THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2014 3 NISSAN, 5774
Jewish Educators In Service
CINCINNATI, OH Candle Lighting Times Shabbat begins Fri 7:46p Shabbat ends Sat 8:47p
VOL. 160 • NO. 37
The American Israelite T H E
American Jews and “Tikkun Olam” is JAHM theme
New Ritz baconflavored crackers may taste treif, but they’re kosher
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Evidence of U.S. ambassador to Nazi Germany’s anti-Semitism
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Meet Putin’s high school German teacher, now living in Tel Aviv
JVS Career Services Annual Meeting
HUC-JIR hosts “Let’s Pretend” with Linda Leopold Strauss
Senate, House differ in letters supporting Obama administration on Iran talks
In Crimea, a Karaite community carries on, and welcomes Russia
Take taste buds to Jersey Shore Italian Ice – here in Mason! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! FOLLOW US ON TWITTER!
Left to right Back row: David Alex, Lori Frischer, Robert Oestreicher, Stan Better. Left to right Front row: Ed Freeman, Joel Brant, Jan Armstrong Cobb, Sandy Kaltman, Allison Ross. Not pictured: Jamie Dalin, Shary Levitt, Jeffrey Stern
JVS Career Services held its 2014 Annual Board Meeting on Thursday March 6, 2014. The agency, formerly known as Jewish Vocational Service, has been supporting the employment concerns of the Cincinnati Jewish community for 74 years. Started originally to help Jewish immigrants find jobs in Cincinnati, the agency in recent years had focused primarily on employment services for people with disabilities. In the past one and a half years, the agency has undergone a major transition. Its programs for people with disabilities are now operated by Easter Seals Tristate. JVS Career Services is now providing an expanding menu of job-related services to the Jewish community at large. During the Annual Meeting, outgoing chair, Jan Armstrong Cobb,
commented on the agency’s, “long history with deep roots in the Jewish community [with] a bright future, taking on new challenges as Cincinnati becomes a destination city for a connected Jewish community.” She recognized recently retired Peter Bloch for his 16 years of service as CEO and President, noting how “his vision and foresight brought us to this point, to being JVS Career Services” and acknowledging the significant role he has played in the agency’s long history. Ms. Armstrong-Cobb was recognized for her two years of service as Chair of the Board, and she thanked retiring board members and staff for their service and dedication, giving a special thanks and welcome to Sandy Kaltman who is the incoming Chair of the Board of Trustees.
Kim Slaton, newly appointed acting CEO and Director of Connections, talked about the impact JVS Career Services has had during the past year on the lives of clients who came to JVS Career Services seeking guidance. She shared that more than 130 JVS Career Services clients found jobs in the past year, mostly in professional, administrative and management level positions. She gave a recap of the very successful “JVS Presents…” lecture series that included presentations by three guest experts in the areas of career development and job searching, the most recent being co-sponsored by the Mayerson JCC. Ms. Slaton went on to talk about plans to dramatically increase the scale and impact of employment initiatives and broaden relationships with leading Tri-State employers and vol-
unteer networkers. JVS Career Services will undertake the expansion of its current services as the designated lead agency for the careers, employment and engagement component of the Jewish Federation’s Cincinnati 2020 initiative, in collaboration with the Jewish Federation and other agencies and congregations. JVS Career Services officers for the coming year are: Sandy Kaltman, Chair; Robert Oestreicher, Vice Chair; David Alex, Treasurer; Ed Freeman, Secretary; Jan Armstrong Cobb, Immediate Past Chair; and Joel Brant, Past Chair. Trustees for the coming year are: Stan Better, Shary Levitt, Jamie Dalin, Lori Frischer, Allison Ross, and Jeffrey Stern. JVS Career Services contact information is in the Community Directory.
HUC-JIR hosts “Let’s Pretend” with Cincinnati children’s author on Sunday, April 6 Imagination and make-believe are the themes to be explored at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institutes of Religion (HUC-JIR) special event for families on Sunday, April 6, from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. “Let’s Pretend with Linda Leopold Strauss” is an activity-filled afternoon featuring the multi-award winning Cincinnati children’s author. Her newest and tenth book was just released in January. Suggested for children up to 8 years-old, the afternoon includes story-time with the author and three hands-on activities led by artist Sarah Jane Bellamy, a K12 art department head for more than forty years. And there’s more – a “Let’s Pretend” Costume Parade. The event is presented in partnership with PJ Library Cincinnati. There is no admission charge and everyone is welcome to attend. “Let’s Pretend with Linda Leopold Strauss” takes place in Mayerson Hall, located on the campus of HUC-JIR in Clifton. Linda Leopold Strauss began her writing career more than thirty years ago. She has previously published nine books for children and stories in
Linda Leopold Strauss
numerous children’s magazines. Her work includes fiction and non-fiction for a wide variety of ages and has been translated into French, Italian, Swedish and German. She regularly visits schools and libraries to engage with young readers and has taught writing to students from kindergarten-age to adults. Sarah Jane Bellamy, who conducts education programs for the Taft
and several other museums, is providing three art experiences for girls and boys. In one project children will create their own make-believe character using model magic clay; in another, children will imagine what school will be like next year and then create their own story in a provided hand-made book. For the last project, patterns will be provided so girls can create their own unique fashion design and boys can create a super hero outfit. Bellamy will also explore the three choices young artists have when they make a mistake - 1. Throw a temper tantrum, 2. Call for Mommy or Daddy, or 3. Be an artist and solve the problem. PJ Library is a Jewish family engagement program implemented in communities throughout North America. They mail free, high-quality Jewish children's literature and music to families across the country on a monthly basis. Cincinnati families raising Jewish children from six months of age through eight years are welcome to sign up on the PJ Library website.
Dr. Michael Meyer inspires others to live Jewish legacy at HUC-JIR Founders’ Day ceremonies On Wednesday, March 26, at its annual Founders’ Day Ceremony in the S.H. and Helen R. Scheuer Chapel on its Cincinnati campus, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion recognized Dr. Michael A. Meyer, as he prepares to retire, for his fifty years of service as a member of its faculty. During his address to the over 100 faculty members, students and distinguished guests present for the event, Dr. Meyer explained how during his tenure he has come to see that his field of study, Jewish history, serves by bringing “ … us all to a profounder sense of our as yet unrealized humanity.” “History contains life in all its varieties and contradictions, its actors' multiple sins and their occasional virtues. The immediate goal of the historical enterprise may be to learn of the past, but its ultimate aim is to know ourselves and our potential. For we will not know who we are until we know who we were and therefore also who we can be,” said Dr. Meyer. “The history of the Jews is a current within the stream of world history, at times rippling within one eddy at times within another. But we can also envision it from within, as a force thrusting through time with energies that may sometimes flag, but … manage to renew themselves again and again.” Professor Meyer was born in Berlin, Germany, and grew up in Los Angeles, where he received his B.A. (with highest honors) from University of California, Los
Angeles. His doctorate is from Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. He taught at the Los Angeles campus of HUC for three years before moving, in 1967, to join the faculty of the Cincinnati campus. A fellow of the American Academy for Jewish Research, Dr. Meyer’s research interests include the histories of Reform Judaism, of Jewish historiography (methods of research), of Jews in Modern Germany and of the academic study of Judaism. His books have won three Jewish Book Awards and, in 1996, he received the National Foundation for Jewish Culture's Scholarship Award in Historical Studies for major influence on colleagues and students in his field. He currently serves as the Adolph S. Ochs Professor of Jewish History Emeritus. The College-Institute’s Founders’ Day ceremonies celebrate the vision of Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, founder
of Hebrew Union College in 1875 in Cincinnati, and of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, founder of the Jewish Institute of Religion in 1922 in New York. Participating in the program this year were Rabbi Aaron D. Panken, the College-Institute’s new President; Rabbi Jonathan Cohen, Dean of the Cincinnati campus; Dr. Nili Fox, Director of the School of Graduate Studies; Rabbi Kenneth A. Kanter, Associate Dean and Director of the Rabbinical School; and Cantor Yvon F. Shore, Director of Liturgical Arts and Music. Along with its recognition of lay leaders for a lifelong commitment to the College-Institute, such as Dr. Meyer, HUC-JIR honors during its Founders’ Day distinguished rabbinical alumni for 25 years of service as teachers of Judaism – its faith, its culture and its communal ethics. This year, the College-Institute presented honorary doctorate degrees to Rabbis Leonardo Alanati, Deborah R. Bronstein, L. David Feder, David Joel Burstein Fine, Edwin Cole Goldberg, Glenn M. Jacob, Scott Looper, Richard Steven Rheins, Beth J. Singer and Jonathan L. Singer. This year, the College-Institute also recognized representatives from congregations who have been a part of Cincinnati campus student pulpit program for the past 130 years. “I do believe in the sanctity of our past,” said Dr. Meyer at the conclusion of his address. “For beyond all else, our history is a tale of men and MEYER on page 22
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Young professionals will tackle two tough topics and take action this spring Between their careers, social lives and other responsibilities, staying informed, not to mention effecting change, can seem like an impossible goal to the average young professional. For this reason, Access is hosting two free events in April that will offer Jewish YPs an impactful yet easy way to get plugged into what matters. It all begins with a conversation about human trafficking on Thursday, April 10 at 6:30 pm at Unwind Wine Bar in Hyde Park. Later in the week, YPs will gather at the Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education for a pre Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) program on Sunday, April 13 at 1pm. “While the 21-35 year old crowd has the best of intentions when it comes to understanding the issues
and giving back, it takes time and energy for most people to find a cause or organization that resonates with them,” says Briana Landesberg, Access Event Manager. “Thanks to programs like Access’s ACTout and JCafe, YPs get exposed to a wide variety of important issues and projects that allow them to learn more and take action in whatever way is comfortable for them. We are glad to provide opportunities for our constituents to do good and make a difference.” On April 10, YPs can participate in an enlightening discussion centered on human trafficking, and unwrap the myths and misconceptions surrounding this hot button issue. Frequent Access participant, Rabbi Meredith Kahan of Rockdale Temple, will lead the conversation,
drawing parallels between the Passover story and modern-day slavery in the chocolate trade. Participants will also learn what they can do to stamp out this global injustice right here in Cincinnati. The night will be rounded out with complimentary fair trade chocolate, appetizers and wine. This Access JCafe Modern Day-Slavery event is a complementary program of JCC’s upcoming Jewish Exhibition Series: When Slavery Hits Home, Not just History but Here and Now. A few days later, YPs will have a special opportunity to meet Werner Coppel, a local Holocaust survivor, who will share his moving story with the group. This event will take place two weeks before Yom HaShoah, a time when Jewish communities around the world come
together to say “never forget.” By taking part in this ACTout gathering, YPs will keep the flame burning for future generations who will not be able to hear from actual Holocaust survivors. After Mr. Coppel’s talk, participants will work on a social action project to benefit the Greater Cincinnati survivor community. A light lunch also will be included. Both JCafe: Modern-Day Slavery and ACTout: “Never Forget” are free with an advanced RSVP and open to Jewish young professionals, ages 21-35. NonJewish significant others are always welcome. Access is an initiative of the Mayerson Foundation. To RSVP or learn more, please consult the Community Directory in the back of this issue for Access’ contact information.
New Federation professional works to draw young adults to Cincinnati
ing young adults by connecting them with successful leaders, professionals and mentors who can help them become meaningfully established in the city. To today’s young adults, employment is only
one piece of a full life; Sammy will help both new and existing community members engage socially and communally (in coordination with the Federation’s Young Adult Division (YAD), The Mayerson Foundation’s Access and Hillels at UC and Miami), as well as professionally (in coordination with JVS Career Services). Director of Community Building Barb Miller said, “In 2005, when my daughter was graduating from college, many of us, myself included, told our children to move to a big city where they could build their careers and enjoy a lifestyle they couldn’t get here. But today, Cincinnati is a different city. It has major corporations looking to attract young adults, arts and culture, and a growing community of entrepreneurs. It also has what you can’t find in New York or Chicago –
affordable housing, excellent schools and a warm, welcoming Jewish community.” She continued, “My son graduated from Ohio State in 2009 and lives and works in Cincinnati. Many of his closest friends, graduates of Sycamore High School, are living here as well, and they could not be happier.” Sammy has been through this process himself, as a young adult who, following a brief stint in Cincinnati after graduating from Syracuse University, moved to New York City. Although he was enjoying a thriving career in theatre there, he missed the connected, supportive environment of Cincinnati. And the changes taking place in Cincinnati convinced him he could still live the full and diverse cultural and social life of a FEDERATION on page 22
VOL. 160 • NO. 37 THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2014 3 NISSAN 5774 SHABBAT BEGINS FRIDAY 7:46 PM SHABBAT ENDS SATURDAY 8:47 PM THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE CO., PUBLISHERS 18 WEST NINTH STREET, SUITE 2 CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202-2037 Phone: (513) 621-3145 Fax: (513) 621-3744 RABBI ISAAC M. WISE Founder, Editor, Publisher, 1854-1900 LEO WISE Editor & Publisher, 1900-1928 RABBI JONAH B. WISE Editor & Publisher, 1928-1930 HENRY C. SEGAL Editor & Publisher, 1930-1985 PHYLLIS R. SINGER Editor & General Manager, 1985-1999 MILLARD H. MACK Publisher Emeritus NETANEL (TED) DEUTSCH Editor & Publisher JORY EDLIN BETH KOTZIN Assistant Editors YOSEFF FRANCUS Copy Editor JANET STEINBERG Travel Editor ROBERT WILHELMY Dining Editor MARIANNA BETTMAN NATE BLOOM IRIS PASTOR ZELL SCHULMAN PHYLLIS R. SINGER Contributing Columnists JENNIFER CARROLL Production Manager BARBARA ROTHSTEIN Advertising Sales ERIN WYENANDT Office Manager e Oldest Eng Th
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The Jewish Federation of Cincinnati is excited to announce the hiring of Sammy Kanter as the Esther and Maurice Becker Networking and Mentoring Coordinator, a newly created position in the Community Building department. Cincinnati is undergoing a renaissance, becoming a world-class city that is vibrant, colorful, exciting and brimming with activity, and, through Cincinnati 2020, the Jewish community is playing a crucial role. But to continue this growth, we must encourage our young adults to stay here after college or to come back from bigger cities, and even inspire nonnatives to move to Cincinnati and build their lives and start their families. Sammy, in his new job, will work to make that happen. He is charged with retaining and attract-
director, Dr. Rick Hodes, and JDC disaster relief expert and assistant executive vice president, Dr. William Recant, among other scholars and authors whose area of expertise is American Jewish heritage and history. This year’s JAHM celebration also features a special partnership with its founding corporate sponsor, Manischewitz. Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM) is a national month of recognition of the more than 350year history of Jewish contributions to American culture, celebrated in May.
