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y p p a H s y a d i l o H


December message From mayor riehl

Now that it’s December it already feels like winter is officially here even though that doesn’t take place until the 21st. We have not had our first measurable snow fall yet this winter, but it is likely to be just around the corner. With that in mind let me take a few moments to remind vehicle owners to use off street parking area during snow events and move vehicles out of the right of way to allow the Public Services crew room to plow the street as safely as possible. Shop Bellevue!!! The Christmas Walk was held on the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving and was well attend both days. Thanks to Public Services crew and the many volunteers from the Bellevue Neighborhood Association and Bellevue Renaissance that is making Fairfield Avenue look so festive this year. Please support our local independent businesses this holiday season. They have great options for the holiday gifts and places to grab a bite to eat. When you support local businesses you build a stronger Bellevue. Hats off again to the Bellevue Neighborhood Association for all their time and hard work invested this season to make our entire town

look festive for the holidays. Many volunteer hours went into making this happen. Each year they have been working to add new areas of the city to the list to decorate. Great job!!! Last month I mentioned two of our three outgoing council members. This month I would like to thank our third council member Bill Helton for his service to our community. Bill has served well in his duties as a council member; always asking the right questions and making sound decisions. We wish him well in his future and he has asked to continue to service Bellevue in any way we may need him. Thank you Bill for your valuable time and efforts. As I write this letter the Marianne Theater has come back to life. Not as a movie theater, but to play a role in a movie. The cast and crew from the production of “The Blunderer” were in town filming at our historic and iconic Marianne. Once again Bellevue is in the spotlight and we are shining well to all the cast and crew who are working in town. They all had positive things to say about our community and how friendly our citizens are. The task force for the future of the theater has had its first

meeting and the foundation of our work has been laid. They are off to a great start with a lot of hard work ahead for the members. Thanks to all who our serving on it. As we enter into the month of December I would like to take time to wish you and your family a joyous and festive holiday season. As we all gather together as families please take time to check on the elderly in your neighborhood during the cold winter months to make sure they are safe and warm. Don’t forget about our 4-legged friends during these winter months. Remember to bring them indoors during those very cold temperature days this winter. And, always take time to clean up after them while walking around town .Remember to always carry a bag with you or visit one of the many bag stations posted around Bellevue. Once again don’t hesitate to call the city staff if you are planning any projects around the house that may require proper permits, COA’s and inspections that may pertain. We are always ready to help at 859-431-8888. Enjoy the rest of the 2014 and have a safe and happy New Years celebration.

Donators needed. Bellevue high-school is looking for donations for operation W.A.R.M. We are collecting the following:

socks (new, please) • sweaters • scarves • jackets • mittens • hats We are collecting these slightly used items for people who might not be able to afford them. This winter is supposed to be even worse than last year, so please help us find a way to help people stay warm. If you’re looking to donate, you can drop things off at Bellevue high school, or if you know a student, you can send it in to school with them. There will be a tree in the front lobby where donations will be placed.

chicago’s christmas tree ships

by Jo Anne Warren, Master Gardener, Tree Hugger “The loss of no vessel on the Great Lakes aroused more sympathy than that of the Rouse Simmons, known as the Christmas Tree Ship.”—Sturgeon Bay Advocate, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, August 26, 1927 Fifteen years after the famous Christmas tree ship went down in a storm on Lake Michigan, November it is still news in Sturgeon Bay. The story begins in the late 18th C. with the large number of German immigrants in Chicago who had brought their carefully packed, treasured Christmas ornaments in their modest suitcases, so they could bring Christmas to their new homes. Catering to this market were sailing ship captains capable of bringing huge loads of cut trees from what was the nearest source—upper Michigan—300 miles along the north-south Lake Michigan, renowned for its

dangerous storms. In 1912, Captain Herman Schuenemann, known as “Captain Santa,” left Thompson, Michigan, near Manistique, in his ship “The Rouse Simmons,” a 3-masted schooner, fully loaded with 5,500 trees, bound for Navy Pier in Chicago, a week-long trip. The ship went down with all 17 hands the next day in a windy snowstorm, one of four that day. Capt. Schuenemann (1865-1912) was a good sailor, with a soft heart, who sailed a ship built in 1868 in Milwaukee. He gave away hundreds of trees to those too poor to buy. He sold the trees right off the ship. He went down in his 25th year—a good sailor. In 2000 the tradition has been revived by the U.S. Coast Guard, bringing the cutter “Mackinaw” into Navy Pier loaded with trees—1200 free ones this year—Dec. 4.

