Clearzoning - Services Profle

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28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE

“If I were a plan, I'd want to be like

this one

when I grow up." Awards Committee, Michigan Association of Planning, referring to the Huntington Woods, MI Master Plan prepared by staff of clearzoning®

In all the years I’ve been in the surveying and engineering business, this is the first time I’ve ever seen a zoning ordinance that was easy to use.” —Mike Wizynajtys, Delta Land Surveying

“… nice job of running the meetings. I was very pleased with the group interaction and work on the zone plans.” Paul N. Curtis, Michigan DNR Parks and Recreation

Index Firm Highlights 1

Zoning 3

Planning 7

Transportation 12

Implementation 19

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services

FIRM PROFILE HISTORY Clearzoning® is a 23‐year old planning and transportation consulting firm that was originally established as a subsidiary company of Birchler Arroyo Associates, Inc. Founders David Birchler, AICP, PCP, and Rodney Arroyo, AICP, established Clearzoning as a consulting firm that provides planning, zoning, and transportation services. The company’s clearzoning® product reorganizes zoning and other development regulations for greater efficiency, identifies and resolves conflicting regulations, and provides a significant “health check‐up” for zoning codes. Clearzoning is at the forefront of developing clear and user‐friendly zoning ordinances — it’s what we do. Our clients range in size and character from rural communities to small towns to medium‐sized cities and townships.

Develop and nurture lasting client relationships that will give us the opportunity to provide years of continued service.

Be a partner to clients Use the talents of our staff effectively Commit to quality control Find creative solutions that fit the clients’ needs

our work ethic

Attract and maintain high quality staff

our mission

At Clearzoning, our Principals play a leadership role in every project, working closely with other senior professionals to ensure a product that fits each community’s individual needs. Our talented staff includes nationally certified community planners (AICP), transportation planners, and a traffic engineer (PE). Each member of our team is dedicated to providing products and services that achieve the goals of the firm’s clients. We enjoy working with our wide variety of clients as much as we enjoy working with each other. We strive to create and maintain a strong internal team that supports our collective efforts to grow professionally. Team members are encouraged to be innovative and share new ideas that generate solutions aimed at achieving the goals of the client.

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services


28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE


Our commitment to excellence is recognized in Michigan and around the country; in the past decade, we have received four national planning awards and nine state planning awards.

2012 American Planning Association Small Town & Rural Planning Division

Outstanding Project City of Lathrup Village Clearzoning Ordinance

2009 Michigan Association of Planning

Daniel Burnham Award for a Comprehensive Plan City of Huntington Woods Master Plan

2008 Michigan Historic Preservation Network Government/Institution Award City of Huntington Woods Master Plan

2008 American Society of Landscape Architects Michigan Chapter Merit Award City of Troy Big Beaver Corridor Study

2007 Michigan Association of Planning Outstanding Planning Project Award City of Troy Big Beaver Corridor Study

2007 Michigan Association of Planning Outstanding Planning Project Award - Honorable Mention City of Adrian Comprehensive Plan

2005 American Planning Association Small Town & Rural Planning Division

Award for Excellence Bridgewater & Manchester Townships - Wireless Facilities Master Plan

2002 American Planning Association Small Town & Rural Planning Division Award for Excellence Bridgewater Township Master Plan

2002 Michigan Society of Planning Outstanding Planning Project Award Bridgewater Township Master Plan

2000 Michigan Society of Planning Outstanding Planning Project Award City of Detroit Development Manual

2007 American Planning Association Small Town & Rural Planning Division

Vernon Deines Award for a Small Town or Rural Plan City of Adrian Comprehensive Plan Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services

28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE



ZONING ORDINANCES In times of slow growth, communities can take a wait‐and‐see attitude or they can take positive steps to open the door to new economic development. A user‐friendly zoning code can be one of the strategies to set your community apart from others. From zoning amendments that reflect the community vision, land use policy, and current development patterns to a complete reformatting of the ordinance, Clearzoning® can help boost your community’s economic development potential.

Graphics clearly illustrate code standards and present regulations in a simple and straightforward manner. Advances in technology and widespread accessibility of the Internet call for a change in the traditional text‐based zoning ordinance format of yesterday. Many communities are choosing to make their zoning ordinance and other codes available online for easier access for the public as well as staff and officials. A clearzoning® Ordinance format is designed to effectively portray zoning regulations with fewer words and more illustrations. Our ordinances are user‐friendly and easy to navigate in both printed and digital formats.

