Green Solutions from Sweden vol. 3

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Take good care of the green potential CLIMATE CHANGE is a burning issue – even in advertising. Minimal en-

vironmental impact is a sales point in a world of climate stress, where many people choose to be green and where many eyes are watching for those who make exaggerated or misleading claims. They will be pilloried through embarrassing revelations about greenwashing and the loss of profitable goodwill.

SYRE IS an advertising agency with expertise on climate and environ-

mental issues that is unique in the industry. We use this to assure our customers’ messages, so that all communication is grounded in facts

and answers are available on the day that questions are asked. We call our product Green Screening – it is entirely focused on market com-

munication. It works towards a report about environmental status and recommendations about what each company can say and, not least, should avoid saying.


Stortorget 8, 831 31 Östersund | 063-57 50 70 |


THE PEAK REGION The Peak Region !"#$%&#'($%)#'*+,[ði pi:k ri: n] – a–European a European centre centre forfor research research andand business business developdevelopment within tourism, sport outdoors – covers the areas of Åre, Krokom and Österin tourism, sports andand the the outdoor industry – covers the areas of Åre, Krokom and sund in MidinSweden. It includes international research environments that focus on winter Östersund Mid Sweden. It includes international research environments that focus on sports tourism, some ofsome the world’s foremost brands brands in outdoor products, dedicated winterand sports and tourism, of the world’s foremost in outdoor products, sporting elite athletes and Olympic medallists, as well as having dedicatedinterests sportingwith interests with elite athletes andgold Olympic gold medallists, as wellpublic as bodies committed stakeholders. has hosted the Worldhosted Championships in Åre having as public bodies as committedItstakeholders. TheAlpine Peak region the 2007 Alpine in 2007Championships and the World Biathlon Championships inBiathlon Östersund in 2008. It is famous as a World in Åre and the 2008 World Championships in Östersund. multinational, playground for young, creative as a cooperative region It is famous as ainnovative multinational, innovative playground fortalent young,and creative talent and as a with the ambition beisa aiming world-leader sustainable growth. cooperative regionto that to be athrough world-leader through sustainable growth. GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 3

Developing and Creating Biorefineries together we are building the future The enormous resources found in the forest – the amazing, renewable raw material – give us an opportunity we aim to make the most of. The emerging biorefinery industry can help to create a sustainable society, both from an economic and

environmental standpoint. As we contribute to the transition towards a fossil free society, we also develop dynamic companies and industries that are able to compete on international markets. The Biorefinery of the Future gathers members from the commercial sector, academia and the community at large from the regions surrounding Örnsköldsvik and Umeå. Together we create new products and processes with the Swedish forest as raw material. -medlemsföretagen

The Challenge of Global Warming...

Everybody talks about saving the world. – FVB walks that talk. Managing tomorrow’s energy supply in an environmentally sustainable way is a global challenge. Efficient use of energy, clean low-carbon production and cost-effective distribution are some of the local challenges. FVB has decades of experience in sustainable and integrated energy solutions – combining engineering expertise with a sound understanding of profitability and the need to reduce our environmental footprint.

Cooling - Heating - Combined Heat and Power - Processes


Syre. Foto: Sandra Petterson/

!"#$%&'("' )("*'+,)$Jämtkraft is looking for long-term financial investors in the Swedish market. Jämtkraft is a vertically integrated regional power company. Almost 100 percent of the power it generates is from renewable sources. Jämtkraft’s plan is to double its production of renewable energy in the near future and is thus looking for new partners. Our existing renewable energy is based on hydropower, bioenergy and wind power and we will be making major investments in new wind power projects over the next few years.


• 8 sites • Annual output exceeding 2,000 GWh • Total investment: £1,300 million


• Provides local expertise • Will be responsible for project development • Will be responsible for the projects’ operation and maintenance • Will be a major shareholder

Please contact Jämtkraft for more information Melcher Falkenberg Manager, Wind Power Development Phone +46 63 14 90 25




TIME FOR SUSTAINABLE ACTION WORLD! Welcome to the third magazine about green products and technology from Sweden. We want to convey knowledge, information and inspiration about green, profitable and sustainable long-term solutions from Sweden and Scandinavia. It is now time to move from words to deeds. We only have one Earth to share, and the number of us that have to share it is growing rapidly. We all bear complete responsibility for what we do – and what we don’t do. We are moving from the old economy to a new, green economy. Sweden has genuine knowledge of and long experience with the subject; it is now our obligation to make an active contribution to disseminating this knowledge. We must also persuade the rest of the world to ride the train to the future. Read the article about the sustainable growth and investments in China, who is encouraging rest of the world to take action in CleanTech. China has set clear goals in their 5-year plan and we hope this will influence more countries. A new economy also requires new leadership - a leadership that is genuine, credible and sustainable. Read about the U.S Ambassador to Sweden Mr Matthew Barzun is involved in the co-operation for sustainable and profitable growth between U.S and Sweden and rest of the world. Work is now beginning on building a sustainable world. The biggest challenge is that of population growth, which is stunningly depicted in Thomas Friedman’s book “Hot, flat and crowded”. The clock is ticking and by 2020 another billion people will be living, eating, working and consuming on our shared globe. We cannot continue along the same path, as then things will never change. Population growth is without doubt the greatest challenge facing us. Rethink is the key! Eco-cycle design, the concept of eco-friendly construction that you can read about Sustainable and energy-efficient solutions for houses and building in Asia shows how we need to think and act in order to succeed in managing the provision of homes in the future. We are heading towards 10 billion people by 2050. Green Solutions from Sweden wants to convey feelings and experiences. We hope that you will put the magazine to good use and that you will encourage others to read it. You can find more suggestions for profitable green choices at Let’s assume our shared responsibility and leadership for a sustainable, green future. Let’s decide that the future will be bright.



CHINESE AWARENESS CREATES OPPORTUNITIES China has left growth at any price behind. There is now a great awareness of the environmental challenges posed by growth and development, according to Sweden’s ambassador in China, Mikael Lindström.


SWEDISH ECO-CITY IN CHINA In China, migration to the major conurbations is happening at great speed, and in many places such rapid urbanisation is accompanied by very significant environmental problems. But in the shadow of these many cramped cities, a green eco-city 25 miles to the south east of Beijing is currently being planned. The new city is modelled predominantly on Swedish urban developments.

Welcome to the new green economy! LARS LING

CEO & Founder CleanTech Region



SWEDEN AIMING FOR THE YELLOW JERSEY “We would love to wear the yellow jersey in the change over to a climate and environmentally friendlier manufacturing industry and economy. Swedish environmental technology has an enormous potential for export,” says Sweden’s Minister for Trade Ewa Björling.


WIND POWER FOR BILLIONS ENSURES ENERGY FOR PAPER MILL The Swedish forestry group SCA and the Norwegian energy company Statkraft are combining to build six wind farms in the Västernorrländ and Jämtländ forests, an investment of around 20 billion SEK (approximately 2.8 billion dollars), making it one of Sweden’s largest industrial ventures.




Green Solutions Round the World Tour, or around the world in four weeks. During a hectic world tour, Lars Ling has highlighted Clean Tech Region Solutions. “I managed to meet around 600 people,” he says.

Research at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall provides the paper industry with smart and durable solutions. And Åkroken Science Park allows ideas to be turned into new companies. “It’s mainly about the future of the region,” says Stefan Gradin, MD of Åkroken Science Park.

A much-awaited innovation has finally had its first showing – the unique, electrically-powered Elmacchina snowmobile. This green snow vehicle has been developed in the Cleantech Region and entails a revolutionary shift in snowmobile engineering. No spark plugs. No carburettor. No exhaust pipe.




By roasting biomass, the company BioEndev has managed to produce a new type of energy raw material – a powder, a kind of “green coal”, which has a high energy content and can be used both for heating/electricity generation and for future production of chemicals and fuels, as it can be refined into biosynthetic gas.

In their vibrant autumn colours, the Swedish mountains are almost unbearably beautiful. Everybody should have the opportunity to experience awe-inspiring wilderness, hearty laughter, excellent Jämtlandic cuisine, activity, tranquillity, and the urge to wander through the mountains around Vålådalen.


POWER IS IN NETWORKS There is no single solution to the world’s climate problems. “A number of different solutions are needed and some of them come from companies in Västernorrland and Jämtland.” So notes Matthew Barzun, US ambassador to Sweden, during his visit to the region.









THE MARKET FOR ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY IS GROWING IN ASIA The Dabancheng No. 2 Wind Farm in Xinjiang is one of the earliest wind power generating plants in China.

USD 5.6 billion divided between 557 deals. This is the total amount invested globally in environmental technologies in 2009 according to preliminary figures from the Cleantech Group which, together with accountancy firm Deloitte, carried out a global market survey. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON




espite the worldwide economic downturn, investments in environmental technology are as high for 2009 as they were in 2007. “Activity levels on the part of investors, governments and companies during 2009 have shown that the market for environmental technology continues to be strong, despite no binding global climate agreement having come out of Copenhagen,” says Nicholas Parker, Executive Chairman at the Cleantech Group, commenting on the survey. One reason is that while energetic attempts have been made to reach a climate agreement, governments worldwide have earmarked money for investment in environmental technology to support economic growth. INVESTMENTS FELL BY 33 percent in

2009 compared to 2008, but this is fully in line with the global economic downturn for the same period. Investments in environmental technology, however, fell less than for other sectors. While total venture capital dropped to 2003 levels, venture capital in environmental technology only dropped to 2007 levels. The market for environmentally friendly energy technology is enormous in Asia and China increased its share of the global investment in environmental technology last year. “The increase in Asia was particularly obvious in the markets for mergers, acquisitions and new share releases,” says Dallas Kachan, Managing Director of the San Francisco-based Cleantech Group. Together with China’s aggressive investment in environmental technologies, it is obvious that 2009 was the year in which Asia made a significant breakthrough in the environmental technology market. Solar energy attracted most investment during 2009 with 21 percent of all investments, closely followed by transport and energy efficiency. Last year, China grew to become the world’s largest producer of solar cells, and the year before that, China became biggest in wind turbines.

“We are lucky to be at the heart of what we believe will become one of the most exciting venture capital markets in the next few years – China,” says Gavin Ni, founder, CEO and President of Zero2IPO. If you look at the short-term, China will be the first to grow out of the global downturn. At the same time, China’s total energy consumption is rapidly increasing. Total energy consumption in China is on the way to being greater than that of the USA. Coal power stations are still used as the main source of power and ensure that supply meets demand. Around twothirds of all electricity produced comes from coal power, but there is a desire to increase the share of renewable energy from the current figure of 4 percent. China is hoping to double its electricity production from solar power, wind and biomass so that this accounts for a total of 8 percent by 2020. LAST YEAR, construction was begun

on China’s first 10 GW wind farm in the Gansu province. This is one of several planned wind farms of at least 10 GW. The farm in Gansu, which is estimated to cost the equivalent of around USD 17.5 billion is aiming for closer to 13 GW by 2015, which is around the total wind power that China had installed at the turn of the year. Several similarly largescale projects are being planned, or are under construction in northern China, as well as one along the coast in Zhejiang. In total, these wind farms will have an installed capacity of 120 GW once they are completed. The 2007 goal for solar energy was to achieve an installed capacity of 1.8 GW by 2020.

Around 1.1 million Chinese work in the environmental technology sector and the number of employees is growing by 100,000 people a year, according to the statistics from the Chinese (national) trade association Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association. SEVERAL COMPANIES in the West

have already reacted to the rapid growth in the Chinese market by building large, state-of-the-art factories in China. One example is the Danish company Vestas, which has chosen to build one of the largest factories in the world for the manufacture of wind turbines in north-east China and has transferred the technology to be able to build the latest electronic control system and generators. All to be near the market. “You have to move quickly with the market,” Jens Tommerup, Chairman of Vestas China has said. No-one has ever seen such a rapid development in the wind power market. Interest in environmental technology has also increased in India. Manik Karn, Project Manager at the Swedish Trade Council in New Delhi, points out four areas of particular interest to Swedish companies. Water purification, air purification, energy and energy efficiency. “Large power stations are being built where the focus is on renewable energy to a greater extent,” says Manik Karn in one of the Swedish Trade Council’s newsletters. ! Jens Tommerup, Chairman of Vestas China.


Over the Chinese threshold OFFICE OF THE HIGH REPRESENTATIVE FOR SINO-SWEDISH ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY COOPERATION The purpose of our work is to increase exports of Swedish environmental technology and technology for sustainable urban development to China. The aim is to originate projects that are realised and lead to business for Swedish companies. We will open doors to public and private customers and use companies’ existing networks to develop new business for more companies.




For more information, please contact:

Mats Denninger High Representative Sino-Swedish Environmental Technology Cooperation

Monique Wannding

Tina Karlberg

Sino-Swedish Environmental Technology Cooperation

Sino-Swedish Environmental Technology Cooperation

Mobile: 070-219 00 71 mats.denninger@ 10 | GREEN SOLUTIONS

Mobile: 070-693 52 24 FROM monique.wannding@ SWEDEN

Mobile: 076-775 02 90 kristina.karlberg@

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Mikael Lindström as ambassador: 2006– Ambassador in China, Beijing 2002–06 Ambassador in Japan, Tokyo 1994–98 Ambassador in Indonesia, Jakarta.

CHINESE AWARENESS CREATES OPPORTUNITIES China has left growth at any price behind. There is now a great awareness of the environmental challenges posed by growth and development, according to Sweden’s ambassador in China, Mikael Lindström. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON


ith an average of 10 percent annual growth over the last 30 years, China is now the world’s third biggest economy, behind the US and Japan, and the second-biggest energy consumer, after the US. Most of China’s power production still comes from coal, which is a contributing factor in China’s status as the world’s biggest producer of greenhouse gases, just ahead of the US. China also has 16 of the world’s 20 most polluted cities and half of all its waste dumps do not comply with Chinese legis-


lation for ground pollution. This is all according to the China Greentech Report 2009. The environmental problems that accompany growth and development are thus considered to be one of China’s greatest challenges. This is also something that is visible in the twelfth five-year plan that starts in 2011, in which the environment has a major role. In the upcoming five-year plan, they are counting on increased energy efficiency, reduced environmental impact and the development of production processes for renewable energy being emphasised and given plenty of space.

Investment will grow hugely here in China, by about 250% if you look at the advance information contained in the next five-year plan.

“China is extremely aware of the environmental problems it is facing and I think that there is a clear willingness to do something from the political leadership,” says Mikael Lindström, Sweden’s ambassador to China. One indication of this is that environmental issues now have their own ministry. Another is that investments are expected to increase enormously over the next few years. “Investment will grow hugely here in China, by about 250% if you look at the advance information contained in the next five-year plan,” says Mikael Lindström. IN THE ELEVENTH five-year plan that is now

in its final year, environmental investments have been at around SEK 13,000 billion. In the twelfth five-year plan, starting in 2011, environmental investments are estimated to reach SEK 31,000 billion. The China Greentech Initiative assesses that the Chinese market for green technology could amount to 15 percent of its total GNP in 2013, i.e. between US$ 500 and 1000 billion annually. Mikael Lindström believes that there is a great range of technology that is of interest to China. This could be infrastructure projects like railways

and high-speed trains, but also entire transport systems. Renewable energy, electric vehicles, sustainable green construction, waste management, and air and water purification. “There is also a market for product safety, in chemicals for example,” says the ambassador. ACCORDING TO MIKAEL Lindström, there

are enormous opportunities for exports to China, but there is increasing competition from Chinese players. “China is a very large market for environmental technology, but it can be a little difficult to enter because it’s not really possible to behave as you do at home in Sweden,” he says. In many ways, China is just as market-based as anywhere else but, according to Lindström, many investments in environmental technology are made in the public sector which means that the business processes are different from those that Swedish companies may be used to. “The work that we do at the embassy can be of great help to companies that want to enter the Chinese market. Through our contacts we are able to provide a secure entry to a market that is truly unlimited,” states Mikael Lindström. !

SUPPORT FROM THE EMBASSY The Swedish Embassy and ambassador Mikael Lindström have also contributed to Axon Miljöteknik’s successful exports to Chongqing, as well as those of other small Swedish businesses. Staff from the embassy visited Chongqing and contacted Per Axelson at Axon Miljöteknik. The visit took place in association with another Swedish environmental company, PURAC, signing a major contract with Chongqing for composting food waste. The embassy requested that a number of Swedish environmental companies could par-

ticipate in the visit. Axon, which had booked dates and transport for final negotiations the following week, joined the delegation. The party secretary in Chongqing Bo Xilai, China’s former minister for trade, met ambassador Mikael Lindström, Tony Clark from Centec, Axon Miljöteknik and Purac. Bo Xilai said that they were very pleased with the Swedish presence in the city. The week after the visit, it was time for Axon Miljöteknik to sit at the negotiating table with a municipal company, Chongqing Solid Waste Management

Service, and a private green technology company called NEAT. Negotiations exceeded all expectations and an agreement worth SEK 6 million was signed on the very first day. Axon Miljöteknik was to supply filter equipment, including detection and documentation, installed in a container. NEAT will manage operations and Solid Waste Management Center and CEPB will monitor the entire project.




One small Swedish green technology business that has managed to enter the Chinese market is Axon Miljöteknik. It develops and manufacturers filter systems for cleaning water from oil and some heavy metals. It has now delivered its first plant. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON


he Swedish company Axon Miljöteknik AB is, like most green technology companies in Sweden, a small business with five employees. Small businesses have small chances of establishing themselves on the export market without taking very great risks. This is why Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, has started a project called Demomiljö, to provide support for small businesses when they launch green technology, products and services. The journey began in February 2008 for Axon Miljöteknik AB, when it was one of nine companies selected for Demomiljö. “We were given the opportunity to carry out a preliminary study in China, with support from Sida. The trip was to Beijing and Chongqing, with visits to different institutions in both cities,” says Pär Axelsson, managing director of Axon Miljöteknik. 14 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

Interest in Axon Miljöteknik’s filter systems and electronic detection and documentation system was assessed as being greatest in Chongqing, which is the world’s biggest city, with around 32 million inhabitants. It is located in southwest China and is a seat of Chinese heavy industry and mining. Representatives from Axon met representatives from the Chongqing Environment Protection Bureau, among others. The CEPB responded well to Axon’s filter systems. “IT TURNED OUT THAT filters with

activated carbon are pretty much the only ones now in use in China. These carbon filters are expensive to run and the purification rate is not the best, at least not in China,” says Pär Axelsson. “The purification rate was around 50-60 percent, compared to at least 99.3 percent for our environmental filters.” Because there was great interest from the CEPB, there were continued discus-

sions about how to move forward. Both parties agreed to apply for the second stage of Demomiljö, which is called a demonstration project. The application was submitted in February 2009 and granted that May. The first plant, worth SEK 6 million, has now been installed at the steelworks in Chongqing and transferred to Solid Waste Management Center for further operations. AXON MILJÖTEKNIK plans to open

an office in Chongqing in the spring of 2010, for continued investment in China. “I recommend that businesses that are thinking about becoming established in China thoroughly review and plan their investments in advance. There will be problems, probably in places where you initially never thought they would occur. On the other hand, you may not have problems in places where you expected them, as in our case.” !