trees cont’D on 2 see


coDe enForcement corner Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas Happy New Year! by Terry Baute I love this time of the year being with family and friends. Bellevue is looking so good with all the decorations, public works cleaning up all the leaves and doing a great job cleaning the streets and alley ways. We are lucky to have such good service these guys provide. Let’s all pitch in and help them by keeping our yards and alleys I want to advise all of you of a city ordinance that requires residents to apply for a permit when ever you are in need of a dumpster. The reason for applying for this permit is to ensure that the dumpster is properly staged as well as a time limit being placed on how long the dumpster can remain in place. You can call Mr. John Yung (Zoning Administrator) for the details and cost of the

permit. Your cooperation on this matter is greatly needed and appreciated. A reminder to all of you is that any contractor doing work for you needs an occupational license. If they start work before having this license the work can be stopped by our office and they will face a penalty fee. When in doubt call our office for more information on this and building permits. If you think you need a permit, you are probably right. I enjoy construction and will be more than happy to meet with you to discuss your plans and assist you in laying it out. If you place a mattress or any other furniture out to have CSI pick up you should always place that item in a plastic bag to reduce the chance of bed bugs spreading throughout the neighborhood. We sell large plastic bags at our city building for our cost of $3.00 per bag. CSI

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will not pick up furniture/ mattresses that are not placed in plastic. It is $100.00 fine as well so let’s all do our part to keep Bellevue looking great. Finally I want to talk for a minute about the rights of tenants and landlords. This is referred to as “The Uniform Residential Landlord-Tenant Act (ULTRA). We have copies of this Act in pamphlet form or you can go to our web site and review it there. I receive calls from both tenants and landlords about their rights. Although the city will not take sides in a civil dispute, we can review the complaint. Sometimes there is a breakdown in communication. If you are renting please remember to read your lease agreement before signing. Remember a verbal agreement is your word against theirs. However a signed lease is a binding agreement and is very difficult to break. Until next time: have a safe and wonderful holiday season, do good work and let’s make the City of Bellevue a better place to live work and play. An individual can make a difference; but a group can change the world. Be kind to one another and help to make this a better world for all of us!



through christmas anD new year by Terri Baker ACO Whether you are a pet owner or not, you can help animals in your community. Call dispatch 859-2923622 for all the reasons below: 1. Whenever you see an animal running loose: The pet may have escaped its owner. It could get hit by a car or cause a traffic accident. It could have been abandoned. It is unsafe to leave any pet outside, running the streets and unsupervised. This includes cats. Cats will craw into car engines to get warm. Unfortunately, many cats have lost their lives and suffered severe injuries from fan belts. I have mentioned in past articles that 80% or more of cats in our area have feline aides and feline leukemia. Both these diseases are contagious to other cats, untreatable and destroy the immune system. Allowing your cats to venture outside or feeding strays is only setting up exposure possibilities and increasing the infected cat population. 2. If you suspect neglect or abuse: Animals can not seek out help on their own. They rely on good Samaritans to make the call. Many cruelty investigations, just turn out to be educating the owner. That’s ok. Many people don’t know proper and legal animal care requirements. We can give the owner information, resources


cont’D From page

Oh, yes, after lying on the bottom 59 years, a scuba diver named Kent Bellrichard, searching for another shipwreck, discovered the ruins of Schuenemann’s vessel 165 feet below the surface of Lake Michigan, just north of Two Rivers. Divers have been down several times and brought up artifacts. They report that the trees bundled on board and below deck – still have their needles! Recovered tree from the wreck h t t p : / / w w w. w b e z . org/blog/john-rschmidt/2011-11-22/christmas-tree-ships-94161 com/video/christmastree-ship-arrives-chicago-183919463.html h t t p s : / / w w w.


y o u t u b e . c o m / watch?v=vs9O1flsAmE gwen21), Nov. 26, 2012 http:///wgntv. com/2013/12/24/the-storyof-chicagos-christmas-treeship/ Visit the Rogers Street Fishing Village Museum in Two Rivers, Wisconsin. See the ship’s anchor now standing at the entrance of the Milwaukee Yacht Club. Merry Christmas Dec. 25 & Happy Hannukuh Dec. 16 - 24!



