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Biblioteca Lorenzo Mendoza Fleury

BOLETIN Noviembre-Diciembre 2015 Vol.31. Núm.6

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American Journal of Public Health The American Political Sciencia Review Estudios Internacionales Foreign Affairs Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy Revista de Administraçao Publica Revista CLAD Reforma y Democracia


American Journal of Public Health Nov 2015; Vol. 105 (11)


Ackermann, Ronald T,M.D., M.P.H., Liss, D. T., PhD., Finch, E. A., M.A., Schmidt, Karen K,R.N., M.S.N., Hays, L. M., PhD., Marrero, D. G., PhD., & Saha, C., PhD. (2015) A randomized comparative effectiveness trial for preventing type 2 diabetes.




Bailey, Z. D., Okechukwu, C., Kawachi, I., & Williams, D. R. (2015). Incarceration and current tobacco smoking among black and caribbean black americans in the national survey of american life.


Bazzi, A. R., Whorms, D. S., King, D. S., & Potter, J. (2015). Adherence to mammography screening guidelines among transgender persons and sexual minority women


Btoush, R. M., Brown, D. R., Fogarty, S., & Carmody, D. P. (2015). Initiation of human papillomavirus vaccination among predominantly minority female and male adolescents at inner-city community health centers.


Campbell, J. D., Brooks, M., Hosokawa, P., Robinson, J., Song, L., & Krieger, J. (2015). Community HealthWorker HomeVisits forMedicaid-enrolled children with asthma: Effects on asthma outcomes and costs


Cannuscio, C. C., Dupuis, R., Graves, A., Hanson, C., & Hersh, S. (2015). The life stories of homeless youths.


Cushing, L., Faust, J., August, L. M., Cendak, R., Wieland, W., & Alexeeff, G. (2015). Racial/Ethnic disparities in cumulative environmental health impacts in california: Evidence from a statewide environmental justice screening tool (CalEnviroScreen 1.1).


Davis, C. S., Johnston, J. E., & Pierce, M. W. (2015). Overdose epidemic, prescription monitoring programs, and public health: A review of state laws

10. Donaldson, E. A., Cohen, J. E., Truant, P. L., Rutkow, L., Kanarek, N. F., & Barry, C. L. (2015). News media framing of new york city's sugar-sweetened beverage portion-size cap 11. Donzelli, A. (2015). E-CIGARETTES MAY IMPAIR ABILITY TO QUIT, BUT OTHER EXPLANATIONS ARE POSSIBLE 12. Drain, P. K. (2015). Implications of repealing the cuban embargo for US medicine and public health. 13. Esser, M. B., & Jernigan, D. H. (2015). Multinational alcohol market development and public health: Diageo in india. 14. Falbe, J., Rojas, N., Grummon, A. H., & Madsen, K. A. (2015). Higher retail prices of sugar-sweetened beverages 3 months after implementation of an excise tax in berkeley, california. 15. Ferro, M. A., Gorter, J. W., & Boyle, M. H. (2015). Trajectories of depressive symptoms in canadian emerging adults. 16. Henning-Smith, C., Gonzales, G., & Shippee, T. P. (2015). Differences by sexual orientation in expectations about future longterm care needs among adults 40 to 65 years old. 17. Howland, R. E., Li, W., Madsen, A. M., Wong, H., Das, T., Betancourt, F. M., . . . Begier, E. M. (2015). Evaluating the use of an electronic death registration system for mortality surveillance during and after hurricane sandy: New york city, 2012. 18. Hunger, J. M., Tomiyama, A. J., Fildes, A., Charlton, J., Rudisill, C., Littlejohns, P., . . . Gulliford, M. C. (2015). A CALL TO SHIFT THE PUBLIC HEALTH FOCUS AWAY FROM WEIGHT/FILDES ET AL. RESPOND. 19. Ismayilova, L. (2015). Spousal violence in 5 transitional countries: A population-based multilevel analysis of individual and contextual factors 20. Jann, J. T., Edmiston, E. K., & Ehrenfeld, J. M. (2015). IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS FOR ADDRESSING LGBT HEALTH CARE COMPETENCY. 21. Jones, D. E., Greenberg, M., & Crowley, M. (2015). Early social-emotional functioning and public health: The relationship between kindergarten social competence and future wellness. 22. Kandel, D. B., Griesler, P. C., & Hu, M. (2015). Intergenerational patterns of smoking and nicotine dependence among US adolescents. 23. Kennedy-Hendricks, A., Schwartz, H., Thornton, R. J., Griffin, B. A., Green, H. D., Kennedy, D. P., . . . Pollack, C. E. (2015). Intergenerational social networks and health behaviors among children living in public housing. 24. Kumanyika, S. K. (2015). Beverage marketing as a public health policy target. 25. Lee, Y., Muennig, P., Kawachi, I., & Hatzenbuehler, M. L. (2015). Effects of racial prejudice on the health of communities: A multilevel survival analysis