Blood bags made of dehp-plasticised pvc are used in healthcare throughout the world. dehp1 is classified as a reproductive2 toxin and is forbidden in toys.3 The latest directive4 regarding medical devices emphasizes the importance of labelling devices containing dehp and evaluating the risks of using dehp in devices for sensitive groups. Nevertheless, there is no pvc alternative for red blood cells on the market. A project within Swedish healthcare has therefore the objective to stimulate the development of a non-pvc alternative to existing blood bags for red blood cells. We want an alternative that is not harmful to health and the environment according to our requirement specification which includes fulfilling existing requirements for performance and safety. Delivering an alternative that fulfils our requirements would mean less patient exposure to potentially hazardous substances, avoiding production of 2000 tonnes of dehp per year globally, less environmental damage from chemicals and a better working environment for both manufacturers and hospital employees. WELCOME TO JOIN US!

If you are a manufacturer/supplier: Do not miss this unique possibility! If you are a member of a health care organisations and purchasers of medical devices, support the initiative to develop and diffuse pvc-free alternatives by signing our petition. The petition is authored and organised by Jegrelius Institute for Applied

1. di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 2. May impair fertility and may cause harm to unborn child 3. eu directive 2005/84/ec 4. eu directive 2007/47/ec



Green Chemistry on behalf of a purchasers group consisting of most of Swedish county councils and Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm. The petition is available at www. On our webpage you may also read more about the project behind this initiative. Project Manager Lena Stigh +46 70 699 27 30




In order to dramatically increase the visibility of Swedish environmental expertise and clean technology in China, the government has established an environmental technology centre at the Swedish Embassy in Beijing. It is called Centec, Center of Environmental Technology. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON




entec primarily works in areas in which Sweden and Swedish companies have special expertise and experience, and where China is looking for products and techniques. This could be solutions for sustainable urban development, climate-neutral technology, cleaning industrial emissions, energy efficiency, renewable energy, sewerage, water provision, air measurement, waste management, chemicals management, urban transports and consultancy services. “We want to highlight Swedish expertise and technical solutions,” states counsellor Tony Clark, who is head of Centec. One of Centec’s tasks is to help with organising delegations in both directions, as well as holding seminars on relevant themes, taking part in exhibitions, identifying suitable demonstration projects and helping to tailor financial packages. “Commissioning expertise is another area is which we can provide help,” says Tony Clark.

CENTEC Centec works to promote Swedish environmental technology in China, primarily in energy, green technology and sustainable city building. Work takes place in close cooperation with authorities, city management and business in Sweden and China. Centec is financed by the Swedish public body, Sida, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.

CHINA IS IN acute need of modern, smart and

efficient technology. In many cases, western technology needs to be adapted to local conditions. “Concrete demonstration projects have enabled us to introduce Swedish companies and products in China,” he says. There are now more than 6500 Swedish green technology companies. Of these, around one-third are active on the export market, but there could be more. Most Swedish green technology companies are small businesses than need support in order to succeed in entering major international export markets. “The need for green technology in China is enormous and wide ranging. Just as one example, more than 1 million people move to Chinese cities every month. This creates enormous challenges in construction, power, infrastructure, waste, etc,” says Tony Clark. Tony Clark believes that there is competition between the Chinese cities, which can contribute to increasing export opportunities. “I think that there is a great lack of a life cycle perspective on environmental problems, and that many Swedish companies would be able to make use of this.”

CENTEC IS PART OF a larger investment by

the Swedish state, in which Sida (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency), the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the Swedish Trade Council and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs are also involved. Its basis is to examine demand and then match it with what Swedish environmental technology has to offer. Caofeidian International Eco City is one of the cooperative environmental technology projects between Sweden and China in which Centec is involved. Sweco, Purac and Skandinavisk Termoekonomi are Swedish businesses that are already active in the project and more are on the way. “We can often vouch for the Swedish companies that cooperate with us, which is an advantage if you are to succeed in getting a first, second or third project and doing business in China,” explains Tony Clark. !



SWEDISH ECO-CITY In China, migration to the major conurbations is happening at great speed, and in many places such rapid urbanisation is accompanied by very significant environmental problems. But in the shadow of these many cramped cities, a green eco-city 25 miles to the south east of Beijing is currently being planned. The new city is modelled predominantly on Swedish urban developments. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON


n China around 40 percent of the population live in cities, and each year this number grows by 15 to 20 million. To deal with this massive urbanisation without the environmental problems that it can entail, new cities with an eco-friendly profile are now being built throughout China. Caofeidian is one of these new emerging cities, and two of the developments it is modelled on are Hammarbysjöstad in Stockholm and Bo01 in Malmö. Both of these are clear examples of how sustainable urban development can be successfully implemented. THE SWEDISH CONSULTANCY company

Sweco has been engaged to carry out an analysis and produce a strategy for a sustainable plan for the city’s first phase, involving around 30 square kilometres. In the long run, there is talk of expanding it further to create an eco-city covering an area of almost 150 square kilometres. 18 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

The project manager for the strategic plan has been Ulf Ranhagen, Professor at Sweden’s Royal Institute of Technology and senior architect at Sweco. “An important objective in any plan is to come up with integrated solutions for energy and environment that reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and, therefore, global warming. Rapid urbanisation presents those of us involved in social

IN CHINA CAOFEIDIAN Caofeidian is located 80 km from central Tangshan, and 220 km to the south-east of Beijing. Area: 30 km2 in phase 1, 150 km2 in phase 2. Population: In phase 1 approximately 400 000; when fully developed 1-1.3 million. Completion: Phase 1 - 2020; phase 2 over the longer term The first sub-phase of approximately 12 km2 includes housing, places of work, a university, and cultural and recreational facilities, etc., and is estimated to be due for completion between 2012 and 2015.


planning with major challenges. But large cities also have the potential for us to be able to deal with a large number of problems. Cities provide a good base for creating smart solutions for energy, water and waste, and for integrating the planning of built areas and transport systems. For Caofeidian, an eco-city built from scratch, high targets have been set in terms of ecological, economic and social sustainability. For one thing,

Within the Caofeidian area, there are also plans for an exhibition building, a Sustainability Centre, for sustainable development, which is to market Swedish environmental technology. The exhibition and information building covers 20,000 square metres and is to contain information on the expansion of the city. The building is to be climate-neutral and self-sufficient using renewable energy, and is to make use of advanced Swedish solutions in the field of environmental technology. Adjacent to the Sustainability Centre an eco-park is being laid out, where Caofeidian’s special eco-systems will be accessible to the public. The park is divided into various wetland zones that are surrounded by walkways, bridges and platforms, making it possible to study the ecology at close quarters and thus increase people’s understanding of these sensitive shoreline biotopes.



Caofedian is designed to be climate-neutral with almost 95 percent - and in future possibly 100 percent - renewable energy. “The new eco-city must be carbon dioxide neutral and the aim is not just to minimise energy consumption, but also that parts of the city should generate a surplus of energy. To achieve an attractive and sustainable city we have used a holistic approach,” explains Jonas Jernberg, the Sweco architect in charge. CAOFEIDIAN IS IN the Tangshan region in the

eastern part of China. Where there were once fishponds, salt production plants, oil pumps and sea floor, a whole community is now emerging, with 20 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

housing, squares and streets, on land composed of sand taken from the Pacific Ocean seabed. The city is designed to be socially alive and multi-functional, flexible, resource and cost-effective, accessible, healthy, and, not least of all, beautiful. Due for completion in 2020, the first phase of the plan covers 30 square kilometres to house 400,000 inhabitants. Sweco has also produced a detailed plan for 12 square kilometres with housing, places of work, schools and a university, as well as sport and recreation facilities. “Developed in accordance with the conditions of the site, the Caofeidian city plan involves a dense street network that makes communication and interaction easier. Everybody should be in

To strengthen cooperation, a special committee has been formed, the Sino-Swedish Caofeidian Eco-City Executive Committee, which is to ensure the Swedish presence in the project is maintained. Purac and Skandinavisk Termoekonomi are two companies already actively involved in the project, and there are many others about to join them.


close proximity to public transport and the city should make it easy to get around on foot or by bike,” says Ulf Ranhagen, who advocates developing a number of urban nodes – largely free of cars – for the city’s key functions. CAOFEIDIAN IS TO use a highly advanced

circulation system, where just about everything in the city is recycled. This circulation system coordinates the resource flows of water, waste and energy, so that, for example, sewage treatment plant sludge and organic waste will be converted into biogas, and domestic wastewater, once treated, will be used for farm irrigation. This efficient circulation system will be a key element in the design of the eco-city. !

t the end of 2009, Skandinavisk Termoekonomi became the first foreign company to set up a joint venture with Caofeidian. The joint venture is called Tengmao (Tangshan Caofeidian) Energy-saving Technology Utilization Ltd and it is now working on a master plan for energy solutions in the eco-city. The work is being undertaken in close cooperation with the Caofeidian Eco-City Committee. The aim of the work is to integrate various energy sources, such as solar energy, wind power, energy from waste and sewage sludge, and to obtain better energy utilisation via green buildings and energy-related infrastructure. Skandinavisk Termoekonomi is a Swedish environmental technology company that has been active in China for around 5 years, mainly in various phases of district heating and cooling systems. The company has been trading for 30 years, and has around 15 employees. It focuses on technical and economic studies, project designs, procurement contracts and installation of large-scale energy systems. So far the company’s biggest project in China has been Xinghai Bay in Dalian. This is the location of China’s first large-scale project involving a centralised system of heat pumps and district cooling. The first phase of the installation was brought into service in 2007. The company is now involved in a second extension phase, due for completion in a year’s time. The project covers the energy supply for a 2 km2 area containing commercial buildings. Caofeidian has been created using the SymbioCity concept, a holistic concept for sustainable development of cities and communities whose basic ideas were evolved by Professor Ranhagen. The concept has provided the basis for creating a number of climatesmart communities that Sweco has been involved in, such as Tianjin Hangu in Donguo in China and Toronto Waterfront in Canada, as well as in the run-up to planning the South Docklands eco-district in Ireland. !



SWEDISH BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IN WUXI The city of Wuxi, around 150 km west of Shanghai, is a traditional stronghold of Swedish companies. Sweden has now begun a unique partnership with Wuxi to build an eco-city in part of a new urban area, Taihu New City, which is as big as Stockholm, both in terms of size and population. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON


uxi is in the Jiangsu Province of eastern China. Swedish companies like Volvo, Atlas Copco and SKF are already leading foreign investors in Wuxi’s trade and industry. Representatives for both Wuxi and Swedish players have formed a working group with the task of identifying partnership projects between Wuxi and Sweden, and highlighting Swedish cleantech that is suitable for introduction in the new eco-city. “Our aim is to help Swedish cleantech companies to do business with the new eco-city area, including Wuxi,” says Tina Karlberg, who works with companies and markets in the office for the government’s cleantech partnership with China. THE CITY OF WUXI has expressed

great interest in Swedish products in the new area of the city, especially when it comes to energy efficiency, waste and water issues, where it is considered particularly important to find solutions. “Wuxi is enthusiastic and serious about this, and has financial clout. From the government offices and the general consulate’s side, there is preparedness to support and introduce the companies that are interested in creating contacts with this expansive and interesting city,” says Tina Karlberg. The part of the city about which Sweden and Wuxi are cooperating covers 2.4 sq. km., which is comparable to Ham22 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

marby Sjöstad in Stockholm or Västra Hamnen in Malmö. After an international procurement, Tengbom Arkitekter were awarded the task of developing a general plan for the 2.4 sq. m. in the central part of the city. It is also called the Wuxi Sino-Swedish Eco-City LEADERS IN WUXI have visited Swe-

den a number of times over the last year. “We have also given Swedish companies the opportunity to present themselves to the Chinese leaders. This summer, the Wuxi project will be presented at a conference in the Swedish pavilion at the World Expo in Shanghai.

In association with this, a group of Swedish companies will be travelling to Wuxi to meet representatives from the city and to offer services and products,” says Tina Karlberg. In partnership with ÅF, Tengbom Arkitekter has developed a sustainability programme for the eco-city, including the development criteria and environmental indicators. The start of construction for some of the infrastructure is planned for the summer of 2010. “Wuxi still wants to come into contact with more interesting cleantech companies from Sweden,” says Tina Karlberg. !

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as well as in the future. This message was presented and discussed during the conference to create a shared understanding of today’s situation and to form a vision of the future in Kenya. To make this change, abate and resolve these issues green solutions must be used by all means in procedures, technologies, methods and practices that strive towards the goal of sustainable living. Participants of the conference were asked “What are green solutions to you?” and the answers were varied.

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The Environmental lens facilitates interesting discussions between the participants during the workshop. The discussion comprised how climate change influences gender equality and on the connections between environmental issues and democracy. The participants also discussed what strategies that are used to work with the causes of environmental problems. - The tool shows to be both useful and much appreciated, Andreas Ulfsax ends. He will facilitate six more workshops in Cambodia, Sweden, Bolivia, Zambia, Jordan and Bangladesh during 2011. The project do also promote cooperation between actors and partners from the private sector, the civil society and the public sector, with the aim to find ways to improve programs and projects through the integration of environmental issues.



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vitation process was clear, the main invitees were mayors, council chairpersons, town clerks, clerks to council, treasurers and environmental officers. Currently in Kenya, there are very few women who occupy these positions. According to the new constitution under article 175, “Principles of Devolved Government”, no more than two thirds of the representative bodies in each country government can be of the same gender. The new constitution increases the possibilities for women to enter politics, and Joyce believes that many women will be encouraged to run for county positions, whereas in the past, they faced many challenges and were often ridiculed and mocked by both men and other women. This law makes it easier and more accepted to express an interest in political life. It is important to bring women into these positions so that the democratic organs in fact represent society as a whole. Women voices are especially important, as they often live closely with their families and can bring attention to important insights and perspectives concerning family life. It will take some time for Kenyan society to adapt to these new political requirements. However, a small number of women are already in parliament so this concept is not entirely new. Progress will depend on the way the agenda is shaped by opinion leaders and media. Also when women get into the county govern-

ments, they will at first have to prove their value and show competence. Then they will be taken seriously. As for the risk of puppet candidates, meaning that someone else is behind the agenda, Joyce says that it would be a betrayal by women to fellow women to be manipulated holding important positions. It is of great significance to be totally committed to one’s cause. The political arena in Kenya will improve when women are fully represented. If development-orientated women enter into office, development and change can truly take place. Women are good at taking the time to listen to details of an issue. Society will be closer to what we want it to be and statistically corruption will go down with more women there are on higher positions. Old practices can be reapplied and creative thinking which has been practiced in households by women in the past is, again, of importance in sustainable living and in a more equal society. For this reason it is essential to include women in the decision-making processes. Joyce remembers an anecdote from when she was young, when her mother gathered all the kids for sand stove cakebaking, since they didn’t have a proper stove. In conclusion, there is nothing sustainable of keeping women out of politics and decisions as they are often the central being of families and households and have other ideas about what development is and what solutions to issues entails.

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due this epidemic. It has been shown that with increased education, the rate of HIV infections can be reduced. Equally, with reduced level of education, the number increases. One can hence draw the conclusion can that education is needed to prevent more people from getting infected. The issue of HIV/AIDS is of vital importance in relation to

Kenya’s capacity building. Today, the Municipal Council of Machakos is working to prevent HIV/ AIDS by means of education. It wants to help not only the ones carrying the disease, but also their families. Benson Muasa says that with more money and a facility they could do a lot. Preferably headquarters with complementary small facilities in the different wards would make a change.





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practical relevance where discussed. For this reason, Maina Daniel was given the opportunity to write a paper in the conference report, in which he could elaborate on this critical issue where so many players seems to make a lot of mistakes and establish partnerships that do not contribute to the well being of the planet and its inhabitants. At the end of his presentation he spoke about six key areas to consider when scaling up partner-

ships; statutory and political environment, public sector’s organized structure, detailed business plan (contract), guaranteed revenue stream, stakeholder support and pick your partner carefully. He concluded by saying: “If we can achieve and demonstrate these six key areas, scaling up of partnerships and investments in development projects that are sustainable is guaranteed”. With such a message, who could resist reading his paper?

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residents, and Africa is urbanizing at a high rate. Intensified, longer droughts have been observed over wider areas since the 1970s, particularly in the tropics and subtropics, sustainable water solutions are in great need and every economy simply must build sustainable urban areas to ensure human wellbeing today and tomorrow. The future city is not yet built – the window of opportunity is here now. The solution lies in turning negative events into positive results, triggering political action, creating tougher legislation, and spurring cooperation between local, regional and national authorities and private industry, and ultimately, involving ordinary citizens. Thus, companies, municipalities and gov-



ernments can begin to turn sustainable ideas into reality, finding new ways to treat water, insulate buildings and develop automatic energy saving systems and alternative fuels. A new insight is that these innovations also turn out to be really profitable. Why heat water with electricity when you can just put a winding black tube on your roof to heat water? Why not use anaerobic digestion of sludge into biogas and pure methane? Collected and treated sewage and wastewater can be made into clean water. Further treatment of residual sludge can be used as bio-fertilizer on rural farms. There are countless good examples of sustainable innovations, and the results are profitable for the economy and environment as well as it improves well-being for all.


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-'5,-)+!-&'*$ #p,#)-#'%#$$ q$>'&;.#78#$ &(')!-0Y-" -%$5)":)+ /)*!, from the Society for Participatory Research Institute in Asia (PRIA) based in New Dehli, India contributed to the conference on green solutions and sustainable development with a paper and a presentation on local strategies and participatory approaches for sustainability.

More specifically, Priyanka Dale presented insights and experiences of PRIA and partners in strengthening local democratic institutions for sustainable development of the community. Her paper describes examples of using participatory methodolo-

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gies in order to enable conditions for sustainable development at local level, and ends with a discussion on selected challenges and key issues related to participatory development. At this conference, the voice from PRIA is important. Since the early 80’s, PRIA has been committed to strengthening peoples’ voices in decisions that affect their lives, and how to improve governmental responsiveness. This is a rights-based approach to development, and based on considerable experience and investigations.


