Clémence Goufa Architect - Portfolio EN 2017

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ROOFTOP COMMUNITY Master’s project 2016


144 BPM Master’s project 2016


UNIVERSAL COMPETITION OF DUBAÏ 2020 Master’s project 2015


ONE DAY IN THE SILO N°5 Master’s project 2015


ECODISTRICT Master’s project 2015


WIKIHOUSE Licence’s project 2014



FORMATION GRADUATION IN ARCHITECTURE I 2016 Graduation with honors School of Architecture La Cambre-Horta-ULB, Bruxelles (BELGIUM) Master Thesis: Water sensitive development and city, which connections ? With Luisa Moretto


MASTER 1 IN ARCHITECTURE I 2014-2015 Université de Montréal, Montréal (CANADA) 2014-2015 BACHELOR IN ARCHITECTURE I 2011-2014 School of Architecture La Cambre-Horta-ULB, Bruxelles (BELGIUM) BACHELOR SCIENTIFIC I 2008-2010 School Technoparc, Poissy (FRANCE)


+33 (0)6 66 79 30 61 rue de la chesnaye 4, 78250 Hardricourt FRANCE

INTERNSHIP I NAAD I JUNE-AUGUST 2017 Internship in the Japanese Firm NAAD, NAAD.JP Kyoto (JAPAN). Design drafter position for competitions. FIXED-TERM CONTRACT



INTERNSHIP I MPA I OCTOBER-MARCH 2016-2017 Internship in the French Firm « MPA Architectes », MP-A.FR Paris (FRANCE). Working on projects feasibility, sketch phase and building site supervision.

LANGUAGE French: Mother tongue English: Good Spanish : Basic Notions

INTERNSHIP I ARCHY I MAY-JUNE 2015 Internship in the French Firm «Archy Architecture et Ingenieurie Environnementale», Paris (FRANCE). VOLUNTEER I SOLIDARITÉ JEUNESSE I SUMMER 2013 Volunteer for the French Firm «Solidarité Jeunesse» Paris, (FRANCE) in Partnership with the Nepalese Association «Friendship Foundation Nepal», (NEPAL) We was working on a school construction in the North of Katmandu.

TECHNICAL SKILLS Word Excel Autocad Revit Architecture Sefaira Plugin Maxwell

Sketchup Indesign Photoshop Illustrator Final Cut

HOBBIES Biking, Photographie, Travel...


Recommandation’s Letters


Rooftop Community



How can we leave together ? What’s a community ? The life it proposed here is a rooftop life. All exchanges takes place on every rooftop. The multiculturalism of Berlin where different aged people, different religions and cultures live side to side but not necessarily along, questions how to bring all these people together?

Student Competition ARCHmedium 2016 Finalist

The project offers space to meet, and to mix people. Using a simple technique of off-centered large modules, it multiplies inside and outside common space. These rooftops allow exchanges between inhabitants; they are the center of the project. The modules are an evolution of the old berlin buildings, allowing more light and communication. All the public services are found at the ground floor, animating the public space. All common spaces are found at the crossing of modules, wich are directly in contact with the rooftops. The simplicity of the solution offers various possibilities of interesting interactions between people and a good quality of life in the city center.


Groundfloor of the building

Fonction diragram of the Rooftops..

Potager en bac

Potager en bac


Potager en bac

Rooftop Community



View from the Public Space in the Groundfloor

Housing typology 15m² room.

Housing typology, 30m² room.

Housing typology, example of a colocation with student rooms.



Master - Cinema La Cambre Horta - Bruxelles

The movie is about an increase of stress due to a meeting that did not occur. An impatient man to and his friend, a quiet and peaceful path following ponds. Arrived at the church, the man waits, time goes by, the person is still absent, the stress increases, what happened to her? After long minutes of waiting, the man decides to look for the person. He walks up and down the streets, observes in bars, still no sign... The stress continues to increase, the night is at its paroxysme, the night-landscape wakes up, a hubbub of night birds, heavy rain strikes an agitated crowd, an oppressive trafic, but where is she?

