June, 2013
June Message Hello to all. Well the official start of summer has arrived; the annual Bellevue-Dayton Memorial Day Parade signaled the beginning of summer around Bellevue. The weather was great, the crowds where good, and all the tributes to those who serve our country were wonderful and well deserved. Please remember that school is out for the summer and be on the lookout for children walking or riding bikes around town. Slow down and be aware of people wanting to cross at the crosswalks and let them cross. It is the law. June will bring the start of our concerts series at the Bellevue Beach Park. The first will be on June 8 at 7:00 pm. Followed by the July 13 show with the annual fireworks display at 10pm after the concert. Come down to the riverfront and enjoy some great music and family
froM the
fun. Also our movie nights in the park will take place on Friday June 21 And, July 26. This year before the concerts we are teaming up with the Bellevue Alliance who will be hosting their monthly gathering starting at 6:00 pm with a grill out in the park before the 9:30 pm movie starts. So come on down and be part of the Bellevue Alliance and enjoy a great movie also. The city wide yard sale is fast approaching and will take place on June 15. So dust of all those gently used item and sign up to take part this year and hopefully earn some extra cash along the way. Please contact the clerk’s office for more info at 859-431-8888 the permit fee is waived for this event but a permit will be issued at no charge. You may have noticed the
arBor Day CeleBration
by Jo Anne Warren Certified Master Gardener At the Arbor Day celebration in Ward & Center Park on Saturday, April 27, D.J. Scully of the Campbell County Cooperative Extension Service, demonstrated how to plant a tree, and guided the young winners of the art contest in the three schools in planting three other trees. The dedicatory plaques for those trees and some amenities for the park will be installed soon. Bellevue has been planting a great many trees in the past few years, spearheaded by its Tree Board, and the Bellevue Neighborhood Association
Adopt-A-Block program. At the Arbor Day celebration, attendees learned some basic considerations and procedures for tree-planting. Plant the tree in the right place, according to information about the ultimate height and breadth of the tree. Ask about moisture requirements, sunlight, traffic over its root zone (at least out to the drip line, the farthest branch tips laterally—compression in this area deprives the roots of oxygen), air/wind exposure, blossom/fruiting times, and what insects or animals will make use of the tree. ie: would you want a swarm of bees to
BP fuel station has closed and is going though some much needed upgrades. Jeff Fischer the owner of One Stop Liquor next door from the station has purchased it and plans to reopen with in a month or so. Jeff is a long time business owner in town and a big supporter in the Bellevue community. I can’t wait to see the finished product. With the growing season in full swing please remember to cut grass and weeds around your home. Keep the alley ways clear from trash cans and weeds behind our homes also. We have seen many alleys that need attention. Clear alleys allow for a smoother garbage collect by C.S.I to occur. If you see high grass please call
SEE MAYOR cont’d on pg 3 take up residence? Squirrels? Birds nesting? The Internet is one resource; garden stores another, and chief of all, our Extension Office, 859.572.2600. Since we value our trees throughout the city for their myriad of benefits to us and wildlife, whether they are planted in the public right-of-way or in our front yards, we should avail ourselves of all our horticultural and arboricultural resources to learn to prune, if necessary to shape the tree and help it to success in maturity. Tools are a hand pruner, like a Felco; a lopper, and a pair of eyes focusing on: •A leader—one stem or trunk leading upwards at the top; remove competing or “codominant” leaders •Selection of the lowest permanent branch, when the tree is old enough to have a branch which you would want to be the lowest when mature •Temporary branches below the lowest permanent branch— these can be retained as temporary branches—shorten their length to 2-4 buds As you go around the tree selecting “scaffold branches” think of the bird’s-eye view—it
SEE ARBOR cont’d on pg 3
Congratulations Melissa a full time mother of two won-