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presented The National Association of Swedish Eco-Municipalities, Sekom. Twenty municipalities joined to create the organization in 1995, and in 2011 the number of participating municipalities had increased to encompass 80 out of all 290 municipalities in Sweden, i.e. an entire 28%. The guiding principle of Sekom is to encourage development towards a more sustainable society with a sound environment while at the same time en-

suring a high quality of life. The local authority must adopt a strategic plan and program for achieving local sustainability that is in line with the four systems conditions outlined in the Natural Step Framework. The main purpose of Sekom is to provide a forum and a meeting place where politicians and municipal employees can exchange information and learn from each other’s successes and failures. The information exchange occurs through the Sekom website, through courses and the annual conference. A main focus for exchange of experience is the corporation, through its

activities, to support member municipalities in the process of translating sustainability criteria into practice. Another important direction is to increase the number of members who are involved in international projects. An example of this is “The Covenant of Mayors” – a European movement involving local and regional authorities, voluntarily committing to increase energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources on their territories. The National Association of Swedish Eco-Municipalities encourages its members to sign this covenant in order to encourage develop-

ment towards a more sustainable society.

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EcoCycleDesign encompasses concepts such as cost efficiency, sustainability, energy savings, recyclable materials, high quality, good indoor environment and health. Karin talked about efficient green solutions that can be used to save, collect and reuse all sorts of water, i.e. collect rain and storm water, use shower water to plants and not use drinking water for toi-

lets and she also demonstrated a waterless toilet. She had great interest about how to cool down a house by building a double roof to enable cross ventilation. The objective is to minimize the negative impact on nature by closing all the loops and the result is no waste! The inspiration to EcoCycleDesign comes from nature where all loops are closed and there is no waste!

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With Solvatten, households can save money, time, avoid diseases and live more comfortably. Less firewood is 34 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

needed for cooking so the households can save both money and time, and cooking the food is faster. With clean water there will be fewer illnesses in the family, which is most important for children under the age of five as they are most sensitive to unsafe water. Furthermore, it gives some luxury to the household as they can wash up in warm water. Companies and individuals make donations to Solvatten AB. The donations


make the distribution of Solvatten possible. Local non-governmental organizations with the capacity to distribute, and sell, are then chosen to carry out the distribution. Solvatten AB gives the innovation to them for free on two conditions. The first is that they don’t just give the device away for free and the second is that the buyer receives proper instructions on how to use it. These demands are made because they increase the probability that the devise will actually be used.



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sustainability, the next generation is easily forgotten. However, we need to involve young people from the beginning, and teach them how live sustainably in balance with nature, rather than destroy. In Machakos, Kenya there are two young individuals who have taken on a mission to pass good thoughts, practices and knowledge on. Sustainable living has different meanings for everyone, but for Miriam Munee John and Richmond Ntenge Mutua it means living in a clean and healthy environment. Practical ideas for sustainable development in Machakos municipality are many; minimizing consumption, reusing and recycling waste plastics, planting tree seedlings in water catchment areas, organizing and participating in awareness campaigns to conserve the environment, raising money to plant fruit and grain seedlings for malnutrition purposes are just a few examples

of possible actions. With the help of Miriam and Richmond, The Green Solutions conference will change peoples’ minds on sustainable development. People will start to realize what sustainable development really means. The transfer of technology and green solutions will give people hands-on information and methods of how to solve issues with unsustainable living and development. It is a great opportunity to find partnerships with other organizations or companies in Sweden or locally. Further, Miriam and Richmond will be able to get better response in order to motivate youth to work and get involved in sustainable development, and to involve them in environmental conservation awareness campaigns or programs. The work that is being done by Richmond and Miriam so far in the Mazingira youth group is a great example of how to make change happen from within.

Mazingira Youth Group is a non-profit environmental organization in Kenya and they are working with rural poor communities in Machakos to alleviate poverty and building capacities to deal with the root cause of poverty. They focus on environmental management activities such as raising funds for planting trees, collecting garbage and starting up recycling programs. The aim is to empower the group by giving them sufficient knowledge and skills. They are in a process of seeking support from the Municipality, the Government and non-governmental organizations in order to increase capacity and effectively implement different projects. The philosophy behind the project is to improve young individuals’ ability to develop and manage resources, with emphasis on managing natural resources. This will enable them to be self-reliant and self-sustained, which is an important component to sustainable development.

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GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 39 Swentec, the Swedish Environmental Technology Council, is commissioned by the government to develop an effective national structure to increase the growth of Swedish cleantech.


SUCCESS THROUGH CLEANTECH The popular “Success through CleanTech” conference collected a mixture of participants from near and far – entrepreneurs, big business, politicians, researchers, public servants, innovators, engineers, media representatives, architects, etc. The conference gained extra weight through the participation of Sweden’s Minister for Trade, Ewa Björling, and USA’s ambassador to Sweden, Matthew Barzun. BY PER TROSTEMO



am overwhelmed and amazingly pleased with the conference. In spite of all the new social media, nothing can replace real face to face meetings, they are even more important for establishing the credibility of what you do. My vision and my dream is to start more workshops in environmental technology, that more businesspeople and decision-makers will conclude deals. To succeed with this, we Swedes will get tough and take responsibility for having the skills, the products and the expertise. This conference shows that we are on the right track,” says Lars Ling, project manager for Cleantech Region. Lars Ling is convinced that environmental issues, and thus investments in green technology, are vital for the planet and its population.


“Humanity has experienced the agrarian society, industrial society and the information society. The next step means that we must find ways to create a sustainable society with balanced growth. Sweden may be a small country, but we have a lot to offer ahead of this paradigm shift.” The conference in Åre was the second on the concept of “Success through CleanTech” and Lars Ling is full of inspiration. “The next Success through CleanTech will have a youthful touch. As I see it, green technology will be integrated in all education in the future, and the business opportunities are enormous. !

EWA ON THE ÅRE CONFERENCE ‘Success through CleanTech’ was an extremely good conference with a high number of focused companies leading the way. We need to see even more of this in order to be even better at exporting.” “The Cleantech Region is a fantastic region. Despite having being affected by a number of large closures, including within the military, there is currently a vibrant energy here which is producing a mass of innovative products, not least within environmental technology. You are struck by everything that has happened here, you really see the result. There are also fantastic resources here, for example in eco-tourism. I love Norrland!”

COMMENTS ABOUT THE ÅRE CONFERENCE Anna Longueville, Officer in environmentally-friendly procurement. Association of Local Authorities in Västernorrland There was a great mix of people at the conference, you got to hear so many different aspects of environmental issues and technology. For me, working with environmentally-friendly procurement, it was very valuable to be part of this. I gained an understanding of others and was also able to show how we work with the procurement of green technology in the public sector. Olof Andersson, Ma4 Nordic AB I work for a newlystarted company with young employees and the conference felt like an excellent gateway, a good way of networking. It was fascinating to hear about people working with green technology in the region. The conference was perfect for seeing and learning and making contacts. Lars Bäckvall, Norra Kajen Exploatering AB I actually got a great deal out of the conference. There were many gifted and inspiring participants. Our region, and Norrland as a whole, now needs to develop even more good reference facilities where we can demonstrate clean technology, and this is where I think the state and public authorities should be more active.



SWEDEN AIMING FOR THE YELLOW JERSEY “We would love to wear the yellow jersey in the change over to a climate and environmentally friendlier manufacturing industry and economy. Swedish environmental technology has an enormous potential for export,” says Sweden’s Minister for Trade Ewa Björling. BY PER TROSTEMO PHOTO MICHAEL ENGMAN


wedish environmental technology is experiencing an upswing which not even the global financial crisis has been able to halt. Business contacts and development partnerships have been forming rapidly in a large number of countries. The Swedish government sees environmental technology as perhaps the strongest engine for future growth in Swedish business. The potential for export is very high. Something that was strongly emphasised by Sweden’s Minister for Trade, Ewa Björling, at the “Success through CleanTech” conference in Åre. “Environmental technology has an enormous export market. During the last five-year period exports have doubled. Climate conversion is one of the government’s highest priorities and I am convinced that the climate threat can be turned into an even greater opportunity for Swedish environmental technology. Through intensive initiatives to support Swedish environmental technology, we are showing that Sweden can and will take the yellow jersey in conversion.”

the Middle East are of particular interest to us just now as we have long running cooperation agreements there.” In this context, Ewa names the specific efforts in China, a country experiencing phenomenal economic development, but which unfortunately often happens at the expense of the environment. “We have signed agreements with China in the area of energy and environmental technology and sustainable municipal planning, and the government has employed a special coordinator to drive cooperation forwards. We have also established a special environmental technology centre, CENTEC at the embassy in Beijing which has the task of finding projects and supporting Swedish companies in the environmental technology sector. Not least in China I believe strongly in the Swedish concept of SymbioCity, where Swedish companies contribute to creating sustainable towns through technical solutions. We are going to be involved in building an eco-town near Tangshan, which will become a model for municipal planning in the whole of China.


THE SYMBIOCITY concept is a net-

Ewa Björling has met with a high interest in Swedish expertise and Swedish technology. “Environmental technology accounts for the most important individual products and services in demand when I meet foreign representatives, and this applies to both the industrial and developing countries that I visit. China, Brazil, Africa and 42 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

work consisting of over 700 Swedish companies which have combined knowledge on the whole system of sustainable town planning and municipal planning. Swedish environmental technology companies are also highly involved in the building of the world’s first carbon-dioxide-free town, Masdar City in Abu Dhabi. In the rich flora of the Swedish

environmental commitment, we can also mention Brazil, a country where exploitation of the rich natural resources has often come into conflict with environmental considerations. “Sweden and Brazil have entered into an environmental cooperation which will open many new business opportunities. We can, among other things, contribute expertise and technology in forestry, ethanol production and sustainable town planning.” Ewa Björling stresses the value of the Swedish model of working on system solutions within environmental technology. “WE ARE GOOD at coming up with

system solutions to complex environmental problems where different knowledge and skills need to be coordinated. Sweden’s strength lies in a total vision which means that the whole package of services can be offered, for example, environmental policy, control measures, training and consultancy. And we have the combined technology for sustainable circulation for water and waste, material recycling, renewable energy, construction and housing as well as transport. “Another advantage of offering system solutions is that our small and medium sized environmental technology companies, and there are a lot of them, can also be involved in large export initiatives. Sweden has a strong tradition of innovation among small companies and they play an important role in our position as a nation at the forefront of technical development.” !




Green Solutions Round the World Tour, or around the world in four weeks. During a hectic world tour, Lars Ling has highlighted Clean Tech Region Solutions. “I managed to meet around 600 people,” he says. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON


lean Tech Region Solutions is entrepreneur Lars Ling’s company, which uses a unique concept to market and support cleantech businesses in Västernorrland and Jämtland, as well as Sweden, on export markets. The concept includes conferences, workshops and the magazine that you are reading right now.


The Clean Tech Region’s Green Solutions Round the World Tour started on 26 January and lasted for 28 days. Lars Ling visited 11 cities in four different parts of the world. “I had booked meetings with key people at Swedish embassies and Export Council offices, which had in turn invited important local contacts. In total, I met around 600 people,” says Lars Ling.

He believes that there has been a great deal of interest in Clean Tech Region Solutions. “The aim of the trip was simple. To establish contacts and open doors for green technology businesses,” he says. And it was successful – the round trip has resulted in a number of definite partnerships that may be important to the business’s potential exports. “I am on the way to creating partnerships with parties in Singapore, Australia, Japan, the US and China, among other places.” Clean Tech Region Solutions has already led to concrete deals. “For example, I have linked one company, Ab-

solicon, that works with solar energy, with parties in Brazil,” says Lars Ling. There is enormous potential for exporting Swedish products and services in the field of cleantech. The market is estimated at EUR 3100 billion by 2020, according to a report presented by Minister for Enterprise and Energy, Maud Olofsson, during Sweden’s EU presidency. It is estimated that there are 150 companies working in the field of cleantech in Västernorrland and Jämtland. Around 20 of them have so far shown an interest in the Clean Tech Region Solutions concept. “I think that the number will grow, and not only within this region.” ! GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 45

Matthew Barzun, US ambassador.



POWER IS IN NETWORKS There is no single solution to the world’s climate problems. “A number of different solutions are needed and some of them come from companies in Västernorrland and Jämtland.” So notes Matthew Barzun, US ambassador to Sweden, during his visit to the region. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON



atthew Barzun has a great belief in networks and with his good experiences from his involvement in the media company CNET and in Barack Obama’s presidential campaign he is now supporting Swedish environmental technology. “I think it’s fascinating the way that networks can spread good ideas and good examples extremely quickly,” says Matthew Barzun. After CNET and the presidential election campaign, he now wants to increase awareness of Swedish environmental technology and facilitate collaboration between Swedish companies and American business. “You need to tell good stories that are both interesting and that spread an inspirational message. This can be done in many ways, but I believe strongly in making it easy for people to accept new ideas by using the new technology and being where people are, such as Facebook and Twitter,” he says. VÄSTERNORRLAND AND Jämtland

were the two regions in Sweden that Matthew Barzun visited for several days, in order to network and look at interesting environmental technology. “The Cleantech Region is a good example of the power of a network, and

my predecessor Michael Woods recommended that I visit these regions since many companies are at the forefront when it comes to technical solutions for using the forests as a resource, new energy solutions and environmentally friendly construction,” explains Matthew Barzun. THE AMBASSADOR’S WORK on

promoting Swedish environmental technology companies to investors on the American market will be continued by Matthew Barzun, but he sees the work a little differently from his predecessor. “The One Big Thing will be given a new name. There is no big single solution; but instead I think it’s about several small ideas that need to be nurtured and given the opportunity to grow together. Strong solutions will grow out of this,” he says.

Matthew Barzun cannot see anything to prevent Swedish companies entering the American market. “BARACK OBAMA HAS launched

an incentive package amounting to SEK 560 billion which is largely directed at environmental technology. From what I managed to see in Sundsvall and Örnsköldsvik for example, there are several specific projects that would be suitable for the American market,” says Matthew Barzun. Alternative energy is a technology area which will continue to be focused on in the future. “What is more, water also seems to be an important technology area” the ambassador notes. !

THE AMBASSADOR’S VISIT Matthew Barzun visited Västernorrland and Jämtland on 21 and 22 January. The visit was concentrated around the resources in the counties for bio energy and research linked to the manufacturing industry. Matthew Barzun was able to take a closer look at Domsjö Fabriker in Örnsköldsvik where he visited the Biorefinery of the Future, Domsjö Biorefinery, BioEndev and the SEKAB Group. Local entrepre-

neurs were invited to introduce themselves during lunch. Then it was on to Sundsvall, for a round table meeting with the forestry company SCA, and a lecture in front of an almost full auditorium at Mid Sweden University. Matthew Barzun also participated as a key note speaker at the Success through CleanTech conference and exhibition in Åre.



THE COOPERATION CONTINUES The USA and Sweden have initiated a new cooperation in the field of energy and environmental technology. “Together we are to find tools to deal with climate change and global environmental problems,” says Sweden’s Minister for Enterprise and Energy, Maud Olofsson. The cooperation is called Swedish American Green Alliance, SAGA. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON



he challenges in the fields of the environment, climate and energy are enormous and need to be tackled on a broad front. But the challenges can be turned into opportunities for new technology, new services and new businesses. “We want SAGA to be a broad and open cooperation where different types of actors from Sweden, the United States and elsewhere can meet to develop the solutions of the future to energy and environmental problems,” says Maud Olofsson. THIS NEW PARTNERSHIP is a continuation and extension

of the agreement on Swedish-American cooperation within the field of renewable energy, sometimes called “One Big Thing”, signed in June 2007. The cooperation will be broadly based and involve many different actors in Sweden and the USA, including the Swedish Energy Agency and the American Department of Energy. Among other aims, the partnership is directed at promoting sustainable urban development, with greater in-depth environmental cooperation between cities in Sweden and the USA. Other areas highlighted are, for example, electric cars, waste to energy recovery, water purification technology, sustainable forestry and sustainability criteria for biofuels. The cooperation is also directed at further research and development collaboration between Sweden and the USA. THE US AMBASSADOR Matthew Barzun agrees with Maud

Olofsson. “To meet our urgent climate challenge we must spread ideas faster, and the best vehicle ever devised for this is still story telling. We want to develop and share success stories around sustainability – and do so as quickly as possible – in order to carry our common SAGA forward,” says Matthew Barzun. ! 48 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

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Give up Bad Construction for Good! Ecology & Economy in One




MADE IN SWEDEN The Nordic and Baltic regions, Spain, Japan and now Hong Kong: Air Star’s ventilation system is being used by more and more people around the world. This is a concrete result of Air Star’s long-term work focusing on export markets, with activities that have been carried out in partnership with CleanTech Region which, via its partners, creates business opportunities in international markets. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON


ir Star produces and sells ventilation units to improve the indoor climate and reduce energy costs. The ventilation units are based on tried and tested technology that has been developed using new innovations. Supply and exhaust air alternate every 30 seconds; the heat in the exhaust air is recycled in a heat exchanger and then reused in the supply air. The units also have an additional heating function, which means they don’t only provide ventilation, but also heat. Heat recycling has an 85% energy efficiency, on average. They also have dust and particle filters that clean the air. The basic principle is that a ventilation unit takes care of a room’s ventilation and heating; each unit has a capacity of around 20-35 sq. m. of living space, depending on the model.

“It’s a ventilation system with additional heating, and can be placed based on the house’s ventilation and heating requirements,” says Peter Björs, Air Star’s managing director. Each ventilation unit uses 30 watts when working at maximum capacity and, when electric heating is added, this brings it to a maximum of 430 watts at full power. AIR STAR IS A Swedish company and

all production and development is carried out in Sweden. The ventilation system is used in houses, flats, offices, public buildings and builders’ barracks. “It is entirely Made In Sweden,” says Peter Björs. “Quality and reliability are very important to us.” After a major construction company, Skanska, started purchasing the ventilation system in 2009, Air Star’s ventilation

EXHAUST AIR Air Star works like a lung, meaning that the supply fan and exhaust fan run alternately. When the exhaust fan is running, a valve closes the air inlet and exposes the air exhaust.

units have roused great international interest. Deliveries to other Nordic countries and in the Baltic region have been followed by Humisec Castellon in Spain, Jbeck in Japan and now Advance Faith Development in Hong Kong choosing to purchase the units for testing and evaluation. “Our sales have continually increased and we are taking new steps into more markets,” says Peter. CleanTech Region, which helps Swedish green tech companies into export markets, has been an important door opener for Air Star’s export business. “Our most important target is for Swedish cleantech companies to do more, and more sizable deals,” says Lars Ling, managing director of CleanTech Region. “We can also help companies to find capital and key competences.” !