144 BPM

On returning to the meeting place, it is raining more and more, the colors of the square stress this anxiety, the man sees red.


Where is she, what is she doing, why hasn’t she come?


Mise en contexte du lieu et du personnage Vue par la fenêtre du bus sur les bâtiments de face. Plan: Travelling Focale: 50mm

Détail sur les mains du personnage pour exprimer une première émotion Plan: Gros plan Focale: 50mm

Personnage vu pour la première fois. Il regarde par la fenêtre avec un regard neutre. Plan: Plan poitrine Focale: 50mm

Mise en contexte du lieu et du personnage Vue par la fenêtre du bus sur les bâtiments de face. Plan: Travelling Focale: 50mm

Détail sur les mains du personnage pour exprimer une première émotion Plan: Gros plan Focale: 50mm

Personnage vu pour la première fois. Il regarde par la fenêtre avec un regard neutre. Plan: Plan poitrine Focale: 50mm

Sortie du bus. Plan sur les pieds pour suivre le mouvement. Raccord plastique par les pieds entre deux Sortie du bus. Plan les pieds pour suivre le planssur différents. Plan: Suivi en mouvement. steady cam Focale: 50mm

Déambulation aulong des étangs d’ Ixelles pour Montée du plan sur la hauteur du personnage. se rendre au rendez-vous. Plan: Suivi en steady cam Focale: 50mm Plan: Suivi en steady cam Focale: 50mm

Déambulation aulong des étangs d’ Ixelles pour se rendre au rendez-vous. Plan: Suivi en steady cam Focale: 50mm

Montée du plan sur la hauteur du personnage. Plan: Suivi en steady cam Focale: 50mm

Insertion d’un plan d’eau des étangs avec les reflets lumineux pour illustrer le calme. Plan: fixe Focale: 85mm

Arrivée du personnage au point de rendez-vous (église de Flagey) Plan: fixe Focale: 35mm

Il regarde sur sa montre. Son rendez-vous a du retard. Plan: fixe Focale: 85mm

Insertion d’un plan d’eau des étangs avec les reflets lumineux pour illustrer le calme. Plan: fixe Focale: 85mm

Arrivée du personnage au point de rendez-vous (église de Flagey) Plan: fixe Focale: 35mm

Il regarde sur sa montre. Son rendez-vous a du retard. Plan: fixe Focale: 85mm

Détail sur les mains du personnage. Il s’allume une cigarette. Impatience. Nervosité. Plan: fixe Focale: 50mm

Il fume. Regard profond. Plan: fixe Focale: 50mm

Il se met à la recherche de son rendez-vous. Suivi des pieds pour initier le mouvement. Plan: suivi en steady cam Focale: 50mm

Détail sur les mains du personnage. Il s’allume une cigarette. Impatience. Nervosité. Plan: fixe Focale: 50mm

Il fume. Regard profond. Plan: fixe Focale: 50mm

Il se met à la recherche de son rendez-vous. Suivi des pieds pour initier le mouvement. Plan: suivi en steady cam Focale: 50mm

Il dispart dans la rue, un interstice de la place pour chercher. Plan: suivi en steady cam Focale: 50mm

Il descend la rue en longeant les bars en espérant trouver son rendez-vous quelque part. Plan: travelling de droite à gauche Focale: 50mm

Il s’arrête devant un premier bar pour regarder à l’intérieur. Plan: fixe Focale: 50mm

144 BPM

Raccord plastique par les pieds entre deux plans différents. Plan: Suivi en steady cam Focale: 50mm


Il descend la rue en longeant les bars en espérant trouver son rendez-vous quelque part. Plan: travelling de droite à gauche Focale: 50mm

Il s’arrête devant un premier bar pour regarder à l’intérieur. Plan: fixe Focale: 50mm

Il s’arrête au prochain bar. Vue depuis l’intérieur vers l’extérieur. Raccord par le regard du personnage. Plan: fixe Focale: 50mm

Il arrive jusqu’à l’appartement de son rendez-vous qu’il semble connaître. Il sonne et regarde vers la fenêtre. Tension tombe pour un instant. Plan: fixe Focale: 50mm

