Beaulieu – where young minds thrive
School prospectus
Contents Headmaster’s welcome Introduction Our community Our aims Our Catholic tradition Pastoral care Our achievements Our curriculum Our Learning Centre Partnership with parents Performing Arts Music Art and Textiles Sport Outside School Our campus Sixth Form life The Beaulieu Foundation Further information
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Headmaster’s welcome
Headmaster’s welcome
I am delighted that you are interested in Beaulieu, a school that offers a firstrate education for girls.
and they will be delighted to show you around and to share with you their knowledge of the School.
Selecting the right school for your daughter is one of the most important decisions that you will make as a parent. Beaulieu offers a very special blend of excellence in pastoral and academic development for girls. The best way to experience this is to visit us and meet Beaulieu girls and staff on one of our open days. A visit to the School will give you a flavour of life here and of the many and varied activities that we offer.
Beaulieu girls are interested in more than worldly success. The overlap between the religious tradition established here by the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception and the School gives an education that goes beyond all academic and other achievements. A Beaulieu education provides girls with a spiritual compass for life. The moral principles that girls develop here act as spiritual bearings to guide them through adult life in an increasingly secular world filled with moral confusion.
I feel very privileged to be leading the School, building on the tremendous achievements of its past. The Beaulieu girls have consistently impressed me; they are articulate and confident young women
Beaulieu staff members are highly professional; their commitment underpins the warmth and vibrancy of this special community. As a
father of two children myself, I know how important good relationships are in a school and how a friendly and wellorganised environment helps young people to learn. Our girls will be happy to tell you about the many opportunities that enrich their lives. Together with the staff, I look forward to welcoming you to Beaulieu and to answering your questions about the School and about your daughter’s education.
Chris Beirne Headmaster
The Beaulieu students have consistently impressed me; they are articulate and confident young women and they will be delighted to show you around and to share with you their knowledge of the School.
A leading school in Jersey for 3 to 18 year old girls, teaching a Catholic based education on one single site.
Beaulieu cares, prepares and educates girls and young women for the modern world. We do this with Catholic beliefs strongly rooted in our community’s heritage and tradition. We nurture talent, attitudes, passions and faith so that all girls succeed.
Beaulieu – where young minds thrive
Our community
Beaulieu, rooted in tradition, focused on the future Our community Founded by Sisters from the Order of the Immaculate Conception, Beaulieu first opened its doors on 15th January 1951 with 56 students. Since its opening the School has continued to thrive and grow and Beaulieu now has over 760 students aged 3–18.
In 2011 Beaulieu celebrated its Diamond Jubilee. This was a very special time for us as a school and it enabled us to build on and strengthen our community even further. During 2014 we celebrated the 90th birthday of Sister Marie Louise, our much loved past Headmistress and Trustee. This provided a wonderful opportunity to celebrate as a community and culminated in a trip to Rome, where Sister Marie Louise met Pope Francis. Over the years, the School has developed an excellent reputation and fine tradition; many past pupils choose to send their own daughters here or decide to work here themselves. The close relationship we share with past students and our supporters is very special to us as a family and a Catholic school. We also firmly believe that we can only achieve the best for our students by working closely with parents and carers. For this reason we welcome our parents to share in their child’s education. Our Parent Consultative Council provides parents with a forum to come together, share ideas and present their views to the School, and
visitors are always warmly welcomed into the School. We are very proud that we can cater for the needs of our students on one site for the whole of their educational journey from the age of 3 to 18. Beaulieu Primary Department is a special place where our dedicated staff members work tirelessly to provide a stimulating, rich and exciting environment where everyone feels valued and safe, where ideas can flourish and students can reach their full potential. A young child is inquisitive and full of questions. By providing a broad, creative and engaging curriculum we develop our students’ love of learning. We also encourage our students to explore, ask questions and work harmoniously by offering opportunities for everyone to succeed; we all celebrate and share in their joy and delight. As our students move on to our Secondary Department they do so with an excellent academic foundation, with deep and lasting friendships, secure in their own ability, proud of their achievements and confident to meet any challenge.
Our Secondary Department offers a stimulating environment with greater responsibilities and challenges for our students. While our expectations are high and our academic achievements consistently impressive, we strive for a broader experience for our students, establishing a strong foundation from which to build a successful and rewarding life. A wide, stimulating and well balanced curriculum, carefully tailored learning plans and a comprehensive enrichment programme come together to provide an environment where students thrive and succeed academically and socially in the loving and caring community that is Beaulieu. Sisters of the Immaculate Conception teaching boys as well as girls in the 1950s.
