The People's Defender Legals - March 6, 2019

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Adams County People’s Defender

Wednesday, March 6, 2019 • B5 •

SHERIFF SALE OF REAL ESTATE General Code, Sec. 11681 Revised Code, Sec. 2329.26 THE STATE OF OHIO, ADAMS COUNTY. No. CVE 20180015 FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORP. Plaintiff vs. JERRY LEWIS, et al. Defendant In pursuance of an Order of Sale in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, south door of Courthouse in West Union, Ohio, in the above named County, on Monday, the 18th day of March, 2019, at 10:00 A.M., the following described real estate, situate in the County of Adams and State of Ohio, and in the Township of Tiffin to-wit: EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTION Situated in the State of Ohio, Township of Tiffin, County of Adams: Bring Lot # 134, # 135, and # 136 in the Watts Subdivision of Tiffin Township, as the same are known and recorded on the plat of said Subdivision on file in the Record of Plats, Adams County Recorder’s Office. Subject to the covenants, restrictions, and resolutions contained in and/or on said recorded plat and subject to the following covenants and agreements, to wit: the Grantee, for themselves and their heirs, devisees, successors and assigns, as further consideration for the execution and delivery of this deed, hereby covenants with and for the benefit of the Grantor, his heirs and assigns to hold since premises hereby conveyed upon the terms, covenants and restrictions as stated and/or on said recorded plat the following terms; that no outdoor privy’s and/or outdoor toilets, junk yards and slaughter houses are to be erected on any lots and further totally and exclusively for nonagricultural purposes only and these covenants shall be said premises shall be used deemed covenants and not conditions thereof and shall run with the land and shall be binding on all subsequent guarantees. Subject to any and all restrictions and conditions of record. Subject to all easements and right of way of record. Titleholders: Jerry Lewis Property Address: 136 Chesley Street, West Union, OH 45693 Parcel Number: 117-41-07-009-000 Prior Deed Reference: O.R. Book 401 Page 834 Recorded: 09/27/2012 “A Title Commitment showing The State of Title to this Real Estate is available for viewing by anyone in the file of this case in the office of the Clerk of Courts of Adams County” Said Premises Appraised at $45,000.00 and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount. TERMS OF SALE: $5,000.00 down, balance due upon delivery of deed. If said property does not receive a bid at the first sale, it shall be offered for sale at south door of Courthouse on Monday, the 1st day of April, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. Kimmy Rogers Sheriff Cheryl Copas, Clerk Adams County, OH Rachel K. Pearson Attorney PD 2-20-19, 2-27-19, 3-6-19 ---------------------------------------Liberty Township Accepting Mowing Bids Liberty Township Board of Trustees (Adams County, OH) will be accepting sealed bids for the 2019 mowing contract. The bids will be opened on 3/13/19 at 7PM at Liberty Township Hall, 8688 St Rt 136, West Union, OH 45693. The bid packets are available via email request to or contacting Justin Ross at 937-217-1562. Applicants may submit a sealed bid for all or one location on bid form supplied within bid packet. The bid(s) will be for following: Kirker Cemetery, Hale Cemetery, Liberty Schoolhouse Lot, Chapparal Cemetery, Brier Ridge Cemetery, Liberty Township Hall Lot, and Kirker Covered Bridge Area. Sealed bids can be mailed to: Liberty Township Mowing Bids, 3468 St Rt 125, West Union, OH 45693 or bring bids to the 3/13/19 meeting. Sande Staggs, Fiscal Officer PD 2-20-19, 2-27-19, 3-6-19 ----------------------------------------CROP LAND FOR LEASE TRANQUILITY WILDLIFE AREA Estimated 272.8 acres per year will be available for bid at Tranquility Wildlife Area near Seaman, Ohio in Adams County under a Cooperative Management Agreement. This acreage will be available on multi-year contacts. Contracts are available at Fallsville Wildlife Area, 10221 Careytown Road, New Vienna, (937)987-2508 or contact District Five Office (937)372-9261. Sealed bids will be accepted until 8:00 a.m. on March 22, 2019 at District Five Office, 1076 Old Springfield Pike, Xenia, Ohio 45385. PD 2-27-19, 3-6-19 -----------------------------------------

