2007 Annual Report
2007 Annual Report
122 State Street, Suite 200 Madison, WI 53703-4333 Phone: (608) 251-7020 Fax: (608) 251-1655 www.CleanWisconsin.org
Printed on recycled paper using vegetable based ink. © Clean Wisconsin, June 2008
Photo Credits Cover: Carmen Martínez Banús and istock Page 2: istock Page 6: Teal Reopelle Page 9: K aleb Timberlake and istock; Duncan Walker and istock Page 10: Corey Hengen and istock Page 11: Stephen Strathdee and istock Page 13: Jillian Pond and istock All other photos are credited to Clean Wisconsin, Inc.
A letter from the Executive Director
ach year brings new opportunities for all of us. Perhaps you took your first family trip to the majestic Apostle Islands on the Great Lakes, or celebrated twenty years of fishing in the same pristine trout stream. Regardless of how you enjoy this beautiful state, each year also brings new threats to the places that bring you joy. Discovering these threats and turning them into opportunities for success is what drives Clean Wisconsin. Whether success is defined as bringing communities together to protect their special places, or garnering support for a legislative bill, or holding polluters accountable, representing you – our members – in statewide environmental issues continues to motivate this organization and drive its efforts. I am proud to report that 2007 was not only a successful year for Clean Wisconsin but also for Wisconsin’s environment. Some of Clean Wisconsin’s 2007 highlights include: • Gaining valuable environmental provisions in the state budget; • Building support for the passage of the Great Lakes Compact in 2008; • Turning the tide against dirty coal plants and toward a clean energy future with renewable energy sources and increased energy efficiency; and, • Making significant strides to reduce polluted runoff and protect our rivers, lakes and drinking water. These great things could not have happened without your support. I invite you to discover more about these successes, and others, by reading Clean Wisconsin’s 2007 annual report. In 2008, we will build on our victories to ensure Wisconsin’s clean water and clean air are protected, and clean energy thrives for many years to come. Thank you for your continued support. With deepest gratitude,
Mark Redsten
Solid Waste and Recovery Task Force In 2007, Clean Wisconsin’s Program Director Keith Reopelle was a member of the Governor’s Task Force on Waste Materials Recovery and Disposal. The Task Force on Waste goes above and beyond day-to-day home recycling programs and addresses issues such as commercial and electronic waste, landfill operations, and product manufacturing stewardship. Specifically, the Task Force created a comprehensive set of recommendations to: • Minimize environmental, economic and social costs from solid waste; • Require manufacturers to take responsibility for discarded products; • Promote highly effective recycling through improved recovery of construction and demolition debris, scrap paper, organic materials and commercial waste; • Improve environmental responsibility at landfills; and, • Promote sustainability through improved measures dealing with agricultural waste, unused pharmaceuticals, burning restrictions, and favoring products manufactured with recycled materials.
Gaining Environmental Provisions in the State Budget Clean Wisconsin worked with a coalition of environmental groups to gain green funding in the Wisconsin state budget. We organized meetings with Governor Doyle and his staff before the budget was introduced to discuss our goals, and worked to get the budget passed. The budget process was long and hard but the gains to Wisconsin’s environment were significant: • $26 million in grants and loans for renewable energy technology development and manufacturing; • $86 million a year for the Knowles Nelson Stewardship Fund for natural area land acquisition; • $6 million in cost-sharing for farmers to reduce polluted runoff; • $20 million in bonding to assist in funding construction of manure storage facilities and other farm improvements as well as urban stormwater management facilities aimed at reducing runoff; and, • $17 million to match up to $31 million in federal funding for cleaning up contaminated sediments in the Milwaukee and Kinnickinnic Rivers affecting Lake Michigan.
green funding
Clean Wisconsin/ Environmental Decade Founder Doug LaFollette Continues to Invest in Organization’s Future Doug LaFollette
ack in 1970, when Secretary of State Doug LaFollette was a professor at UW-Parkside, he saw the need for a statewide policy organization working to enact and enforce strong environmental laws in the state of Wisconsin. With his energy and vision, strong support from volunteers and fledgling staff, and a mimeograph machine in his living room, Doug created what is now one of the largest statewide environmental groups in the nation. Fast forward to the year 2007 when Doug created a gift annuity with the Madison Community Foundation for Clean Wisconsin. Once again, Doug recognized an unmet need and stepped up to fill it. This gift will help support Clean Wisconsin’s endowment fund. Doug’s foresight and generosity will help provide Clean Wisconsin with the resources we will need to help protect Wisconsin’s water and air well into the future.