• concrete • masonry

and advice needed to bring the problem under control. If the owner is financially unable or unwilling to better the situation, then citations and other penalties for the violations will occur. With that said, remember that State Law requires owners to provide adequate space, food/ water and medical care. If you can not afford medical care, you need to surrender the pet or try to find it a new home. It is hard to make that decision, but it is in the animals’ best interest. 3. If your neighboring animals are becoming a nuisance: Pets that are left outside to bark, meow, dig, get loose, use your yard for a bathroom, tear up your garbage and pursue pedestrians are not to blame. They are only being animals. The owners are the ones responsible. A dog left out in the yard all day barking while the owner is at work, is not a happy dog. He is lonely, cold, bored and has never been taught the boundaries of self control. Perhaps the owner does not know how to teach this? Many people tell me “I can’t leave him in the house he tears it up”. It amazes me that they choose to own a pet, but feel that the neighbors should have to suf-


animals cont’D on 3 Allens Lawn & Tree Care 743-1840

Bellevue Community News The Bellevue Community News is published once a month by Community Shopper LLC, 464 Kuhrs Lane, Covington, KY 41015-1034. Rate & advertising information may be obtained by calling Mike Pendery publisher/owner @ 859-331-7977, or by E-mail to communityshopper@twc. com. Publisher is not liable for contents of any ads or any claims made by advertisers.

Next Issue Jan 15th Deadline Jan 9th



people Doing gooD things in bellevue learning to grow: the bellevue community garDen

By Jon Cullick At this time of year, gardens look different from the gardens in our imaginations. Flowers that bloomed just a few short weeks ago have turned brown. Fruits and vegetables have been long picked and eaten by humans or the local deer. Remnants of stems and leaves lie on soggy ground covered by dead leaves and, if it’s cold enough, occasional splotches of melting ice. But I found the garden. You can find it, too, just South of Center Avenue between the 400 blocks of Ward and Foote. It is situated between the railroad tracks and Pflueger Alley, in sight of the Loyal Café. This is Blossom Alley,

the Bellevue Community Garden. It is a space that welcomes you. The Bellevue Community Garden is “a communal gardening space,” as its founder, Bridget Vogt, describes it. Its first growing season was in 2011. Now having completed its fourth summer, the garden is a success and a gem in our city. If you visit, the space welcomes you. Instead of a fence, an entrance constructed of large tree branches beckons you to enter. This openness is exactly how the garden was designed. Some urban gardens rent quadrants of land to individuals or groups who sow, tend, and reap their own enclosed areas.

animals From page 2 fer from their choice to have a dog. Many people can not believe that their dog barking is a nuisance. “He never barks”. Studies show dogs bark 2 times as much when left unattended and 3 times as much if left unattended outside. The reason is, dogs left inside can only hear and see stimulus happening close to the home. Dogs left outside, obviously have smells, sights and sounds all over the place. I was born into a dog owning home, have had dogs since becoming an adult, ok I cheated and took many dog behavior classes during my time as a Veterinary Technician. I use to think my dogs wanted to be outside while I was at work and I felt guilty keeping them crated. However, one was either stolen from my yard or got loose and the people that found


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him decided he was going to be theirs. I had to take a microchip scanner and police to retrieve my dog (property). We began crating them after that and they became more obedient dogs and better members of our family (pack). I have crated every dog since. I am no Cesar Milan, but I think he would be pleased with my dog family. I also use this technique with all my foster dogs. We have been able to curb many behavior problems through crate training and make dogs adoptable. My point is, if your dog is crated safely in the house, your house will not get torn up, the neighbors can not complain that your dog is a neighborhood problem and you set up great pack leader abilities and your dog will respect you more for it. 4. If you need to reach me, Terri Baker, for any other reason, question or concern, please call Dispatch. 859292-3622 As a side note, please do not forget to donate, volunteer, or adopt a homeless animal. Families are struggling during this economy and holiday season and are forced to surrender their pets. Check out your local shelters, such as Campbell County animal shelter 859-635-2819. Keep your pets home and safe, they are lucky to have you. I would also like to say thank you to the City of Bellevue for your support during the most difficult time in my life. Loosing my dad was heartbreaking. Your expressions of condolences were needed.