Bellevue High School’s Financial Administrative Assistant, Melissa Tatum has been awarded the Jane Dotson Memorial Scholarship by Northern Kentucky University on behalf of the and Jane Dotson Estate. This award is for undergraduate students who are majoring in Counseling/Human Services. Melissa is studying to become a clinical mental health counselor. She seeks success in obtaining her master’s degree and then following up with a very rewarding career of counseling and mentoring children. Melissa has stated that she hopes to be able to look back years from now and know that she has touched many lives through her coaching and counseling experiences and that if she can help change just a few lives for the better, then she will have truly achieved success. Melissa is an outstanding person, a tireless worker, an effective communicator, and an exceptional multi-tasker. She is
derful children, the oldest of which attends college himself and her youngest attends Grandview Elementary. She is a full time student and has a full time career. Melissa also finds time to volunteer wherever and whenever possible. She is always involved in all of her children’s activities, whether it is coaching their basketball teams, being the Girl Scout Troop Leader or helping her son move in and out of college. She formed the Bellevue Little Hoopsters Basketball Program for kids ages 4 thru 8 years old three years ago. This program focuses on kids staying fit and learning the fundamentals of basketball. The program has gone from having 26 kids at the start of the program to over 100 kids during this last season. Melissa has turned this program into much more than anyone ever thought it would be, including herself. Melissa volunteers her time at Bellevue High School in many various areas. She does all of these things while working full time at BHS and attending classes at NKU full time. Melissa has made a wonderful impact in our schools just as she has in our community. Melissa Tatum was very deserving of this outstanding Jane Dotson Memorial Scholarship presented to her by Northern Kentucky University.
Bis staff reCeive
freD awarD
Each year the Bellevue Education Foundation selects staff members who are trustworthy, approachable, builds relationships and empowers others to enjoy their job. This year Mr. Tom Rechtin, President of the Bellevue Education Foundation, presented the following Bellevue Independent Schools staff members with a FRED Award: Bobbie Mayer, Angie Wormald, Regina Welscher and Becky Bess. Congratulations on their extraordinary service to our schools.
CoDe enforCeMent Corner by Terry Baute Hello City of Bellevue! Memorial Day is here and gone. Let me say a belated Thank You to all veterans’s who have served their country. I know I feel blessed to enjoy my freedom because of the sacrifices our vet-
erans’ have made. The spring is here and gone with summer right around the corner. With all the rain and heat you would think summer is already here. It feels like July or August. With all the rain it is hard to keep up with yard work but it has to be done. I always enjoy talking with residents but not about grass issues and blight. If you don’t want to hear from me please take care of your yard with the grass being cut and maintained. I know how hard it is but too often the grass gets out of control and over grown and hard to cut. Most residents have been doing a great job maintaining their property and believe me the City appreciates it! I have to mention again that when you are planning on hiring a contractor for a particular job at your home whether it is a new roof, concrete driveway and any work on your home they must have or purchase an occupational license to perform work in the City of Bellevue. This is a very simple and inexpensive process. The reason we have this ordinance folks, is to protest you the homeowner against fraud and poor workmanship. I have received a few calls about someone being taken advantage of by a contractor. If you have a project and you want information about a building permit or occupational license, please feel free to call me. Many homeowners have called me for my building
expertise or if they are allowed to do what they plan to do. I don’t mind at all coming to your home to discuss any questions you may have about a project. It is better to be safe and ask questions first. Some of you may not know what my role is as a Code Enforcement Officer. I wear many hats and switch from building inspector, enforcement of occupational license to code enforcement of city ordinances and international property maintenance codes. When I see or receive a complaint about blight, code violation or maintenance issue, I will make every effort to speak with the resident. I often leave a door hanger with the violation and follow up when necessary. The last thing I want to do is send a violation letter with an attached fine. You can avoid costly fines and penalties, by doing the right thing and keeping your property properly maintained.
Did you know?