Our aims
Our aims A Beaulieu girl is industrious, open-hearted and courageous. We encourage her to develop strength in self-discipline and the capacity to live responsibly and generously, making effective contributions to her community.
Beaulieu Convent School is a leading private Catholic girls’ school committed to offering a well-rounded, enriching and diverse Catholic education for girls between the ages of 3 to 18 on one single site. We are a friendly, supportive and caring community, proud of our history, our achievements and, most importantly, our students. We are committed to nurturing talents, aspirations and dreams and our students leave us as confident, articulate and compassionate individuals with a hunger for learning and a passion for life.
Our aim for every Beaulieu student can be encapsulated in the following words:
Faith Enrichment Achievement Community
Our Catholic tradition
An environment for girls to flourish
Our Catholic tradition Beaulieu Convent School is a leading Catholic girls’ school, originally founded by a French religious order, the Order of the Immaculate Conception.
Prayer, worship and liturgical celebrations are central to the Catholic tradition and we provide opportunities for worship in order to help students develop an appreciation and understanding of our faith to allow them to make educated decisions themselves. We are very proud of our Chapel and it is an important part of school life. Open daily for personal prayer, our Chapel is also extensively used for collective worship. Our dedicated and approachable Chaplain is on hand and works closely with our Headmaster and staff to oversee and encourage the spiritual and liturgical life of Beaulieu and to ensure we stay true to our Catholic roots.
of both St Thomas’ and St Mary and St Peter’s Churches. Our Primary Department embraces important Catholic dates, such as the Feast of Pentecost, building a learning project around the celebrations. Time is made for morning prayer as well as during Mentor Time in the Secondary Department. Every other year our Performing Arts Department develops a liturgical dance which is performed during our Feast Day Mass on December 8th. We also invite visiting groups to speak to our students.
Our Chaplain is also present as a source of support to our students and provides a sympathetic ear for those who may need help or guidance.
Reflection days are an important element of the school calendar. Our Year 7 students take part in these reflection days in September to help build relationships with fellow students and staff and to learn about the School’s ethos. Other year groups are presented with opportunities to engage in reflection.
We take our Catholic faith seriously and include it in our day-to-day lives. Mass is celebrated at the start and end of each term and on major feast days and we are fortunate enough to have use
As a school we recognise the importance of putting our faith into action. We work with the Student Council to develop fundraising initiatives and to select causes to support, such as the Mustard Seed Appeal.
Recent Chaplain-led trips have included visits to Romania supporting the Mustard Seed Appeal, where the group distribute food packages, and trips to Rome, most recently in celebration of Sister Marie Louise’s 90th birthday, when she was able to meet with Pope Francis in person.
Our faith is central to school life and we are fortunate enough to have our Chapel on-site and use of both St Mary and St Peter’s and St Thomas’ churches.
Pastoral care
Pastoral care At Beaulieu we provide a caring and nurturing environment to allow all our students to flourish and we consider the pastoral care of our students to be of the utmost importance in this process. The wellbeing of our students is our biggest concern and all staff members share in the responsibility of caring for our students.