Est. 1854
tional humanitarian organization, putting into action the precept that all Jews are responsible for one another and for all humankind. Since JDC’s founding in 1914 at the outset of WWI, the organization’s
ten decades of rescue, poverty alleviation, Jewish community development, leadership training and cultivation, social innovation, and disaster relief work has benefitted millions of people and transformed countless lives in Israel and more than 90 countries. Visitors to the JAHM website will find educational resources directly related to the 2014 theme. A simple click on photos on the home page will link to information provided by the JDC and other institutions. “Speaking of Being Jewish,” JAHM’s online resource for speakers who can be contacted for JAHM community events and programs, this year includes JDC’s medical
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Cincinnati, Ohio – Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM), a national commemoration of the contributions that American Jews have made to the fabric of our nation’s history, culture, and society, announces the theme for the May 2014 celebration. This year, honoring the 100th anniversary of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), JAHM celebrates American Jews who have made significant contributions to humanitarian causes, social justice, medical and scientific research, communitybuilding, and philanthropy. JAHM is pleased to partner in this milestone year with JDC, which remains the essential Jewish interna-
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American Jews and “Tikkun Olam (healing the world)” is this year’s JAHM theme
THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE (USPS 019-320) is published weekly for $44 per year and $1.00 per single copy in Cincinnati and $49 per year and $2.00 per single copy elsewhere in U.S. by The American Israelite Co. 18 West Ninth Street, Suite 2, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-2037. Periodicals postage paid at Cincinnati, OH. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE AMERICAN ISRAELITE, 18 West Ninth Street, Suite 2, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202-2037. The views and opinions expressed by the columnists of The American Israelite do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the newspaper.
10th annual JFS presented Healing Early Attachment Wounds Nearly 300 professionals learned ways to help clients heal from childhood trauma and overcome life events when Jewish Family Service presented “Healing Early Attachment Wounds and Embracing Secure Relationships” on Thursday, March 13, 2014 with Diane Poole Heller, PhD. Susan Shorr and Marcie Bachrach were the event’s volunteer co-chairs. Dr. Heller is an internationally applauded author, therapist, and teacher and a recognized expert in the field of trauma resolution. Her engaging presentation explored how traumatic childhood experiences can affect our relationships as adults and how we can return to a secure attachment style. Secure attachment is seen when one has a positive view of their self, others, and relationships. It is usually formed during early childhood with parents or guardians who are present, safe, playful and consistent while offering a positive environment that allows for healthy relating and bond-
Marcie Bachrach, Diane Poole Heller, Susan Shorr
ing. According to Heller, we all experience trauma at some point in our lives. Fortunately, says Heller, “We can cross the bridge back to secure attachment after experiencing a traumatic event. We all have the capacity to heal from the past and live more fully in the present. My experience is that we are inherently hardwired to heal.” Heller provided teachable methods to help clients heal from the
Avoidant, Ambivalent, and Disorganized attachment styles. Workshop attendee Nancy Mendelson said, “As an educator and social worker, it is important to know how the effects of attachment disorder are displayed by young children in preschool. This program can help us identify a problem so we can be proactive in helping children as needed.” This was the 10th annual Miriam O. Smith Educational Series
HUC-JIR and UC-DAAP to present “Parallax Futured: Transtemporal Subjectivities” University of Cincinnati’s College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning in conjunction with Cincinnati Skirball Museum are delighted to present Parallax Futured: Transtemporal Subjectivities, an exhibition of internationally recognized artists. The exhibition will be on view from April 6 through May 11 on the 4th floor of Mayerson Hall on the campus of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) . As part of the program for 2014’s International Zizek Studies Conference and Exhibition, Parallax Futured: Transtemporal Subjectivities explores emerging perspectives on parallax as a theme for critical discourse. Cultural critics Slavoj Zizek and Hal Foster employ parallax as a term for inquiry into transhistorical subjectivities. Where Zizek explores parallax as a short-circuited “gap” between two seemingly similar points, for which no stabilized harmonies can exist, Foster investigates parallax as a framing device between present and past positions. Parallax Futured: Transtemporal Subjectivities considers how contemporary artists explore presentness contextualized by considerations of past occurrences, resulting in an always-already futured perspective. The philosophies, thoughts, and visions materialized by the artists in this show recognize significant connections between contemporary and historical periods as relevant to the language of progress within critical discourse – philosophical and otherwise. “When the Skirball was approached about partnering on this exhibition,
it presented a unique opportunity for two neighboring institutions to engage in meaningful ways around art,” comments Cincinnati Skirball Museum director Abby Schwartz. “We began to see many connections around past, present, and future as they are represented in objects in the Skirball’s collection.” Artists Malcolm Mobutu Smith and Emily Mae Smith mine historical practices and movements to explore signification through representation. Both artists experience ceramics from multiple perspectives. Malcolm Mobutu Smith, Associate Professor in ceramics at Indiana University, comingles traditional ceramics vessels with those of graffiti art and interactive haptic presentations of work. New York-based Emily Mae Smith experiences ceramics from the illusionistic space of painting. Both artists fuse historically complex systems to create contemporary systems of exchange. New York-based painter Adam Henry employs painting to explore realities that logic finds unreachable. Working through the historical logic of painting, Henry reorders its elements. Like the pigment suspended in Adam Henry’s emulsified surfaces, the spectrum as a sign for perception suspends our epistemic grasp of image. Artists Kate Levant and Rory Mulligan manipulate epistemic locations through their reclamation of banal, sometimes ousted materials. Internationally-based artist Levant scavenges materials from cityscapes and re-designs them as matter of the transhistorical oscillation between being and not. Rory Mulligan is a New York-based pho-
tographer, who employs traditional darkroom photography to engage the conceptual nature of the medium as suspended moments. Mulligan seizes his banal subjects between found and performed. An opening reception will be held on Sunday, April 6 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm in the lobby of Mayerson Hall on the HUC-JIR campus.
(MOSES) workshop, which offers the community a chance to learn from nationally recognized mental health experts. This series was established in memory of Miriam O. Smith, who was a long time social worker at Jewish Family Service. Deborah Smith-Blackmer, Miriam’s daughter, was honored at the beginning of the event for her role in establishing this community wide opportunity for professional development. Jewish Family Service provided attendees six Continuing Education units (CEs) in many disciplines including social work, counseling, marriage and family therapy, psy-
chology, nursing, chemical dependency, and occupational therapy.
JCC Senior Center offers 3 unique Passover events The JCC Senior Center at the Mayerson JCC is offering three events to celebrate and observe Passover. The annual JCC senior community Seder on April 11 at noon will give the opportunity to socialize and enjoy the retelling of the liberation of the Jewish people from Eygpt. Rabbi Moshe Berlove will lead this large community Seder that attracts over 150 people of all faiths, each year. Uplifting eastern European music performed by Sally & Joe Lukasik, an accordion and clarinet duo, will accompany the program. The JCC community Seder is open to all adults over 60 and is generously sponsored by Seasons.
Reservations are required for this free event. Two additional events focus on modern day slavery and build awareness of the problem in our city and globally. A guided tour of the National Underground Freedom Center and an engaging lecture at the JCC will be offered in conjunction with the JCC’s “When Slavery Hits Home: Not Just History, but Here and Now” exhibit opening on April 3 at 6:30pm. The exhibit at the JCC explores slavery from biblical to modern times through art, in both Jewish and global contexts. It will debut just before the holiday of Passover,
which focuses on the Jewish people’s 400 years of slavery in Egypt, and serves as a perfect time to direct attention to the critical issues of slavery and human trafficking that plague our city and the world around us. The exhibit is in partnership The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, Klau Library, Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, the Jacob Radar Marcus Center for the American Jewish Archives and The Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education. “The holiday of Passover marks the perfect time to direct attention to the critical issues of slavery and human trafficking,” says Marc
Fisher, CEO of the Mayerson JCC. “These events provide the opportunity to spark important conversations and act as a catalyst to enact change in our city and globally.” On Monday, April 7 at 1pm at the JCC, an engaging lecture on modern human slavery led by Matt Kemper will introduce information about this complex subject. Guests will learn about human trafficking in Cincinnati, see a video presentation and learn how to be a part of the antislavery movement. Matt Kemper is a national speaker and focuses on child slavery in the chocolate and clothing industries. Another opportunity to learn
more about modern day slavery is on Wednesday, May 14 at 1pm. The JCC Senior Center offers a trip to the National Underground Freedom Center for a guided tour of “Invisible: Slavery Today,” a permanent exhibit about modern-day slavery and human trafficking. A large section of this exhibit is dedicated to anti-slavery activities and visitors can make a personal commitment to be 21st Century Abolitionists. Reservations are required for all JCC Passover events. There is a minimal fee for the National Underground Freedom Center tour.
New Ritz bacon-flavored crackers may taste treif, but they’re kosher By Adam Soclof NEW YORK (JTA) – Ritz has a new bacon-flavored cracker hitting shelves – with kosher certification. The signature O.U.-Dairy symbol appears on the box of the Nabisco nosh. “There was much discussion over the decision about this product,” acknowledged Rabbi Moshe Elefant, COO of the Orthodox Union Kashrut Department. “The reality is there’s nothing close to bacon in this product. There are artificial bacon flavorings that give the ‘bacon flavor.’ “Nobody’s going to think this is actual bacon,” he added, noting the packaging, which has the words “Artificially Flavored” in large type
right below the word “Bacon.” At least one reviewer, however, says the cracker tastes like the real thing. “These actually taste too much
National Briefs
Judaism, and Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism – met with the heads of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, and Presbyterian Church USA.
Jewish groups renew dialogue with mainline Protestant leaders (JNS) – The heads of several Jewish and Christian organizations and denominations met in New York City on Thursday in the first such gathering since October 2012, when the Jewish and Christian groups severed ties over mainline Protestant groups calling on Congress to investigate alleged Israeli human rights abuses and end U.S. aid to Israel. After the Thursday summit, participants issued a statement reaffirming their commitment to establish a “national dialogue of Christian and Jewish leaders.” The Jewish leaders – from the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Anti-Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith International, Union of Reform Judaism, Rabbinical Assembly, United Synagogue of Conservative
Israel divestment voted down by University of Michigan student government (JNS) – An Israel divestment resolution failed March 26 in a 25-9 vote, with two abstentions, by the University of Michigan’s Central Student Government (CSG). The resolution by the proPalestinian group Students Allied for Freedom and Equality referenced “the Israeli occupation’s policies and systematic discrimination against Palestinians.” Its failure comes after university police said Arab males recently shouted “threats of violence” at a student who refused to support boycotts of Israel during a sit-in by proPalestinian students at the school’s student union. Other pro-Israel students were allegedly called antiSemitic slurs such as “kikes” and “dirty Jews.” Jacob Baime, executive director of the Israel on Campus Coalition, called on University of Michigan
like bacon,” commented Rina Raphael, style editor for NBC’s “Today” show, who sampled the new Ritz flavor before they hit shelves. That’s not the sort of claim the people at the kosher certification agency can verify. “We’re not in any way saying that it tastes like the real thing,” Elefant said. “That’s not at all what our certification represents.” Kosher imitation-bacon products may be rare but they aren’t new. Elefant vaguely recalled another bacon-flavored product that nearly lost its O.U. certification for not printing the words “imitation” or “artificial” prominently enough on the packaging. Ultimately, though, the manufacturer addressed the O.U.’s
concerns. Jeffrey Yoskowitz, who runs the website Pork Memoirs though he does not eat pork, pointed to beef fry, a postwar pork alternative, and BacOs Bits, certified kosher in the 1990s. He also cited the J&D product line of bacon-flavored mayonnaise and salt that bear the O.U. symbol. “There seems to be a whole industry of kosher-certified bacon flavors,” Yoskowitz said. But Yoskowitz says he won’t be sampling the new crackers. “This is a particular type of American item I don’t want to be a part of, specifically because of the artificial flavoring,” he said. “I’d rather have beef bacon or lamb bacon on a cracker.”
He also has a specifically Jewish objection. “To see a Jew eating kosher bacon-flavored crackers is just as confusing as a Jew walking into a nonkosher restaurant,” Yoskowitz said. Elefant acknowledged that some Jews will feel uncomfortable with the product. “I’m not saying I wouldn’t eat it,” he said, “but I could understand someone not eating it.” Still, the rabbi sees no problem with issuing certification in this instance. “Kosher law is kosher law,” he said. “If proper law, supervision and certification are followed, the law is the law; no law that says you can’t have artificial-flavored bacon.”
officials to protect its students from “violent threats.” “The hateful anti-Israel BDS movement is reaching new depths of depravity,” Baime told JNS. “This isn’t about Israel as much as it is about free speech. Students have the right to express their views without fear of physical harm.”
paign has NOTHING to do with rooting out their observed problem.”
edging a shared concern with Israel over Iran, have said that cooperation with Israel is unlikely until the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is resolved.
J Street U, Wash. U. Hillel hosted NGO that promotes criticism of IDF soldiers (JNS) – J Street U, the campus arm of the self-labeled “pro-Israel, pro-peace” lobby, hosted the Israeli NGO “Breaking the Silence” – which works with Israeli veterans who severely criticize Israel Defense Forces operations – at the Washington University in St. Louis Hillel center on March 31. Hillel International’s official guidelines on Israel prohibit its chapters from hosting speakers and activities that “delegitimize, demonize, or apply a double standard to Israel.” Last June, former IDF spokesman Barak Raz posted on Facebook that Breaking the Silence “engages in nothing, but NOTHING, other than a smear campaign targeting the IDF. This smear cam-
Dempsey: Instability in region creates opportunity for IsraeliArab alliances WASHINGTON (JTA) – Instability in the Middle East may lead Arab nations to consider cooperation with Israel, the U.S. military chief said. Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on Monday described for reporters his discussions with Israeli officials while he was in the country for a visit. While Persian Gulf states “may not have been as open-minded about the potential for cooperation with Israel in any way,” he was quoted as saying by the American Forces Press Service, “what we discussed was the possibility that there were opportunities that would present themselves because of the instability around them that could create a different web of alliances than existed before.” Dempsey identified Iran’s efforts to extend its influence and the spread of al-Qaida-influenced terrorism as common threats. Arab leaders, while acknowl-
Israel divestment measure vetoed by Loyola U. student government president (JNS) – Pedro Guerrero, president of the United Student Government Association (USGA) at Chicago’s Loyola University, on March 26 vetoed a resolution by Students for Justice in Palestine calling for divestment from Israel. The resolution-which had passed 12-10 with nine abstentions March 25 after four-and-a-half hours of debate in the USGA – urges the Loyola University administration to withdraw investments from eight corporations “complicit in Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories.” In a letter on his decision to veto, Guerrero cited the undemocratic way in which the resolution was introduced, the harm the resolution caused to the Loyola community, and the fact that divestment and socially responsible investment are two separate issues conflated by the resolution.