In an interview with Doug, this is what he had to say about his interests and why he made his gift:
Q. Why do you support Clean Wisconsin’s programs, and what program areas are most interesting to you? A. Citizen action groups such as Clean Wisconsin are critical to protecting and restoring our nation’s environment. Helping local folks and groups around Wisconsin who are facing assaults to the environment is one of the most important things Clean Wisconsin does. Q. What accomplishments are you most proud of at Clean Wisconsin? A. The development of my “living room” dream into an influential and essential force in Wisconsin’s present and future makes me proud every day. Q. Why did you want to make a planned gift like this to Clean Wisconsin? A. I know from many years of experience that long-term funding is one of the most important and difficult concerns for non governmental organizations (NGOs). I hope my gift will inspire many others to help build it into an endowment allowing Clean Wisconsin to fight for many future generations.
More Information on Charitable Gift Annuities A charitable gift annuity is an agreement where a donor transfers cash, securities or other property to a charity. Based on a percentage of the gift, the donor regularly receives payments for the rest of his or her life and spouse’s life. Additionally, the donor receives a charitable tax deduction based on the remainder interest of the annuity contract and a partially tax-free return of principal from the annuity. Upon the death of the annuitant, the remainder of the annuity will be put into Clean Wisconsin’s endowment fund to provide support for our future work protecting Wisconsin’s clean water and clean air. With a charitable gift annuity you can gain financial security, and help protect Wisconsin for generations to come.
Q. Why was a charitable gift annuity right for you? A. It was a great “win-win-win” effort. Clean Wisconsin, with many others following my lead, will grow an endowment. This gift annuity allows me to have a secure investment and plan for the future of Clean Wisconsin. Wisconsin’s environment will have long-term protection and I get a lifetime income and a nice tax deduction as well. Q. Was setting this up difficult to do? A. It was very, very easy and everyone who does it will find out how good it makes you feel. Thank you Doug LaFollette for creating our organization and for helping us obtain the resources to ensure its future!
If you are interested in setting up a gift annuity to benefit Clean Wisconsin, or to discuss other planned giving options, please contact Brian Kelly at (608) 251-7020 extension 23 or bkelly@CleanWisconsin.org.
Great Lakes Compact Clean Wisconsin continued its tireless work to gain lasting protections for the Great Lakes by working on the Great Lakes Compact. The Compact is a binding agreement between the eight Great Lakes States and two Canadian Provinces that will protect our Great Lakes from uncontrolled withdrawals of water. Clean Wisconsin’s Program Director Keith Reopelle served on the Legislative Council Study Committee and a small group formed by the Governor’s Office; Keith and Water Program Director Melissa Malott worked closely with the Governor’s Office and stakeholders to develop statespecific implementing language for the Compact. Clean Wisconsin worked closely with our members to advocate for the ratification of a strong Compact through public and private meetings, and the media. More than six years of hard work and our thorough understanding of this complicated issue helped ensure that the strongest possible Compact language was sent to the legislature for passage in 2008.
Reducing Toxic Mercury Pollution – The Mercury Products Rule Clean Wisconsin worked with Senator Jauch (D-Superior) to develop draft legislation which was introduced in late 2007. This legislation would ban the use of mercury in schools, and ban the retail sale of numerous mercury-containing products including thermostats, switches, relays, commercial measuring devices, and household products such as games, jewelry, clothing, and cosmetics. This bill was passed by the Senate in a 30 to 3 vote in February, 2008. Unfortunately, there was not time for the Assembly to consider this bill before the end of the legislative session. Hundreds of Clean Wisconsin members across the state played a major role in supporting this bill to protect public health by reducing toxic mercury pollution. Your support led to the near unanimous vote in the Senate and will help us gain support and final passage of the mercury products ban in 2009.