The month of June has some exciting things happening. First off we have the annual city wide yard sale held from 8 Am until? Shop around and you might find some good deals. Secondly to kick the summer off Bellevue is sponsoring “2nd Saturday Concert Series from 7 until 10 PM. The first of the series will take place on June 8th and held at the Bellevue Beach Park so if you like down home country rock come on out and enjoy the music by “Danny Frazier Band”. Lastly, I want to say a few words about our Bellevue Pub-
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JUNE, 2013
lic Works Department. They too wear many hats and do an outstanding job in keeping our city looking good and are a tremendous asset to our city. I am so impressed with their commitment to excellence and dedication to service. They take pride in all aspects of their job. These guys
go the extra mile to keep our city looking so squared away (you like that military jargon?). When you see them in the future, take the time to thank them for their dedication and hard work. They deserve credit for making the City of Bellevue clean and presentable. Thanks guys!
shop Bellevue! –searCh for santa Ho, ho, ho! Santa Claus is making an early appearance in Bellevue! He’s planning on leaving behind his likeness for you to find in many of our businesses along Fairfield Avenue. Bellevue Renaissance is heating up your holiday spirit with “Search for Santa”, a celebration of Christmas and all things jolly in the sizzling heat of July. Join us beginning at 6 pm on Shop Bellevue! Friday, July 5, to pick up your contest sheet and begin the hunt to find all the Santa Clauses located around “The Avenue.” There’s no need to rush--you’ll have a week to visit each participating Bellevue business and find the Santa they have on display. Simple instructions will be on the contest sheets. It’s easy, fun, and very rewarding! There will be multiple winners drawn at random from all correct entries. Prizes
will include jewelry, Bellevue Bucks, gift certificates, and more!. On Shop Bellevue! night, July 5th, Bellevue’s businesses along historic Fairfield Avenue will do everything they can to help you forget all about the steamy days of summer and experience a delightful evening filled with holiday cheer. Many of your favorite businesses along historic Fairfield Avenue will be offering festive complimentary nibbles and liquid refreshments. Get a head start on your holiday gift buying, receiving free gifts, and special discounts and offers by visiting Fairfield Avenue during Shop Bellevue! A JOYOUS time will certainly be had by all in Bellevue that evening! Sign up for our e-newsletter to get all the details for this great event by visiting www.
froM page
should look like the spokes of a wheel. •Suckers, which grow off the roots, sap the tree’s strength and should be removed at the point of attachment. (Look at tree wells in our town, sprouting suckers.) •Crossing branches which may be rubbing against each other. Observe these closely before deciding which one to remove. •Narrow crotches, where the trunk and branch come together too closely, creating “included bark,” which will weaken that attachment, and lead to branch failure when mature; prune one of these off when young This work should be done
in the first few years of a tree’s life. While a tree can heal a scar on a young branch, it cannot easily close a large cut as on a mature tree. If the tree receives attention in its 5th, 10th, and even 15th years, it will not need cuts into large wood later on. Also note: with exceptions, trees should be planted in the fall and pruned in the winter, when the sap is down in the roots, “dormant.” Pruning during the growing season may be necessary to remove diseased or insect-infested branches, to remove growth that obstructs signs or windows, or to remove suckers; such pruning should be kept to a minimum.
free entertainMent anD Big returns for your tax Dollars
By Alvena Stanfield Free entertainment. Free Ereader books. Free video games. Free movies. Free computer use. Free computer training. Jewelry crafts. Sand sculptures. Computer care and maintenance. Mystery Club. Individual computer lessons. Little known details of Northern Kentucky, specifically murder and the Green Line Buses. Sit and be Fit. Yes, all provided by your tax dollars. Get your money’s worth…. Where? These are offered by the Campbell County Library. Bring the children. Bring the grandparents. There are fun things for every age, from baby to golden years. There’s so many choices, it’ll fill your events calendar and save you money. The library still has reading material too. Lots of novels, non-fiction, new releases, mag-
azines, newspapers, big print and audio books,. They even provide weekly phone-in stories for the little ones. 859-572-5039 is a 24-hour story line for them. Thursdays bring a new story every week. According to Dr. Penelope Summers, a person learns new skills or information by attaching the new stuff to alreadylearned stuff. So, whether your children are struggling or scholarly, the library has something to trigger learning while having fun. Adding new stuff to old stuff is even better for adults. The Council on Aging calls this “lifetime learning.” We all know “getting educated” might be boring. But having fun is never boring, no matter how many birthdays have passed. The Campbell County Library is definitely a fun-to-learn spot.