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON SALES TAX LEVY Please be advised the Adams County Board of Commissioners will conduct two public hearings on a proposed resolution to levy a one-half of one percent (1/2% or 0.5%) sales tax levy effective April 1, 2020, to change the purpose from Adams County Regional Medical Center permanent improvements to County general fund. The hearings will be conducted on March 18, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. and March 25, 2019, at 1:00 p.m. at the office of the Board at 215 N. Cross Street, Suite 102 West Union, Ohio. Linda Mendenhall Clerk PD 2-27-19, 3-6-19 ----------------------------------------Meeting Notice The Liberty Township Trustees’ 2019 regular meetings will be held the second Tuesday of each month at 7PM. Exceptions is the July 2019 meeting which will be held on 7/3/19 at 7PM. All meeting will held at the township building. Sande Staggs, Fiscal Officer PD 3-6-19 ----------------------------------------NOTICE The Liberty Township annual financial reports for 2018 are complete and available for viewing at the office of the Fiscal Officer. Sande Staggs, Fiscal Officer PD 3-6-19 -----------------------------------------

NOTICE TO BIDDERS STATE OF OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Columbus, Ohio Division of Construction Management Legal Copy Number: 194013 Sealed proposals will be accepted from pre-qualified bidders at the ODOT Office of Contracts until 10:00 a.m. on April 4, 2019. Project 194013 is located in Adams County, 41-20.22 and is a CULVERT REPLACEMENT project. The date set for completion of this work shall be as set forth in the bidding proposal. Plans and Specifications are on file in the Department of Transportation.

PD 3-6-19, 3-13-19 ----------------------------------------The following matters are the subject of this public notice by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. The complete public notice, including any additional instructions for submitting comments, requesting information, a public hearing, or filing an appeal may be obtained at: or Hearing Clerk, Ohio EPA, 50 W. Town St. P.O. Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43216. Ph: 614-644-3037 email: Final Issuance of Permit to Install Mineral Springs Lake Farm/Resort Facility Description: Wastewater ID #: 1279145 Date of Action: 02/22/2019 This final action not preceded by proposed action and is appealable to ERAC. Project: Mineral Springs Lake - SSX for 1 campsite Project Location: 160 Bluegill Rd, Meigs Twp. Draft NPDES Permit Renewal - Subject to Revision Manchester WWTP 613 W Sixth St, Manchester, OH Facility Description: Wastewater-Municipality Receiving Water: Ohio River ID #: 0PB00024*HD Date of Action: 02/28/2019 PD 3-6-19 ----------------------------------------PUBLIC NOTICE The 2018 annual financial report for the Winchester Union Cemetery District is now complete. It is available for viewing at the office of the Fiscal officer. It you wish to view this report, please call 937-695-0073 to make an appointment. Kimberly Bowman, Fiscal Officer Winchester Union Cemetery Bd. PD 3-6-19 ----------------------------------------NOTICE Ordinance 2019-3 Annual Appropriations The remainder of this ordinance may be viewed or copy obtained at the Village Clerk's office at: 33 Logans Lane, West Union, Ohio 45693 Tanya Johnson Village Clerk PD 3-6-19, 3-13-19 -----------------------------------------