A full induction programme has been developed at Primary and Secondary level to ensure students are comfortable with staff, the campus and their responsibilities and fully understand and embrace our special school ethos. On arrival at the Secondary Department each pupil is allocated a Mentor. These Mentors work closely with the students throughout their time at Beaulieu, growing to know them well and providing academic and personal guidance and support. Mentors and their students meet daily and Group Mentor Time provides an opportunity to cover topical issues, discuss concerns and develop new skills. Pastoral, Mentor and Welcome Consultation evenings are organised during the year to provide parents with the opportunity to discuss their daughter’s progress and highlight any concerns. Our Head of Pastoral Services, Pastoral Heads and our Mentors are always available for confidential discussions with both students and parents. We understand that school life
and, in particular, examination preparation can be daunting. To help reduce concerns we have developed a programme for students that provides guidance on exam preparation and study skills and we also provide tailored education schemes for students with specific educational needs. We recognise the importance of the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our students within the Catholic ethos, and of preparing them for the opportunities and responsibilities of adult life. PSHEE lessons, incorporated within the mentor schedule and our Beliefs and Values curriculum, allow the students to explore attitudes and values, develop and justify personal opinions and experiment with strategies for resolving conflict. Great emphasis is placed on well-being and self-esteem development, with students being encouraged to behave co-operatively and to take responsibility for their own behaviour. We aim to promote critical thinking, good communication skills through active listening and discussion,
informed decision-making, mutual support, assertiveness, and improved organisation and time management skills. The presence of our Chaplaincy Team and Discipleship Team provides access to a professional and confidential counselling service for any students who may be experiencing personal problems and require some support. Our thriving House system allocates each Primary and Secondary pupil and staff member to a House, providing an opportunity to bond and compete in a range of disciplines including sport, drama, music and dance. Our House system is hugely popular and fosters team spirit and loyalty. It also provides interaction across all ages, building confidence and developing new friendships. We also have an active School Council in both Primary and Secondary, with representation from each year group. Elected by their peers, Council members raise funds for charities, contribute to School improvements and address issues on behalf of the student body.
Our achievements
Preparing students for the modern world
Our achievements Beaulieu prides itself on being an academically non-selective school, which values and encourages each and every child.
Because of this, we achieve consistently high examination results, meeting the National expectation or above for Key Stage Two and usually enjoying a 100% pass rate at both GCSE and A Level, with over 40% of our students regularly achieving A*s or As. These exceptional results reflect both the hard work and dedication of our students and also the commitment and support provided by our experienced staff members.
The quality of care, relationships between staff and students, student behaviour and attitude to learning are outstanding. The culture and ethos of the School are outstanding and are highly significant factors in the academic success of individual girls and the School collectively. Quote from the latest Ofsted review undertaken at Beaulieu.
The true measure of our success, however, is the fact that we help all our students to realise their full potential as individuals, providing them with opportunities to excel in whichever area their passions lie. Our personalised learning programmes and pathways enable our students to meet their full potential and, as a result, our value-added scores are consistently high, demonstrating our commitment to nurturing and developing our students. Our gifted and talented students are well catered for, supported and challenged by both their subject teachers
and Mentors through tailored programmes to suit their ambitions and aspirations. While we celebrate our examination results proudly, the achievements of our students go far beyond those of just academic success. The extra-curricular activities available to our students allow them to broaden their horizons and find a pursuit that they feel passionate about. We regularly have students representing their island, and on occasion their country, in a range of sports. Furthermore, many students shine in performing arts, in music, in art and design and in fashion. Our students also have an awareness and appreciation of their environment and a passion for the wider community and our students are often active in environmental projects, community groups and local charities.
Our curriculum 11
Our curriculum Our Primary curriculum delivers a personalised, creative learning experience for all our pupils. It is a carefully planned approach to teaching and learning designed to support children’s natural curiosity and stimulate their creativity.
We offer children the opportunity to work in depth, giving them the time they need to reflect, consolidate and transfer their learning. Independent learning alongside adult-led learning has a high priority; we pay close attention to the differences between our children, planning activities to challenge and support them individually. Direct experience is placed at the centre of the curriculum so that teachers draw out and develop children’s thinking in meaningful contexts. Knowledge, skills and understanding are expressed in a range of different media and ways. Children, adults and parents work together, drawing resources from the School and wider community to create a challenging, distinctive and exciting curriculum for students from the age of three that includes: emotional intelligence, communication, creative arts, health and wellbeing, French, Religious Studies, Science, Technology, Outdoor Education, Physical Education, History and Geography and Citizenship.
All our children have an entitlement to a well–resourced and rich learning environment that promotes their sense of responsibility and autonomy, helping them to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. At secondary level, the curriculum gives every student the opportunity to develop her potential as fully as possible, not only academically but also socially, artistically, creatively and in sport. At the heart of the School curriculum is the School’s concern for the moral and spiritual development of each student; every student takes Religious Studies at GCSE or an equivalent level. It is our aim to prepare students for higher education and to enable them to play their part as confident, effective and caring members of society. To achieve this, every student studies a broad, common-core curriculum for the first two years. Students choose their GCSE subjects at the end of Year 8, studying them over a threeyear programme. These include Religious Studies, single, double
or triple Science, Mathematics, ICT, French, Spanish or German, English Language and English Literature, plus three additional subjects. At Sixth Form we provide two study pathways. One is a two-year BTEC vocational route, the other is A Level, with an opportunity to follow some courses not previously offered. For the academic course, four subjects are usually taken to AS Level in the first year, often with three continued to A Level in the second year. Some students, however, do complete four or even five A Level subjects. In addition, our BTEC courses can be combined with an A Level. Our broad and stimulating curriculum provides the opportunity for our students to shine, wherever their talents lie.