JUNE, 2013
happy father’s Day! by Terri Baker Somehow I wanted to honor my Father with this article, but still make it educational and informative and related to animals. It would not be me if animals were not involved right? The only thought I had was let’s compare my dad to some other dads in the animal world? Dogs, cats and most mammals come together for breeding and that’s it. They do not see their offspring and would not recognize them later if they did meet them. Daddy birds will assist in making the nest and bring food to mom. He will also take time to sit on the eggs while mom goes out for a bit! And once the babies come He will bring food to mom and take turns bringing the babies food. He helps with teaching them to fly so when they leave the nest they have successfully raised their offspring. Sometimes if a baby bird falls out of the nest too soon mom and dad will swoop down and attack something or someone messing with the baby. Their whole worlds revolve around the babies. Birds do not show affection very well to each other. This is why writing this article is easier.
My Dad was always there for me and supplied me with anything I needed. He spoiled my mom and me! He was the first to take up for us if someone said or did anything to us. He was very protective of us. He taught my brothers and I to work hard, be loyal to our jobs and never stop learning how to be better at what we do. My Dad set us up to “leave the nests” and start our own families. He is a wonderful grandpa to my kids and my 3 nephews and one niece. He never meets a stranger and talks to everyone and treats everyone respectfully. He has strong opinions and beliefs, but never tries to force them on anyone, they are just his. He has taught me so much and I admire him more than I can ever explain. We just had his 80th Birthday party in November. It is hard watching him age, but he is still the strongest person in my life. I am not great at expressing or showing my emotions, not even to my family. Thank you for giving me this platform to publicly tell my Dad, Wallace “Red” Stewart, Happy Father’s Day!
MAYOR cont’d from page 1 the city building at 859-4318888 to report it so we can give it prompt attention to keep our city looking nice. Thanks to all the folks who helped place all the beautiful flowers and plantings around town. Our town always looks great because of all of the people who volunteer year after year to make this happen. Once again please don’t
hesitate to call the city offices for assistance with projects around the home this summer. Also please don’t hesitate to call in any suspicious activities in your neighborhood to the Police Department at 859-2923622 or 911 if needed. You can be their eyes and ears on many occasions so please call. Enjoy your summer and Happy 4TH of July.
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this is your life by Cindy Nunery Do you have a tendency to focus on how your life could be, might be, hope will be, instead of looking at what it is right now? I think we all do that to a degree, for aspirations, hopes, dreams, and future goals are not a bad thing, but we can’t get so caught up in them, that we miss what is going on at this particular moment. We forget that where we are right now, was hoped for several years ago, and even though it might not be the exact picture you had in mind, there are probably still elements about this moment that ring true for you. And of course you have to keep in mind that there is something to the term, “it’s the journey that’s important”, that makes perfect sense, unless of course you would rather slap your arms together and blink. I’m sure for all of us, that would be the easier route, but for me, it would seem something would be missed in the transition. I think C.S. Lewis had the right idea about life. It’s not the having, but the longing for that really keeps us going. The thing that is just out of reach that gives us that incentive, that drive, that motivation to keep going, to keep striving, in order to reach our goal. Honestly, when I get into that mode of thinking my life would be perfect if only this or if only that would happen, I try and remember his theory, and at least make some attempt each day to soak up “this” particular moment in time, and even reflect back to see if I’m able to connect then, with now. Was I dreaming, striving, wishing, or praying for something in my life that I’m sitting on right now? And if I do have evidence of those things, have I stopped to notice that I have them? Or did they mysteriously show up, without me noticing, and now I’m on to the next thing I think I am entitled to have in my life........or wish would happen? So you see, there is something in the “living in the moment” mode that rings true for all of us. And granted in this time of recession, there would seem to be many people who are left wanting for things that are badly needed, and appalled by the latest turn of events, but again, this can easily go back to my theories about change and adjustments. I would venture to say there are several people who were wanting some sort of change in their life before they lost their job, losing their spouse through divorce, some medical problem to be resolved, a move to a smaller home......etc. They just weren’t aware of how that change would manifest itself. I know........sounds twisted and distorted, but if you just take the time to think about it, you’ll see what I’m talking about. Similar to, be careful what you wish for, for you might surely get it...... or what or how you think, shall you be. So the next time you are waiting, planning, dreaming, aspiring, or praying for the next thing to happen in your life, or wishing your life were different if you had that perfect person, that new car, that job, that house, or the money, and think-
ing only then can you sit back and be happy and content...... just remember, your life right at this moment already has some of those things, and you are still wanting for more. I wonder how it would feel if you just simply stopped, looked around you, and recognized what is in your life at this moment, and maybe thankfully check off your list those things you did accomplish or did gain over this last year.