Request Proposal for 2019-2020 School Bus/Van Driver Physicals Please return proposals by March 12, 2019 by (12:00 NOON) to: Adams County / Ohio Valley Local Schools Attention: Brian G. Switzer 141 Lloyd Road West Union, Ohio 45693 Phone: (937) 544-5586, Ext. 17200 Fax: (937) 544-3720 Physical Overview: Physical examinations to be performed using Ohio Department of Education School Bus/Van Driver Medical Form T-8 (enclosed) including a urinalysis and hearing test. Also, requires completion of all necessary paperwork from doctor and/or staff, including follow-up on any clearance letters for drivers to pass physical. Additionally, all necessary medical supplies are expected. Paperwork for the drivers that have passed the physical must be returned to our Transportation office within 48 hours of completion of the physical. The Adams County/Ohio Valley Local School District must be notified within 48 hours if any driver has failed a physical. A copy of the physical along with an explanation of why they failed and what is required for them to pass the physical should be sent. The fee for physicals being completed must be offered to the Adams County/Ohio Valley Local School District throughout the 2019-2020 (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020) school year. Onsite physicals will be scheduled during May and the first week of June. After these scheduled dates, the drivers will be required to contact your office to schedule an appointment with you. The physicals will be conducted on-site. The school district will provide the location for the physicals to be completed which will include: 1. A room will be provided for vital signs and other initial testing. 2. A private room, where the physical examination can be conducted respecting the driver’s privacy. 3. A bathroom facility to obtain urine samples for the mandated urinalysis. In addition to the annual on-site physicals for all drivers, the Adams County Ohio Valley Local School District will have a need for additional physicals to be performed throughout the year for new hires/employees. These new hires will be hired throughout the year at any given time between the contract year of July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020. Intermittent physicals may be scheduled on-site or at the vendor’s facility depending upon the total number of employees/drivers in need of this service. The Adams County/Ohio Valley Local School District will be responsible for: 1. Scheduling appointments at 10-15 minute intervals, starting at 8:00 a.m., on the date scheduled. 2. Notifying employees of appointment dates and times. 3. Providing clerical support to meet documentation needs of the District. All proposals should include costs for the following additional services as well if possible: 1. Tuberculosis Testing 2. Drug Testing All costs should be included per service. A breakdown is provided below for easy reference. In addition, Adams County/Ohio Valley Schools has in excess of 60 drivers and substitute drivers. Physical (includes hearing and urinalysis) $ ____________ Tuberculosis Testing $ ____________ Drug Testing $ ____________ Breathalyzer Testing $ ____________ In conclusion, all billing must be itemized to include the name of the driver and date services are performed and must be completed and submitted for payment prior to June 7, 2019. Questions and/or concerns regarding this request for proposals can be directed to Brian G. Switzer at 937-544-5586 extension 17200 or Melissa Baker at 937544-5587-Ext. 17700. Sincerely, Brian G. Switzer, Treasurer/CFO Adams County / Ohio Valley Local Schools PD 3-6-19 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

GLENN HESS (937) 763-2455 BRAD HESS (937) 763-4455

GRUELLE ABSOLUTE REAL ESTATE & PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTION Located 7 miles S. of Hillsboro at 5340 New Market Rd., Hillsboro, Ohio, 45133. Follow New Market Rd. W. off US 62 in New Market one mile to auction.

SAT., APRIL 13, 2019 at 10:00 AM HOME, GARAGES & 3.7 ACRE LOT This nice country property has a vinyl sided home w/ LR/DR combination, kitchen, 3 bed., bath & sunroom on main floor w/ possible bedroom or storage on second floor, full basement plus a one car attached garage w/ breezeway. Home has F/A oil furnace, central air, blacktop drive, on co. water & has septic. Property has a 24'x24' pole garage w/ door openers, 2 outbuildings & small greenhouse. All on very nice 3.7 acres. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This is a very attractive property & selling absolute to the highest bidder, being the home of Beryl & the late Willie Gruelle. Property has been well maintained w/ enough land for a horse or 4-H project, home is ready to move into & in Hillsboro School Dist. Be sure to check this one out! TERMS: $7500.00 down on day of auction with remainder due at closing on or before May 28, 2019. Possession immediately at closing. Property sells absolute to the highest bidder. Any announcements made by auctioneer on day of sale will take precedence over this ad. Disclaimer: All information contained herein is believed to be accurate but not warranted. All measurements are approximate and not guaranteed. Property sells as is with no warranties expressed or implied as to conditions. Home was built before 1978, therefore falls under the Lead Base Paint Law. Any potential bidder may conduct lead paint tests 10 days prior to this sale. Purchaser will sign a waiver of the 10 day post sale inspection. Auctioneers & sales people are agents for the seller. FOR INFORMATION PACKET OR INSPECTION CONTACT AUCTIONEERS AT 937-763-2455 OR 937-763-4455

OPEN HOUSE: Mar. 20 & 25; 5:00-6:00 or by Appointment HOUSEHOLD; ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES; JD MOWER - TILLER – MISCELLANEOUS; check web for full listing. OWNER: BERYL GRUELLE; D. Timothy Gruelle, POA

GLENN HESS (937) 763-2455 BRAD HESS (937) 763-4455

People’s Defender Legal Notice DEADLINE Friday - 12:00 noon

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