Our Learning Centre
Working with parents
Our Learning Centre Beaulieu is very proud of our Learning Centre, located on the second floor of the Main House. In recent years we have developed and invested in our approach to supporting students with specific and challenging learning needs, as well as any social issues or emotional difficulties.
We have focused on supporting students with difficulties such as Asperger’s syndrome, dyslexia and a range of emotional and behavioural challenges. The growing demand and the success of this provision have resulted in us investing in our physical resource in order to meet the requests we are receiving from parents seeking such a provision to meet their daughters’ specific learning needs. We have developed a Learning Centre that now provides three classrooms, a quiet room, an office and toilet facilities – all with wheelchair and lift access. We have the space and appropriate facilities to support up to 200 students at different times on a daily basis receiving one-to-one or smallgroup support from 1-3 hours a day. It has also provided the option to create additional alternative curriculum opportunities to enable non-academic students to achieve outside the traditional academic curriculum. Our Head of the Learning Centre and his dedicated team work tirelessly across
the whole School to identify students who may have specific learning needs, testing them and then developing specific learning programmes that most effectively meet their requirements. Working closely with the Head of Pastoral Services, our Learning Centre team work with our students and their parents, managing expectations and helping them to determine the best educational or social programme to aid their success and ensure positive development. We also have strong working relationships with a variety of outside agencies, educational and clinical psychologists, CAMHS, Children’s Service and Social Services to ensure the most appropriate and comprehensive care for our students. Our Learning Centre really is a resource for all our pupils and is also available to offer support to our more able, or exceptionally bright, students to assess their capabilities and maximise their potential. A key focus of our Learning Centre staff is on well-being and building self-confidence and self-esteem. In our
community every child is given the opportunity to reach their full potential and develop their talents, whatever their area of individual interest. Thank you so much for helping me understand that I am dyslexic and helping me find ways of coping with it. You always made me laugh and the Learning Centre is such a calm and happy place. I was lucky to be able to learn in it. Year 11 Student
There is always someone beside me to help me. Year 7 Student
Staff members are really welcoming, friendly and love to have a laugh, it’s a lovely family group that care about you. They are happy to help anyone if they need it. Year 11 Student
Our Learning Centre offers support for any student who may have a specific educational or emotional need, or for our exceptionally able students to help them reach their full potential.
Partnership with parents 13
Partnership with parents We nurture close relationships with parents and invite them to take part in school life and become part of the Beaulieu family.
Many students are the children of past pupils and we are delighted to invite the next generation into our community. Everyone who has enjoyed involvement with Beaulieu is invited to join the Beaulieu Foundation, our network for past pupils, parents, staff and supporters of the School. We encourage close contact between parents and staff and keep parents fully informed of their daughter’s progress. Parents have access to their daughter’s personal Mentor and there are a number of parent and Mentor, and parent and subject staff meetings throughout the year. Parents are also encouraged to contact their daughter’s Mentor at any time and are free to make appointments with their daughter’s Academic Head of Year, their Pastoral Manager or the Director of Pastoral Services. We firmly believe that parents who are involved in their child’s learning, and school life in general, not only enhance their own child’s performance but also help to drive whole school improvements. We love our parents to get
involved and encourage them to attend sporting fixtures, performing arts and music events and any other School events during the year. We have a thriving Parent Consultative Council, a consultative group that is run by a volunteer body of parents to represent all our parents, with support from Beaulieu. The Council provides a forum for parents to come together, share ideas and present their views to the School.
Beaulieu School is a very special place for any girl to attend. The love, care and support of the teachers, the Pastoral Team and the receptionists exceeds expectation. Thank you so much for helping to make (our daughter) into the young lady she has become today. Quote from Year 11 parent
We also have an active PTA. This energetic group runs a busy programme of events and fundraisers during the school year to raise funds to support specific school projects.
We love our parents to get involved in school life, meet other families and enjoy themselves!