You might be surprised to see how much you have before you start the new list, and realizing even if there is something that is not quite right, or if the recession has caused you to lose still gives you the opportunity to assess what you have now, and instead of wishing or wanting for more, learning to be OK with what you already have......because honestly.........this is your life.
Tom Rieger Buying? Selling? Re Tom!!! Office: (859) 431-9951 Cell: (859) 760-6247 No One Sells a Neighborhood Like a Neighbor Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated
Bellevue Independent Schools Grandview Elementary Students celebrating the 100th day of school �
Cameron Pangallo helping Hoxworth Blood Drive at Bellevue High School
Bellevue Schools Superintendent Wayne Starnes reads to Mrs. Brooks’ class during a “Fluency Friday” morning reading session. Each Friday students and staff take a few minutes to read and enhance their skills.
“Thanks For A Great Year” Football Players and Cheerleaders leading the fans in the Bellevue fight Song after a Tiger Victory!
2013 National Junior Honor Society Inductees
2013 National Honor Society Inductees
Jeanette Steely and Kroger’s provided lunch at Bellevue High School for Teacher appreciation.
A recent Born Learning Academy Graduate!
Collage of Bellevue High School 2013 Prom
The Cat In The Hat visits all the little Loraxes inKindergarten on Dr. Suess’ Birthday
Students and parents lined up for the opportunity to dunk the new Principal, Ms. Jamie Baker, during Grandviews Fall Festival.
STLP students participating in the 2013 State Competition at Rupp Arena
The PAWS wall, Positve Actions Will Succeed, at Grandview. Begun this year, the PAWS wall celebrates the positive choices students make each week. Parents sharing dinner and conversation during the Toyota bornLearning Academy. The Toyota bornLearning Academy is a six session monthly program that teaches parents how to take everyday events and turn them into learning opportunities for their preschool age children.
2013 Boys’ Track Team Students dance during an End of Quarter Celebration at Grandview. Student achievement and successes are celebrated every quarter with awards and a recognition day where they share their success with each other and their teachers. Mr. Wayne Starnes and Mrs. Janis Winbigler holding the $40,000 check presented to the Pilot Program Students using ipads supplied through the Pilot program.
Sixth Grade students Alyssa Kuhnheim and Robby Wormald posing with the Grandview Sign announcing their finish at the 4-H County Speech competition.
Grandview Elementary School was awarded an $11,500 Grant to become one of ten Toyota bornLearning! Center Pilot sites throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
KISS 107 FM invited the Bellevue Band of Gold to provide Christmas music during their “Stuff the Sleigh” event
Austin Quillen – great accomplishment - above 30 ACT Club Volunteers working at Grandview Field Day
Senator Katie Stine speaks with 4th and 5th grade students at Grandview during a visit.
Band Boosters working the football concessions to support our Band
2013 Senior Blastoff
Mike Swauger receives a plaque to honor the naming of the floor at Ben Flora Gymnasium the Mike Swauger Court
Fireman Joe Says Hope everyone enjoyed the Memorial Day Parade! Seemed like we were missing something this year, special wishes to Dot Murphy’s Family, she was a good friend and we will all miss her. I trust everyone took the opportunity to remember our gallant Men and Women of our Military Services but also remember those who gave so much so we can enjoy the freedoms of our wonderful country.