SUPPLY AIR The radiator automatically turns on as needed, in order to maintain the required temperature. The ventilation unit alternates using 30-second cycles, which means that there is a complete balance between supply air and exhaust air.

THE VENTILATION UNIT. During the air supply phase, outside air is pumped in and then blown into the room. This air is heated by the heat exchanger, as well as by a radiator if necessary. The exhaust air fan starts when the supply air stops. The exhaust air goes through the air exchanger, recovering 85% of the heat from the exhaust air. The radiator is turned off at this point.




Greatly improved treatment of surface water and wastewater is necessary to ensure global water supplies in the future. “There is massive potential here for Swedish companies in environmental technology and municipalities,” says Göran Nordin, MD of Järven AB, a company that is successful in a number of fields, including water treatment. BY PER TROSTEMO



he issue of water is the greatest challenge that faces the world. We have to find solutions to how we are going to manage in the long term to supply a growing population with water.” Those are the words of Göran Nordin at Järven AB, a Swedish company with cutting edge expertise in the field of water treatment. The Järven product range includes float walls and booms that make treatment of wastewater and surface water considerably more effective than it used to be. IN HIGH-DENSITY urban areas, sur-

face water is often a major problem. Oil, soot, copper fragments from domestic roofs, particles from tyres, etc., are washed away with the rainwater into the run-off pipes that drain into nearby lakes and water courses. Lack of available ground generally means that excavating lagoons is not a viable alternative. Using Järven’s float walls, a section of a lake can be hived off and used to collect the surface water instead of allowing the pollutants to become dispersed over the whole lake. The sludge that then forms as sediment at the bottom of the “enclosed” area can be easily suction dredged and dealt with. The rest of the lake will remain unaffected by the discharges. The float wall system also means that the natural vegetation in the water has a greater purifying effect. “In the EU there is a new water directive that is considerably increasing the pressure on member states to deal properly with the surface water issue, and our system means that pollution of the environment can be significantly reduced. Wherever there is a need to separate bodies

of water from one another, our float wall system works well,” says Göran Nordin. Whereas surface water is generally a problem in urban environments, wastewater is mainly an environmental problem in rural areas and on industrial sites. “In China alone 28 billion cubic metres of contaminated wastewater are discharged every year into rivers and lakes. This is a very big problem in all developing countries. According to Göran Nordin, it is the municipalities of the Cleantech Region in central Sweden, no less, that possess a degree of expertise that may prove extremely valuable in this connection. They are well ahead when it comes to wastewater and sewage treatment. “There is invaluable knowledge to be had here. Many of our municipalities have many years’ experience in constructing tertiary lagoons for wastewater and they have unique experience in operating the installations. A concept involving their knowledge and our hardware and control systems is something that I very much believe in.” SO FAR, HOWEVER, the Swedish

municipalities have not commercialised their expertise to any significant degree, but Göran Nordin still has high hopes of a breakthrough for Swedish wastewater treatment, a field where Luleå Technical University also enjoys a high international profile. According to Göran, lack of expertise is what has been behind the failure to expand wastewater treatment in the developing countries. But the resources are there for the installation works that are required.

“We are talking here, in fact, of cheap and incredibly cost-effective solutions. The cost of the excavation works that are needed is not that great, and with our technology the wastewater lagoons don’t need to be that big in surface area either.” “It feels really good to be able to work on natural environment solutions for water supplies, given that the latter has been and continues to be a source of conflict throughout the world. AMONG OTHER REGIONS, Järven

AB has a presence in India, and it is on the threshold of being involved in a major cooperation project in China. It’s quite amazing if you bear in mind that this is a relatively small Swedish company. But with technical expertise, a strong desire for innovation and a strong commitment to people and the environment, you can go a long way.” !

JÄRVEN AB Järven AB is based in Örnsköldsvik and is represented throughout world. The company was set up in 1976 by research specialist Inga Nordin under the name of Järvens Plast&Smide. Järven AB now has 4 business areas, all linked to the environment: • Järven Ecotech designs and implements complete installations for the treatment and collection of surface water, leach water and wastewater. The technology is based on Järven’s float wall system. • Järven Health Care is one of Scandinavia’s largest manufacturers of mattresses for the health care sector. • Järven Akustik covers the entire field of noise control, with expertise and a history going back more than 40 years. • Järven SEDAB has developed world-leading mobile decontamination systems for decontamination of people and materials that have been exposed to hazardous biological and chemical substances.



WE ARE YOU. Everything we do is aimed at reducing environmental impact and the waste of resources. Our unique services help to optimise resources and this in turn leads to more efficient production. Together we can make things greener.

YOU ARE WE. Cleantech is the name we’ve

given to solutions and products that are conducive to a sustainable society and a better environment. At ssg, we work on the industrial aspects of a number of projects and ideas that lie at the cutting edge of development.




GROUNDBREAKING GREEN INITIATIVE IN SPORT Green technology is not just about technical innovation; new creative ideas and solutions in the service sector can also benefit the environment. One example is allowing sports clubs to become involved in recycling. Idrottskassan AB has come up with a fantastic idea in which everyone is a winner – sport, households, society and the environment. BY PER TROSTEMO



nstead of one hundred houseowners driving to the recycling station in their cars, everything can be collected in one go,” says Krister Edling, one of the main owners of the newly started Idrottskassan AB. Along with a couple of other parents who were involved in sports, Thorbjörn Rinzén and Krister Edling hatched the idea of allowing sports associations to manage collections of recyclable material. They contacted Peak Innovation, which tasked them with making a preliminary study and contributed business contacts and skills in development financing. The reactions to the preliminary study were positive and Krister Edling, along with Thorbjörn Rinzén and Örjan Rhodin, took on the job of making the idea reality. AS PART OF a pilot project called Vinn

& Återvinn, collections take place in cooperation with four large sports associations in the region, which is expected to provide them with a good return. For SEK 149 per month, house-owners in Östersund can have their newspapers, glass, tins, etc., collected at the door. Idrottskassan organises everything and provides trailers, sorting bags, etc. “An association that recruits and recycles for 500 houses can earn almost

300 000 kronor per year, with a limited amount of work,” says Krister Edling. The sports movement is waxing lyrical about the groundbreaking project. State funding for Swedish sports associations has been reduced and they must therefore find new ways to make money. “This is an excellent idea, an initiative that I really believe in,” says the sports movement’s representative in the region, former regional chairman Göran Jonsson. Municipal environmental officers are equally positive about the project, which

is expected to increase the cleanliness grade of sorted recyclables. “We see our idea as a good complement to other ways of raising money,” says Krister Edling. “Our system means that the sports movement does something sensible from which everyone benefits – sport, society, households and the environment.” Behind the idea for Vinn & Återvinn are Idrottskassan Partners AB, along with Peak Innovation, Östersunds kommun Renhållningen, Reaxcer, Lundstams and Jämtland/Härjedalens Idrottsförbund.” ! GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 55






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Calejo help international companies to better strategic decisions on investments and the future. GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 57



The Swedish forestry group SCA and the Norwegian energy company Statkraft are combining to build six wind farms in the Västernorrländ and Jämtländ forests, an investment of around 20 billion SEK (approximately 2.8 billion dollars), making it one of Sweden’s largest industrial ventures. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON


ll together there are six wind farms, involving a total of around 450 wind power plants, which are all located in a forest setting where there is little human settlement. The farms will produce a quantity of electricity greater than that generated by the sum total of wind power currently available in Sweden - approximately 2.4 terawatt hours per year. SCA’s entire needs are currently of the order of 3.6 terawatt hours, which means that a large proportion of its electricity needs are met by the wind farms. One of the main objectives of the farms is to ensure the

long-term supply of competitively priced electricity to Ortviken’s paper mill in Sundsvall, which is situated in the same region as the wind farms. The paper mill has recently invested 800 million SEK in increasing production of mechanical pulp for newsprint manufacture and making it more energy-efficient. THE WIND POWER initiative is being imple-

mented by SCA and Statkraft as a joint venture, Statkraft SCA Vind AB. Today, consumption of electricity in Sweden is outstripping generation. This means that on a




The Ögonfägnanden Wind Farm, view from Västvattnet.

cold January day Sweden cannot generate all the electricity it needs, but has to import it. On top of this, energy prices are expected to increase over the long term. “We need more electricity to be generated if we are to ensure Swedish industry remains competitive, and, of course, any new generation should not have an adverse impact on the climate,” says Åke Westberg, who represents SCA in the wind power project management team. SCA, which is one of Sweden’s most electricity-intensive industrial companies, is making the investment in wind power to secure its electricity

THIS IS HOW THE ENERGY IS TRANSMITTED FROM THE WIND FARMS The national grid is the backbone of the Swedish power network and covers just about all of Sweden. In the grid, very high power demands are transmitted at high voltages: either 220 or 400 kV. The national grid links generation plants, the grid coverage within Sweden, and the grid between Sweden and its neighbours. The national grid is owned by the state and administered by Svenska Kraftnät. Within the farms, the wind power plants will be linked by electric cables buried in the ground. The proximity of major power lines and substations is an advantage for Statkraft SCA Vind when it comes to setting up the wind farms. It will make hook-up easier and limit power transmission losses, as the electricity generated in the wind farms does not have to be transported over too long a distance before being fed into either the regional or the national grid.


supply, and, as a result, its long-term competitive edge. For SCA it was natural that the energy initiative should involve energy sources that do not impact on the climate. It cooperation partner, Statkraft, which has a majority 60 percent stake in the joint venture, is Europe’s second largest supplier of renewable energy and has extensive experience in wind power. Becoming a major player in Sweden is a way of further developing eco-friendly electricity generation. THE MAJOR PART of the wind power initiative

is being implemented on SCA’s own land. The six wind farms cover between 300 and 3000 hectares with around 10 to 240 wind power plants in each farm. “With two and a half million hectares of forest in northern Sweden, there is great potential for SCA to continue developing wind power,” says Åke Westberg. Evaluations and specific wind measurements indicate that the chosen areas have the right conditions for wind power. The wind conditions are good and major power lines are in the vicinity, which will make hook-up easier and limit power transmission losses. In addition to the wind power initiatives, investments are also being made in roads, the power line network, and service buildings and personnel. !

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OrganoClick AB Adding value to your material

Award winning solution In 2008, OrganoClick was awarded for its unique and “green” technology with the prestigious Swedish environmental innovation price “Miljöinnovation”. The same year the company was recognized as the most promising start up company by winning the prize “Innovation and Technology Award”. In 2010 the company was also appointed as a Climate Solver by the World Wildlife Foundation – WWF and in 2011 OrganoClick was also appointed as one of Sweden’s 20 most promising companies by the Swedish Institute.

Customer designed development projects We are constantly searching for new application areas where our technology may be used. Therefore we also offer development projects in which our technology is customized and used in the development of specific applications according to our customers demand.

The OrganoClick®-technology OrganoClick® bases its business on its proprietary technology platform for modification of cellulose-based materials. By using environmentally friendly natural compounds as catalysts, functional groups are attached to cellulose fibers. The functional groups can give the material functions such as enhanced mechanical properties, hydrophobicity and other specialized properties. Business areas and products OrganoClick works within the business areas textiles, wooden products, and paper and packaging. Products currently on the market include: Dg\VcdIZm " lViZg gZh^hiVci dg\Vc^X iZmi^aZh Dg\VcdLddY " egdiZXi^c\ lddY [gdb [^gZ VcY [jc\Va YZXVn 7^dVYY^k^iZ i]Vi \^kZh lddY dg eVeZg hjeZg"]nYgde]dW^X properties and dimensional stability

OrganoClick AB Ritarslingan 20, SE-187 66 Stockholm Tel: +46 8 674 00 80 E-mail: 62 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

Environmental Technology – waste

OrganoClick AB develops and supplies a range of unique, environmentally friendly renewable materials and bioadditives used to modify fiber based materials. With our proprietary OrganoClick®-technology for modification of biofibers, a multitude of value added properties can be given to the to the materials, such as water resistance, increased strength, and resistance to fire and fungal attacks. Products currently on the market include OrganoTex™ - a technology for rendering organic textiles water repellent, OrganoWood™ - modification of wood which improve the resistance to fungal attacks and fire, and a bioadditive that gives the treated material (wood or paper) super-hydrophobic properties and dimensional stability.


A NEW PACKAGING CONCEPT Cubis, a new packaging concept designed for the grab-and-go generation with a one hand action for opening and closing. Cubis is the world’s first stackable plastic beverage container with a flip-top cap, that reduces CO2 emissions and maximizes the retailers’ shelf value. The new 25cl Cubis container is square, stackable and sports a convenient flip-top cap. Its unique shape makes it kind to the environment, as transports are more efficient than with conventional plastic bottles. It also simplifies handling and maximizes the retailers’ shelf value. It is designed as an evolutionary step for the grab-and-go segment. “We are confident that the Cubis container has the ability to propel a beverage from obscurity to pole position, thanks to its patented features”, says CEO Erik Nilsson.


“In today’s proliferated market, the ability to tie a brand name with a unique package is a very rare trait”, he continues. Cubis is based on an innovative and patented solution on how to make a user-friendly plastic bottle with a square shape. The containers achieve volume efficiency performance equal to or better than carton packaging while offering the user appeal, quality and handling of plastic bottles. In addition to the first 25cl container, other sizes will be provided as required by the market. The Cubis container was highly commended in the Best Packaging Innovation category in the Beverage Innovation Awards 2008, and shortlisted for ”Best alternative packaging innovation”.

ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY WOODEN CARD Cards are increasingly taking over in contemporary society. We pay by card, we open doors with cards, we start cars with cards and so on... The global market for cards is growing by around 13 percent annually. But there is a problem. A big problem. 95 percent of all cards are made from oil-based PVC plastic. One small company, “Sustainable Cards” in Hede in the Cleantech Region, has the key to a solution. The company makes cards entirely from wood, out of one or more superfine veneers. “We are motivated by the urge to reduce the millions of tonnes of PVC that is sent to landfills every year,” says Peo Åkesson, founder and managing director of Sustainable Cards.

The challenge lies in manufacturing a wooden card that performs in the same way as a plastic one. Sustainable Cards is well on the way to being able to produce environmentally friendly cards for pretty much all types of application. The entire manufacturing chain is environmentally friendly; local production, green hydropower, birch from certified forestry, etc. “It’s green all the way,” says Peo Åkesson.

The little village of Trångsviken in the Cleantech Region is well on the way to becoming a strong centre for financial resources for cleantech companies and green business. “We are building a meeting place for the region’s venture capital. The aim is to be able to offer companies financial solutions regardless of their stage of growth,” says Pelle Åsling, Swedish MP, businessman and local enthusiast. Five companies with a financial base of almost half a billion kronor are focusing on supporting businesses, entrepreneurs and innovators during startups and growth through a broad and competent network, as well as through cooperation with the EU structural funds. The companies are: • Mittkapital i Jämtland och Västernorrland AB is wholly owned by the Sixth AP Fund and will invest on a strictly commercial basis in small and mediumsized growth companies. • Ekonord Invest AB invests in small and medium-sized companies in green industries, which include soil, forestry, gardening, tourism, renewable energy, environmental technology, food and health. • Tillväxtkassan AB. A partnership with the Sixth AP Fund in the form of a venture capital firm. • Soft Financing AB focuses on businesses, associations, research and public bodies that wish to develop their operations or business idea. Soft Financing AB helps with finding different types of financing. • Trångsviksbolaget AB is in the borderland between traditional private venture capital and public investment funds, building a bridge between the two.



The wind power plant, which is placed on its end, can be used for much more than producing electricity, as it can be used without a generator or any access to electricity. The energy tower can be made to pump water, for instance.


VERTICAL WIND POWER GETS ENERGY MOVING FASTER Energytower AB has produced a silent vertical wind power plant, which, due to its high efficiency and weight, is suitable for small-scale energy production, but will also work in stronger winds than those suitable for traditional wind power structures. In addition, the energy tower can be located on a domestic roof and in environments where there is no electricity at all - to pump water, for instance. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON


nergytower is a Swedish company that has produced a new technical platform for wind power. They have set themselves three objectives in developing their energy tower: They should offer energy production at a low overall cost. The solution should be flexible in terms both of location and function. In addition, the solution should be intrinsically environmentally friendly. The solution they came up with is safer and, indeed, far more effective than traditional wind power plants, as well as being designed to make servicing easier. This is because all the technical components are in the base of the tower, which means that servicing and maintenance can be carried out with the installation still in operation. IN TERMS OF production, the idea is

that the tower should be between 2.5 and 90 metres in height, but towers as high as 200 metres are possible too. “The energy tower can be located near built-up areas since it does not generate noise or moving shadows that are a source of stress to people and animals. Another benefit is that energy production is initiated at wind speeds of as little as 2.7 metres per second, whereas a conventional wind power plant needs three to four metres per second,” explains its inventor, Eric Stiig.

Inventor Eric Stiig has developed a vertical wind power plant with a high efficiency rating. Energy production is initiated at wind speeds of as little as 2.7 metres per second.

In simple terms, the technical solution is based on the wind being guided into the vertical cylinder via the latter’s multiple slits at the bottom. Thanks to the cylinder’s spiral geometry, the speed of the incoming wind increases, as does the resulting power and pressure. In the centre of the cylinder is a shaft with four rotor blades. The shaft is set in motion and transfers its rotation to the generator, which is directly driven by it. IN ADDITION, the tower leans 15

degrees away from the wind to facilitate high flow rates as the tower lets the air flows pass upwards, where a diffuser generates underpressure. “Because the rotor blades are on end, with shorter levers, they are less sensitive to strong winds than rotor blades on a traditional wind power plant. This means that Energytower works in very much stronger winds – up to 40 metres/second,” he says.

To understand the point of being able to harness wind power in strong winds as well, let’s take the following example. The power developed by 1 square metre of air moving at 1 metre/second is 1 watt. If we double the wind speed in this square the power becomes 8 watts, and at 4 metres/ second the power is 64 watts. This means that there is valuable power to be had in strong winds and gusts. THE FACT THAT the rotor shaft is

vertical also makes it easier to position heavy mechanical components, such as a generator, at ground level. In this way, the energy towers can be made so small that they can, for example, be positioned on a domestic roof, as no heavy foundation structures are needed to counteract the kind of leverage the mast of a conventional wind power installation would exert. Thanks to the flexibility of the design, the tower can be equipped with whatever generator rating is required for a given erection site and its wind situation. There are many potential applications for the wind power plant, as it is also used without a generator - for pumping up water, for example. This also means that the energy tower can be positioned in locations where there is no access at all to electricity. Warm water can also be extracted via a hydraulic brake, for instance, either for storage or for distribution in the district heating network. ! GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 65


GET THE GREEN GLOBAL IDEA, BUT IMPLEMENT IT LOCALLY Sunita Narain, Director of Centre for Science and Environment, New Dehli, India opening the exhibition KretsHopp at Technichus during the Green Solutions Week in Härnösand.

