Recovery is a journey. As those who have traveled the road point out: “You cannot start over, but you can start fresh.” Reclaim your life.
Program Specializations Include:
D.E.C.L.A.R.E. The DECLARE program is an community based outpatient Mental Health program focusing on abstinence, which is based on AoD treatment. This program is for adolescents, males, and females that incorporate the D.E.C.L.A.R.E Model. D.E.C.L.A.R.E. supplies the client with a personalized alcohol and substance abuse treatment and education program based on his/her AoD needs. We offer a unique approach to drug and alcohol addiction treatment services not traditionally found elsewhere.
Individual and Group Treatment Drug Addiction and Alcoholism Substance Abuse Bipolar Disorders Co-Occurring and Dual Diagnosis Disorders Co-Dependency issues Other Axis I and II Disorders Anxiety and Depression
FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT: Phone: 513.834.7050 Fax: 513.834.7052 Located in Longworth Hall Lobby B 700 W. Pete Rose Way Suite 456 Cincinnati, Ohio 45203
Treatment costs are less than those accumulated in residential or inpatient treatment. Services are more suitable for individuals who are employed or who have extensive social supports. D.E.C.L.A.R.E. Therapy Center, Inc. Dr. Purcell Taylor LPCC, LICDC, DABPS President/CEO The DECLARE Therapy Center, Inc. is certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health
The DECLARE Program focuses directly on achieving abstinence from mood altering drugs through individual therapy sessions of 1-2 times per week.
Admission The DECLARE Program is an community based outpatient abstinence based AoD treatment program for adolescents, adult men and women that incorporate the D.E.C.L.A.R.E Model.
Our addiction counselors utilize the D.E.C.L.A.R.E. Model’s seven stage participation approach and will make referrals for needed supplemental medical, psychiatric, & employment services when needed.
D.E.C.L.A.R.E. stands for:
The program also addresses other pertinent issues, including:
Loss- of significant resources- abuser has lost physical, psychological, and social resources.
Anger management
Acceptance- abuser finally accepts reality of dependence on alcohol/drugs.
Resolution- abuser seeks therapeutic assistance.
Family patterns
Entry- abuser enters society as a chemically free individual ready to begin the lifelong process of recovery.
Impulse control
Behavior disorders
Emotional disorders
Denial- abuser is in denial of the use of alcohol/ drugs.
In order for intervention with AoD abuse clients to be effective, the involvement of the three constituent systems- biological, emotional/motivational and social, must be taken into account. We emphasis short and long-term behavioral goals, individual drug counseling, development of effective coping strategies, and tools for abstinence and recovery.
Esteem- abuser has diminished self-esteem. Confusion- abuser has a chaotic and disorganized lifestyle.
Aftercare Clients who have completed the AoD program are advised on participating in aftercare support groups. The groups will be offered if a client meets criteria and availability.
Treatment The strength of D.E.C.L.A.R.E. Therapy lies in its multifaceted approach that aids the therapist in identifying needs related to:
Mental Health Crisis Lines
Psychological assessment
Adult Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-233
Physiological makeup
Department of Veterans Affairs:
Previous abuse and / or neglect
Social environment
Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline:
Difficulty in relating cause and effect
Cultural background
Elderly Abuse & Neglect Services: 1-800-752-6200
Gender-specific concerns
Cincinnati for Blind and Hearing Impaired Hotline: (513) 221-8558 or 1-800-627-4702
Counseling services Certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health
AoD individual and group treatments Use of chemotherapeutic agents in treatment
MRDD for child, adult and elderly: 513-794-3308 24 hours 513-794-3304 m-f 8:30 am-5 pm