2006 Clean Wisconsin Annual Report

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2006 Annual Report Your environmental voice since 1970.

2006 Annual Report Copper Falls State Park


A letter from the Executive Director Dear Friends, As Executive Director of Clean Wisconsin, I am pleased to be reporting on the successes and challenges the organization experienced in 2006. Each day brought with it new opportunities to develop protective legislation, to point the media spotlight on corporate abuse of the environment, or to hold regulators accountable – none of which would have been possible without our group of talented staff who are focused on the common vision of protecting Wisconsin’s environment. 2006 also marshaled in important change and growth within our organization. As I reflect back on yet another year of protecting Wisconsin’s environment, several things stand out as notable to which I would like to call to your attention:

Mark Redsten

• Clean Wisconsin increased its capabilities in the Air/Energy and Communications departments by adding a staff scientist, a grassroots organizer, and a communications/media director respectively. • Clean air victory for Wisconsin! In November, Clean Wisconsin reached a landmark agreement with Wisconsin Public Service Corporation to clean up its J.P. Pulliam power plant in Green Bay – one of the dirtiest coal plants in the nation. • Clean energy victory for Wisconsin! Senate Bill 459 – which requires utilities to significantly increase their investments in renewable energy sources and energy efficiency - sailed through the Senate and Assembly after significant work by Clean Wisconsin. • To accommodate our growing staff, interns, and volunteers – now at 17 people – Clean Wisconsin started off the year by moving into greener offices with non-toxic paint, energy efficient full-spectrum lighting, and recycled carpeting. Melissa Malott, Clean Wisconsin Water Program Director

• Work to advance Great Lakes issues continued. Throughout the year, water program staff have worked tirelessly on all fronts to make sure that the quality of Great Lakes water – as well as the quantity – are preserved through Great Lakes Restoration and Great Lakes Compact initiatives. I invite you to spend a few minutes reading Clean Wisconsin’s 2006 Annual Report to learn more about how seriously we take the responsibility of being “your environmental voice”.

122 State Street Suite 200 Madison WI 53703-4333 Phone: (608) 251-7020 • Fax: (608) 251-1655 www.CleanWisconsin.org

Cover photo: A Wisconsin wonderland. © istock and Jeffrey Zavitski

Your support of Clean Wisconsin enables our staff to be a force to be dealt with on behalf of the environment. We thank you for your help in sustaining this important work. Yours most sincerely,

Mark Redsten


2006 Annual Report

clean water W

hen you think about clean water in Wisconsin, what comes to mind? The fishing hole where you learned to cast a line? A family trip to the incredible Great Lakes? Or do you realize about how lucky we are to find clean and abundant water coming out of the faucet?

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services

Judith Perlman


Wisconsin’s waters are a valuable resource for us to use and protect. Wisconsin’s water faces many threats including pollution, invasive species, and those who would profit from exporting our precious lake waters. Wisconsin’s Great Lakes, inland lakes and rivers are special places we go to fish, swim and enjoy. Clean Wisconsin works hard to protect your waterways – your way of life.

Clean Wisconsin’s 2006 major CLEAN WATER victories and highlights included:

• Won a case in circuit court challenging the water intake permit for Elm Road Power Plant in Oak Creek. • Protected 1,100 more miles of riverways by obtaining additional designations as Outstanding or Exceptional Resource Waters. • Helped build support for the Great Lakes Compact. • Held listening sessions in Great Lakes shore cities/communities, to hear citizens’ concerns about the Great Lakes. • Testified in support of increasing polluted runoff protections for Wisconsin waters from polluting factory farms (CAFOs). (Rules were consequently put into place in 2007.) • Attended International Rivers Conference in La Crosse. • Attended the International Mercury Conference and co-sponsored the simultaneous mercury advocacy conference. • Attended the Governor’s conference on water conservation. • Monitored the Groundwater Advisory Committee’s work reporting on recommendations for additional protections for groundwater in Dane County and the area around the Little Plover River near Stevens Point.

Beki Manghera


2006 Annual Report

clean air F

Clean Wisconsin


or some, clean air in Wisconsin is a sometimes-takenfor-granted element of an enjoyable trip to the north woods. To others clean air is the deciding factor as to whether one is able to simply go outside on a given day, or whether one needs to remain inside to avoid harmful pollutants in the air. Wisconsin currently generates more than 70% of its electricity from old, dirty coal plants, some dating back to the 1940s, that emit harmful pollutants into the air. Clean Wisconsin worked hard in 2006 to hold lawbreakers and polluters accountable. Clean Wisconsin was victorious in 2006 on many fronts helping to clean up Wisconsin’s air.