The Bellevue Community Garden is different. As Bridget says, “It’s more fun as a community endeavor.” This is a place where members of our community can come together to meet neighbors while they work the land. It is a safe place where kids can interact with adults while they learn gardening skills. Whether you are eight years old or eighty, an expert or a novice, you are welcome. Whether you are looking for something fun to do with your children or something to do on your own, you are invited. If you have no gardening experience, someone will teach you. This garden is all about inclusiveness. There are no fences here. Bridget Vogt first got interested in gardening when she was helping her two sons do some planting in their own backyard. She had some conversations about her backyard gardening with others in her neighborhood, and the idea of a community garden began to take shape. Because they had no special training, the group took a community gardening class at the Civic Garden Center. The next step was to find a suitable plot of land, start-

up funds, and volunteers to get the project going. Many people stepped up to assist. City Council granted a loan of the empty space at the end of Pflueger Alley. Volunteers from Crossroads offered manual labor to clear the space. The Bellevue Neighborhood Association, which serves as the umbrella organization for the Bellevue Community Garden, offered funds and expert advice. Field of Vue Art on Fairfield Avenue donated materials for the compost. Christine Bonenfant and Kirk Mayhew, the artist who created the wood structure that marks the entrance, helped get the garden started and have been there to maintain it. Other Bellevue community members have been contributing materials and time. Bridget has also successfully applied for two grants from the Campbell County


Extension Office, which has made possible the purchase of tools, a tool shed, a hose, and starter seeds. What does the garden grow? “Anything and everything,” says Bridget. Its produce has included all kinds of vegetables such as tomatoes, lettuce, onions, potatoes, squash, okra, cucumbers, chard, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, corn, carrots, and green beans. Fruit has included watermelon, strawberries, and pumpkins as well as peach and apple trees. And they grow flowers, too. Many children and school groups are involved. Bridget often works with students in the Grandview Elementary After School program. The Daisy Girl Scout Troop painted and decorated

see garDen cont’D on pg 5

You can get there from here.




the secret by Cindy Nunery Did you know that you are a writer? Maybe not a famous author, who is listed on the best-sellers list, but you are in essence a writer. The only difference between the two, is the fact that an author puts down on paper their thoughts, stories and ideas which we all have from birth till the day we die, and the rest keep them carefully tucked away in safe keeping, to recall whenever the notion strikes. We could all put in print the most joyful moments, or the most devastating ones, real or imagined, depending on the sort of audience you wanted to attract. Or maybe it doesn’t matter to you whether you have an audience, you just enjoy the act of putting pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard. For me of course, I do find it easier and less time consuming to write my monthly column on the computer, but I have also kept a daily journal since 1996…….pen to paper. There’s something extremely cathartic about filling up a page with the written word, much more so than filling up a computer screen. Does it make your thoughts and ideas less valid……….



absolutely not. It was easier for me because I didn’t have access to a computer when I starting journaling, and when I finally did get one, I couldn’t do it. It wasn’t the same at all, so I continued to fill up the pages, with it being so much a part of me now, I simply can’t get through the day without it. So I guess my point is, for those wanna be writers, whether journaling or having something published, don’t let anything get in the way of your having a need or dream to write. There is always going to be someone who writes better, but the trick is realizing you are absolutely unique in how you write, and even if you’re just writing for yourself, or for your children to read when you’re gone, it’s still worth the effort. There are so many things that sadly are not shared with our children, that they would be thrilled to know as they grow older, and ultimately pass on to their children. We don’t realize that while we are reading someone elses story, we have in fact downloaded enough experiences of our own that someone is going to be interested in reading at some point.