© clearzoning

Clearzoning® will partner with you to transform your conventional zoning code into an easy‐to‐read, better organized, digital document that will revolutionize the way your code functions, saving staff time at the counter, and making it easier for officials and citizens to use. A clearzoning® ordinance can guide the development community in a more effective way.

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services


28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE


FORM-BASED CODES Form‐based codes are most appropriate when the desired outcome includes: 

Walkable places


A mix of uses


Traffic calming


Consistent building placement & context


Specific architectural elements

A Form Based Code (FBC) is a zoning code that emphasizes building form with the goal of creating a “place”. FBCs primarily control physical form and have a lesser focus on land use than traditional zoning codes. By focusing on form and scale of development rather than on use, FBCs result in a predictable outcome. FBCs are flexible and allow a wide variety of uses to be integrated into interesting and walkable environments. Elements of a form‐based code include:  Regulating plan—a map of the regulated area that reflects the type of physical form desired

by the community  Public space standards—descriptions of sidewalks, street amenities, and the like found in

the public realm  Building form standards—regulations that prescribe the physical form of buildings, their

relationship to the street and the allowable types of buildings  Standards for definitions and administration of the ordinance

Clearzoning® can assist your community with developing a Form‐Based Code. We will work with your community to define your desired character, and then craft the code with easy‐to‐ understand text and graphics to achieve that character. The extensive use of graphics makes a FBC easy to understand and easy to implement. It’s like having design guidelines right in the Zoning Ordinance.

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services

28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE



S U S TA I N A B L E ZONING PRACTICES As communities strive to promote energy efficiency and “green” building, a broad approach to sustainability should be considered. Sustainable zoning practices recognize that economic, social, and environmental strategies help a community prosper.

Clearzoning® staff has worked with many communities on sustainable zoning practices including: • Wellhead Protection plans that preserve a clean, reliable water supply while • • • • •

identifying steps to eliminate groundwater contamination Tree protection ordinances that preserve trees as important physical, aesthetic, recreational, and economic assets to existing and future residents Wind energy ordinances that allow conversion systems for the purpose of providing electricity to a residence, farm, business, institution, and/or industrial facility Floodplain/flood hazard overlay ordinances that regulate the type and intensity of development in floodplain areas Storm water provisions that regulate management, impervious surfaces, development density, and open space Spill prevention plan regulations to protect vulnerable ground water resources, including hazardous substances reporting forms Clearzoning® helps communities promote alternative energy facilities with zoning changes that include: • Wind Energy ordinances that encourage and provide standards for personal and commercial applications • Electric Vehicle Charging Station ordinances for EV charging systems and related support structures • General alternative energy ordinances that give communities flexibility in approving innovative technologies

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services


28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE


S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y AU D I T FOR ZONING ORDINANCES What is a Zoning Ordinance Sustainability Audit? Sustainability is a process and a way of doing business. A zoning ordinance sustainability audit will assess regulations that impact community land use planning. Clearzoning® will highlight zoning regulations that negatively impact sustainability (e.g., excessive parking requirements that increase stormwater runoff). In addition, the audit will recommend strategies for new regulations that promote sustainable efforts.

Clearzoning® helps communities with sustainable planning practices including: • Long‐range planning for sustainability • Sustainability audits of local ordinances • Promoting place making • Providing viable transportation options • Integrating low impact development,

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) principles, and renewable energy sources into communities • Encouraging access to local food • Planting native species and limiting

invasive species • Allowing

and encouraging diverse housing choices

• Diversifying a community’s economic


Sustainability involves community, economy, and the environment. Community means people. A sustainable community is engaged, diverse, and has a variety of choices in housing, jobs, and transportation. Economy means prosperity. A sustainable economy offers employment, provides needed goods and services to the community, and exports goods and services. A sustainable economy needs a quality workforce and a culture that supports entrepreneurs. Environment means natural resources. A sustainable environment means clean air and water, as well as conservation and stewardship of natural resources. A sustainable environment allows and encourages recreation for today’s generation while ensuring the same quality environment for tomorrow’s generation.

