Thursday, March 21, 2019
News Democrat 9
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Cemetery Mowing Bids Jefferson Township Jefferson Township will be accepting bids “per mowing” to mow and trim Linwood Cemetery on Russellville-Winchester Road for the 2019 season. Each bidder must be able to supply all necessary equipment and needs proof of insurance. Bids must be in possession of the fiscal officer by April 3, 2019, at 8:00 pm at which time the bids will be opened during the township meeting. The trustees reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Questions regarding bid expectations, please contact any Jefferson Township official: Gary Pickerill 513-317-7498, Jeff Johnson 513-310-0319 or Aaron Moran 513-509-9844 Mail bids to: Jefferson Township, c/o Sandra Best, Fiscal Officer, 7284 Clifton Avenue, Russellville, OH 45168. (937-377-4901) (Indicate “Mowing Bid” on the front of envelope.) ND 3-14-19, 3-21-19 ---------------------------------------LEGAL NOTICE Pleasant Township will be accepting bid for the mowing of the four cemeteries within the township. All bids must be in the possession of the board by April 16, 2019, 6:30 pm at the regular meeting. At this time the bids will be opened and awarded. No bid will be accepted or considered without proof of insurance at the time of opening. ND 3-14-19, 3-21-19, 3-28-19 ----------------------------------------
News Democrat Legal Notice DEADLINE Monday 4:00 P.M.
INVITATION TO BID The ABCAP Housing Department is soliciting bids from qualified contractors to make drainage improvements to four sites located on Spruce Lane, West Union Ohio. Interested and qualified contractors who have successfully demonstrated their ability at comparable work are invited to submit qualifications. Minority, resident and women owned businesses are encouraged to respond. Bid Packages may be obtained at the ABCAP Housing Department office located at 406 West Plum Street, Georgetown, Ohio 45121 between the hours of 8:00 am until 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday beginning March 25, 2019. Request may also be made by email Shelly Spiller at Expenses incurred in developing a response to this bid must be covered by the bidders. One (1) sealed copy of the bid shall be submitted by mail, or hand carried. Bids must be in the office located at 406 West Plum Street, Room 99, Georgetown, Ohio 45121 on or before 3:00 pm on Thursday April 25, 2019 at which time and place they will publicly opened and read aloud. ND 3-21-19, 3-28-19 ---------------------------------------PUBLIC NOTICE The Eastern Local School District Board of Education hereby gives public notice in accordance with Section 3307.353 for licensed employees of the Ohio Revised Code that Michele R. Filon who is currently employed by the Board of Education as the District Superintendent will be retired and seeking re-employment with the Eastern Local School District in the same position following her service retirement. The Board of Education will hold a public meeting on the issue of re-employing the abovenamed individual at a meeting to be held on April 23, 2019 at 9:00 AM at the Board Conference Room, located at 11479 US Highway 62, Winchester, Ohio 45697. ND 3-21-19, ----------------------------------------
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