Lighthouse Ministries

210 Poplar Street • Bellevue, Kentucky

Monmouth Street Antique Gallery

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Now the secret, besides the fact that you are already a writer is, there is no formula for writing down your thoughts. I myself am biased towards pen and paper, but as I said, there are no rules. If you’re writing about yourself, just think as far back as you can, and start writing. If you want to simply get your feelings down on paper, start writing about anything, from the leaves on the trees, to the way the books are stacked on the shelf. Be descriptive as possible, and as you continue to write, your thoughts and feelings will slip in without you even trying. Don’t look back at what you’ve written, just write until you feel done. Then pick it up the next day….then the next……..etc. Writing is fun, therapeutic, cathartic, inspiring, personal, and more importantly…..creative, which is something we all want to be on some level. And being creative alleviates pain, depression, anxiety, and for me has been a wonderful companion. So grab your favorite pen and notebook and experience for yourself……….the secret to writing. P.S. Journals make great Christmas gifts…...they last a lifetime.

To see the 2014 High School Emmy Award Winners, please visit: http://ohiovalleyemmy. org/students/2014-highschool-awards/


bellevue high school health stuDents learn new liFe skills

On December 3, 2014, the Bellevue/Dayton Fire Department spent some time in Mr. Poynter’s Health Class teaching BHS students the techniques for providing CPR the proper way.


Four BHS STLP students were nominated for an Ohio Valley High School Emmy. These students were presented certificates for their accomplishments for their Bullying Video. Pictured are Kira Ross and Julia Rardin (not pictured: Alex Thompson and MaKayla Bishop). Congratulations to Bellevue High School Emmy Award Winners!

Christmas shopping in Candy Land

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Sat and Sun, Dec. 13 and 14: “Color the Grinch” Kids Shopping Days – 12-3 p.m. Free cotton candy for kids. Register to win The Magical Tale of Santa Dust book and red velvet pouch of Santa dust Sat. Dec. 13: The Cornerstone Carolers – 1-3 p.m. Sat., Dec. 20: Joel the Singing Librarian – 11 a.m.

305 Fairfield Avenue │ (859) 261-WITT (9488) │


The Gift of LOVE Every religion has its own miracles. For Christians, it is the miracle of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. From childhood I have heard the Christmas story; how Jesus was born of Mary in a stable and laid in a manger, how the Wise Men came from the East following a star that led them to the Holy Child, how they came in and worshiped Him, laying before Him precious gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. In this story we see that Mary and Joseph didn’t go out seeking gifts. Although they were forced to spend the night in a cold stable they knew they were going

to be taken care of because of their trust in God. We all have our own miracles of love, our family stories of reconciliations, of recoveries that defy medical science, financial blessings and unexpected acts of kindness. ln our faith communities we see other miracles of love ..... the hungry fed, the dis-possessed made to feel at home, bonds of understanding and mutual joy forming across cultural and racial differences and again and again, the outpouring of food and clothing and shelter to unknown victims of disaster. Of course there are glitches in our efforts in

The Signature Series provides enriching cultural and educational experiences for the community that entertain, inform and enlighten. These after-hours programs are free and open to the public; however, free tickets are required. To request tickets phone 859-781-6166, ext. 31. Ticket reservations for individual events will not be accepted before the dates listed below. “Twain by the Tale” presented by Falcon Theatre Friday, January 16, 2015 Register for your free tickets

Falcon Theatre returns to the Signature Series stage to present “Twain By the Tale”, adapted by Dennis Snee. The humorous tribute will feature the wit and timeless perceptions of America’s greatest humorist, including stories of and by the man who once proclaimed, “It is no use to keep private information which you can’t show off.” Pulitzer-Prize Winning Author & Military Historian Rick Atkinson Friday, March 13, 2015 Ticket requests begin 1/13/15 Rick Atkinson is a best-

selling author, Pulitzer Prize winner, and Washington Post journalist. He is the author of the The Liberation Trilogy, a narrative history of the liberation of Europe in World War II. Mr. Atkinson’s Signature presentation will focus on the third volume of the series, The Guns at Last Light, as he discusses America’s role in the liberation of Europe. The book was a New York Times best-seller. Atkinson received the Pulitzer Prize for the first volume of the Liberation Trilogy and each subsequent volume has been received with incredible praise.