Clean Wisconsin’s 2006 major CLEAN AIR victories and highlights included:

• Reached a legal settlement requiring the cleanup of the Pulliam power plant in Green Bay and investments in energy efficiency. • Completed technical comments on a proposed settlement at the USEPA regarding the consideration of alternative technologies (Integrated Combined Cycle, or IGCC) to reduce air emissions. • Presented public comments on two large coal boilers in Madison (Blount Street power plant and UW Charter Street heating plant). • Coordinated a meeting with the WDNR and Wisconsin Public Service Commission to discuss greenhouse gas emission calculations for new power plants. • Submitted comments for the development of Wisconsin’s State Implementation Plan through the Clean Air Interstate Rule rulemaking process at the DNR. • Researched and wrote the “Dirty Dozen” report that notes the poor track record of power plants around the state. • Participated in and made clean air and energy advancements in Dane County through the Madison Area Clean Energy Coalition.

Melissa Malott


2006 Annual Report

clean energy W

Clean Wisconsin

Clean Wisconsin


isconsin’s outdoor culture stems from a love of the land and an understanding of healthy natural ecosystems. Clean Wisconsin’s approach to finding clean energy solutions is also rooted in this culture. Today’s innovative technologies combined with abundant Wisconsin resources – such as wind and agriculture byproducts – offer an outstanding opportunity to create new jobs and economic activity using clean, efficient and renewable energy sources. Wisconsin has the potential to become a major player in clean energy technology. With this in mind, Clean Wisconsin played a key role in strong victories on behalf of clean energy alternatives.

Clean Wisconsin’s 2006 major CLEAN ENERGY victories and highlights included:

• Played a lead role in the establishment of Wisconsin Act 141, the 2006 Clean Energy Act. This Act requires utilities to invest in renewable energy resources such as wind and solar power, as well as energy efficiency programs – all of which will not only save ratepayers hundreds of millions of dollars but will also help protect Wisconsin’s clean water and clean air. • Developed the content for 2006 Executive Order 145 which makes Wisconsin a leader in energy efficiency for state facilities. • Influenced the Public Service Commission to consider improving the energy planning process which would consider all forms of energy and long-term needs. • Served on Legislative Council Study Committee on Nuclear Power. • Delivered presentations to hundreds of Wisconsinites focusing on global warming in Wisconsin. • Canvassed door-to-door, gave public presentations, tabling and petitioning efforts provided more than 1,000 citizens an outlet to register support for clean energy solutions. • Built strong ties to nontraditional environmental allies including health organizations, the faith community, conservation clubs, hunting and fishing organizations and labor.

Clean Wisconsin



2006 Annual Report

communications W

hile the skillful work done by Clean Wisconsin’s program staff speaks volumes on its own, the communications staff worked hard to effectively and consistently deliver program messages to individuals, groups, the media and businesses.

Major highlights for 2006 included:

Media Relations: • Executed an array of statewide media activities in support of Clean Wisconsin program work, including editorial board visits, press conferences, telenews conferences, press kits, media alerts, releases, LTEs, opinion editorials, etc. Some highlights include: o Green Bay’s Pulliam coal power plant press conference signaling a Clean Wisconsin lawsuit victory; o Oak Creek’s Elm Road Generating Station media blitz trumpeting the ruling by appeals court judge throwing that power plant’s water permit into question; o Editorial board visits to Great Lakes basin communities to discuss Great Lakes Compact and Restoration issues; and, o Participation in a gubernatorial press conference advocating for 90% reduction in mercury emissions by 2012. • Garnered more than 900 statewide Clean Wisconsin media mentions in newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations, and on the Internet. • Created and ran public service announcements in conjunction with a Madisonbased radio station. • Created and trained a global warming rapid response media team derived of spokespeople from various backgrounds and expertise. • Trained Clean Wisconsin staff in developing a solid on-camera media presence.

Kenosha News: April 12, 2006

Major highlights for 2006 continued...

Collateral Materials and Outreach • Managed and edited quarterly newsletter, The Defender, distributing to 12,000 members and outlets. • Created a well-received print piece educating readers on the vulnerabilities of the Great Lakes. • Produced a Clean Wisconsin organizational brochure. • Planned and created a myriad of communication outreach pieces in support of program work, such as: reports, presentations, petitions and fact sheets. Displays/Events/Meetings • Created eye-catching displays and materials for Clean Wisconsin’s open house, Canoecopia, Lobby Day, Midwest Renewable Energy Fair, and a variety of other conferences throughout the year. Messaging • Designation by National Wildlife Federation naming Clean Wisconsin as the coordinating entity on Great Lakes Restoration communications. • Created message manual for campaign against Alliant’s plan to build an outdated technology dirty coal plant. • Improved organizational messaging discipline to insure consistency across programs. Miscellaneous • Standardized policies and procedures for media relations and other Clean Wisconsin communications functions. • Performed a communications audit to assess our growing communication needs resulting in hiring a new, full-time Media and Communications Director.