Great Lakes Restoration Clean Wisconsin’s Great Lakes restoration campaign focused in large part on invasive species and ballast water legislation. We served as the communications hub for the Healing Our Waters Coalition (HOW) campaign in Wisconsin. This coalition worked to further engage members of Congress and Governor Doyle on many Great Lakes restoration issues. In this role we led communication and press relations efforts that helped build support among Wisconsin’s legislators for the Great Lakes Collaboration Implementation Act and the aquatic invasive species legislation. Thanks to you contacting your legislators, we gained the authorization of the electric barrier to help keep Asian carp out of the Great Lakes.
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Polluted Runoff Together with our partner groups we won a policy victory that will improve manure management on Wisconsin’s largest farms, keeping manure out of our rivers, lakes and drinking water. We also asked the Governor and Legislature to increase funding for programs that can help reduce polluted runoff from all agricultural operations, which they did in the State’s 2007-2009 biennial budget. The final adopted budget increased funding for cost-sharing for farmers to do nutrient management planning and other soil and water conservation practices by $6 million over the biennium. It also contained over
$20 million in bonding to assist in funding construction of manure storage facilities and other farm improvements, as well as urban stormwater management facilities aimed at reducing runoff.
Legal Victory Challenging a Coal Plant’s Water Pollution Permit Clean Wisconsin won a landmark decision invalidating the water pollution permit for the new Elm Road coal plant in Oak Creek. Thanks to your support, this was a significant victory in a long war against this dirty power plant and its destructive impacts on Lake Michigan. You have helped us turn the tide against this poorly designed power plant cooling system. This was a huge victory for Lake Michigan, but the fight is far from over. We Energies is now trying to find a way around this ruling and has asked the WDNR for a modified permit with little or no improvements. We will remain vigilant in 2008 to ensure that Lake Michigan is protected.
Groundwater Thanks to your support Wisconsin’s waters are better protected now than they were in 2006. There are now rules in place to better manage the impacts from groundwater pumping on springs, trout streams and other exceptional waters of the state. NR 820 went into effect in 2007 and implements the Groundwater Protection Act of 2004. This rule, while a good first step, will need to be strengthened to better protect the supply of water in our precious waterways. With your continued support we can make the necessary improvements.
Yahara Lakes Project With key support from the Madison Community Foundation, Clean Wisconsin and Gathering Waters worked in partnership with state, county and city leaders to spearhead an effort to greatly improve the Yahara chain of lakes in Dane County. In 2008, we will continue to build support for this important effort. The Madison Community Foundation has provided us with a grant to expand our restoration planning efforts; this is a great partnership that will lead to cleaner, healthier lakes in Dane County.
Mississippi River and Global Warming Conference
In conjunction with the Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters, Clean Wisconsin organized a successful conference focusing on regional water issues and global warming. Sinsinawa Mound Center is located alongside the picturesque Mississippi River. Attendees turned out to hear leading national experts address global warming threats and opportunities related to the restoration and protection of Wisconsin’s rivers and lakes.
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Murphy Oil Campaign In 2007, Clean Wisconsin discovered The Murphy Oil Company was seeking investors to enlarge their refinery on the shores of Lake Superior. Clean Wisconsin began a targeted media campaign to publicize the potential threats, coordinated citizen awareness meetings in Superior, and worked to educate a diverse coalition of people and groups (regional and national) to involve them in protecting your cleanest Great Lake. Thank you for your help thus far. We need your continued support to keep attention on this important issue in 2008.