four colorful rain barrels that are used to collect water for irrigation. Families and individuals offer help. Bridget remembers a time when the children were harvesting carrots. As they pulled the matured plants up from the ground, the children were excited to discover where carrots come from. If you would like to get involved, Bridget emphasizes that you don’t have to be an expert. All you need to do is show up ready to work. During the gardening season,

there are usually two work sessions per week. Currently, they are set for Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday mornings at 11:00 a.m. Recently, City Beat named Blossom Alley the “Best Community Garden” of 2014. They called the garden “amazing” and added, “the garden allows people of all ages to share in the calming joys of harvesting and growing food.” I am not a gardener, but as a teacher, I see similarities between gardening and

teaching. To be a gardener or a teacher, one must be an optimist. One must believe that growth will happen. A gardener, like a teacher, must be a patient nurturer. Gardens and children are filled with possibilities. Blossom Alley, the Bellevue Community Garden, is a place where you, your neighbors, and your children can learn to grow. That means growing fruit, vegetables, and flowers. It means growing friendships and a sense of community. That is what makes Bellevue’s garden so special. For more information about Blossom Alley, Bellevue’s Community Garden, see the Bellevue Neighborhood Association web site at can read more at I am interested in writing articles about good works being done in our city. Is there someone doing something I should know about? Please send me a note at

personal relationships and sometimes we are not always sensitive as we should be to others and others are not always sensitive to our needs but we can all try and give out more miracles of love and kindness. So as this holiday season approaches lets celebrate the reason for the season and give to others the gift of Jesus and look for the gifts of love in our families/in strangers and in our own hearts and share this love. Merry Christmas to all from the Lighthouse.


sixth graDe banD uses viDeo conFerence technology

Written by Pastor W. I. Smith Lighthouse Ministries 210 Poplar St • Bellevue

campbell county public library newport branch - signature series


cont’D From page

Today, our sixth grade students at Grandview took advantage of video conferencing technology to play music for Casey County. Casey County’s band director, Mr. Jordan Wil-

liams, composed one of our concert pieces and our band played the selection for him! Casey County also played a selection for our band. Way to go bands!!


Joann Hairstyling and Tanning Salon Master Stylist Joann Messer Shamra Fischer, Shawna Adams, Ashley Sterling Rani Clark and Belinda Lee We specialize in Colors, Cuts, Special Events, Waxing, and Facials. WALK INS WELCOME...

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granDview november 2014 stuDents oF honoreD For work ethic

the month

Emergency Shelter of Northern Kentucky

Emergency Shelter Mission Statement:of To provide shelter which is life saving in the Northernwinter Kentucky and life changing in the Mission Statement: To provide summer. shelter which is life saving in the Winter Shelter Opens 11/1/14 winter and life changing in the Ê Open Each Night: 6:00 p.m. summer. Close each morning: 9:00 a.m.Ê Winter Shelter Opens 11/1/14Ê Requirements:Ê

Open Each Night: 6:00 p.m. 1. KY Photo ID – exceptions made if reClose each morning: 9:00 a.m.Ê ferred by hospital staff after discharge or Requirements:Ê escort made if re1. KY Photo ID police – exceptions 2. Adults only (men women) 18 andorover ferred by hospital staff& after discharge 3. Must be police able toescort enter into our shelter 2. Adults only the (men and over without aid&ofwomen) another18 person. Ê

Emergency Shelter of N. Ky 3. Must be able to enter into our shelter

without the aid of another person. Ê If you would like to contribute financially to help those If yourecovering would likefrom to contribute financially helpyour those homelessness pleasetomail recovering from homelessness please mail your donation to:Ê donation to:Ê EmergencyÊ ShelterÊ ofÊ NorthernÊ KentuckyÊ EmergencyÊ ShelterÊ ofÊ NorthernÊ KentuckyÊ P.O.Ê BoxÊ 176601,Ê Covington,Ê KYÊ 41011Ê