Do we have the motivation and how do we actually make this work and really start developing cleantech? These burning questions was presented by Lloyd Timberlake who has been working with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and the author of Vision 2050. BY HARRY MCNEIL, ASSOCIATE RESEARCHER AT THE SWEDISH INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS




e have stepped into a turbulent decade and we need to leapfrog and conduct business in a fundamentally different way if we are to tackle the challenges when the world population grow to 9 billion in 2050. In the report Vision 2050 issues such as incorporating the cost of externalities, starting with carbon, ecosystem services and water, and halting deforestation and increasing yields from planted forests is stressed. But there will also be “vast opportunities” and a “radical new landscape for business”. “Look for GMO-innovations within the areas that ‘really matter’, for example on how to grow vegetables in salt water or in the dessert. As of today ‘GMO innovation has been about developing new types of strawberries’”, Lloyd Timberlake says. SIDAS CONFERENCE Green Solutions, Clean-

tech and Development was held in May 2010 in Härnösand, Sweden and arranged in cooperation with Chamber of Commerce, Clean Tech Region, Technichus and Arena Environmental Focus. The two-day conference held participants from all around the world and trade promoters from nearly 20 different embassies from Asia, Africa and Latin America were represented. Environmentalist Sunita Narain, director of CSE – Centre for Science and Development – in India, the ambassador H.E. Ms. Anne Luzongo Mtamboh from Zambia, R.C Mall, chairman Tech& Environment and R. Narayan Moorthy, Secretary general from IPMA-Indian Paper Manufacturers’ Association, professor Alan Brent from Stellenbosch University, South Africa and Gunter Pauli, founder of ZERI Foundation amongst many others, shared insights about cooperation, local science and the way ahead. The aim of the conference was to inspire people by visiting an area with existing examples. Clean Tech Region in Västernorrland was awarded by The New Economy Publishing House to be the most innovative region in the world 2010 for marketing cleantech. In the area you find concrete examples of cleantech innovations and the new Biorefinery in Domsjö, one of Swedens largest cleantech investments. To create green solutions, people from different parts of the world need to meet. We need to gather knowledge about the needs and we need knowl-

edge to be spread to innovators all around the world. Meanwhile innovators must tell the public servants about what their work. Together these different groups can work on ideas on what can be done so solve some of the global challenges. AT THE CONFERENCE it became clear that

technology transition from the west to the south will not be enough. Many solutions we need do not exist today. We must therefore enable innovation and entrepreneurship all over the world. Alan Brent from Stellenbosch University, South Africa is optimistic and convinced we will come up with energy solutions, but water reserves are limited and water supply will be one of the main problems. R.C Mall showed statistics on how Indian paper and pulp consumption will explode, increasing the use of chemicals and putting even more pressure on the water resources. As of today the paper recycling is virtually zero in India and the power production is almost completely dependent on coal. Can these challenges be solved?

To create huge impact, small improvements in existing techniques are required. “The focus for billions of poor people around the world are better housing, cooking, water and healthcare. Green solutions within these areas cannot be more expensive than existing ones just because they are green. They must be green in order to help our planet, but also cheaper or better

Lars Ling, Clean Tech Entreprise Promoter and CEO Clean Tech Region Solutions talks CleanTech business with Trade Officer Mary Borromeo Hedfors and attaché Sydney De Jesus De Vera from the Embassy of Philippines.



Left: Alex Muigai from Sida, Team Partnership and Ambassador Anne Luzongo Mtamboh, Zambia was two out of 127 delegates representing 25 coun tries at the Green Solutions, CleanTech and Development Conference. Right: Gunter Pauli, ZERI Foundation, Colombia, Ola Hildingssson, CEO, Domsjö Biorefinery and Anders Nyquist, architect, EcoCycleDesign look for new green innovations together with Sunita Narain.

for the consumer. If we want green solutions to spread around the world they must be embedded in ‘ordinary’ products and most importantly add tangible value”, Alan Brent pointed out. “To create these green solutions innovations of both scale and scope is needed”, R.C Mall pointed out. Youngsters, entrepreneurs, innovators all over the developing world need to be given the means to create new solutions on old problems, “innovation by scale”. As another speaker said “it´s local science, not rocket science”. But large multinationals must also innovate. They have the global networks and financial strength to spread “innovations by scope”. R.C Mall also stressed the importance of political leaders to lead the way for business. The Indian prime minister have played an important role in getting Indian industries start their transformation towards more sustainable business. LLOYD TIMBERLAKE pointed out that our

regulation agencies are not keeping up with the technological development and that we must demand companies being able to handle unintended consequences. Sunita Narain made it clear the in many cases adequate regulation is in place, but stronger enforcement agencies are required. We must leave the “cute and sweet” stage. Pressure need to be enforced, not as a “please”, but as a “must”. For public sector to enforce change they ought – for example - demand cities to empty their wastewater upstream and collect their water downstream. That would make municipalities take the necessary steps. At one of the closing sessions various methods for sourcing and financing green solutions were 68 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

presented. Sida presented their new Business for Development (B4D) program, Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth DemoEnvironment and Swedfund Swedpartnership. It became clear there are numerous financing mechanism for innovative work on green solutions. “It also appeared to be many different supporting agencies involved which ought to coordinate their programs”, Chris Wise from Jeffares & Green (Pty) Ltd. Consulting Engineers in South Africa pointed out. THERE IS A challenge of understanding and de-

veloping new business models. When the western and southern world meet, traditional corporations meet new type of consumer groups. In order to do business on emerging markets businesses from the west must understand the logics of business with low-income groups. It is business of scale, quality and durability. It is about innovation in the business logic, not only in the product. The solutions will be found in innovation cooperation. Where poverty is in decline, new markets develop. It is not about one-way knowledge transfer. In the short run the western world have an important role in spreading green technology. In the long run the west have just as much to learn from the development on emerging markets. With climate change and population growth several parts of the world will face enormous challenges. While tackling and solving these challenges great innovations will emerge. These innovations will spread around the world. As R.C Mall put it: “Get the global idea, but implement it locally.” !

Leaving the smallest possible footprint



We use zero chlorine chemicals. We produce nearly 500 GWh of green electricity. Our wastewater is so clean that fish thrive in it. Now we are taking and are investing SEK 500m to replace two old oil-fired lime a further kilns with a single new kiln that will be run on fuel pellets from SCA BioNorr. This investment will allow us to reduce carbon emissions from fossil fuels by 80 percent! The project has been named Bio Loop 2011 and means that we can continue to increase production at Östrand pulp mill – but with a smaller and smaller environmental footprint.



GROUND-BREAKING RESEARCH WORTH BILLIONS When the manufacturing industry wants to remove metals they use chemicals that could cause problems if released into the environment. Ground breaking research on the subject at the Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall has led to the creation of the company Chemseq International AB. “We have developed technology that replaces the environmentally hazardous chemicals and see a market worth billions before us,” says MD Magnus Norgren. TEXT & PHOTO ANDERS LÖVGREN


he manufacturing industry adds chemicals known as complexing agents, which, for example, draw the copper and manganese metals out of paper pulp. When complexing agents end up in the environment they can continue to attract metals. For example, stored metals are released from seabed sediment, which is not desirable. In the adjacent picture Magnus Norgren, together with PhD student Dariusz Zasadowski, uses water and standard washing up liquid to show how Chemseq’s technology works. In order to carry out their experiments, the research team have built their own equipment. “To describe it simply, the metals gather in the surface of the bubbles, and the foam created can be dealt with relatively smoothly,” explains Magnus Norgren. ALMOST ALL METALS will be recoverable with

Chemseq’s technology. Most important however, is that the complexing agents, the chemicals, themselves can also be recovered and used time and time again. Chemseq is striving to make the process as closed as possible. “Our research firstly revolved around the processes in the pulp industry, but the methods are 70 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

applicable in a large number of situations where metals cause problems, including in the metal and textile industries and for cleaning soil containing heavy metals and leachate from landfill sites. The global market for complexing agents is worth SEK 3.3 billion a year, and the part that can be replaced with our method makes up around a third of this,” says Magnus Norgren. CHEMSEQ WAS ESTABLISHED in 2009 and is

owned by five researchers at the Fibre Science and Communication Network at Mid Sweden University. Taking the step to the market with a commercial product is a long journey. Up until now research and development have been combined with patent applications and managing financing issues. “We are one of the companies in the Åkroken Science Park incubator at the moment and receive help with coaching and business development. I hope that we are established on the market by 2013,” says Magnus Norgren. “The best alternative for Chemseq,” the MD continues, “is to license the concept to a large chemical company, which in turn has contact with end customers. Discussions regarding this are already taking place.” !

Magnus Norgren watches while Dariusz Zasadowski tests Chemseq’s ideas for water purification. Tests using one litre of water have been done over several years, but this has now been scaled up to a container holding 400 litres.

Chemseq is a perfect example of how research can be marketed. The company has been formed and is owned by: from left Håkan Edlund, Fredrik Andersson, Magnus Norgren, Erik Hedenström and Ida Högberg.



NEARLY ALL RESEARCH RELATES TO ENERGY “The forestry industry has a very important role to play in energy conversion. This covers a large part of our research, and it is definitely cleantech.” So says Olof Björkqvist, lecturer in the FSCN research area at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall. BY ANDERS LÖVGREN


leven years ago, research started in the Fibre Science Communication Network (FSCN) area at Mid Sweden University. Ever since then, the leading idea has been to make more of forest raw materials, the wood fibres. At the start four professors were involved. Today, there are 16 professors and 20 PhD students, and the research yields SEK 50 million. Olof Björkqvist is in no doubt about where to position FSCN. “We are a world leader within research on mechanical pulp. We can

FACTS Research at Mid Sweden University’s Fibre Science Communication Network is targeted towards getting more out of forest raw materials, in other words wood fibres. Forestry company SCA is a neighbour to the operation, with its own research laboratory, SCA R&D Centre. Several collaborative projects are currently underway between the two organisations.


measure this in the number of published scientific articles. If we are talking about cleantech, it’s interesting to see how our research projects include strong elements of energy efficiency more and more often.” TODAY, MOST OF the projects within

FSCN’s research touch on energy efficiency, either directly or indirectly. This is natural, since electricity consumption can account for more than 40% of the variable costs at a paper mill. Projects could, for example, be about making paper stronger and thinner, which means that its manufacture consumes less energy and raw wood materials, or about reducing energy consumption in the refiners used to produce paper pulp. “The whole region is very energy intensive and it is natural for us to focus on this area. We usually estimate that 40 TWh are used annually in Västernorrland, 75 per cent of this energy is used in the forestry industry, either as simple consumption, or stored in the products from here which use the forest as a raw material,” says Olof Björkqvist.

With such large amounts of energy involved, even small steps in research have great significance. The different research projects at FSCN are assessed in order to be able to guide them into the incubator operation which exists at Mid Sweden University and then formed into a company. Olof Björkqvist mentions Chemseq (see separate article) as one of the best examples of this kind of development. OLOF BJÖRKQVIST and his col-

leagues also outline a visionary concept for the future called FORE – Forest as a Resource. This is based on the continuation of the production of traditional wood fibre based products in the region, at the same time as new products are introduced, including green chemicals. Synthetic gas, electricity and bio fuel are produced in parallel in the green industry state FORE. “The purpose of FORE is to identify system solutions which give new sources of income, while production costs for the traditional products are significantly reduced along with the climate impact,” says Olof Björkqvist. !

Foto: Gert Olsson/

!"#$%&#''()%&*+)'%,#%"+-+./0)+%+-+"12 The County Council of Jämtland, responsible for providing health care in Östersund and in 29 towns and villages in the county, has for many years worked towards replacing fossil fuels with renewable sources of energy. The dramatic rise in oil prices in 1973 triggered the first efforts. At that time we had oil-fired central heating in 84 percent of its premises. Today we don´t use any oil at all. In addition to purely practical measures to improve energy efficiency, such as lighting, heat recovery, improved windows etc., we provide information about energy and environmental issues to our 4,000 employees.

The County Council of Jämtland Heating energy kWh per m2/year. 1973–2008

Contact Gunnar Fackel, Environmental Manager, + 46 (0)63-16 83 14 GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 73


SWECOAT GETTING Food packaging often has a thin layer of plastic so that moisture, fat or odours do not escape. Swedish company Swecoat, along with Packaging Mid Sweden, has now replaced this plastic with a cellulose based film. BY ANDERS LÖVGREN


o use a technical term, this type of film on packaging is referred to as a barrier. Swecoat uses the barriers as a skin on its food packaging, which is often made of cardboard. “Plastic barriers are found on almost all packaging within the food industry. Use of these oil-based products is not good for the environment at all and we want to replace as much as we can with something compostable, barriers which decay,” says Stefan Söderberg, marketing manager at Swecoat. ÅKROKEN SCIENCE PARK is

running a project called Packaging Mid Sweden. This is a network of around 20 member companies from the packaging industry. This is where research and product development are carried out. The link between the research and the companies is extremely important. “Development of the green barrier took off when our company made contact with Packaging Mid Sweden. We now have a barrier that uses cellulose as a raw material and which has reached the market. We believe that this has a strong future,

interest in it will not diminish. To take just one example, compostable products can contribute to reducing the waste mountain,” says Stefan Söderberg. SWECOAT AND PACKAGING

Mid Sweden have also made a joint trip to China and demonstrated the product to several Chinese organisations which showed a great deal of interest. Robert Nordin, who is a project manager at Packaging Mid Sweden, believes the industry will develop so that exciting, new functions are built into the packaging: “We have a mix of expertise in materials, electronics and design. We identify new products and services through cross-disciplinary research, in workshops and above all through dialogue with member companies about their needs. Most of our projects are about renewable solutions,” he says. !


Stefan Söderberg, marketing manager at Swecoat, sees a future market for compostable food packaging, a product that the company has also developed.




THE LINK BETWEEN THE IDEA AND THE COMPANY Research at Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall provides the paper industry with smart and durable solutions. And Åkroken Science Park allows ideas to be turned into new companies. “It’s mainly about the future of the region,” says Stefan Gradin, MD of Åkroken Science Park. BY ANDERS LÖVGREN


he value of Sweden’s forests to the country is indisputable. In 2008 the export value for the forestry industry amounted to SEK 120 billion, equivalent to 12% of total product exports. There is a small industrial hub for this in the Swedish county of Västernorrland, with traditions in forest management going back several hundred years, heavy investment in industries with subcontractors and a university where research is concentrated on finding new products and services using the forests as a resource. SEEN AGAINST THIS background, the

growth of new companies in the forestry sector is weak. One of the reasons for this is well-known, the step from research to company is too great. The person who discovers an exciting research result, a desirable service or product is rarely someone who is interested in founding companies and selling. Since the last turn of the year, Åkroken Science Park, with premises on the Mid Sweden University campus, has had the task of shortening and facilitating this step. The company itself summarises this as “creating a world-class innovation system based on the forests.” 76 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

“Simply stated, four factors are needed for us to succeed with this: cooperation across all borders, perseverance, resources and guts,” says Stefan Gradin. “WE KNOW TODAY that prosper-

ity is created in places that value human creativity and drive. Regions or towns must become known for their tolerant view of people and their openness to new ideas. Apart from its unique conditions, the place must have the resources to create meeting places for enterprising talent as well as to build technology centres. We fulfil the last of these conditions today as we have a strong forest-technology platform and infrastructure to work from, in the form of existing companies as well as ongoing research. But we need to work consciously and hard on the first two areas. Meeting places for people and becoming known for our openness to new ideas and enterprising talent,” believes Stefan Gradin and refers to the research of political scientist Richard Florida. Åkroken literally provides a staircase to climb for the newly hatched ideas that are worth testing. Researchers and students who are interested in marketing their research results or other business ideas are currently collected up in a pilot incubator.

This allows six months for the ideas to be developed and established into a business plan, while the business potential and motivation are assessed. After this, they can be moved into the Åkroken Business Incubator’s development programme. “WE HAVE 24 COMPANIES in the

incubator process, around 60 per cent are hived off from the university and the rest have come from outside. Five of the companies got their ideas directly from research into using the forest as a resource. We see great opportunities in the incubator for joining together the unique skills in the region from the manufacturing, cellulose and paper industries with other areas like digital technology, design and environmental technology. We can then find the new product and service areas of the future,” says Stefan Gradin. In the adjacent article you can also read how a project at Åkroken Science Park helped a company become greener by developing new food packaging. Raw materials for a component that were previously made of plastic are now cellulose. !

Sweden Green Tech Building, one door to green business in Sweden

The Sweden Green Tech Building is an arena and a meeting place for people and companies who are driven by green technology business. In the heart of Stockholm you got direct access to the companies and the expertise within finance, legal matters, technology and marketing - in fact everything that is needed to be successful in green business. Together, with our combined strength built on political courage, entrepreneurship, academic reason, sound finances and leading-edge competence, we shall create new business opportunities. You need just one door to match-make with Green Business in Sweden, Sweden Green Tech Building Klarabergsgatan 37, 111 21 SE- Stockholm,, GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 77


A BUILDING FULL OF BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Sweden Green Tech Building in Stockholm is where it all happens. In this national arena, companies and organisations that purchase cleantech have the chance to find smart Swedish solutions, primarily in renewable energy, energy efficiency and water and air. “We have already passed on a number of important business contacts that have resulted in significant contracts,” says Björn Back, the managing director of Sweden Green Tech Building. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON



he aim of Sweden Green Tech Building is simple – to present Swedish cleantech solutions to professional purchasers. The idea is to strengthen the competitiveness of cleantech companies and so increase business opportunities on the domestic and the international markets. Since it opened in 2009, Sweden Green Tech Building has been of great interest to purchasers of cleantech. “We have had visits from delegations from more than 30 countries, a number of which have resulted in concrete deals,” says Anders Pettersson, the satisfied project manager of Sweden Green Tech Building in 2009. AROUND 250 COMPANIES and

organisation are now found in the exhibition halls, where the visitors have a visual experience of what Swedish companies can offer in the field of environmental technology. “Proactive matchmaking between investors and Swedish companies that offer cleantech solutions helps us contribute to the building of long-term sustainable societies around the world,” says Björn Back. Sweden Green Tech Building also wants to create the right conditions for building networks and information and 78 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

knowledge exchange to stimulate the development of shared system solutions. “We have many successful innovators and companies in the fields of energy and cleantech, but we particularly want to highlight the system-thinking that is a unique strength of Sweden. This is why we present the entire chain of Swedish system-solutions in a comprehensible manner,” says Björn Back.

ple from around the world, to disseminate knowledge and do business – all under one roof – is unique.” The necessity of publicising a concept like that of Sweden Green Tech Building is of great significance to Stockholm and Sweden now that the city is the first-ever environmental capital and the entire world is desperate for green solutions for power, water, air and anything that can improve living standards for the entire planet. “One example is Nordic Eco Shower, which has a shower that halves water volumes, does not spread bacteria or get blocked by limescale, and is thus unique. Another example is ELEDE AB, which is a company that produces LED lighting with special qualities which have won its products great success around the world. I help both companies with their international marketing and sales,” says Rune Sundby.

