Architecture Portofolio

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architecture portofolio by Clement Jonathan


bio Clement Jonathan

parahyangan catholic university architecture student 2017 batch


organization experience

phone (wa) email

: 087781893663 :

SD (2005-2011) SMP (2011-2014) SMA (2014-2017) S1 (2017-2022)

: SDK 11 BPK Penabur Jakarta : SMPK 7 BPK Penabur Jakarta : SMAK 4 BPK Penabur Jakarta : Universitas Katolik Parahyangan

Head of Funds Raising Arsitektur Peka, Community Service Project (2019) Deputy Chairman SAA Awards Exhibition XXXIII (2019) Member SAA Awards Exhibition XXXII (2019) Member HMPSArs 18/18 Community Service Division Member as Design Committee “Bhakti Ganva”, annual Community Service project (2018-2019) Member as Media Committee “Desa Binaan”, Community Service Project (2018-2019) Member as Funds Raising Committee “Patineung”, Community Service Project (2018) Member as Exhibition Committee “Festival Arsitektur Parahyangan” Annual Event by Architecture student association

working experience

Apta Studio Bandung (intern - mid 2021) Satu Garis Rendering freelance team

software skills


table of content

AutoCAD Sketchup Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Premiere Adobe After Effects ArchiCAD Lumion Blender Microsoft Office (word, excel, powerpoint) Architecture, Art, Music, Sport, Graphic Design, Photography, Travel, Games

knock down shelter bandung polytechnic senior living kidtopia jeda bicycle station


knocn down shelter architecture design studio 2 parahyangan catholic university 2018 4m² Cikamuning Padalarang area, West Bandung The rest hut is an academic project from the design studio 2 work studio. This project is organized and financed by UNPAR Lectures. The project is all about making 3D mock up form with a scale of 1: 1 made with 8 members, building a pleasant out door small hut within 2x2 meter.

knock down shelter saung


pergola - wood system 3/4

polycarbonate cantilever support 2/3 fixed roof - wood system 2/3

polycarbonate open roof - wood system 2/3

upper wood beam 6/12

column 6/12

plywood 1mm lower wood beam 6/8

middle support 12/12 support legs 6/12 * 3

The design is planned in for loading and unloading system so that it can be transported easily to the site.

This resting hut is focused for the guards to hang out and become posts, where they can be moved. the design is made suitable for use from 2 to 4 security guards In addition to the concept to be easy to disassemble, the hut is also made with a roof that can be opened and closed as a barrier to animals or so that it doesn't get dirty when not in use.

the components

The main material used is wood and the connection system is nails, nuts and bolts with an interlock system. The cover system using polycarbonate and sealant glue as the adhesive. the roof has an open and close system to protect it from rain, plus a pergola roof as an air flow system.

the total types of components as a result of disassembly are in the form of 12 types with a total component of around 40

team work process


bandung polytechnic architecture design studio 6 parahyangan catholic university 2021 5.340 m² Dipatiukur Street, Bandung, West Java Because of the location, Bandung and has an urban nature and in the middle of a settlement where it is very dense, very match the emergence function special polytechnic for design because Bandung is also very famous for industrial city creative.










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This polytechnic building is focused on 3 faculties, namely the faculties of Interior, Architecture and Visual Communication Design. the arrangement of the faculties is made in an upward order by adjusting the number of student capacities, where the DKV faculty has the smallest capacity.



The concept is to solve the problem of the site, which is a narrow area of land for students, so that they can develop themselves more.

Polytechnic is a function of vocational education and prioritizes creativity in it. So that the polytechnic area needs creative space to respond to the narrow land used for discussion and interaction between lecturers, literature, and fellow students.

mass site

ground floor needs

concept and structure

high level needs

roof and finishing

“Learning is more effective when it is active rather than a passive process” The keyword “Interactive” is used as a big theme and is the essence of the design me, that is to improve productivity and perseverance between students and factors education in it.

By making use of the tall building system, the main zoning is divided into public areas and study areas. Which are arranged based on private and public space. Furthermore, each learning area has its own student area so that the fixed learning system of each faculty becomes more productive and focused. The student center of each faculty is made with terraced rooms because it can be used as an additional room as a more casual audio-visual area

student center concept

architect dkv student area




student center

By dividing the faculties into groups, the students themselves will get closer, and the connections between learning parties will also become clearer. The identity of each will also be more clear. Make it easier for lecturers to not only teach, to find books / literature in the library, but also to share clearly between faculty lecturers. It is necessary to categorize it every 2 floors in order to differentiate which activities are more public and private.


horticulture retirement home final architecture design studio parahyangan catholic university 2021 11.660 m2 Jl. Penyandan, Desa Mandalamekar, Kecamatan Cimenyan, West Java Starting from the background, several countries have experienced a significant increase in the number of elderly, one of which is Indonesia, which is the fourth country with the highest number of elderly people after China, India and Japan. In the city of Bandung itself has become a city that is famous for its high density on the island of Java.

mass zoning according to need and zoning

linear and directional fabrication as axis

area needs according to the garden for the elderly

The shift in values in intergenerational relationships is caused by the absence of a care provider (who is in charge of serving the elderly) expected in the family, because children, grandchildren and family relatives are busy with their activities. In addition, the socio-cultural changes of Indonesian society have an impact on the pattern of parenting for the elderly in families that previously held a large family pattern leading to a nuclear family pattern. Therefore, Pensioner Housing is one of the solutions.

stacking and opening area

shape and design adaptation end

The proposed proposal is a conceptual project that combines affordable retirement housing with urban agriculture. Integrating vertical aquaponic farming and rooftop soil cultivation with high density housing designed for the elderly that provides residents a desirable garden environment and opportunities for post-retirement employment

The idea is to prevent the decline in social values and self-confidence of the elderly which can increase their self-efficacy traits. with natural media as therapy for the elderly in this residence as well as a place to provide opportunities to gather, practice, control their lives and give purpose and increase self-confidence.