Performing Arts
Creative life at Beaulieu
Performing Arts We have a strong tradition of Drama and Performing Arts at Beaulieu. We believe Performing Arts nurtures our students, helping them to gain confidence and develop their team-building skills and their problem-solving capabilities.
Our Performing Arts Department is run by specialist teachers, and students from Reception to Year 8 are provided with weekly drama lessons. Drama is offered at GCSE and Drama and Theatre Arts is offered at A Level and incorporates studying scripted work from a performance perspective and the creation of students’ own original work. Our dedicated team also provide one-on-one audition preparation and training for students hoping to study drama or dance at higher education. In addition to our curriculum activities we offer a whole range of extra-curricular activities to those students with a passion for Performing Arts. Year 6 students stage an annual graduation production to celebrate completing Primary School. Recent productions have included Beauty and the Beast, Alice in Wonderland and Charlotte’s Web, as well as work by Shakespeare and Terry Pratchett. We regularly have great success at all ages in the Drama Eisteddfod, winning classes for a variety of disciplines including mime, scripted and dance drama.
We also regularly stage musicals or plays, which are always a resounding success and a sell-out. Students take responsibility for lighting, sound, costume design, make-up, set design and creation, programme design and development. Past performances include: Peter Pan, The Sound of Music, Annie, the Wizard of Oz and the Shakespeare Schools Festival performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Activities Week offers fantastic opportunities for drama enthusiasts. We run an ‘express production’ and a drama trip on alternate years. The express production involves staging a show in four days and performing it on the fifth. Recent productions include Macbeth and Arabian Nights. Drama trip destinations have included London and Italy, where students have the opportunity to attend specialised drama workshops.
House Drama and House Dance are extremely popular events run by the students themselves with support from our Performing Arts team. We also run an A Level drama evening, where we show practical exam work that is assessed by examiners on the night and also attended by parents, friends and staff. Our productions offer fantastic opportunities for drama, music and dance enthusiasts to get involved.
Music 15
Music We have a thriving Music Department, providing our students with every opportunity to develop their musical skills in whichever area their passion lies.
We proudly operate a peripatetic system where every student can learn any instrument they desire. Our students develop and enhance their musical ability through a curriculum that is tailored to their individual strengths. All students receive weekly music lessons from Reception to Year 8. Emphasis is on listening, performing and later composing, with students experiencing a wide range of instruments and styles. We encourage our students to be enquiring and experimental in their approach in order to enhance and develop their individual talents. Recently our Year 8 groups have written, sung, recorded and produced four tracks that were uploaded for sale online, receiving over 30,000 downloads. Our Music GCSE provides scope for any budding musician to flourish and our Music Technology A Level is proving more and more popular. In addition to excellent results in both academic and practical examinations, our Music Department offers a varied range of extra-curricular activities
that provide performance opportunities for our students.
musicians passionate about playing in a traditional forum.
Our Junior, Year 7 and Chamber Choirs have enjoyed great success at the Eisteddfod. Choir members sing regularly at school Mass and our Carol Service and in a variety of other events.
Regularly we stage a musical or play and music is a central part of it, with our musicians supporting the production and our singers taking on principal roles. Past performances include Peter Pan, The Sound of Music and the Wizard of Oz.
Our Chamber Choir members have sung at Disneyland Paris, at various locations in Rome, at Christmas concerts with the Jersey Symphony Orchestra and with the Youth Chamber Orchestra. Our Big Band is made up of Beaulieu and De La Salle students from Years 7 to 13 and has offered talented musicians the opportunity to play at a whole host of local events including the Boat Show and the Food Festival, as well as achieving success at the Eisteddfod locally and the Music for Youth competition nationally. Members have also played at Disneyland Paris. The Big Band members like to support charity work and recently performed in aid of Side By Side. A Senior Orchestra provides an opportunity for those
I love Music Tech because I have the chance to create music that I can be proud of. Since beginning the course I have gained a lot more confidence, not only in performance but also in many other areas. Music is very important to me as it allows me to creatively express myself in a way that academia doesn’t and having both music and academics has allowed me to develop into a well rounded person. Katie Walters
Art and Textiles
Igniting passions and nurturing talents Art and Textiles Beaulieu has a strong tradition of Art and Textiles and our students take part in a range of activities to enhance their talents and broaden their appreciation of the art world.