RUNE SUNDBY WORKS with several


companies under the flag of Sweden Green Tech Building. He believes that Sweden Green Tech Building has had a great influence on a number of companies. “I am very happy to be part of the national arena and its huge networks. The concept of a permanent exhibition, the opportunity to meet delegations and peo-

common is that they are small Swedish players on a large international market. Linking the companies to Sweden Green Tech Building provides both gravity and quality assurance. “I have made many great international and national deals via Sweden Green Tech Building’s good organisation and fantastic networks,” concludes Rune Sundby. !

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REAR-VIEW MIRROR Risk, fear, imagination, intuition and clear objectives. These are the key concepts in the recipe for success that Ola Wallström wants to apply to the cleantech sector. “There is a lot to do if we are to develop good business.” BY PER TROSTEMO



leantech is an area of business that is full of fantastic opportunities, but it needs entrepreneurs! The fact is that engineers, inventors and idealists are over-represented. They have loads of incredibly good ideas and solutions to environmental problems, but business needs to be done as well.” Ola Wallström, of Mera Mål AB, hopes to be able to remedy the problem of underexploited business opportunities in cleantech. Ola helps companies identify objectives, set objectives and achieve objectives. And to do business based on these ideas. During the “Success through Cleantech” conference in Åre, Sweden, he unfolded his recipe for success in front of a spellbound audience. One of the things he emphasised was the importance of having objectives that were pitched high, but were clear as well. “We need to decide what it is that we really, truly want, and this applies both to individuals and companies. And when we’re looking for our objectives we shouldn’t be looking in the rear-view mirror. Unfortunately we humans find it so easy to start from what we’ve achieved up until now, even when we’re looking to the future. But if we do that, we don’t harness our own enormous potential.” OLA POINTED OUT the importance of

using imagination and intuition rather than “logical reasoning” when setting targets, and that “risk” and “fear” should be seen as positive drivers. “If you don’t take risks you won’t win anything. We are in fact geared up to take risks

– just look at a baby who has to learn to walk. You’ve got a natural risk taker there. Anyone aiming at a big objective risks stumbling and falling during the process, but success can only be achieved when we are prepared to take every step, even the ones that mean we may fall.” “We should also be grateful when we experience fear, as this is a strong indicator of change, that we are doing things in a new way. Fear can be seen as a clash between a new idea and our old way of looking at issues and things. Fear shows that we are taking the right steps and are on the right path.” OLA ALSO MENTIONED investigations

indicating that the turnover of most companies increases (or decreases) by 0-10 per cent per year. “This means that most of them are so used to this that it too becomes their natural objective. An increase of 10 percent is then regarded as the best “realistic” outcome. Here again we see the danger of holding on to old ways of thinking. I think that an increase in turnover of 300 percent can be just as realistic! What we need to do is think differently and then get ourselves the resources we need to achieve our objective. Simple but true.” Ola Wallström will now be joining Green Solutions Academy where his role will be to help create a strong entrepreneurial approach among individuals and companies within the cleantech field. “I’m terrifically pleased and I’m really looking forward to being able to get more involved in the development of cleantech. It is an incredibly urgent and important area, with great business potential.” ! GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 81

Torrefaction involves roasting biomass – wood from forestry thinning out and clearing operations, for example, but also biomass from quick growing tree species – at 250-300 degrees in the absence of oxygen, and then converting it to a dry powder, which in a subsequent stage can be refined to produce biosynthetic gas. The gas is a good substitute for LPG and other fossil gases, also used as vehicle fuel.



TORREFIED FORESTRY WASTE IS “GREEN COAL” By roasting biomass, the company BioEndev has managed to produce a new type of energy raw material – a powder, a kind of “green coal”, which has a high energy content and can be used both for heating/electricity generation and for future production of chemicals and fuels, as it can be refined into biosynthetic gas. Now work is starting on building a development facility on an industrial scale. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON PHOTO ERIK SÄFVENBERG


he technique behind the roasted and powdered biomass is called torrefaction. This involves roasting biomass - wood from forestry thinning out and clearing operations, for example - at 250-300 degrees in the absence of oxygen. The torrefied product has a high specific energy content and can be easily and cheaply ground into powder. It is particularly cheap when compared to traditional biomass. There is already a pilot facility for torrefaction just outside Umeå, but now that SEK 27 million has been approved by the Swedish Energy Agency, the plan is to build a development facility on an industrial scale during the year. THE TORREFACTION FACILITY will

have a capacity of 20 MW and will be one of the first of its kind in the world. In the new facility, forestry waste and other low-grade biomass will be converted to a refined and easily manageable powder fuel suitable for just about any energy application. The biological material is economically converted into a dry powder, which can be refined into biosynthetic gas as a next processing step. The gas is a good

substitute for LPG and other fossil gases, also used as vehicle fuel. “Torrefaction is the solution to the logistics and handling problems linked to raw biomass. By constructing torrefaction facilities where the raw material is located, high shipment costs are avoided. This is a technique with a great deal of commercial potential and is of great interest for smaller locations throughout the world, as it is a simple technique in comparison with other energy refinement processes and it does not need large production facilities,” says Anders Nordin, Professor at Umeå University and a partner in BioEndev. HE BELIEVES, MOREOVER, that the

facilities, which in terms of their complexity may be compared to biopellet production plants, will show a quick ROI, as the heat can be recycled, for one thing, and the powder means that shipments are so much cheaper, so that the cost of torrefaction pays off. “To have the biggest impact on the environment and economy the facilities should be located as near as possible to the bio-based raw material,” suggests Anders Nordin. Compared with the raw material, the torrefied biomass has several important

properties. It is dry and water-repellent, brittle and easily ground into a powder. It has a higher energy density, is easy to pelletize, does not break down and does not spontaneously combust when stored. It can also be moved between countries without the risk of spreading biologically non-indigenous species, such as spiders and insect pests. “TORREFACTION IS A biomass

processing stage for which there is global demand. This is why many different industries throughout the world are following our development with great interest. The fact that we have got so far is due to the researchers at Umeå University being right on the cutting edge of the field, but also to the excellent cooperation between business, university, energy companies and the Umeå and Örnsköldsvik municipalities,” says Marie Berglund, newly appointed MD of BioEndev. !

BioEndev, formally called Bio Energy Development North AB, was set up in 2008. Researchers at the University of Umeå, Umeå Energi and Övik Energi all have an equal stake in the company. GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 83


BIO-ENERGY THAT PROVIDES FOOD A bio-energy installation of the future is taking shape in the mountain municipality of Härjedalen. Combining different production processes allows maximum energy extraction. The investment is backed by Chinese and Swedish stakeholders, and there is a conviction that the bio-energy combine will become a model for tomorrow’s biofuel plants throughout the world. BY PER TROSTEMO



or over 20 years, the mountain municipality of Härjedalen has supplied large quantities of bio-energy to Swedish cities. From the region’s extensive peat moors Härjedalens Miljöbränsle AB has cut the peat that was then refined into fuel pellets and briquettes in the factory in Sveg. Now a big step is being taken towards the bio-energy production of tomorrow. The idea is to create a bio-energy combine that produces electricity, district heating, cooling, fuel pellets, briquettes, food, ethanol and biogas – all “in one”! The four cornerstones of the combine will be the existing pellet factory, a new ethanol works, a combined power and heating plant and a 50,000 square metre glasshouse. “By combining these various operations, we can achieve incredibly resourceefficient utilisation of the raw material. We utilise a massive 85 percent of the raw material’s theoretical energy content. We are convinced that the combine will become a model for biofuel plants, not just in China and Sweden, but all over the world,” says Lars Fritz, MD of NBE Sweden AB. THE BIO-ENERGY COMBINE will be

supplied using forestry raw material, forestry industry byproducts and peat from Härjedalen. At the pilot plant currently in operation, straw is also being tested as an energy raw material. For the Chinese part owners of the newly formed company this is of particular interest, as Chinese agriculture generates large surpluses of straw. “We really believe in this projects - it’s the future! Once we get confirmation that the technology functions as planned, we will be adding bio-energy combines to

all our installations in China based on the Härjedalen model,” says Kai Johan Jiang, Executive Chairman of Dragon Power. “In China it is crucial that we change to a type of energy production that is both cost-effective and environmentally friendly. The bio-energy combine can point the way and help us switch more rapidly from coal to cleaner types of energy. Industrial hemp is another exciting crop with a very high cellulose content, and it is of particular interest in Härjedalen, where it can be grown on disused farmland and cut-away peatland. AT THE PILOT PLANT in Sveg,

NBE Sweden is working together with Lund Technical University to optimise industrial-scale ethanol extraction from various raw materials, such as wood chips, straw and industrial hemp. The cellulose is converted into sugar with the help of sulphuric acid under pressurised heat. The sugar is then fermented to produce alcohol, after which the solution is distilled and purified into vehicle-quality ethanol. The residual products from the distillery are used to make biogas, which is also purified to meet automotive fuel requirements. The combined power and heating plant will be fired with various fuels, including byproducts from the ethanol manufacturing process, peat and forestry byproducts. In addition to providing the entire combine with heat and electricity, district heating is to be supplied to the community in Sveg and electricity is to be fed into the national grid – 35 MW of very green electricity. To further maximise energy utilisation, a glasshouse is being built which will

Lars Fritz, MD of NBE Sweden AB.

make use of every ounce of waste heat from the plant. On the 50,000 square metres under glass, fruit, vegetables and flowers can be grown for the needs of the wider surrounding community. “Today’s ethanol producers have of course been heavily criticised for making ethanol from food. Here we are doing the opposite – we are producing food from forest raw materials!” says Lars Fritz. IN HÄRJEDALEN there are also hopes

that local and regional companies will be able to be involved in future initiatives in China and other parts of the world. “Our local contractors are already building up some serious expertise, and this counts for a lot in securing future business,” says Bengt-Eric Lundborg, Head of the Business Relations Office in Härjedalen municipality. !

BIO-ENERGY COMBINE 2006 saw the initiation of the pilot study on which the bio-energy combine is based. Another crucial factor was the contacts made between the Swedish stakeholders and Chinese energy industry representatives.

A joint venture, NBE Sweden AB, has been formed from the Chinese companies National Bio Energy Co Ltd and Dragon Power Co Ltd on the one hand, and Härjedalens Miljöbränsle AB and Härjedalen municipal authority on the other.

The pilot plant was brought into service in 2008, and now they are ready to start building a full-scale plant.



A recently published UN report stated that organic farming is the solution to the food crisis. But in order to provide the nine billion people by 2050 with food, farmers urgently need to adapt to more efficient farming techniques. One big issue with organic farming is finding a weapon against weed. With the environmentally friendly solution CombCut one weed is no longer a problem. Smart knives cut both weeds and costs. “Thistles terror” has high scientifically documented effects on thistle and is ideal for organic farming and IPM (Integrated Pest Management). BY ERIK SÄFVENBERG



he food crisis needs quick solution and a report from the UN tells us to grow organically. A shift to a more ecological agriculture could result in a doubling of food production. It would especially benefit the environments where it otherwise is difficult to grow and it would directly help poor countries. The report states that today’s farmers is costly, inefficient and lacks adaptability to climate change. One big issue in organic farming is thistles. It threatens to destroy much of the organic grain crop. 86 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

But help has arrived. The Swedish organic farmer Jonas Carlsson has had this problem, but came up with a solution. He started his own business, JustCommonSense, that developed a new revolutionary technology, the weed cutter CombCut. It is a new environmentally friendly weapon against thistles. His company has been highlighed by the Nordic Council of Ministers as one of the most interesting cleantech companies internationally. “Thistles terror” has already won high scientifically documented effects on thistle and is ideal for organic farming and IPM (Integrated Pest Management). It is completely mechanical, eco-friendly and

does not apply any chemicals. This makes CombCut the perfect choice where other weed control methods are not permitted or suitable, e.g. in organic crops, sprayfree zones or grazing leys. COMBCUT COMBINES efficient weed

control with low weight and decreased need for energy-demanding weed control tillage or chemicals that can otherwise cause nutrient losses to air and water. Combcut uses a completely new and patented method that exploits physical differences between crop and weed, such as stem thickness and branching pattern. As the draught vehicle moves forward,

CombCut combs through the crop and cuts or crushes the coarser weeds, while the thinner crop plants pass undamaged through the fixed blades, which have no lateral movement. The weeds are cut or damaged because they are too thick to slip through the rear opening in the fixed scissor-like construction on every blade. Note that CombCut does NOT operate in the same way as an ordinary mowing machine. It works using a completely new and patented method with fixed, immobile blades. Competition from the crop then inhibits the cut or damaged weeds and prevents them from regrowing.

Weedcutter CombCut cuts weeds off within the growing crop. It is most effective when the difference between weed and crop is the greatest, for example just before stem elongation in cereals. CombCut has been used successfully on most weeds and has a proven effect against troublesome weeds such as thistle and pale persicaria in leys and cereal stands. THE PROCESS STEP by step is as

follows: First CombCut is lowered into the growing crop as close as possible to the soil depending on the feilds condition. The closer to the soil CombCut is driven,

the greater the proportion of weeds destroyed. Secondly the thinner crop plants such as cereals and grasses passes undamaged through the fixed blades of Weedcutter as it moves forward and combs through the cereal. The implement has a central setting system but each blade device can be fine-tuned as necessary. Above the blades is a revolving brush that prevents clogging and helps comb through the vegetation. A hydraulic motor drives this brush. Finally the coarser weeds are cut off completely or severely damaged as the implement is driven forwards at a speed of around 10 km per hour. ! GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 87




TRANSPORT Marcus Johansson is MD of 2MA Technology, which develops technologies that can reduce fuel consumption for companies.

It started several years ago, when two brothers built a device that alerted drivers to the presence of speed cameras. They now have a fast-growing company selling products that reduce fuel consumption in vehicle fleets. BY ANDERS LÖVGREN


arcus Johansson studied systems science and his brother Mattias studied international marketing. The brothers from Härnösand used this background to start the company 2MA Technology in 2006, selling a GPSbased camera alert device for drivers to reduce their risk of incurring speeding fines on the roads. Then, when 2MA Technology came into contact with the Swedish Road Administration, the company took on a new direction. “We got to see some of the other values in transport. Today we sell products that reduce fuel consumption, increase road safety and give our customers tools for managing their vehicle transport,” says Marcus Johansson. ONE OF THE MOST important areas

for the company is to develop technology in the field of ISA, Intelligent Speed Adaptation. When the driver of a vehicle exceeds the speed limit, a signal is heard. “The technology, combined with training in eco driving can reduce fuel consumption by up to 30 per cent.

Anyone who takes a course in eco driving and then uses our products is helped not to fall back into their old habits. Selling a product that both increases safety and reduces costs for the user is a good feeling. That’s why we are also concentrating on creating an image as a company involved in environmental technology,” says Marcus Johansson. Customers are haulage contractors, taxi services, municipalities and authorities with many vehicles. 2MA Technology recently won a contract offered for tender by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, the first order of which requires them to supply technology for 50 vehicles. BUT THE PRODUCTS can do a lot

more than merely monitoring speed. Internet-based technology also manages a booking system and driver’s logbook. 2MA is now growing quickly. The technology-development company Gabria will be incorporated into the business during the year. “The future looks really exciting. We have many big development projects underway and reducing fuel costs is something that most companies and organisations are interested in.” ! GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 89


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MICROBUBBLES CLEANS DIRTY WATER With its head office in sparsely populated northern Sweden and sales offices in Stockholm and Tokyo, Sorubin works on its agenda in a focused manner. Its aims are concrete: to carry out a necessary paradigm shift in an established industry, the aeration and oxygenation of polluted water. It wants to transform an energyintensive industry to a generally energy-efficient business. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON



orubin started out small, but is determinedly working towards the top. The technology it has developed is more cost and energy-effective than the current aeration technology. It regards compressors as “dinosaurs”. “The customer cases we have looked at so far indicate that we can install and maintain facilities


with the same aeration capacity as what is now the most widespread technology, but at one-tenth of the total cost,” says Stefan Sandström, managing director of Sorubin AB. “At the same time, we know that even if we are best today, we have to work hard every day to be best next year too.” There are numerous chemical and biological methods for cleaning dirty water. Many of these

Stefan Sandström, managing director of Sorubin AB.

processes require adding industrial amounts of oxygen in order for them to work. If air is bubbled through water, some of the oxygen in the air is transferred to the water and becomes available for the purification processes. The problem is the large amount of energy consumed by bubbling air in water. Modern compressors, which are used to send air from the atmosphere down to the base of the pool, primarily produce heat – pressing air into the system is secondary. Additionally, the membrane’s functionality becomes noticeably worse after just a few months.


functionality over time. It calls its technique “microluft”. Schematically, you can say that each unit consists of three parts: motor, impeller and housing. A submersible electric motor is mounted furthest down, and a specialised impeller sits on the motor. The impeller sucks in water and air, with the suction aimed upwards. The entire construction is surrounded by a housing that protects the ensuing laminate flows which, which minimal energy loss, allow the air to reach all the way down to the impeller. The housing is either mounted on the bottom using stabilisers, or is kept afloat using a float collar. The air-water mixture is pressurised in the impeller and, to simplify slightly, you can say that the air is dissolved in the water. When the water then leaves the impeller, the pressure drops and small air bubbles form. Using modern technology and membranes, it is possible to spread out one litre of air to approximately the size of a living room floor. Sorubin’s microbubble technology means that each litre of air could cover about a football pitch. The world has a great need for energy-efficient purification of polluted water; in Sweden alone, the market for aeration is worth more than €100

We can install and maintain facilities with the same aeration capacity as what is now the most widespread technology, but at one-tenth of the total cost.

million per year, while the Japanese aeration market is worth more than €1 billion per year. Besides this, upgrading municipal treatment plants in the EU to Sorubin’s Stormrotor® would save the equivalent of 5 TWh, i.e. €500 million or 5 nuclear reactors. IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY, energy-saving

technology is not just a necessary economic strategy, it is also high on the political agenda. Wastewater treatment is an energy-intensive industry, just like aluminium smelters and pulp and paper mills. “For example, during a conversation with Bulgaria’s minister for trade it emerged that they are in a transitional period in which major investments are being made in the country’s infrastructure. One of the really expensive areas is wastewater treatment. He described the purchasing and running the large compressor facilities that are necessary as black holes that swallow other opportunities for investment,” says Stefan Sandström. Sorubin is now half-way towards its first target, which has two components: products and distribution. In terms of products, this deals with series production of Stormrotor® for the oxidation of leachwater and completing the testing and design of Microluft® for the oxidation of wastewater. ! GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 93


AN INNOVATOR’S INNOVATOR Many people correctly link great hopes with small entrepreneurs when it comes to the development of new environmental technology. The vast majority of innovators are found within this group. However, there are many pitfalls on the long route between the idea and the commercial product. The entrepreneur and innovator Mikael Östling has turned his own business idea into a guide for other innovators. BY PER TROSTEMO


“D Mikael Östling.

ad, how do you become an inventor?” “Son. Take a problem and solve it in a better way than anyone else has ever done before.” When Mikael Östling was eleven years old and the innovatory genes began to emerge, he was given this advice by his father. During the 24 years that have passed since then, Mikael the entrepreneur has tasted many of the innovator’s successes and disappointments. Far from all his brainwaves have been turned into commercial products. “I am a habitual innovator and I have fallen into every conceivable pitfall!” Every cloud has a silver lining though. The many pitfalls have given Mikael valuable experience, and among other things he currently runs a company, HIPE Innovation, which specialises in building innovation systems that eliminate the wrong steps. “A USUAL REASON for failure is that the in-

novator doesn’t have a financial strategy; you have to remember that an inventor is rarely an entrepreneur and that 98% of all patents do not generate any money. This is why you should not aim to be a player on the market, but concentrate on the innovator’s tasks of being good at licensing, know-how and early exits. An early connection with a player on the market and early collaboration with the purchaser of the product is extremely important. 94 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

The innovatory journey from idea to commercial product is generally extremely long, and I want to move the focus from the product to business, so that you can decide whether the innovation is worth investing in at an early stage. My mission statement is to guide innovations to products with a verified commercial potential. Mikael believes strongly in environmental technology as a hot area for innovations and business opportunities. “Yes, I do and here in the Cleantech Region we have exceptionally good conditions with many innovators, technical expertise, natural resources and good access to development capital.” ALTHOUGH MIKAEL SPENDS a lot of his

time helping other innovators, it goes without saying that he has not been able to stop himself from developing his own ideas. One of his products for which a bright future has been predicted is IsoTimber, a building material made from wood with lengthwise air channels with extremely good insulation properties. The product, which is manufactured entirely from renewable raw materials, combines many qualities. According to Mikael, it is both a revolution in manufacturing technology and a more environmentally correct alternative. “The market players I have been in contact with have shown a great deal of interest,” says Mikael hopefully. !