26. Lister, C., Royne, M., Payne, H. E., Cannon, B., Hanson, C., & Barnes, M. (2015). The laugh model: Reframing and rebranding public health through social media. 27. Litt, J., Varda, D., Reed, H., Retrum, J., Tabak, R., Gustat, J., & Tompkins, N. O. (2015). How to identify success among networks that promote active living. 28. MacDonald, R., Kaba, F., Rosner, Z., Vise, A., Weiss, D., Brittner, M., . . . Venters, H. (2015). The rikers island hot spotters: Defining the needs of the most frequently incarcerated. 29. Madrigano, J., McCormick, S., & Kinney, P. L. (2015). The two ways of assessing heat-related mortality and vulnerability. 30. Martins, Silvia S,M.D., PhD., Sampson, L., B.A., Cerdรก, Magdalena, MPH, DrPH, & Galea, Sandro, MD,M.P.H., DrP.H. (2015). Worldwide prevalence and trends in unintentional drug overdose: A systematic review of the literature. 31. Martins, Silvia S,M.D., PhD., Sampson, L., B.A., Cerdรก, Magdalena, MPH, DrPH, & Galea, Sandro, MD,M.P.H., DrP.H. (2015). Worldwide prevalence and trends in unintentional drug overdose: A systematic review of the literature. 32. Masterson, E. E., & Sabbah, W. (2015). Maternal allostatic load, caretaking behaviors, and child dental caries experience: A cross-sectional evaluation of linked mother-child data from the third national health and nutrition examination survey. 33. More, E. S., & Fee, E. (2015). Mary steichen calderone (1904-1998): Advocate for sex education. 34. Nielsen, M. B., Nielsen, G. H., Notelaers, G., & Einarsen, S. (2015). Workplace bullying and suicidal ideation: A 3-wave longitudinal norwegian study. 35. Nixon, L., Mejia, P., Cheyne, A., Wilking, C., Dorfman, L., & Daynard, R. (2015). "We're part of theSolution": Evolution of the FoodandBeverage industry's framing of obesity concerns between 2000 and 2012. 36. Pillemer, K., Chen, E. K., Riffin, C., Prigerson, H., Schultz, L., & Reid, M. C. (2015). Practice-based research priorities for palliative care: Results from a research-to-practice consensus workshop. 37. Pomeranz, J. L. (2015). Implications of the supplemental nutrition assistance program tax exemption on sugar-sweetened beverage taxes. 38. Rashid-Kandvani, F., Nicolau, B., & Bedos, C. (2015). Access to dental services for people using a wheelchair. 39. Roberto, C. A., & Pomeranz, J. L. (2015). Public health and legal arguments in favor of a policy to cap the portion sizes of sugar-sweetened beverages. 40. Schonberg, D., Bennett, A. H., Sufrin, C., Karasz, A., & Gold, M. (2015). What women want: A qualitative study of contraception in jail. 41. Schuelter-Trevisol, F., da Silva, M. A., Claudino, D., e Silva, H.,Caetano Gon, Marcon, C. E. M., & Plax, K. (2015). HIV AND SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS AMONG YOUTHS: A BRAZILIAN PERCEPTION/PLAX RESPONDS. 42. Seth, P., Wang, G., Sizemore, E., & Hogben, M. (2015). HIV testing and HIV service delivery to populations at high risk attending sexually transmitted disease clinics in the united states, 2011-2013. 43. Terplan, M., Longinaker, N., & Appel, L. (2015). Women-centered drug treatment services and need in the united states, 20022009. 44. Urkin, J., & Bar-David, Y. (2015). VOLUNTARY, NONINTENTIONAL DEHYDRATION AND HEALTH. 45. Walters, M. S., Sreenivasan, N., Person, B., Shew, M., Wheeler, D., Hall, J., . . . Rao, A. (2015). A qualitative inquiry about pruno, an illicit alcoholic beverage linked to botulism outbreaks in united states prisons. 46. Weaver, L. J., & Madhu, S. V. (2015). Type 2 diabetes and anxiety symptoms among women in new delhi, india. 47. West, B. T., Beer, L., Gremel, G. W., Weiser, J., Johnson, C. H., Garg, S., & Skarbinski, J. (2015). Weighted multilevel models: A case study. 48. Woodend, A., Schรถlmerich, V., & Denktas, S. (2015). "Nudges" to prevent behavioral risk factors associated with major depressive disorder. 49. Zakrison, T. L., Cabezas, P., Valle, E., Kornfeld, J., Muntaner, C., & Soklaridis, S. (2015). The perceived consequences of gold mining in postwar el salvador:

American Journal of Public Health Nov 2015; Vol. 105 (S5), Supp. Supplement 1.

Abdus, S., PhD., Mistry, Kamila B,PhD., M.P.H., & Selden, T. M., PhD. (2015). Racial and ethnic disparities in services and the patient protection and affordable care act.


Adepoju, Omolola E,PhD., M.P.H., Preston, Michael A,PhD., M.P.H., & Gonzales, G., M.H.A. (2015). Health care disparities in the post-affordable care act era.


Atkinson, G., D.Phil, & Giovanis, T., M.B.A. (2015). Impact of the patient protection and affordable care act: Overview.


Atkinson, J. G., & Giovanis, T. N., M.B.A. (2015). The patient protection and affordable care act: Suggestions for improvements.


Bias, T. K., PhD., Agarwal, P., M.P.H., & Fitzgerald, P., PhD. (2015). Changing awareness of the health insurance marketplace.


Call, K. T., PhD., Lukanen, E., M.P.H., Spencer, D., PhD., Alarcón, G., BA, Pintor, J. K., M.P.H., Simon, A. B., M.S., & Gildemeister, S., M.A. (2015). Coverage gains after the affordable care act among the uninsured in minnesota.


Choi, S. K., M.P.H., Adams, S. A., PhD., Eberth, J. M., PhD., Brandt, H. M., PhD., Friedman, D. B., PhD., Tucker-Seeley, R., . . . Hébert, J. R., ScD. (2015). Medicaid coverage expansion and implications for cancer disparities.


Chuang, Cynthia H,M.D., M.Sc, Mitchell, J. L., D.O., Velott, Diana L,M.P.A., M.S., Legro, R. S., M.D., Lehman, E. B., M.S., Confer, L., M.P.H., & Weisman, C. S., PhD. (2015). Women's awareness of their contraceptive benefits under the patient protection and affordable care act.


Dahlen, H. M., M.A. (2015). "Aging out" of dependent coverage and the effects on US labor market and health insurance choices.