I Got to spend some time at our local schools and wish a good summer to our kids who will be breaking for vacation. I hope everyone will enjoy their summer break but don’t forget all the safety things we talked about during the year. To remind you one more time: Never swim alone, observe all the rules of swimming safety, summer sun is very hot, stay hydrated, drink lots of water and take time for lunch and an occasional snack. Use
sun screen or sun tan lotion, sun burns can really hurt and Mr. Sun can cause serious health problems, light colored clothing will help. Watch out for weeds and poisonous plants, especially outdoor vegetables and fruits, know what you are putting in your month. Don’t forget to wear a helmet when riding your bike or when you skate board, some pads for knees and elbows lessen the blow if you fall. I want to also mention barbe-que grilling safety, when using your grill follow all the manufacturer’s safety rules of operation, No Gasoline or accelerants to hasten the starting of your grill fires. Make sure matches and lighters are well away from the hands of small children, es-
JUNE, 2013
pecially make sure the little ones are well away from the heat of the grill. Propane Grills are great but can be very dangerous, you might want to consider some maintenance on the grill before operation, and where are you storing your propane bottles? Lastly, keep your eye open for unexpected summer storms that can come quickly and without warning. Listen to radio and television messages about weather safety but nothing beats the human eye for guarding against unexpected storms. Seek shelter in safe areas, not under trees or out in the open. WOW! a lot to remember, but I want everyone to enjoy their summer but be safe! Have Fun!!
By Dr. Barbara Cook
Dayton Office of Chiropractic
Turns out, the quality of our health is the result of a set of very simple rules. Play by the rules and you have the best chance for optimum health. Break the rules and you’ll pay for it. Not always immediately, but eventually. Just about everyone knows the rules. Here are 10 of the most obvious ones: 1. You shall breathe. If you stop breathing, breathe in a shallow manner or inhale pollutants, there will be price to be paid. 2. You shall ingest nutrition. Eating quality food is needed to provide the essential vitamins, enzymes and minerals needed to fuel, grow and repair your body. 3. You shall expel wastes. What goes in must come out. If it comes out too quickly you’ll suffer. If it takes too long you’ll suffer as well. 4. You shall hydrate. We’re mostly water. Replacing what is lost to facilitate crucial bodily functions is essential. The key is to drink enough fluids so you never feel thirsty. 5. You shall move. A sedentary lifestyle causes stagnation, poor circulation and hampers the function of the lymphatic system and muscle tone suffers. 6. You shall rest. Your body needs time to renew, refresh and repair. This is done largely at night while enjoying restful sleep. 7. You shall adapt to your environment. Your nervous system orchestrates every cell and tissue. That’s why chiropractic care is so essential for good health. 8. You shall love. You are the product of love. Love your Maker. Love yourself. Love others. The more you give away the more you’ve got. 9. You shall forgive. You will make mistakes. You will hurt others. You will fall short of the mark. Forgive others as you forgive yourself. 10. You shall die. Many try to break this one. Even medicine sees death as a disease state. It’s natural. It’s inevitable. It’s part of the plan. There’s one more rule. If you’re inclined to look to the government, drug manufac-
turers, insurance companies or others, remember the 11th rule: You shall be responsible. Valuing your health and following the rules permits you to live a purposeful life. Life is a gift. Batteries are included. No assembly required. Enjoy! For more health related topics:
City wiDe yarD sale The Bellevue Renaissance City-Wide Yard Sale on Saturday, June 15 beginning at 8 am gives you two great options in one day: 1. Eliminate items you no longer need and make cool cash by hosting a yard sale. 2. Find a new treasure or that something that you need by visiting one of the many yard sales in Bellevue. The permit and fee are waived to encourage you to participate. All you need to do is contact the city by stopping by or calling 431-8888 or 4318866 and let us know the address of your yard sale. If you’d prefer to send an email send it to jody.robinson@bellevueky. org and she’ll make sure you’re on the list. We’re asking you for your address, so we can put you on the map of yard sales. Plus, we want to put how many yard sales in our advertisement to entice shoppers to come visit our beautiful community.