Milwaukee Watershed Pilot Project Clean Wisconsin worked with a variety of stakeholders to help create a pilot project, funded in large part by the Joyce Foundation, developing a watershed restoration plan in the Milwaukee River Basin. This type of plan has never happened before in Wisconsin; it brings together cities, farmers, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, environmental groups, and UW–Milwaukee to work together to clean up the Milwaukee River Basin. Clean Wisconsin is honored to be part of the group working to reduce polluted runoff, phosphorous, and other nutrients and toxins with the goal of creating cleaner waterways where people can swim, fish and enjoy.
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Reducing Toxic Mercury Pollution – The Mercury Power Plant Rules In 2007, Clean Wisconsin rallied public support for deeper cuts in mercury emissions from power plants. Thanks to you, Clean Wisconsin delivered nearly 1,000 comments to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) in support of stronger rules to reduce this toxic pollutant. With your help, we were instrumental in pushing for stronger proposed rules that will require a 90% reduction (up from 70%) from all large power plants. We are now urging the WDNR to move up the timeline for achieving those reductions. With the help of many of you, Wisconsin is poised to again become a leader in reducing toxic mercury releases into our environment.
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Midwest Governors Signed a New Accord on Global Warming Clean Wisconsin was the only environmental organization appointed by Governor Doyle to represent Wisconsin on the Midwestern Governors Association stakeholder group. We were influential in the decision making both leading up to, and during, the Governors Energy Summit in Milwaukee. At the summit, nine states and one Canadian province agreed, as a region, to reduce use of natural gas and electricity through energy efficiency, and agreed to increase the use of renewable resources 30% by 2030 with concrete intermediate steps. Six of these states, and Manitoba, also agreed to establish a regional greenhouse gas reduction program with targets and timelines. In the next two years, Program Director Keith Reopelle and Staff Scientist Peter Taglia will continue to serve on the stakeholder groups that advise the governors on how to implement their ambitious goals.
Nuclear Energy
Governor’s Task Force on Global Warming
Clean Wisconsin has long opposed nuclear power because of the high risks to public health and the environment. In recent years Wisconsin’s Nuclear Moratorium Law, which places reasonable restrictions on the construction of new nuclear plants, has been challenged. This common sense law states that the Public Service Commission cannot approve construction of a new nuclear plant unless it is economically advantageous to ratepayers, and a federally licensed permanent site for the storage of high-level radioactive waste exists. In 2007, Clean Wisconsin successfully worked to prevent the passage of a bill that would have abolished the nuclear moratorium law and would have made our state vulnerable to less scrutinized nuclear power plants.
Clean Wisconsin worked with the Governor to form this new Task Force and developed strong recommendations for conservation and energy efficiency. We are leaders in the environmental community on this effort. This Task Force will create the road map for how Wisconsin will achieve large reductions in greenhouse gas pollution through homegrown energy solutions including a larger reliance on renewable energy and increased energy efficiency. Clean Wisconsin was invited to serve on the Task Force, and three staff members play important roles: Program Director Keith Reopelle is the Co-Chairman of the Cap and Trade Working Group, Energy Program Director Katie Nekola is a member of the Energy Efficiency Working Group, and Staff Scientist Peter Taglia is on the Technical Advisory Group and Co-Chairs the Electric Generation Working Group.
Global Warming Outreach Clean Wisconsin’s Grassroots Organizer Ryan Schryver has been trained by former Vice President Al Gore to give a Wisconsin focused version of the Inconvenient Truth presentation on global warming, and has given this presentation over sixty times throughout Wisconsin. These presentations have focused on the impact of climate change on Wisconsin’s environment, economy and culture and have greatly assisted in raising the awareness of threats and opportunities in our own backyard.
Implementation of the Clean Energy Act and Governor’s Executive Order Our success in 2006 gaining Wisconsin’s Clean Energy Act and the Governor’s Executive Order on Energy Efficiency will pay off in 2008 and beyond. Our implementation efforts in 2007 helped double the amount of funds for the 2008 Focus on Energy budget, to roughly $85 million a year, for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects for homes, businesses and farms. These gains in energy efficiency are helping to flatten energy demand growth in Wisconsin. Also, as most utilities in the state invest in wind power to meet the requirements of the Clean Energy Act, Wisconsin will continue to reduce our reliance on coal plants.