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SNOWMOBILE TECHNOLOGY A welcome innovation has seen the light of day – the unique, electrically-powered Elmacchina snowmobile. This environmentally-friendly snow vehicle presages a revolutionary technology shift in the snowmobile industry.

EXTERNALLY, THE ELMACCHINA looks like any other mod-

ern snowmobile, but the similarity stops when you lift the hood. There is no combustion engine! Instead, this prototype snowmobile is run by a powerful electric motor kit, including powertrain, batteries, control and display. In Åre, the premiere showing of the Elmacchina astonished a large audience with the snowmobile’s performance and quietness in the steep mountainous terrain. No noise, no oily exhaust fumes and – zero carbon emissions! “This is so much more than I expected,” said one of the impressed spectators. Elmacchina is at the absolute forefront of developing the new generation of snowmobiles. “This is a unique product and I believe that it is absolutely the right time for it. The requirements and consumer demand for environmentally-friendly snow vehicles will definitely increase,” says Pontus Sandell, managing director of Elmacchina AB in Östersund. In terms of capacity, Elmacchina doesn’t yet measure up to petrol-powered snowmobiles, but things are moving fast, particularly for batteries which are a key to success. The challenge is to develop snowmobiles with electrical power that also retain the high engine power and drive qualities of a traditional snowmobile. “We have established a partnership with an American snowmobile manufacturer, Arctic Cat, and our aim is to build an assembly plant in Östersund. The target is to produce an initial series of 20 snowmobiles for the local market. GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 99


“Ah, we want to be first! Elmacchina is perfect for our activities and my dream is to have the first electric snowmobiles at our facilities within a year.” They will surely disappear like hotcakes; there is particularly great interest in electric snowmobiles among tourist businesses and ski resorts. The electric snowmobile is also of interest for snowmobile safaris for tourist groups, and also as a work vehicle for power companies, plant and service companies that need to travel through snowy terrain for maintenance work, etc. The Polar Science Center at Washington University has also shown great interest in Elmacchina. “We aren’t currently focusing on the recreational market for snowmobiling, but it will certainly be of interest in a couple of years,” says Pontus Sandell, who particularly wants to highlight the strong network of players and partners that exist in and around the company. “We quickly realised that partnerships between research and business are necessary for the successful development of innovative products. Peak Innovation has meant a lot to us in this regard.” SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

In Scandinavia the snowmobile is not just a recreational vehicle, but also an important tool for many mountain businesses. Conventional snowmobiles have the problem that they cause considerable amounts of hazardous emissions. According to the Swedish Transport Administration, snowmobiles are responsible for 30% of the total emission of hydrocarbons in the north of Sweden! This means that the environmental benefits of an electric snowmobile are huge. Tourist businesses and destinations have a particular need to maintain a high level of green profiling, including major reductions in carbon emissions, making an electric snowmobile particularly interesting. “Ah, we want to be first! Elmacchina is perfect for our activities and my dream is to have the first electric snowmobiles at our facilities within a year,” says Björn Olsson, Technical Manager at Skistar, Scandiavia’s biggest ski resort group. Skistar has an environmental profile to its activities, and Björn believes that it would be an amazing advantage to be rid of the emissions and noise from the hundreds of snowmobiles at the resorts. The electric snowmobile is a valuable innovation from the perspective of health and the working environment. Smaller tourist destinations in the mountains are also eagerly


The world premiere of Elmacchina at Åre Kapitalmarknadsdagar 2010. Right: One of the founders, Pontus Sandell, VTC. awaiting the electric snowmobile, and it can be an ace in the sleeve for the marketing of many eco-friendly businesses. “The electric snowmobile is an innovation to which we are very positive,” says Anna Iderot Bjelke, Managing Director of Destination Funäsfjällen. “For those of us who work in mountain tourism, the environment is our greatest resource. Nature is the foundation of our business, so our survival depends upon being able to protect the environment and contribute to sustainable development. An electric snowmobile would be an important part of our marketing of an attractive tourism product.”

HIGHLY PRAISED INVENTION The Elmacchina electric snowmobile from Östersund was by far the best piece of green news in Sweden in April 2010, according to a poll carried out by Eco Innovation AB. “The dream of quieter winter mountains is a big one. Current snowmobile traffic is responsible for a great deal of vehicle emissions in the three northernmost counties. This prototype gives the hope of avoiding these problems.”

POWER CIRCLE “Elmacchina is a thrilling project that clearly shows that it is possible to develop electrical power for vehicles other than cars. This is something to which we are very positive. The electric snowmobile will be of great significance in reducing hazardous emissions,” says Olle Johansson, Project Coordinator for Power Circle. Power Circle is a members’ organisation for power companies, higher education, research institutions, IVA. The aim of Power Circle is to strengthen, support and promote Swedish electricity transmission and supply technology, and to make it possible for electrical technology to contribute to sustainable development.”


The new technology was displayed for the first time at a press conference.

MANY STAKEHOLDERS Elmacchina AB has close links with Peak Innovation, VTC Service AB (an interest organisation and development business), Mid Sweden University and Uppsala University, home to the Ångström Laboratory and Advanced Battery Center. Similarly, SAAB Ground Support & Service Östersund and Electro Engine in Uppsala have been major participants in the development of Elmacchina.

There are now batteries that combine sufficient energy density with a low weight and volume, enabling the electrification of smaller vehicles, such as snowmobiles. Elmacchina has high-performance lithiumion batteries from Boston Power, which is at the absolute forefront of battery development. The charge time for the battery is 1 hour at 380V/16 Ampere and 4 hours at 230V/16 Ampere. The battery life is 2000 charges. ELECTRIC MOTOR

The electric motor kit, produced by Electro Engine in Uppsala, has a capacity of about 12 kWh and supplies about 70 HP. The entire kit, including powertrain, batteries, control and display with operating data, weighs just over 100 kg, which is generally equal to what it replaces, i.e. the petrol engine, exhaust system and petrol tank, etc. The life of the electric motor is also longer than that of the snowmobile. GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 101




ENTALLY FRIENDLY District heating system for cold winter campsites and district cooling for summer heat in car parks. John Pettersson’s invention ‘the energy post’ could have many application areas where there is a need to convert to more cost effective and less environmentally harmful energy production. BY PER TROSTEMO


ear-round camping is on the increase and winter tourist resorts in the Nordic countries and the Alps are seeing more and more caravans and RVs. Heat supply to RVs mainly comes from electricity posts and LPG burners, which is not the best choice from an energy and environmental perspective. The inventor and entrepreneur John Pettersson from Funäsdalen in the Swedish mountains has a solution to the problem. District heating. “I’ve tested my RV at -35°C and it worked perfectly!”

district heating network, but you can also consider using local energy sources at the campsite driven, for example, by bio fuel or solar cells. The cost of modifying an existing waterborne heating system so that it can be docked with the district heating/ cooling comes in at a few thousand Swedish kronor. This can be compared to a halved energy cost – minimum – and the obvious environmental benefits. “The system works just as well for summer camping when you need to cool your caravan or RV during heat waves,” says John Pettersson, who sees a number of application areas for ‘the energy post’.

JACK-OF-ALL-TRADES John owns the

district heating company that supplies most of the mountain village with heat and the idea came to him about a year ago when he considered starting a campsite for winter tourism. “I was irritated about the having to depend on the large electricity companies. I wanted to avoid the high connection charges and being stuck with fixed costs even during the low season. This became the driving force for me to try a new technique for heating, which makes up such a large part of the energy requirement for winter camping.”

“IT CAN BE USED instead of tradiJohn Pettersson.

No sooner said than done. John developed a prototype design that could be connected to the district heating network in Funäsdalen. It worked perfectly! JOHN’S PATENTED SYSTEM is called

‘the energy post’ and looks like a normal electricity post for engine heaters. It has an in-built heat exchanger that delivers hot, or cold, water directly to the caravan/ RV’s climate system. The energy can, as in Funäsdalen, be generated by a central

tional engine heaters for cars and lorries, I’ve tested it on my own vehicles and it works perfectly. I can also see the system being interesting as a cooling unit for cars in the burning heat of big shopping centre car parks.” ‘The energy post’ is still at the development stage, but John has high hopes of commercial success. During his innovation work on ‘the energy post’, he has enjoyed a fruitful collaboration with other companies/organisations in the industry such as Alfa Laval, Gewiss, Caravan Club and Alde. ! GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 103

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One of VOC Technology’s installations in a factory in Malaysia.

Erik Forsgren is MD of VOC Technology which makes emissions from, for example, lacquering industries, free from solvents. VOC is the acronym for Volatile Organic Compound. The business is currently run by Erik Forsgren, Mikael Backlund and Tomas Bylin.


VOC Technology helps its customers clean air that contains solvents. Most installations are exported to developing countries on the other side of the globe. BY ANDERS LÖVGREN


n the 1990s, Erik Forsgren and his colleagues worked for the former MoDo Chemetics, which was later bought by Kvaerner and then acquired by Metso. Their unit developed and sold air-purification systems to industries that wanted to reduce their emissions of volatile solvents. “We never had anything to do with the core businesses which manufactured environmental protection equipment for the paper and pulp industry. Finally, there were four of us colleagues who had the opportunity to take the business further in Örnsköldsvik, so we became partners and bought it out,” explains Erik Forsgren who is the company MD. In 2002, the company was hived off and became VOC Technology. The com-

pany has five employees and subcontracts all manufacturing to local companies in Örnsköldsvik. “The 35 or so installations that we have sold since we started out have ended up all over the world, for example in China, Brazil, India and Malaysia. Most of the deals have been done in Beijing, where we have seven installations. All of them are involved with lacquering mobile phones,” says Erik Forsgren. CUSTOMERS ALSO EXIST in Sweden

and Norway; ABB, Tetra Pak and Electrolux are just a few of them. Customers can mostly be found in the wood and steel industries, such as Ruukki and Tibnor, although there are also customers in the pharmaceutical industry, such as Astra

Zeneca, Pharmacia and Cambrex. They use the technology to purify the air after tablet production. Alternative technologies used to clean air containing solvents are biological filters, carbon filters and catalytic purification. VOC Technology uses the latter technology. The polluted air is sucked into the installation, which consists of two reactors, whose components include a catalyst and a ceramic bed which functions as a heat exchanger. The air is heated to between 300 and 500°C at which point a chemical process can be used to purify it by up to 95% before it is released. With a sufficient amount of solvents the installation is autothermal, in other words it does not need to be supplied with energy to heat itself. ! GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 105


Industry and the environment are in focus in Sundsvall; the heavy truck transports are now being moved over the railways and to ships. There are also plans for a new combined biogas plant. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON


In Sundsvall, in the middle of the Swedish east coast, hard work is being carried out to progress from a dirty industrial city to one of the world’s best cities for sustainable development. Two projects that are currently being planned are an entirely new logistics solution for heavy goods and for passenger traffic, as well as a combined biogas plant that will process organic domestic waste and sludge from industry and sewage treatment.


undsvall has a strategic location in the region and has all the right prerequisites for becoming an important logistics hub for north-south and east-west transports. To the west is Östersund and then Trondheim on the Norwegian Atlantic coast. To the east are important export markets in the Baltic states and Russia. In a north-south direction, Sundsvall is part of the Bothnian logistics corridor between northern Russia and northern Europe. Sundsvall Logistikpark AB has been tasked with coordinating the investments in a new logistics park with links between rail, road and sea. “Investments are being made through a cooperation between Sundsvall Municipality, the Swedish Transport Administration and the region’s trade and industry,” says Åke Jonsson, managing director of Sundsvall Logistikpark. THE BASIC IDEA is to facilitate transferring as

Board and the Swedish Transport Administration,” says Åke Jonsson. Green transports are a major issue for industry. SCA’s paper mill in Ortviken exports paper and takes in timber as a raw material. Minimising road transports by increasing the use of rail and sea considerably reduces the environmental burden. “It is also important for SCA to be able to transport paper on the shortest possible route to the port in Sundvall,” explains Åke Jonsson.

many transports as possible from the roads to rail and sea. In order to do so, road and rail links must adapted to provide effective infrastructure. Concretely, these investments are all about creating the right conditions for industry to avoid shunting, so that the train can get there on a direct route, making the regional road network more efficient due to rational connections and local links, plus a new combination terminal. “The first stage of financing will be through a private-public-partnership between Sundsvall Municipality, SCA, the County Administrative

Investments are being made through a cooperation between Sundsvall Municipality, the Swedish Transport Administration and the region’s trade and industry.

The combination terminal will be right next to the port in Sundsvall. Companies will be able to rent storage for reloading and onward distribution of goods. “The total investment is well over SEK 1 billion and we hope that everything will be in place in 2015,” says Åke Jonsson. !


Combined biogas plant in Sundsvall, Sweden Plans are currently being drawn up in Swedish City of Sundsvall, in a cooperation project with Östersund municipality, for a unique combined biogas plant that will produce liquid biogas, with cryogenic technology, for vehicle fuel from industrial and domestic organic waste, as well as from industrial sludge. Another product will be forest fertiliser manufactured from digested sludge.


ituated on the east coast of Sweden, City of Sundsvall is setting high ambitions in reducing climate impact and stimulating sustainable growth through various projects. Among these, there is a joint investment from Sundsvall and Östersund municipalities, developing a combined biogas plant. Together they have tasked Sundsvall Energi with researching the conditions for the plant and with producing a basis for procurement that can be used further on in the process. In brief, the task also includes investigating how organic waste can be combined with the industrial sludge.

transports to and from the plant being carried out with less climate impact. Organic domestic waste from Östersund and municipalities to the west could arrive by train, and the liquid biogas could be distributed by train,” says Carlsson.

“A number of existing Swedish biogas plants only process organic domestic waste. This will be a plant that also has a flow to and from industry,” says Bertil Carlsson, project manager at Sundsvall Energi. The fact that the combined biogas plant will accept industrial sludge and supply liquid biogas and nutrients for industrial biological cleansing places great demands on functional and environmentally friendly logistics.

“We will do a regional inventory of the substrates that could be relevant to biogas production,” says Bertil Carlsson.

“The logistics for transport to and from the plant are vital. The proximity to the logistics park in Sundsvall means that there is great potential for

The aim is produce five million cubic metres of biogas per year once the combined biogas plant is finished. Sludge from the region’s treatment plants, sludge from the cellulose industry’s bio-cleaners and organic waste from households and restaurants are the substrate that will be used.

The plant will produce biogas that will be purified to make vehicle fuel, as well as sludge that can be dried and granulated to produce a fertiliser that can return nutrients to the forest. In Sundsvall, the plans are for the substrate to be mixed and treated to obtain an optimal gas exchange using new technology. After this, it will be digested, hopefully producing an increased gas exchange compared to traditional

technology. The raw gas that is produced will be cleaned and upgraded to vehicle gas. “We are planning to use cryogenic technology, in which the gas is cooled in several stages and thus cleansed of other gases, such as carbon dioxide. The advantage of cooling the gas to its liquid state is that you obtain about seven times more energy per unit of volume. Transports to consumers can be made at a significantly lower cost,” says Carlsson. At the next stage of treatment, the residue is dewatered in centrifuges. Following dewatering, the residue is nitrogen-enriched, dried and granulated to make a complete fertiliser that is primarily intended for use in forests. During the sludge treatment process, there is a nutrientrich return flow that can be used as nutrition for bio-cleaning in the cellulose industry. “The combined biogas plant means that we can reduce environmental impact through reducing carbon emissions. We will also be using industrial nutrients as part of a cycle and developing long-term sustainable management of sewage sludge and organic domestic waste,” says Bertil Carlsson.