Personne semble être à la maison. Il sonne encore. La tension commence à monter. Plan: fixe Focale: 135mm


Il dispart dans la rue, un interstice de la place pour chercher. Plan: suivi en steady cam Focale: 50mm

Passage du tram pour introduire un nou- veau lieu. Transition. Plan: fixe Focale: 85mm

Regard vers la gauche et la droite. Plan: plan poitrine Focale: 50mm

Passage du tram pour introduire un nou- veau lieu. Transition. Plan: fixe Focale: 85mm

Regard vers la gauche et la droite. Plan: plan poitrine Focale: 50mm

Il aperçoit une fille qui pourrait être son rendez-vous qu’il attendait. Elle se retourne. Ce n’est pas elle. Plan: fixe+plan taille Focale: 85mm Il aperçoit une fille qui pourrait être son rendez-vous qu’il attendait. Elle se retourne. Ce n’est pas elle. Plan: fixe+plan taille Focale: 85mm

Détail sur les yeux. Angoisse. Il est nerveux, peut-être frustré? Plan: très gros plan Focale: 50mm

Il court vers le prochain bar en se rappellant. Plan: fixe Focale: 50mm

Détail sur les yeux. Angoisse. Il est nerveux, peut-être frustré? Plan: très gros plan Focale: 50mm

Il court vers le prochain bar en se rappellant. Plan: fixe Focale: 50mm

Détail du visage. Introduction de la lumière rouge. Colère? Amour? La-t-il aperçu? Plan: gros plan Focale: 50mm

Détail du visage. Introduction de la lumière rouge. Colère? Amour? La-t-il aperçu? Plan: gros plan Focale: 50mm

Regard profond du rendez-vous. Plan: fixe+plan poitrine Focale: 50mm

Regard profond du rendez-vous.

Il repart vers le point de rendez-vous où il la retrouve finalement. Est-ce vraiment elle? Plan: panoramique Focale: 35-85mm

Il repart vers le point de rendez-vous où il la retrouve finalement. Est-ce vraiment elle? Plan: panoramique Focale: 35-85mm

Sol mouillé avec reflet rouge. Personne qui traverse la rue. Suite? Plan: fixe Focale: 85mm Sol mouillé avec reflet rouge. Personne qui traverse la rue. Suite?

Passage fréquent du tram et du bus. Images deviennent floues et super- posées. Immersion dans un autre monde. Confusion mentale. Cadrage sur les fenêtres des trams/bus. Passage fréquent duFocale: tram et85mm du bus. Images Plan: fixe deviennent floues et super- posées. Immersion dans un autre monde. Confusion mentale. Cadrage sur les fenêtres des trams/bus. Plan: fixe Focale: 85mm

Rencontre. Il s’apercoivent de loin. La rue les sépare. Plan: fixe / 30° Focale: 50mm

Rencontre. Il s’apercoivent de loin. La rue les sépare. Plan: fixe / 30° Focale: 50mm


Universal Exposition Dubaï 2020



Canada is a country which territory is very present, and has compact cities but very spaced out. These cities work in an autonomous way while interacting with one another, the mobility between them is thus very strong. It exists an important contrast between vastness and compactness. But what would be the limit between both knowing that the number of inhabitants in Canada increases from day to

Master University of Montreal - Canada

day? We wanted to express this confrontation between vastness and compactness in the detached house, by creating two very different parts, while being fluid and multiplying the connections. The fist part is situated at the Ground floor, pockets immerse us in the atmosphere of the Canadian big cities, reminding their various characteristics. Between these various pockets, we have to go upstairs to go to the floor and observe the unlimitedness of the territory. A gigantic trompe l’oeil of mirror make us believe in the infinity. Afterwards we immerse again in the cities. The path of the building is made by such way as these various immersions are numerous.

The plan above expresses the progress led by the building to the visitors. Between dumping and breaths, the visitors participate in a real experience of the world of detached houses universels.

The schematic cutting below expresses the possibility of the sights that the building offers to the visitors. Indeed just like the unlimitedness of the Canadian territory, the room in mirrors allows the visitor to get lost in any direction and to feel powerless in front of this unlimitedness.