The concept of a retirement housing theme with urban agriculture can be applied in locations that will support the growth of green vegetables. This concept is a workable solution to the real and pressing problems faced by many cities in the developing world. The Cibeunying site, which is surrounded by plantations and rice fields, supports the construction of a retirement housing concept with an urban agriculture approach. The site selection is also based on a strategic location, which is not far from the city center, which has enough city crowds for the elderly not to get bored, so that those who can still carry out normal activities can enjoy the city crowds.

The purpose of this place is to provide opportunities for the elderly to do horticultural therapy with the help of cultivating various plants in a garden. This is done in order to build individual emotions and thoughts, improve the quality of life and health physically, emotionally and emotionally.

gardening is the design theme, where retirees can enjoy their day by increasing self-efficacy. on the concept of housing taken from some of the most important needs: comfort in terms of circulation, health and climate security in the form of zoning those surrounded by sisters activities, where they have a schedule to have activities, release from stress.


cika-cika children’s center competition project

top 15 architecture - paradesc kidtopia 2019 Merdeka St. Babaka Ciamis, kec. Sumur Bandung. West Java, Bandung This project is an architectural competition in 2018 with the theme of kidtopia and 4 member of the team. the idea is to build a children's center for the surrounding. The lack of facilities specifically created for children in Indonesia, especially the city of Bandung, reminds that children are an important indicator for the country's growth. The lack of facilities created specifically for Indonesian children, especially the city of Bandung, is a concern. especially considering that children are one of the important indicators of the growth of cities and countries.




space elevation


space optimization

Children as an indicator of a safe, comfortable clean environment to carry out their activities, need facilities that support the process of healthy growth and development. like fireflies, also become indicators for air and environment healthy and clean. so from that, fireflies are made concept at the center of this children. so that the mangrove tree becomes the main basis for the concept. mangrove is the habitat of the asian fireflies, so the form of the architecture abstracted from them. an abstraction of a firefly nest. The mass composition consists of 3 different mangroves, each of which has its own function, starting from the basic needs of children based on 3 parts of the brain. the right brain visually and creatively, the left brain logistically and reading, and the cerebellum for motoric skills.

first urgency the need for children to carry out their activities safely and comfortably spontaneously-provided by jungle gym and many atheltic tools

the mangrove concept roof glass

waffle structure

bitumen roof

floor plate

atap hijau sintesis struktur baja

second urgency children have a biological need to connect with nature-we let the children play surrounded by glass field

kidtopia should be friendly and attractive, so that the entrance to the playground is like swallowing a pedestrian walkway, inviting children to play safely in front of a brick wall. The brick wall pattern mimics the inviting signal of fireflies, also welcoming children inside. The name Cika-Cika itself is taken from the Sundanese language which means firefly.

photinus pyralis photinus marginellus photinus consimilis photinus collustrans photinus carolinus

third urgency the process of child development and growth that can be stimulated through motor, brain and social activities of children.-provided by books and stationery.


jeda bicycle station competition project

hijau jakartaku - trisakti university 2021 Central Jakarta City 160m² This project is a landscape architecture competition with bicycle parking in a congested office area with a team of 3 people. The background starts with the number of cyclists in the capital city of Jakarta which is increasing day by day. This phenomenon appears in line with the increasingly widespread pandemic. Cycling is chosen by some people to be one way to maintain endurance in the face of a pandemic. but over time, a new problem arose where cyclists who also used the highway did not have sufficient and comfortable parking facilities to support their activities.



massa area duduk ruangan bagi pesepeda yang hendak beristirahat rain harvesting sebagai solusi pemanfaatkan air untuk kebutuhan toilet.

green roof & tanaman rambat memberi kesan arsi untuk memberikan suasana bardi daerah perkotaan

massa toilet toilet dengan sistem tapping kartu untuk para pengguna sepeda hingga kebersihan terjaga

material ekspresi kayu memberi kesan teduh

area resapan air

fasad OLED screen sebagai media promosi, sosialisasi dan iklan

massa parkir hidrolik massa berupa area masuk sepeda yang nantinya akan dikirim ke area basement

sebagai solusi untuk memaksimalkan lahan parkir

from the main issue, namely the number of bicycle parking which is less than adequate with the security and convenience aspects of bicycle parking being one of the issues in function. JEDA is a bicycle park that tries to answer existing problems which are packaged in a modern way according to the context of the site and the needs of the city of Jakarta. where pause means a short break which is interpreted as a comfortable place to rest and avoid the hustle and bustle of the city.

plant as dominant element The increasingly developed city of Jakarta makes Jakarta seem like a concrete forest that lacks green areas. JEDA is designed as a green bicycle parking area as an area for growing plants that gives a new atmosphere to the city, which is also accompanied by water catchment areas on the site. use of integrated technology bicycle area using rain harvesting system and hydraulic parking. where parking payments use an electronic card tapping system which is integrated with the MRT, busway, and other public transportation in the city of Jakarta as a solution for bicycle safety and a proposed system that can make users prefer non-private transportation systems. dynamic shape dynamic form as a way of approaching a modern form in accordance with the character of the city of Jakarta.

whatsapp email line

+62 87781893663 clement_jd

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