Care for ages 1yr & Up in My Dayton Home, Over 25 Years Experience. Full, Parttime Openings
• concrete • masonry
JUNE, 2013
suMMer fun Each year for the past 7 summers the Family Resource Center at Grandview Elementary has provided an enriching and educational alternative for kids during the summer. “We try to provide fun ways to bridge the gap between the end of the school year and the start of the next,” said Family Resource Center Coordinator, Rob Sanders. “We want to keep it fun, but we want to keep
Bellevue stuDents
the kids’ minds active and engaged as well.” The program for the past two summers has been a cooperative venture between the FRC and the 21st Century Community Learning Center operated by the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Cincinnati along with staff from the Northern Kentucky Cooperative for Educational Services through a grant from the Carol M. White
Foundation. “We’ve been very fortunate to have some great people involved and been able to provide a lot of activities and fun learning for our kids here Bellevue,” said Sanders. The program operates on an open door policy for the kids. While the program is not a Day Care type of environment it does provide a safe and enriching
granDview May 2013 stuDents of the Month freD anD leaDership attriButes.
honoreD for
place for kids to spend their summer days. “The kids can come and go throughout the day, but while they are here they are supervised and managed closely’” he said. “And, it’s a lot of fun as well.” The program will run a little differently this summer. The Summer Feeding Program, operated by the Bellevue Independent School District, provides free breakfast and lunch for children and teens up to age 18 at Bellevue High School each day throughout the summer, and the Summer Program now operates at Grandview Elementary. “It just got to be far too
PAGE 7 much activity in a very confined space at the High School,” Sanders said. “Also with the playgrounds and facilities we have here at Grandview it just made sense.” The Summer Program begins on June 3rd and runs Monday through Friday for eight weeks, except July 4th and 5th. Programs at Grandview begin at 9:00 a.m. and operate through 2:00 p.m. each day. For additional information or to enroll your child with the Summer Program contact the Family Resource Center at 859261-9073 or stop by their office at Grandview Elementary School.
FATHER’S DAY June 16th • 1 - 5pm
ALL YOU CAN EAT • Adults $6 - Kids $4 Proceeds Help To Support Our Youth Sports Bellevue Vets Club 24 Fairfield Ave • Bellevue, Ky • 431-0045
Lizzie Smith, Dominik Walls, Ayden Hurtt, Ben Seeger, Jacqueline Lawson, Jacob Scott, Dustin Nifong, Vincent Chalk, James Long, Zion Chase, Katelyn Vaught, Adriana Dominguez , Jacob Sebastian, Kyle Gillen, Tomia Donnerson, Dillon Rylant Absent from the Photo: Mckenzie Bickel, Ryleigh Honaker, Elizabeth Stroberg, Aydin McClanahan
Bellevue high sChool stuDents of the Month for freD anD leaDership attriButes.
The front row (L-R) Brett Maehren, Brooke Maehren, Dagny McEwen, Zach Poinsett The back row (L-R) Tyler Noonchester, Justin Babb
Bellevue Community News The Bellevue Community News is published once a month by Community Shopper LLC, 464 Kuhrs Lane, Covington, KY 41015-1034. Rate & advertising information may be obtained by calling 859-331-7977, or by Email to communityshopper@ Publisher is not liable for contents of any ads or any claims made by advertisers.
Next Issue July 14th Deadline July 5th
Publisher: Mike Pendery
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Devine MerCy shrine
give the creation a long, beautiful life. Sons Chris, Jeff, Joe Jr and Jerry Schneider assisted Joe when it came time to assemble the parts. The Shrine was put together in one day. Joe did a wonderful job and the church family appreciates his gift of carpentry to the project.