Universal Exposition DubaĂŻ 2020


The picture above expresses the mirror room situated at the top of the building. This harmless box questions us about the unlimitedness of the territory and the place of man in this continuous territory.

Both images opposite express the envelope of the building. The concept of the box in the box is formalized. The day, the first box expresses itself like a gigantic mirror, reflecting the neighbouring detached houses. While the second remains a mystery. At dawn, the mirror is transformed into a bright, white, pure call. The contrast enters the mysterious box inside and the fluid and transparent outside is very blatant. This esthetics suggests a questioning about the connections between these two volumes. While entering the detached house which we understand includes the links there. Canada, an immense and mysterious country.


Le batiment de nuit.

Le batiment de jour


One day in the silo n°5

The Silo N°5 of Montreal is located in the South-EsT of the city. This one has not been in use for several years, the city suggests rehabilitating it, while putting forward its history.


After a detailed analysis, we retained numerous important elements of the context. The silo n°5 is situated on an island, surrounded by the river. It has a very important relation for elements, of its geographical position as well as in its dimension.

Master University of Montréal - Canada in Co-operation with Bourguine François

This one is good served by the public transportation and is situated on the path of a cycle track, it is an important element and representing the city of Montreal. The project aims to be ambitious by developing the whole of the building through various functions, a concert hall in the former appendix, a walk in the hoist B, a swimming pool and a point of view on the city in the appendix B1, as well as an island which would propose a café with a view of the silo.


Vue de jour de l’ile du Silo


One day in the silo n°5

Our reflection concerns then the quality of space that this building could produce for the public, historical element, cultural building. We suggest then putting forward the building, while proposing it a new function. A particular attention will be given to the landscape which surrounds the silo.

The Est part of the island will be a French garden, very organized. The West part of the Island will be an English garden, more romantic. This landscape choice explain the connection between the 3 elements (water, earth and air) and between the city of Montreal and Notre Dame Island. Indeed this landscaped processing will put forward the sport in Montreal through a ground of basketball, a race track and an artificial beach. These various functions will allow the silo n°5 to become a sports and cultural attraction.



One day in the silo n°5



One day in the silo n°5


Le Rooftop du batiment.

La piscine, au dernier ĂŠtage du batiment.



Inhabitants have an impact on nature, progressively humans are interested in the consequences oftheir constructions. Then what an ecodistrict ? Is it a district where sustainable development is promoted through a different organization of social daily life. Social and economic diversity, as well as a change in the relationship with vegetation, building sizes, and proximity of public transport, are all important elements to be considered when setting up an ecodistrict.


The analyzed site is in North Montreal, in a district being rehabilitated. Previously a derelict area, the plot is a connec tion between the new northern residential building, the factories to the east and the shops to te west.

Master University of MontrĂŠal - Canada

Buildings have open inner courtyards. They are oriented 15 degrees south, this allows the construction of 12m wide apartments with a lot of natural light. These spaces offer a high quality of life. In the center of the project, a forum was created for a shops, restaurants and others activity. In the South-West, we have social services, cultural & community activities. All this is aimed at creating a wholesome space, favorable to exchange and contact between the denizens. The businesses on the groundfloor of every building serve as additional protection for their inhabitants. The analysis helped us to integrate the eco-district in the existing community. Indeed, the district created now takes part in the diversity of the ecosystems, with the prolongation of the existing vegetable corridor. Bus lanes were rerouted to the eco-district, walkways have been expanded and trees multiplied.




This project is an experimentation of the Wikihouse London concept, which consists of developing house ÂŤkitsÂť and sharing them open-source across the world.


We worked on a puzzle concept, always using the same structural piece, as well as 2 more pieces for wind-bracing. We tried different materials, and preferred to choose the cheapest and the least polluting.

Licence La Cambre Horta - Bruxelles

This material depends on the country where the Wikihouse would be built. If the building is more complicated, the structure is more complicated. However, we can construct every building using these pieces and following the structure. All




are models experimentations.










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