Federal Victory Renewable Electricity Standard Thanks in part to Clean Wisconsin members in communities all around our state who urged their representatives to support a federal Renewable Electricity Standard, the legislation passed in 2007. This victory helps raise the bar for renewable energy by requiring utilities to produce 15% of their power from renewable sources by the year 2020.
Wind Energy Campaign With the support of our members at several public hearings, Clean Wisconsin has been advocating for legislation to reform the process to site and permit small- and medium-sized wind farms. This is a preliminary recommendation of the Governor’s Task Force on Global Warming, and will help promote a clean energy future for Wisconsin. Additionally, Clean Wisconsin organized and sponsored a successful bus tour of 115 residents of Calumet County to visit a wind farm operating in Princeton, Illinois. The trip gave residents a close-up and personal tour, educated them on the workings of a wind farm, and reduced tensions and hostility over a proposed wind farm in Calumet County.
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energy Midwest Leadership in 21st Century Energy Clean Wisconsin participates in a seven-state network of nonprofits and foundations, called REAMP, which strives for Midwest leadership in 21st century clean energy by reducing global warming pollutants 80 percent by 2030. This ambitious project unites organizations interested in renewable energy development—including environmental groups, ratepayer groups, labor, utility representatives, rural economic development groups, and others—to work for sound policy solutions to stop global warming. Clean Wisconsin’s Program Director, Keith Reopelle, is the Global Warming Solutions Working Group Leader and serves on the RE-AMP Steering Committee, and Clean Wisconsin’s Elizabeth Wheeler is the RE-AMP Coordinator. Success in 2007 took many forms, including: • Leading the advocate collaboration in the Midwestern Governors Association working toward establishing strong energy efficiency goals for the region; and, • Advocating for, and helping to establish, the RE-AMP Global Warming Strategic Action Fund, bringing over $1 million in new funds to the Midwest for global warming campaigns annually.
COMMUNICATIONS Clean Wisconsin’s communications staff works hard to derive and deliver consistent messages to a variety of audiences. This important work helps Clean Wisconsin achieve programmatic and organizational success. Whether it is building solid relationships with reporters or producing a user-friendly and informative website, consistent and engaging communications lends credibility to the Clean Wisconsin messages delivered daily throughout Wisconsin. Midwestern Governors Association Press Conference
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Global Warming Roundtable Clean Wisconsin was asked to participate in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Roundtable on Global Warming. The Roundtable’s proceedings were featured in the Journal Sentinel’s Sunday feature section, carried on the publication’s website, and culminated in an editorial by the Journal Sentinel calling for immediate action to address global warming. Messenger Trainings
Clean Wisconsin played a pivotal role in organizing a successful regional press conference following the conclusion of the Midwestern Governors Association Energy Summit in Milwaukee. In collaboration with the Fresh Energy Media Center, Clean Wisconsin and RE-AMP partners commented on the results of the Energy Summit. More than 22 journalists from throughout the Midwest attended the press conference both in person and via teleconferencing capabilities.
A portion of Clean Wisconsin’s communications work is done in conjunction with the Media Center at Fresh Energy as part of a multi-state collaborative to raise the visibility of energy issues, global warming and solutions. One element of this work includes training spokespeople from different walks of life who can speak to the impacts of global warming from a variety of perspectives. Clean Wisconsin collaborated with the Media Center to present two such messenger trainings, one in La Crosse and one in Milwaukee.
Increased Visibility In Print Media For two years running, Clean Wisconsin has maintained a presence in print media around the state that is significantly higher than in past years. Efforts to raise the visibility of the organization resulted in more print media “hits” in 2006 and 2007, a 50% increase over 2005. Editorial Board Visits As part of a proactive media relations plan, Clean Wisconsin placed a high priority on meeting with editorial boards of major newspapers around the state in an effort to educate editorial writers and reporters on environmental issues. The 2007 focus was on global warming, the Great Lakes Compact and renewable energy. Visits were made to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin State Journal, Eau Claire Leader Telegram, La Crosse Tribune, Racine Journal Times, Green Bay Press-Gazette, Stevens Point Journal, Manitowoc Herald Times, and Superior Telegram.