Our Primary Department offers a curriculum that enables the students to develop their visual and tactile awareness and encourages them to interpret and respond to what they see and feel. Students are given the opportunity to experience drawing, painting, printmaking, three-dimensional work, textiles and art and design history and appreciation. At Secondary level, our thriving Art and Textiles Department is run by a team of specialist teachers. Our well-equipped art, textiles and photography studios provide our students with the opportunity to experience a range of media and subjects including painting, drawing, fashion, textiles, ceramics, photography, print making and history of art. Art and Textiles are offered at both GCSE and A Level, with Photography offered at A Level. Our focus is on building confidence and nurturing talent – we strive to provide every student with the opportunity to gain their maximum level of achievement, wherever their skills and interests lie. Our students also take part in a range of extra-curricular
activities to enhance their talents and broaden their appreciation of the art world. This includes participating in workshops run by professional artists, teaching them new skills in studio-based environments outside School. We hold an annual fashion show to enable our students to showcase their textiles and fashion design work and experience the process of putting together a show from start to finish. We stage an annual art exhibition and students are actively encouraged to get involved in the process of setting and hanging their work to give them a flavour of life at a gallery. All Secondary level students are encouraged to take part in competitions run on-Island and in the UK to give them experience of working to a design brief, with many successful winners. We regularly welcome visiting photographers, designers and artists to run classes with our students and they are keen to share their experiences and to help to develop our students’ skills.
Art inspired me to look at the world from a different perspective. Through the passion and enthusiasm of the Art Department, I was encouraged to express myself and grow as a person through experimenting with a variety of techniques and medias and to develop a range of skills, new concepts and ideas. I believe that art not only feeds the mind, but also the soul. Francesca Monticelli, Art student.
Our students also take part in a range of extracurricular activities to enhance their talents and broaden their appreciation of the art world. Artwork by Esther Le Ruez
Sport 17
Sport Sport is an integral part of life at Beaulieu and we pride ourselves on producing enthusiastic, competitive, yet sporting team players who appreciate the importance of taking part, not just winning. All our students are welcome to try a range of sports, whatever their ability, in an atmosphere of support and camaraderie.
Taking part in sport and physical activity not only fosters an appreciation of the importance of teamwork, it also builds confidence, communication skills and a passion for life. Above all else, we want our students to enjoy sport here at Beaulieu. Our PE Department is run by specialist teachers, providing sporting guidance and expertise. Our campus houses numerous tennis courts, an astro-turf, Primary and Secondary gymnasiums and ample outdoor space. We have ambitious plans to develop our sporting facilities to further enhance both our sporting performance and our students’ enjoyment of outdoor life. Sport is introduced at an early age and our Primary students try out for a variety of teams. We regularly compete against other schools and many students represent the island. We also offer ‘Wednesday Clubs’, where every child is welcome to come along and take part. Our enthusiasm for sport continues at Secondary level, where our students represent the School in a variety of sports.
Competition for School team spaces is fierce but all students can attend the sessions, providing the opportunity to develop and progress. We enjoy regular success with our School teams, both locally and against Guernsey and visiting UK teams. Our football teams, in particular, have been hugely successful, being placed 7th in the UK for 5-a-side and in the top 50 nationwide for 11-a-side. We also enjoy success in athletics, tennis and swimming, with students taking part in the Junior Island Games, the senior Island Games, the British Athletic Championships and the Junior Olympic Games. GCSE and A Level Physical Education are offered, as well as qualifications such as Sports Leaders Awards, First Aid Certificate and Rookie Life Saving Award. We also offer our students a chance to explore more unusual sports through taster sessions. These have included golf, fencing, Zumba and yoga. Students can then select their preferred activity. We take a practical view of
fitness and strive to meet the demands of our students in the hope that this will instil positive lifestyle habits that will continue long after they leave Beaulieu. I enjoy PE at Beaulieu for a variety of reasons. It gives me the opportunity to work as a team with my peer group of all abilities. It helps me to aspire towards personal goals and allows me to embrace momentary satisfaction whilst participating and achieving. Taking part in sport at Beaulieu with the help and support of the staff, has enabled me to become the best sports women I can be, and has also allowed me to build on personal performance, organisation, leadership skills and other qualities. Gabriella Martin, PE student
Our students take part in a range of sporting activities and appreciate the importance of taking part, not just winning.