Contact details for the article:


Bertil Carlsson PL, Combined Biogas Plant Development Sundsvall Energi AB

Johan Klockar Öhrnell BPM Coordinator, Built Environment City of Sundsvall, Corporate Staff

Eva-Marie Tyberg PL, Strategy for Sustainable Growth City of Sundsvall, Corporate Staff

Lars Ling CEO CleanTech Region Solutions

Jämtland County creates renewable energy Cooperation and environmental technology are important to development in the county of Jämtland. Clean air, clean water and attractive and healthy environment are all characteristics of Jämtland. I believe that the green technology products and solutions that we develop in our region will not only help our transformation to minimising the use of fossil resources in our society – they will also be in increasing demand on an international market! The development of new, green technology (CleanTech) is a key factor in ensuring good development and good growth in the county. Britt Bohlin County Governor, Jämtland GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN Photo: Marie Birkl, Tina Stafrén. | 109


DREAM FISHING IN FISHING PARADISE Are you after the fishing of your dreams? Then it’s very likely you’ll find it in the fishing paradise of Jämtland Härjedalen. Here there are no less than 17 destinations with a wide variety of fishing opportunities on offer, unrivalled anywhere else in the country.



Early spring is the time when the sunlit glistening ice acts as a magnet for jig fishers.





Kettle boiling over an open fire.


ach year over 100,000 tourists choose to fish in the county of Jämtland, and as much as 60 percent of the county’s population are involved in fishing in one form or another. This is no coincidence. In Jämtland and Härjedalen there are exciting fishing environments and interesting species. And every season has its own special high points. Here there is a long tradition of fishing tourism, and its reputation as a fishing paradise is well deserved. It is based on the unique variety of fishing environments, with everything from mountain fishing, forest fishing, lake fishing, rivers, brooks, becks and streams to tarns and small lakes and ponds. There are popular species here as well, such as salmon trout and Arctic char, grayling, whitefish, pike and perch. WITH FISHING TOURISM that has

historically been shown to be sustainable, Jämtland Härjedalen can be fished all the year round. Every season has its own specific high points. During the light summer nights you can fish around the clock. Once the russet colours and mysterious darkness of autumn begin to take hold, you can experience fishing in a very special atmosphere on a beautiful mild autumn day or a dark mysterious autumn night. And no sooner have all the fishing waters frozen over in winter than opportunities appear for winter fishing where excellent jigging can be had. Early spring is the time when the sunlit glistening ice acts as a magnet for jig fishers. Large parts of Jämtland are mountainous stretches. This provides a great opportunity for anyone wanting to try mountain fishing, and the opportunities for mountain fishing have never been better than today, as a number of waters that used to be “off limits” within the reindeer mountain area have been opened up for fishing.

IN NORTHERN Jämtland Härjedalen

you will find Frostviken. The water courses here contain the finest specimens of salmon trout and Arctic charr. Kallbygden is another mountain area that offers fishing in incredibly beautiful surroundings. The tarns lie in an open mountain landscape with paths and trails allowing easy access to the fishing waters, in both summer and winter. Kallbygden is home to the high-altitude Utsulan tarn that offers exceptional Arctic charr fishing in the winter season. Good winter fishing is also to be had in Edsåsdalen which is located in a beautiful mountain valley in southern Årefjällen. In southern Årefjällen the summers are short, intense and enchantingly beautiful, whereas the winters are

long but with a sparkling beauty of their own. There are many fine fishing courses, whether you take a scooter out on the ice of the Ottsjön for a spot of jigging, or whether your preference is to take a hike up the mountains in Edsåsdalen of a sunny summer’s day. IF YOU ARE looking for really big

salmon trout you need to go to the fourmile long Dammån in Bydalen. Here, the mountain landscape so typical of Jämtland blends magnificently with deep valleys. It is a popular venue for really skillful anglers. Dammån is no water course for anglers whose knowledge of fly fishing is hazy, so it’s a good idea to join an expert guide. ! GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 113

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Östersund in the winter looks quite different, covered in a blanket of white snow. To ensure that future generations will also be able to enjoy winters of plentiful snow, the Municipality of Östersund has adopted a long-term and strategic policy in relation to climate issues. Did you know that Östersund • Is the first municipal authority to have gained both ISO 14001 and EU’s EMAS standard environment certifications • Was ranked as the best climate Municipality in Sweden by The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) Östersund has its own green traffic unit – Grön Trafik – engaged in creating sustainable travel and transport alternatives by • Participating in the Tidförtåg project, which aims to increase the number of people opting to travel by train • Arranging technical visits to our renewable energy utilities for organisations and groups • Having 240 municipal vehicles running on biogas • Beeing involved in an electric car initiative together with Jämtkraft • Taking part of the Green Highway project, a coast-to-coast transport corridor recently designated as the national test highway for electric vehicles For further information on FROM the municipality’s involvement in environment and climate issues, see 114 | GREEN SOLUTIONS SWEDEN

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AN HISTORIC JOURNEY FROM GLACIATION TO THE PRESENT DAY Höga Kusten was granted World Heritage Site status by UNESCO in 2000. In the magnificence of its natural setting, you can see clear traces of the world’s largest example of uplift. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON


he beautiful Höga Kusten area contains the world’s largest example of uplift, rising 286 metres above sea level, on the summit of Skuleberget. Höga Kusten is one of the best examples in the world of how glaciation and uplift affect the earth’s surface. Over this defined area you can experience geological history going back 10,400 years. Within a defined area, anyone visiting the Höga Kusten can see the various impressions uplift has left on the landscape, such as kalottbergs (hills of post-glacial residual stony ground), klapperfält (fields of scree-like rubble) and bays that have become cut off from the sea. AT VARIOUS SPOTS on this world

heritage site you can see important traces of the uplift that has taken place. These spots vary in terms of size, and experiencing this world heritage site can be very direct when, for instance, the path goes past a klapperfält rubble field, or at a distance, such as a view over a land-bound bay, for instance. These beautiful and informative spots give you a good impression 116 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

of the entire world heritage site in both geographic and geological terms. SKULEBERGET IS ONE of the spots

in the Höga Kusten world heritage site that is well worth a visit. Since 1969 Skuleberget has been a designated nature reserve for the purposes of preserving its imposing landscape and an area of great natural value. Skuleberget is what is called in Swedish a “sydväxtberg”, which means that the mountain side heats up in the sun, thereby creating a warmer, favourable local climate for vegetation on the mountain. Species that are otherwise indigenous a lot further to the south can thus find the right growing conditions at the foot of the mountain, two examples being maple and hazel. The mountain is also a so-called kalottberg, which sprang up as a small island above the Baltic ice lake when the inland ice retreated from the area 10,500 years ago. The summit of Skuleberget represents the highest coastline in the world, having been measured at 286 metres above present-day sea levels. A hiking trail takes you to the summit of Skuleberget. The path makes its way to the top via Kungsgrottan (The Royal

Cave), which, legend has it, was used as a bandits’ hideout. The path is steep, but once you’ve reached the top, you realise that it was worth the effort: the view is magnificent and displays the Höga Kusten’s mountainous terrain and its archipelago to best advantage. Another spot on this world heritage site well worth a visit is Norrfällsviken. This is a shallow peninsula in the sea that has been covered by klapperfält (fields of scree-like rubble) in a number of stages. There are many cultural traces here, and the area is easily accessible, with various types of establishments. SÖRLEVIKEN IS A LONG bay that

gradually tails off until it is ultimately cut off from the sea. The farming landscape with its assorted sediments is remarkable and well worth seeing, along with the scree slopes of Ringkalleberget. Högklinten is a mountain that has been covered by klapperfält rubble fields, indicating various periods in the interesting development of the Baltic. This is perhaps the best viewing point of all on the world heritage site, with panoramic views in all directions. !

WORLD HERITAGE The citation for awarding World Heritage Site status to Höga Kusten runs as follows: “The area is one of those locations in the world that has isostatic uplift due to retreating inland ice. The isostatic rebalancing stands out well, and the area’s distinctiveness consists in the extent of the overall isostatic uplift of 286 metres, exceeding any other locations on earth. The area is an exemplar for research on isostasis and represents the location where the phenomenon was first identified.”



A FOSSILE FREE TRANSPORT CORRIDOR GREEN HIGHWAY Across a renawable energy belt in Scandinavia, promoted by the cities of Sundsvall, Östersund and Trondheim.


Stjørdal Meråker


Åre Järpen


Östersund Symbolförklaring Biogas-pump E85 Etanol

Brunflo Gällö Bräcke

Laddstation RME Biodiesel E14 Mittbanan/Meråkerbanan

Borgsjö Vattjom


Green Highway – Test route for electricdrive and biofuel vehicle’s traffic between Sweden and Norway.



thousand-year-old trading and pilgrimage route crosses Scandinavia, connecting the Atlantic with the Baltic coast a region with huge reserves of renewable energy, such as biomass and electricity from wind and hydropower. The three cities Sundsvall, Östersund and Trondheim (SÖT) work in collaboration with energy companies in Sweden and Norway to create a Green Highway along this 450 km route. Green Highway is a venture to create sustainable growth via a fossile free transport corridor along a renewable energy belt. This includes investments in electric vehicles (EV’s), charging infrastructure, renewable fuels, testing and development, as well as building up business opportunities and spreading knowledge of this. GREEN HIGHWAY creates changes others only

talk about; through the SÖT-collaboration, political commitment, extensive cooperation between public and private partners, and a proven ability to effectuate projects. From coast to coast charging stations and filling stations for biofuels are established. It is now possible for EV drivers to charge the batteries along the entire highway at ten charging stations situated at the maximum 90 km apart. Östersund and Sundsvall have biogas pumps, and 20 filling stations along the route sell ethanol. 100% biodiesel is available at several locations. Information, communication and exchange of competence about biofuels, electric mobility and sustainable transports between Norway and Sweden, and between public and private sector, is a central topic. A list of 100 points has been compiled, showing the process and the concrete initiatives and measures that have been carried out. The Green Highway region covers considerable R&D activities, industrial establishments, and technology development connected to transport systems and energy production. There are a number of good examples of climate-smart transport, renewable energy sources and efficiency measures that provide environmental as well as economic benefits.

biofuels: Ethanol, biogas and biodiesel. EV´s and biofuel buses are tested in winter climate and in all four seasons. An electrical snowmobile is produced. Electrical bicycles replace car driving in the municipal organization. Östersund have been selected as the best climate municipality in Sweden. In the city of Trondheim, nearly 130 EV charging points are built, for a total fleet of more than 120 EV’s; EV projects also comprising an electrical shuttle bus and two EV taxis. 80 city buses will within shortly run on biogas; others possibly on 100% biodiesel. Trondheim , with the world’s first bicycle lift, will invest €100.000.000 in bicycle roads etc. within the next 10 years . A MASTERPLAN is now produced as a platform

for the next step for Green Highway, to become a fossile fuel free region. More information: or: !

Jämtkrafts quick charger in Östersund, the first Chademo quick charger in north Europe.

IN THE CITY of Sundsvall biogas for vehicles are

produced by world unique cryogenic technology, and intelligent charging posts and payment systems are developed. A multimodal logistic center is combining road, train and sea transport in a climate smart, energy- and cost efficient way. In the city of Östersund 260 vehicles run on locally produced biogas. All the city buses run on






Ulvön in the Örnsköldsvik archipelago could be said to be the heart of Sweden’s Höga Kusten (High Coast). This is living history set amid natural beauty, the sea and a deep sense of tranquility. BY GUNNAR ANDERSSON


n actual fact, there are two Ulvöarna two islands - north and south Ulvön. Ulvöhamn, the harbour, is on the north island, well protected in the strait known as Ulvösundet. Ulvöhamn is on the north island and can be approached from seaward in two directions. The greater proportion of the island’s permanent residents live in the harbour. Further inland there are permanent settlements in a number of places, including Sörbyn, Norrbyn and Fjären. To visit Ulvön you do not need your own boat. In the summer there are daily passenger crossings to Ulvön. There are a number of places where you can get a boat out to the island.




Ulvön is known as the island of fermented herring.

Ulvön is a charming island set amid natural beauty, with excellent opportunities for country walks. This is where those characteristic red cliffs of rapakivi granite meet the sea. But the natural landscape on the Ulvöarna islands is very varied. They have everything from high mountains and cliffs to lakes, mires, forests and sandy beaches. On the north island there is beautiful rolling farmland. South Ulvön, also called Ytterön in local parlance, is to the south west of the north island. This part of the Ulvöarna islands has never been permanently inhabited all the year round. On the south island there is also the fishing village of Marviksgrunnan and an old mine. 122 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

The Ulvöarna islands are also of great ethnographic interest. The road that crosses the north island leads to Sandviken, which has old timber houses preserved from the 18th century. Today, Sandviken, with its tin grey buildings, is a holiday resort that has been lovingly renovated to retain its real character. Its old world surroundings have been better preserved than in any other of the fishing villages preserved along this coast. THE SETTLEMENT CONSISTS of 16 grey

fishing cottages with boathouses. The exteriors of the buildings have not changed since they were built.

THE ISLAND OF FERMENTED HERRING Ulvön is known as the island of fermented herring, and the place where high-volume production of fermented herring was begun. Today production of fermented herring on Ulvön is very small-scale, but interest has far from died out. The herring is fished during spawning time in late spring. It is placed in salted water, known as brine, in large open timber vessels. After a few days, the herring is transferred to covered barrels with new brine, but with rather less salt in it. To initiate the fermentation process, which requires warmth, the barrels are frequently rolled out of the cool shade of the fishing sheds into the sunshine. Once the herring has begun to ferment, the barrels must stand in a temperature of 15-18 degrees for up to 8 weeks, after which the herring is canned for delivery throughout Sweden and abroad. There are just as many views on how fermented herring should be eaten as to how it should be preserved. One example of a recipe is fermented herring on unleavened bread with almond potatoes, butter, finely chopped raw Spanish or red onion, sour cream and tomato.

For several hundred years, Ulvön was a byword in fishing, but now only a few working fishermen remain.

The old Ulvö fishing chapel is one of the Norrland coast’s oldest fishing chapels. The small chapel was erected in 1622 and what is unique about it is the marvellous decoration inside, based mainly on biblical motifs. For several hundred years, Ulvön was a byword in fishing, but now only a few working fishermen remain. Fishing has always been central to Ulvön, and whitefish, Baltic herring and salmon were already drawing fishermen to the island in the 16th century. One thing that does remain however is the tradition of fermented herrings. Ulvön is known as the island of fermented herring and, although no production facility remains on the island today, it

is still closely linked with the noble fish. The last major brinery filled its final cans of fermented herring at the beginning of the 1980s. LOTS OF PLEASURE craft make for Ulvön dur-

ing the summer, and its annual sailing event, Ulvö Regatta, attracts many sailing enthusiasts to the island. There are various options if you want to stay on the north island. The classical Ulvö Hotel is currently undergoing extensive renovation, extension and conversion, and the intention is that it should soon be available as a Swedish archipelago hotel of the very highest class. ! GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN | 123





In their vibrant autumn colours, the Swedish mountains are almost unbearably beautiful. Everybody should have the opportunity to experience awe-inspiring wilderness, hearty laughter, excellent Jämtlandic cuisine, activity, tranquillity, and the urge to wander through the mountains around Vålådalen.






he most beautiful season in the mountains is almost certainly autumn, with its clear, crisp air in which the magnificent, colourful mountains appear infinite. Autumn also has the advantage of being mosquito-free. ATI Mountain Experience combines successful experience of tough outdoor activities with deep, committed knowledge of the Swedish countryside. Its owners, Annica and Torkel Ideström, work where they live, in Östra Vålådalen in the western mountains of Jämtland. BOTH ANNICA AND TORKEL have

many years’ experience of activities in the great outdoors, including challenging expeditions in Sweden and Greenland. They travelled around Sweden by ski, bike and kayak, a distance of 5000 km in 200 days. On the Swedish Greenland Expedition, they sailed across the North Atlantic, accompanied by Ola Skinnarmo, after which Torkel skied across the Greenland 126 | GREEN SOLUTIONS FROM SWEDEN

ice sheet. These experiences are now passed on in an educational manner to people who wish to know more about how to discover the Swedish mountains, by foot or ski. Annica Ideström believes that life outside is when it’s at its best. She is a qualified geographer, stress and wellness therapist and a mountain guide with experience from many short and long trips and expeditions. A walk in the mountains begins with a meeting and breakfast at Vålådalen’s wonderful mountain station. Then there is a day trip to nearby Ottfjället. Occasionally tracks from elk, hare and fox are visible. In the autumn, the Sphagnum mosses shimmer in their most beautiful autumn shades and, with a little luck, a few inquisitive Siberian jays will follow the walkers along the footpath. AFTER DINNER AND a night at the

Vålådalen mountain station, there is a gentle walk to Blanktjärnarna. The path passes through enchanting, gentle forest

and marsh landscapes, surrounded by tranquil views of the mountains. During the walk, the group can think about outdoor activities, or rather how good it feels to be outside, as well as how the natural world provides space for a healthier life and time and reflection. TOWARDS THE EVENING, the party

is divided into pairs – two people per tent. Food is cooked communally over an open fire. This could be grilled char or reindeer stew, a piece of cake and boiled coffee. During the evening, there is plenty of time to sit around the campfire and talk, while listening to the distant cry of the black-throated loon. Eventually everyone creeps into the tents and sleeps, warm and comfortable, protected by the wonderful pine forest, close to crystal clear waters and soft mountain meadows. The walk ends by returning to the Vålådalen mountain station. In the evening there is a sauna, wood-fired hot tub and an excellent dinner. !


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CleanTech Region Web: Project Manager: Lars Ling CEO & Founder Cleantech Region Phone: + 46 72 740 66 06 Email: Web:

YES, TOGETHER WE CAN ...CREATE A SUSTAINABLE, green future together – and the time has

come to prove it. In this magazine you have just sampled and read about the good, profitable green solutions, products and services from Sweden. There are no excuses. Together we can construct and create a sustainable and profitable society if we want. The aim of this magazine is to provide inspiration and to encourage you to get started – so what are you waiting for? Let’s start to think positively about success and sustainability. The magazine is also available on the Internet at www.cleantechregion. com. You can read and download it, and there is also a presentation and information about CleanTech Region. The website also includes all the clever products and solutions you have read about in this magazine and how you can find out more about them. It also includes our reference facilities and how to book visits to see them in action. For more information about Green Solutions from Sweden, please contact CleanTech Region Solutions. Call + 46 72 740 66 06 Welcome to Green Solutions from Sweden


Editor: Gunnar Andersson Dynamo Press Kungsgatan 49, SE-903 26 Umeå Email: Design and production: Magnus Werme Syre Stortorget 8, SE-831 31 Östersund Email: Text: ADC Media Järnvägsgatan 12, SE-88130 Sollefteå Email: Syre Stortorget 8, SE-831 31 Östersund Email: Dynamo Press Kungsgatan 49, SE-903 26 Umeå Email: Printing: VTT Grafiska AB Circulation: 20,000 ex Language: English

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