10. Flynn, M. B., PhD., Atwood, R., EdD., Greenberg, J. B., ScM., Ray, T., M.Ed, & Harris, K. K., PhD. (2015). A survey of texas HIV, sexually transmitted disease, tuberculosis, and viral hepatitis providers' billing and reimbursement capabilities. 11. Greer, S. L., PhD., & Méndez, C. A., MPH. (2015). Universal health coverage: A political struggle and governance challenge. 12. Hoover, Karen W,M.D., M.P.H., Parsell, Bradley W,M.S., M.A., Leichliter, J. S., PhD., Habel, M. A., M.P.H., Tao, G., PhD., Pearson, W. S., PhD., & Gift, T. L., PhD. (2015). Continuing need for sexually transmitted disease clinics after the affordable care act. 13. Ko, Michelle,M.D., PhD., Murphy, J., M.Sc, & Bindman, A. B., M.D. (2015). Integrating health care for the most vulnerable: Bridging the differences in organizational cultures between US hospitals and community health centers. 14. Lemaire, R. H., PhD., Bailey, Linda,J.D., M.H.S., & Leischow, S. J., PhD. (2015). Meeting the tobacco cessation coverage requirement of the patient protection and affordable care act: State smoking cessation quitlines and cost sharing. 15. Liber, A. C., M.S.P.H., Drope, J. M., PhD., Graetz, I., PhD., Waters, T. M., PhD., & Kaplan, C. M., PhD. (2015). Tobacco surcharges on 2015 health insurance plans sold in federally facilitated marketplaces: Variations by age and geography and implications for health equity. 16. Lin, W., PhD., Bharel, Monica,M.D., M.P.H., Zhang, Jianying,M.D., M.P.H., O'Connell, E., MS, & Clark, R. E., PhD. (2015). Frequent emergency department visits and hospitalizations among homeless people with medicaid: Implications for medicaid expansion. 17. Orfield, C., M.P.P., Hula, L., M.P.P., Barna, M., M.A., & Hoag, S., M.A. (2015). The affordable care act and access to care for people changing coverage sources. 18. Wong, C. A., M.D., Ford, C. A., M.D., French, B., PhD., & Rubin, David M,M.D., M.S.C.E. (2015). Changes in young adult primary care under the affordable care act.

American Journal of Public Health Dec 2015; Vol. 105 (12) 1.

Aldridge, Melissa D,PhD., M.B.A., & Kelley, Amy S,M.D., M.S.H.S. (2015). The myth regarding the high cost of end-of-life care.


Antin, T. M. J., DrP.H., Lipperman-Kreda, S., & Hunt, G., PhD. (2015). Tobacco denormalization as a public health strategy: Implications for sexual and gender minorities.


Bashour, H., PhD. (2015). Let's not forget the health of the syrians within their own country.


Begg, M. D., ScD., Fried, Linda P,M.D., M.P.H., Glover, Jim W,EdM., M.S.W., Delva, M., EdD., Wiggin, M., M.P.H., Hooper, L., M.S.T., . . . Galea, Sandro,M.D., DrP.H. (2015). Columbia public health core curriculum: Short-term impact.


Biggs, M. A., Neuhaus, J. M., PhD., & Foster, D. G., PhD. (2015). Mental health diagnoses 3 years after receiving or being denied an abortion in the united states.


Bostean, G., PhD., Trinidad, Dennis R,PhD., M.P.H., & McCarthy, W. J., PhD. (2015). E-cigarette use among never-smoking california students.


Carroll-Scott, A., Gilstad-Hayden, K., Rosenthal, L., PhD., Eldahan, A., M.P.H., McCaslin, C., PhD., Peters, Susan M,P.N.P., M.P.H., & Ickovics, J. R., PhD. (2015). Associations of neighborhood and school socioeconomic and social contexts with body mass index among urban preadolescent students.