Senate, House differ in letters supporting Obama administration on Iran talks By Dmitriy Shapiro (JNS / Washington Jewish Week) – An analysis of recent letters sent by members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to President Barack Obama pledging support for the administration’s ongoing negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program reveal subtle, but crucial differences in tone. Though the idea of a letter on Iran occupied a key position in the agenda at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s annual policy conference in early March, the day the letters were delivered to the White House on March 18, the selflabeled “pro-Israel, pro-peace” lobby J Street – whose positions on the Iran issue have been more in line with Obama administration policy – claimed victory, stating that the conversation had moved away from “saber-rattling” to support of American-led diplomacy. Dylan Williams, J Street’s director of government affairs, drew attention to the fact that the letters do not list any prerequisites for a final deal and also would allow Iran to develop a civilian nuclear energy program. “This started in mid-December as an effort to impose sanctions and conditions as a matter of law through a bill,” said Williams. “That effort failed. Then it transformed into an effort to get a resolution, a bipartisan resolution, laying down parameters and final conditions for a deal. That effort failed.” “Then there was an effort to get a letter which laid down parameters and conditions, including zero [uranium] enrichment,” he continued. “That effort failed. So then you have a letter that will only be called bipartisan if it is genuinely supportive of the administration’s efforts and does not impose any onerous conditions on the negotiators.” Both letters, which were signed by an overwhelming majority of senators and House members from both parties, expressed support for the P5+1 negotiations in Geneva, while reasserting the belief that Congress should have a role in any final agreement. “As negotiations progress, we expect your administration will continue to keep Congress regularly apprised of the details,” the House letter stated. “And, because any longterm sanctions relief will require Congressional action, we urge you to consult closely with us so that we can determine the parameters of such relief in the event an agreement is reached, or, if no agreement is reached or Iran violates the interim agreement, so that we can act swiftly to consider additional sanctions and steps necessary to change Iran’s calculation.” The House letter, crafted by Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA)
Courtesy of AIPAC
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) and House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (DMD) at the recent 2014 AIPAC conference in Washington, DC. Cantor and Hoyer initiated a March 18 letter to President Barack Obama on Iran that was signed by 395 members of the House of Representatives.
and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (DMD), received 395 signatures. On the topic of sanctions, including those that have been rolled back by the administration after reaching an interim agreement with Iran back in January, the Senate letter stated that members of the chamber “believe, as you do, that the pressure from economic sanctions brought Iran to the table, and that it must continue until Iran abandons its efforts to build a nuclear weapon.” The Senate letter was led by Sens. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Charles Schumer (D-NY), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Chris Coons (D-DE), and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH). It was signed by 83 senators. The letter was not specific whether the senators want to roll sanctions back to pre-framework levels or prevent further relief without an agreement. It also laments the danger of allowing Iran to circumvent current sanctions and benefit from growing international investment in its economy, mentioning reports of rising purchases of Iranian oil as proof. “Iran cannot be allowed to be open for business,” the letter stated. Such language could be seen as going further than those on the House side were willing to go. The only mention of sanctions in the House letter indicates that signatories do not oppose the rollback in sanctions, only that they will oppose future relief if certain conditions aren’t met. “Iran’s leaders must understand that further sanctions relief will require Tehran to abandon its pursuit of a nuclear weapon and fully disclose its nuclear activities,” stated the House letter. While both letters mention dismantling Iran’s nuclear weapons program, the House letter specifically mentions the possibility of a civilian program.
“We do not seek to deny Iran a peaceful nuclear energy program, but we are gravely concerned that Iran’s industrial-scale uranium enrichment capability and heavy water reactor being built at Arak could be used for the development of nuclear weapons,” the House members wrote. The Senate letter seemed to go further. “We believe that Iran has no inherent right to enrichment under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty,” the letter stated.
In Crimea, a Karaite community carries on, and welcomes Russia By Talia Lavin (JTA) – Russia’s annexation of Crimea, the strategically critical peninsula that dangles from Ukraine into the Black Sea, has drawn international condemnation. But for the leader of the AllUkrainian Organization of Crimean Karaites – a group with an unusual heritage that draws from Jewish traditions – joining Russia is a welcome development. “In Crimea, the majority of Karaites support annexation to Russia, and voted for it,” Vladimir Ormeli, the group’s head, told JTA. “Culture and people connect us with Russia, more than Ukraine. But this is a complicated conversation.” Complicated conversations are typical for the Crimean Karaites, a small group whose ethnic heritage and religious categorization has been disputed for hundreds of years. Not in dispute, however, is their long history in Crimea, a region they con-
Courtesy of Leonid Dzhepko/Via Wikimedia Commons
A Karaite house of worship in Yevpatoria in Crimea.
sider their homeland. Karaites, from the Hebrew word “Kara” (to read), are members of a sect that adheres to the Torah without the addition of oral laws – distinguished from “Rabbinic” or
“Talmudic” Judaism. For centuries, Karaites have lived alongside mainstream Jewish communities in various countries. Currently, some 30,000 Karaites live in Israel, with much smaller commu-
nities in the United States and Eastern Europe. In Crimea, around 800 Karaites remain, and their houses of worship are distinctive architectural monuments in several cities. Unlike other Karaite groups, the Crimean Karaites (or Karaylar, as they call themselves), do not identify as Jews. Yet they consider the Torah their holy text and keep a religious calendar that includes Rosh Hashanah, Passover and Shavuot. The oldest evidence of Karaite presence in Crimea dates back to 1278, and Karaite gravestones are scattered around Ukraine, in Crimea in particular. A pastry pioneered by the Karaites – the meat-stuffed kybyn – is sold all over Ukraine with its characteristic braided twist, and often called “Karaite dumplings.” Ormeli’s enthusiasm for Russian annexation of Crimea stems from memories of a previous era of Karaite prosperity. “Russia annexed Crimea in the
1700s,” Ormeli said, referring to Catherine II’s initial conquest of the peninsula in 1783. “Then, a Crimean Karaite intelligentsia appeared. There were rich Crimean Karaites, who lived in Moscow, [St.] Petersburg and worked in the tobacco industry. This all happened while Crimea was Russian.” Such nostalgia for the Russian Empire may have something to do with the way Crimean Karaite selfconception changed under imperial rule. In 19th-century Crimea, Karaites began to distinguish themselves from Jewish groups, sending envoys to the czars to plead for exemptions from harsh anti-Jewish legislation. These entreaties were successful, in large part due to the czars’ wariness of the Talmud, and in 1863 Karaites were granted the same rights as their Christian and Tatar neighbors. Exempted from the Pale of KARAITE on page 19
Russia and Ukraine at war—among the Jews anyway By Cnaan Liphshiz (JTA) – The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has pitted Jewish leaders from both countries against each other, touching off a discordant exchange between prominent rabbis on opposite sides of the border. The discord had been brewing since the onset of the protests in Ukraine in November, but it turned public earlier this month after Russia deployed its military in Crimea in response to what President Vladimir Putin claimed was a “rampage” of anti-Semitic and nationalist groups. Putin’s claim sparked angry reactions from Ukrainian Jewish leaders, many of whom said it was a false justification for aggressive Russian actions that were more dangerous to Jews than any homegrown nationalism. On Monday, one of Russia’s chief rabbis, Berel Lazar, hit back, urging Ukrainian Jews to stay silent on matters of geopolitics and reiterating concerns about anti-Semitism in the post-
Courtesy of the Kremlin
Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, meeting with the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar, March 2005.
revolutionary government – concerns that he further suggested Ukrainian Jews were too afraid to voice for themselves. “The Jewish community should not be the one sending messages to President Barack Obama about his
policy or to President Putin or to any other leader. I think it’s the wrong attitude,” Lazar told JTA. The revolution in Ukraine, a country with bitter memories of Soviet domination but also a large population of Russian speakers, erupt-
ed last fall after President Viktor Yanukovych declined to sign an association agreement with the European Union. Svoboda, an ultranationalist political party that Ukrainian Jewish leaders consider both anti-Semitic and dangerous, played a prominent role in the uprising that eventually ousted Yanukovych from office last month. Amid the revolutionary turmoil, several anti-Semitic incidents occurred, including the stabbing of a religious Jew in Kiev; several street beatings of Jews; the attempted torching of a synagogue and, at another synagogue, the spray-painting of swastikas and “Death to the Jews.” At a March 4 news conference in Moscow, Putin said Russia’s “biggest concern” was “the rampage of reactionary forces, nationalist and antiSemitic forces going on in certain parts of Ukraine,” warning that Russia would make further incursions if minorities were endangered. In response, Josef Zissels, chairman of the Association of Jewish Communities and Organizations of
Ukraine, or Vaad, and 20 other leaders of the Ukrainian Jewish community sent Putin an open letter in which they disputed the existence of unusual levels of anti-Semitism in post-revolutionary Ukraine and accused Russia of threatening the security of Ukrainians. “Your policy of inciting separatism and crude pressure placed on Ukraine threatens us and all Ukrainian people,” the letter said. On Wednesday, Vaad placed the letter as a full-page ad in The New York Times and several other newspapers. To Lazar, a senior Chabad rabbi who spoke to JTA this week at the biannual conference of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe in Budapest, the Vaad letter was a case of Jewish leaders involving themselves in issues that don’t directly concern the Jewish community. It was a sharper version of previous calls for Jewish silence on the RUSSIA on page 19
At TED Conference: Kahane assassin’s son, Toscanini’s pants and other Jewish moments By Danny Krifcher
Courtesy of James Duncan Davidson
Illustrator Maira Kalman speaks about Arturo Toscanini’s stand against fascism – and his pants, which she was wearing – at the 2014 TED Conference in Vancouver.
VANCOUVER, British Columbia (JTA) – The super-hip New York architect launches into a brilliant review of the last 30 years of architecture, keeping a brisk pace to make the 18-minute format of the TED Conference. When the architect, Marc Kushner, gets to the requisite biographical slide, the image of his teenage self is wearing a Camp Ramah T-shirt, entirely in Hebrew. A message hidden in plain sight.
The annual TED Conference, the original that spawned the viral phenomenon of TED Talks – altogether viewed online more than a billion times – and a global network of locally organized TEDx conferences, turned 30 this past week. The occasion was celebrated with a new, custom-designed pop-up theater at this year’s TED Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia. Though the speaker list changes every year, it’s never a surprise to see folks like Keren Elazari, an Israeli
hacker and cyber-security expert; Moshe Safdie, the renowned architect; Larry Page, the CEO of Google; or Mark Ronson, the British DJ and rocker whose family name used to be Aaronson. But like the architect’s T-shirt, it’s the unlikely stories and the underlying messages projecting from the TED stage that often catch me by surprise. “This was my grandfather. He TED on page 19
New evidence of U.S. International ambassador to Nazi Briefs Germany’s anti-Semitism By Rafael Medoff (JNS) – The U.S. ambassador to Nazi Germany in the 1930s privately made anti-Semitic remarks and worked to undermine American Jewish protests against Hitler, according to newly discovered documents. William E. Dodd, a University of Chicago historian, was chosen by President Franklin D. Roosevelt as ambassador to Germany in June 1933, four months after Adolf Hitler rose to power. A book about Dodd’s years in Germany, Erik Larson’s “In the Garden of Beasts,” was a bestseller in 2011. Larson did allude to Dodd’s personal prejudice against Jews, but most of the reviews, including those in the New York Times and Washington Post, ignored that aspect of the book. They took a greater interest in the book’s saucy revelations about the affairs that Dodd’s daughter, Martha, carried on with prominent Nazis and others. In early 1934, Ambassador Dodd was repeatedly harangued by Nazi government officials about an upcoming mock trial of Hitler to be held at Madison Square Garden. The trial was organized by the American Jewish Congress and cosponsored by labor and civil rights groups. Speakers at the event, which was held on March 7, 1934, presented evidence of Hitler’s assault on civil liberties and persecution of German Jews. At the conclusion, the Nazi regime was “convicted” of having “turned its face against historic progress and the positive blessings and achievements of modern civilization.” Documents recently located by this author in the Yale University archives describe efforts by Dodd to prevent a second mock trial from taking place, this time in Chicago. Although several previous historians have mentioned Dodd’s opposition to the second trial, the documents add disturbing new details to those accounts – and shed additional light on Dodd’s own views of Jews. During a visit to the U.S. in late March 1934, Dodd turned to his old friend Colonel Edward M. House, a senior adviser to President Roosevelt, to help block a Chicago mock trial. In a letter to House on March 24, Ambassador Dodd reported that former judge James Gerard, who had served as U.S. ambassador in Berlin during World War I, had been invited to take part in the trial. Dodd asked House to “find a way to influence Judge Gerard to decline the invitation.” Dodd cited several reasons. First, “these Jewish demonstrations [against Nazism] are creating a race issue here and even winning Nazi support” (apparently he believed
Courtesy of The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies
William E. Dodd, the U.S. ambassador to Nazi Germany in the 1930s.
Jewish protests helped drive other Americans to support the Nazis). Second, Dodd believed Hitler had decided “to ease up on the Jews.” In addition, Dodd told House he had personally assured Hitler “that Chicago Jews were not so wild.” Therefore, Dodd urged House to “let [Gerard] know the risks [and] also the discredit to his own fame.” Another issue raised in Ambassador Dodd’s letter to House had to do with Jews on the staff of the American embassy in Berlin, something about which Dodd had previously griped. Dodd complained to House that U.S. journalists had been informed that Dodd recently protested to Hitler about Nazi propaganda activities in the United States. “It’s another proof of the risky fact of certain people in confidential positions,” Dodd wrote to House. “I am almost sure the information was given once more by one of the ‘Chosen people.’” An additional and important reason for Dodd’s position was that his main goal was to improve U.S.German relations. Although the Roosevelt administration disapproved of Germany’s treatment of the Jews, the U.S. was not prepared to protest in any concrete way. FDR personally instructed Ambassador Dodd that while he could “unofficially” take issue with Nazi Germany’s antiSemitism, he was not to issue any formal protests on the subject, since it was “not a [U.S.] governmental affair.” Dodd did privately express his views to German officials, but never lodged any formal diplomatic protests over the persecution of the Jews. House’s intervention with former ambassador Gerard was successful. On March 31, House reported to Dodd: “The Judge will not go to Chicago.” Judge Gerard’s refusal to participate, together with Dodd’s own private pleas to prominent Jewish acquaintances in Chicago, seem to have been the major factors in the cancelation of plans for a second mock trial.