1ST Row

Carly Skirvin, Lilyann Johnson, Ayden Hurtt, Jacqueline Lawson, Greer Hayes, Colton Rardin Mr. Robb Smith, Superintendent, Mr. David Fuller, Principal, Mrs. Laurie Franzen, Assistant Principal Not pictured: Jazlynn Nichols and Gabe Dean

bellevue high school november 2014 stuDents the month honoreD For work ethic


P.O.Ê BoxÊ 176601,Ê Covington,Ê KYÊ 41011Ê

Disposable Razors, CurrentlyNeeded NeededItems: Items:Disposable Currently Razors,

Bleach,Laundry LaundryDetergent, Detergent,Paper PaperTowels Towels Bleach, If you are interested in making a material donationit it If you are interested in making a material donation canbebedropped droppedoffoffanytime anytimeduring duringthe theweek weekand andfrom from can 6pm-9am 6pm-9amononweekends weekends Emergency Shelter of Josh JoshKlosterman, Klosterman,MSWÊ MSWÊ Northern Kentucky Shelter ManagerÊ Mission Statement: To Operations provide Shelter Operations ManagerÊ shelter which is life saving in the Emergency Shelter of Northern KentuckyÊ winter and life changing in the summer. Emergency Shelter of Northern KentuckyÊ 634 Scott Street, Covington KY 41011Ê Winter Shelter Opens 11/1/14 Open EachScott Night: 6:00 p.m. 634 Street, Covington KY 41011Ê Close each morning: 9:00 a.m. 291-4555Ê (859) 1. KY Photo ID – exceptions made if re(859) 291-4555Ê EmergencyShelterNKY@yahoo.comÊ ferred by hospital staff after discharge or Ê



police escort 2. Adults only (men & women) 18 and over 3. Must be able to enter into our shelter without the aid of another person. Ê


If you would like to contribute financially to help those recovering from homelessness please mail your donation to:Ê EmergencyÊ ShelterÊ ofÊ NorthernÊ KentuckyÊ P.O.Ê BoxÊ 176601,Ê Covington,Ê KYÊ 41011Ê Currently Needed Items: Disposable Razors, Bleach, Laundry Detergent, Paper Towels If you are interested in making a material donation it can be dropped off anytime during the week and from 6pm-9am on weekends Josh Klosterman, MSWÊ Shelter Operations ManagerÊ Emergency Shelter of Northern KentuckyÊ 634 Scott Street, Covington KY 41011Ê (859) 291-4555Ê EmergencyShelterNKY@yahoo.comÊ

1st row: Maddie Schweitzer, Makenzie Howe, Kylie Hicks, Colby Ward 2nd row: Dave Pelgen, Assistant Principal, Robb Smith, Superintendent, Clarence Roy, Dave Eckstein, Principal Not pictures Alyssa Heringer


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You can reach Bellevue with our Print Edition and On-line. Please help support our Community paper. Call Mike @








2014-15 bellevue miDDle school basketball scheDule


2014-15 bellevue high school basketball scheDule

ssnk news

Senior Services of Northern Kentucky is proud to be partnering with Joseph Subaru of Florence for this year’s Share The Love event at Subaru dealers. During the Share The Love promotion, Subaru of America will donate $250 to a charity for every new Subaru vehicle sold or leased before January 2. As a Meals on Wheels partner, SSNK is a participating charity. “The Subaru Share The Love event is a great opportunity to raise awareness about senior hunger and to raise the funds needed to help feed hungry seniors in Northern Kentucky,” said SSNK Director of Advancement Tricia Watts. This is the sixth year for the Share The Love promotion. Subaru of America has donated more than $50 million to Meals on Wheels, the ASPCA, MakeA-Wish Foundation, Meals on Wheels and the National Park Foundation. This year, Subaru is partnering with more than 600 local charities nationwide. Buyers of Subaru vehicles can choose which charity will receive the $250 donation. SSNK is a non-profit social service agency serving seniors in the eight counties of northern Kentucky, SSNK’s services include: Meals on Wheels, Emergency Meals, Congregate Meals, Senior Transportation, Protection and Information Services, Long-term Care Ombudsmen, a Seniors-Only Food Pantry and management of 10 Senior Activity Centers located in Walton, Carrollton, Warsaw, Williamstown, Elsmere, Covington, Ludlow, Falmouth, Owenton and Florence. SSNK also operates Next Act, an initiative to help unemployed workers age 50+ to return to the workforce.