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services

28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE



MASTER PLANS What is a Master Plan? A Master Plan, or comprehensive land use plan, is a blueprint for the future. It is a comprehensive document, long‐range in its view, that is intended to guide development for the next ten to twenty years. The Master Plan sets public policies regarding growth and development. The information and concepts presented in the Master Plan are intended to guide local decisions on public and private uses of land, as well as the provision of public facilities.

When a community reviews its master plan, the following five topics should be considered. Where significant changes have taken place or are anticipated, the master plan should be updated.  Evaluation of the Goals, Objectives and Policies: What has been achieved? Have recent changes impacted these goals, objectives, or policies?  Data: Is the base data current? How have economic conditions or development impacted the data?  Public Opinion / Political Current; In what ways have public opinion or community philosophy changed since the previous plan?  Rezonings and Capital Improvements: Are the zoning districts generally consistent with the future land use plan, and the timing of capital improvements discussed in the plan?  Local and Regional Changes: Have there been any developments of concern in the community, or in nearby communities, that affect underlying principles, policies or land uses in particular areas?

Area Plans. Often certain parts of a community need special attention. These smaller areas within the community may provide an opportunity to accommodate growth, correct blighted conditions, or to fill a specific need in the community. In some cases, an area plan may address all of those issues. While area plans are still a general guide for action, they often provide a clearer concept for how an area should change over time. Often, these area plans can be used as a foundation for economic development strategies, showing property owners how the community wishes to guide change and address the vision of the master plan.

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services


28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE


R E C R E AT I O N P L A N N I N G Parks and recreation opportunities are important assets for community health and can play a role in economic development. An up‐to‐date recreation plan is vital to maintaining your existing facilities, as well as ensuring that the future needs of your community are met. Clearzoning® has extensive experience with developing recreation plans for local governments and preparing grant applications for plan implementation. We also prepare Park General Management Plans for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources

A common element of vibrant, sustainable communities is that they offer great spaces for recreation. These spaces can take virtually any form, from trails, to pocket parks, to large open spaces or state‐of‐the‐art indoor facilities. Such places make a community come alive by creating opportunities for social interaction. They also indicate the value your community places on health and well‐being. Increasingly, recreational experiences are identified as key ‘high quality of life’ contributors by residents and businesses. If recreation is a priority for your community, then please contact us today to discuss the status of your plan and potential grant programs.

Clearzoning® prepares Park and Recreation plans in accordance with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Guidelines for the Development of Community Park, Recreation, Open Space and Greenway Plans. Having a DNR‐approved plan updated every five years sets the course for a dynamic recreation program. It also qualifies your community for the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund, the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and Recreation Passport Fund grant programs.

Clearzoning® has prepared over 15 General Management Plans for the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services

28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE



ENGAGING C O M M U N I T Y PA R T N E R S Why is Public Input Important? Public input is a cornerstone of civic life. For many communities, however, public input is a box to check off in the planning process. Clearzoning® staff believes that a public input plan can be implemented to strengthen the planning process, build support for plan implementation, and maintain civic pride. Even more— communities can tap into the power of the people for a variety of civic causes.

Staff at Clearzoning® have extensive experience facilitating stakeholder and public participation processes using a variety of techniques, such as: •

Planning Fairs

Focus Groups


Internet Surveys

Mail Surveys

Open Houses

Visioning Sessions


Consensus Workshops

Issues & Solutions Workshops

Picture This! Photo Exhibits

Social Networking Sites

Clearzoning® is highly qualified to facilitate public participation techniques that will engage the public, stimulate their involvement, build consensus, then mobilize the partners with a shared vision for the future of the community. We can also assist communities with the development of a public input plan that maps out strategies and benchmarks for public input across a wide spectrum of community goals and objectives. Any successful plan must be solidly based upon a community’s vision for the future. Such plans must also engage community partners, then mobilize them into action. The three major components in any planning process are: 1) Analysis of existing conditions or What do we have? 2) Vision or What do we want? and 3) A Plan for the Future or How do we get there? While the question “What do we want?” may sound simple, mobilizing the public partners to offer community leaders clear direction is rarely a simple task. We will tailor a public involvement approach that fits your community, meets your expectations, and tracks your project schedule.