Arab League vows to never recognize Israel as a Jewish state (JNS) – At a summit in Kuwait last week, Arab League leaders vowed to never recognize Israel as a Jewish state – a key Israeli demand for a peace agreement – while also squarely blaming Israel for the lack of progress in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. “We hold Israel entirely responsible for the lack of progress in the peace process and continuing tension in the Middle East,” an Arab League communiqué said, according to The Associated Press. “We express our absolute and decisive rejection to recognizing Israel as a Jewish state.” Armenians accuse Turkey of aiding al-Qaeda rebels in attack on Syrian Christian village (JNS) – Armenian leaders accused Turkey of aiding alQaeda-affiliated rebel groups during their attack on a largely Armenian Christian village in northern Syria. “Turkey’s facilitation of alQaeda affiliated foreign fighters and their attacks on innocent civilians in Syria undermines ongoing U.S. and international
efforts to bring peace to a country ravaged by violence for far too long,” Ken Hachikian, chairman of the Armenian National Committee of America, wrote in a letter to President Barack Obama. Rebel forces from the alQaeda-linked al-Nusra Front and Islamic State of Iraq and Syria recently took control of the small Armenian Christian village in northern Syria during fighting with the Syrian army, forcing most of the residents to flee. U.K.’s King’s College passes Israel divestment resolution (JNS) – The U.K.’s King’s College London Students Union last week passed a resolution to endorse the Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment movement against Israel. The resolution, which passed 348-252, calls on King’s College to “divest from Israel and from companies directly or indirectly supporting the Israeli occupation and apartheid policies.” Following the resolution, King’s College distanced itself from the student-led resolution, saying the student union is “constitutionally separate from, and independent of, King’s College London.” Malmo police arrest 2 for attempted JCC break-in (JTA) – Police in Malmo arrested two teenagers who tried to break into a Jewish community building during a demonstration
that featured anti-Semitic slogans. Five people gathered outside the JCC in the center of the Swedish city on March 27 and tried to force their way inside past security, the Sydsvenskan regional daily newspaper reported. Swedish police recorded 60 hate crimes against Jews in the city in 2012, up from an average of 22 in 2010 and 2011. About 30 percent of Malmo’s 300,000 residents belong to families of immigrants from Muslim countries, according to city statistics. Israeli filmmaker Amos Gitai making movie about AMIA bombing BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (JTA) – Award-winning Israeli filmmaker Amos Gitai is preparing a film about the AMIA Jewish center bombing in Buenos Aires. The Brazilian production company Prana Films will produce the movie based on the 1994 bombing attack on the center that left 85 dead and hundreds wounded. The film will be based on Argentine special prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who is investigating the bombing. Nisman has accused Iran of sponsoring the attack and declared unconstitutional his country’s memorandum of understanding with Iran to jointly investigate the deadly attack.
Judge’s death highlights Israel’s stable-yet-tenuous relations with Jordan By Alex Traiman
Courtesy of Kobi Gideon/GPO/FLASH90
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Jordanian King Abdullah II at the Royal Palace in Amman, Jordan, on January 16, 2014. A recent border incident in which Israeli troops shot a Jordanian judge has highlighted the dualities of the Jewish state’s stable-yet-tenuous relations with its eastern neighbor.
A recent border incident in which Israeli troops shot a Jordanian judge has highlighted the dualities of the Jewish state’s stable-yet-tenuous relations with its eastern neighbor. Judge Raed Za’eiter was shot dead on March 10 at the Allenby Bridge crossing, also known as the King Hussein Bridge, while allegedly trying to grab a rifle from an Israel Defense Forces soldier. While Jordan’s monarchy has maintained strong ties with Israel’s government since the signing of a peace agreement with Israel in 1994, Jordanian parliamentary lawmakers are now calling for the severing of diplomatic
ties and the recalling of ambassadors to Israel in the wake of the incident. “In regard to Israeli-Jordanian relations, there is a clear distinction between the monarchy and its mechanisms on one side, and the relationship between the people [of the two countries],” said Dr. Mordechai Kedar, director of the Center for the Study of the Middle East and Islam at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University. “So when Israel shoots a respected judge, all the anti-Israel sentiments are coming out from under the rug, and everybody attacks the king for collaborating with Israel,” Kedar told JNS. Jordanian King Abdullah II must now try to weather the storm, recognizing that most of
the Arab world, including his own citizens, has strong disdain for Israel. Yet since Israel is a growing military and economic power in an otherwise unstable Middle East, there are many advantages for Abdullah to maintain close strategic ties with the Jewish state. “For decades, the palace has recognized the import and utility of relations with Israel,” David Schenker, Aufzien fellow and director of the Program on Arab Politics at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, told JNS. “Jordan was having relations all the way back to 1948, this is ongoing for decades. Yet on the Jordanian street, there is a broad JUDGE on page 22
Meet Putin’s high school German teacher, now living in Tel Aviv By Ben Sales TEL AVIV (JTA) – When Mina Yuditskaya describes Vladimir Putin, circa 1969, and Vladmir Putin, circa 2005, it’s as if she’s talking about two different people. One is a quiet, studious boy, clearly smart and diligent, but not loud or remarkable in any way. The other is the charismatic leader of Russia, a man able to invite her for tea and cakes during a ceremony at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, then to buy her an apartment in central Tel Aviv. Yuditskaya, 93, has been thrust into the spotlight in Israel as her for-
mer pupil has annexed Crimea in one of Europe’s tensest conflicts since the Cold War. Sitting in the living room of the apartment Putin gave her, a 10minute walk from the beach, she stops our conversation as a segment featuring her – filmed that morning – airs on Israel’s Russian TV channel. Yuditskaya taught Putin German when he was a 17-year-old student in a St. Petersburg high school. She moved to Israel several years later, and now he’s one of the world’s most powerful men. The teenage Putin skipped homework assignments to attend judo practice, she remembers, though she knows he liked her class: She once
caught him writing German sentences in his chemistry notebook. “He was like everyone else,” she said. “He was serious. He wouldn’t mess around. He would do what I said. He was quiet a lot and thought a lot. He did everything well.” Yuditskaya was much more eager to discuss their meeting nine years ago, when Putin visited Jerusalem to mark the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II. Russian government officials knew Yuditskaya lived in Tel Aviv, and Putin invited her to meet him at the King David. What followed, she recalls, was a warm and lighthearted conversation. “He said, ‘Israel is very good but
Israel Briefs
name who lives in Israel. There are about 25,000 Jews living in Iran, according to AP, which makes it the largest Middle East Jewish community outside of Israel.
found. Slightly more than 15 percent support the release as long as it does not include Israeli Arabs, while 13.2 percent said they have no opinion. Only 8.3 percent expressed support for the release. During a meeting with Likud party ministers on Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that there would be no deal to free prisoners “without a clear benefit [for Israel] in return.”
Sheldon Adelson approved to buy Israeli newspaper, website JERUSALEM (JTA) – A Jerusalem court approved the sale of the right-wing newspaper Makor Rishon and the NRG news website to billionaire Sheldon Adelson’s Israel Hayom company. Adelson bid nearly $5 million for the purchase of both properties, which also includes the recently defunct daily Maariv newspaper. Israel Hayom will employ 95 percent of Makor Rishon and NRG workers for at least a year. Chief rabbi of Iran dies JERUSALEM (JTA) – The chief rabbi of Iran, Rabbi Yosef Hamadani Cohen, has died. Hamadani died over the weekend and was buried in Iran on Sunday, the Hebrew-language website Kikar Shabbat reported, citing the rabbi’s nephew bearing the same
Alleged thieves arrested for selling ancient Jewish burial boxes JERUSALEM (JTA) – Israeli police arrested four men for stealing and attempting to sell ancient burial boxes. The men were caught Friday night with 11 2,000-year-old decorated stone ossuaries, ancient coffins used to bury the dead in the Second Temple period. Some of the recovered ossuaries contained skeletal remains and shards of pottery. Some also were engraved with names. 63% of Israelis oppose terrorist prisoner release, poll says (JNS) – About 63 percent of Jewish Israelis oppose going ahead with the fourth stage of the Palestinian terrorist prisoner release in exchange for an agreement by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to extend the current peace negotiations, a new Israel Hayom-New Wave Research poll
IDF thwarts infiltration attempt at Israel-Syria border fence (JNS) – Israeli troops on the Israel-Syria border thwarted an infiltration attempt over the weekend, killing two gunmen believed to be trying to sabotage the border fence. Soldiers manning an observation post on the Syrian border spotted two individuals whom they suspected of attempting to either sabotage the fence or place explosives in the area where a roadside bomb recently injured four Israel Defense Forces soldiers. After being alerted by the observation post, soldiers on the ground engaged the two individuals, who turned out to be armed and were killed in the ensuing clash.
very hot,’” she recounted. “I said, ‘How do you remember me?’ I thought he’d say I was beautiful, but he said I was serious.” She noticed that despite the ascent to power, there was one thing that hadn’t changed about Putin: he remained a good listener. During most of the conversation, she talked about ideas, philosophy and history, while he sat, nodded and asked questions. As they parted, Putin gave her a watch commemorating the war’s 60th anniversary. The meeting was pleasant, Yuditskaya said, but it also left her feeling sad, realizing how much time had passed, even though the interven-
Israeli defense manufacturer to supply UAVs to protect 2014 FIFA World Cup (JNS) – The Hermes 900 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of the Israeli company Elbit Systems was selected by the Brazilian Air Force to carry out safety and security missions during the upcoming 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. “We are very proud to supply our Hermes 900 to FAB (Brazilian Air Force), which is the eighth customer to be equipped with this leading platform,” stated Elad Aharonson, general manager of Elbit’s UAV Division. Israel delays release of Palestinian terrorist prisoners (JNS) – Israel delayed the planned March 29 release of the fourth batch of 26 Palestinian terrorist prisoners it agreed to free in order to restart peace negotiations. Under Israeli law, the names of prisoners must be made public two business days before they are released, in order to allow for appeals to the Israeli High Court of Justice. A five-minister committee led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not convene in time
ing years had been good to Putin. “Time does bad things,” she said. “He was a kid. Now he’s big. I was a young teacher. Now I am old. I didn’t think I was seeing a president. I thought, it’s tough to see a kid who now is an old man, and bald.” Yuditskaya wouldn’t comment on Putin’s politics – in Crimea or elsewhere. She seemed more interested in the man than the politician, and looking back on the day they met in Jerusalem, Yuditskaya thinks of Putin as the student of whom she’s most proud. “Why is he important to me?” she asked. “He remembers me.”
for the latest release to proceed, and no future meeting date for the committee has been scheduled, the Jerusalem Post reported. Israel has so far released 78 of the 104 terrorist prisoners scheduled to go free. Now, Israeli officials are reluctant to release more prisoners if the Palestinians do not commit to extending the negotiations beyond their initial April 29 deadline for a resolution. Rolling Stones performing in Israel on June 4 (JNS) – It’s official: The Rolling Stones will give a concert this summer at Tel Aviv’s Hayarkon Park. “Today, the longest negotiation of my career is coming to an end,” concert promoter Shuki Weiss said at a press conference announcing the band’s June 4 performance. “I began this process before Israel’s 40th Independence Day (in 1988) and it was completed only in 2014,” Weiss added. Tickets for the Rolling Stones will run from NIS 695 ($199) for a space on the lawn to NIS 2,850 ($818) for a VIP ticket.
Maxwell Ryder Daniel
Doris Zipperstein
BIRTHDAY appy 100th Birthday to Doris Zipperstein! (4/8/14) Loving Mother, Grandmother, & Great Grandmother!
We love you! Jan, Steve, Michelle, Todd, Allie & Adam.
BIRTH bby and Roger Daniel of Chicago, Illinois announce the birth of their son, Maxwell Ryder, born January 5, 2014. Max is the grandson of Wendy and Ken Flacks of Cincinnati and Dr. Alan and Hedy Daniel of Milwaukee. He is the great grandson of Florence Sterman and the late Albert Sterman of Cincinnati. He is also the great grandson of the late William and Ruth Flacks of Florida,
the late Albert and Ann Deshur of Milwaukee and the late Dr. Mark and Charlotte Daniel of New Jersey. Maxwell Ryder is named after his great grandfather Dr. Mark Daniel and great great aunt Rose Sterman Friedman. Julie Makutonin and Jacob Lane announce the birth of their son, Eli Alexander Lane, on March 15, 2014 in San Jose, CA. His big brother is Isaac Benjamin Lane, grandparents are Boris & Lena Makutonin and Sue & Daryl Lane. Great grandparents are Bina & Sama MIlzon and Galina & the late Evsey Makutonin.
ENGAGEMENT r. and Mrs. Daniel Guttman and Mr. Howard Wolkoff are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter, Blair Wolkoff, to Micah Kamrass, son of
Rabbi and Mrs. Lewis Kamrass of Cincinnati, Ohio. Blair is the granddaughter of the late Blanche and Stanley Rich of Cincinnati; Sarah Wolkoff and the late Allen Wolkoff of Warren, Ohio. Micah is the grandson of Anna Lee and David Kamrass of Atlanta, Georgia; Vivian Slotin and the late Alvin Slotin of Savannah, Georgia. Blair is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati and is pursuing her Master’s Degree in Human Resources at Xavier University. She is employed at Federal Home Loan Bank, Cincinnati, in the Human Resources Department. Micah is a graduate of The Ohio State University where he served as President of the Undergraduate Student Body. He will graduate this May from The Moritz College of Law at Ohio State. He works for Manley Burke, LPA in Cincinnati. He is also running for State Representative in the 28th District. A June 2015 wedding is planned in Cincinnati. The couple will reside in Cincinnati.
Micah Kamrass and Blair Wolkoff.
JEWISH EDUCATORS IN SERVICE On January 12th The Cincinnati Jewish Educators Council held its annual city-wide Teacher in-service. Religious School Teachers from throughout Cincinnati joined together to learn from and with each other. This year a new added component of Madrichim, teaching Assistants, joined in to participate in their own professional development. Education Directors and other professional Educators led sessions for the Teachers and Madrichim in areas that they wanted to learn more about. Sessions were offered on everything from How to Empower your Madrichim, to How to Teach Younger Children about the Holocaust to Creating an Interactive Classroom for Teachers. Madrichim spent the first session learning new mixers with a focus on Israel that they can use with their students and then chose from sessions on Techniques for using Stories in the classroom, to How Students Learn to How to be a Leader in the Classroom. Over 140 people participated in the day. Staff from Adath Israel Congregation, Kehilla School (Northern Hills/Ohav Shalom), Temple Sholom, Wise Temple, Valley Temple, Rockdale Temple and Rockwern Academy all participated. It was truly a show of a community working together. The Jewish Educators Council is a group of Directors and Educators from different religious schools, supplementary and day school, and organizations in the community that meet monthly to work together to facilitate Jewish learning, programming and identity development for Jewish youth through teacher support, professional development and study.
Lunch was provided by the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati. A full house of teachers and Madrichim enjoyed lunch together socializing and getting to know other teachers.
Nancy Magnus-Kopnick leads a session on Managing ADHD in the Classroom
Chris Kraus leads a session on Learning by Doing: Creating an Interactive Classroom.
Barbara Dragul leads a session in Incorporating Project-Based Learning.