Outside School
A love of learning and a passion for life
Outside School Despite our impressive academic record, Beaulieu is about more than just exam results. We are committed to the development of well-rounded individuals with a love of learning and a passion for life.
To ensure this is possible we offer our students a range of opportunities to broaden their interests, challenge themselves and give something back to their community. Our Primary students can enjoy a range of competitive team sports. We also offer opportunities for those interested in performing arts to become involved in the choir, orchestra and drama clubs and for our older students, our Year 6 production and our school musicals. We are passionate about the environment and our Eco Committee works hard to raise awareness of environmentally friendly practices to ensure our pupils grow up as environmentally responsible adults. Beau Belles, our after-school and holiday activity club, supports busy parents and offers on-site enrichment activities. Beau Belles provides fun and stimulating care and activities for children in a safe and friendly environment managed by staff from within the School team. We believe off-site excursions are vital for our students’
development as they offer new and exciting environments in which to explore and learn. During the academic year we undertake a number of trips for all our year groups and these include visits to the beach, various businesses and Durrell, as well as the Fire Service and Police Headquarters. Our Secondary students enjoy a comprehensive enrichment programme, particularly at Sixth Form level. This programme is full of opportunities to develop new skills, build confidence and enjoy learning outside the classroom. In addition to the many sporting, performing arts and art clubs that thrive at Beaulieu our students readily involve themselves in work experience, House responsibilities, environmental awareness programmes, community service and charity work. Our Student Council is instrumental in raising funds to support charities of their choice, including the Romania Mustard Seed Appeal and our students have been fortunate enough to take part in trips to distribute aid in Romania.
We run a number of other off-island trips during the academic year and encourage our students to get involved. Ski trips are popular and allow students to develop a new skill and test their mettle. Others have enjoyed trips to New York, Venice, France and the opportunity to meet the Pope in Rome. Our Activities Week is extremely popular each summer and provides our students with the opportunity to try something new, visit a new country or further develop an existing passion.
Our students enjoy a range of extracurricular activities that help to develop new skills and build confidence.
Our campus 19
Our campus Our campus houses the whole Beaulieu School provision, with accommodation for students from the age of 3 up to 18.
The site is made up of our Primary and Secondary Department buildings, as well as our Main House – the original school building when Beaulieu opened in 1951. The Main House contains our Music Technology studio, our Performing Arts studio and our Learning Centre, with full disabled access. Each school department houses a fully equipped library. The Secondary library contains over 20,000 books and periodicals and is fully computerised. Students have full access to computers, laptops and iPads, although many now have a device of their own following a very successful ‘bring your own device’ initiative. The Primary library provides a wonderful learning resource for the enquiring minds of our youngsters. Café Beau, our café for students and staff, provides a healthy, balanced and nutritious breakfast, break and lunch for those who require it, in a friendly and welcoming environment. The campus comprises numerous tennis courts, an astro-turf, Primary and
Secondary gymnasiums and ample outdoor space. We have ambitious plans to develop our sporting facilities to further enhance both our sporting performance and our students’ enjoyment of outdoor life. We are also fortunate enough to have the use of St Thomas’ and St Mary and St Peter’s Churches for mass and whole school prize-giving events. We are very proud of our ICT provision at Beaulieu and are also very aware of the need to stay abreast of any technological developments that can aid teaching and learning. We were the first gigabit school in the Island and the first to offer both campus wide Wifi and Cloud computing for our students, making the transition between working at home and School seamless. We pride ourselves on being a technologically advanced school and have exciting plans for ICT provision for the future. While Beaulieu hugely values our history and our very special heritage, we are also very aware of the future. We are currently busy planning to future-proof the School for years to come. We have mapped out a ‘master
plan’ – a vision for the future of the School that embraces the latest thinking in education and maximises our campus opportunities for our students and staff, whilst also remaining sympathetic to the environment and our special Beaulieu ethos of community and care.
Our campus provides a safe and secure learning environment for our students.
Sixth Form life
A Sixth Form with an enviable record of achievement Sixth Form life At Sixth Form, we provide a social and academic environment in which our students can work hard to develop skills and successfully progress to further or higher education, or within their chosen career.