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services


28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE


CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT AU T H O R I T I E S Corridor Improvement Authorities This financing tool is available for commercial districts that are more linear in form than the traditional downtown. A CIA facilitates infrastructure improvements, property assembly, and marketing efforts that spur economic development and contribute to a sustainable community. Neighboring communities may create a CIA for a shared highway corridor. Clearzoning® assists communities with the following services related to corridor improvements: CIA District Establishment

Tax Increment Financing Plan

• Notice of Intent, Public Notice Requirements

• Projecting Growth in Taxable Value

• Identification of District Boundaries

• New Development Timing Estimates

• GIS Mapping Assistance

• Analyzing Phase‐In and Cost of Projects

• Website development

• Preparing the Multi‐Year TIF Plan

Development Planning

Staff Assistance to Incubate the CIA

• Facilitating Preparation of Development Plan

• On‐site Staffing

• Identifying Projects

• Committee Assistance

• Public Participation

• Volunteer Recruiting, Interviews and Training

• Prioritizing Projects

• Pre‐development Meetings and Facilitation

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services

28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE




The term “complete streets” may be relatively new, but clearzoning® has been incorporating complete streets concepts ‐ designing roadways to safely serve users of all ages and abilities ‐ into land use plans, thoroughfare plans, and downtown plans for 30 years. We help communities plan for a transportation network that serves pedestrians, motorized and non‐ motorized vehicles safely and efficiently.

Complete streets in an urban setting

Complete streets concepts include making roadways safe and functional for bicycles, pedestrians, and transit riders as well as motorists, m o t o r c y c l i s t s , a n d t r u c k e r s . Implementation of complete streets concepts can be incorporated into a small‐scale project or as part of a long‐ term planning strategy.

Clearzoning® assists communities with Complete Streets by: • Preparing

Complete Streets Plans, Transportation Improvements Programs, and Complete Streets Resolutions and/or Ordinances

• Identifying low‐cost transportation network opportunities

that may be helpful in serving a broader mix of users, such as pavement marking changes, signage, and community awareness efforts • Providing hands‐on experience in helping plan and

implement an extensive network of on‐street bike lanes • Recognizing context‐sensitive solutions; for example,

unique requirements for a downtown will be different from those in a suburban setting, but will also serve pedestrians, motorists, and users of various wheeled devices (bicycles, wheelchairs, etc.).

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services


28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE


T R A F F I C , PA R K I N G , & C I R C U L AT I O N S T U D I E S Efficient and effective traffic circulation is important for safety, mobility, land use, and logistics. Clearzoning® can evaluate planned or existing traffic circulation patterns at various levels and provide useful, realistic approaches to maximize safety and traffic flow within a site, between sites, or within a community.

Inadequate or inefficient parking and traffic congestion can be strong deterrents for potential visitors to a community or patrons for a business. Clearzoning® can help determine whether such concerns are real or perceived, and develop a strategy for overcoming problems. Examples of services provided are:

Our traffic consulting services also include the following areas of expertise:

Parking utilization and expansion plans

• Complete streets/Multi‐modal

Traffic impact studies

Signal warrant analyses

• ADA parking requirements

Pedestrian facilities evaluation

• Truck and emergency vehicle access

Street network analyses and plans

• Transit implications

Shared parking studies

• School campus/office park/shopping

Cut‐through traffic analyses

• Access management

transportation plans

district or center circulation plans

Our experienced planning and traffic engineering staff use surveys, workshops, traffic software, and professional judgment to identify the appropriate corrective measures. Contact us to discuss how we can bring our expertise to your community.

Staff Affiliations:

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services

28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE




Staff at Clearzoning® help clients with developing/redeveloping parking areas in an efficient and safe manner. In addition, we assist communities with the preparation of traffic circulation plans, access management plans, bicycle accommodation plans, safety studies, and traffic impact studies.

Staff members of Clearzoning® have extensive experience in the planning, design, and regulation of parking, including but not limited to the: •

Evaluation of shared‐parking potential in downtown Rochester; a block‐wide, new, mixed‐use development in downtown Royal Oak; a shopping center / cinema in Taylor; and a multi‐story, mixed‐use building proposed in Birmingham.

Preparation or revision of numerous zoning ordinances dealing, in part, with parking supply and design requirements by land use type. Drafting of shared‐parking methodology for an emerging downtown, and new parking design standards for several communities.

Parking requirement and/or conceptual design studies for both public and private clients, including the cities of Flushing, Woodhaven, and Lathrup Village; Shelby Township; MDOT (as part of the M‐24 access management study); Bon Secours and Cottage Hospitals; and several shopping centers (including one in downtown Farmington).