Rachel Kasten leads a session on how to empower your Madrichim.
Stephanie Kogan led a session for the teens on how to be an effective Madrich.
Max Miller leads a session on how to be a leader in the classroom with the teens.
Teens learn about different learning styles in their students and themselves!
Allison Weikel led a session for teens on techniques for using stories in the classroom
Alexis Storch leading her session on how to teach the holocaust to younger audiences.
Take taste buds to Jersey Shore Italian Ice-here in Mason! By Bob Wilhelmy Many who have been to the Jersey shore or the Big Apple, or more generally, to the east coast, know of Italian ice. The delightful treat has been around for generations along the eastern seaboard; the many dozens of tangy-sweet flavors; the refreshing texture on the tongue; the fun of eating from paper squeeze cups; all part of a tradition that started back when waves of Italian immigrants swept across Ellis Island in the 19th century. Today, the frozen confection is as ubiquitous as Starbucks along the coast, being served from push carts on the streets or from small dessert cafés dotting cities, towns and neighborhoods. But that’s the east coast, baby! This is the American Midwest, see, and where Italian ice is concerned, we’re even more in arrears than Mark Twain’s 20-year lag in cosmopolitan modernity. Here in Greater Cincinnati, there had been NO Italian ice, that is, until Debbie Harbatkin and her family came upon the scene. “We couldn’t believe it; no Italian ice here. So we decided to open a dessert café like the ones we loved back in the east,” said Debbie, talking of how Ice ‘N EZ came to be. The café is located on Reading Road in Mason, and is entering its second summer of operation. There is a walk-up window and seating inside as well, and as the weather moderates, there will be outdoor café tables. In addition, there is an umbrella-shaded push cart at the curb, used to take Italian ice on the road. Catering is available for bar and bat mitzvahs, yard parties, camps, indoor events at halls and pavilions, and corporate, civic or club events. Having been treated to a squeeze cup (no spoon!) of the ice, I can tell you it’s worth the trip out to Harbatkin’s Italian ice café for this wonderful dessert item. My selection was the cherry-lime combo, and it was very good, even on a cold, dreary day. Imagine a hot summer evening, or even a mild, warm spring afternoon; the taste and texture experience would be nirvana! It’s special, and if you have never enjoyed this cross between sorbet and shaved ice cones, you are in for a flavor treat. “Italian ice is really a wonderful dessert because it’s water and sugar (or non-sugar) and flavorings that are natural at their base,” she said. That ingredient profile is a winner for anybody who has a food allergy. The product is nondairy, gluten-free, and made in a factory that is peanut-free, but not tree-nut free in all flavors. In fact, the factory is kosher in all aspects, except that the owner does not go
Cory Harbatkin at one of two 16-flavor dip cases.
The push cart used to transport Italian ice to events.
to the extent of having his operation certified by a rabbi. On any given day, you will find 32 flavors from which to select your taste treat at Ice ‘N EZ. If 32 flavors gives you the idea that the proprietors are trying to copy the ice cream guys, that’s not the case. In fact, the “case” is the case for 32 flavors on the daily menu. The look-in cases feature 16 slots for containers of Italian
ice, or ice cream, if that’s what’s being offered. So, two cases equal 32 choices. Simpatico. There are around 100 flavors in total, and some flavors rotate in and out of the mix. Those interested in sugar-free selections may pick from cherry, vanilla, strawberry, lemon, mango and pineapple. There are seasonal flavors as well, including: shamrock shaker, caramel apple, pumpkin spice,
The walk-up window under the awning of the storefront.
butterscotch, Italian eggnog, peppermint candy cane, creme de mint and gingerbread. As of this writing, you’ll find lots of great flavors, including: the cherry-lime, cherry, chocolatechocolate chip, creamsicle, French vanilla, Hawaiian fruity, lemon squeeze, fruity rancher, root beer float, raspberry & cream, salted caramel sour green apple, strawberries & cream and sour grape.
There are more, too. So, come noon, any day of the week, into the evening, you can head to Ice ‘N EZ dessert café and enjoy an east coast treat right here in River City. Take it from a new fan of Italian ice, you’ll love it if you do! Ice ‘N EZ 115 Reading Road Mason, OH 336-0062
Ice ’N Ez
Parkers Blue Ash Tavern
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115 Reading Rd.
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5098B Glencrossing Way • 347-9699
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1965 Highland Pk. • 859-331-4999
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Hunt Rd. – Blue Ash
Marx Hot Bagels
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If more terrorists go free, I will resign By Danny Danon JERUSALEM (JTA) – It is no secret that when Israel’s government announced this past September that we would be returning to the table to negotiate with the Palestinians, I was not optimistic about the prospects of this latest round of talks. I knew that as much as we desire peace and normalcy for this region, our Palestinian counterparts have never tired in making demands without any corresponding willingness to offer concessions and prove themselves as real negotiating partners. While many Israelis viewed these talks as a harmless diversion to placate some of our allies abroad, I warned my colleagues of the dire implications these talks would have on our security. Though I was extremely concerned that our government might concede strategically important territory or relinquish parts of our historic homeland, what angered me most was the Palestinian demand as a precursor to even coming to the table that we release more than a hundred of their prisoners – men and women with blood on their hands. In essence, the demand was that we set murderers free for the privilege of negotiating peace. Last week, I made the difficult but necessary decision that if the final round of the prisoner release goes ahead as planned on March 29, I will resign my position as Israel’s deputy defense minister. It was not a simple matter for me to vocalize my opposition to these prisoner releases when they were first agreed to. Both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon fully endorsed the release, claiming that it would enhance our geopolitical standing. While I respect my government colleagues, I could not remain silent amid the calls of mothers and fathers of victims of terror who were horrified by the notion of their loved ones’ killers being set free. I also knew that the release of convicted murders to the Palestinian cities and villages of Judea and Samaria would only encourage terrorists to increase their attacks on innocent Israelis. Despite my strong protests last fall, the Cabinet voted to support the prime minister’s initiative. The murderers’ prison doors swung open while Israelis
looked on in disgust at this injustice. Flash forward nine months. Despite our constant desire to find a peaceful solution, it is now apparent to everyone that these negotiations have failed. As much as our American friends wanted to make the impossible possible, the Palestinian leadership predictably held true to its demands for full Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 lines while maintaining its historic refusal to recognize our legitimate right to exist as a Jewish state in our ancient homeland. If this were simply a matter of watching with proven skepticism as this charade of diplomacy was allowed to unravel, I too would likely have been ambivalent, but I wouldn’t necessarily have been angry. The ultimate disgrace, though, was that after a complete and utter failure, where the two sides are clearly no closer to the resolution of the conflict than we were a year ago, we are again being asked to release Palestinian prisoners. This is a farce that I am not willing to accept. I have done my utmost to serve in my role as deputy defense minister with pride and distinction, and I had looked forward to continuing to do so for the duration of the current government. At the same time, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot, and will not, represent a government that ignores the will of its people and kowtows to international opinion even when we know that doing so is harmful to our interests. If it comes to it, I will respectfully inform the prime minister of my resignation at the very moment that first prison door is unlocked, continuing to serve my nation instead as a dedicated member of Knesset. The prime minister and the relevant parties still have the time and opportunity to recognize the danger of this planned release, and I hope that they will make the necessary decision to protect our national interest. But if they do not, I will not stand idly by as the State of Israel further denigrates itself and harms the security of its people. Danny Danon is Israel’s deputy defense minister and the author of “Israel: The Will to Prevail.”
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Do you have something to say? E-mail your letter to
Dear Editor: I called my friend, Janet Steinberg, to verify what she said was your Purim joke. I just received the issue of March 13 yesterday. Your joke was in horrendously bad taste. Moreover, you probably couldn’t GIVE away “The Israelite” and you must suffer from delusions of grandeur as well as a warped sense of humor. Judith Toby Dear Editor, This Passover, as families sit down around their Seder table and feast on their holiday meal, we ask that they give a voice to our neighbors who are seated at the Table of Hunger and Poverty. You may be surprised to learn that in Greater Cincinnati, there are 1100 families living in poverty – families that are often over-
looked! Just as our Passover story tells us that Moses used his voice to demand freedom for the Hebrew slaves, all of us need to use our collective voices on behalf of our suffering neighbors to demand their freedom from hunger and poverty. We at Jewish Family Service see this hunger and poverty up close on a daily basis. Through our personal work with clients, we’re able to effect real change in the lives of individuals and families that we serve. As the community’s expert in human services, we also strive to engender change on a broad, systemic community level. But this kind of change can only happen when we stand together in one voice. Each person can help. Talk to others and let them know that this is a real problem in our community. 9% of the Cincinnati Jewish community is
living in poverty. Call and write Elected Officials. Tell them that poverty and hunger are unacceptable in the richest country in the world. Volunteer. Give time to help others at Jewish Family Service or any agency that works to effect change in the lives of people in need. Finally, engage in some thought-provoking conversation at the Seder table. Consider what it must feel like to be without sufficient, nutritious food or to look into the eyes of hungry children and weakened elders. Take action. Together as a community, WE GIVE A...voice that speaks out against the social injustice of hunger and poverty. Thank you, Beth Schwartz Jewish Family Service Executive Director
The stateless people you’ve never heard of By Ben Cohen (JNS) – Here’s the setting: a Middle Eastern state filled with skyscrapers and luxury hotels, and blessed with a booming business environment and the close friendship of the United States. Here’s the problem: a substantial segment of its population lives with the constant threat of deportation hanging over it. Its members cannot obtain birth or marriage certificates, or identity cards, or driving licenses. They are banned from access to public health and education services. Their second-class status means they have no access to the law courts in order to pursue their well-documented claims of discrimination. And on those rare occasions that they summon the will to protest publicly – as they did in 2011, when demonstrators held signs bearing slogans like “I Have a Dream” – the security forces respond with extraordinary brutality, using such weapons as water cannons, concussion grenades, and tear gas with reckless abandon. All this is depressing enough, but what really saddens me is that many people reading this will quickly conclude that I am talking about the Palestinians. After all, doesn’t what I’ve outlined here sound suspiciously like the “apartheid” system which Israel’s enemies insist has been imposed upon both Arab citizens of Israel and Palestinians in the West
Bank? Isn’t this further evidence of the righteousness of the campaign to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel? The truth is that the Palestinians do not have to endure this kind of raw discrimination. The situation I’m describing is located in Kuwait, and the people in question are known as Bedoon jinsiya (also spelled “Bidoon” or “Bidun”) – around 120,000 human beings who live without nationality and with none of the rights that flow from citizenship. Like the other Arab governments, the Kuwaitis are a harsh, unsentimental bunch. Ironically, the Palestinians know this only too well: in 1991, after a U.S.-led coalition liberated oil-rich Kuwait from Iraqi occupation, the entire Palestinian population there was accused of having collaborated with Saddam Hussein. The fact that some did and that many others did not didn’t matter. Over a six-month period, around 200,000 Palestinians were booted out of the emirate in a campaign of violence and terror. PLO leader Yasser Arafat, in a rare moment of candor, asserted that Kuwait’s ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians was “worse than what has been done by Israel to Palestinians in the occupied territories.” The Bedoon have faced a similar but more gradual onslaught, albeit without the extensive media coverage which the
Palestinians receive. Human rights organizations aren’t in the habit of paying attention to them: a recent article in the Arab newspaper Al Akhbar cited a Human Rights Watch report on the Bedoon from 2011, adding that such documentation is “rare.” As a result, not only do most of us not know who the Bedoon are, but it’s probably also safe to say that the vast majority of westerners have never even heard of them. Ethnically Arab, the Bedoon are drawn from three main sources. Firstly, those who failed to apply for nationality or lacked the right documentation when Kuwait attained independence in 1961. Secondly, those who were recruited to work in the Kuwaiti security forces during the 1960s, many of whom arrived in the emirate with their families. Thirdly, the children of Kuwaiti mothers and stateless or foreign fathers. As Human Rights Watch noted, “regional political instability” during the 1980s led to the removal of the meager benefits – which did not include the right to vote – that the Bedoon had enjoyed thus far. They became “illegal residents” and were thus completely excluded from the social services accessed by Kuwaiti citizens. Those who slander Israel’s Law of Return as racist should know that Kuwait STATELESS on page 20
put the plague of leprosy” (Lev. 14:34). Why is the commandment of the plagued house placed in the context of the Land of Israel? If indeed the disease can descend upon houses, why only the houses in the Land of Israel? A third element to consider are the differences in the visible aspects of these two diseases. Regarding the person himself, the Torah speaks of a white discoloration, but as far as the house is concerned, if a white spot appeared on the wall nothing would be wrong. “Then the priest shall command that they empty the house... and he shall look at the plague and behold, if the plague be in the walls and consists of penetrating streaks that are bright green or bright red...” (Lev. 14:36-37). We must keep in mind that the translation a “plague of leprosy” is inadequate. Biblical commentaries ranging from the 12th century Ramban to the 19th century Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch claim that nega tzara’at cannot possibly be an illness in the classic sense, for if that were true, why does the Torah assign the ‘medical’ task of determining illness to a priest? Priests were teachers and keepers of the religious tradition, not doctors or medical experts. If nega tzara’at is a spiritual illness, a metaphor for the state of the soul, then just as one soul is linked to one body, the souls of the members of a family are linked to the dwelling where they all live together. And the walls of a house certainly reflect the atmosphere engendered by its residents. A house can be either warm or cold, loving or tense. Some houses are ablaze with life, permeating Jewishness and hospitality: mezuzot on the doorposts, candelabra, menorahs and Jewish art on the walls, books on Judaism on the shelves, and placesettings for guests always adorning the table. But in other homes, the silence is so heavy it feels like a living tomb, or the screams of passionate red-hot anger which can be heard outside frighten away any would-be visitor, or the green envy
of the residents evident in the gossip they constantly speak causes any guest to feel uncomfortable. Why should this “disease” be specifically connected to the Land – or more specifically, the people – of Israel? To find the unique quality of Israel all we have to do is examine the idea of Beit Yisrael, the House of Israel. The nature of a household is that as long as there is mutual love and shared responsibility, then that house will be blessed and its walls won’t be struck with a plague of leprosy. To the extent that the covenant of mutual responsibility is embraced by the people, then the house of Israel will be blessed. We must act toward each other with the same morality, ethics and love present in every blessed family. If not, a nega tzara’at awaits us. And our holy land of Israel is especially sensitive to any moral infraction. Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Shlomo Riskin Chancellor Ohr Torah Stone Chief Rabbi – Efrat Israel
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The American Israelite
T EST Y OUR T ORAH KNOWLEDGE THIS WEEK’S PORTION: METZORA (VAYIKRA 14—15) 1. How many lepers are there in the Haftorah? a.) One b.) Two c.) Three d.) Four 2. Which nation was fighting The Children of Israel? a.) It was a civil war b.) Aram c.) Philistines 3. How did The Children of Israel win the war? a.) A loud noise scared the attacking army away
the prophet's word. When the army of Aram fled leaving behind store houses of grain, the sudden glut brought the price back to its regular level. The people surged to get grain and trampled the king's officer
EFRAT, Israel – “This shall be the law of the leper in the day of his cleansing, he shall be brought unto the priest” (Lev. 14:2) Do houses have souls? Do nations? In the opening of this week’s portion of Metzorah, the Torah introduces us to the law commanding a person to go to the priest who determined the nature of his ‘plague of leprosy’ (nega tzara’at). If the scab was diagnosed as qualifying, the development of the disease required the constant inspection of the priest. Our portion of Metzorah opens with the complex details of the purification process once the disease is over. This ritual requires two kosher birds, a piece of cedar, crimson wool, and a hyssop branch. One bird is slaughtered while the other is ultimately sent away. But this is only the beginning of a purification process that lasts eight days, culminating in a guilt offering brought at the Holy Temple. Only after the entire procedure was concluded could a person be declared ritually clean. But if this all sounds foreign, complicated and involved, the Biblical concepts appear even stranger when we discover that this “plague of leprosy” is not limited to humans: “God spoke unto Moses and Aaron, saying: ‘When you come to the land of Canaan, which I give to you as an inheritance, and I put the plague of leprosy in a house of the land of your possession, then he that owns the house shall come and tell the priest” (Lev. 14:33-35). How are we to understand that the very same malady – nega tzara’at – that describes what is generally referred to as a leprous ailment of a human being, has the power to also afflict the walls of a house – a person is one thing, but a house suffering a plague of leprosy? When we examine the text we find an interesting distinction between these two species of tzara’at. “The plague of leprosy” that strikes people is presented in straight-forward terms: “If a person shall have in the skin a swelling, a scab, or a bright spot, and it be in the skin of his flesh the plague of leprosy” (Lev. 13:3). But the plague that strikes houses is introduced by an entirely different concept: “When you come to the land of Canaan, which I am giving to you as an inheritance, I will
Some houses are ablaze with life, permeating Jewishness and hospitality: mezuzot on the doorposts, candelabra, menorahs and Jewish art on the walls, books on Judaism on the shelves, and place-settings for guests always adorning the table.