Chandler, R. K., PhD., Kahana, S. Y., PhD., Fletcher, B., PhD., Jones, D., PhD., Finger, M. S., M.A., Aklin, W. M., PhD., . . . Webb, C., M.P.H. (2015). Data collection and harmonization in HIV research: The seek, test, treat, and retain initiative at the national institute on drug abuse.


Colton, M. D., M.S., Laurent, J. G. C., ScD., MacNaughton, P., M.S., Kane, J., M.P.P., Bennett-Fripp, M., Spengler, J., PhD., & Adamkiewicz, Gary,PhD., M.P.H. (2015). Health benefits of green public housing: AssociationsWith asthma morbidity and building-related symptoms.

10. Corriveau, N., B.S., Eagle, T., B.S., Jiang, Qingmei,M.A., M.S., Rogers, R., B.A., Gurm, R., M.S., Aaronson, Susan,R.D., M.A., . . . Jackson, Elizabeth A,M.D., M.P.H. (2015). Sustained benefit over four-year follow-up of michigan's project healthy schools. 11. Folta, S. C., PhD., Seguin, R. A., PhD., Chui, K. K. H., PhD., Clark, Valerie,M.S., R.D., Corbin, M. A., PhD., Goldberg, Jeanne P,PhD., R.D., . . . Nelson, M. E., PhD. (2015). National dissemination of StrongWomen-healthy hearts: A community-based program to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease among midlife and older women. 12. Giacaman, Rita,PharmD., M.Phil. (2015). Syrian and iraqi refugees: A palestinian perspective. 13. Gilbert, P. A., PhD., Trocki, K. F., PhD., Drabble, L., PhD., Eaton, N. R., PhD., Thompson, Ronald G,Jr, PhD., & Hasin, D. S., PhD. (2015). REGULAR PRESEX DRINKING: THE IMPORTANCE OF CONSIDERING SEXUAL ORIENTATION/EATON ET AL. RESPOND. 14. Hall, W. J., PhD., Chapman, M. V., PhD., Lee, K. M., M.S., Merino, Y. M., M.P.H., Thomas, T. W., M.P.H., Payne, B. K., . . . Coyne-Beasley, T. (2015). Implicit Racial/Ethnic bias among health care professionals and its influence on health care outcomes: A systematic review. 15. Hall, W. J., PhD., Chapman, M. V., PhD., Lee, K. M., M.S., Merino, Y. M., M.P.H., Thomas, T. W., M.P.H., Payne, B. K., . . . Coyne-Beasley, T. (2015). Implicit Racial/Ethnic bias among health care professionals and its influence on health care outcomes: A systematic review. 16. Halldin, C. N., PhD., Wolfe, A. L., B.A., & Laney, A. S. (2015). Comparative respiratory morbidity of former and current US coal miners. 17. Hechter, Rulin C,M.D., PhD., Chao, C. R., PhD., Sidell, M. A., ScD., Sy, L. S., M.P.H., Ackerson, B. K., M.D., Slezak, J. M., M.S., . . . Jacobsen, Steven J,M.D., PhD. (2015). Quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine initiation in boys before and since routine use: Southern california, 2009-2013. 18. Hughto, J. M. W., M.P.H., Reisner, S. L., ScD., & Mimiaga, Matthew J,ScD., M.P.H. (2015). Characteristics of transgender residents of massachusetts cities with high HIV prevalence. 19. Jeffries, William L, IV, PhD,M.P.H., M.A., & Johnson, O. D., B.A. (2015). Homonegative attitudes and risk behaviors for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among sexually active men in the united states. 20. Khanh, L. N., B.A., Ivey, Susan L,M.D., M.H.S.A., Sokal-Gutierrez, K., Barkan, Howard,DrP.H., M.A., Ngo, K. M., B.A., Hoang, Hung T,D.D.S., M.Sc, . . . Thai, N., B.A. (2015). Early childhood caries, mouth pain, and nutritional threats in vietnam. 21. Lakon, Cynthia M,PhD., M.P.H., Hipp, J. R., PhD., Wang, C., PhD., Butts, C. T., PhD., & Jose, R., M.S. (2015). Simulating dynamic network models and adolescent smoking: The impact of varying peer influence and peer selection.

