instruments might mutually support better management of transboundary waters throughout the world.

In this session we will present a very practical solution how to gather relevant parties together for common goals and to promote water management actions with the best tools available to them. Why would an international enterprise invest on lake restoration at a local level? Why would municipal decision makers prioritize water management issues instead of many other topics? How to get scientific community and local fishermen to find a common language? How to ensure the next generations will be more aware of the value of clean and bright waters than the elder ones have been?

The side-event is organized by the Finnish Environment Institute, UNECE and Dundee University.

These questions amongst many others have been answered in the case Lake Vesij채rvi during the forty years of lake management.

The following persons will take part in the panel discussion: Alistair Rieu-Clarke/Patricia Wouters (Dundee University), Sibylle Vermont/Francesca Bernardini (UNECE) and Natalia Alexeejeva (UNDP).

Come and enjoy the discussion and refreshments after it!

You are cordially invited to discuss and promote better management of transboundary waters and to enjoy the refreshments! 22

Community Managed Project Approach in Rural WaSH Development Thursday 15th March at 1 pm

The following persons will take part in the debate: CMP will be defended by Mr. Arto Suominen, Chief Technical Advisor and Mr. Yohannes, CMP Specialist from COWASH project in Ministry of Water and Energy of Ethiopia and on the opposite side of the table suspecting the applicability of CMP approach there will be two senior level rural water supply professionals Mr. John Butterworth, Senior Programme Officer from IRC and Mr. Elis Karsten, Senior Consultant from Ramboll Finland.

A debate: Is the CMP approach really producing sustainable water services? Come and enjoy the Ethiopian coffee ceremony! Community-led Accelerated WaSH in Ethiopia (COWASH) project’s Chief Technical Advisor Mr. Suominen will introduce the CMP approach and explain how the results of rural WaSH development have improved since the CMP approach implementation started. Implementation speed of water point construction has increased remarkably. In some areas the construction rate has increased by a factor of five (From 200 water points per year (1994-2003), increasing steadily to over 1000 per year in 2009.) Sustainability of CMP community water points has been a lot better than earlier. In accordance with one evaluation study the functionality rate was 94% (WSP, April 2010).

Finally the audience will be invited to enjoy the traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony. The discussion about the CMP approach continues while the delicious Ethiopian coffee is being served.

After the introduction, the CMP professionals Mr. Suominen and CMP Specialist Mr. Yohannes will be challenged in a serious debate. Experienced WaSH professionals doubting the positive results of the CMP approach will be presenting opposing arguments and relevant questions for the two CMP professionals. After half an hour debate the discussion forum will be opened to the public. The audience is given a chance to make questions or statements on the CMP approach.



Ministry of the Environment of Finland: Panel discussion: Baltic Sea Cooperation Brings Success


Niras: Modalities of Water Resource Monitoring and Information Sharing in order to Optimize Benefits Generated in the Eastern Nile


Pre Lunch Drinks for Media: Problem solving is in our nature


Lake Vesij채rvi: Sustainable lake restoration at Lake Vesij채rvi


SYKE: Panel discussion: The UNECE Water convention: When regional goes global!


Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland: Community Managed Project Approach in Rural WaSH Development

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