The Sixth Form gives students the opportunity to gain in maturity and selfconfidence; personal and social development is as important as academic achievement. Sixth Formers enjoy the freedom of no longer wearing school uniform but are expected to dress for a business environment. They are entrusted with a range of important roles including Head Girl, Deputy Head Girls, Prefects and House Captains and they take the job of guiding other students seriously. We offer a broad range of subject combinations at AS and A Level. We also have a thriving vocational education centre and our BTEC courses continue to provide a successful vocational route to university and employment. We know each student well and encourage her to develop and flourish as an individual in our caring community. Our pastoral care is excellent, with each Sixth Former allocated a Mentor to help make the best of opportunities available, to monitor academic progress and provide pastoral care on a daily basis.
Careers guidance is an integral part of Sixth Form life and our Mentors spend time providing students with individually tailored careers advice and assistance with the university or job application and interview process to ensure our students are fully prepared. We provide our Sixth Formers with work experience relevant to their career aspirations wherever possible. Our relationships with local businesses are strong and our students remain sought after by employers locally. During their time as Sixth Formers our students not only focus on their academic studies, they also follow an enrichment programme. We actively encourage students to participate in a wide range of initiatives to enhance their communication, team-working and critical thinking skills. These include the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, the Young Enterprise Company Programme and a variety of local work shadowing schemes. We also believe in supporting our wider community and our students work hard assisting at church, as St John’s Ambulance volunteers, as
Girl Guides and with various charities and support groups. Our Sixth Formers remain very much part of school life. Our School Council is chaired by our Head Girl and fundraising is high on the agenda. A recent Council initiative raised funds for the Romania Mustard Seed Appeal, culminating in a Christmas trip to Romania to distribute food packages, a humbling and moving experience for our students. I feel very privileged to be given the opportunity to work alongside the teachers and my leadership team to represent the students of Beaulieu in all aspects of school life. My years at Beaulieu have helped shape me into the young person I have now become and it is rewarding to be able to give something back. Melissa Bertram – Head Girl 2015 – 2016
During their time as Sixth Formers our students not only focus on their academic studies, they also follow an enrichment programme.
The Beaulieu Foundation 21
A firm foundation for the future The Beaulieu Foundation In 2007 we launched the Beaulieu Foundation. It was established as an independent trust in order to support the future capital development of Beaulieu and to work to safeguard and enhance the School for the future.
The Foundation has a number of priorities – • Building a network to reconnect with past pupils, staff, parents and friends of the School, providing a real feeling of belonging to the Beaulieu community. • Providing financial support for existing and prospective students through the development of bursaries and scholarships. • Raising funds for capital development of the School’s campus and facilities and to enhance curriculum and learning opportunities.
We celebrated Sister Marie Louise’s 90th birthday in style with a 1920’s themed ball.
We organise a number of networking and fundraising events during the year for our Foundation members to enjoy. Recent events have included a Diamond Jubilee ball, a tea party, the launch of our Beaulieu calendar, an event especially for our Beaulieu ‘Old Boys’ and a 1920’s themed ball to celebrate Sister Marie Louise’s 90th birthday. The foundation now has over 1,000 past students, parents, staff and friends registered as members, a figure that is continually growing.
been instrumental in raising funds to support these plans through our Campus Development Appeal. We would love you to become part of the Beaulieu family by joining the Beaulieu Foundation. If you would like to learn more about the Foundation, our events and our future plans for the School please email: foundation@
We have ambitious plans for the future and the Beaulieu Foundation has
The Beaulieu Foundation helps to keep me connected to the School and informed about its latest developments. The events organised are always fun and the 1920’s ball was fantastic. I caught up with old school friends that I hadn’t seen for years!’ Vicki Charlesworth, Beaulieu past pupil
Further information
Further information We would love the opportunity to show you round our school and let you see for yourself what a special place Beaulieu is. If you would like to arrange a tour, find out when our next Open Day is, or require details of our admissions policy please contact our Head of Admissions on 01534 731280. If you would like to register your daughter for entry into Beaulieu you will need to complete a registration form. These can be downloaded from our website at:
How to find us Beaulieu is located on Wellington Road, on the outskirts of town. It is next to St Mary and St Peter’s Church and can be accessed from both our Wellington Road and our Mont Millais entrances. Our address is: Beaulieu Convent School Wellington Road St Helier Jersey JE2 4RJ If you require any additional information or have any specific queries please contact our Headmaster’s Personal Assistant on 01534 731280 or visit
Beaulieu Convent School, Wellington Road, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4RJ