b.) They fought and won c.) The other nation was starved and ran 4. What role did the four lepers play in the victory? a.) They were soldiers in the battle b.) They told the king the other nation fled c.) They scared away the other nation 5. Why did the king's officer die at the end of the Haftorah? a.) He died in battle b.) He fought the four lepers c.) He doubted the prophet's message was from Hashem
noise in their ears which caused them to think that the Jewish king hired the armies of Egypt and the Hitites to fight them. Malbim 4. B Kings II 7:9 5. C Kings II 7:17-20 The prophet Elisha said that the price of grain would drop even though Shomron was under siege. The officer doubted
by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin
Written by Rabbi Dov Aaron Wise
ANSWERS 1. D Kings II 7:4 The Prophet Elisha had an assistant Gechazi who got tzarat which effected his sons. Elisha was not able to heal them like he healed Na'aman. Malbim 2. B Kings II 7:4 3. A Kings II 7:6,7 The Aramean soldiers heard a
Sedra of the Week
By Nate Bloom Contributing Columnist At the Movies “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” is another entry in the recent series of blockbuster hit films (Captain America: The First Avenger” and “The Avengers“), featuring the famous comic book character. Chris Evans again plays Steve Rogers/Capt. America. The film opens with Rogers living quietly in Washington, D.C., but when a colleague comes under attack, he once again assumes his superhero identity. Helping him is the Black Widow (SCARLETT JOHANSSON, 29) and a new superhero, the Falcon (Anthony Mackie). Johansson, by the way, is now a hero to Israel supporters worldwide for refusing to buckle to pressure to renounce her endorsement contract with SodaStream, an Israeli company – because it has one factory on the West Bank. I think that the Jewish media, which has largely celebrated her stance, might do her the small favor of not referring to her (as many do) as “ScarJo.” It’s a gossip-page-created nickname that she says she hates. Mila and Ashton/Paltrow and ??? You’ve probably heard that MILA KUNIS, 30, and Ashton Kutcher, 36, have confirmed that she is pregnant and that they are engaged to be married. The odd thing is that Kutcher, who isn’t Jewish, knows more about Judaism and Jewish religious practice than Kunis. Kunis, who is Jewish, didn’t have much of a formal religious background, while Kutcher has picked up a lot of Jewish knowledge (including some real fluency in Hebrew) while attending the Kabbalah Centre for the last decade. He has also visited Israel a number of times on religious and business trips. Call it a hunch – but my sense, based on a lot of Kutcher/Kunis watching, is that Kutcher’s affiliation with the controversial Kabbalah Centre will result in Kunis – and her child – being quite involved in mainstream Jewish religious practice. You have also probably heard that GWYNETH PALTROW, 41, and her husband of ten years, Cold Play rock musician Chris Martin, are getting a divorce. Paltrow was raised in her father’s Jewish faith and she has indicated she is raising her two sons with Martin in the Jewish faith. Reports are already buzzing that she and Martin had, in effect, an
“open marriage” for the last year. During the past year, she has been spotted, in a possibly romantic way, with two Jewish guys: big-time entertainment lawyer KEVIN YORN (brother of pop musician PETE YORN and top talent agent RICK YORN) – and DONOVAN LEITCH, 46, the actor son of ‘60s British rock star Donovan (who isn’t Jewish). The younger Donovan was raised by his American Jewish mother. Idol Update Here’s hoping that by the time you read this that “American Idol” contestant SAM WOOLF, 17, is still in the running to win this season’s competition. Woolf is from Florida, but has strong family roots in the Detroit area. His late paternal grandfather, SAMMY WOOLF, was a prominent Detroit bandleader. Sam likes to write music and he wrote the song he sang in the 2nd round of Idol competition. (Woolf survived, however, he was in the “bottom 3”). “Shocking Deaths” of Jewish TV Actors The March 20 episode of the hit ABC series, “Scandal,” revealed that recurring character James Novak, a journalist, had been shot and killed because he leaked White House info. DAN BUCATINSKY, 48, won a 2013 Emmy for best guest actor in a drama series for playing Novak. No, Novak won’t have to draw unemployment benefits. He has long had a flourishing dual career as an actor and producer. He already is filming a comedy pilot that he stars-in. He currently co-produces, with his friend LISA KUDROW, 50, “Web Therapy” and “Who Do You Think You Are?” Fans of the hit CBS series, “The Good Wife,” were blownaway when star character Will Gardener, played by JOSH CHARLES, 42, was killed in a recent episode. The impending death of his character was a big secret that managed to stay a secret. Charles and his co-star, JULIANNE MARGULIES, 47, spoke to Charlie Rose on the CBS Morning News. Charles explained that he was getting “fried” in the role and wanted something new. Margulies said she used (her words) “Jewish guilt”, last year, to coax Charles to stay for fifteen more episodes. He agreed after Margulies pointed out that Charles was about to get married and the money from those episodes could help with future child-rearing expenses. (Charles wed dancer SOPHIE FLACK, 30, last September).
FROM THE PAGES 150 Y EARS A GO Mr. and Mrs. Simon Mack, having left for Europe without having an opportunity of seeing all their friends, beg to be remembered by all of them, and send them their best wishes and kindest regards. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Newburgh, and Mr. and Mrs. David Elsbach, having left for Europe without having an opportunity to call on their many friends previous to their departures, take this method of wishing them a hearty farewell. Edwin Adams, a gentleman whose dramatic talents are of the first order, is playing at Wood’s, and the flattering approval of large audiences greets him nightly. This Friday evenign he is announced for a benefit. Let this be a bumper. – April 29, 1864
125 Y EARS A GO Neat cards of invitation are out, announcing the marriage of Miss Sara Klein to Mr. A. F. Brown, at the residence of the bride’s parents, No. 431 West Seventh Street, Rev. Dr. I.M. Wise officiating. The ceremony is to be a strictly “home” affair. Miss Yetta Weiler, who was buried last week, was an old resident of this city. Her death was caused by heart trouble. Her husband and five children survive her. The latter are: I. Shelby Weiler, of New York; Mrs. Charles Mendel; Mrs. Casper Goldberg; Mr. Lennie Weiler; and Mr. Sherrie Weiler, of Piqua, OH. Mrs. Weiler had probably as large a circle of friends as any one in the city and enjoyed the respect and esteem of all who knew her. Her funeral was largely attended and the bereaved family have the sympathy of all. Betrothed, Mr. Simon Levine, of Roanoke, VA, to Miss Rosa Rosenthal, of Cincinnati. Messrs. Samuel and Louis Cohn, of Muscatine, Iowa, through their brother-in-law, Mr. Joseph Block, of this city, have donated two hundred dollars to the Hebrew Union College in memory of their father, Gottlieb Cohn, who died at Adelsdorf, Bavaria, on November 29, 1888. – April 4, 1889
100 Y EARS A GO Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Schifrin (Lillian Berman) of Harvey apartments, announce the birth of a son, Stuart Godfrey, on March 16. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hirsch, accompanied by Mrs. Abe Felsenthal and daughter Harriet, have gone for a two weeks’ stay at French Lick Springs. The inmates of the Home for Jewish Aged and Infirm were the recipients of an ice cream and cake treat from Mrs. J. C. Harris and Mrs. Simon Rosenthal.
Lazard Kahn has been named by President George Dieterie of the Chamber of Commerce as delegate to the international conference of Chambers of Commerce to be held at Paris, France, in June. – April 2, 1914
75 Y EARS A GO Sylvia Strauss, daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Strauss, 3532 Reading Rd., has been awarded a scholarship for one year’s study in Palestine by the Cincinnati Talmud Torah. This is the fifth year that the Talmud Torah is sending a Palestine Scholarship student for a year’s study in Palestine. The Scholarship winners up to now were Natalie Tennenbaum, 1935; Sylvia Cirkin, 1936; Avivoh Gootman, 1937; and Stanford Kling, 1938. The Palestine Scholarship Committee of the Talmud Torah has decided to award a second year’s scholarship of $300 to Stanford Kling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Kling, 3318 Reading Rd, last year’s winner, for another year’s study at Tel Aviv secondary school. Sylvia Strauss is 17, a senior at Hughes High School, and a member of the fourth year Cincinnati Hebrew High School Class. She spent two years as a student in the Beth Sefer Ha Reali in Haifa, 1932-34. Sylvia will leave for Palestine in June and will study at the Beth Hamidrash La Moroth (Normal School) in Tel Aviv. Herbert Wechsler, 3562 Lee Place, has been awarded honorable mention in this competition Mr. and Mrs. Jake H. Levy of New Orleans announce the engagement of their daughter, Jeanne, to Mr. Jack Reis, so of the late Mr. and Mrs. Stanely Reis.. – April 6, 1939
50 Y EARS A GO Announcement is made of the engagement of Miss Susan Heines, daughter of Mrs. Meyer Heines and the late Mr. Heines, to Mr. Herbert S. Ducoyna, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ducoyna. Miss Heines is a member of Alpha Epsilon Phi and will graduate in June from Ohio State University. Mr. Ducoyna will graduate in June from Ohio State University where he is affliated with Zeta Beta Tau. A June wedding is planned. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heiman, 6331 Elm View Place, announce the forthcoming Bar Mitzvah of their son, Gary, Saturday April 11, at 9am, at Congregation New Hope, Crest Hill Avenue. They would be honored to have their relatives and friends worship with them and attend the Kiddush following the service. Gary is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heiman, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nogen and the
great grandson of Mrs. Samuel Saul. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dine announce the engagement of their daughter, Janice L., to Jerrold Mayer Levin, son of Dr. and Mrs. A.A. Levin. Miss Dine is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati. Mr. Levin is a graduate of Cornell University and is now at the University of Cincinnati Medical School. No date has been set for the wedding. – April 2, 1964
25 Y EARS A GO Abby Solomon, daughter of Vicky and Alan Solomon, will celebrate becoming a Bat Mitzvah Saturday, April 24, 2004 at Rockdale Temple. Carolyn Erica Bromley and Kevin Gerher Dunsky were married on September 21, 2003, at Tavern on the Green in New York City. The bride’s uncle, Rabbi Asher Finkle, of New York City, officiated the ceremony. Parents of the bride are Dr. Jack and Judith Bromley of Pomona, NY. The grandmother is Mrs. Esther Goldman of Atlanta, GA. The bride is a gradute of the Lehigh University; she received her MBA from New York University and her Ph.D. in Psychology from Fordham University. She currently is Instructor of Clincial Psychology and practices at Columbia University, Department of Psychiatry. The groom’s parents are Clare Gerber Dunsky and the late Dr. Irvin Dunsky of Cincinnati, OH. He graduated from Brown University and received his medical degree from Georgetown University School of Medicine. He did his residency and fellowship in Cardiology at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York City. Dr. Dunksy is a Cardiologist and holds the rank of Assistant Professor at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, New York City. Following their wedding trip, the bride and groom returned to their home in New York City. – April 6, 1989
10 Y EARS A GO Earlier this month Naomi Feiman, a sixth-grade student at Yavneh Day School, was told she was qualified to particpate at the state level of the National Geography Bee. Students in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade had been administered an oral test to qualify for the state competition. The Ohio test will be hled in Columbus, April 7. Each state winner will advance to the national competition in Washington, D.C., May 18th and 19th. – April 8, 2004
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RUSSIA from page 8 Ukraine crisis, including a March 17 statement co-signed by Lazar and 47 other Russian and Ukrainian rabbis, many of them affiliated with Chabad. “Religious and community leaders should stay out of the political sphere,” the letter said. “Do not forget: Any thoughtless word can lead to dangerous consequences for many.” But several Ukrainian Jewish leaders said that by using antiSemitism to justify his actions, Putin had left them no choice but to speak out. “We were not the ones who brought the Jews into the debate to make it a Jewish question,” said Yaakov Dov Bleich, one of Ukraine’s chief rabbis. “Putin did it by his cynical abuse of anti-Semitism as a justification for his actions.” Meylakh Sheykhet, Ukraine director for the American Union of Councils for Jews in the Former Soviet Union, told JTA, “Jewish principles of justice and truth [compelled Jewish] Ukrainians to fight lies, falsifications, radical pro-Russian propaganda orchestrated by Putin.” Had Ukrainian Jews said nothing,
The Center for Holocaust & Humanity Education (513) 487-3055 • Vaad Hoier (513) 731-4671 Workum Fund (513) 899-1836 • YPs at the JCC (513) 761-7500 • CONGREGATIONS CONGREGATIONS Adath Israel Congregation (513) 793-1800 • Beit Chaverim (513) 984-3393 • Beth Israel Congregation (513) 868-2049 • B’nai Tikvah Chavurah (513) 284-5845 • Congregation Beth Adam (513) 985-0400 • Congregation B’nai Tzedek (513) 984-3393 • Congregation Ohav Shalom (513) 489-3399 • Congregation Sha’arei Torah (513) 620-8080 • Congregation Shevet Achim (513) 426-8613 • Congregation Zichron Eliezer 513-631-4900 • Golf Manor Synagogue (513) 531-6654 • Isaac M. Wise Temple (513) 793-2556 • Kehilas B’nai Israel (513) 761-0769 Northern Hills Synagogue (513) 931-6038 • Rockdale Temple (513) 891-9900 • Shevet Achim, (513) 602-7801 • Temple Beth Shalom (513) 422-8313 • Temple Sholom (513) 791-1330 • The Valley Temple (513) 761-3555 •
(513) 234.0600 • Chabad Blue Ash (513) 793-5200 • Cincinnati Hebrew Day School (513) 351-7777 • HUC-JIR (513) 221-1875 • JCC Early Childhood School (513) 793-2122 • Kehilla - School for Creative Jewish Education (513) 489-3399 • Mercaz High School (513) 792-5082 x104 • Kulanu (Reform Jewish High School) (513) 262-8849 • Regional Institute Torah & Secular Studies (513) 631-0083 Rockwern Academy (513) 984-3770 • Sarah’s Place (513) 531-3151 • Yeshivas Lubavitch High School of Cincinnati (513) 631-2452 • ORGANIZATIONS ORGANIZATIONS American Jewish Committee (513) 621-4020 • American Friends of Magen David Adom (513) 521-1197 • B’nai B’rith (513) 984-1999 BBYO (513) 722-7244 • Hadassah (513) 821-6157 • Jewish Discovery Center (513) 234.0777 • Jewish National Fund (513) 794-1300 • Jewish War Veterans (937) 886-9566 • NA’AMAT (513) 984-3805 • National Council of Jewish Women (513) 891-9583 • ORT America (216) 464-3022 • State of Israel Bonds (513) 793-4440 •
EDUCA EDUCATION Chai Tots Early Childhood Center
Sheykhet said, “It would resonate as supporting Putin, and Jews would be seen as a fifth column in Ukraine.” Ukraine’s interim government has a Jewish vice prime minister, Volodymyr Groysman, but also three Svoboda ministers. One of them, Environment Minister Andriy Mokhnyk, in an interview last year accused Jews of destroying Ukrainian independence. Mokhnyk also defended party members’insistence on using the word “zhyd” as the standard Ukrainian-language designation for Jews, despite complaints by Ukrainian Jewish leaders that the term is derogatory. “This party, Svoboda, they are part of the government,” Lazar told JTA. “So you have ministers who are open anti-Semites, which are part of this interim government. This is a concern.” Vyacheslav Likhachev, a Vaad spokesman and the organization’s researcher on anti-Semitism, said ultranationalists have little power in the interim government. The revolution, he added, has not resulted in a substantial increase in anti-Semitic attacks. Likhachev also suggested, as have other Jewish leaders in Ukraine,
that some of the attacks may have been pro-Russian provocations, a suggestion brushed aside by Lazar. “No one knows for sure,” Lazar said. “But in the last 15 years, I’ve never seen in Russia anything similar. And sadly, in Ukraine, and in certain parts of Ukraine especially, there is a history of anti-Semitism.” Lazar is considered very close to Putin, leading the Russian president on a tour of the Western Wall in 2012 and attending receptions at the Kremlin, including an event on March 18 at which the formal process of annexing Crimea was begun. Several Ukrainian Jewish leaders dismissed Lazar’s statements as coming from a Kremlin mouthpiece. “When Lazar speaks, it is as a person holding an official position, that of a religious leader in contemporary Russia. And as such, it is impossible for him or any other person in his position to express views that do not align with the Kremlin’s official line and propaganda,” Likhachev said. Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky, one of the main Ukrainian figures in Lazar’s own Chabad movement, declined to sign the March 17 letter.