22. Linton, Sabriya L,PhD., M.P.H., Cooper, H. L. F., ScD., Kelley, M. E., PhD., Karnes, C. C., M.A., Ross, Z., M.S., Wolfe, M. E., M.P.H., . . . Paz-Bailey, G. (2015). HIV infection among people who inject drugs in the united states: Geographically explained variance across racial and ethnic groups. 23. Lupo, Philip J,PhD., M.P.H., Danysh, Heather E,PhD., M.H.S., Symanski, E., PhD., Langlois, P. H., PhD., Cai, Y., M.S., & Swartz, M. D., PhD. (2015). Neighborhood-based socioeconomic position and risk of oral clefts among offspring. 24. Martin, Michael J, MD,M.P.H., M.B.A., Thottathil, S. E., PhD., & Newman, Thomas B,M.D., M.P.H. (2015). Antibiotics overuse in animal agriculture: A call to action for health care providers. 25. Matsuo, Go,B.D.S., M.P.H., Rozier, R. G., & Kranz, A. M., PhD. (2015). Dental caries: Racial and ethnic disparities among north carolina kindergarten students. 26. McClure, R., PhD., Kegler, S., PhD., Davey, T., PhD., & Clay, F., PhD. (2015). Contextual determinants of childhood injury: A systematic review of studies with multilevel analytic methods. 27. Morabia, Alfredo,M.D., PhD., & Benjamin, G. C., M.D. (2015). The refugee crisis in the middle east and public health. 28. Rabarison, Kristina M,DrP.H., M.S., Timsina, L., M.P.H., & Mays, Glen P,PhD., M.P.H. (2015). Community health assessment and improved public health decision-making: A propensity score matching approach. 29. Senthil, K., M.D., Russell, E., ScB., & Lantos, H., M.P.A./I.D. (2015). Preserving the social contract of HealthCare-A call to action. 30. Shin, S. S., PhD., Chavez, T. H. E., M.D., Chang, Alicia H,M.D., M.S., Kerndt, Peter R,M.D., M.P.H., & Davidow, A. L., PhD. (2015). MISSED OPPORTUNITY TO PREVENT TUBERCULOSIS/DAVIDOW RESPONDS. 31. Simons, H. R., DrP.H., Unger, Z. D., M.P.H., Lopez, P. M., M.P.H., & Kohn, Julia E,PhD., M.P.A. (2015). Predictors of human papillomavirus vaccine completion among female and male vaccine initiators in family planning centers. 32. Sugiyama, T., PhD., Gunn, L. D., PhD., Christian, H., PhD., Francis, J., PhD., Foster, S., PhD., Hooper, P., PhD., . . . GilesCorti, B. (2015). Quality of public open spaces and recreational walking. 33. Summers, P., M.P.H., Quandt, S. A., PhD., Talton, J. W., M.S., Galvรกn, L., & Arcury, T. A., PhD. (2015). Hidden farmworker labor camps in north carolina: An indicator of structural vulnerability. 34. Ti, L., PhD., & Ti, L., B.A. (2015). Leaving the hospital against medical advice among people who use illicit drugs: A systematic review. 35. Trivedi, R. B., PhD., Post, Edward P,M.D., PhD., Sun, H., PhD., Pomerantz, A., M.D., Saxon, A. J., M.D., Piette, J. D., PhD., . . . Nelson, Karin,M.D., M.S.H.S. (2015). Prevalence, comorbidity, and prognosis of mental health among US veterans. 36. Waechter, R., PhD., & Ma, V., B.Sc. (2015). Sexual violence in america: Public funding and social priority. 37. Wang, Y., PhD., Ponce, Ninez A,M.P.P., PhD., Wang, P., PhD., Opsomer, J. D., PhD., & Yu, H., PhD. (2015). Generating health estimates by zip code: A semiparametric small area estimation approach using the california health interview survey. 38. Wanigaratne, S., PhD., Cole, Donald C,M.D., M.Sc, Bassil, K., PhD., Hyman, I., PhD., Moineddin, R., PhD., & Urquia, M. L., PhD. (2015). Contribution of HIV to maternal morbidity among refugee women in canada. 39. Wiehe, Sarah E,M.D., M.P.H., Rosenman, M. B., M.D., Aalsma, M. C., PhD., Scanlon, M. L., M.P.H., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2015). Epidemiology of sexually transmitted infections among offenders following arrest or incarceration. 40. Williams, J. K., M.D., Wilton, L., PhD., Magnus, Manya,PhD., M.P.H., Wang, L., PhD., Wang, Jing,M.S., M.A., Dyer, Typhanye Penniman,PhD., M.P.H., . . . Cummings, Vanessa,M.T., B.S. (2015). Relation of childhood sexual abuse, intimate partner violence, and depression to risk factors for HIV among black men who have sex with men in 6 US cities. 41. Yeager, V. A., DrP.H., Wisniewski, J. M., M.H.A., Amos, K., M.L.I.S., & Bialek, R., M.P.P. (2015). What matters in recruiting public health employees: Considerations for filling workforce gaps. 42. Yuen, Tina, MPH,M.C.P., C.P.H., Park, A. N., M.P.H., Seifer, S. D., M.D., & Payne-Sturges, D. (2015). A systematic review of community engagement in the US environmental protection agency's extramural research solicitations: Implications for research funders.