Clean Wisconsin (in cooperation with Fresh Energy) hosted a global warming media and messaging training in Madison in September 2006.


2006 Annual Report

office administration T

he office administration staff is the behind-the-scenes anchor of our professional office. In order for Clean Wisconsin to do our important program work, we need the right combination of technology and equipment, proper reporting, and a comfortable, efficient work environment.

Major highlights for 2006 included:

Clean Wisconsin

Miri Pogoriler, one of Clean Wisconsin’s spectacular volunteers.

• Advanced the lobbying process to include: o Refined and enhanced approval, tracking, and reporting processes and products; o Advanced staff training and tools; and, o Synchronized of policy positions, planning goals and messaging. • Coordinated Clean Wisconsin new office space culminating in an open house celebration. • Successfully tended to an increasing staff and associated infrastructure. • Developed a dynamic strategic plan that correlated to campaign plans and policy positions. • Managed reviews, updates and amendments to: Bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, Financial Policies, and Employee Handbook. • Improved tracking and documentation of equipment and warranties. • Improvements and expansion of volunteer program.

A big thank you goes to our important 2006 volunteers. Their dedication and competence assisted us in our important work. Nancy Anthony – Outreach Assistant Kitty Fitzpatrick – Outreach Assistant Ursula Hartwig – Outreach Assistant Nikki Lenhart – Program Assistant Arlene Meyer – Outreach Assistant Seth Nowak – Program Assistant Miri Pogoriler – Lobby Reporting Specialist Diane Redsten – Outreach Assistant Caitlin Sticco – Development Assistant


financial management Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2006

Profit & Loss Statement January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2006

Cash & Short-term Investments Grants Receivable Accounts Receivable Furniture & Equipment Other Assets Total Assets

$637,079 55,910 4,413 37,209 13,002 $747,613

Income Foundation Contributions (Grants) Grants Released from Restrictions Subtotal Grant income


$ 95,890

Net Assets: Net Assets – beginning of year $451,967 Increase in net assets during 2006 199,756 Net Assets at 12/31/2006 $651,723 Total Liabilities and Net Assets


$417,844 246,610 664,454

Member Contributions Other Income Total Income

330,224 22,345 $1,017,023

Expenses Personnel Contract Services Postage Rent Supplies Travel & Training Depreciation & Amortization Other Expenses Total Expense

$601,518 320,723 24,245 45,510 19,275 18,229 14,153 43,374 $1,087,026

Change in unrestricted net assets Temporarily Restricted Net Assets Contributions – Foundations Released from restriction Change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets

($70,004) $516,370 (246,610) $269,760

Increase in net assets during 2006


Net Assets – beginning of year Net Assets – year end

$451,967 $651,723



2006 Annual Report

supporters C

lean Wisconsin wants to thank the following foundations, funds, corporations, and organizations for their generous support in 2006. Their support has allowed us to advance our program work in the areas of clean water, clean air and clean energy. Without their strong support, our victories to date and our hoped-for plans for the future would not be possible.

Foundation, Family Foundation and Business Supporters

• Beldon Fund • Brico Fund • Carolyn Foundation • Dale Druckrey Fund at the Shawano Area Community Foundation • Eau Claire Ford • The Energy Foundation • The Garfield Foundation • Robert and Natalie Gehringer Family Fund within the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region, Inc. • The Joyce Foundation • Kocourek Chevrolet • Warren L Kreunen Revocable Trust • Mazess Fund for the Environment at the Madison Community Foundation • Mazess Passthrough Fund at the Madison Community Foundation • Charles Stewart Mott Foundation • New York Community Trust • Proteus Fund • Linda Gale Sampson Charitable Fund Inc. • Surdna Foundation • Wege Foundation

Pro Bono Services:

Special thanks to the following businesses and their staff for the many hours of support they have donated to aid us in our mission to protect Wisconsin’s clean water and clean air. • Garvey McNeil & McGillivray, S.C. • Geek World • Mark Manghera Graphic Design • Wickwire Gavin, PC

Gifts In-Kind:

Thank you to the following companies who donated their products and services to make our work more effective. • Capital Brewery • Edible Arrangements • Frida’s Restaurant • Herzing College • Microsoft • Restaurant Magnus

Other Support:

• Community Shares of Wisconsin • Community Shares of Greater Milwaukee

Clean Wisconsin thanks its board of directors!