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KARAITE from page 8 Settlement, which limited the mobility of Jewish counterparts, Karaite communities sprang up in Russian cities and gave rise to a substantial body of unique scholarship. The same tactic of distancing themselves from their Jewish roots and emphasizing, instead, purported Turkic origins, also gave the Karaites of Crimea an advantage during the Holocaust. While other Jewish communities in Crimea – including the Turkic-speaking Krymchak Jews – were nearly wiped out, the Karaites survived largely unscathed, considered nonJews by the Nazis. Asked about the current political situation, Ormeli described fear of TED from page 8 was a cobbler,” says Avi Reichental, a leader in the field of 3-D printing, pointing to an image of elderly man in an Eastern European shtetl projected on a high-resolution screen the size of several billboards. Nearing the end of his 18-minute talk on the disruptive future of his field, Reichental points to his feet and says, “Even the shoes I am wearing today were manufactured by a 3-D printer.” “I never met my grandfather,” he continues. “He perished in the Holocaust. But standing here today I know that I am carrying on his work.” The illustrator Maira Kalman tells a riveting personal story of Arturo Toscanini’s stand against Hitler and fascism and the pants he wore when he conducted the inaugural season of the Palestine Symphony Orchestra in 1936. Her story begins, “My family fled their shtetl in Belarus in 1932 to Tel Aviv,” and ends with her showing off the pants she is wearing on the TED stage, the same pants Toscanini wore on the conductor’s stand in Tel Aviv in December 1936. David Brooks, in a session of prior TED speakers invited back for TED’s 30th anniversary, reflects on Sting’s performance the evening before and then chooses to relate Sting’s personal journey to Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik and his seminal work, “The Lonely Man of Faith.” But it is Zak Ebrahim who hits the most powerful chord, speaking just
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(513) 531-9600 the “lawlessness” that descended on Kiev during the clashes between protesters and Viktor Yanukovych’s now-toppled government. “We were afraid of these wild events,” Ormeli said. “We were afraid that these would happen in Crimea.” As Russian forces consolidate their control over Crimea, the region’s future remains in question. But Viktor Zakharovich, a proprietor of the Karaite house of worship and museum in Yevpatoria, Crimea, sounded a note of confidence. “Our community has lived under five or seven different governments in Crimea,” he said. “But here, we are always in our land.” before Bill and Melinda Gates, in the one conference session that is simultaneously live-streamed out to the world. “My father killed the Jewish rabbi Meir Kahane,” Ebrahim admits. Ebrahim is the son of El Sayyid Nosair, the Islamic extremist who gunned down the firebrand rabbi in New York in 1990 and is serving a life sentence in prison for various terrorist conspiracies. Ebrahim, who is now an anti-violence lecturer, goes on to describe a childhood during which he moved 20 times in 19 years, was taken to shooting ranges and was taught to “judge people based on arbitrary characteristics.” Finally, he reaches the moment when he and his mother broke their ties with his father, his mother saying, “I’m tired of hating.” Ebrahim’s message of reconciliation and empathy moves the crowd to a standing ovation and touches me profoundly. Contrary to TED’s reputation for slick presentations and untethered optimism, there is a groundedness to these stories, and a rawness, too; a longing by even the most accomplished individual to place him or herself in a bigger context. The feisty defensiveness of an eternal underdog and the passionate search for human decency play out together, side by side. Israeli Jews and Jews of the Diaspora stake out their roles in our collective future. I squint my eyes and see the latest chapter of the Jewish people playing out on the TED stage, hidden in plain sight.
Sentencing a Juvenile Homicide Offender ‘True Gunner’ the story of Pike Levine to premiere Legally Speaking at Xavier University Pike Levine was a prominent member of Cincinnati’s Jewish community, but his demeanor and humor belied a very historically important part of his young life. During World War II, Pike Levine was a ball turret gunner. On Wednesday, April 9th, two Xavier University centers will collaborate to present a unique program and the screening of True Gunner, a film by Hal Levine, featuring World War II veteran, Pike Levine. The documentary film provides a first-hand account of fighting the Nazis from inside a glass bubble under the belly of a B-17 bomber. Following the screening, the audience will be invited to meet the film maker and Levine family members, as well as participate in discussions with special-guest World War II veterans. In the film, World War II veteran Pike Levine provides a firsthand account of fighting the Nazis from inside a glass bubble under the belly of a B-17. The unenviable position of ball turret gunner took the brunt of the enemy’s fury and was considered by many to be simply suicidal. In his compelling straightforward style, Levine tells it like it was – on the ground and in the air. True Gunner was made by Hal Levine over the course of four years as a family keepsake for future generations – not intended
for public screenings. The feedback from private audiences was so enthusiastic that the film’s creator was compelled to share it with the public. True Gunner was awarded Best Historical Documentary at the 2010 Ferndale Film Festival in Ferndale, Michigan. In 2011, the film became part of the permanent collection of the United States Library of Congress. Rabbi Abie Ingber, Executive Director of the Center for Interfaith Community Engagement at Xavier and Michael Luallen, Director of the Center for Veterans Affairs at Xavier are collaborating in recognizing this important chapter in American history. “With so many veterans returning to campus and to our community, it is important to recognize the greatest generation of veterans and to tell their story. When Rabbi Ingber approached me with this program, I knew we had to say yes,” said Luallen. The program will take place in Bellarmine Chapel on Xavier’s campus. The program begins at 7pm with the screening of the movie. The program is free and open to the public.
STATELESS from page 16
the Kuwaiti authorities have threatened that further protests will result in the deportation of those involved. It’s high time that Kuwait be held accountable for enforcing a system that looks like, well, apartheid. But no one is doing so. I haven’t seen, for example, students at the elite Dartmouth College protesting against their university’s “American University of Kuwait” program. I’m not aware of any campuses hosting “Kuwaiti Apartheid Week” events. There’s a whole Division of Palestinian Rights at the U.N., but that organization is silent on the Bedoon of Kuwait. We can whine about the double standards. Or we can press our own Jewish leaders to raise cases like the Bedoon with their government interlocutors, in the name of both universal human rights and protecting Israel’s democratic reputation. It is time to go on the offensive
operates one of the most restrictive nationality laws in the region, amended many times since it was first passed in order to make the requirements for citizenship more stringent. It has now gotten to the point where Kuwaiti women cannot pass on their nationality to their children, even when those children are not eligible for their father’s nationality. Kuwait’s official position is that there is no problem of statelessness in the emirate. Halfhearted attempts by the government to address the situation of the Bedoon have come to nothing, and over the last month, many Bedoon have begun protesting again. When one Bedoon leader, Abdullah Atallah, bravely declared that Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmed alSabah was to “blame” for the plight of his people, he was promptly arrested for this “insult,” and now faces a fiveyear prison sentence. Meanwhile,
Pike Levine was the father of long-time Israelite contributor Iris Pastor
by Marianna Bettman In 2009, Eric Long, then seventeen, was involved in two different shootings, along with adults Fonta Whipple and Jashawn Clark. In the first shooting, Long, Whipple, and Clark shot into a house in Lincoln Heights multiple times using assault-style weapons and a 9-millimeter handgun after an altercation at a bar. As a result of the shooting, two individuals were injured, one with a gunshot wound to the base of the neck and the other with a gunshot wound to the face. Two weeks later, Long and the two adults were involved in a highway shooting on I-75 after a fight in a bar. During this shooting, Long and the others shot and killed two passengers in a car, which subsequently hit a guardrail and rolled over several times. When Long was arrested, he was in possession of the 9-millimeter handgun The three defendants – Long and the two adults – were tried together. All three were found guilty of two counts of aggravated murder and numerous other felonies related to the two incidents. The three were sentenced at a joint sentencing hearing. Long was sentenced to consecutive terms of life without parole on the homicide counts, and an additional nineteen years on the remaining counts and specifications, also consecutive. The First District Court of Appeals (my old stomping ground) upheld the sentence, but the Supreme Court of Ohio agreed to hear the case. I previewed this case in an earlier column and promised to revisit it when the decision came out. It now has, and the Ohio high court has reversed the appeals court and sent the case back for re-sentencing. This column will examine the reasons for this ruling. In a series of recent cases, the U.S. Supreme Court has made it clear that juveniles are different from adult offenders when it comes to sentencing, and less deserving of the harsh-
est penalties even when they commit terrible crimes. The high court has emphasized three distinct differences between juveniles and adults that make juveniles less culpable. These differences are “a lack of maturity and an underdeveloped sense of responsibility, increased vulnerability and susceptibly to negative influences and out-side pressures, including peer pressure,” and character that simply is not yet formed. In short, juveniles are still works in progress and can still change. In the most recent of those cases, Miller v. Alabama, decided in 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court held that it is unconstitutional for a state to have a law that makes it mandatory to sentence a juvenile homicide offender to life with no possibility of parole. But Ohio’s law on this subject does not run afoul of Miller because in Ohio the imposition of the death penalty on a juvenile homicide offender like Long is discretionary, not mandatory. The issue the Ohio justices wrestled with in the Long case is whether the judge who sentenced Long properly took his age into account. While the justices unanimously agreed that a trial court must consider youth as a mitigating factor in imposing a sentence of life without parole on a juvenile offender, and has considerable discretion in the weight the factor of youth deserves, the justices split 5-2 on whether the trial court actually and properly did consider the youth factor in this case. Justice Judy Lanzinger wrote the majority decision for the Court. The majority was not persuaded that the trial judge in this case did separately consider Long’s youth as a mitigating factor in sentencing him. Of particular concern to the majority was the fact that Long was sentenced along with the two adult offenders in a group sentencing, and therefore his youth might not have been given the appropriate consideration. When the trial judge sentenced Long, the judge made no separate mention of his age at the time of the offense. So, since the majority couldn’t be sure whether the judge did properly weigh Long’s status as a juvenile at the time of the crime, the case got sent back for re-sentencing. The majority also issued a firm reminder that the Miller case explicitly states that a sentence of life without the possibility of parole should rarely be imposed on juveniles. Chief Justice Maureen
O’Connor went along with the majority, but wrote separately to add a few points. The Chief wanted to underscore the fact that judges have great discretion in sentencing, and that nothing in this decision changes that. What is added to the sentencing calculus is “that an offender’s youth must be an articulated consideration in the sentencing analysis, at least in cases in which life without parole is a potential sanction.” She emphasized the fact that in remanding the case for re-sentencing, the Court was not expressing any opinion on the merits of Long’s sentence – which could remain the same after the proper considerations are undertaken. Justice Terrence O’Donnell dissented, joined by Justice Sharon Kennedy. O’Donnell mentioned more than once that Long was just shy of his eighteenth birthday when this crime was committed. O’Donnell would find that the trial judge did sufficiently indicate that she had considered Long’s youth as a mitigating factor before imposing sentence, and the lack of a more substantial record on this point was because of Long’s failure to present anything specific for the judge to consider. “Yet here, Long was only three months shy of his 18th birthday, and he presented no concrete information about his personal background or family history that would have allowed the court to evaluate his mental condition and development, maturity, and relative culpability for his crimes. Long cannot fail to present specific mitigating evidence and then fault the trial court for not considering it,” wrote O’Donnell. Additionally, to O’Donnell, the aggravating factors in this case were horrific, and were not outweighed by Long’s youth, at least on this record. O’Donnell has consistently been unsympathetic to juveniles who commit terrible violent crimes, especially those like Long who are almost eighteen at the time. It will be interesting to see what happens when Long is resentenced. As the Chief said, Long could receive the same sentence, but if he does, it will have to be very clear from the record that his youth was explicitly taken into account.