The Defender Newsletter Communications Creative Director Shauna Cook produced and edited Clean Wisconsin’s quarterly newsletter, The Defender. Based on a 2007 member survey, The Defender remains a favorite benefit of Clean Wisconsin members. This publication is viewed as offering clear, concise, reliable and regular environmental and legislative information not typically found in other media outlets (local print publications and TV and radio stations).
www.CleanWisconsin.org Clean Wisconsin went through a successful redesign of its website, providing a more organized and welcoming structure. The new site delivers easier ways to take action on the topics you care about most, keeps you informed with the latest program updates, and provides a secure way to make your donation online. Reports and Fact Sheets 2007 was a stellar year for publications at Clean Wisconsin. Two reports, Global Warming in Wisconsin and Wisconsin’s Groundwater: Valuable, Vulnerable, Vanishing?, were well-received by members, reporters, legislators and affiliate organizations. Fact sheets surrounding the Great Lakes Compact, Alliant Energy’s proposed new coal plant, and Murphy Oil’s refinery expansion were also successful at educating a variety of audiences on the changing dynamics of these issues. And of course, let’s not forget the 2006 annual report summarizing Clean Wisconsin’s work for the year, given the generosity of our members and donors.
Clean Wisconsin 2007 Staff
2007 Distribution of Expenses
2007 Sources of Revenue
80% Program
70% Grants
9% Administration 6% Fundraising 5% Membership Development
Cash & Short-term Investments Grants Receivable Accounts Receivable Furniture & Equipment* Other Assets Total Assets
$776,000 245,000 39,000 24,000 19,000 $1,103,000
$ 111,000
Total Liabilities and Net Assets *Net of depreciation.
$652,000 340,000 $992,000 $1,103,000
Program and Communications
Membership and Development
Keith Reopelle Program Director
Brian Kelly Development Director
Katie Nekola Energy Program Director
Becky Weber Membership and Development Manager
Melissa Malott Water Program Director 2% Investment Income
4% Other
24% Member Contributions
Statement of Activities January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007
Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2007
Net Assets: Net Assets – beginning of year Increase in net assets during 2007 Net Assets at 12/31/2007
Mark Redsten Executive Director
Income Foundation Contributions (Grants) Grants Released from Restrictions Subtotal Grant Income
$507,000 365,000 872,000
Member Contributions Other Income Total Income
300,000 67,000 $1,239,000
Expenses Personnel Contract Services Graphics & Publication Supplies, Postage, & Office Costs Rent, Repairs, & Insurance Depreciation & Amortization Other Expenses Total Expense
$738,000 168,000 66,000 44,000 53,000 14,000 83,000 $1,166,000
Change in unrestricted net assets
Increase in net assets during 2007 Net Assets – beginning of year Net Assets – year end
Finance and Administration
Will Hoyer Water Specialist
Roger Sneath Acting Chief Financial Officer
Peter Taglia Staff Scientist
Laurie Maloney Office Administrator and Financial Assistant
Ryan Schryver Grassroots Organizer Elizabeth Wheeler RE-AMP Coordinator Adam Conlin Program Intern
Clean Wisconsin 2007 Board of Directors
$268,000 340,000
Guy Wolf (Stoddard)
$633,000 (365,000)
Shauna Cook Creative Communications Director
Members Mark Gill (Milwaukee) Kate Gordon (Madison) Gary Goyke (Madison) Paul Linzmeyer (Green Bay) Carl Sinderbrand (Madison) David Wandel (Madison)
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets Contributions – Foundations Released from restriction Change in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Joyce Harms Communications Director
Bridget Barry Development Assistant
652,000 $992,000
Officers Pam McGillivray – Chair (Madison) Susan Greenfield – Vice Chair (Racine) Will Fantle – Secretary (Eau Claire) Gof Thomson – Treasurer (New Glarus)