3 minute read
Lieutenant Basil WESTON VC
1st Battalion, The West Yorkshire Regiment (The Prince of Wales’s Own) 3rd March 1945 VC awarded posthumously for action on 3rd March 1945 when commanding 11 Platoon, B Company, 1st Bn The West Yorkshire Regiment “In Burma on March 3rd 1945, during the Battalion’s attack on the town of Meiktila, this officer was commanding a platoon. The task of his company was to clear through the town from the north to the water’s edge in the south – a distance of about 1600 yards, of which the last 800 yards was not only very strongly held but was a labyrinth of minor roads and well constructed buildings. The Company was working with tanks and Lieut Weston’s platoon was one of the two platoons leading the attack. The clearing of the final 800 yards was commenced at 1330 hrs and was to be completed by dusk. Practically every man in Lieut Weston’s platoon was seeing active for the first time and under the most difficult conditions. From the start, Lieut Weston realised that only be the highest personal example could he hope to carry out this task within the time given. As the Advance continued, opposition increased until, in the final stages, it became fanatical. Fire was heavy from guns and light automatics in well bunkered positions and concrete emplacements on the flanks and throughout the day fighting was at very close quarters and sometimes hand-to-hand. With magnificent bravery, Lieut Weston inspired the men of the platoon to superb achievements. Without a thought for his own personal safety, he personally led his men into position after position, no matter how heavy or sustained the fire, exterminating the enemy wherever fond and encouraging his platoon to the same fanatical zest as that shown by the enemy. His bravery, coolness under fire and enthusiasm inspired his platoon. It was at 1700 hrs, within sight of the water’s edge which marked the completion of the platoon’s task that he was held up by a very strong bunker position. Lieut Weston, appreciating the limited time now at his disposal, quickly directed the fire of the tanks with him onto the position. He then led a party with bayonets and grenades to eliminate the enemy within the bunker. At the entrance of the bunker, he fell forward wounded. As he lay on the ground, he withdrew the pin from the grenade in his hand, and by doing so killed himself and most of the enemy in the bunker. He might have attempted to reach safety, but to do so would have endangered the lives of his men who were following him into the bunker. Throughout the final 3½ hours of battle, Lieut Watson set an example which can seldom have been equalled. His bravery and inspiring leadership were beyond question. At no time during the day did he relax and, inspired by the deeds of valour which he continually performed, he personally led on his men as an irresistible force. The final self-sacrifice of this gallant young officer, within sight of victory, was typical of the courage and bravery so magnificently sustained throughout the day’s operations.”
Lance Sergeant Thomas E ALDER GC
2nd Battalion, The Yorkshire Regiment (Alexandra, Princess of Wales’s Own) 16th/17th November 1930 GC awarded for anti piratical activities on 16th/17th November 1930 on the Yangste Kiang River “On 14th November 1930 Lance Sergeant Alder, in charge of a group of three soldiers of the Regiment, was employed on anti-piracy duties on board the SS Wuhu on the Yangtse River.
Whist proceeding up river, the ship was fired on by communists with guns and rifles on four occasions. Fire was returned, and a number of casualties were observed.
At 4.30 pm on 16th November L/Sgt Alder left the Wuhu in order to proceed to the assistance of the SS Kiatung which had run ashore and was being attacked by communists in sampans. The party had to proceed to the aid of this vessel 2½ miles up river in an open sampan under constant rifle fire from both banks.
After reaching the Kiatung and embarking, L/Sgt Alder and his men were under fire from rifle and gun fire from both sides of the river until the 17th November when another vessel arrived to their assistance. Eventually, the Kiatung was towed off the sandbank and during the return journey the vessel was fired upon on a number of occasions.”