“…for you I let My Sacred Heart be Pierced with a lance thus opening wide the source of Divine Mercy” Words of our Lord to Saint Maria Faustina In 2011 Father Hils, Pastor of Divine Mercy drew up the diagram of the Shrine and asked Joseph Leo Groneck, of Harrison Avenue if he would build it. The goal to create a permanent area in the church for the Sacred Heart statue had begun. Being a lifelong carpenter, Joe was up for the challenge and he knew he could do it. He used the drawings and created templates to begin the task. The workshop in his home was the perfect place to start the 3 month long process. Solid oak wood was used to
Joseph Leo Groneck was raised in Newport, attended Corpus Christi Church and Newport Catholic High School. He went on to graduate from the Ohio Mechanical Institute at the University of Cincinnati. He moved to Bellevue over 50 years ago. After 44 years as a carpenter he retired a few years ago. Joe volunteers at Divine Mercy and provides maintenance work as needed. Researched by Carol J. Rich
exCellenCe in preservation As National Preservation Month was drawing to a close the River Cities of Ludlow, Covington, Newport and Bellevue came together to celebrate preservation at Trinity Episcopal Church in Covington on May 30. This year Bellevue Historic Preservation Commission honored Mackey Advisors for their Adaptive Reuse of 601 Fairfield Avenue. Sadly, this building was both abused and neglected from the great tornado of 1915 that tore off the third floor to the flood of 1937 that left it sitting under water. Then there was the 1970s when the mansard awning was applied to the building and the windows reduced in size creating a hideous looking corner building. Now the building shines! Green principals were used earning Mackey Advisors the Sustainability Award from the Cincinnati Chapter of the AIA. There was next to no historic fabric left, but the overall craftsmanship and quality materials took this once white elephant and transformed the building into a handsome, energy efficient building that now fits within the context of our beautiful city. That is certainly worthy of honoring! Owner, Mackey McNeill
ONLY $ 55
1107 S. Ft. Thomas Ave Ft. Thomas, KY 41075
6 Week Summer Dance Program June 17- July 28
No Classes on Thursday July 4 Thursday Classes until 8/1
THURSDAY SATURDAY Technique, Turns & Leaps Ages 7-10 6-7pm
Tiny Tots Hip Hop Ages 3-6 5-6 pm
Jazz Ages 5-6 6-7 pm
Hip Hop Ages 7-11 6-7 pm
Tumbling Ages 7-11 7-8 pm
Special Needs Dance Class Ages 6-10 6-7 pm
Technique, Turns & Leaps Ages 11+ 7-8 pm
Yogilates Ages 15+ 8-9 pm
Special Needs Dance Class Ages 11+ 7-8 pm
NEW!!! Tap-Exercise Adults Only 8-9 pm
Hip Hop Ages 12-17 7-8 pm
Mommy & Me Class Ages 6 mos-3 yrs & Mom or Dad 10 -11 am
Auditions to participate on one of the award-winning dance teams at Kaleidoscope Dance Company are on the following dates: (Current Team Members DO NOT have to audition!) 1-3rd Grade:5-6 pm
Monday, June 3 4th-6th Grade: 6-7 pm
JUNE, 2013
7th-12th Grade:7-8 pm
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Without their advertising, we will become part of History!
wasn’t sure about undertaking the massive and expensive project. She said, “Thanks to a young and sage partnership of 2 people I deeply trusted, I made
Mackey McNeill and Mort Nicholson
an offer and wrote the check. I have laughed many times and said, “ I held my nose and wrote the check.” The young voice, Grace Mohr, was my deeply talented daughter. The sage voice, my dear friend, Mort Nicholson. Together they kept the faith. I had to focus on their faith and let go of my skepticism. Left to my own accord, I could not have ventured into this deal… Every day when I come to work, I am grateful to work in a place of beauty and strength. Clearly this building has a foundation of iron and a soul of warmth. And with Grace and Mort’s vision, it has again become a place of stature in a community with a bright future, Bellevue, KY.”
views froM the sChools
Toyota bornLearning Graduates May 2013: Elizabeth Saunders, Samantha Nifong, Samantha Terry, Alex Harper, Eve Harper honored for their participation in the Toyota bornLearning Program.
Congratulations to the 2013 Bellevue Independent Schools retirees: Bobbie Mayer, Linda Walton, Laura Barr and Norm Veatch
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