We thank our board members who helped our fundraising efforts in 2006. They helped us keep the lights on and gain the resources necessary to continue our important work. We would especially like to acknowledge the following board fundraising teams who surpassed their goals for the year: • Jim Carter and Will Fantle; • Susan Greenfield and Mark Gill; and, • Pam McGillivray and Gof Thomson. Special mention is also given to Jim Carter and Susan Greenfield whose tireless efforts helped make our fundraising and membership outreach a success in 2006.

© istock and Jack Lamour



2006 Annual Report

membership development

special members Leadership Council $1,000 and above

Grant Abert & Nancy Ward Richard & Sara Baer Richard & Gail Baker Jim Carter & Victoria Miller Anne & Patrick Cory Amy Gilliland Peter & Susan Holm Norbert Holmblad Keith & Linda Kocourek Laura & Richard Kracum Richard Mazess & Marilyn Johnson Mazess


ach day in Wisconsin, we witness the power of a unified voice asking for clean water, clean air and clean energy. Clean Wisconsin thanks all our members for everything they do helping us fight for clean water, clean air and clean energy. We have so much to thank you for, including: • Thousands of dollars contributed to our important work. • Hundreds of comments sent to policy makers on clean water, clean air, and clean energy issues. • Hundreds of hours of hard work by our committed volunteers. • Two house parties that raised much-needed funds. Thank you Inge and Frank Wintersberger and Susan and Jerry Greenfield for your generosity as party hosts.

Party host Susan Greenfield

Mark Manghera

In Memoriam

In honor and memory of Colin McCamy by his family and friends. In honor of, and with gratitude to Norbert Homblad for naming Clean Wisconsin a beneficiary of his life insurance policy.


Janet Ady & Annette Larson Suzanne Ahnert Henry Anderson MD Michael Anderson Anne Arnesen John Bahr Thomas & Leslie Balliet Helen Banta Mary & Brad Barham Barbara Barker Tom & Jill Barland Linda & Roger Barrington William & Edwina Bean Carlene & Richard Bechen Vasiliki Beltaos & Efstathios Beltaos MD Jacob & Helen Bennison Elizabeth Bensen MD & Mark Bensen Jonathan Blick & Barbara Connolly-Blick Charles Boardman III & Diane Boardman

Party host Inge Wintersberger

Clean Wisconsin

John Merline & Inger Wilkerson Glenn Reinl & Sara Krebsbach Richard & Mary Kay Ring H Jean Rowley Linda Gale Sampson Thomas Schlueter MD & Ellen Neuhaus MD Roland Schroeder & Mary Mowbray Daniel & Marcia Smith Gof & Mary Thomson Kerry & Pat Toutant

Beki Manghera

Charles Boardman MD Oscar & Patricia Boldt Dennis & Marie Bolstad Kent Borden Elvira Borgstadt Elizabeth Bostrom Gary Bottoni Patricia Bowne Joyce Brehm Rosalie Breitenbach Chip & Pam Brewer Lois & Ed Brick Sue Bridson & William Bridson MD Marcia Brooks & Edward Hammond Joan & Patrick Brophy Roger Buffett Susan Burdett Glenda & Robert Burdick Elaine Burke John & Ann Burton Russell Butkiewicz & Kari Esbensen

2006 Board of Directors

Officers Pam McGillivray – Chair (Madison) Jim Carter – Vice Chair (Eleva) Will Fantle – Secretary (Eau Claire) Gof Thomson – Treasurer (New Glarus) Members Mark Gill ( Milwaukee ) Kate Gordon ( Madison ) Gary Goyke ( Madison ) Susan Greenfield ( Milwaukee ) Bill King (Cable) Paul Linzmeyer ( Green Bay ) David Wandel ( Madison ) Guy Wolf (Stoddard)

2006 Staff Mark Redsten Executive Director Program and Communications Keith Reopelle Program Director Katie Nekola Energy Program Director Melissa Malott Water Policy Director Joyce Harms Communications Director Shauna Cook Creative Communications Director Will Hoyer Water Specialist Peter Taglia Staff Scientist Ryan Schryver Grassroots Organizer Elizabeth Wheeler Energy Program Specialist

122 State Street Suite 200 Madison WI 53703-4333 Phone: (608) 251-7020 • Fax: (608) 251-1655 www.CleanWisconsin.org

Jeremy Jansen Intern Membership and Development Brian Kelly Development Director Becky Weber Membership and Development Manager Bridget Barry Development Assistant Finance and Administration Barb Kneer Financial Manager Laurie Maloney Office Administrator Holly Brassington Financial Assistant

© 2007 Clean Wisconsin Printed on recycled paper using vegetable-based inks.

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