Our parking experience includes the following areas of review: • Parking circulation • Driveway access and spacing • Shared Parking • Sight obstructions • Number of parking spaces • ADA parking requirements • Relationship to pedestrian circulation • Transit implications • School campus pedestrian and vehicular circulation plans • Designing safe pedestrian crossings

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services


28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE



School arrival and dismissal times can be hectic, chaotic, and potentially unsafe, often resulting in frustrated students, parents, and school staff. A site assessment by Clearzoning® can lead to effective, efficient, and safe solutions to school traffic circulation.

Clearzoning® staff have observed common situations at private and public schools: • Walking to school is often

discouraged by conflicts with vehicular traffic. We can recommend ways to best manage a variety of conflict areas where vehicular and pedestrian traffic converges. • Increased traffic makes school

ingress and egress more difficult. We have site planning expertise and can address access, parking, and circulation challenges. We seek out safe and cost‐effective solutions. • Schools need solutions now. We

Clearzoning® is a Michigan‐based consulting firm with a 23‐year record of helping municipalities and school districts make sense of their traffic problems. Our staff collectively has over 75 years of traffic planning and traffic engineering experience. We offers several ways to solve problems. Examples include the following: •

Evaluate current conditions and provide a written assessment

Listen to school staff and other stakeholders to fully understand concerns

Develop mitigation alternatives (new signs, pavement markings, concept plan, etc.)

Evaluate warrants for turn lanes and/or signals

Prepare a traffic impact study

Develop a Safe Routes to School program

can perform an initial assessment in 15 business days or less.

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services

28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE




Clearzoning® provides development and traffic review services to numerous municipalities in Michigan. The cost of providing this service is typically passed on to the applicant and is not borne by the municipality. The community receives quality, expert traffic advice with its interests as the top priority, while maintaining a development‐friendly process that provides clear and consistent information to the development community.

When a new site plan is submitted to your community, Clearzoning® will review the plan to evaluate: 1. Parking circulation 2. Driveway access and spacing 3. Need for driveway improvements 4. Sight obstructions 5. Number of parking spaces 6. ADA parking requirements 7. Pedestrian circulation 8. Truck and emergency vehicle access 9. Transit implications. The community will be provided with a well‐written review letter that can assist the applicant, staff, planning commissioners, and others. We will work with your community to establish a fee schedule so that the cost of this service is passed on or shared with each applicant.

Our traffic consulting services also include the following areas of expertise: • Parking circulation • Access management • Shared parking • Complete streets/Multi‐modal

transportation plans • On– and off‐street Parking assessments • ADA parking requirements • Pedestrian circulation • Truck and emergency vehicle access • Transit implications • School campus/office park/shopping

district or center circulation plans Staff Affiliations:

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services


28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE


D E V E LO P M E N T R E V I E W Development Review at No Cost to Your Community Clearzoning® provides development review services to numerous municipalities. The cost of this service can be passed on to the applicant by the municipality. The community receives quality, expert advice with its interests as the top priority, while maintaining a development‐friendly process that provides clear and consistent information to the development community.

The experienced staff at Clearzoning® understands the importance of the site plan review process to a community—both big picture items and the details. It is also helpful to the development community to understand everything that a community requires up front (before a public review meeting). When a new site plan is submitted, we will review the plan and provide both the community and applicant with a complete evaluation of the following:  Building placement &

 Parking circulation

 Connectivity

 Driveway access and spacing

 ADA parking requirements

 Landscaping & screening

 Need for driveway improvements

 Sign placement & character

 Lighting fixtures

 Sight obstructions

 Truck and emergency vehicle

 Photometric plan

 Number of parking spaces

architectural character

 Pedestrian circulation

access & circulation  Transit implications

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services

28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE



D E V E LO P M E N T R E V I E W PROCEDURES Clear, user‐friendly, readily‐accessible development review procedures and forms can serve as an economic development tool and give your community a competitive advantage. Clearzoning® will work with you to tailor development procedures and forms that will fit your community’s codes and processes — making this information available to the public 24 hours a day.