This Year in Jerusalem This Year in Jerusalem
by Phyllis Singer If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? –Percy Bysshe Shelley For years — as long as I can remember — I have always paraphrased that line from Shelley’s poem: If Purim comes, can Pesach be far behind? The shortest four weeks on the calendar occur between Purim and Pesach. I know that’s really not true; four weeks are four weeks! But it surely seems every year the time gets shorter! Or maybe it’s because every year I get older, and the work preparing for Pesach seems to get harder. This year — for the first time, I’m going to make my Pesach
preparation easier than in the past. For the first time, I’m going to be home only two days Chol Hamoed (intermediate days). I’m going to go to Han and Judy and the girls for Seder and the first day (note the singular!) of the holiday. Then I will come home for Wednesday and Thursday and return to Kibbutz Merav for Shabbat and the end of the holiday. Since Allen and I made aliyah 14 years ago, we have gone to the family for the Seder. When the girls were little, we came home for Chol Hamoed, and Han and Judy and the girls would come to us for the end of the holiday. But once they became teenagers, coming to Jerusalem to spend Shabbat or a holiday with Grandma and Grandpa wasn’t so much fun anymore. They wanted to be home with their friends. And so they stopped coming to us for the end of Pesach. Then we would come home and often have friends for the holiday meals the end of the week. Once Allen became ill, we would still go to Merav for the Seder, but we would come home and be by ourselves for the end of the holiday. In spring 2012, when Allen was in declining health and had to stay home all the time, we still went to Merav for Seder and
came home for the rest of the holiday. Allen said to me: “I don’t care what the doctors say. We’re going to Merav for Seder. This may very well be my last Pesach, and I don’t want you and me staying here and making a Seder just for the two of us.” So we went, and that was his last Pesach. Last year, Sid and Lisa, Abby and Jack (ages 7 and 3) came to Israel for Pesach. We were all together on Merav for Seder, and then Sid and Lisa and the kids came to Jerusalem and stayed with me through Chol Hamoed, including Shabbat. So there was a lot of cooking and a lot of work. This year I decided it was time to make life easier. I still have to clean for Pesach, but I will close up most of my kitchen cabinets. For the two days I am here, I will use disposables instead of Pesach dishes. I’m not quite ready to give them away because other family members may come for Pesach another year, and then I probably (but not definitely) would use them. But not this year. Some of you may remember that I during our first year here, I wrote how I had agonized when Allen and I were packing for aliyah about whether to bring all our Pesach dishes and pots and pans. In the end we brought them.
The first two years, we lived in a furnished apartment and many of our belongings were in storage. We had split our lift when we made aliyah; half went into storage, half stayed with us in the furnished apartment. We had enough of our own belongings to make the furnished apartment feel like home: clothes, linens, bedding, some dishes, pots and pans, Pesach pots and pans (just in case). Actually, we used the Pesach pots and pans, along with disposable dishes. We celebrated the Seder and the first part of the holiday with Hanan and Judy and our granddaughters, but we returned to Jerusalem for the end of the holiday, and Hanan and Judy and the girls joined us here. So I needed the pots and pans. When we moved from that apartment, almost everything came out of storage, including the Pesach dishes. Then we had to decide. For two years we had used paper and plastic. Did I now want to return to using dishes? Washing, drying, packing, unpacking? In a moment of deep nostalgia, I unpacked the boxes, looked at the dishes, decided to keep them, and packed them away in a special chest for Passover. Almost 40 years ago in Cincinnati, Allen and
I took over hosting holiday dinners for the family. Those dishes have a lot of history, a lot of memories, a lot of tradition. And as Tevye reminds us, what is Judaism without tradition? Meanwhile, preparing for Pesach has been a challenge for us in Jerusalem. In some ways, it’s much easier than it was in Cincinnati. I’m living in a threeroom apartment; that’s quicker and less complicated to clean than a nine-room house. But the trick is finding space to store the regular pots and pans and dishes after cleaning the cabinets and preparing to use our special Passover things. There’s no basement to hold the excess. And that’s a problem! But this year it will be easy. I’m only going to be home for two days. Disposables will suffice, and I don’t plan to do much cooking. Matzah, gefilte fish, tuna fish, and some cold cuts or prepared food will do it for those two days. Or maybe I’ll go out to eat. Lots of kosher restaurants are kosher for Passover. After all, this is Jerusalem! Best Wishes to Everyone for a Happy Passover
HAVE PHOTOS FROM AN EVENT? Whether they are from a Bar Mitzvah, Annual Meeting, School Field Trip or Your Congregation’s Annual Picnic, spread the joy and share them with our readers in the Cincinnati Jewish Life section! MAIL: MAIL Send CD to The American Israelite, 18 W 9th St Ste 2, Cincinnati, OH 45202 or E-MAIL: E-MAIL Please make sure to include a Word doc. that includes the captions, if available, and a short synopsis of the event (date, place, reason, etc.). If sending photos by e-mail, please send them in batches of 3-5 per e-mail (16MB MAX). All photos should be Hi-Res to ensure print quality. THIS IS 100% FREE. For more information, please contact Jennifer at (513) 621-3145. All photos are subject to review before publishing.
22 • OBITUARIES D EATH N OTICES ELKUS, Geri Lipsky, age 82, died March 21, 2014; 19 Adar II, 5774 SPIEGEL, Leanore Rosin, age 84, died 25 March, 2014; 23 Adar II, 5774 KAHN, Margaret, age 92, died March 26, 2014; 24 Adar II, 5774 SPICEHANDLER, Ezra, age 92, died March 26, 2014; 24 Adar II, 5774 LOEWENHEIM, Jane P., age 91, died March 27, 2014; 26 Adar II, 5774. STERN, Lillian S., age 96, died March 28, 2014; 26 Adar II, 5774. COHEN, Dr. Paul L., age 45, died March 28, 2014; 26 Adar II, 5774. GROSZ, Gyula, age 94, died March 28, 2014; 27 Adar II, 5774. GORELIK, Khyena, age 88, died March 30, 2014; 28 Adar II, 5774. GOLDBERG, Charles, age 94, died March 30, 2014; 28 Adar II, 5774. SEIDNER, Peter, age 66, died March 30, 2014; 28 Adar II, 5774.
Airlines history, working at La Guardia Field. Peggy married Major Felix L. Kahn of the Estate Stove Company Kahns of Hamilton, Ohio in 1944 and moved to Cincinnati in 1945. They settled in Wyoming, Ohio where Peggy has lived ever since. Peggy and Felix were married for 40 years; Felix Kahn passed away in 1984. She was a talented Musical Theatre performer and parody writer and was featured as the leading lady in the Fine Arts Kickoff shows of the 1950s and 60s among other local musical productions as well as the May Festival Chorus. Peggy was well known for her Arts advocacy and involvement. She was a Founder and former Chairman of the Board of the Cincinnati Ballet where she subsequently served on the Advisory Board as an Emeritus member. She was closely associated with the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, also in an advisory capacity. Peggy was a former President of the Cincinnati Summer Opera Guild. In 1972 she was named Chairman of the Women’s Committee overseeing the move of the Opera from the Zoo to Music Hall. Peggy passed away at nearly 93 years of age, March 26th at Evergreen Retirement Community in Hartwell. She is survived by her five children Michael (and wife Susan Diehl Kahn) of Atlanta; Kate of Los Angeles; Stephen of Los Angeles; Ellen of Sarasota and David (and wife Amy Bullock Kahn) of Madeira. She also leaves 5 grandchildren—Michael (and wife Beth Warner Kahn) of Atlanta; Aaron (and wife Alison Wates Kahn) of Oxford, UK; Sarah and fiancé Robert Brown of Singapore, Preston and Henry Kahn of Madeira and great-grandchildren Helena, Felix, Warner, Seth and Lukas. The family requests donations to The Cincinnati Ballet in lieu of flowers. A memorial service is pending.
MEYER from page 3
Margaret (Peggy) Kennedy Kahn
KAHN, Kennedy
Margaret Kennedy Kahn, known as Peggy, was born in Flushing, New York in 1921 to John Patrick Kennedy and Katherine Page Kennedy. She graduated from Flushing High School in 1938. During WWII, Peggy was the first female ticket agent in American
women who sought to fulfill what they perceived to be a divine will that forced them to look beyond their petty desires for power and domination, that called upon them to love, not hate. From a religious perspective, Jewish history is an ever renewed response to a divine imperative that calls upon us to rise from animal to human being, to realize what we believe to be the godly in our lives.” His words underscore the commitment found among the students and faculty of HUC-JIR—and celebrated at events such as Founders’ Day—to fulfill the mission of a Judaism responsive to modernity as inspired by their legacy.
FEDERATION from page 4 big city, but also take advantage of the benefits of living in a smaller city “When I saw the rebirth taking place in Cincinnati’s urban core, specifically OTR, and saw the beginning of the modern streetcar project, I was ready to come back,” said Sammy. “I am thrilled to be in a place where I can have an impact on the city and the Jewish community-something not easily done in New York. I led two Taglit Birthright trips while living in New York, and I knew very quickly afterward that I wanted to live somewhere with a closer-knit community, where I could be part of something bigger than myself and make a difference.” So when Sammy saw the job JUDGE from page 10 sentiment that Israel is not good news.” In the past year, Israel has signed two major strategic resource contracts with Jordanian counterparts, in addition to ongoing military cooperation and intelligence sharing between the nations. Israel and Jordan are collaborating on a Red Sea water desalination project that will bring water from a Jordanian plant to southern Israel, while Israel will send much-needed water to Jordan’s north. More recently, Jordanian industry has contracted newly exploitable Israeli natural gas. Yet the recent border incident has brought about renewed calls from Jordan’s populace, and even from Jordan’s publicly elected legislature, to end all ties with the Jewish state. According to Schenker, there were calls to end all ties before the recent shooting incident. “You have earlier votes with Jordanian’s saying they don’t want Israeli natural gas. And you’ve had the Muslim Brotherhood and others in Jordan saying that they don’t want Israeli water,” he said. Jordanian Prime Minister Abdullah Nsur refuted the most recent calls to cut ties with Jerusalem during a no-confidence motion, saying such moves do not “serve the path of our martyr’s case.” According to Jordan’s state-run Petra News Agency, Nsur said, “If we go ahead with such moves, Jordan will face repercussions that would go beyond our sorrows.” He added, “It will also affect Jordan’s abilities concerning the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.” In an attempt to soothe tensions, Israeli President Shimon Peres, who has long had good relations with Jordan’s ruling family, called King Abdullah II to issue condolences.
posting at the Federation, he jumped on it. Now this hometown boy who had his bar mitzvah at Wise Temple, attended Camp Livingston, joined the March of the Living, traveled to Israel on a Federation family mission, and graduated from Sycamore High School is – to the delight of his parents, Mark and Marcy Kanter, and his grandparents, Bob and Lynne Kanter – back, living in Over-the-Rhine and working just minutes away from where he grew up. Sammy’s position is the first step in the implementation of the Esther and Maurice Becker Networking and Mentoring Center, which was established with a substantial gift left by Esther Becker to the Jewish Federation. The Center was announced last year at the Federation’s Annual Meeting; it was
developed to address the Cincinnati 2020 priorities of expanding employment and career opportunities, increasing young adult participation and connecting college students to the community. Andy Berger, Federation President, said of the gift from the Beckers, “It will enable us to shepherd in newcomers, help them find the right congregation, share knowledge of community programs and organizations and steer them toward volunteer opportunities and membership at the J.” He continued, “And for the young people who are already here, we need to convince them to make the same decision that their parents and grandparents made-to make Cincinnati their home.”
“On behalf of the State of Israel, I wish to express my deepest condolences to the people of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for the death of Judge Raed Za’eiter at the King Hussein Bridge on March 10th,” Peres said. “As the president of the State of Israel I would like to express compassion to the bereaved family. I share their grief.” Bar-Ilan University’s Kedar explained, “On the one side, there is a very close cooperation, especially on security, when it comes to terrorism, borders, counter-insurgencies. We share many concerns, which target the Jordanian regime and Israel together. We are in the same bed when it comes to security, vis-à-vis threats to stability.” Yet on the other hand, Kedar said, the overwhelming majority of Jordanians are Palestinians, who do not take an active role in cooperation with Israel. “From their point of view, they don’t recognize the peace agreement between Israel and Jordan,” he told JNS, calling that “the basic problem of the relationship between Israel and Jordan.” Should Jordan’s monarchy eventually fall – similar to “Arab Spring” events in Egypt and across the Middle East – the Palestinian majority could potentially rise to power in the country, realizing an alternative vision of Palestinian self-determination for statehood. “The Jordanian regime suffers problems of legitimacy. I am not sure that Israel should be the party that resuscitates it,” Kedar said. In addition to the fragility of a Hashemite monarch ruling a Palestinian majority, Jordan has custodianship over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Judaism’s holiest site and a major spiritual flashpoint in the region. Developments and unrest on the
Temple Mount have often been a source of tension for Israel’s government. Kedar said the Jordanian monarchy’s survival is partially dependent on close ties with Israel, one of the factors contributing to the Israeli-Jordanian peace agreement. “The regime in Jordan actually rests on the security relationship with Israel,” he said. “Their problem has been how to sell this agreement to the population.” Jordan has deep economic problems because of refugees flooding the country from Syria and Iraq, Kedar noted. “Those refugees from Syria are not all innocent. Some are jihadists that come to recruit refugees to their ranks,” he said. “The last thing that the king needs now is unrest – political unrest and security unrest. It is complicated. We shouldn’t envy them,” added Kedar. The Washington Institute’s Schenker suggested Abdullah’s rule might have benefited in the short term as a result of chaos throughout the region. “Because of the destabilization of Syria, Jordan has become a little bit more stable,” he said. “When Jordanians look around, they see that what they have is better than what is happening in Syria and better than what is happening in Egypt.” Yet tumult across the Middle East is not necessarily making Jordan’s public warm up to Israel any more, posing longterm threats to the Israel-Jordan relationship. “In the short-term, we may see the ambassadors recalled, and then possibly restored to their posts soon after,” Schenker said. “As long as the system, and the palace remains in place, the relationship is secure. But, in the long run, the relationship may be untenable.”
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