On Behalf of the Women and Men of Your Fire Department Bellevue-Dayton, Fireman Joe wants to wish all of you a Happy and Blessed Christmas and may we all enjoy a Prosperous New Year. GOD BLESS! ENJOY! BE SAFE!


its Just a


By Dave Pelgen Director of Pupil Personnel We hear that a lot. “Its Just a Tardy”. Certainly, there is a difference between a tardy and a full day absence. When a student misses the entire day of instruction, they fall behind the rest of their peers and that time is lost forever. That student is now forced to try to learn two or more days of material at the same time. That is difficult for even the brightest of students. However, I want to turn the focus onto “tardies”. Did you know that “tardy” is not only arriving late to school, but it is also refers to leaving early. “It’s just a tardy”, is not really the case. Tardies have such a wide-ranging effect on the student as well as the school. • The student misses time of instruction. Again, this time is lost forever. • When the student arrives late, or leaves early, the class is disrupted by phone calls, students gathering

their things, and entering/ exiting the classroom. This becomes a distraction to the entire class. • Schools are training grounds for becoming successful adults. Good habits, such as punctuality and attendance are expectations for adults in the working environment. These habits can be easily introduced to students if we start at a young age. • Finally, the state does not distinguish between a tardy and a full day absence when dealing with truancy issues. KRS 159.150 is clear that any combination of three (3) unexcused tardies and/ or absences identifies a student as truant and any combination of six (6) unexcused tardies and/or absences identifies a student as a habitual truant. So, tardies really do have an impact on your students. Please make sure to contact your school if you are having issues getting your student to school on time so that we can help.

From “Christmas Gifts” There are many traditions related to Christmas. Each family has its own customs, some of which are so old no one remembers how they got started or even who in the family started them or why. But through the years these customs continue on and families are drawn together and the reason for the season is remembered. From time to time folks in my congregation will ask me how the custom of decorating trees, hanging greenery, or even the legend of Santa Claus began. Some of these things I know, for others it is difficult to be sure of their origin much less their connection to Christmas. None of these have any connection directly to the Biblical story of the birth of Jesus. And, to the surprise of many, the custom of Christmas trees came from ancient heritages that began way before our German ancestors made them a popular practice, none of which had anything to do with the Christ Mass (Christmas) or even Christianity. But over time they became re-inter-




preted and embedded in the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus the Christ/Messiah (Greek or Hebrew both translate as Anointed One). One Christmas tradition that does have a connection to the Biblical birth account of Jesus Christ is giving gifts. In the Gospel of Mark (one of the two nativity stories found in the New Testament) we find the presence of Magi/ astrologers/wise men. By the way, the Biblical story does not mention how many Wise Men or Magi there were, but the common assumption is that there were three because the story mentions three different gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. This story of the Magi arriving with gifts for the Christ Child is directly connected with our tradition of gift giving. The spiritual practice of giving gifts is common in cultures that hold hospitality of the stranger/outsider/alien high. This was certainly true for Jesus and the Hebrew faith to which he belonged. If someone comes to visit, gifts are given to welcome the

guest. When visitors leave, often gifts are also given. For special events gifts are offered to show appreciation, love, thanksgiving, and in the case of the Biblical story of Jesus’ birth, worship/homage (Matthew 2.11). Giving gifts is an act that helps everyone. It is a gesture, appreciation, act of kindness, “present” of honor, a deed of sacrifice, recognition of love, peace, reconciliation, or thanksgiving for the other person. The act of giving offers the giver the opportunity to pay tribute to another, but also to give something from their heart, so to speak, an offering of themselves. Everyone wins. This is the connection to the custom of gift giving found in the celebration of the nativity (birth/delivery/ labor) of Jesus the Christ. And as the living Christ lives within each of us we offer gifts to one another in honor of the love that Christ has given us and taught us to have for one another. Merry Christmas!

From the Corner is written by The Rev. Keith M. Haithcock, Pastor & Teacher of St. John United Church of Christ, Bellevue, KY

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