The American Political Science Review Nov 2015; Vol. 109 (4)

1. Is democratic leadership possible? Beerbohm, Eric. 2. Mixing methods: a bayesian approach Humphreys, Macartan; Jacobs, Alan M. 3. Feminisms, women's rights, and the un: would achieving gender equality empower women? Arat, Zehra F Kabasakal. 4. "A black sister to massachusetts": latin america and the fugitive democratic ethos of frederick douglass Hooker, Juliet. 5. Why are immigrants underrepresented in politics? Evidence from sweden Dancygier, Rafaela M; Lindgren, Karl-Oskar; Oskarsson, Sven; Vernby, Kare. 6. Rights to the realm: reconsidering western political development Salter, Alexander William. 7. Social samaritan justice: when and why needy fellow citizens have a right to assistance Valentini, Laura. 8. Rationalism in politics Steinberger, Peter J. 9. Remittances and social spending Doyle, David. 10. "A trust that cannot be delegated": the invention of ratification referenda Lenowitz, Jeffrey A. 11. The impact of persistent terrorism on political tolerance: israel, 1980 to 2011 Peffley, Mark; Hutchison, Marc l; Shamir, Michal. 12. When talk trumps text: the democratizing effects of deliberation during constitutionmaking, 1974-2011--corrigendum Eisenstadt, Todd a; Levan, A Carl; Maboudi, Tofigh.

Vol 47. No. 182 (2015). Septiembre / Diciembre

1. Tratamiento político de la emigración exterior española en el tardofranquismo (19741977) José Manuel Azcona 2. El Congreso Nacional de Chile y el proceso de ratificación del Tratado de Libre Comercio con los Estados Unidos de América Jaime Baeza Freer , Miguel Ángel López Varas 3. Los desafíos ambientales de las poblaciones indígenas en el Ártico Ma. Soledad Torrecuadrada García-Lozano , Rosa María Fernández Egea 4. Costos para la Región de Arica y Parinacota incurridos por el cumplimiento del Tratado de Paz y Amistad de 1904 y otras facilidades concedidas por Chile a Bolivia Ian Thomson 5. Discurso del profesor Alberto van Klaveren en recepción del Doctorado Honoris Causa por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso 6. El sistema internacional y América Latina a 50 años del Concilio Vaticano II y de sus propuestas sobre la comunidad entre los pueblos Raúl Allard Neumann 7. Hoteles de cinco estrellas : las nuevas plazas globales y el rol de Asia Manfred Wilhelmy von Wolff 8. Historia de las relaciones comerciales formativas de Chile con Perú. Orígenes coloniales y alborada de la Independencia María Victoria Castillo 9. Historia de dos demandas: Perú y Bolivia contra Chile. Jeannette Irigoin B.

Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy

Revista de Administração Pública vol.49 no.6 Rio de Janeiro Nov./Dec. 2015

Editorial Spink, Peter K. Articles 1. Sustainable development issues in the Dispute Settlement Body of the World Trade Organization: breaking down myths and barriers Costa, Ligia Maura 2. Accountability and co-production of information and control: social observatories and their relationship with government agencies Schommer, Paula Chies; Rocha, Arlindo Carvalho; Spaniol, Enio Luiz; Dahmer, Jeferson; Sousa, Alessandra Debone de 3. The process of formulation and monitoring of strategic planning of Courts of Auditors from the perspective of New Institutional Sociology Silva, Flávia de Araújo e; Mário, Poueri do Carmo 4. Monitoring and evaluation results of government programs outlined in Multiyear Plan Santos, Guilherme Kraus dos; Raupp, Fabiano Maury 5. The coevolution between public policies/institutions and technological development: the case of Petrobras Biocombustível Câmara, Samuel Façanha; Brasil, Alexander 6. The impact of the creation of Funpresp on the pension benefits of federal civil servants Rodrigues, Danilo Diogenes; Afonso, Luís Eduardo 7. Organizational restructuring: major challenges for Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Norte Lima, Jean Marcel Cunto; Jacobini, Juliana Perez Ruggiro; Araújo, Maria Arlete Duarte de 8. Legitimacy and effectiveness in institutional arrangements in public policies: the housing program My House My Life Loureiro, Maria Rita; Macário, Vinicius; Guerra, Pedro Henrique 9. Continuous learning culture, attitudes and job performance: comparing companies in public and private sectors Cavazotte, Flávia de Souza Costa Neves; Moreno Jr., Valter de Assis; Turano, Lucas Martins 10. The family reunification in the local environment in Spain - a comparative analysis in the Mediterranean region Pastor Seller, Enrique; Martínez Gallardo, Blas José 11. Empowerment of women in a Colombian NGO: a simple case study Caicedo Muñoz, Silvia Cristina; Solarte-Pazos, Leonardo

Revista del CLAD Reforma y Democracia Nº 63, Octubre 2015 1. Causas, efectos y eficacia de la burocratización en las administraciones públicas nacionales: desarrollando reformas sensibles a culturas políticas singulares Barry Bozeman 2. Resolviendo problemas sociales complejos mediante la integración de políticas. El caso de la Cruzada Nacional contra el Hambre en México Guillermo M. Cejudo y Cynthia L. Michel 3. Capacidades estatales y regulación en asociaciones público-privadas: desafíos para las nuevas estrategias de desarrollo Martín Freigedo, Guillermo Fuentes y Alejandro Milanesi 4. Evaluación de programas sociales: un enfoque multicriterio Sara Arancibia, Luis Felipe De la Vega, Ángela Denis y Paulina Saball 5. Gobierno local y migrantes frente a frente: nudos críticos y políticas para el reconocimiento Luis Eduardo Thayer Correa y Carlos Durán Migliardi 6. Los servicios públicos domiciliarios en Colombia: su prestación, regulación y control Sergio Roberto Matias Camargo 7. Superación de la pobreza y diferencias socio-territoriales: el caso del Ingreso Ético Familiar en Chile M. Ignacia Fernández G. 8. Documentos La modernización de la organización gubernamental

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