Clearzoning® believes that a clear, concise, predictable review process is essential for every community. Key components include: • A procedures manual that outlines the site plan review process

and includes: Contact information for staff Meeting dates

Clearzoning® procedures manuals and guidebooks have twice been honored by the Michigan Association of Planning: The City of Detroit’s Development Manual (2000), and the City of Novi’s Development Review Guidebook (1998)

Timeline for review/Workflow chart Checklist of required items List of Frequently Asked Questions Regulations appropriate for type of development Application forms (with online capability) • A guide that facilitates efficient communication between staff/

consultants/outside agencies

Using guides that are full of clear and colorful graphics and illustrations, communities can make the development review process effective and efficient for not only the developer, but municipal staff and officials.

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services


28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE


DOWNTOWN ORGANIZATION SUPPORT Whether your community has a MainStreet™ Organization, a Downtown Development Authority, or Corridor Improvement Authority, staff at Clearzoning® are able to provide training to ensure that your board can reach its fullest potential by running efficiently and effectively.

Clearzoning® training modules for boards and committees:

Volunteer Interviews/ Training

• Understanding Statutory Responsibilities

Board Handbook Development

In‐house or Remote Staffing

Preparation of annual reports and budgets

• Maximizing Effectiveness • Getting & Staying Organized

Project management

• Recruiting and Training Volunteers

Technical studies

• Preparing an Annual Report

Web‐based, telephone, mail and intercept surveys

• Conducting an Annual Goals Retreat

Business directories, property and building databases

• Preparing an Annual Budget Board training programs can be tailored to your needs. Contact us to discuss how we can move your downtown into the future.

Board & Committee Services

• Fulfilling Your Role

Marketing materials & web development Grant writing

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services

28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE




Park Acquisition Cottrellville Township

Signal Installation Novi

Park Repair Lathrup Village

Grant Writing In 2012, the staff of Clearzoning® prepared two winning grant applications, securing over $400,000 from the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF). In addition to our work with the MNRTF, we have also have experience with successful grant applications to the Michigan Department of Transportation and the Department of the Interior Land and Water Conservation Fund.

Successful grant applications over the past few years include: • City of Lathrup Village: Goldengate Park Development

(Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund) • City of Novi: SCATS Signal Installation ‐ Grand River to Novi Road

(Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Grant ‐ Michigan Department of Transportation); Nine Mile/Meadowbrook signal upgrade (Federal Local Safety Program—MDOT) • Cottrellville Township: Riverfront Park Acquisition

(Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund) • City of Madison Heights: George W. Suarez Friendship Woods Nature Center

(2 grants: Recreation Bond Fund and Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund) • Imlay Township: Veterans Memorial Park (Recreation Bond Fund ) • Attica Township: Township Park Acquisition (Land and Water Conservation Fund) • White Lake Township: Vetter Park (Clean Michigan Initiative Bond Fund)

Park Acquisition Attica Township

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services


28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE


P R O M OT I O N A L S T R AT E G I E S & M AT E R I A L S Clearzoning® knows that with t o d a y ’ s t e c h n o l o g i e s , communication can be easier than ever. And yet, communities often struggle to provide current information, serve as a resource, and encourage dialog amongst residents, business owners, developers, staff, and officials.

Creating materials that are eye‐ catching, clear, and straightforward go a long way toward spreading an organization’s message.

Communities and organizations are constantly struggling with ways to get out their message. Relying on local media coverage, which can be spotty, means your news is often lost amidst other information. It is becoming increasingly important to utilize a variety of media in order to reach the widest audience.

Professional‐looking marketing and promotional materials raise awareness of community issues and activities, generate goodwill, and provide useful information to the public. Clearzoning® staff understand the messages communities should be sending and provides the following services for our clients:

Developing multiple methods of communication can be time‐consuming, but it should be done on a regular basis to increase the opportunities for people to hear your message.

• Newsletter Design & Content

Clearzoning® can assist your community with developing promotional strategies. We will work with your community to define your message, and then create eye‐ catching materials with easy‐to‐understand text and graphics that spread the word.

• Postcard Mailings

• Website Development &

Management • Emails • Logo Development • Press Releases

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services

28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE



NEXT STEPS FOR D O W N TO W N Next Steps for Downtown Downtowns sometimes need a shot‐in ‐the‐arm; fresh ideas to either jump start a comprehensive planning process or reaffirm and invigorate past planning efforts. This can be particularly true during a down economic cycle.

NEXTSTEPS for downtown™ is a path to ideas and solutions. It includes honest observations that point out how a downtown environment could be even better.

Clearzoning® will conduct an intensive assessment that includes a walking tour of downtown and informal meetings with merchants, residents, staff and officials. We will consider how the following affect the quality of downtown: 











Land Use

The final product is an illustrated report describing what is working and what needs work downtown and offering short‐term and long‐term action strategies (NEXTSTEPS) for implementation. As a companion to the final report, a NEXTSTEPS Best Practices for Downtown manual provides illustrations and examples of what’s working in other successful downtowns.

NEXTSTEPS for downtown™ will provide short‐term and long‐ term strategies and a downtown assessment by experienced professionals in 30 days. The NEXTSTEPS toolkit includes a final report, best practices manual, action strategies worksheets, and interactive CD to assist with implementation.

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services


28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 call toll free 866.271.ZONE

Each Nextsteps report comes with a Best Practices guide specifically developed for downtowns. Photographs illustrate key points and the accompanying text explains how and why they should be used to enhance the downtown environment.

First Edition

Implementation sheets allow organizations to accept or modify action items, making it easy to add these strategies to work plans and benchmark accomplishments.

CLEARZONING 28021 Southfield Road | Lathrup Village, MI 48076 tel 248.423.1776 | fax 248.423.1793


What Is Working


 The new streetscape improvements along Saginaw Street provide an enjoyable pedestrian experience and convenient on-street parking for quick trips.

Planting a tree is one of the most significant and valuable actions that can be taken in a community. If done according to a well thought -out plan, trees will boost property values, shade pedestrians in warm weather, and add color and softness to what could be a very harsh environment.

 Several businesses have placed seasonal plantings in the sidewalk area, which adds to the streetscape quality, creates interest for pedestrians, and enhances individual storefronts.  Saginaw Street, between Maple and the railroad tracks, has attractive street trees that will continue to mature and provide shade for pedestrians as well as aesthetic benefits.

What Needs Work  Unscreened storage of cars for auto repair garage at main intersection of Saginaw and W. Maple is out of place in downtown setting.  Several downtown streets are lacking in any significant presence of street trees. Most notable are Civic Drive, Broad Street (east side), Maple, and portions of Battle Alley.

Downtown streets should be lined with trees. Off-street parking lots should be partially screened from view with landscaping or screen walls. Annual flowers should be found in every direction, and green areas—like public squares and parks—should be part of the downtown fabric.

 The large public parking lots downtown are not well screened from adjacent roadways.  There are many inconsistent techniques used for street tree plantings including open cuts in concrete, raised planters, mulched beds, and brick pavers.  Many planting areas need regular attention to control weeds and maintain a clean-cut appearance.

These sample pages illustrate the Nextsteps approach that breaks down topics by category and element, providing observations and short– and mid‐term solutions specific to each downtown area.


Lack of street trees on Civic Drive (above). Various inconsistent treatments for tree openings (below).


Next Steps Short‐term (Year 1 ‐ 2)  Increase landscape maintenance throughout the downtown.

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 Plant street trees in accordance with the street tree plan approved as part of the short-term recommendations.


 Establish a uniform design concept for street tree planting openings. Consider adopting a tree grate standard that would be used to cover the dirt openings and retrofit this standard where appropriate. Battle Alley would be an appropriate place to add tree grates that reflect the historic character of the area.


 Develop alternative concepts for screening offstreet parking lots from adjacent roadways and nearby land uses and develop a plan for implementation. The goal should be use of a low hedgerow, masonry wall or decorative fence with supplemental plantings that consistently screen up to a height of 2.5 to 3 feet.


 Develop a plan for adding street trees along those roads that have little or inadequate street tree plantings.

 Work with area merchants and businesses increase seasonal flowers along storefronts. consistent planter detail that incorporates standard logo could be developed with manufacturing source identified.

Mid‐ to Long‐term (Year 3+)

 Screen off-street parking lots from view using the recommendations developed as part of the shortterm strategies.

Land Use Best Practices

Best Practice References

15 16 31 32 Holly, Michigan | 3

“Nothing short of Amazing” Robert Lebow, Chair Historic District Commission City of Huntington Woods


TO GREAT PLACE ...and everything in between

Master Plans

Parking Studies

Place Making

Access Management

Recreation Plans

Community Visioning

Traffic Engineering

Form-Based Codes

Downtown Plans

Zoning Ordinances

Transportation Plans

Expert Witness Services

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